View Full Version : When the shit's about to go down....

Patrick Chewing
01-18-2014, 11:49 PM

When the shit's about to go down, what type of person would you say you are?

Fight? or Flight?

I know that your answer probably depends on the type of situation, but let's assume for all intents and purposes that in every situation, your life was on the line. Whether you made a wrong turn down an alley and have to turn back but can't, or you're face to face with a grizzly bear and you know damn well he's got you on the run if so choose to do so. What would you do and why?

01-18-2014, 11:51 PM
Turn the bear into a coat and sell it at the thrift shop

01-18-2014, 11:55 PM
Neither, you think and try to figure your way out and fight if you have to. If you are purely fight you are ****ed in some situations, i don't care how tough you are. I'm pretty calm in bad situations. I have bad food allergies, and I've had two situations where if i didn't calm down, work my breathing (which was becoming near impossible) I would have died. Teaches you to be calm.

People always say they can fight their way out of situations but I got surrounded once by 20 kids looking for someone and it turned out not to be me, and I talked my way out of a beating for the hell of it. There was no "fight" option, i would have been killed.

Patrick Chewing
01-19-2014, 12:03 AM
Neither, you think and try to figure your way out and fight if you have to. If you are purely fight you are ****ed in some situations, i don't care how tough you are. I'm pretty calm in bad situations. I have bad food allergies, and I've had two situations where if i didn't calm down, work my breathing (which was becoming near impossible) I would have died. Teaches you to be calm.

People always say they can fight their way out of situations but I got surrounded once by 20 kids looking for someone and it turned out not to be me, and I talked my way out of a beating for the hell of it. There was no "fight" option, i would have been killed.

I don't know man. In either situation your life is on the line. Doubt you'll be able to reason with a bear unless you have a weapon on you. I've been jumped before, but the human species is the most cruel and stupid of all, so there was no amount of reasoning I would be able to do to see my way out of it. If someone is going to hurt you, they are going to hurt you. The question is, do you make a mad dash for safety, or do you fight to the death or to save your life?

01-19-2014, 12:05 AM
Neither, you think and try to figure your way out and fight if you have to. If you are purely fight you are ****ed in some situations, i don't care how tough you are. I'm pretty calm in bad situations. I have bad food allergies, and I've had two situations where if i didn't calm down, work my breathing (which was becoming near impossible) I would have died. Teaches you to be calm.

People always say they can fight their way out of situations but I got surrounded once by 20 kids looking for someone and it turned out not to be me, and I talked my way out of a beating for the hell of it. There was no "fight" option, i would have been killed.

He said fight or flight. "Lie" wasn't an option.

01-19-2014, 12:08 AM
So the question is would we fight a grizzly bear, or run from it?

That's a real noggin scratcher...

01-19-2014, 12:10 AM
I don't know man. In either situation your life is on the line. Doubt you'll be able to reason with a bear unless you have a weapon on you. I've been jumped before, but the human species is the most cruel and stupid of all, so there was no amount of reasoning I would be able to do to see my way out of it. If someone is going to hurt you, they are going to hurt you. The question in, do you make a mad dash for safety, or do you fight to the death or to save your life?

All animals are evolved to avoid danger unless it has an inherent advantage in size or claws or whatever. That's why even snakes or wolves or whatever will avoid people unless the person is wandering too close to their den or it mistakes the person for food. Animals don't just go "looking" for fights. If they attack it's for a reason. If you attack them, whether they run away or fight back pretty much just depends on the animal.

I mean, you're asking if a person would instinctively run away from a grizzly bear, or want to stand there and try to "fight" it. I mean... what??

Patrick Chewing
01-19-2014, 12:12 AM
So the question is would we fight a grizzly bear, or run from it?

That's a real noggin scratcher...

LOL have you never seen The Edge??

I never said what the outcome would be of your decision. Sure, you can run, but that bear will likely catch up to you and will hunt you for days, weeks, etc.
So that may be an easy decision for some, but it does not guarantee anything.

Patrick Chewing
01-19-2014, 12:15 AM
I mean, you're asking if a person would instinctively run away from a grizzly bear, or want to stand there and try to "fight" it. I mean... what??

I'm sure there is a statistic out there that shows that more people survive a possible bear attack if they actually stand their ground to it, but let's not worry about that right now.

I guess the question is, if you're a reasonable clear thinker and your life is in danger, but you know that running is certainly an option, and it could very well be a futile one, would you then just die fighting? Try anything in your power to get this bear the hell away from you? Or would you still take your chance and make a run for it?

01-19-2014, 12:15 AM
If it's with a ****ing bear, I'm doing my best Usain Bolt impression

01-19-2014, 12:23 AM
I'm sure there is a statistic out there that shows that more people survive a possible bear attack if they actually stand their ground to it, but let's not worry about that right now.

I guess the question is, if you're a reasonable clear thinker and your life is in danger, but you know that running is certainly an option, and it could very well be a futile one, would you then just die fighting? Try anything in your power to get this bear the hell away from you? Or would you still take your chance and make a run for it?

Well, all I can tell you is that people and all animals are evolved to make their judgments based on circumstances. Squirrels don't get shook when a grasshopper walks by but they do when a fox does. I mean if you strip away all context and circumstance, any person's normal instinct would be to run from a grizzly bear.

Now as analytical humans, we're gonna try and bring logic into. Maybe there's a big stick near your feet and that'll give you a better chance than the futility of running. Or maybe there's a big enough group of people nearby you can run to and if they hear you screaming they can come help scare the bear away. But if you're asking on a purely instinctive level... everyone will run from a bear. If you use a deer as an example, then of course it changes. Then only deucewallaces would run.

It's all context.

01-19-2014, 12:31 AM
You cannot run away from a bear. Period. End of story. Your only option if you're within 100 feet of a bear is to remain calm and still.

As for humans, I'm going to try to talk my way out of it (I've done it before) and if not then I will defend myself, however I've never had to do so.

01-19-2014, 01:09 AM
If it was a bear, I think I would prob just stay still and make my peace w/ whatever would happen.

01-19-2014, 01:27 AM
Fight. I consciously avoid dangerous scenario's though. But you make it seem like 'flight' is not an option, I mean, an alley that you are 'too far' into to turn back? Bears that are well documented to be much much faster than any human can run? If you can't turn and run than your mind already knows not to waste time with flight or am I missing something here? :confusedshrug:

01-19-2014, 01:28 AM


01-19-2014, 01:31 AM
If it's with a ****ing bear, I'm doing my best Usain Bolt impression
If you don't panic, and make it known to them that you're aware of them and not afraid of them but will respect their space by backing away slowly you'll be fine. If you do what you just said you'd do, RIP. Running will trigger the predatory chase instinct. Ever seen a cat's eyes light up when you dangle a string in front of them? That's you to the bear if you run. I hope you live in the city because your instinctive reaction towards big predatory animals would get you killed in no time out in bear country.

01-19-2014, 01:39 AM
A much better example would be human vs human.

Say some dude who's bigger than you and probably stronger than you initiates a fight with you in front of other people.

Do you stand your ground and fight the asshole, or do you make up excuses/back away?

I've seen many instances growing up where people had a clear "fight or flight" response when faced with a physical challenge like so. There would be the kids who wouldn't take shit from anyone who were down to fight no matter the disadvantage and then there would be kids who backed out/looked shook even if they did have the physical advantage. Which person are you?

I'm probably somewhere in between. I've been in fights... adrenaline takes over, pride comes into play, other people around, can't back out like a bitch... even though the 'flight' instinct is always the safer choice, you get labeled a wimp/*****, etc... and that actually effects the way people look at you. There are times when you have to 'prove' you're not someone to be ****ed with.

But then there are times when you're in a precarious situation where the fight instinct could get you killed.

01-19-2014, 01:43 AM
If you don't panic, and make it known to them that you're aware of them and not afraid of them but will respect their space by backing away slowly you'll be fine. If you do what you just said you'd do, RIP. Running will trigger the predatory chase instinct. Ever seen a cat's eyes light up when you dangle a string in front of them? That's you to the bear if you run.
If the Bear is hungry that mother ****er isn't going to just think to himself.... "This guy is clearly not scared of me, and is actually respecting my space! I'll let this one go"

... You'll get eaten 10 times out of 10 if you don't have any rocks or sticks to throw at the ****er.

You say you would be calm but if actually faced with that situation you're running for your life, period. Easy to say you would just try to back away calmly from a ****ing bear. :oldlol:

Who the **** are you kidding?

01-19-2014, 01:44 AM
Flight like a gazelle. Why should I fight anyways?

01-19-2014, 01:45 AM
If it was a bear, I think I would prob just stay still and make my peace w/ whatever would happen.
No, you would run for your ****ing life.

01-19-2014, 01:48 AM
If the Bear is hungry that mother ****er isn't going to just think to himself.... "This guy is clearly not scared of me, and is actually respecting my space! I'll let this one go"

... You'll get eaten 10 times out of 10 if you don't have any rocks or sticks to throw at the ****er.

You say you would be calm but if actually faced with that situation you're running for your life, period. Easy to say you would just try to back away calmly from a ****ing bear. :oldlol:

Who the **** are you kidding?
Bears (aside from Polar Bears) are omnivores and opportunistic carnivores, not active predators. They do not prey on humans with intent to feast. Humans are not on their menu bro. You are just another off-limits large-scale animal in their space so long as you don't scurry away and act like food would act. The biggest things bears usually prey on is deer/moose/bison fawns. Occasionally they will track and take down big animals if the large prey animals are sensed to not be healthy and showing signs of weakness, such as smells of infection, signs of a limp etc. Humans interact and share space with bears all the time across north america. There would be a huge problem if humans were on a bears menu. But we aren't, so there isn't one.

01-19-2014, 01:50 AM
No, you would run for your ****ing life.
Ridiculous, no way, if that is your serious reaction to a bear you're as good as dead. Heck, better off dead for being so ignorant at how you SHOULD react to a bear encounter. :oldlol:

You don't live around bears do you? Bears live in my area, we are taught how to react to them in encounters, and how not to, and the reasons behind why. What you suggest is the proper reaction would be your own death sentence.

01-19-2014, 01:55 AM
Bears (aside from Polar Bears) are omnivores and opportunistic carnivores, not active predators. They do not prey on humans with intent to feast. Humans are not on their menu bro. You are just another off-limits large-scale animal in their space so long as you don't scurry away and act like food would act. The biggest things bears usually prey on is deer/moose/bison fawns. Occasionally they will track and take down big animals if the large prey animals are sensed to not be healthy and showing signs of weakness, such as smells of infection, signs of a limp etc. Humans interact and share space with bears all the time across north america. There would be a huge problem if humans were on a bears menu. But we aren't, so there isn't one.

It also depends if the bear comes onto you first...

If I happen to see a Bear, and notice that it's looking at me... then my initial instinct would be to stay calm and back away slowly like you said.

But if it makes a move, I'm gone.

01-19-2014, 02:05 AM
It also depends if the bear comes onto you first...

If I happen to see a Bear, and notice that it's looking at me... then my initial instinct would be to stay calm and back away slowly like you said.

But if it makes a move, I'm gone.
Than I'll say this, know your bear, black bears bluff charge - black bears are what live in my area, we are instructed to hold ground against them even if they make a move at you - because that's part of what their 'act' is when you get up into their business and need to back off. They'll charge you but stop just in front of you, they just want you to leave. Also instructed not to climb trees as some sort of means of escape. Black bears climb trees better than people can.

Running is a no-no against ANY bear species, they can all outrun you. With Brown bears which don't live in my area, people are instructed to do the same calm backing away but if that shit makes a move I don't know, play dead? Luckily I don't live in Brown bear area's. In brown bear country it's a good idea to carry bear-mace, which is like mace for humans but with a 40 foot range and in a gigantic container. In polar bear country you carry a gun. Polar bears like I said, are not under the 'opportunistic carnivore' category, they are active predators, and they will hunt and eat humans. Luckily, humans don't live where they live.

01-19-2014, 02:13 AM
Shit's about to go down? If a bear is aggressive enough, then it doesn't matter. I'll just follow my caveman instincts and die running like a b!tch

01-19-2014, 02:15 AM

Found a picture of Cavs. Such bravery and knowledge on the way of bears! :rockon:
That guy died - but he was not encountering bears, he was living with them :oldlol:

01-19-2014, 02:16 AM
Than I'll say this, know your bear, black bears bluff charge - black bears are what live in my area, we are instructed to hold ground against them even if they make a move at you - because that's part of what their 'act' is when you get up into their business and need to back off. They'll charge you but stop just in front of you, they just want you to leave. Also instructed not to climb trees as some sort of means of escape. Black bears climb trees better than people can.

Running is a no-no against ANY bear species, they can all outrun you. With Brown bears which don't live in my area, people are instructed to do the same calm backing away but if that shit makes a move I don't know, play dead? Luckily I don't live in Brown bear area's. In brown bear country it's a good idea to carry bear-mace, which is like mace for humans but with a 40 foot range and in a gigantic container. In polar bear country you carry a gun. Polar bears like I said, are not under the 'opportunistic carnivore' category, they are active predators, and they will hunt and eat humans. Luckily, humans don't live where they live.
And again, it's all about circumstance. If you're out in the open, then of course you can't outrun a bear. But in the forest, where theres a chance you can evade the predator, most likely you're booking it.

I wonder how many people who had a life-time of training in regards to surviving a bear encounter still ran for their life when faced with said situation.

There's no clear cut answer here. Every single individual bear is different. I don't care what the book says, if the bear is hungry then I don't see dude being calm about the situation.

It's all about the situation. Both are flight instincts anyway... one is just more obvious than the other.

01-19-2014, 02:26 AM
I know who he is, dude.

Cavs, if you really think your knowledge works in real life situations against real wild bears, then you're drunk. :confusedshrug:
Yeah sure, for some reason I wonder what would have happened had all these people scattered like prey:


Good luck with your first bear encounter running like your instinct tells you to do moe94 :cheers: :oldlol:

Don't listen to so-called experts who 'think' they know it all: http://youtu.be/O1kcbfhtNYs?t=5m

01-19-2014, 02:39 AM
Yes, I usually have to deal with bears. It's such a hassle, you know. :confusedshrug:

Listen, if a bear notices you, it's already over. Stop acting like you're the Terminator with no emotions as if you wouldn't shit yourself or your limbs wouldn't turn into noodles. I'm not saying I'd run, I'm saying I'd have a heart attack and shit myself. There's no escape. You're completely at their will. To act like there is some protocol is asinine and borderline insanity.
Then the bear be like:


Best survival advice in this thread.

Moe, the bear survival expert. :applause:

01-19-2014, 02:40 AM
Yes, I usually have to deal with bears. It's such a hassle, you know. :confusedshrug:

Listen, if a bear notices you, it's already over. Stop acting like you're the Terminator with no emotions as if you wouldn't shit yourself or your limbs wouldn't turn into noodles. I'm not saying I'd run, I'm saying I'd have a heart attack and shit myself. There's no escape. You're completely at their will. To act like there is some protocol is asinine and borderline insanity.
"if a bear notices you, it's already over" :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

****ing a man are you seriously this scared of wildlife? City slickers like you should keep to talking about urban life, you trying to talk like bears are out for blood man, it's ridiculous, I hike outdoors in bear country, I backpack, I mountain bike, I sleep out in the open in a tent in state forests where bears live etc and I guarantee you bears know I'm there before I ever even know they are around, their senses are better than mine and any other persons - they AVOID people, they aren't out looking for human meat, it's rare to even stumble upon a bear if you do you were probably downwind and being very quiet. **** it though, you live in your own little world where "if it notices you, you're dead" :lol

01-19-2014, 02:51 AM
No, you would run for your ****ing life.

I could never really say what would happen because that is a pure adrenaline situation but I think I'd freeze

01-19-2014, 02:55 AM
I could never really say what would happen because that is a pure adrenaline situation but I think I'd freeze
Good post. I could see myself freezing up as well if a bear was looking at me.

It's purely adrenaline and who really knows what would happen in that scenario.

01-19-2014, 02:57 AM
I know that your answer probably depends on the type of situation, but let's assume for all intents and purposes that in every situation, your life was on the line. Whether you made a wrong turn down an alley and have to turn back but can't, or you're face to face with a grizzly bear and you know damn well he's got you on the run if so choose to do so. What would you do and why?

For a grizzly bear aren't you supposed to play dead while for smaller bears act all alpha or is that backwards? For a bear, I'd probably try to back away slowly showing that mother****er respect and to get out of his area.

01-19-2014, 03:07 AM
As for a flight vs fight with some ppl, I'll leave with a quote from Isaac Asimov, "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."

01-19-2014, 03:16 AM
You're deluded as hell. The joke of all of this is that you really think you're dropping knowledge as if I don't know all this and that none of this means anything in real life situations, which is my real point.
You're still here? Thought I showed you the exit city boy stop talking about bears and wildlife like it's all out for blood. I see bear scat, scratchings on trees, and bear tracks all the time when I hike, and I don't freeze up or get nervous when I do like some bear is gonna pop out the corner and eat me, if you actually live in bear areas you're educated about them and learn they are just another omnivore that rarely eats meat, fears humans, and forages for food in the forest. You learn how to react if you do encounter one a little too close for your own and it's own comfort, and you learn how NOT to react if that happens. Running should NEVER be how you react, period.

To me, and to people I know who also hike or are active outdoors in my area a bear is no more or less unnerving than encountering a deer or coyote. I carry a camera on me when I hike, bike, camp etc. I promise you guys if I ever do encounter a bear and live to tell the tale, which I will because assuming I'm dead just because I saw a bear is retarded, I'll be posting footage just to expose the nonsense guys like moe94 are trying to spread. Heaven forbid a bloodthirsty black bear get's it's paws on you omg how scary!!!!111 :oldlol:

Browse Youtube and take a look at how many people post clips of close encounters with pesky black bears going through their trash or backpacks out in the woods, let me know how many of those clips ended with the uploader running for their lives and escaping - vs standing their ground and getting 'killed' - they all react the same, they all hold their ground and the bears always meander away, you guys acting like 'real life' is totally different than what they tell you to do are foolish, fine don't trust conventional wisdom - you'll be killed your first bear encounter :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
01-19-2014, 03:25 AM
As for a flight vs fight with some ppl, I'll leave with a quote from Isaac Asimov, "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."

Let me ask you this. You're at a convenience store late at night and you're close to the counter looking at the choices when a guy with a ski mask runs in and is trying to rob the place with a gun. He points the gun at you to stay where you are, then back to the clerk. He clarifies that if you run he's going to shoot you, but the guy is primarily there to rob the joint.

What would you do?

01-19-2014, 03:27 AM
Let me ask you this. You're at a convenience store late at night and you're close to the counter looking at the choices when a guy with a ski mask runs in and is trying to rob the place with a gun. He points the gun at you to stay where you are, then back to the clerk. He clarifies that if you run he's going to shoot you, but the guy is primarily there to rob the joint.

What would you do?
Not move! :eek:

01-19-2014, 03:29 AM

When the shit's about to go down, what type of person would you say you are?

Fight? or Flight?

I know that your answer probably depends on the type of situation, but let's assume for all intents and purposes that in every situation, your life was on the line. Whether you made a wrong turn down an alley and have to turn back but can't, or you're face to face with a grizzly bear and you know damn well he's got you on the run if so choose to do so. What would you do and why?

I would say retreat when the situation calls for it. Not run away but try to create a more advantageous position. Lose the battle win the war type of stuff.

01-19-2014, 03:30 AM
CavaliersFTW is right. Black bears are really nothing to be afraid of.

I'm FAR more afraid of the moose around here than the bears. Those things are ****ing insane.

Patrick Chewing
01-19-2014, 03:32 AM
Not move! :eek:

I don't know if that's dumb or if that takes brass balls to stay there and not move. I will tell you now that I probably couldn't just stand there.

Either way, what if the crook then proceeds to kill the clerk and then points the gun at you?

01-19-2014, 03:34 AM
I don't know if that's dumb or if that takes brass balls to stay there and not move. I will tell you now that I probably couldn't just stand there.

Either way, what if the crook then proceeds to kill the clerk and then points the gun at you?
Than my bladder unloads :confusedshrug:

01-19-2014, 03:37 AM
I don't know if that's dumb or if that takes brass balls to stay there and not move. I will tell you now that I probably couldn't just stand there.

Either way, what if the crook then proceeds to kill the clerk and then points the gun at you?
Why not, crook usually just want easy money and definitely NOT want to kill so it's very logical not to move.

01-19-2014, 03:38 AM
CavaliersFTW is right. Black bears are really nothing to be afraid of.

I'm FAR more afraid of the moose around here than the bears. Those things are ****ing insane.
A Bull moose during the rut is one of the last things I'd ever want to encounter. I was to be backpacking in Alaska a couple years ago on a trip that never fell through but I remember people telling me about horror stories of moose attacks. Also moose/vehicle collisions, white-tail deer strikes are common around where I live and and they can total your car even though they're only about 150-250lbs... I can't imagine a car hitting a 900-1,500lb moose

Angel Face
01-19-2014, 05:39 AM
Fought a Grizzly Bear before, knocked it out in 2 rounds.

01-19-2014, 05:40 AM
Fought a Grizzly Bear before, knocked it out in 2 rounds.

You got that Wilt-like fight instinct. Mad respect.


01-19-2014, 04:33 PM
Lol at the idiots in here that seriously think you can out run a bear in any situation. It doesn't matter if it's an open field or a forest, if you run that bear WILL catch you. All bears run faster than even the fastest human and on top of that they have more stamina. If you try to climb they'll still get you unless you can manage to get very high up very quickly.

01-19-2014, 04:40 PM
If I think I could take the guy I'd fight. If I don't or I'm outnumbered I'd run

If it's a bear I do the obvious thing and phone LeBron and Ben Wallace