View Full Version : Jewish Human Rights group demand apology from Tony Parker

Andrew Wiggins
12-30-2013, 01:39 PM
for this supposed anti-semitic gesture "reverse nazi salute" made popular by french comedian diudonne m'bala


"Calling Parker’s use of the gesture “disgusting and dangerous” and, saying that the star was “mainstreaming anti-Semitic hate,” Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean of the SWC, said that Parker should, “apologize for his use of the quenelle ‘Nazi’ salute.”

“As a leading sports figure on both sides of the Atlantic, Parker has a special moral obligation to disassociate himself from a gesture that the government of France has identified as anti-Semitic,” Cooper said, in an interview with The Algemeiner."


french footballer nicolas anelka was in trouble for it recently

12-30-2013, 01:42 PM
Shouldn't "reverse-nazi" be a good thing doe? :confusedshrug:

12-30-2013, 01:44 PM
Damn, now just wait until they discover how does the Mengele Jumpshot look like

12-30-2013, 01:56 PM
Shouldn't "reverse-nazi" be a good thing doe? :confusedshrug:

Only if she knows how to do it right.

12-30-2013, 01:57 PM
which do you think is a bigger deal?
Why does it matter? They aren't related.

12-30-2013, 01:58 PM
Only if she knows how to do it right.
Is it kinda like a dirty Sanchez with a little hitler moustache?

12-30-2013, 01:58 PM
I won't lie, I've made that same gesture with my hand in public before. Never knew that, I wonder if anyone took it the wrong way :lol

12-30-2013, 01:58 PM
Does that comedian of a history of denying or minimizing the holocaust or something?

12-30-2013, 02:01 PM
Is it kinda like a dirty Sanchez with a little hitler moustache?

Just a reverse cowgirl, but like, superior in every way.

12-30-2013, 02:02 PM
Similar thing to French soccer player Nicolas Anelka. What a joke.


12-30-2013, 02:11 PM
Similar thing to French soccer player Nicolas Anelka. What a joke.

Similar,? That's the exact same comedian

12-30-2013, 02:15 PM
If you show me a statement from the man quoted in the article which condemns the matter involving the Ethiopian jews, I will erase all posts in this thread.

My guess though, is that he said and/or wrote NOTHING about it.

I give as much a F about Parker making this gesture as Abraham Cooper does about how his FELLOW jews are being treated in Israel.
Don't forget. There's some black people doing some bad shit in Africa. Where is Parker's condemnation on this. Pfff, conveniently nowhere to be seen.


12-30-2013, 02:17 PM
As a Jew who lives in SA, been talking about this all morning lol...

to put the gesture in context, here's a link of how widespread it has become in France/Europe lately and the disgusting anti-semitic nature of it (dozens of social media-style pictures taken in front of Jewish sites).


12-30-2013, 02:29 PM

Whoever A. Cooper is, and whatever watchdog or advocacy group he HEADS...which speaks for "jews"....The state of Israel, pretty much confirmed that JEWS from Ethiopia were sometimes forced to take potentially dangerous birth control pills as a condition of entering and staying in Israel.

If you show me his statement discussing THIS incident of anti semitism...I will erase this and other posts.

Eugenics program targeting jews. Cooper would have HAD to issue comment or statement about THAT, right? since he heads watchdog or advocacy group speaking for JEWS, right?

Well, you let me know.

I guess he acted like it didn't happen and issued no comment or statement about it, whatsoever.

And if that's the case.....I can't take him seriously NOW.....with his statement about what Parker did.

simple enough?
What does Israel have to do with anything?

12-30-2013, 02:31 PM
No ones going to become an anti Semite because tony Parker threw up the equivalent of a gang sign.

12-30-2013, 02:38 PM
Another question, is this a salute for anti Semites too chicken **** to do a real nazi salute? Why else would they need this low key version of it? If you're posting a picture of a hate message on twitter why do it in a inconspicuous manner?

12-30-2013, 02:43 PM
i demand an apology from mister parker himself

12-30-2013, 02:46 PM
Anelka had the same problem 2 days ago.

12-30-2013, 02:55 PM
Care to explain why you bolded the above and "stopped reading"?
Because I like to make jokes.

12-30-2013, 02:56 PM
The guy who invented the gesture (black French comedian/actor from Cameroonian origin) has some strong anti Israel positions. It began of him saying with all the shit that happened (and still happening) to the blacks in Africa, it is regarded as a phase in European history. Sad phase but shiit happens. But if anyone said such about the holocaust the shiitstorm is certain. He just said lets see what happens if a black guy made jokes about the Holocaust/Israel/Jews.
Since then, I think he has developed into something more serious, and a lot of real antisemites jumped on his bandwagon and he said nothing.

Thats said:
The gesture itself has become a symbol of anti establishment/ anti government in France. The majority of those who use it are not anti Semites, but they should know that they are moving in a very gray area.

12-30-2013, 03:01 PM
The guy who invented the gesture (black French comedian/actor from Cameroonian origin) has some strong anti Israel positions. It began of him saying with all the shit that happened (and still happening) to the blacks in Africa, it is regarded as a phase in European history. Sad phase but shiit happens. But if anyone said such about the holocaust the shiitstorm is certain. He just said lets see what happens if a black guy made jokes about the Holocaust/Israel/Jews.
Since then, I think he has developed into something more serious, and a lot of real antisemites jumped on his bandwagon and he said nothing.

Thats said:
The gesture itself has become a symbol of anti establishment/ anti government in France. The majority of those who use it are not anti Semites, but they should know that they are moving in a very gray area.
Not buying it. Not sure I'm even buying the anti-Zionism claim. It seems to me that people are doing this gesture with anything remotely jewish related. How does doing this gestures next to a stack of bagels have anything to do with anti-establishment or anti-Zionism?

12-30-2013, 03:12 PM
Not buying it. Not sure I'm even buying the anti-Zionism claim. It seems to me that people are doing this gesture with anything remotely jewish related. How does doing this gestures next to a stack of bagels have anything to do with anti-establishment or anti-Zionism?

You are right here, but we are talking about the selfie generation.
They are the last group to find it cool.

I find the the Jewish organizations aren't doing themselves any good in protesting every time when a known figure does it. They should ignore and the circus would move to the next city.

12-30-2013, 03:23 PM
You are right here, but we are talking about the selfie generation.
They are the last group to find it cool.

I find the the Jewish organizations aren't doing themselves any good in protesting every time when a known figure does it. They should ignore and the circus would move to the next city.

I think they're doing the right thing by calling it out, as it's growing popularity is dangerous. If there was any meaning to the hand gesture that was not anti-semitic initially (which is comical given the creator of it), it has given way to something dark and racist by this "selfie generation". And let's be real and not dance around the facts, it was created by a man who directed a movie called "Anti-Semite", and it not coincidently looks like a traditional nazi salute. "Selfie generation" taking hold of this is scary, not a redemption. They represent our future.

12-30-2013, 03:41 PM
He goes to the concerts of the person who made the gesture as an anti semetic one so I'm a bit hesitant to say it's just ok. He apoligized, he won't do it again, and he's not a person historically in trouble so to me the apology is enough. But definitely moving toward a bad area.

Andrew Wiggins
12-30-2013, 03:56 PM
Parker issued an apology

“While this gesture has been part of French culture for many years, it was not until recently that I learned of the very negative concerns associated with it. When l was photographed making that gesture three years ago, I thought it was part of a comedy act and did not know that it could be in any way offensive or harmful. Since I have been made aware of the seriousness of this gesture, I will certainly never repeat the gesture and sincerely apologize for any misunderstanding or harm relating to my actions. Hopefully this incident will serve to educate others that we need to be more aware that things that may seem innocuous can actually have a history of hate and hurt.”

12-30-2013, 03:57 PM
Parker issued an apology
3 years ago? Damn

12-30-2013, 04:01 PM

Obviously the gesture is designed to be considered anti-Israeli/Zionist rather than taunting Jews over the holocaust. I mean why else would the chief protagonist be wearing a Nazi helmet?

12-30-2013, 04:03 PM

Obviously the gesture is designed to be considered anti-Israeli/Zionist rather than taunting Jews over the holocaust. I mean why else would the chief protagonist be wearing a Nazi helmet?
:facepalm Black guy wearing a german WW2 era helmet

MASH Transit
12-30-2013, 04:33 PM
Stupid bigoted garage removed

12-30-2013, 04:38 PM
[QUOTE=Andrew Wiggins]Parker issued an apology

"While this gesture has been part of French culture for many years, it was not until recently that I learned of the very negative concerns associated with it. When l was photographed making that gesture three years ago, I thought it was part of a comedy act and did not know that it could be in any way offensive or harmful.

Since I have been made aware of the seriousness of this gesture, I will certainly never repeat the gesture and sincerely apologize for any misunderstanding or harm relating to my actions. Hopefully this incident will serve to educate others that we need to be more aware that things that may seem innocuous can actually have a history of hate and hurt.

12-30-2013, 04:51 PM
In Saudi Arabia they kill women for getting raped, and hang homosexuals. Does Saudi Arabia speak for every muslim all over the world?

Islamists in the Arab world persecute those of other religions and even indulge in sectarian violence against other Muslims (Shia/Sunni).

Nick Young
12-30-2013, 04:59 PM
Islamists in the Arab world persecute those of other religions and even indulge in sectarian violence against other Muslims (Shia/Sunni).
I know that. What's your point?

Nick Young
12-30-2013, 05:02 PM

Childish name calling aside.

If you read what I wrote in that and subsequent posts in this thread, you could make a better informed comment.

You'd rather I resort to name calling also, so that the thread is erased and you wouldn't have to address the points I made.

Won't work.........you can't take the easy way out.
I know what you wrote. You said basically that because the Israeli government is committing horrible acts, it's ok to hate on Jews all over the world, until the Israeli government apologizes. Sickening logic and an excuse for anti-semitism.

So many Jew haters all over the world throughout history, I really don't understand it. The Jews don't do jack shit to hurt everyone and still, every 40 years or so they suddenly become the root of all world wide evil and anti-semitism becomes fashionable and cool.

Think about what you're saying before you say it.

I am sick of the apartheid against Palestinians as well. I am sickened that Jordan doesn't let any in to their country as refuges and provide them with aide and closed the borders, due only to anti-palestinian racism. I am sickened that Syria has done absolutely nothing to help Palestine except send them missiles and guns. I am sickened that the Lebanese don't allow Palestinians living there to gain proper jobs, go to university or even become citizens. I am sickened that Egypt lies right next to the west bank and instead of delivering in humanitarian aide, they deliver missiles and terrorist fighters from Pakistan. I am sickened Israel has a wall on the west bank and doesn't allow hardly any Palestinians in to the country to get jobs or to live.

I am also sickened that the whole world blames only Israel for the Palestinian "apartheid" when every single surrounding country is treating the Palestinians even worse then the Israelis do. That singling out of Israel is what wreaks of anti-semetism. People only pretend to care about the Palestinians when they can use them as an outlet to say hate speech about Jews. If people actually cared about Palestinians they wouldn't be in the situation they're in now. They could easily lead happy comfortable lives if the nations surrounding Palestine gave even the tiniest amount of aide and support.

12-30-2013, 05:05 PM
I know that. What's your point?

That Saudi Arabian attitudes toward people of other religions, other Islamic sects, women and homosexuals are not atypical in the Muslim world.

How many Islamic countries would you describe as tolerant with respect for freedom of speech, religion and sexuality with equal rights for men and women?

Nick Young
12-30-2013, 05:09 PM
That Saudi Arabian attitudes toward people of other religions, other Islamic sects, women and homosexuals are not atypical in the Muslim world.

How many Islamic countries would you describe as tolerant with respect for freedom of speech, religion and sexuality with equal rights for men and women?
You misunderstood my point.

All I was saying is that people for some reason take the actions of the Israeli government and assume that all Jews all over the world agree with those actions. They are assuming for some reason that the Israeli government speaks for all Jews.

I said that that was as stupid as saying that the Saudi Arabian government speaks for all Muslims all over the world.

Do you understand the point I'm making?

12-30-2013, 05:19 PM
Of course I got your point, don't confuse the actions of Israel with the beliefs of everyday Jewish people worldwide.

I just thought it pertinent to point out that the religious beliefs and laws in Saudi Arabia are more the rule in the Islamic world than the exception.

12-30-2013, 05:22 PM
That Saudi Arabian attitudes toward people of other religions, other Islamic sects, women and homosexuals are not atypical in the Muslim world.

How many Islamic countries would you describe as tolerant with respect for freedom of speech, religion and sexuality with equal rights for men and women?
You're beating around the bush. If you have a point you want to make bout Islam, Muslims, Jews or Arab states, just make it.

Passive agressiveness

12-30-2013, 05:24 PM
If someone wants to hate on an ethnic group, your initial response should not be "it's ok because". It's not ok. Not all Jews are the same. You can't hate on Israel's government and their actions and extend that to every Jew in the world. My sister is jewish, a puerto rican jew who has no clue what is going on in Israel. Where is the connection?

Also, the dude with the helmet celebrating the Nazi's, if that isn't a huge red flag toward people something is wrong then i'm not sure what's wrong with them.

12-30-2013, 05:34 PM
You're beating around the bush. If you have a point you want to make bout Islam, Muslims, Jews or Arab states, just make it.

Passive agressiveness

Eh? I've made my point: I don't think that Saudi Arabian attitudes towards gays, women, ethnic minorities and those who don't believe in Islam (or a specific sect of it) are exceptional amongst Muslims. If Muslims are advocates of democracy, religious rights, gender equality and sexual freedoms you could be forgiven for thinking otherwise.

I was having an interesting conversation with my neighbor about this very subject yesterday who fled Iran at the age of 4 when the Ayatollah siezed power and began persecuting his people.

12-30-2013, 05:39 PM
Islam is actually one of the most peaceful and tolerant religions by it's text. Just because they're are insane people who interpret it incorrectly and governments that abuse it does not mean the religion itself promotes intolerance and racism. Honestly find a government that has never committed atrocious acts. I don't think you can. Government is a necessary (or unnecessary depending on who you talk to) evil.

Edit: governments take an official religion because it gives them a much easier to way to control their people. Why do you think so few governments are Hindu or Buddhist? They're far too accepting and non controlling.

12-30-2013, 05:45 PM
Because I'm a joke.

Glad you finally admit it.

12-30-2013, 05:50 PM
Edit: governments take an official religion because it gives them a much easier to way to control their people.

I agree with this 100%. Religion promotes dogma and inhibits independent thinking, its basically designed to turn people into servile, ignorant sheep.

This realization is the main reason that I renounced my faith a few years ago despite my christian upbringing.

Nick Young
12-30-2013, 05:53 PM
Islam is actually one of the most peaceful and tolerant religions by it's text. Just because they're are insane people who interpret it incorrectly and governments that abuse it does not mean the religion itself promotes intolerance and racism. Honestly find a government that has never committed atrocious acts. I don't think you can. Government is a necessary (or unnecessary depending on who you talk to) evil.

Edit: governments take an official religion because it gives them a much easier to way to control their people. Why do you think so few governments are Hindu or Buddhist? They're far too accepting and non controlling.
Indian government is influenced heavily by hinduism and is highly racist and discriminatory doe.

Buddhists doe, to me that's where its at. I'm born Jew but read loads of Buddhist books, started being a happier person ever since I started practicing some buddhist stuff. Its all about introspection and independent thinking. Its just all about self improvement and being cool to people, no supernatural bullshit involved.

12-30-2013, 06:00 PM
Indian government is influenced heavily by hinduism and is highly racist and discriminatory doe.

Buddhists doe, to me that's where its at. I'm born Jew but read loads of Buddhist books, started being a happier person ever since I started practicing some buddhist stuff. Its all about introspection and independent thinking. Its just all about self improvement and being cool to people, no supernatural bullshit involved.
It's kind of unreal how much better Buddhism makes you feel. It's also incredibly empowering knowing your hapiness comes from you as your strength instead of some "god". I wish more people knew more about it than putting fat Buddha statues in their room.

12-30-2013, 06:01 PM
Indian government is influenced heavily by hinduism and is highly racist and discriminatory doe.

Well, he wasn't excluding Hinduism or Buddhism, but he's right that there are few governments that subscribe to it as their national religion (to the best of my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong). And really, any religion can be perverted to subjugate people as a whole as most religions at their very core are based on concepts about being decent people but end up getting twisted when the wrong people get involved in deciding to promote more and more dogmatic principles (not that this is a new thought or anything).

12-30-2013, 06:04 PM
Indian government is influenced heavily by hinduism and is highly racist and discriminatory doe.

Buddhists doe, to me that's where its at. I'm born Jew but read loads of Buddhist books, started being a happier person ever since I started practicing some buddhist stuff. Its all about introspection and independent thinking. Its just all about self improvement and being cool to people, no supernatural bullshit involved.


12-30-2013, 06:05 PM
I didn't read all the pages so I'm sorry if somebody already explained it, but as a french guy I can give you some informations about it.

This "gesture" is called "quenelle". Tough to explain what a quenelle is, but it's some kind of big french sausage (you can search for "quenelle lyonnaise" on google if you're curious about french food :lol ).
So the gesture is a bit gross, kinda mean "put it all the way down your ass" or something like that (not easy to traduce).

There is a big debate in France right now because many people are doing this gesture, and all of the mainstream media are explaining that it is an anti-jewish thing. And it's not ! I mean, the guy who invented it, Dieudonn

12-30-2013, 06:49 PM
Why are people so freaking sensitive. Stop it please. If you don't like Parker than don't watch him..don't buy his products. Ignore him.

Yes, but the point is, it's important for public figures not to be popularizing anti-semitism or any kind of racism or extreme hatred by condoning it or taking part in racist trends. There are bigger issues at store here then merely NBA or NBA products. It's not a matter of being sensitive, it's a matter of humanity and bucking disturbing trends. Parker saying he does not stand by the gesture anymore matters, he's the most famous French basketball player I'm assuming.

12-30-2013, 07:13 PM
As a French guy, I can shed some light on the situation.

Basically this comedian used to be known for his talent and was actually associated with an anti-racist stance. This supposedly "nazi" gesture, when he started making it, was first meant to be interpreted (and is still interpreted by a lot of his followers) as a general "**** the system" symbol, not something specifically directed towards Jewish people.

The problem is that he's turned to more and more overt antisemitism in recent years, and has started using this gesture in a more political way. But most people aren't aware of how specific his politics have gotten. Someone like Tony Parker who doesn't have time to follow politics or attend his recent shows wouldn't be. He'd just see it as as some kind of cool trend his comedian friend has started. Same with Anelka. Dieudonn

Nick Young
12-30-2013, 07:14 PM
As for the deportation of illegal African immigrants-yea I got absolutely no problem with that. If someone sneaks into a country illegally and is there illegally, then a government has the right to deport them out of their country back to their home nation.

If those immigrants applied for visas and were there legally and then deported, yes I would have a huge problem with that.

Andrew Wiggins
12-30-2013, 07:18 PM
I never defended the Israeli government, or their forced sterilization of Ethiopian-Israeli citizens, you dumb asshole. I think it's absolutely disgusting.

As for the deportation of African immigrants-yea I got absolutely no problem with that. If someone sneaks into a country illegally and is there illegally, then a government has the right to deport them out of their country back to their homes.

If those immigrants applied for visas and were there legally and then deported, yes I would have a huge problem with that.

israel deported REFUGEES that they voluntarily took in. neta

a survey showed that the majority of israelis agreed with the sentiment that african immigrants were a "cancer in the body of a nation"

netanyahu might be the most xenophobic leader out there

12-30-2013, 07:35 PM
What does desagana jewop think about this? what about jew johnson?

12-30-2013, 07:37 PM
The people that inhabit Isreal today aren't even Hebrew(authentic Jew, descendants of David, Solomon, Jesus, etc) they're Eastern European converts that migrated to the Holy Lands in the 7th and 8th centuries following the fall of the Holy Roman empire, otherwise known as Ashkenazi Jews. Or, white people. Where did you get this? Every genetic study I've ever seen shows that Jews are of Northern Middle East origin.

The “among populations” variance component (ΦST) for the Ashkenazi, Roman, North African, Near Eastern, Kurdish, and Yemenite Jews (the lowest ΦST value of the five population groups analyzed in Table 2) indicated that these Jewish populations were not significantly different from one another.

The Ashkenazi, Roman, North African, Near Eastern, Kurdish, and Yemenite Jewish populations formed a fairly compact cluster between the North African and European groups. This Jewish cluster was interspersed with the Palestinian and Syrian populations, whereas the other Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations (Saudi Arabians, Lebanese, and Druze) closely surrounded it. Of the Jewish populations in this cluster, the Ashkenazim were closest to South European populations (specifically the Greeks) and also to the Turks. The Ethiopian Jews were placed close to the non-Jewish Ethiopians. The Lemba were located roughly halfway between the sub-Saharan African and Jewish clusters.



12-30-2013, 08:06 PM
Proof that antisemitism is a legit serious problem still:

Anytime there is blatant anti-Jewish bigotry, every single time, without fail, a group of idiots show up to loudly either defend it, or excuse it, or somehow twist it into some anti-Jewish or anti-Israel crap.

Instead of simply... condemning the bigotry and that's that.

Andrew Wiggins
12-30-2013, 08:09 PM
[QUOTE=BoutPractice]As a French guy, I can shed some light on the situation.

Basically this comedian used to be known for his talent and was actually associated with an anti-racist stance. This supposedly "nazi" gesture, when he started making it, was first meant to be interpreted (and is still interpreted by a lot of his followers) as a general "**** the system" symbol, not something specifically directed towards Jewish people.

The problem is that he's turned to more and more overt antisemitism in recent years, and has started using this gesture in a more political way. But most people aren't aware of how specific his politics have gotten. Someone like Tony Parker who doesn't have time to follow politics or attend his recent shows wouldn't be. He'd just see it as as some kind of cool trend his comedian friend has started. Same with Anelka. Dieudonn

12-30-2013, 08:14 PM
The people that inhabit Isreal today aren't even Hebrew(authentic Jew, descendants of David, Solomon, Jesus, etc) they're Eastern European converts that migrated to the Holy Lands in the 7th and 8th centuries following the fall of the Holy Roman empire, otherwise known as Ashkenazi Jews. Or, white people.

Im more offended by your people insistence on warmongering, thievery, and western imperialism than I am by Tony Parker's hand gesture.
Israel is less than 1% of the entire Middle East.

Also, your comments, collectively, suggest that you're a bigot.

12-30-2013, 08:19 PM
It isn't just Palestinians. Isreal's genocidal practices extends to Africans, which is ironic, being that it is Africa that birthed the real Jews(Ethiopians).

It's one thing to disagree with some stuff, but if Israel had "genocidal" practices, there'd be no more Israeli Arabs (but there are over 1 million Israeli Arabs) and no more Palestinians (but there are millions of Palestinians).

12-30-2013, 08:23 PM
A crazed French dude who likes to wear German WW2 helmets keeps ranting hate against Jews. He's a bigot and a scumbag. Denounce him. End.

Andrew Wiggins
12-30-2013, 08:28 PM
Imagine if every time someone was blatantly racist against innocent Arab people, idiots showed up to name bad things about some Arab country's government, and used it as an excuse to attack all Arabs.

Imagine if every time someone was blatantly racist against blacks, idiots showed up to name bad things about some African country's government, and used i t as an excuse to attack all blacks.

Well, every time someone is blatantly bigoted towards Jews, idiots show up to name bad things about Israel's government (and a LOT of the time MANY of the claims are exaggerated like crazy, or not even true at all), and used that as an excuse to attack all Jews. This actually keeps happening.

A crazed French dude who likes to wear German WW2 helmets keeps ranting hate against Jews. He's a bigot and a scumbag. Denounce him. End.

not just jewish people - any thread about a foreign country ends up with racist remarks and bigoted comments about their people or culture. just look at the thread about the indian diplomat controversy in the otc. most of the posts weren't even about the topic but a bunch of bigoted comments about their culture and how they should nuke them etc. why are those threads never deleted or closed?

sadly, people become all too comfortable making racist comments under the guise of anonymity

Nick Young
12-30-2013, 08:31 PM
Proof that antisemitism is a legit serious problem still:

Anytime there is blatant anti-Jewish bigotry, every single time, without fail, a group of idiots show up to loudly either defend it, or excuse it, or somehow twist it into some anti-Jewish or anti-Israel crap.

Instead of simply... condemning the bigotry and that's that.
It's always a massive group of assholes too, not just one or two. I cannot believe these people still exist but they do, and the anti-Jewish movement is definately growing here in England and the rest of Europe.

12-30-2013, 08:42 PM
sadly, people become all too comfortable making racist comments under the guise of anonymity

The three admins here generally only see Off Court posts if someone reports them. If nobody reports them, they generally go unnoticed. This is the most unmoderated forum on our board. If something isn't reported, we probably won't see it.

12-30-2013, 08:46 PM
I never get the people who need to defend the need to say or do something offensive. I even don't kill Tony Parker, he said he didn't know, it won't happen again, he understands it's wrong. DONE.

Instead there is always the one asshole who starts with "well he probably didn't know so he should be allowed to do it". Again. Even though now he knows. Which segways into "well that group does X which is wrong".

It's just absolutely ridiculous and considering how widespread our membership from and how diverse and where some of you come from it's mind boggling. Some of like me are in NY which if you hate some group, you hate a neighbor because they are there. Some of you come from countries where race problems and hatred have really ****ed things up. And a lot of you are black and deal with shit firsthand. Yet you all are quick to excuse it.

It makes no sense. It's a sports forum, think of things in terms of sports. If i told you your team is no longer allowed to have black, white, whatever players you'd scream it's unfair. Yet in your everday life you want to exclude people. :facepalm

get these NETS
12-30-2013, 08:47 PM
Proof that antisemitism is a legit serious problem still:

Anytime there is blatant anti-Jewish bigotry, every single time, without fail, a group of idiots show up to loudly either defend it, or excuse it, or somehow twist it into some anti-Jewish or anti-Israel crap.

Instead of simply... condemning the bigotry and that's that.

most of the openly prejudiced comments (and slurs) written on ish are directed towards people of African descent.

those posts and threads come and go with no commentary from admin...in fact I've contacted admin. SEVERAL times about why certain slurs (and their different spellings) are allowed to stand. never a reply.

So with all due respect, get off the soapbox about this particular brand of prejudice.

12-30-2013, 08:52 PM
most of the openly prejudiced comments (and slurs) written on ish are directed towards people of African descent.
Do you report bad posts? If so, definitely do it.

If one person in particular has typed multiple evil things in a row, feel free to report a couple, and then say "see his next X posts for more hate of this type" or something.

We are a very loosely moderated board. We do miss some stuff. But we don't want to. It's not like we WANT any bigotry towards ANYONE here, at all, ever. Whole point of our entire existence is for every single person here to be happy and enjoy themselves.

12-30-2013, 08:54 PM
I dont get what that salute has to do with nazis.

12-30-2013, 08:56 PM
most of the openly prejudiced comments (and slurs) written on ish are directed towards people of African descent.

those posts and threads come and go with no commentary from admin...in fact I've contacted admin. SEVERAL times about why certain slurs (and their different spellings) are allowed to stand. never a reply.

So with all due respect, get off the soapbox about this particular brand of prejudice.
That doesn't give you tit for tat rights to do the same. It's just an excuse to not be called out for a behavior. I've complained, specifically (loudly) when someone said something about Rhtymic Thesis daughter. If you complain, things come of it. Cos something dumbass got banned for calling my wife a name.

12-30-2013, 08:57 PM
I dont get what that salute has to do with nazis.
The person who started it created the negative context.

get these NETS
12-30-2013, 09:02 PM
Do you report bad posts? If so, definitely do it.

If one person in particular has typed multiple evil things in a row, feel free to report a couple, and then say "see his next X posts for more hate of this type" or something.

We are a very loosely moderated board. We do miss some stuff. But we don't want to. It's not like we WANT any bigotry towards ANYONE here, at all, ever. Whole point of our entire existence is for people to be happy and enjoy themselves.

First time I read some slur I report it.....second time I just put the member on my ignore list and cross fingers that something, anything will be done...knowing that it won't.......but at least I don't have to see it.

now i just put member on ignore...
technically they have a right to post whatever they want...and nothing is going to be done anyway.

12-30-2013, 09:28 PM
He can do what he wants. He was clearly doing it as a joke.

I bet nothing will happen to Anelka but Parker will get hauled over the coals.

12-30-2013, 09:30 PM
He can do what he wants. He was clearly doing it as a joke.

I bet nothing will happen to Anelka but Parker will get hauled over the coals.

Well, both of them have publicly agreed to never do it again. So there's that... Whether he was aware of what it meant or not, it was wise and the right thing to do to denounce it, as it has become a symbol for anti-semitism.

12-30-2013, 10:09 PM
Riiiiiiight, and yet here you are. Might want to read what you let slide in that Trayvon Martin thread (oh, and the countless homophobic remarks made here daily). So yeah, about that soapbox...

12-30-2013, 10:10 PM
This thread will end well...

12-31-2013, 02:21 AM
Where did you get this? Every genetic study I've ever seen shows that Jews are of Northern Middle East origin
You didn't look very hard. There is no genetic study of Jews because there are entirely separate ethnicities of Jews. The Ashkenazi specifically are mostly of Turkic and German origin.

12-31-2013, 02:31 AM
Islam is actually one of the most peaceful and tolerant religions by it's text. Just because they're are insane people who interpret it incorrectly and governments that abuse it does not mean the religion itself promotes intolerance and racism. Honestly find a government that has never committed atrocious acts. I don't think you can. Government is a necessary (or unnecessary depending on who you talk to) evil.

Edit: governments take an official religion because it gives them a much easier to way to control their people. Why do you think so few governments are Hindu or Buddhist? They're far too accepting and non controlling.
Who's ass did you pull that out of?

12-31-2013, 02:39 AM
france is a weird place man

12-31-2013, 02:45 AM
It isn't just Palestinians. Isreal's genocidal practices extends to Africans, which is ironic, being that it is Africa that birthed the real Jews(Ethiopians).
No. The people that birthed the Jews/Hebrews were the Native Canaanites who's descendants are still there today.

12-31-2013, 08:41 AM
You right my bad, I'll edit post. I wasn't trying to make it sound less worse then it was, just used the wrong words.
Yeah, but why are we talking about Israel anyway? What the hell does the government of Israel have to do with this situation? Nothing.

Nick Young
12-31-2013, 08:52 AM
There is no such thing as "the Israeli constitution".
Basic Laws of Israel effectively work as a constitution.

12-31-2013, 11:38 AM
lol, Jews by far the most sensitive group in the world. You can't say anything about them or even look at them the wrong way without getting called a anti-semite or Nutzi lover.

Nick Young
12-31-2013, 11:49 AM
lol, Jews by far the most sensitive group in the world. You can't say anything about them or even look at them the wrong way without getting called a anti-semite or Nutzi lover.
Well the dude who invented the symbol wears nazi helmets and is a known anti-semite and is now using the symbol to spread his message.

Would you be cool with a bunch of people started taking photos of themselves in KKK hoods, or if Carmelo hit a game winning shot and to celebrate put on a KKK hood and ran around the court?

12-31-2013, 11:54 AM
lol, Jews by far the most sensitive group in the world. You can't say anything about them or even look at them the wrong way without getting called a anti-semite or Nutzi lover.
It's a symbol that the person who started it wants perceived as anti Semitic. People are wrong to interpret it as it's meant to be interpreted. Hmm...

MASH Transit
12-31-2013, 11:55 AM
Well the dude who invented the symbol wears nazi helmets and is a known anti-semite and is now using the symbol to spread his message.

Would you be cool with a bunch of people started taking photos of themselves in KKK hoods, or if Carmelo hit a game winning shot and to celebrate put on a KKK hood and ran around the court?

As long as I get a state out of it, and free sanction to kill all the people I don't like that live around me? Sure. Doesn't seem like so bad a trade off.

Jews have benefitted a lot from WWII. Too bad other oppressed bodies haven't benefitted in kind.

12-31-2013, 12:39 PM
Some of you must be pleasant human beings. If something is offensive, and you didn't know, you say OOPS, SORRY and move on. If you're normal. No, you have to argue because if anything, even something so small as a hand gesture is taken from you it's unacceptable. So a hand gesture you'd probably never do, that the person who created it has tied basically to Nazi's (which is tying it to kill Jews) has to be allowed, because your selfish asses can't handle being told no.

If you are like this is in your daily lives you must be really be clowns. Can you take off your shoes in the house? NO. That infringes on my right to be me.

12-31-2013, 01:11 PM
As long as I get a state out of it, and free sanction to kill all the people I don't like that live around me? Sure. Doesn't seem like so bad a trade off.

Jews have benefitted a lot from WWII. Too bad other oppressed bodies haven't benefitted in kind.

Yeah Jews have benefitted alot from WW2, you fkin idiot. Out of all the idiots that have posted in this thread, you do a good job of standing out.

12-31-2013, 01:23 PM
Yeah Jews have benefitted alot from WW2, you fkin idiot. Out of all the idiots that have posted in this thread, you do a good job of standing out.
Well, actually, the ones who came after the war did benefit from it. The holocaust wasn't an aberration that came out of nowhere: it was the culmination of 2000 years of Christian jew-baiting. Jews had been massacred by Christians for a long time (at least half a million annihilated most brutally during the crusades) and they have been suffering wanton persecution since the birth of Christianity. In the West at least, the horror of the Holocaust put an end to most of this widespread persecution. This is pretty undeniable.

Obviously those who lived through it didn't benefit, but the ones who came after have benefited from its memory.

12-31-2013, 01:26 PM
Yet French speaking people explained that the gesture was NOT anti semitic, but the author of it. And the author has never "tied" it to the Nazis.
People actually complain about the group that targets famous people in order to shun some comedian, which they don't like.
Also how do you guys know its nazi helmet? It doesn't look like one to me at all.
The person who does it means it in that way. Is everything just a huge set of coincidences?

Note: Is Parker not being able to do that gesture affect his life in any way, shape or form that this needs to be nitpicked in such a way? He seemed to accept very easily it was something wrong and apoligize. Why is that?

12-31-2013, 01:28 PM
Well, actually, the ones who came after the war did benefit from it. The holocaust wasn't an aberration that came out of nowhere: it was the culmination of 2000 years of Christian jew-baiting. Jews had been massacred by Christians for a long time (at least half a million annihilated most brutally during the crusades) and they have been suffering wanton persecution since the birth of Christianity. In the West at least, the horror of the Holocaust put an end to most of this widespread persecution. This is pretty undeniable.

Obviously those who lived through it didn't benefit, but the ones who came after have benefited from its memory.

Do you think new Jews get made in factories? Or that the Jews that escaped/survived the camps were magically healed from their scars?

Saying Jews benefitted from WW2 is like saying blacks benefitted from slavery, it's fkin retarded.

12-31-2013, 01:35 PM
Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism. You should learn the difference.

Oh pleaaaase.... Look at the guys anti-semitic body of work, how the hand gesture is being commonly used at Jewish sites like synagogues and holocaust memorials, how it is an arm held out straight very nazi-esque. The symbol means anti-Jew, Dieudonne is a professed anti-semite, and to conveniently hide behind anti-zionism or "anti-establishment" is both horrible and spineless. How naive are some of you, really?

Read a description of the movie Dieudonne's filmed in Iran... titled "The Anti-Semite" ... was banned from Cannes in 2012

[quote]The plot of the film goes like this: In

Go Getter
12-31-2013, 01:53 PM
edit: And also, plenty of the black people alive today have benefited massively from slavery. You think they'd be better off if they'd been left on the African continent do you? Obviously this doesn't excuse slavery in any way, but there's no need to deny the facts because they don't fit in neatly with your emotions.

This might be the most ignorant statement ever made here. Not being able to read/write and being manipulated for hundreds of years definitely hindered African Americans mentally.

IF millions of blacks were not slaughtered and displaced Africa might be a better place. Slavery took some of the best and brightest away from Africa and made America the home for their inventions and innovations.

If people didn't exploit [on both sides] the slaves and the land for it's natural resources Africa could be a better place and you nor I have no definitive evidence of how it would be but your view is just absurd.

Slavers did the slaves no favors and Africa isn't ****ed up solely because of Africans, others have had a HUGE part in its destruction and slow development.

12-31-2013, 01:54 PM
Did you read anything i wrote or are you just a ****ing moron?

The lives of Jews today are improved as a result of WW2. The Holocaust was a culmination of hate that changed how people treated them; jews were pariahs in many places before it, yet now they aren't treated any differently to everyone else in most places.

smh at these ignorant tools who think anti-semitism started with the nazis :roll:

I know western history quite well. The diasporas and the general sentiment of hatred towards Jews in Europe. But I wouldn't say Jews have benefitted from WW2 that's plain retarded no matter how you frame it. Has there been a feeling of global compensation for Jews after the inhumane atrocities that they've endured? Sure. That also goes hand in hand with our modern more liberal global society. Nationalism and racial hatred is what led to the global wars of the last century, so giving Jews their own country and treating them better, is just one step in many to right the wrongs and to prevent it from reoccurring. But tell the families of those six million Jews that they've benefitted from WW2, you might not see eye to eye. Most Jews I know have at least some blood relations directly affected by the holocaust

Go Getter
12-31-2013, 01:55 PM
I know western history quite well. The diasporas and the general sentiment of hatred towards Jews in Europe. But I wouldn't say Jews have benefitted from WW2 that's plain retarded no matter how you frame it. Has there been a feeling of global compensation for Jews after the inhumane atrocities that they've endured? Sure. That also goes hand in hand with our modern more liberal global society. Nationalism and racial hatred is what led to the global wars of the last century, so giving Jews their own country and treating them better, is just one step in many to right the wrongs and to prevent it from reoccurring. But tell the families of those six million Jews that they've benefitted from WW2, you might not see eye to eye. Most Jews I know have at least some blood relations directly affected by the holocaust

longtime lurker
12-31-2013, 01:59 PM
It's a symbol that the person who started it wants perceived as anti Semitic. People are wrong to interpret it as it's meant to be interpreted. Hmm...

The symbol started as anti-establishment not necessarily a anti semitic symbol. I'll give Tony Parker the benefit of the doubt here.

Nick Young
12-31-2013, 02:27 PM
The Jews did benefit from WWII. They got a state out of it with full political, economic, and military support from the U.S. and its allies. Additionally, over the last 60 years, Isreal has developed into one of the more powerful countries in the world.

This is undeniable.
F*cking Jew haters coming out of the wood work, this shit's disgusting.

Maybe if the countries in the middle east didn't team up with Hitler in WWII, and round up all their jews to send to his murder camps, things would have turned out differently for them.

12-31-2013, 02:40 PM
If I'm not mistaken most of the Jews that were sent to their death were in Europe(Poland, Germany, Eastern Europe, etc) and not from the Middle East. Could be wrong.

What the Muslims are mad about(and still to this day) is how their land was literally stolen from them for something they had no part in and it's not like they were treated fairly in post WW2 Israel either.. They saw their lands get stolen and forced to live in settlements in squalor situations.

The Jews and Muslims actually had good relations in the Middle East pre-WW2 and it's not only in the past 60 years has Muslims in middle east become batshit mad at Jews but it still is kinda insane when 200+ million arabs want to wipe out the Jewish population

If anything the Jews should have got their homeland in Germany or somewhere in Eastern Europe..
Muslims were generally more tolerant of Jews than Christians throughout history. As long as they paid a tribute they were tolerated.

12-31-2013, 02:43 PM
Maybe if the countries in the middle east didn't team up with Hitler in WWII, and round up all their jews to send to his murder camps, things would have turned out differently for them.

:applause: For the record I'm glad you brought that up, I'm tired of people trying to make it sound like the Palestinians treated Jews with great respect prior to the formation of Israel. Haj Amin al-Husseini the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem collaborated with Hitler and refused European Jewish refugees entrance to Palestine during WW2.

12-31-2013, 02:47 PM
The Jews and Muslims actually had good relations in the Middle East pre-WW2.

They did?

You obviously never heard of the 1929 Palestine riots then when Arabs attacked and killed Jews and destroyed Jewish businesses and homes.

12-31-2013, 02:54 PM
What do you think about Jeff deleting our posts discussing the '67 border agreement, and the subsequent settlements on Palestinian land that continue to this day? It was a perfectly civil exchange, but I guess you can't talk policy in this thread. It's ok to say some batshit crazy stuff about the Jews though.

I don't know the justification for the site owner's actions, but at least he's monitoring the situation as there as some hateful people in this thread for sure.

Discussing the policies, actions, and history of Israel is a worthwhile discussion... however it's dangerous to do it on a platform of anti-semitism. As some posters, and that French comedian, conspicuously do. He is a vocal holocaust denier and clearly has some deep seated hatred toward Jews.

Supposed "Anti-zionists" in this thread should be denouncing the vilification and dehumanization of Jews, not sticking up for a professed anti-semite in Dieudonne and saying "but, but, but, anti-zionism!". I recommend taking a step back and ensuring the position you take is not muddled with his.

Legitimizing hatred towards Jews via some rationalization needs to be avoided and it's dangerous if anti-semitism and anti-zionism are going hand in hand in any particular thread, do you agree Brokenbeat?

12-31-2013, 05:49 PM
Yup. This is just crazy, lol. :facepalm

Hello there,

1) I'm not Jeff. Jeff barely mods this board

2) This topic has nothing to do with Israel, or Israeli history, or Arab history, or African history, or any of that other stuff

3) This is a simple topic about an NBA player apologizing for doing a symbol that's considered hateful, next to the guy who invented it and clearly WANTS it to be hateful. The player apologized. Racism against Jews, Arabs, blacks, whites, etc. is wrong. That's about it.

Nick Young
12-31-2013, 05:56 PM
Anyways an interesting conversation could be had about this topic but I doubt it's for this site. Do you think its possible to be anti-zionist without being anti-semetic?
I like to think that it's possible, but I've yet to meet an anti-zionist who didn't reveal themselves to be an ignorant and/or hateful anti-semite bullshitter once I get into a proper conversation with them. That just leads me to conclude that most of these hardcore "anti-zionists" only use it as a shield to hate on Jews.

"I'm not anti-jew, I'm an anti-zionist. I have nothing against Jews, one of my friends is half Jewish. But you know Jews control the media and the world banks, right?"

12-31-2013, 06:12 PM
All these f*cking Jew-haters coming out of the wood work and defending eachother, I thought this shit didn't happen anymore. F*cking internet, let someone be anonymous and everyone's true colours show through.

I don't know about that but I do see a few people completely missing the admins point...lol

12-31-2013, 06:15 PM
Egypt was part of the ottoman empire too. Is there no Egypt? Pretty much every middle eastern country except Persia was part of the ottoman empire.

12-31-2013, 06:20 PM
Please try and tell lebanese people that theyre the same nationality as Jordanians.
To be clear I support Israel. Especially considering how much of a shit hole half the middle east is and how theyre kind of the great exception to that.

12-31-2013, 06:20 PM
Wow. I wasn't expecting this discussion when I clicked the topic.

It seems like every discussion of race here turns into some weird sprawling epic of crap, with people coming up with elaborate defenses of their disguised racism.

12-31-2013, 06:20 PM
pot meet kettle :roll:

you constantly make racist comments and have left racist negs calling me a cracker and honky and how you'd beat my ass if you saw me in real life :lol

I wish someone would call me "honky" in 2013. :roll: :roll: :roll:

12-31-2013, 06:23 PM
Anyways an interesting conversation could be had about this topic but I doubt it's for this site.

Oh I'm sure it could happen on this site, but I'm positive it won't happen in a thread about Dieudonne, something he created, or his incendiary racist remarks. That is the gist of my post you quoted, ala "trying to have a legitimate discussion on a platform of anti-semitism".

12-31-2013, 06:32 PM
Let's start taking accountability as individuals and stop being anti-semitic, ok?

12-31-2013, 06:34 PM
Final post on this topic:

1) A jerkoff in France that is widely known as a racist has worked to make a gesture mean something hateful. So the NBA player who did the gesture, quite rightly, apologized, and that's probably the end of that.

2) Bigotry against any group of wrong.

3) InsideHoops exists for the entire world to happily talk basketball. That is our only goal. Passionate, fun, good basketball discussion, for everybody, everywhere, to enjoy. That is why we exist. For you, the basketball fan, to love being here, and to talk ball.

4) If you ever have an issue with the way this board is moderated, send us (yes, us, there are three people with access to this admin account) a private message. Or send an email to editor2 at insidehoops dot com. Or report the post, and send a message indicating what's actually wrong -- makes it much easier for us. We moderate very CASUALLY here. We do miss some things. But if something is really important to you, let us know directly and privately, more than once if needed. But don't get angry if we miss some stuff. We don't mean to. Sometimes we see stuff quickly, other times we may miss it, but whoever YOU are, if you are a basketball fan, WE WANT YOU HAPPY. It does not benefit us in any way for ANYONE to be displeased. Our main focus is just... basketball talk.

Now, smile, relax, take a deep breath, smile again, privately contact us directly with any concerns, and... ENJOY BASKETBALL!