View Full Version : Any posters ever travelled to Africa?

01-10-2014, 05:20 AM
Thinking about volunteering in an orphanage in Kenya or Tanzania in the next couple of years and wondered if anyone else had done the same or even travelled to the continent?

Cheers for any info/experiences.


01-10-2014, 05:45 AM
Yeah, a long time ago now though. It was actually really nice. The people were all incredible and they had a great way of doing things.

01-10-2014, 06:02 AM
Cheers for the reply, where abouts did you do?

The people seem awesome, so happy over some of the simplest things. Guess it's a bit of a self enrichment trip, but I've always wanted to volunteer and see a bit of Africa while I was doing so.

01-10-2014, 06:28 AM
Cheers for the reply, where abouts did you do?

The people seem awesome, so happy over some of the simplest things. Guess it's a bit of a self enrichment trip, but I've always wanted to volunteer and see a bit of Africa while I was doing so.

South Africa.

01-10-2014, 07:58 AM
I've been to Tanzania, but I only did the touristy parts (Kilimanjaro, Serengeti, Zanzibar), so I can't claim to know much about everyday life there.

What I can say is that the nature is absolutely spectacular, so it is very much worth a visit.

Some photos of mine from the trip:

01-10-2014, 09:50 AM
Sub Saharan Africa is probably one of the most dangerous regions on earth. Im not a big risk taker, i'd probably never go.

I got a buddy from a well to do family in south africa who tells me horror stories. I guess getting car-jacked and robbed is a normal part of everyday life there. He's from pretoria. He's says most people devote a large portion of their income to security measures. Lived in one of those big gated compounds. South Africa is supposedly one of the "nicer" parts of africa.

More power to you if wanna go and have that experience. I take it you don't got a wife and kids. Even if I didn't, i probably still wouldn't do it. Too risky.

01-10-2014, 01:33 PM
I was in Africa for 2 years

No you weren't.

01-10-2014, 01:33 PM
Bring a lot of sunscreen if you're withe. Africa is eiither a desert or has tropical weather.

Andrew Wiggins
01-10-2014, 01:34 PM
been to namibia, south africa, kenya, angola, senegal, morocco, tunisia, algeria, and egypt. if you go there with an open mind and don't expect to have all the perks of a "first world" lifestyle, you'll enjoy yourself. most of the people are very nice and there's a lot of natural elements to enjoy.

obviously, there's some eye openings things you see and you have to be careful where you go but all in all, I've enjoyed my trips there and want to go back to a few more countries

01-10-2014, 02:04 PM
What? What does that even mean?

Do us all a favor and just stop talking.

Thinking about volunteering in an orphanage in Kenya or Tanzania in the next couple of years and wondered if anyone else had done the same or even travelled to the continent?

Cheers for any info/experiences.

I'd suggest that you don't bring much w/ you. Instead, purchase what you need in Kenya. You'll be supporting the Kenyan (or Tanzania) economy.

Andrew Wiggins
01-10-2014, 02:07 PM
What? What does that even mean?

You went to Nairobi, right? How long were you there? Did the constant power outings bother you? That shit was brutal. Any sort of rain means no power.

nah, i was in mombasa for 5 days and most of it was on a resort so it wasn't exactly an accurate representation of the country. i did get to see a good bit of the city and there was some appalling things i saw but for the most part, the locals were very friendly and it was a nice place to visit.