View Full Version : Can someone please explain why alts are acceptable?

01-13-2014, 07:41 PM
Sorry for beating this subject to death but can somebody please explain to me why alternate accounts are allowed?
From the looks of it alternate accounts bring trouble and seems to aggravate a lot of posters. It just seems so senseless.
Why is it allowed? I've seen somebody post that it generates more traffic but how? Are ad hits based on accounts or on IP addresses? Is there some sort of bonus payout for the number of members a site has? Please explain the advertisement side. I've asked before but never had it answered

01-13-2014, 07:46 PM
Well ad sales are generated by clicks or page views so imagine when RG has all 23 of his alts up and running and arguing with themselves? we talking big cash...lol

I mean one good Kobe Lebron thread attended by RG's army and Jeff's doing the old Red Lobster right

01-13-2014, 07:48 PM
Well ad sales are generated by clicks or page views so imagine when RG has all 23 of his alts up and running and arguing with themselves? we talking big cash...lol

I mean one good Kobe Lebron thread attended by RG's army and Jeff's doing the old Red Lobster right

So if RG clicks an ad ALL his accounts count as an ad hit per each account?

01-13-2014, 07:51 PM
So if RG clicks an ad ALL his accounts count as an ad hit per each account?
I'm pretty sure yeah. Unless the ads only allow one IP per click registered than it wouldn't matter how many of one single persons IP hits x amount of ads.

I believe you would have to click multiple different ads.

01-13-2014, 07:55 PM
I actually have 4 alts. One of them I've never even used because I forgot the password AND the password to the email that I would have to use to change the password. The other ones are out there but rarely used though :oldlol:

01-13-2014, 08:02 PM
I'm pretty sure yeah. Unless the ads only allow one IP per click registered than it wouldn't matter how many of one single persons IP hits x amount of ads.

I believe you would have to click multiple different ads.

Then back to my point, the alternate accounts are useless towards ads, if the second part is true

01-13-2014, 08:03 PM
Because sometimes you undeservedly banned and you still want to stick around.

Let's be real, you really have to go out of your way to be banned. You can get away with a lot on here.
Jeff is a very easy going guy all things considering, same with the admins

01-13-2014, 08:04 PM
I actually have 4 alts. One of them I've never even used because I forgot the password AND the password to the email that I would have to use to change the password. The other ones are out there but rarely used though :oldlol:

Yeah but they were used for entertainment, not to be a douche.
But latina heat was kind of douchey :lol

01-13-2014, 08:06 PM
Yeah she's a firecracker

01-13-2014, 08:08 PM
If pulled correctly I think they are very entertaining.

01-13-2014, 08:09 PM
You shouldn't ban ip for obvious reasons.

01-13-2014, 08:09 PM
So if RG clicks an ad ALL his accounts count as an ad hit per each account?

Well it's also page views and active accounts and a myriad of other things... It's not any one thing.

There's also the crawlers that constantly check the website for updates... Google alone may have 20 of them scanning the entire site for changes, I know that's what google uses for ad content... It's why you can make a thread here and search google 10 minutes later and have it show up in search results

01-13-2014, 08:11 PM
Let's be real, you really have to go out of your way to be banned. You can get away with a lot on here.
Jeff is a very easy going guy all things considering, same with the admins

This is true.. you have to really cross a line to get banned here, Jeff and Steve and whomever are very lenient.. sometimes even overly so if you ask me but it's not my site... If you get banned here you screwed up

01-13-2014, 08:13 PM
Well it's also page views and active accounts and a myriad of other things... It's not any one thing.

There's also the crawlers that constantly check the website for updates... Google alone may have 20 of them scanning the entire site for changes, I know that's what google uses for ad content... It's why you can make a thread here and search google 10 minutes later and have it show up in search results

Can you dumb it down a bit for me? You're talking to a dinosaur who doesn't know what "check it" means :lol

01-13-2014, 08:30 PM
Can you dumb it down a bit for me? You're talking to a dinosaur who doesn't know what "check it" means :lol

There's a ton of companies that's business is monitoring websites, they make reports that advertisers subscribe to...

They don't just count clicks or IP addy's. As a mater of fact IP addy's are private all that can be used for is to generate geographic information and or as you may have seen some custom tailored ads directed at you on certain sites like Facebook

They take in lots of info, site views or visits to the site, page views, every time somebody clicks on a new link like when you open up a thread or are bouncing between a few threads on a site that takes you to a new page it's another page view...

They check how long people are staying on the site, i forget the name of that but it's why a place like CNN offers s much content on a page, they get you there looking at one thing but by adding in all those links to photo galleries and vids, older articles etc etc etc they are hoping you just camp out there for the morning and how long you are camped there is what is used as part of the basis for what they charge advertisers

I did a wordpress blog for my sister, we were monitoring the site and after she posted an article she had something crazy like 1000 page views within 4 hours and she was all excited yes! then upon further review 98% of the views were from various web research companies... lol

Google alone had crawled the page over 80 times from over 60 different IP addresses

01-13-2014, 08:38 PM
This is true.. you have to really cross a line to get banned here, Jeff and Steve and whomever are very lenient.. sometimes even overly so if you ask me but it's not my site... If you get banned here you screwed up

Nah, I disagree. Jeff is extremely erratic with his banning. You can ruin the entire main forum if you please, in that sense it's very lenient. You can blatantly run scams and steal from other members on ISH and that's all cool.

But make legitimate posts about common browser functionality, rival websites or anything condemning Israeli war crimes and you are at a high risk of getting banned.

01-13-2014, 08:46 PM
What is the point of having an alt though? Are you so dedicated to what is going on on this forum that you take time to create an alt and actually stick with the whole shtick?

Just IP ban all the alts and notice how the level will go up.

Also, anybody notice that the forum these days is full of users from this year and last year? Basically alts.. And if that is the case and ad money are generated by IP's and not clicks, it doesn't make any sense to allow the alts. They actually make sure that the good posters leave.

01-13-2014, 08:50 PM
What is the point of having an alt though? Are you so dedicated to what is going on on this forum that you take time to create an alt and actually stick with the whole shtick?


01-13-2014, 09:32 PM
Back when I was royally pissing off Steve with my alts like Flo, e-Thugzstylez, etc dude has a sensitive ban trigger finger, but since I've slowed up, he's slowed up. Many, many years ago once, I forget which account I was using, but dude threatened to contact my employer or something like that, and all I was doing was trying to entertain folks. Trying to help the day (my day) go by much quicker. That's all. It was nothing personal, but sometimes I think Steve be takin' it that way though. I know sometimes it's Jeff who does the banning, but mostly it's Steve. I kinda wish they'd un-ban my Legend of Josh account. It's been gone for a minute now. I've never "officially" asked them to un-ban my flagship account, like you know, send a message to the site master or however you're supposed to do it, and I ain't going to neither, I ain't no beggin' little bitch, but if you guys could please, PLEASE, PLEASE get my shit back, dude'll be good.

I'll be good. No more bad poster. I will leave my sinful ways behind, and if a e-ga turn back, just like old Hebrew law, shall thy e-ga turn to salt or whatever.


No, wait, maybe it was this one.


But yo my man, at any rate we was all like this:


... havin' this crazy as all hell bang a bitch in the pooper drop and turn you all to stone and shit. Yo, that e-ga with the mean mug, that's Steve.

01-13-2014, 09:32 PM
I actually have 4 alts. One of them I've never even used because I forgot the password AND the password to the email that I would have to use to change the password. The other ones are out there but rarely used though :oldlol:
You're def the Coyote

01-13-2014, 09:35 PM
Steve is the one who bans. He told me.

01-13-2014, 09:36 PM
Let's be real, you really have to go out of your way to be banned. You can get away with a lot on here.
Jeff is a very easy going guy all things considering, same with the admins
Not really.

01-13-2014, 09:37 PM
What is the point of having an alt though? Are you so dedicated to what is going on on this forum that you take time to create an alt and actually stick with the whole shtick?.

*Slim Charles voice*

Ah yo, when it come to these here alts, we all the same, with or without one. I got the shotgun, you got the briefcase. When the sun goes down, a tit stay a tit. It gonna get sucked on regardless.

There is no point to having one, that's the point. Any rhyme or reason done been gone. It not 'bout that youngin' ya heard? It's about being bored as as **** and makin' the most out of your computer in the middle of the day, killin' that time, nah mean?


01-13-2014, 09:38 PM
You're def the Coyote

Lol actually that's not one of mine. One of my greatest regrets is not coming up with that idea first

01-13-2014, 09:38 PM
I actually have 4 alts. One of them I've never even used because I forgot the password AND the password to the email that I would have to use to change the password. The other ones are out there but rarely used though :oldlol:
i knew you were wild e :eek:

01-13-2014, 09:50 PM
The greatest alt creators are b-low, jtotheizzo, j$, and kwajo. Anyone else should ask permission or advice how to do it right

01-13-2014, 10:32 PM
You can get banned for numerous reasons, the amount of sand accumulated in this douche "Steve" va.gina being the fundamental one.