View Full Version : Parts of your childhood you cringe at

01-17-2014, 01:01 AM
What were they

01-17-2014, 01:03 AM
Taking girls so seriously
Jerking off to my teachers in class
Some of my old verses
Other shit that I can't say on here

01-17-2014, 01:08 AM
Taking girls so seriously
Jerking off to my teachers in class
Some of my old verses
Other shit that I can't say on here

01-17-2014, 01:09 AM
Liked to hold my poop in because it gave me butterfly's

01-17-2014, 01:10 AM
Putting things like worms in my mouth

Jumping from the sink into the bathtub

El Gato Negro
01-17-2014, 01:12 AM
can't say i had a bad childhood but broken bones from dirt bike wreaks are no fun to remember.

01-17-2014, 01:13 AM
not taking my sports seriously

01-17-2014, 01:17 AM
Oh man x files made me shit my pants

01-17-2014, 01:18 AM
I used to be scared of the X-Files theme.
i always found it awesome :lol

01-17-2014, 01:21 AM
That chucky movie made me shit my pants

01-17-2014, 01:25 AM
Was scared of girls and scared to fight. Now, I'm fearless.

01-17-2014, 01:26 AM
That chucky movie made me shit my pants

Shit scared me too man. I remember watching for the first time from a hallway at my Grandma's becuz I didn't wanna watch on the bed in the room because a little fckin killer doll could fit under there and grab my ankles when I stepped down :oldlol:

Also, having a FUBU jersey :facepalm

01-17-2014, 01:29 AM
In sixth grade I bought this string book bag by Nike. It wasn't the bag back. It was pretty cool back then I remember thinking I was the shit. I remember even trying it on naked in my room to see what I'd look like with it on for school the next day. This kid took it and stepped on it a few days later.

Man I think I was mentally challenged as a kid.

El Gato Negro
01-17-2014, 01:34 AM
if we are talking movies and tv shows from our childhoods the bad guy in roger rabbit always freaked me out. i also recently tried to go back and watch tales from the crypt and they were so cheesy i can't believe that used to be one of my favorite shows growing up.

01-17-2014, 01:39 AM
That chucky movie made me shit my pants

Saw that shit when I was like 7 and couldn't sleep for a couple weeks :lol

01-17-2014, 01:53 AM
I remember being in various grades throughout elementary school, and coming close to getting into fights but usually punking out. When I advanced into middle school I damn sure made things right and made up for missing out from when I was a few years younger. Not doing something about it while on the spot back then hurt more than it hurts today but I still cringe every now and again when I think about those times I was punk'd and did nothing about it. In fact, those kids in middle and high school probably caught the wrath of my missed opportunities from them elementary days.

Not too much really happened in HS, but dude, middle school was the devils's playground for me. I'll never forget it, I was in either the 7th or 8th grade and one day this dude (who was my friend at the time, or at least I thought) was talking shit about me in front of our friends (said something about my mom or something like that), and later on when we got back in the building and were in line at the water fountain, he was in front of me, he went to take a drink, ducked his head down I grabbed him by the hair pulled his head back and smashed his shit all into the sipping do-hickie and next thing I know he's on the ground blood coming all out his nose.

I must have hit him square on his shit b/c I broke it (or that's what they said, but I think the principle was being all dramatic just to hype up me being in trouble, I don't think I actually broke it). Was suspended 5 days, but in the 7th grade, didn't mean shit, really. I had a lot of hostility up in me back then. Glad that shit didn't/hasn't lingered with me now that I'm an adult. I do have a charge on my record for assaulting a cop, but I was found not guilty. I barely put my hands on dude and the judge seen straight through that bullshit they were trying to stick me with. That wasn't but what, three years ago? I think slowly over time that hostility has creeped back up inside me.

01-17-2014, 02:00 AM
Putting things like worms in my mouth

Jumping from the sink into the bathtub

No doubt, when we were young little niglets we did some crazy shit didn't we? Climbing onto counters, outside buildings then jumping off them shits. LOL, damn I miss them days.

01-17-2014, 02:01 AM
Glad that shit didn't/hasn't lingered with me now that I'm an adult. I do have a charge on my record for assaulting a cop

:roll: :roll: :roll:

01-17-2014, 02:09 AM
I used to be scared of the X-Files theme.

Seriously though, that X-Files theme music today can spook anyone out. That's a timeless tune that is purposely designed to mind-rape you without effort. I can imagine some dude getting the best sex of his life, after being locked up in prison 3 years fresh out right about to climax then the ho's 8 year old son in the other room not knowingly changes the channel to FX at 3 in the morning X-Files theme music blasting and now, he can't blast ... he's forever cursed bc from that point forward for the rest of his life right when he's about to *** that theme music will pop in his head and he won't be able to *** and if he's lucky enough to actually break that "I made it" barrier it'll be bc he's actually attracted to the thoughts of alien tits or putang.

01-17-2014, 02:09 AM
Got into a fight with the kid from earlier who stepped on my bag. Sixth grade. Went into his desk threw all of his shit out the window. Kid charged me and we fought.

9th grade I got suspended and we had this thing called in-house. We happened to went to the same high school and got suspended at the same time. We became cool.

I got suspended in 9th grade for a shock pen. I found a shock pen on the floor and my stupid ass friends wouldn't stop going in my bag and taking it out shocking people. The dean at the time came by and someone shocked him with it. I got suspended for that shit. I think it was the shock gum not the pen. You pull the gum and it shocks you.

He asked who's pen it was I said mine like an idiot. What a ***0t ass suspending me for that shit. Scariest part was my dad came in and had to sign my suspension paper. His death stare almost made me cringe.

01-17-2014, 02:11 AM

01-17-2014, 02:11 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:


Yeah... except that part, I guess?

01-17-2014, 02:20 AM
Also, having a FUBU jersey :facepalm

I'm not gonna lie. When I was 16, I had one too. The one and only I ever bought. I also had a Mecca shit once, and an Ecko shirt too I think around the same time. Helped me get that white ****** whore bitches, but that ho wasn't high grade. I wanted that A&F minority type hanging lips, so I switched up my wardrobe game, and like it's supposed to, worked. Since then been pulling the RL forever and a day, been pulling that clientele ever since. Much of them been white, which is why I say white womenz overrated. Why can't more minority womenz be attracted to a good looking man in Polo? Instead of that bullshit ******s are still wearing today? Whatever though, I';m not going to change what looks good on me just to appease twatts that still desire Fubu and Mecca. I can do without that type.

01-17-2014, 02:22 AM
I remember being in various grades throughout elementary school, and coming close to getting into fights but usually punking out. When I advanced into middle school I damn sure made things right and made up for missing out from when I was a few years younger. Not doing something about it while on the spot back then hurt more than it hurts today but I still cringe every now and again when I think about those times I was punk'd and did nothing about it. In fact, those kids in middle and high school probably caught the wrath of my missed opportunities from them elementary days.

Not too much really happened in HS, but dude, middle school was the devils's playground for me. I'll never forget it, I was in either the 7th or 8th grade and one day this dude (who was my friend at the time, or at least I thought) was talking shit about me in front of our friends (said something about my mom or something like that), and later on when we got back in the building and were in line at the water fountain, he was in front of me, he went to take a drink, ducked his head down I grabbed him by the hair pulled his head back and smashed his shit all into the sipping do-hickie and next thing I know he's on the ground blood coming all out his nose.

I must have hit him square on his shit b/c I broke it (or that's what they said, but I think the principle was being all dramatic just to hype up me being in trouble, I don't think I actually broke it). Was suspended 5 days, but in the 7th grade, didn't mean shit, really. I had a lot of hostility up in me back then. Glad that shit didn't/hasn't lingered with me now that I'm an adult. I do have a charge on my record for assaulting a cop, but I was found not guilty. I barely put my hands on dude and the judge seen straight through that bullshit they were trying to stick me with. That wasn't but what, three years ago? I think slowly over time that hostility has creeped back up inside me.
You don't sound very nice...

01-17-2014, 02:23 AM
You don't sound very nice...

People can change, for better or worse. I like to believe I've changed for the better, but I want my ex back so bad, and she doesn't believe I have (changed), so internally I'm dying inside. Have been for a year or two now and people (family and friends) wonder why I struggle with mind-numbing substances. But I've been drug free many months now, so life is improving regardless of the most ideal relationship or not.

... and the people here who hate me will read this and use it as a dissing tool for many moons to come, I'm just keeping shit real, something those will diss me will never be known for - all good, I just wish someone would offer me words of advice instead of words of malice. That'd be nice for a change.

01-17-2014, 02:24 AM
Man I didn't even wear any sort of name brand back in grade school. I wore shirts with crazy brands and shit. I used to wear my dad's big ass shirts I would steal from his closet because back then baggy clothes were in.

I would buy large and xl because that was in. I can't even fit into that same shirt or shirts I wore in sixth grade now at this age I probably looked like a huge d1ck

01-17-2014, 02:27 AM
Wearing an N.W.A shirt in the 8th grade. I was like 4 foot 10 85 pounds. *cringe*

01-17-2014, 02:32 AM
... and the people here who hate me will read this and use it as a dissing tool for many moons to come, I'm just keeping shit real, something those will diss me will never be known for - all good, I just wish someone would offer me words of advice instead of words of malice. That'd be nice for a change.
I can respect that. I try to do the same on here. You should probably get a therapist though...

01-17-2014, 02:37 AM
Unexplained Mysteries had the same effect on me. It wasn't so much the tune as it was what it meant. X-Files episodes traumatized me as a youth. That shit was as scary as it gets. It's still one of the greatest shows of all time.

Also, SAW has a great theme.

I think you meant "Unsolved Mysteries" ... and yeah, that theme music was mentally and emotionally sharp as a mutha too.

01-17-2014, 02:40 AM
I can respect that. I try to do the same on here. You should probably get a therapist though...

Therapist? Man **** that. I don't need to be told what I already know. Probably just some blood work and a script to be written will suffice.

When it comes to religion I believe in the spirit and mental means of repair and improvement, but I don't need some "talkin' too" professionally, just meet me on the physical front and lets battle these demons together.

01-17-2014, 05:46 AM
I once stepped on a rusty nail Home Alone style.

Saw my next door neighbor piss all over my younger brother.

01-17-2014, 06:37 AM

I hope it was another kid.

Yeah. I was probably about 8 years old, the neighbor was about 6 or 7, and my brother was 5. Years later, the neighbor was somewhat socially awkward and was teased by another kid for doing it. My neighbor's dad somehow went years not knowing that his son pissed on my brother, but found out that he was being teased for it and asked my brother if it was a made up rumor or if it were true. The dad made the mistake of phrasing the question to my brother as something like 'Is it true that my son piddled on you?' My family didn't use the word "piddle" so my brother didn't understand the question and denied it. Not sure if that led to further disputes after the neighbor's dad probably started accusing the other kid of lying.

01-17-2014, 08:35 AM
Unsolved Mysteries! That show I couldn't get out of my tongue. That shit killed my childhood it really did.

01-17-2014, 10:43 AM
being scared to tell a girl i liked her and then having some douchebag in class out me to her :(

01-17-2014, 10:48 AM
Not being able to tell the girl how I truly felt about her. My first crush in middle school was on this girl name Mandy. And in that same class this girl named Ivanna. I remember I liked this Ivanna girl more. The last day of 8th grade two years later I remember having her sign my year book. I wanted to tell her so bad how I felt.

Walked away from her. Then a few minutes later she was gone when I decided to tell her. I ran out in front of the school to find her and she was gone.

**** I forgot her last name. Man I just just just just realized I had class with her in my junior year spanish class and didn't talk to her.

I'm trying to remember her last name probably find her on instagram or some shit.

I'll try to find her if I remember her last name and I'll tell her how I felt. The difference that I have now is confidence, I've never been so confident to talk to girls and tell them how I feel. You just have to play it smooth. I got this after high school. Took a while but I'm not upset it took this long to get it. It's never too late.

01-17-2014, 10:57 AM
-Being awkward/weird/clingy with certain girls. I should have worked through the fear and unknown and took charge of the situation.

-Having the shittiest relationship with my parents.

Le Shaqtus
01-17-2014, 12:43 PM
-Wish I took Track more seriously, I could have been running in College if I really tried.
-Being sad over girls when I knew it wouldn't work out anyway
-Shitty Grades in school

01-17-2014, 05:26 PM
Skateboarding and riding scooters down really steep unsafe hills and streets almost got hit by a car.

01-17-2014, 05:55 PM
Being a little b1tch. I dated this hot girl that looked exactly like mila kunis, super nice girl too. Got along well but I was too much of a b1tch to keep it up. I would be embarrassed of being seen with her in front of my friends so she broke it off because I rarely talked to her. She tried getting back with me and I just ignored her. Eventually I outgrew the shyness and selfishness but I missed a lot of opportunities with a couple cool chicks because of this.

01-17-2014, 06:02 PM
Being a little b1tch. I dated this hot girl that looked exactly like mila kunis, super nice girl too. Got along well but I was too much of a b1tch to keep it up. I would be embarrassed of being seen with her in front of my friends so she broke it off because I rarely talked to her. She tried getting back with me and I just ignored her. Eventually I outgrew the shyness and selfishness but I missed a lot of opportunities with a couple cool chicks because of this.
what the fvck was wrong with you?

Mr. Jabbar
01-17-2014, 06:30 PM
Saw my next door neighbor piss all over my younger brother.

damn, i hope your lil bro doesnt remember any of it, such experience could turn an alpha into a beta

01-17-2014, 06:40 PM
****** stage in middle school like every other cliche suburban white kid.

edit - Is w*gger seriously censored? :oldlol:

01-17-2014, 06:42 PM
having my mom write me a note every friday excusing me for gym class, because the other boys made fun of me for being skinny and not having gotten pubic hair yet......even had to transfer school several times due to me being bullied.......... damm my school years were horrible

01-17-2014, 06:43 PM
damn, i hope your lil bro doesnt remember any of it, such experience could turn an alpha into a beta
What if he liked it :confusedshrug:

Le Shaqtus
01-17-2014, 07:02 PM
****** stage in middle school like every other cliche suburban white kid.

edit - Is w*gger seriously censored? :oldlol:

I was one and I didn't even realise it, I wore jorts my freshman year of high school and my mom bought me polo's that were too big for me. But I'd just moved from England so I didn't know any better, shit was rough :lol as soon as I figured it out my sophomore year I got rid of all my jorts and polo's.

01-17-2014, 07:04 PM
Lol, remember copping a feel in middle school in an awkward way. This bitch in front of me in the lunch line had a nice ass, so I kind of stuck my hand out in front of me in anticipation that she would stagger backwards or something, and me feeling that ass would look like an accident.

She eventually did and it didn't look like an accident.

Also remember humping my friend's couch and getting off when I was maybe 12 and trying to play it off like I was taking a nap thinking he wouldn't know.

Not being forceful enough. There was a bitch that would pretty much molest me daily in my culinary arts class. So one day, we went to bathroom together, I asked if she gave head and she said no, so we just went back into the classroom awkwardly. Should have just put my dick in her face.

Fake gangbanging in middle school. Ha, that shit ended quick.

Cool thread.

01-17-2014, 07:47 PM
I used to be scared of the X-Files theme.

Yes! The Outer Limits came on after it and that show scared me as well...

I don't really cringe at anything though... I didn't know any better. Oh wait, my username on this site.

01-17-2014, 08:47 PM
When I was 15-16 we thought it was cool to drink too much alcohol and we'd just get sick and pass out. Cringe at that.

When I was about the same age I scratched a dead kennedys logo into my arm because I wanted a tattoo of it then had to hide it from my family, scars still there but it's more of an X now.

01-17-2014, 08:53 PM
-being a little bitch in many moments
-trying to make friends with the wrong people

01-17-2014, 08:56 PM
Lol, remember copping a feel in middle school in an awkward way. This bitch in front of me in the lunch line had a nice ass, so I kind of stuck my hand out in front of me in anticipation that she would stagger backwards or something, and me feeling that ass would look like an accident.

She eventually did and it didn't look like an accident.

Also remember humping my friend's couch and getting off when I was maybe 12 and trying to play it off like I was taking a nap thinking he wouldn't know.

Not being forceful enough. There was a bitch that would pretty much molest me daily in my culinary arts class. So one day, we went to bathroom together, I asked if she gave head and she said no, so we just went back into the classroom awkwardly. Should have just put my dick in her face.

Fake gangbanging in middle school. Ha, that shit ended quick.

Cool thread.

I used to stick my dick inside the crease of our couch almost daily.... around 11-12... couldn't *** yet but had mad orgasms from it.

Jacking off with the hand just wasn't an option at that age..... now my dick is all ****ed up from the self induced trauma from humping couches, pillows, sheets, blankets, and even did it with two books when we went on vacation because I wasn't ever able to get alone long enough to jack off.... I took these two books from my Aunt's shelf and took them to the bathroom and did my business. I was so horny that day it was unbelievable...

01-17-2014, 09:00 PM
I was one and I didn't even realise it, I wore jorts my freshman year of high school and my mom bought me polo's that were too big for me. But I'd just moved from England so I didn't know any better, shit was rough :lol as soon as I figured it out my sophomore year I got rid of all my jorts and polo's.

I'm so proud of myself that i never went into that ****** phase, I had a friend who was a pale, freckled red head who started wearing fubu hats, fubu jerseys and oversized jeans with like gold dragons and shit on them. Not even real ones, he got knock off chinese ones that were dodgy. Was embarrassing being seen with him luckily it didn't last long because people gave him shit for it.

I suppose another one I'd have to add is teasing kids in school, I wasn't a bully or anything like that but like all kids there were times I gave shit to people who would have had a horrible experience all through school and now I feel bad about it.

01-17-2014, 09:01 PM
Worrying so much about what others thought of me was a big one. One example of this was my driving situation in high school. I was late in getting my drivers license, and I always felt really embarrassed that I had to still rely on the school bus/parents to get me to places. What I would give for someone to drive me around now. :lol

01-17-2014, 09:09 PM
I was one and I didn't even realise it, I wore jorts my freshman year of high school and my mom bought me polo's that were too big for me. But I'd just moved from England so I didn't know any better, shit was rough :lol as soon as I figured it out my sophomore year I got rid of all my jorts and polo's.

Lol I was never that bad but I definitely dressed in a way that I couldn't pull off. Had some fila's, bball jerseys, and fitted hats with a straight brim. Clothes fit a little too big and I would sag my pants. Now I look back and cringe because it just looks horrible and it was way too much about trying to portray some BS image. Luckily I pretty much grew out of it entirely by HS.

01-17-2014, 09:33 PM
When my sister found me m4sturbating in my bed when she came into my room unannounced...that was a couple of months ago...:facepalm:

01-17-2014, 09:37 PM
When my sister found me m4sturbating in my bed when she came into my room unannounced...that was a couple of months ago...:facepalm:


01-17-2014, 09:38 PM
When my sister found me m4sturbating in my bed when she came into my room unannounced...that was a couple of months ago...:facepalm:
You're what... 30 years old? :lol

How old is your sister? That is absolutely terrifying to think about. 30 year old dude caught stroking his cawk by his 20 something year old sister.

Did she offer you a hand? I let my cousin suck my dick when we were 12.

01-17-2014, 09:39 PM
You're what... 30 years old? :lol

How old is your sister? That is absolutely terrifying to think about. 30 year old dude caught stroking his cawk by his 20 something year old sister.

Did she offer you a hand? I let my cousin suck my dick when we were 12.


01-17-2014, 09:43 PM
You're what... 30 years old? :lol

How old is your sister? That is absolutely terrifying to think about. 30 year old dude caught stroking his cawk by his 20 something year old sister.

Did she offer you a hand? I let my cousin suck my dick when we were 12.
I am 27 and she is 26:lol

I don't even know what she was doing there to begin with....

I never had cringeworthy childhood moments:oldlol:

01-17-2014, 09:55 PM
I am 27 and she is 26:lol

I don't even know what she was doing there to begin with....

I never had cringeworthy childhood moments:oldlol:
If only your little sister wasn't fat. Could have finished.

01-17-2014, 09:56 PM
If only your little sister wasn't fat. Could have finished.

What's wrong with you man?

01-17-2014, 09:57 PM
When my sister found me m4sturbating in my bed when she came into my room unannounced...that was a couple of months ago...:facepalm:
:lol winner

What happened what did she say?

Did she offered you to give it a stroke?

01-17-2014, 10:27 PM
:lol winner

What happened what did she say?

Did she offered you to give it a stroke?
No she just acted like nothing happened. It was akward from my point of perspective though...

It's a good thing I only have sex with my not really my gf at her house:lol

I can't imagine her catching us together...

King Jane
01-17-2014, 10:33 PM
All y'all sounds weak minded af :oldlol: I ain't had no bad moments I'm still young but I'm straight tuff no1 fukks wit me

01-17-2014, 10:42 PM
All y'all sounds weak minded af :oldlol: I ain't had no bad moments I'm still young but I'm straight tuff no1 fukks wit me
Call me when you are older than 15....:facepalm

01-17-2014, 10:51 PM
One time my girls sister caught me on top of my girl shirtless banging her but I played it off by meer seconds pretended I was hugging her but she was 16 she knew exactly what was happening deep down inside

01-17-2014, 10:55 PM
One time my girls sister caught me on top of my girl shirtless banging her but I played it off by meer seconds pretended I was hugging her but she was 16 she knew exactly what was happening deep down inside

At least she knows you're not gay...:cheers:

Le Shaqtus
01-17-2014, 10:55 PM
All y'all sounds weak minded af :oldlol: I ain't had no bad moments I'm still young but I'm straight tuff no1 fukks wit me

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/811/3l90.png (https://imageshack.com/i/mj3l90p)

01-18-2014, 04:54 PM
Put too much faith in authority, succumbed to fear, made poor decisions.

Good news I s that I'm gonna be wreckless in the next decade lol

Fresh Kid
01-18-2014, 05:08 PM
being depressed and suicidal at 13 that almost killed me, almost drowned when i was 7, idk there's too much.

01-18-2014, 10:58 PM
I used to believe WWF was real back when I was 6 or 7. My friends at the time and I used to play wrestling every break time, mostly clotheslines because none of us knew that all the suplexes and stuff are assisted.

Then when I was about 15 I used to play COD too much

01-18-2014, 11:18 PM
Jameer's time on ISH will be a big one for him.

01-18-2014, 11:41 PM
Jameer's time on ISH will be a big one for him.