View Full Version : 2 "Water-World" planets found: "There may be life"

12-25-2013, 02:08 AM

These planets are unlike anything in our solar system. They have endless oceans

There may be life there

Pretty crazy stuff, these planets aren't even that far away.

Definitely interesting to think what may be in those oceans, massive oceans at that, one of the planets is 60 percent larger than earth while the other one is 40 percent larger.

12-25-2013, 02:16 AM
Interesting stuff...

12-25-2013, 02:48 AM
I feel like ever year there are a couple 'groundbreaking' discoveries of water sustaining environments or cosmological bodies in space that may be unique enough to have other life on them but they mainly are hyped for a day or two on CNN then nothing comes of it :rant

Where are da muh fckn aliens, gettin ppl hyped over crazy blunt smoking topics for nothing EVER to materialize :rant

12-25-2013, 07:12 AM
I feel like ever year there are a couple 'groundbreaking' discoveries of water sustaining environments or cosmological bodies in space that may be unique enough to have other life on them but they mainly are hyped for a day or two on CNN then nothing comes of it :rant

Where are da muh fckn aliens, gettin ppl hyped over crazy blunt smoking topics for nothing EVER to materialize :rant

how do you plan we go and investigate whether there is life other than observe the planets from an extremely distant telescope that most probably only read the infrared signs of the planet or the heat signature to determine the contents on it.

You need to realize our technology is still limited when it comes to space or maybe we have it and the governments aren't going to give the public the information. The voyager 1 which is the further humanmade object only just out to interstellar space like last year just to give you an idea of how far we can actually go and thats after 36 years of travel.

12-25-2013, 07:15 AM
I feel like ever year there are a couple 'groundbreaking' discoveries of water sustaining environments or cosmological bodies in space that may be unique enough to have other life on them but they mainly are hyped for a day or two on CNN then nothing comes of it :rant

Where are da muh fckn aliens, gettin ppl hyped over crazy blunt smoking topics for nothing EVER to materialize :rant

The issue is that everything in the universe is moving, so the distance between earth and another planet can change dramatically. This leads to discovery when something is in range, but also the window for research is so small, that you only have so much time to use applicable tests for speculating the contents and specifications of a planet.

12-25-2013, 07:38 AM
Im far from an expert but something that always found odd was the notion that 'water has to exist on a planet for it to have life'.

Why can't there be life without water?

What if the beings in that planet don't need water to live?

What if they don't need plants, water, oxygen or other elements like we do but instead live off some other element.

12-25-2013, 07:56 AM
Stopped reading at "author". Shit is made up to sell books, read closer its full of "coulds" and "maybes"

12-25-2013, 09:59 AM
We found 2 Waterworld planets, but they were both f-cked up by Kevin Costner. :facepalm

12-25-2013, 10:31 AM
Im far from an expert but something that always found odd was the notion that 'water has to exist on a planet for it to have life'.

Why can't there be life without water?

What if the beings in that planet don't need water to live?

What if they don't need plants, water, oxygen or other elements like we do but instead live off some other element.

because, like anything pertaining to the entire universe, our knowledge is only mostly limited to what we know on earth. but our sample size of life is like one out of 100 billion.

12-25-2013, 11:04 AM
how do you plan we go and investigate whether there is life other than observe the planets from an extremely distant telescope that most probably only read the infrared signs of the planet or the heat signature to determine the contents on it.

You need to realize our technology is still limited when it comes to space or maybe we have it and the governments aren't going to give the public the information. The voyager 1 which is the further humanmade object only just out to interstellar space like last year just to give you an idea of how far we can actually go and thats after 36 years of travel.

I'm mostly referring to the c0ckteases of the instances where there was 'life supporting' properties i.e. traces of H20 on moons of our own solar system and in the Martian realm specifically, not even referring to discoveries of the Jovian planets and other galaxies.

Sure, we've never put a human on anything closer than Earth's moon, which is a chip shot to even the other planets in our neighborhood. I'm well aware of our limitations in interstellar travel as it is now, even with all the crazy things we can see which we likely will never be able to discover firsthand.

I'm just saying its always cool to think we have made progress in finding life elsewhere but all these reports and discoveries aren't really that exciting anymore because they aren't really game-changing since the only thing we've found within any modest distance really don't reveal any traces of being previously inhabited. Just traces of water-supporting environments, and now that is not a new phenomenon so unless we get some inkling of activity it just seems all astrophysicists and cosmologists want to geek out and publish things to excite fellow space nerds that aren't really novel to the ultimate questions and come out pretty often these days.

12-25-2013, 11:18 AM
Im far from an expert but something that always found odd was the notion that 'water has to exist on a planet for it to have life'.

Why can't there be life without water?

What if the beings in that planet don't need water to live?

What if they don't need plants, water, oxygen or other elements like we do but instead live off some other element.

Because if that were the case, we would need to build completely new theories on how a planet would support 'life' that did not need oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and such. We only have one evidence of life in the universe and that's us, and finding other planets like ours is hard enough already, nevermind looking for other planets in the vague hope that they live off something else.

I would love for it to find that somehow life can form in conditions completely different from Earths, but for ease of finding and just to narrow down the millions of planets out there, we've got to use Earth as a standard and go from there.

12-26-2013, 12:54 AM
Yes, when you read about life outside of earth, it is life relative to what we know. Some science supports the concepts of life in other environments, the issue is how does one confirm such theories.

12-26-2013, 03:26 PM
at the very least, finding these planets with water will at least help us when we go out and colonize.