View Full Version : Do you tip?

01-28-2014, 05:19 AM
I don't. It's beta as hell. Why would you tip someone for doing their job? Do you realize how stupid that sounds? :oldlol: Only in America.

Common myths/stigmas about tipping debunked:

If you don't tip you will get dick in your burger

False. Think of the odds here. You have to not tip, come in again, GET the waiter you got before, and they they have to convince some chef to risk his job just so they get the satisfaction of putting some dick in your burger. It doesn't happen.

Waitresses and Waiters don't make minimum wage so you are an asshole if you don't tip

False. If they don't make enough tip money their employers are required by law to pay them minimum wage. If you actually care about these workers, you will do them a service and NOT TIP, because it forces their employers to pay them more.

Watch this video, the homie explains it best


This tipping automatically shit is beta as hell. Quit worrying about your image or shit like that. Stop being a ***** and save your money instead of wasting it on tips.

01-28-2014, 05:25 AM
Personally I get satisfaction out of seeing them get pissy when I don't tip. My fave is when they walk to the register to check me out thinking it will pressure me into tipping more since I use a card :roll: :roll:

This one chick was super nice, saw I wrote a 0 on the tip and then I tried making discussion about the music being played and she instantly started acting like a ****. It was great

01-28-2014, 05:25 AM
Ah, our little russwest is finally old enough that his mommy let him watch Reservoir Dogs. Cute.

01-28-2014, 05:26 AM
Ah, our little russwest is finally old enough that his mommy let him watch Reservoir Dogs. Cute.

:biggums: :biggums: :biggums:

01-28-2014, 05:29 AM
Just the tip. :pimp:

01-28-2014, 05:30 AM
All I can tell you is don't frequent a place that knows you never tip.

I already do that, but tell me why I shouldn't homie

01-28-2014, 05:36 AM
It's definitely a corrupt stupid system. They could easily get rid of tipping in this country but the service people at the high end restaurants where food is 50-100 per plate and expensive liquor are making a killing. Does someone bringing a steak/lobster take more effort than bringing a small entree to a table? How about a glass of water versus a 5k bottle of liquor? Yet the expected tip is way different. Doesn't make sense. Countries like Japan have done away with it.

It's also why less and less people are going to sit down restaurants in this Obama economy where less people have money because full time people are either laid off or moved to part time.

Source: http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/michael-santoli/casual-dining-chains-struggle-to-adapt-to-changing-consumer-tastes-203955971.html;_ylt=AwrTWVXZeedShn8Af1mTmYlQ

Best way is to opt out and avoid sit down restaurants all together.
Tons of great places that you can order and just pick up your food.

01-28-2014, 05:39 AM
If you don't tip for good service while it's expected and everyone else does, you are a mooch and a cheap bastard. Also, penny pinching is beta as ****.

01-28-2014, 05:42 AM
If you don't tip for good service while it's expected and everyone else does, you are a mooch and a cheap bastard. Also, penny pinching is beta as ****.

Here's the worlds smallest violin, playing for only the waitresses. :violin:

01-28-2014, 05:52 AM
People have so many misconceptions on tipping.

There is very little difference between a place that does not accept tips and instead charges a gratuity to your bill. The main difference being the overall price of your meal. When you don't pay up front, it's expected that you tip the server/driver.

And yes, it is an asshole thing to stiff those people. The excuse that they already get paid for their job doesn't apply because it is expected that they will be tipped. By not leaving a tip you are taking advantage of not being charged for a service directly (unless of course you received shit service).

As far as your spiel about frequenting places - servers talk and if you're a stiffing asshole then every server has you on their radar the moment you leave that establishment. Chances are high you've probably ingested some saliva, maybe some high school schlub's nut juice as well.

01-28-2014, 06:03 AM
People have so many misconceptions on tipping.

There is very little difference between a place that does not accept tips and instead charges a gratuity to your bill. The main difference being the overall price of your meal. When you don't pay up front, it's expected that you tip the server/driver.

And yes, it is an asshole thing to stiff those people. The excuse that they already get paid for their job doesn't apply because it is expected that they will be tipped. By not leaving a tip you are taking advantage of not being charged for a service directly (unless of course you received shit service).

As far as your spiel about frequenting places - servers talk and if you're a stiffing asshole then every server has you on their radar the moment you leave that establishment. Chances are high you've probably ingested some saliva, maybe some high school schlub's nut juice as well.

Wait a minute, let me get this straight. When you go to a joint, and pay 10 dollars for a burger and a soda, it's expected you throw down even MORE dough to the employees just for doing their job?

God damn :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

When I worked retail I busted my ass for customers to the point where the store scheduled just me on the floor. Running all over, helping everyone, going the extra mile. I only made minimum wage, so why didn't I get tipped for doing my job? Was it because people weren't scared that if they didn't tip I'd rub my dick all over their products? :lol

Yall for tipping have incredibly weak arguments.

01-28-2014, 06:10 AM
I hate it, but I do it for my safety when I know I'll be coming back. If I know I'm never coming back, I don't.

01-28-2014, 06:11 AM
This one chick was super nice, saw I wrote a 0 on the tip and then I tried making discussion about the music being played and she instantly started acting like a ****. It was great

01-28-2014, 06:11 AM
I hate it, but I do it for my safety when I know I'll be coming back. If I know I'm never coming back, I don't.

My *****. :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :banana: :banana: :banana:

01-28-2014, 06:17 AM
This one chick was super nice, saw I wrote a 0 on the tip and then I tried making discussion about the music being played and she instantly started acting rude. Her disgust in me was justifiable. Also, I'm making these stories up.

True, true. I hear you.

01-28-2014, 06:18 AM
If you don't tip for good service while it's expected and everyone else does, you are a mooch and a cheap bastard. Also, penny pinching is beta as ****.

Agreed. It's just being polite. I don't have to hold the door for old ladies, but I do. If I have a whole shopping full of groceries, I'll let the person behind me go ahead. It is courtesy, and quite frankly, it's a lost art.

There is a reason why rich and powerful men have class and poor and weak people don't.

01-28-2014, 06:19 AM
Agreed. It's just being polite. I don't have to hold the door for old ladies, but I do. If I have a whole shopping full of groceries, I'll let the person behind me go ahead. It is courtesy, and quite frankly, it's a lost art.

There is a reason why rich and powerful men have class and poor and weak people don't.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Do you know nothing about history?

01-28-2014, 06:22 AM
Yall going off the wall with this shit. So if I don't tip I don't hold the door open for others?

Do you only tip waiters? Seems to me you don't have class if you are selective of which minimum wage employees you tip. Why not tip the employees at McDonalds? Who cares if they rub dick in your burger, just be rude and only tip them 30%, the american way.

Seriously, I feel like I am becoming stupider trying to process the logic of some of yall. Sounds like you all are too beta to admit you just tip because it's social convention (norm) and you are too beta to go against it.

01-28-2014, 06:23 AM
Wait a minute, let me get this straight. When you go to a joint, and pay 10 dollars for a burger and a soda, it's expected you throw down even MORE dough to the employees just for doing their job?

God damn :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

When I worked retail I busted my ass for customers to the point where the store scheduled just me on the floor. Running all over, helping everyone, going the extra mile. I only made minimum wage, so why didn't I get tipped for doing my job? Was it because people weren't scared that if they didn't tip I'd rub my dick all over their products? :lol

Yall for tipping have incredibly weak arguments.

So in other words your main issue with tipping is doing it out of spite because you worked a job that was below serving and made less money? That doesn't sound pathetic at all.

I don't know what is more beta, being jealous of the of wage a server makes or considering pocketing the stiff as 'saving money.' Maybe next time just admit to the waiter that you smashed your piggy bank and really needed the extra three bucks to make it through Tuesday with electricity in the house.

01-28-2014, 06:25 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Do you know nothing about history?

I don't know what history you are talking about, but it's just common knowledge it is a social norm to tip. Whether or not I agree with the thinking behind does not matter: if I can afford to tip, then I will. If these servers are getting lower wages based on the tip, then it is unreasonable to NOT tip since they had to forgo their wages because of it. Simple logic.

01-28-2014, 06:25 AM
So in other words your main issue with tipping is doing it out of spite because you worked a job that was below serving and made less money? That doesn't sound pathetic at all.

I don't know what is more beta, being jealous of the of wage a server makes or considering pocketing the stiff as 'saving money.' Maybe next time just admit to the waiter that you smashed your piggy bank and really needed the extra three bucks to make it through Tuesday with electricity in the house.

Nah, I'm good on money homie. Money doesn't mean shit to me tbh. I just quit a job where I made 14 an hr and had full health benefits (was also youngest in the company) for a job making 8 an hour because of the lower hours for school.

The irony is the logic works the other way around. Yall acting like if I don't tip the waiter 2-3 more dollars for doing their job they gonna struggle to make ends meet. If thats the case get a better job than minimum wage. The logic that yall present to defend waiters is incredibly weak. When I was making minimum wage I didn't put the burden of getting a higher income on the CUSTOMERS. Thats ridiculous. I put the burden on myself to get a better job.

01-28-2014, 06:25 AM
So in other words your main issue with tipping is doing it out of spite because you worked a job that was below serving and made less money? That doesn't sound pathetic at all.

I don't know what is more beta, being jealous of the of wage a server makes or considering pocketing the stiff as 'saving money.' Maybe next time just admit to the waiter that you smashed your piggy bank and really needed the extra three bucks to make it through Tuesday with electricity in the house.

True that. I never met anyone as beta as the OP in my life.

01-28-2014, 06:26 AM
Yall going off the wall with this shit. So if I don't tip I don't hold the door open for others?

Do you only tip waiters? Seems to me you don't have class if you are selective of which minimum wage employees you tip. Why not tip the employees at McDonalds? Who cares if they rub dick in your burger, just be rude and only tip them 30%, the american way.

Seriously, I feel like I am becoming stupider trying to process the logic of some of yall. Sounds like you all are too beta to admit you just tip because it's social convention (norm) and you are too beta to go against it.

If you can't decipher the difference between the service on your own, then it isn't even worth debating with you. If you can and refused to acknowledge it upfront, then you are obviously just a troll. Either way, there is no point having an in depth conversation with you. Have fun with anybody you bait into a lengthy conversation :cheers:

01-28-2014, 06:29 AM
Yall going off the wall with this shit. So if I don't tip I don't hold the door open for others?

Do you only tip waiters? Seems to me you don't have class if you are selective of which minimum wage employees you tip. Why not tip the employees at McDonalds? Who cares if they rub dick in your burger, just be rude and only tip them 30%, the american way.

Seriously, I feel like I am becoming stupider trying to process the logic of some of yall. Sounds like you all are too beta to admit you just tip because it's social convention (norm) and you are too beta to go against it.


Real men have integrity. Sh*t we're not gonna ruin our image just because we're too cheap to fork over a few bucks for service. Only little children don't care about sh*t like this. Showing some class is important to us older posters.

01-28-2014, 06:29 AM
If you can't decipher the difference between the service on your own, then it isn't even worth debating with you. If you can and refused to acknowledge it upfront, then you are obviously just a troll. Either way, there is no point having an in depth conversation with you. Have fun with anybody you bait into a lengthy conversation :cheers:

So why, in your opinion, are waiters the only people in the service industry deserving of a tip.

01-28-2014, 06:29 AM
There is a reason why rich and powerful men have class and poor and weak people don't.

Almost any server/driver will tell you that rich people tend to tip like shit. There's a common phrase among delivery drivers 'the more gated the community, the more guarded the wallet.'

People who have had a lot of things handed to them in life don't relate with the average person. The best tips come from working middle class people who sympathize with your situation.

01-28-2014, 06:35 AM
Nah, I'm good on money homie. Money doesn't mean shit to me tbh. I just quit a job where I made 14 an hr and had full health benefits (was also youngest in the company) for a job making 8 an hour because of the lower hours for school.

The irony is the logic works the other way around. Yall acting like if I don't tip the waiter 2-3 more dollars for doing their job they gonna struggle to make ends meet. If thats the case get a better job than minimum wage. The logic that yall present to defend waiters is incredibly weak. When I was making minimum wage I didn't put the burden of getting a higher income on the CUSTOMERS. Thats ridiculous. I put the burden on myself to get a better job.

My logic is sound and full proof:

1. Waiters have to forgo their wages because they make tips.

2. They are selling their services and are dependent upon the customers they are serving.

3. This is a social norm we have established as a society, hence why they gave up the wage in the first place.

Conclusion: if they have to give up their wages because of social norm, then it is reasonable for them to expect a tip based on their services.

Where is the flaw in that logic? Explain.

01-28-2014, 06:35 AM

Real men have integrity. Sh*t we're not gonna ruin our image just because we're too cheap to fork over a few bucks for service. Only little children don't care about sh*t like this. Showing some class is important to us older posters.

I don't have integrity because I don't tip? I already explained I don't try to hide it at all and like doing it in front of them and watching them get pissy while I try to process what is going on in their weak ass mind.

And yes, you are beta because if tipping wasn't a norm, you wouldn't do it. I know this because you only tip in places where it is a norm. You're essentially following the crowd because you're too ***** to do otherwise.

01-28-2014, 06:37 AM
. When I was making minimum wage I didn't put the burden of getting a higher income on the CUSTOMERS. Thats ridiculous. I put the burden on myself to get a better job.

You are looking at it from the wrong perspective.

If the restaurant paid the server a full wage, that would be reflected in your bill. You would pay something like a 18% service fee.

Because you are dining at a gratuity based restaurant, your meal is cheaper (lack of a service fee) under the assumption that you will tip the waiter.

The idea is that you pay for the meal and service either way.

01-28-2014, 06:41 AM
You are looking at it from the wrong perspective.

If the restaurant paid the server a full wage, that would be reflected in your bill. You would pay something like a 18% service fee.

Because you are dining at a gratuity based restaurant, your meal is cheaper (lack of a service fee) under the assumption that you will tip the waiter.

The idea is that you pay for the meal and service either way.

Nah, what you are referring to is a price facade. You're already paying more for the food/drink than you would be if you bought it at it's actual value. Otherwise it'd actually be cheaper to buy alcohol in a restaurant, when it is in fact more expensive.

01-28-2014, 06:42 AM
Almost any server/driver will tell you that rich people tend to tip like shit. There's a common phrase among deliver drivers 'the more gated the community, the more guarded the wallet.'

People who have had a lot of things handed to them in life don't relate with the average person. The best tips come from working middle class people who sympathize with your situation.

Tipping is all about class and what kind of character the person has. There are rich stingy people who have a "poor" mind, and there are poor people with a "rich" classy mind. I am not talking about external wealth, but rather internal wealth: tipping shows class. It's a social norm in society, and to break away from this norm is a deviation from what we consider class imo.

01-28-2014, 06:46 AM
I don't have integrity because I don't tip? I already explained I don't try to hide it at all and like doing it in front of them and watching them get pissy while I try to process what is going on in their weak ass mind.

And yes, you are beta because if tipping wasn't a norm, you wouldn't do it. I know this because you only tip in places where it is a norm. You're essentially following the crowd because you're too ***** to do otherwise.

1. Tipping is a social norm that defines class. For example, holding the door for the person behind you is a class act; not cutting in line is a class act; not stealing people's parking spots is a class act; allowing another driver the right away is a class act, etc.

In society, we have certain social norms that defines whether or not we have class as a member of society, and yes, tipping is consider one of those norms.

Unless if you can prove tipping is not a social norm, then you are nothing more than a man with no class, and trust me, that is as beta as they come: nothing is more beta than some kid with no integrity and can't stand for anything worth a f*ck.

01-28-2014, 06:50 AM
You really tryna play the social norm card? :lol :lol :lol Do you not see how that could (and has) ended up horribly?

Your whole argument is "You have no class if you don't go with the crowd and follow social norms."


01-28-2014, 06:54 AM
You really tryna play the social norm card? :lol :lol :lol Do you not see how that could (and has) ended up horribly?

You're whole argument is "You have no class if you don't go with the crowd and follow social norms."


Just sticking with logic homeboy.

I don't care whatever sh*t you pull out of your a*s to try to justify your cheap ways. I'm just sticking to a line of fact: tipping is a social norm, and to forgo this norm is to forgo any sort of class you have as a human being.

Just admit it, you're a despicable person. The fact you are laughing at a waitress who is dependent on $2-3 for her services to pay her bills, shows what kind of despicable low class person you truly are.

Don't f*ck with me on logic; you're talking to the master here.

01-28-2014, 06:56 AM
Tipping is all about class and what kind of character the person has. There are rich stingy people who have a "poor" mind, and there are poor people with a "rich" classy mind. I am not talking about external wealth, but rather internal wealth: tipping shows class. It's a social norm in society, and to break away from this norm is a deviation from what we consider class imo.

I agree with the class aspect but I was speaking to the 'rich and powerful' part. Typically those types are assholes who treat their servers like they are lesser beings and then throw them a shitty tip to boot.

01-28-2014, 06:57 AM
hey Rambo, I heard the social norm is not letting black ppl sit at the front of the bus, better get your "class" on :lol :lol :lol

01-28-2014, 07:00 AM
hey Rambo, I heard the social norm is not letting black ppl sit at the front of the bus, better get your "class" on :lol :lol :lol

Wrong. The social norm now is to not only allow black people to sit in the front of the bus, but to own and drive that sh*t as well.

Obviously, you are against social norms and class, and obviously, you wouldn't blink an eye keeping black people in the back of the bus like how you wouldn't blink an eye laughing at a servers misfortune when you refuse to tip.

01-28-2014, 07:01 AM
Wrong. The social norm now is to not only allow black people to sit in the front of the bus, but to own and drive that sh*t as well.

Obviously, you are against social norms and class, and obviously, you wouldn't blink an eye keeping black people in the back of the bus like how you wouldn't blink an eye laughing at a servers misfortune when you refuse to tip.

Laughing at the servers misfortune of what? Making minimum wage? :roll: :roll:

Not my fault these niqqas can't find a better job and tryna mooch off of me, expecting me, the customer to pay them for doing their job

01-28-2014, 07:05 AM
Not tipping waiters that make minimum wage = asshole, scum of the earth, no class

Not tipping anyone else in the service industry that makes minimum wage = well you aren't breaking a social norm so you're good

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

01-28-2014, 07:07 AM
What? How does one correlate with the other? Talk about a jump. Did you let his basic point fly cleanly over your head? :roll:

You don't like tipping? You don't support civil rights!

Shut up Budadaii, you f*ck with people misusing logic all the time. Dude is so dumb he was gonna bite until your stupid a*s came along. :oldlol:

01-28-2014, 07:09 AM
Not tipping waiters that make minimum wage = asshole, scum of the earth, no class

Not tipping anyone else in the service industry that makes minimum wage = well you aren't breaking a social norm so you're good

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

And he is still biting ..

What a dumba*s. :facepalm

01-28-2014, 07:15 AM
Your whole argument is "You have no class if you don't go with the crowd and follow social norms."

Isn't class decided by social norms of what is considered classy though?

01-28-2014, 07:18 AM
It must be awkward for budadiii that you think I'm him when he always tries his hardest to mess with me.

Also, I'd love to live in a world where I believe you were trolling. From what I can see, russ took a shit all over you.

You always downplay my points because secretly you feel inferior to me.

P.S. You are Budadaii. You can bullsh*t what you say, but you can't bullsh*t how you write and your line of logic.

01-28-2014, 07:21 AM
op is a scumbag

01-28-2014, 07:23 AM

/George Costanza


01-28-2014, 07:31 AM


01-28-2014, 07:33 AM
You're deluded and catch feelings, which are two things a troll should never do. In other words, you're just validating my previous assertion.

I like budadiii, but don't compare me to him. I don't write like him, either. :coleman:

Stop hiding it. You ARE him.

It is kind of cute you stopped responding to him when I pointed out you two are alts and are trying to prop up your reps around here by playing bad cop good cop.

01-28-2014, 07:44 AM
Who's the good cop? Me?

I'm starting to think you are budadiii considering he loves playing armchair psychologist, much like you do.

Can't stop me from believing, either. When you believe, nothing else matters. Faith prevails over all.

Why not do this act on the Rogan boards? They love this type of shit. You'd have a ton of people, like yourself, to just shoot shit with.

1. It's hard to disguise grammar. It takes years to develope a writing style, and even if you try to fake it, you'll go back to the same structure.

2. You can't disguise purpose and intent either; you and budaddaii are nothing more than trolls and are out to "get me" so to speak.


I never offended you; I called Buddadaii out, so why are you so passionate at "destroying" me when I offended him? You're a nobody and a blip on the radar: I only started noticing you when you showed up to every post I made trying to troll me. Either you are his biggest groupie or him. Either way, both conclusions are as pathetic as they come.

Stop lying and admit you are buddadaii loser.

01-28-2014, 07:55 AM
1. Why do you list things with numbers? Is that how you talk in real life? Why are you so formulaic in your approach to posting? Are you really still doing the bold shit after a ton of people clown you for it?

2. As for the troll thing, you understand everyone here thinks you're a troll, right? I mean, that means people give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you cannot possibly exist as a human being. The idea of defending yourself as a genuine person is hilarious.

Also, I'd love to hear how you can dissect how I post like him. You're just talking out of your ass and not backing it up, at this point.

People might not like my opinions, but trust me, making alts and talking to yourself is as pathetic as they come. They might hate me and express their disdain, but secretly, they respect me for standing my ground. You on the other hand is as low as they come. Talking to yourself to prop yourself is just weird dumbsh*t.

1+ for Rambo.

01-28-2014, 08:04 AM
You're straight up dodging. Are you a character on DBZ? Your style is impeccable.

Is it just by mere coincidence you happen to post the same time he posts? And when he's not posting, it is you posting, and vice versa; but the only time we see an ongoing conversation bewtween you two is minutes from one another around the same time.


01-28-2014, 08:54 AM
So in other words your main issue with tipping is doing it out of spite because you worked a job that was below serving and made less money? That doesn't sound pathetic at all.

I don't know what is more beta, being jealous of the of wage a server makes or considering pocketing the stiff as 'saving money.' Maybe next time just admit to the waiter that you smashed your piggy bank and really needed the extra three bucks to make it through Tuesday with electricity in the house.

:oldlol: He wants to bring the saved tip money to his grave.

01-28-2014, 08:56 AM
Nah, I'm good on money homie. Money doesn't mean shit to me tbh. I just quit a job where I made 14 an hr and had full health benefits (was also youngest in the company) for a job making 8 an hour because of the lower hours for school.

The irony is the logic works the other way around. Yall acting like if I don't tip the waiter 2-3 more dollars for doing their job they gonna struggle to make ends meet. If thats the case get a better job than minimum wage. The logic that yall present to defend waiters is incredibly weak. When I was making minimum wage I didn't put the burden of getting a higher income on the CUSTOMERS. Thats ridiculous. I put the burden on myself to get a better job.

$14 an hour? No wonder why you're always angry on ISH. You suck at life.

01-28-2014, 09:36 AM
Cool, another thread on tipping...


01-28-2014, 09:45 AM
$14 an hour? No wonder why you're always angry on ISH. You suck at life.

Most charge more for sucking dick like OP.

01-28-2014, 12:48 PM
If you don't tip you're a punk bitch.

01-28-2014, 02:32 PM
Yep, rationalizing not leaving a tip based on a scene from Reservoir Dogs because you are cheap is a total alpha move.

01-28-2014, 02:33 PM

15% - 20%

01-28-2014, 02:46 PM

01-28-2014, 04:03 PM
95% of the time I tip 12% of the sum before tax

01-28-2014, 04:17 PM
Bunch of broke ass beta-bitches in this thread.

01-28-2014, 04:20 PM
The people who complain about tipping definitely aren't the people going to restaurants expensive enough to have a substantial tip either. I would hate to see what OP would do if he were old enough to go to the bar and *gasp* tip the bartender.

01-28-2014, 04:23 PM
If you don't tip for good service while it's expected and everyone else does, you are a mooch and a cheap bastard. Also, penny pinching is beta as ****.

This couldn't be more wrong.

AI Thornton
01-28-2014, 04:25 PM
I don't. It's beta as hell. Why would you tip someone for doing their job? Do you realize how stupid that sounds? :oldlol: Only in America.

Common myths/stigmas about tipping debunked:

If you don't tip you will get dick in your burger

False. Think of the odds here. You have to not tip, come in again, GET the waiter you got before, and they they have to convince some chef to risk his job just so they get the satisfaction of putting some dick in your burger. It doesn't happen.

Waitresses and Waiters don't make minimum wage so you are an asshole if you don't tip

False. If they don't make enough tip money their employers are required by law to pay them minimum wage. If you actually care about these workers, you will do them a service and NOT TIP, because it forces their employers to pay them more.

Watch this video, the homie explains it best


This tipping automatically shit is beta as hell. Quit worrying about your image or shit like that. Stop being a ***** and save your money instead of wasting it on tips.

Do you know what this is: :violin:

It is the world's smallest violin playing just for your poor ass.

01-28-2014, 04:29 PM
The people who complain about tipping definitely aren't the people going to restaurants expensive enough to have a substantial tip either.

Yeah, you're right. The people complaining about tipping are usually the ones who realize they don't have money to waste unnecessarily.

The ones who know they're on a budget but leave tips anyway to prove themselves to society are beta as ****. They're dwight howard beta.

Im with OP on this.

01-28-2014, 04:31 PM
I think you can tell quite a bit about a person by how the tip. At least relative to the customs of the area.

More generally, you can tell quite a bit about a person by how they treat employees in customer service jobs in general.

01-28-2014, 04:32 PM
Yeah, you're right. The people complaining about tipping are usually the ones who realize they don't have money to waste unnecessarily.

The ones who know they're on a budget but leave tips anyway to prove themselves to society are beta as ****. They're dwight howard beta.

Im with OP on this.

If you are so worried about money that you won't leave like a $5-10 tip, then you should probably be cooking food for yourself at home. Save money on food and no need to leave a tip. Either fact the tip into your budget or stay home.

01-28-2014, 04:45 PM
If you have heard some of the stories I have heard you would.
If for no other reason than you dont want something nasty (and I mean nasty) in your food.
Oh and you cant tell, human taste buds arent that developed

01-28-2014, 04:48 PM
It's fun watching a bunch of poor losers convince each other that tipping is beta. I worked at a restaurant for many years, and believe me, you're better off if you do tip.

01-28-2014, 04:48 PM
If you are so worried about money that you won't leave like a $5-10 tip, then you should probably be cooking food for yourself at home. Save money on food and no need to leave a tip. Either fact the tip into your budget or stay home.

Who says I'm worried? Maybe instead of voluntarily overpaying I'd just rather use that money to go to the driving range? Maybe I'm trying to be prudent with money and I don't want to buy pizza for my friends, voluntarily overpay, and pay for the driving range in the same weekend. Which one should I cut out? The pizza? The driving range? Uh... how about voluntarily overpaying.

Again... it is voluntary, and it's not like you're making some humanitarian donation to charity. Funny thing is, how many people that spend $30/month in tips have adopted a starving child in some third world country? Why not do that instead? They're only tipping because they're afraid to be judged if they don't, that is the ONLY reason.


01-28-2014, 04:49 PM
It's fun watching a bunch of poor losers convince each other that tipping is beta. I worked at a restaurant for many years, and believe me, you're better off if you do tip.

The best ones were the ones talking about saving money...while they were eating out in the first place.

01-28-2014, 04:59 PM
All I've learned from ISH the past few months is that pretty much anything anyone has ever done is 'beta as f*ck' :biggums:

And if you don't tip, there's a special layer in hell with your name on it. True story.

01-28-2014, 05:00 PM
The best ones were the ones talking about saving money...while they were eating out in the first place.

You're right, I probably worded that wrong.

It's not necessarily about having the money to spend or not. It's about spending it on your own terms, not silly conventional terms.

It's no different than thinking everyone should pray toward mecca five times per day or avoid walking under ladders or not eat meat on every friday of march just because the rest of the crowd does it. If you're doing something you see no purpose in just to fit in, you are, by definition, beta.

People ONLY tip to fit in. Or because they're scared of back-of-house backlash. Both are pretty beta reasons to let social convention be your master.

01-28-2014, 05:05 PM
Here's the worlds smallest violin, playing for only the waitresses. :violin:
I'm a pizza delivery driver and all I can say is if nobody tipped I just wouldn't do that job anymore. I use my own car and gas getting to you so of course I'm not gonna be happy if you don't give me at least a couple bucks. But if you don't think I can **** with your food while I'm alone with it in my car you're sadly mistaken :oldlol:

01-28-2014, 05:08 PM
It's definitely a corrupt stupid system. They could easily get rid of tipping in this country but the service people at the high end restaurants where food is 50-100 per plate and expensive liquor are making a killing. Does someone bringing a steak/lobster take more effort than bringing a small entree to a table? How about a glass of water versus a 5k bottle of liquor? Yet the expected tip is way different. Doesn't make sense. Countries like Japan have done away with it.

It's also why less and less people are going to sit down restaurants in this Obama economy where less people have money because full time people are either laid off or moved to part time.

Source: http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/michael-santoli/casual-dining-chains-struggle-to-adapt-to-changing-consumer-tastes-203955971.html;_ylt=AwrTWVXZeedShn8Af1mTmYlQ

Best way is to opt out and avoid sit down restaurants all together.
Tons of great places that you can order and just pick up your food.

I do this and if you pay with a card, there is still a line written in for tip.

01-28-2014, 05:10 PM
People ONLY tip to fit in. Or because they're scared of back-of-house backlash. Both are pretty beta reasons to let social convention be your master.

It is entirely different, because you are compensating someone for a service, and interacting with a human being that responds to incentives.

All else being equal, the cost of whatever the dollar amount is will be reflected one way or another, in the tip amount or the price of the meal, or even more tangential costs (like cutting back on servers and waiting longer for your food, etc...).

In non-tipping cultures, you pay just the same, except the costs are worked into the meal up-front. With no expectation of tipping, it provides no particular incentive to do well at serving.

Tipping provides an avenue for people to punish exceptionally bad service or reward exceptionally good service. It creates an informational feedback loop that can lead to a better experience for all.

01-28-2014, 05:12 PM
All I can tell yall is this is how it do. Alphas take advantage of betas.

If nobody tipped, restaurants would have to pay staff more and prices would go up. Most restaurants have very narrow profit margins. Betas cover the extra cost because it's convention, alphas reap the benefit.

It's like with soda. Why you buyin soda at a restaurant? You're payin to eat at a restaurant because they make food better than you do or it's more convenient. Soda takes 2 seconds to pour at home and tastes the exact same as in the restaurant. You're gonna shell out $2.50 for soda in a restaurant, and then go complain the government isnt absolving your student loans for your expensive degree in french poetry? ****in beta. Everyone dictates your life. You let society spin you around and push you in whatever direction they want. You have no control.

Soda is one of the main ways restaurants make money instead of losing it. If nobody bought overpriced soda, food would be more expensive. Alphas stay drinkin water and getting food at a better price thanks to betas. Betas be on dat soda nonsense.

So basically, betas tip and drink soda. Alphas penny pinch and only drink the free tap water? :biggums:

Human/wolf culture and sociological habits are fascinating. Thank you for the lesson oh wise one :applause:

01-28-2014, 05:14 PM
Does anyone else think it is hilarious how people are connecting "alphaness" and "betaness" to transactions that are usually (for most here) under 10 dollars?

01-28-2014, 05:16 PM
Exactly. I eluded to this in the above post. Betas run on the wheel, alphas turn it into energy.

World gonna world.

What you aren't acknowledging is that information feedback loop provides a very straightforward incentive for people to tip, without being "sheeple" or "betas", or anything else.

You also don't seem to know that preferences are subjective, and people can actually get more personal satisfaction from leaving a nice tip than from stiffing the server on a tip.

01-28-2014, 05:17 PM
Does anyone else think it is hilarious how people are connecting "alphaness" and "betaness" to transactions that are usually (for most here) under 10 dollars?

Yes. Mostly because humans and lupine society/hierarchy have absolutely nothing in common. But stupid is what stupid does and it's fun watching it. :applause:

Anyone who uses that terminology is clearly beta and just a follower of other betas. Alpha all day errday here, look at my cocaine biceps.

01-28-2014, 05:17 PM
Does anyone else think it is hilarious how people are connecting "alphaness" and "betaness" to transactions that are usually (for most here) under 10 dollars?

The alpha/beta thing is hyperbole for the sake of lulz, but the underlying points are valid.

01-28-2014, 05:22 PM
You think anyone who uses alpha/beta is being serious? You're on the internet, you know.

Yes, I am aware of how the terms are used on the internet.

It is still bizare.

Person 1: "Hey dawg [black man voices, cuz blacks r alffas], i just smashed those two bitches from da club"

Person 2: "lol f u [n-word], i just saved $6.42 on mah bill by not tippin da server"

Person 1: "good shit, good shit...lets hold our crotches so everyone knows were alffas"

01-28-2014, 05:28 PM
Yes, I am aware of how the terms are used on the internet.

It is still bizare.

Person 1: "Hey dawg [black man voices, cuz blacks r alffas], i just smashed those two bitches from da club"

Person 2: "lol f u [n-word], i just saved $6.42 on mah bill by not tippin da server"

Person 1: "good shit, good shit...lets hold our crotches so everyone knows were alffas"

So what's wrong here? I see two alphas having a discussion.

What's the issue?

01-28-2014, 05:35 PM
Pretty sure OP is the same poster who played with Magic cards :lol and made a thread just like this one before. In that thread he whined that he didn't want to tip because the servers made more money than him.

BMOGEFan, is that you?

01-28-2014, 05:37 PM
Is it a Chinese place? Indian? Vietnamese? I tip ~10-12%. Asian places don't tip out their servers anyway, usually the owners of the place keep the money for themselves.

Italian or other white ppl type sh1t? Or a high end Chinese/Indian place? Tip 15-20% depending on service.

01-28-2014, 05:38 PM
What?? There was nothing offensive about my post. I'm jewish!

I chide Jeff sometimes about being a jew because sometimes he acts like a stereotypical one, but nothing about that post was anti-semitical. It was a jew explaining why his culture is the world's most successful by far. Granted I used a humorous caricature but who cares. I'm not PC. PC is super beta. :confusedshrug:

I see. Well in the future I will be sure to avoid drinking soda and tipping at restaurants. It's the free tap water, bah humbug Scrooge life for me. Few years of that maybe I can finally become the Cobra Commander, the Apex Predator, the Alpha Male... and Jewish?

01-28-2014, 05:53 PM
Dick Solomon re-invents tipping: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1ZZWhSvOMI

01-28-2014, 06:31 PM
All I can tell yall is this is how it do. Alphas take advantage of betas.

If nobody tipped, restaurants would have to pay staff more and prices would go up. Most restaurants have very narrow profit margins. Betas cover the extra cost because it's convention, alphas reap the benefit.

It's like with soda. Why you buyin soda at a restaurant? You're payin to eat at a restaurant because they make food better than you do or it's more convenient. Soda takes 2 seconds to pour at home and tastes the exact same as in the restaurant. You're gonna shell out $2.50 for soda in a restaurant, and then go complain the government isnt absolving your student loans for your expensive degree in french poetry? ****in beta. Everyone dictates your life. You let society spin you around and push you in whatever direction they want. You have no control.

Soda is one of the main ways restaurants make money instead of losing it. If nobody bought overpriced soda, food would be more expensive. Alphas stay drinkin water and getting food at a better price thanks to betas. Betas be on dat soda nonsense.

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

01-28-2014, 07:15 PM
I see. Well in the future I will be sure to avoid drinking soda and tipping at restaurants. It's the free tap water, bah humbug Scrooge life for me. Few years of that maybe I can finally become the Cobra Commander, the Apex Predator, the Alpha Male... and Jewish?

Get your Sammy Davis Jr on, my man.

01-28-2014, 07:17 PM
Those of you who don't tip, do you eat at a different restaurant every time and never return? Because i would suggest it going forward.

Le Shaqtus
01-28-2014, 07:24 PM
I left a 20 dollar tip to get out of comedy driving school once.

Worth it.

01-28-2014, 08:58 PM
if u do not tip, u are just cheap period. forget trying to make excuses

01-28-2014, 09:00 PM
When I traveled the USA I tipped really well at restaurants.
However when I got home I realized I never tipped for room service, which I had almost every night.
Felt pretty bad about it, I just didn't think to do it as tipping doesn't exist in my culture.

01-28-2014, 10:06 PM
we don't do tipping here.
there's already "10% service tax included"

01-28-2014, 10:09 PM
It's fun watching a bunch of poor losers convince each other that tipping is beta. I worked at a restaurant for many years, and believe me, you're better off if you do tip.

I've never worked at a restaurant but there's obviously "work" that goes into the folks working at one to ensure the customers within are getting what they want; which is what should be a damn good meal with damn good service. It's simple - if you don't want a damn good meal with damn good service then you shouldn't expect it - meaning take your broke ass cheap ass (OP) to MacDizzy fo shizzy because you're probably that one stupid ass mofo in the place part of that one loud and obnoxious group that goes to a sit-down restaurant (the once a month you barely can afford it; which should be a tell tale sign you shouldn't be there in the first place) running your waiter or waitress into the ground for constant refills, A1 sauce, additional plates (because you have three people attempting to share a meal meant to be for one person). etc ... and on top of that complaining about this or that, making sarcastic rude comments to the group but loud enough for your waiter or waitress to hear, and why are you doing all this? So you can justify not leaving a tip once the dining experience is over.

"She was too slow" ... "he didn't refill me when I wanted him to" ... "food came out cold" ... "she didn't explain the specials well enough" ... or any other number of reasons you can compile as a means to justify in your own mind you're not wrong for not leaving a tip. Every excuse in the world doesn't make up for the fact you and your type have no business in a sit-down establishment. If you go into a place as such expected to tip, but you already know you're not you simply shouldn't be there.

I've been out to eat hundreds of times and seen many a waiter or waitress bust their ass for someone mad hard, grinding like hell and also providing superb service only to get no tip and the person or group almost mocking or talking shit about their server or the restaurant itself as the obnoxious group exits the place. All so they can make themselves feel better. Shit isn't right. I don't know what happens behind those kitchen doors, but if you belong to this group or type that I'm talking about you sir deserve to have your next meal to be rubbed up against the cook's sweaty ball sack when you return.

It's not about you disagreeing with the tipping system, paying them extra for something they're already getting paid for blah blah blah no no no asshole you're simply just a cheap douchbag. Period, and you know it. I always tip around 20-25% sometimes more if the service is above and beyond the norm because for a lot of them folks they're trying to make an honest living, taking care of a baby she had recently or whatever else. Shit seems like hard work considering they have to deal with all these obnoxious douchbags I see almost at least once every time I go out to a sit-down restaurant.

Me and my ex gf this one morning at IHOP watched this group of maybe 11 to 12, easy, run this Hispanic woman (maybe 35ish) like crazy. She busted her ass for these LOUD, cringe-worthy obnoxious ****tards and the dude at the head of the table picked up the bill and told everyone at the table "I got this. You know I got ya'll. I take good care of my people" or something like that. A woman a few seats down said "I'll help with the tip then" and someone else said "yeah I will too" but the guy paying said "nah, I told ya'll I got this, tip too" then he mumbled something to the effect of "she wasn't even worth a damn really, I really shouldn't leave shit" ... and when he said that he kinda chuckled, which caught my attention. My gf's too.

Well turns out dude left three dollars on the table for a tip. When the waitress came back around she seen the tip and she didn't act all pissed off, go through the roof or anything like that, but you could damn sure see the disappointment in her face. I had never seen one woman work so damn hard on a table that was so rude, so obnoxious, asking a million ?'s demanding a million things and the entire time she did exactly what they wanted, quickly, efficiently and with a smile. Shit, I'd be a little disappointed too if I worked as hard as she did for 45 minutes, serving a bill I'm sure was well over $100 and she's making what, a $2.50 hourly wage and then she's tipped $3, to compensate for what she did? To the OP and that type, this is OK. (Clay Davis voice) Sheeeeeeeeeeeeit.

Well, me and my ex had a bill of a little under $20 and I left a tip of $20. We quickly tried to pay and get the hell out of there bc we knew the waitress wouldn't want to accept it. So as we're in the line you have to wait in to pay while leaving she grabs the money and walks up to us and she says "oh you don't pay at the table you do in line like you are now" and we said "we know, that's your tip" ... and she said "oh no no no you know I can't take this" and my gf said "yes you can, and that's OK it's OK to take it we're leaving it and if you don't take it someone else will so you might as well take it" ... she asked why and my ex didn't say anything but their minds connected at that point and when the waitress realized why we left so much she kinda paused and then a tear rolled down here face and she hugged my gf and said "thank you, are you sure?" ... "that is so kind, God bless you"

When that woman had a tear fall down her cheek I could tell she's experienced big tables like that many times, filled with rude, demanding people (animals if you ask me, don't even deserve to be called people) who work her to death and she wouldn't be rewarded for her hard work. You could tell she was used to it. Them not tipping disappointed her, but it didn't surprise her either. That day however she did find out that hard work doesn't always go by unnoticed, and hopefully her spirit was uplifted some and it gave a little more purpose and meaning behind what she does, bc her job is important. People like her serve and service millions of us Americans, and she and her type deserve to feel like her job means something; that it actually matters. It does. And assholes like the OP who clearly don't understand this will continue to be a parasite to society. Yes, it's something as trivial as tipping, but being a waiter or waitress is one of the most common jobs in this country.

Those people have families and children. Not all of them work themselves to the bone, but many of them do, and making some two-fifty an hour isn't enough to support themselves or their families. Their quality of life rests solely on their tips. If they do their job and do it well, they should be compensated for doing such if the establishment they're working in expects their customers to tip accordingly. I have no clue how morons like the OP can be comfortable in their own skin knowing they're being such a cheap ass mutha****a. POS. As I'm watching this State of the Union address; I'm wishing Obama would fittingly (considering the subject matter) call out the OP and that type. LOL.

01-28-2014, 10:20 PM
The only think I tip is my fedora.

http://static1.fjcdn.com/comments/lt+-+The+players+dropping+the+ammo+_6f67e31c52471863af 16582fedf6cfa2.jpg

01-28-2014, 10:27 PM
if u do not tip, u are just cheap period. forget trying to make excuses
waiters getting minimum wage isn't a good enough reason ?

01-28-2014, 10:39 PM
we don't do tipping here.
there's already "10% service tax included"

Oh, that BS huh. They once left me a "service charge" of 4 dollars on a 16 dollar bill so I left them 12 dollars and walked out :roll: :roll: :roll:

01-28-2014, 10:41 PM
Oh, that BS huh. They once left me a "service charge" of 4 dollars on a 16 dollar bill so I left them 12 dollars and walked out :roll: :roll: :roll:

01-28-2014, 10:46 PM
waiters getting minimum wage isn't a good enough reason ?

There are only a few states that require businesses to pay tipped employees minimum wage and the idea is that they average more than minimum wage. So, yes, it's still cheap to skip out on tipping if you were not charged a service fee.

01-28-2014, 10:53 PM

You thought that was funny?


I see it as nothing more than a seed. Seeing you agree and coincide with the OP in your posts in this thread simply tells me you're planting seeds - mental seeds - so next time you're expected to tip and you don't, you won't feel as bad. You already feel a little bad, that bleeds through your posts, and if you know it's a little wrong, at least you know it's wrong, period. That's a start I guess?

01-28-2014, 10:53 PM
:facepalm real alphas aren't poor ass losers who have to drink water in a restaurant because their worried about a couple of bucks.

Where I'm from we don't do the whole tipping thing so I've never tipped anyone, i worked in a supermarket when I was 14 and we were told by the bosses we were not allowed to take money if people offered it to us, I had a couple of older people try to give me money for helping them take their shopping out but if you were seen doing this you'd be in trouble. We were paid pretty well though.

If I went to America I guess I'd tip, I find it an odd custom though that people just assume you will tip even if their shit at their jobs and don't provide good service.

01-28-2014, 10:54 PM
I've never worked at a restaurant but there's obviously "work" that goes into the folks working at one to ensure the customers within are getting what they want; which is what should be a damn good meal with damn good service. It's simple - if you don't want a damn good meal with damn good service then you shouldn't expect it - meaning take your broke ass cheap ass (OP) to MacDizzy fo shizzy because you're probably that one stupid ass mofo in the place part of that one loud and obnoxious group that goes to a sit-down restaurant (the once a month you barely can afford it; which should be a tell tale sign you shouldn't be there in the first place) running your waiter or waitress into the ground for constant refills, A1 sauce, additional plates (because you have three people attempting to share a meal meant to be for one person). etc ... and on top of that complaining about this or that, making sarcastic rude comments to the group but loud enough for your waiter or waitress to hear, and why are you doing all this? So you can justify not leaving a tip once the dining experience is over.

"She was too slow" ... "he didn't refill me when I wanted him to" ... "food came out cold" ... "she didn't explain the specials well enough" ... or any other number of reasons you can compile as a means to justify in your own mind you're not wrong for not leaving a tip. Every excuse in the world doesn't make up for the fact you and your type have no business in a sit-down establishment. If you go into a place as such expected to tip, but you already know you're not you simply shouldn't be there.

I've been out to eat hundreds of times and seen many a waiter or waitress bust their ass for someone mad hard, grinding like hell and also providing superb service only to get no tip and the person or group almost mocking or talking shit about their server or the restaurant itself as the obnoxious group exits the place. All so they can make themselves feel better. Shit isn't right. I don't know what happens behind those kitchen doors, but if you belong to this group or type that I'm talking about you sir deserve to have your next meal to be rubbed up against the cook's sweaty ball sack when you return.

It's not about you disagreeing with the tipping system, paying them extra for something they're already getting paid for blah blah blah no no no asshole you're simply just a cheap douchbag. Period, and you know it. I always tip around 20-25% sometimes more if the service is above and beyond the norm because for a lot of them folks they're trying to make an honest living, taking care of a baby she had recently or whatever else. Shit seems like hard work considering they have to deal with all these obnoxious douchbags I see almost at least once every time I go out to a sit-down restaurant.

Me and my ex gf this one morning at IHOP watched this group of maybe 11 to 12, easy, run this Hispanic woman (maybe 35ish) like crazy. She busted her ass for these LOUD, cringe-worthy obnoxious ****tards and the dude at the head of the table picked up the bill and told everyone at the table "I got this. You know I got ya'll. I take good care of my people" or something like that. A woman a few seats down said "I'll help with the tip then" and someone else said "yeah I will too" but the guy paying said "nah, I told ya'll I got this, tip too" then he mumbled something to the effect of "she wasn't even worth a damn really, I really shouldn't leave shit" ... and when he said that he kinda chuckled, which caught my attention. My gf's too.

Well turns out dude left three dollars on the table for a tip. When the waitress came back around she seen the tip and she didn't act all pissed off, go through the roof or anything like that, but you could damn sure see the disappointment in her face. I had never seen one woman work so damn hard on a table that was so rude, so obnoxious, asking a million ?'s demanding a million things and the entire time she did exactly what they wanted, quickly, efficiently and with a smile. Shit, I'd be a little disappointed too if I worked as hard as she did for 45 minutes, serving a bill I'm sure was well over $100 and she's making what, a $2.50 hourly wage and then she's tipped $3, to compensate for what she did? To the OP and that type, this is OK. (Clay Davis voice) Sheeeeeeeeeeeeit.

Well, me and my ex had a bill of a little under $20 and I left a tip of $20. We quickly tried to pay and get the hell out of there bc we knew the waitress wouldn't want to accept it. So as we're in the line you have to wait in to pay while leaving she grabs the money and walks up to us and she says "oh you don't pay at the table you do in line like you are now" and we said "we know, that's your tip" ... and she said "oh no no no you know I can't take this" and my gf said "yes you can, and that's OK it's OK to take it we're leaving it and if you don't take it someone else will so you might as well take it" ... she asked why and my ex didn't say anything but their minds connected at that point and when the waitress realized why we left so much she kinda paused and then a tear rolled down here face and she hugged my gf and said "thank you, are you sure?" ... "that is so kind, God bless you"

When that woman had a tear fall down her cheek I could tell she's experienced big tables like that many times, filled with rude, demanding people (animals if you ask me, don't even deserve to be called people) who work her to death and she wouldn't be rewarded for her hard work. You could tell she was used to it. Them not tipping disappointed her, but it didn't surprise her either. That day however she did find out that hard work doesn't always go by unnoticed, and hopefully her spirit was uplifted some and it gave a little more purpose and meaning behind what she does, bc her job is important. People like her serve and service millions of us Americans, and she and her type deserve to feel like her job means something; that it actually matters. It does. And assholes like the OP who clearly don't understand this will continue to be a parasite to society. Yes, it's something as trivial as tipping, but being a waiter or waitress is one of the most common jobs in this country.

Those people have families and children. Not all of them work themselves to the bone, but many of them do, and making some two-fifty an hour isn't enough to support themselves or their families. Their quality of life rests solely on their tips. If they do their job and do it well, they should be compensated for doing such if the establishment they're working in expects their customers to tip accordingly. I have no clue how morons like the OP can be comfortable in their own skin knowing they're being such a cheap ass mutha****a. POS. As I'm watching this State of the Union address; I'm wishing Obama would fittingly (considering the subject matter) call out the OP and that type. LOL.

I'm sorry, can you repeat that I wasn't listening.

01-28-2014, 10:56 PM
:facepalm real alphas aren't poor ass losers who have to drink water in a restaurant because their worried about a couple of bucks.

Well the other reason is because soda is nasty anyway. Paying someone 2.50 for a cup full of crap (when the crap costs .89 for a gallon) is for fools.

So either way, alphas aint drinkin no soda in a restaurant.

Trust me, beta.

01-28-2014, 11:00 PM
Well the other reason is because soda is nasty anyway. Paying someone 2.50 for a cup full of crap (when the crap costs .89 for a gallon) is for fools.

So either way, alphas aint drinkin no soda in a restaurant.

Trust me, beta.


in your last post you talked like you wanted a soda, a real alpha gets what he wants when he wants it, he doesn't wait until he gets home because he can't afford to buy one at a restaurant. Your bitch ass has been exposed. A real alpha doesn't even have thoughts like yours cross his mind. if he wants it he gets it period

01-28-2014, 11:04 PM
Servers basically get no pay checks. It all goes to taxes. You gotta be real shithead not to tip

01-28-2014, 11:04 PM
I'm sorry, can you repeat that I wasn't listening.

No, you were listening. You're always listening. Anywhere Josh appears, you're not far behind, wishing I was in your behind. Keep dreaming. Many a year now, it's been your sole desire to have your physical raped y LOJ, considering the mental can't possible be violated any more than she already has. You've been on these nuts like I said, many a year now, and clearly I've never been on yours.

I'm not the one who's created dozens of new threads concerning your favorite poster. I'm not the one who's constantly following said poster around, constantly calling out, talking shit and slurping the nut trails left behind by said poster. I'm not the one who spends endless hours saving said poster's pictures, editing them, *********ing to them, and only God know what else. I would tell you to get a life of your own but it'd be just about effective as raking leaves ten feet away from a tornado, so what's the use?

01-28-2014, 11:06 PM
No, you were listening. You're always listening. Anywhere Josh appears, you're not far behind, wishing I was in your behind. Keep dreaming. Many a year now, it's been your sole desire to have your physical raped y LOJ, considering the mental can't possible be violated any more than she already has. You've been on these nuts like I said, many a year now, and clearly I've never been on yours.

I'm not the one who's created dozens of new threads concerning your favorite poster. I'm not the one who's constantly following said poster around, constantly calling out, talking shit and slurping the nut trails left behind by said poster. I'm not the one who spends endless hours saving said poster's pictures, editing them, *********ing to them, and only God know what else. I would tell you to get a life of your own but it'd be just about effective as raking leaves ten feet away from a tornado, so what's the use?


01-28-2014, 11:06 PM
If you go somewhere regularly, give no tips, note that someone is probably pissing in your food. Tipping is the right thing to do anyway, but for those of you who think they are making a point, please note the point of someone's **** is probably in your food.

01-28-2014, 11:06 PM
Well the other reason is because soda is nasty anyway. Paying someone 2.50 for a cup full of crap (when the crap costs .89 for a gallon) is for fools.

So either way, alphas aint drinkin no soda in a restaurant.

Trust me, beta.

Alphas don't pay $2.50 for muphuckin carbonated bullshit. That's some beta shit. This is how alphas get their hydration on in restaurants:


No charge :pimp:

01-28-2014, 11:06 PM
A real alpha doesn't even have thoughts like yours cross his mind. if he wants it he gets it period

Yeah, that's how dumb alphas like vince young and allen iverson go broke.

Smart alphas let others waste their money on bullshit and sit back steady stackin papes.

01-28-2014, 11:08 PM
No, you were listening. You're always listening. Anywhere Josh appears, you're not far behind, wishing I was in your behind. Keep dreaming. Many a year now, it's been your sole desire to have your physical raped y LOJ, considering the mental can't possible be violated any more than she already has. You've been on these nuts like I said, many a year now, and clearly I've never been on yours.

I'm not the one who's created dozens of new threads concerning your favorite poster. I'm not the one who's constantly following said poster around, constantly calling out, talking shit and slurping the nut trails left behind by said poster. I'm not the one who spends endless hours saving said poster's pictures, editing them, *********ing to them, and only God know what else. I would tell you to get a life of your own but it'd be just about effective as raking leaves ten feet away from a tornado, so what's the use?

Hey, sorry man, I'm back now. I had a call I had to take. So what were you saying?

01-28-2014, 11:09 PM
Alphas don't pay $2.50 for muphuckin carbonated bullshit. That's some beta shit. This is how alphas get their hydration on in restaurants:


No charge :pimp:

homeless men must be the alphas of your world

01-28-2014, 11:09 PM
homeless men must be the alphas of your world

When was the last time a homeless dude tipped someone?

There you go :pimp:

01-28-2014, 11:11 PM
Hey, sorry man, I'm back now. I had a call I had to take. So what were you saying?
When i have a call, the person needs to call a different person who calls a massage parlor who sends three girls over, one for my shoulders, one for my little niko, and the other to read the message. That's some alpha shit.

Taking calls. You're practically gamma.

01-28-2014, 11:13 PM
Alphas don't pay $2.50 for muphuckin carbonated bullshit. That's some beta shit. This is how alphas get their hydration on in restaurants:


No charge :pimp:

Make all the jokes you want man. Most of the world, including all the wannabe-alphas in America, live in the servitude of consumerism.

The real alphas are the merchants at the top who make top dollar off the stuff. Best believe they don't PAY top dollar for anything. That's not how you reach the top.

01-28-2014, 11:14 PM
When i have a call, the person needs to call a different person who calls a massage parlor who sends three girls over, one for my shoulders, one for my little niko, and the other to read the message. That's some alpha shit.

Taking calls. You're practically gamma.

Alphas don't pretend they put someone on ignore and then expose their phony lying self (as if we didn't already know) by being dumb enough to quote them.

You = Beta.

01-28-2014, 11:16 PM
Make all the jokes you want man. Most of the world, including all the wannabe-alphas in America, live in the servitude of consumerism.

The real alphas are the merchants at the top who make top dollar off the stuff. Best believe they don't PAY top dollar for anything. That's not how you reach the top.

So your alphaness, how have these life lessons helped you on your way to the top? How is the entertainment and/or political career going? Must be flourishing since you can't be bothered to pay for $2.50 beta pop or tip.

01-28-2014, 11:17 PM
When i have a call, the person needs to call a different person who calls a massage parlor who sends three girls over, one for my shoulders, one for my little niko, and the other to read the message. That's some alpha shit.

Taking calls. You're practically gamma.

do you tip in a massage parlor?

01-28-2014, 11:17 PM
There are only a few states that require businesses to pay tipped employees minimum wage and the idea is that they average more than minimum wage. So, yes, it's still cheap to skip out on tipping if you were not charged a service fee.

Again, if they don't make minimum wage with tips, their employer is required to cover it.

The average wage of a full time waiter can be anywhere from 10,000 to 30,000 (much better than some other service jobs) yet yall niqqas acting like they homeless w/o your tip

If they want a tip, they can get on they knees and suck daddys dick. other than that, a service charge? For what? Doing your job? :lol this tipping automatically shit is for the betas

01-28-2014, 11:19 PM
In a restaurant? 15% every time. It have to be the shittiest service ever for me to dip below that.

I never tip my barber, though. 20 even is enough for a cut.

01-28-2014, 11:20 PM
do you tip in a massage parlor?
Yep. Alpha's tip. Alpha's take care of the people below them (which is everyone). Think of this. You walk into a place where people earn shit. it's a service industry (massage or food) so it's mostly women, low income, kids a lot. And you take shit and don't pay. that sounds alpha? Why not go smack some kindergarten kids?

Akalakamaka is king beta. He's obsessed with talking alpha/beta to cover up his insecurities. Being too poor to give a tip - again does this sound alpha?

I'm so alpha i'm beta, takes me two freaking letters to describe myself.

01-28-2014, 11:33 PM
So your alphaness, how have these life lessons helped you on your way to the top? How is the entertainment and/or political career going? Must be flourishing since you can't be bothered to pay for $2.50 beta pop or tip.

Things are going pretty alpha but of course I gotta keep up the grind, which means I can't stop to waste money on soda or leave some beta male waiter/actor a tip. I heard Nick Cage was a pretty generous tipper. Wonder how alpha it felt when he had to file bankruptcy.

Hey, but honestly, I don't care. Anyone wants to call me cheap, let em. If I sat here and worried bout dat, I'd be nothin but a beta. Let the betas tip, too. Keeps shit cheaper for me. Alpha gonna alpha.

01-28-2014, 11:35 PM
Yep. Alpha's tip. Alpha's take care of the people below them (which is everyone). Think of this. You walk into a place where people earn shit. it's a service industry (massage or food) so it's mostly women, low income, kids a lot. And you take shit and don't pay. that sounds alpha? Why not go smack some kindergarten kids?

Akalakamaka is king beta. He's obsessed with talking alpha/beta to cover up his insecurities. Being too poor to give a tip - again does this sound alpha?

I'm so alpha i'm beta, takes me two freaking letters to describe myself.

Betas gonna beta :rolleyes:

At least we know what you drink when you eat out, whenever your alpha wife lets you that is:


How much do you tip on your beta pop, beta? :biggums:

Things are going pretty alpha but of course I gotta keep up the grind, which means I can't stop to waste money on soda or leave some beta male waiter/actor a tip. I heard Nick Cage was a pretty generous tipper. Wonder how alpha it felt when he had to file bankruptcy.

Hey, but honestly, I don't care. Anyone wants to call me cheap, let em. If I sat here and worried bout dat, I'd be nothin but a beta. Let the betas tip, too. Keeps shit cheaper for me. Alpha gonna alpha.

Sounds like you're living the dream. Truly a king among men. You>>>Beta Nicholas Coppola.

01-28-2014, 11:37 PM
Akalakamaka is king beta. He's obsessed with talking alpha/beta to cover up his insecurities.

I don't recognize this word. It is not in my alpha vocabulary. :pimp:

I'm serious.

01-28-2014, 11:39 PM
I don't recognize this word. It is not in my alpha vocabulary. :pimp:

I'm serious.
You're so insecure you can't bear to look at the word insecure.

Akamakala, i'll keep talking to you so some stuff rubs off, but you need to really not be such a pus sy. Testosterone is your friend. :cheers: I'm starting to feel bad.

01-28-2014, 11:55 PM
You're so insecure you can't bear to look at the word insecure.

Akamakala, i'll keep talking to you so some stuff rubs off, but you need to really not be such a pus sy. Testosterone is your friend. :cheers: I'm starting to feel bad.

:lol dude you're not even good at PRETENDING to be alpha :facepalm

01-28-2014, 11:58 PM
:lol dude you're not even good at PRETENDING to be alpha :facepalm
Alakazamama I can't talk to you. Guys like you, there is a word for you (besides beta), it's a drag. Because talking to you just robs me of IQ points. I'll let Josh go back to crapping on you. :cheers:

01-29-2014, 12:29 AM
If I have money to spare I'll tip. I work in a job where I sort of rely on tips and I don't go absolutely apeshit if a person I help out doesn't tip me.

If they did that shit where they took away part of my salary because of tipping, then I'd be pissed.

01-29-2014, 12:33 AM
Never once tipped anyone in my life. Don't intend to either.

01-29-2014, 12:36 AM
Yes because I have manners and respect. You have to respect people who work. I'll tip less though if the person was lousy.

01-29-2014, 12:53 AM
Yeah I'm not a cheap bastard. When I'm drunk I over tip like an idiot though.

01-29-2014, 01:11 AM

01-29-2014, 01:24 AM
In a restaurant? 15% every time. It have to be the shittiest service ever for me to dip below that.

I never tip my barber, though. 20 even is enough for a cut.
You don't tip your barber?? Sheesh.

I bought my barber a Christmas gift lol

05-15-2014, 09:25 AM
Nah, I'm good on money homie. Money doesn't mean shit to me tbh. I just quit a job where I made 14 an hr and had full health benefits (was also youngest in the company) for a job making 8 an hour because of the lower hours for school.

The irony is the logic works the other way around. Yall acting like if I don't tip the waiter 2-3 more dollars for doing their job they gonna struggle to make ends meet. If thats the case get a better job than minimum wage. The logic that yall present to defend waiters is incredibly weak. When I was making minimum wage I didn't put the burden of getting a higher income on the CUSTOMERS. Thats ridiculous. I put the burden on myself to get a better job.

Kobe fans... :roll:

05-15-2014, 12:40 PM

:roll: :roll:

05-15-2014, 01:45 PM



05-15-2014, 03:53 PM
Things are going pretty alpha but of course I gotta keep up the grind, which means I can't stop to waste money on soda or leave some beta male waiter/actor a tip. I heard Nick Cage was a pretty generous tipper. Wonder how alpha it felt when he had to file bankruptcy.

Hey, but honestly, I don't care. Anyone wants to call me cheap, let em. If I sat here and worried bout dat, I'd be nothin but a beta. Let the betas tip, too. Keeps shit cheaper for me. Alpha gonna alpha.
GOBB you are a postman WTF are you blabbering about?

05-15-2014, 04:00 PM
Beta as hell to not tip.

True Alphas try to bring the betas (their servers/servants) up to their level and share the wealth and prosperity of being an Alpha.

05-15-2014, 04:06 PM
I think it's safe to assume that people who don't tip doesn't understand the American culture and the service business in general.

Which, of course, I don't feel the need to explain that because people are doing it on a daily basis.

it's either make tipping part of the bill, or let the customers have a say about their experience. it's probably how Americans can have their waiter/waitresses speak for their restaruant, and let managers macro-manage. While most likely other places through the world is still on a micro-manage basis or have shitty services.

But yup, I'm pretty darn ignorant on this issue considering the fact that I was a pretty good waiter.

05-15-2014, 04:18 PM
The problem I have with everyone making the arguments for tipping is they act like they do it just because it's "the right thing to do," yet the only people they tip are waiters and other people who work a job where it is the social norm to tip them.

Just admit you only tip because it makes you feel uncomfortable if you don't. Stop trying to play it off like it's because you are a good person.

05-15-2014, 04:36 PM
The problem I have with everyone making the arguments for tipping is they act like they do it just because it's "the right thing to do," yet the only people they tip are waiters and other people who work a job where it is the social norm to tip them.

Just admit you only tip because it makes you feel uncomfortable if you don't. Stop trying to play it off like it's because you are a good person.

If feeling like a boss, and having the opportunity to directly rate a person's work/effort with your pre-range determined budget makes me a good person.

I feel flattered.

Oh, you are talking about the 10-15% tippers about how because it makes them uncomfortable. Some people at least understands how the service-wage system works, and they don't feel like walking out feeling like a retard or an idiot.

You? hmmm.....

I once asked a friend of mine, "do you lie to yourself"
he said "No, I just lie to people a lot"

05-18-2014, 06:20 PM
The problem I have with everyone making the arguments for tipping is they act like they do it just because it's "the right thing to do," yet the only people they tip are waiters and other people who work a job where it is the social norm to tip them.

Just admit you only tip because it makes you feel uncomfortable if you don't. Stop trying to play it off like it's because you are a good person.

You tip certain jobs because those people are subsidizing the cost of your food/service with their low wages. If the restaurant was forced to pay all of their servers, delivery drivers, etc a competitive wage then you would be forced to pay a service fee with your meal.

People can bitch about tipping all they want, but if the tipping system was eliminated you would be paying more for your service than the measly few bucks people chip the waiter.

If you don't tip at all, you're an idiot who doesn't see the obvious problem with pissing off the person who is bringing your food.

Le Shaqtus
05-18-2014, 07:57 PM
Indians are the worst tippers.

I had to split a $364 bill three ways and not one of them tipped even 15%, stingy assholes :facepalm

Boarder Patrol
05-18-2014, 07:58 PM
OP is the worst poster on this board

robert de niro
05-18-2014, 09:15 PM
it just feels that USA social norm of tipping is like a blackmail situation where if you don't agree to it, you expose yourself to some kind of "retaliation" from a teenager with acne holding you by the balls, it must be so ****ing sad, you can do crazy shit to other peoples food and that's fine but if you don't tip you go to hell, that dude doesnt deserve to have a job to begin with, he should be in the street eating mice if he behaves like that, tipping because you had a great service is a great thing to do, but most people defending it here do it so just because of the possible (accepted?) backlash

05-18-2014, 09:41 PM
assuming they did a satisfactory job serving you, you have to be a real dick not to tip .. I can never do that ..

especially with a pizza driver .. dude just brought you your pizza to your doorstep and you're not gonna tip him ? .. not cool ..

now if their service was horrible at a restaurant or whatever place it is, that's a different story

Le Shaqtus
05-18-2014, 10:13 PM
assuming they did a satisfactory job serving you, you have to be a real dick not to tip .. I can never do that ..

especially with a pizza driver .. dude just brought you your pizza to your doorstep and you're not gonna tip him ? .. not cool ..

now if their service was horrible at a restaurant or whatever place it is, that's a different story

Some people are just assholes like the OP though. I had one table write on my bill "You are in the wrong job" except all I did was bring them their drinks, regularly checked up on them and made sure they were ok and such.

Some people just suck.

05-18-2014, 10:31 PM
Of course I tip, servers get paid well under minimum wage at most restaurants. I have been a server and I don't recall ever not being tipped.

05-18-2014, 11:59 PM
I see tipping as a nice gesture for the next customer the waiter serves. Assuming the server isn't full of himself, a good tip gives them incentive to give good service for the next person served. A bad tip let's them know that they need to improve their service. No tip just pisses off the server and they could take it out on the next customer.

05-19-2014, 12:33 AM
I see tipping as a nice gesture for the next customer the waiter serves. Assuming the server isn't full of himself, a good tip gives them incentive to give good service for the next person served. A bad tip let's them know that they need to improve their service. No tip just pisses off the server and they could take it out on the next customer.

Like-wise, no tip could mean the waiter needs to step up his game for the next customer otherwise his nightly earnings will suffer.

I think of tipping as an incentive tool for employees in the service sector to perform well - similar to paying commissions for salesmen. If a salesman can sell to customers, and get that customer to maybe refer other friends to my dealership, then he deserves to take home more money than the other guy. Similarly, if a waiter always provides outstanding customer service, never gets any orders wrong, brings good vibes to my customers and thus lines my restaurant up for business, I would expect the tip to be his commission.

Now if I were a restaurant owner and I had a bunch of customers that weren't tipping regardless of service, I would probably have to implement a mandatory 15-20% service fee. Then I'd have to spend time and money to track the performance of each of my waiters and allocate the nightly service fee among the waiters in a fair manner, which will drive up total costs, which will essentially drive up my prices. Much easier to have a little faith in the customers to weed out the bad workers with tips.

Personally, I always tip 20% unless the service was shoddy, then I'll end up tipping 10% or less.

05-19-2014, 05:56 AM
Like-wise, no tip could mean the waiter needs to step up his game for the next customer otherwise his nightly earnings will suffer.

I think of tipping as an incentive tool for employees in the service sector to perform well - similar to paying commissions for salesmen. If a salesman can sell to customers, and get that customer to maybe refer other friends to my dealership, then he deserves to take home more money than the other guy. Similarly, if a waiter always provides outstanding customer service, never gets any orders wrong, brings good vibes to my customers and thus lines my restaurant up for business, I would expect the tip to be his commission.

Now if I were a restaurant owner and I had a bunch of customers that weren't tipping regardless of service, I would probably have to implement a mandatory 15-20% service fee. Then I'd have to spend time and money to track the performance of each of my waiters and allocate the nightly service fee among the waiters in a fair manner, which will drive up total costs, which will essentially drive up my prices. Much easier to have a little faith in the customers to weed out the bad workers with tips.

Personally, I always tip 20% unless the service was shoddy, then I'll end up tipping 10% or less.
Actually, since tipping is more of a social standard these days, servers won't see nontippers as indicators of performance. Servers just see them as assholes. No server is going to be like "well I got no tips from that guy. I must of not tried at all."

05-19-2014, 08:38 AM
People on ISH trying to be cold blooded asshole to try and prove that they're alphas:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

Caring doesnt make you weak or BETA
Strong people don't put weak people down they lift them up

05-19-2014, 09:38 AM
I used to Valet, and tipping was basically the only money I made. My hourly wage was taken out of taxes. Valet is something that people with actual money do tho, so when they dont tip, they are the scum of the earth......
Basically. I do it now. Some people still stiff me even though are valet is complimentary. It's crazy, how are you not going to tip the guy who is taking care of your car.

05-19-2014, 09:59 AM
Actually, since tipping is more of a social standard these days, servers won't see nontippers as indicators of performance. Servers just see them as assholes. No server is going to be like "well I got no tips from that guy. I must of not tried at all."

True. Maybe then a server getting a 10% tip might be induced to try harder.

05-19-2014, 10:13 AM
Yes, I always tip. Well unless it's like a pick up/carry out order lol. I used to be a pizza driver and I was not compensated for my gas...tips helped a lot.

05-19-2014, 03:34 PM
it just feels that USA social norm of tipping is like a blackmail situation where if you don't agree to it, you expose yourself to some kind of "retaliation" from a teenager with acne holding you by the balls, it must be so ****ing sad, you can do crazy shit to other peoples food and that's fine but if you don't tip you go to hell, that dude doesnt deserve to have a job to begin with, he should be in the street eating mice if he behaves like that, tipping because you had a great service is a great thing to do, but most people defending it here do it so just because of the possible (accepted?) backlash

Because you're expected to tip. Not doing so is robbing the services of whomever is serving you. Even a bad serving job is worth something unless you had to walk to the kitchen to fetch your food and refill your drinks.

Service people take it personally when they are not compensated for their service. Not saying I agree with ****ing with peoples food, but I completely understand the frustration that leads towards it. Pretty shitty to bust your ass only for some asshole to cost you money and treat you like shit at your job.

05-19-2014, 04:31 PM
Because you're expected to tip. Not doing so is robbing the services of whomever is serving you. Even a bad serving job is worth something unless you had to walk to the kitchen to fetch your food and refill your drinks.

I took my grandmother and mother to breakfast at golden corral for mothers dayl(not my choice...but my mom enjoys it and so do the kids). Breakfast buffet. Juice on the bar so no drinks brought. No plates brought. No nothing. We were shown to a table and the waitress literally never worked with us once.

The only interaction between us and the staff was paying.....walking to the table...and her asking if everything was good at some point.

Tell me...worth a tip?

Did she do anything to justify it?

Bill was like 45 bucks. I left 60. I wasnt gonna get change then leave something. I almost never use a card for a casual meal like that. I had 20s. **** it.

36% tip.


Society decided she deserves it for the nothing she did.

She doesnt deserve it based on the work she performed.

I almost never get service at a casual place worth tipping. I just do it anyway.

Ive had meals the waiter had to know his job. Fondue spots. Some places where they carve meat off spits at the table and actually prepare some of the meal. Know the food inside and out. The wine.

Fine...such a situation...increase my enjoyment of the night. Worth a tip.

But the girl at wafflehouse pouring coffee twice feels as entitled as people doing work that matters. And will talk about you like a subhuman if you dont give them a good tip. Yes...I know people who work at waffle house. And she makes 150 bucks in a few hours on a weekend night...WHILE being paid above minimum wage. was hired as a cook not a waitress. So when she waits tables for extra money....shes getting minimum wage plus the tips.

It has nothing to do with what they make. They want more.

A waitress who feels she was stiffed is one of the most annoying people to deal with. I had a friend whos girl worked at chilis....an ex who worked at quincys...

Just an annoying subject to bring up. And god forbid you mention the millions of people working for less than minimum wage who get no tips to do harder work....

Ive done under the table construction work. 40 bucks flat...picked up at 6 dropped off at 7 or so. 40 bucks for a day. 50 on a good day. 3 bucks and change an hour if it were clocked.

No tips. Exposed to the weather. Winter. Summer. No extra money for work boots or gloves.

Digging a trench for a new sewer line. Insulating the attic of an old church. Spreading pine needles off a truck with 200 bales.

Real work.

3 bucks an hour.

No tip.

No complaints.

Think id do that and listen to bitching from someone pouring tea and having to smile in the AC while getting free food and....walking briskly in short bursts?

Because they made 80 bucks on a thursday night shift?

I'll just say....ive had discussions on the issue. Service types and me will not agree.

But I tip them anyway. Just...because.

05-19-2014, 04:58 PM
Only idiots and jerks don't tip servers.

05-19-2014, 05:56 PM
ah, here comes the people saying shit like

"you have to tip because otherwise you wouldn't have such cheap food like you do now paying 15 dollars for a burger and some fries!"

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

look at early on in this thread. they profit regardless man, the tipping system is just another way of alphas manipulating betas

05-19-2014, 05:59 PM
I took my grandmother and mother to breakfast at golden corral for mothers dayl(not my choice...but my mom enjoys it and so do the kids). Breakfast buffet. Juice on the bar so no drinks brought. No plates brought. No nothing. We were shown to a table and the waitress literally never worked with us once.

The only interaction between us and the staff was paying.....walking to the table...and her asking if everything was good at some point.

Tell me...worth a tip?

Did she do anything to justify it?

Bill was like 45 bucks. I left 60. I wasnt gonna get change then leave something. I almost never use a card for a casual meal like that. I had 20s. **** it.

36% tip.


Society decided she deserves it for the nothing she did.

She doesnt deserve it based on the work she performed.

I almost never get service at a casual place worth tipping. I just do it anyway.

Ive had meals the waiter had to know his job. Fondue spots. Some places where they carve meat off spits at the table and actually prepare some of the meal. Know the food inside and out. The wine.

Fine...such a situation...increase my enjoyment of the night. Worth a tip.

But the girl at wafflehouse pouring coffee twice feels as entitled as people doing work that matters. And will talk about you like a subhuman if you dont give them a good tip. Yes...I know people who work at waffle house. And she makes 150 bucks in a few hours on a weekend night...WHILE being paid above minimum wage. was hired as a cook not a waitress. So when she waits tables for extra money....shes getting minimum wage plus the tips.

It has nothing to do with what they make. They want more.

A waitress who feels she was stiffed is one of the most annoying people to deal with. I had a friend whos girl worked at chilis....an ex who worked at quincys...

Just an annoying subject to bring up. And god forbid you mention the millions of people working for less than minimum wage who get no tips to do harder work....

Ive done under the table construction work. 40 bucks flat...picked up at 6 dropped off at 7 or so. 40 bucks for a day. 50 on a good day. 3 bucks and change an hour if it were clocked.

No tips. Exposed to the weather. Winter. Summer. No extra money for work boots or gloves.

Digging a trench for a new sewer line. Insulating the attic of an old church. Spreading pine needles off a truck with 200 bales.

Real work.

3 bucks an hour.

No tip.

No complaints.

Think id do that and listen to bitching from someone pouring tea and having to smile in the AC while getting free food and....walking briskly in short bursts?

Because they made 80 bucks on a thursday night shift?

I'll just say....ive had discussions on the issue. Service types and me will not agree.

But I tip them anyway. Just...because.

this was a great ****ing post

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

I used to be like you and tip "just because," but I got over that shit fast.

05-19-2014, 06:01 PM
Of course I tip, servers get paid well under minimum wage at most restaurants. I have been a server and I don't recall ever not being tipped.

servers don't get paid under minimum wage.... this is the biggest lie that gets thrown around to justify the system...

if they don't make minimum wage in tips then their employers BY LAW have to cover the cost. It's as simple as that. If you truly cared about their crap pay then you'd do the right thing and NOT tip them.

05-19-2014, 06:02 PM
Always tip. But I get mad when the tip isn't good enough and they seem upset.

Had one bad experience. My girlfriend and I went to a buffet, and we thought that tip was included in the bill. Chinese guy counted the money in front of us and started to go in. He proceeded with ''do you know tip isn't included right''

We stopped going there. The other buffets we go to they have the rules and regulations listed in the table that tip isn't included in the bill for people to know

We tipped the guy anyways that day.

05-19-2014, 06:23 PM
Some people are just assholes like the OP though. I had one table write on my bill "You are in the wrong job" except all I did was bring them their drinks, regularly checked up on them and made sure they were ok and such.

Some people just suck.

Wow man, that's such a line crosser. Perhaps they were trying to insinuate that your talents were going to waste.

Unlikely though...

05-19-2014, 07:18 PM
the problem with everyone that is pro tripping and try to convince me to tip is that none of their arguments make sense from a logical perspective

you tried to tell me that I should tip because they get paid below minimum wage, which is in fact false. At no point in a waiters career will they EVER make below minimum wage. so I debunked that myth.

next you tried to tell me that I should tip because it makes the cost of my food lower, which is in fact false because they don't ask if I'm going to tip before ringing up my bill and food cost.

you guys are just running out of ideas now and strictly pulling out the emotions and morals card and trying to shame me but I don't give a shit :confusedshrug:

I deal with facts, logic, and what makes sense in the real world. I wipe my ass with petty "emotions." Can't get caught up with bullshit worries about looking like a "good person" to some shitty waiter that would act pissy upon finding I didn't leave a tip.

05-19-2014, 07:37 PM
True. Maybe then a server getting a 10% tip might be induced to try harder.
More or less. It's hard to tell people's reactions since people have the tendency to be irrational.

I wonder if tipping something as low as 5% would give a similar effect.

05-19-2014, 07:50 PM
You can't follow this logic?

Give a nice tip > Waiter is nicer > Waiter is extra nice to you next time

Give a bad tip > Waiter hates it > Waiter is rude next time

You must be pretty stupid.

so over the course of my life I'm throwing down all of this money for the 9-10 times that I actually get the same waiter with the hopes that they'll remember me and be nice (like they are supposed to regardless).

:biggums: :biggums: :biggums:

do you realize how stupid that logic sound when applied to tipping?

Le Shaqtus
05-19-2014, 07:58 PM
the problem with everyone that is pro tripping and try to convince me to tip is that none of their arguments make sense from a logical perspective

you tried to tell me that I should tip because they get paid below minimum wage, which is in fact false. At no point in a waiters career will they EVER make below minimum wage. so I debunked that myth.

next you tried to tell me that I should tip because it makes the cost of my food lower, which is in fact false because they don't ask if I'm going to tip before ringing up my bill and food cost.

you guys are just running out of ideas now and strictly pulling out the emotions and morals card and trying to shame me but I don't give a shit :confusedshrug:

I deal with facts, logic, and what makes sense in the real world. I wipe my ass with petty "emotions." Can't get caught up with bullshit worries about looking like a "good person" to some shitty waiter that would act pissy upon finding I didn't leave a tip.

:biggums: Nikka I get paid 4.50 an hour, I ain't livin' on that

05-19-2014, 08:05 PM
:biggums: Nikka I get paid 4.50 an hour, I ain't livin' on that

If you ever ACTUALLY get paid 4.50 an hour let me know. I'll be your lawyer and we can sue your company.

Le Shaqtus
05-19-2014, 08:06 PM
If you ever ACTUALLY get paid 4.50 an hour let me know. I'll be your lawyer and we can sue your company.

I legitimately get paid $4.50 an hour, the tips are how I actually make good money.

05-19-2014, 08:07 PM
Always tip. But I get mad when the tip isn't good enough and they seem upset.

Had one bad experience. My girlfriend and I went to a buffet, and we thought that tip was included in the bill. Chinese guy counted the money in front of us and started to go in. He proceeded with ''do you know tip isn't included right''

We stopped going there. The other buffets we go to they have the rules and regulations listed in the table that tip isn't included in the bill for people to know

We tipped the guy anyways that day.
Lol what a fgt. I would have smiled and said, "Yeah", then left.

05-19-2014, 08:08 PM
I legitimately get paid $4.50 an hour, the tips are how I actually make good money.

and without those tips you'd make minimum wage so it's a completely moot point. all those tips do is allow you to make a decent earning compared to other minimum wage jobs like retail

Le Shaqtus
05-19-2014, 08:11 PM
and without those tips you'd make minimum wage so it's a completely moot point. all those tips do is allow you to make a decent earning compared to other minimum wage jobs like retail

That's fine but without tips I make 4.50 so I need them :lol

05-19-2014, 08:12 PM
That's fine but without tips I make 4.50 so I need them :lol

no, without tips you make minimum wage

robert de niro
05-19-2014, 08:15 PM
You can't follow this logic?

Give a nice tip > Waiter is nicer > Waiter is extra nice to you next time

Give a bad tip > Waiter hates it > Waiter is rude next time

You must be pretty stupid.
they are supposed to be nice regardless, it's their ****ing job, and I've never been served by the same person twice in my whole life

Le Shaqtus
05-19-2014, 08:29 PM
So in your mind there's only 'nice' and 'not nice'?

How do you think a shitty customer that left before you took the table will affect your waiter?

Even if I get tipped shitty (or not at all) it doesn't affect my performance. I can be upset about it but I still have to be professional.

And I've gotten plenty of shitty tips.

05-19-2014, 08:50 PM
'All this money'? You must be such a cheap piece of shit. You're going out and paying for overpriced food and you can't put down a 15% tip?

They'll be nicer to the next people they wait on. It's called paying it forward.

If you have such a problem with it, don't go out to eat.

wait a minute do you tip retail employees too?

maybe if you do they'll be nicer to their next customer :eek:

05-19-2014, 09:21 PM
wait a minute do you tip retail employees too?

maybe if you do they'll be nicer to their next customer :eek:

i used to work in the garden center at kmart in high school.

sometimes there would be a line of cars waiting for me to load bags of mulch in them. If I ever got tipped, i'd always make sure to do it very obviously and make no attempt to conceal the fact that some guy was tipping me. When others saw me getting tipped, most of the time they would tip me too.

05-19-2014, 09:29 PM
i used to work in the garden center at kmart in high school.

sometimes there would be a line of cars waiting for me to load bags of mulch in them. If I ever got tipped, i'd always make sure to do it very obviously and make no attempt to conceal the fact that some guy was tipping me. When others saw me getting tipped, most of the time they would tip me too.

lmao, I worked at garden center in kmart too while I was in high school. Got offered a tip a few times but always refused it.

05-19-2014, 09:37 PM
Lol what a fgt. I would have smiled and said, "Yeah", then left.

That's what we said. We left and laughed

"We know the tip wasn't included"


Fcking faggt all he had to do was pick up our plates. Buffet is self served. :coleman:

05-19-2014, 09:54 PM
You can't follow this logic?

Give a nice tip > Waiter is nicer > Waiter is extra nice to you next time

Give a bad tip > Waiter hates it > Waiter is rude next time

You must be pretty stupid.

Waiter is rude, waiter gets fired. :confusedshrug:

05-19-2014, 10:17 PM
That's what we said. We left and laughed

"We know the tip wasn't included"


Fcking faggt all he had to do was pick up our plates. Buffet is self served. :coleman:
Wait, you said you tipped him that day. I'm confused.

05-19-2014, 10:47 PM
Question for Russ & other non tippers. I take it you don't tip bartenders, while at a club or bar either?

05-19-2014, 10:49 PM
i feel like part of the pro tipping sentiment is really just people in denial about having wasted so much money on it all these years before running into good anti-tipping opinions

05-19-2014, 11:09 PM
We're trying to have a society here.

You should be embarrassed if you're not tipping; most adults are disgusted with poor tippers. Having waited tables many years I'll straight call out my loser friends when we're at a bar or out to eat if they're skimping and making us look bad.

05-19-2014, 11:24 PM
Being stingy and not tipping when the waiter or waitress gives you good service?? thats not cool

But I don't have any problem with stiffing a waiter when he gives you poor service..

you are a slacker?? No tip for you.. F*ck you

05-19-2014, 11:45 PM
Wait, you said you tipped him that day. I'm confused.
Wr did tip him. But, we were joking around as an insider joke amongst ourselves as if we did know tip wasn't included and like he didn't ' deserve one lol

05-20-2014, 06:17 AM
Even if I get tipped shitty (or not at all) it doesn't affect my performance. I can be upset about it but I still have to be professional.

And I've gotten plenty of shitty tips.
Well whoop ti do for you. Even if it's true that you carry yourself like that, not every servers does it too.

05-20-2014, 09:40 AM
wait a minute do you tip retail employees too?

maybe if you do they'll be nicer to their next customer :eek:

There's a huge difference, moron.

Retail employees make at least minimum wage. At least in Indiana, waiters make $2.13 / hour. If they don't get tipped, they can't pay bills. And if your rebuttal is "well they should choose a different profession" then you're twice the moron I thought you were.

05-20-2014, 09:45 AM
i used to work in the garden center at kmart in high school.

Me too.

Summer mulch/landscape timber/straw sale...100 degrees in the south. Get your ass kicked for 8 hours...and we actually had a sign saying not to tip. I see them even today. At supermarkets mostly.

Plenty of people who do a hell of a lot harder work than waiting not only dont get tips but are told not to accept them if they are offered.

05-20-2014, 09:47 AM
Me too.

Summer mulch/landscape timber/straw sale...100 degrees in the south. Get your ass kicked for 8 hours...and we actually had a sign saying not to tip. I see them even today. At supermarkets mostly.

Plenty of people who do a hell of a lot harder work than waiting not only dont get tips but are told not to accept them if they are offered.

Had the same experience working at a grocery store. Patrons were told not to tip us even when we were helping them load groceries in their car or walked them out with an umbrella when it was raining. Of course some old ladies always pulled the grandma move and slipped me a $5 when she shook my hand but most people were more than happy to not tip.

05-20-2014, 09:47 AM
There's a huge difference, moron.

Retail employees make at least minimum wage. At least in Indiana, waiters make $2.13 / hour. If they don't get tipped, they can't pay bills. And if your rebuttal is "well they should choose a different profession" then you're twice the moron I thought you were.

Look into that law and get back to me.

Dont assume you know what it is. Look it up and see the problem with what you are saying. Its very easy to find. Id like you to do so yourself so there is no claim of spinning.

05-20-2014, 09:50 AM
[QUOTE=Rasheed1]Being stingy and not tipping when the waiter or waitress gives you good service?? thats not cool

But I don't have any problem with stiffing a waiter when he gives you poor service..

you are a slacker?? No tip for you.. F*ck you

05-20-2014, 09:52 AM
Me too.

Summer mulch/landscape timber/straw sale...100 degrees in the south. Get your ass kicked for 8 hours...and we actually had a sign saying not to tip. I see them even today. At supermarkets mostly.

Plenty of people who do a hell of a lot harder work than waiting not only dont get tips but are told not to accept them if they are offered.

when i worked there we were told not to accept tips, f*ck that, i eagerly accepted every single one. I would have took that sign down and put it back up when my shift was over :oldlol:

I didn't think the job was too bad IMO. I got to play around on the forklift a lot. Not bad for a 17-18 year old kid. There are far worse sh*ttier jobs to be had at that place. Nobody thinks about tipping you when you are cashiering.

05-20-2014, 09:58 AM
Had the same experience working at a grocery store. Patrons were told not to tip us even when we were helping them load groceries in their car or walked them out with an umbrella when it was raining. Of course some old ladies always pulled the grandma move and slipped me a $5 when she shook my hand but most people were more than happy to not tip.

Ive literally loaded a gotdamn Uhaul full of mulch and pine straw. I think at the time minimum wage was 4 dollars a change. Maybe 5. I didnt get a damn thing extra.

Did I get tips now and then? Yes. Mostly old people who remember when you were supposed to tip anyone helping you to your car. But id go weeks at a time without tips.

Way I see it...either tip all above and beyond service people or dont.

Im happy to tip when I feel ive inconvenienced someone or they had to do more than their usual. We have a local bar that has a kitchen that doesnt open till 8pm. Ive been in there early and the lady who cooks sees us watching the game and knows we will order some wings or something when she starts cooking. She walks over and asks what we want....

Total is like 10 bucks. I'll give her 15 and say keep it. She did more than her job asks just to be friendly. There are times shes made 10-15 extra dollars off us.

Guy I have do my yard...ive paid him literally double on a hot day when he did a great job.

I dont mind giving extra money.

I mind giving extra money to people for shit that doesnt justify it and I know will act like they were stiffed if they dont get it.

I clearly remember once loading someone on a big order. Old guy gave me 20 dollars to split with another guy I had helping. I looked at it funny thinking "Im gonna have to get change" and he said "Thats enough right? Thats all I got..." and I felt so shiity that he would think thats what I meant.

I explained but im not sure he believed me.

Believe it or not I can remember the feeling when he said it. I cringe thinking about it.

05-20-2014, 01:10 PM
There's a huge difference, moron.

Retail employees make at least minimum wage. At least in Indiana, waiters make $2.13 / hour. If they don't get tipped, they can't pay bills. And if your rebuttal is "well they should choose a different profession" then you're twice the moron I thought you were.

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

05-20-2014, 01:26 PM

All of your arguments come off as bitter towards service industry people because of the jobs you chose to do. What does that have anything to do with service and tipping?

I'll repeat this...you tip people who subsidize the price of your food/service with their wages. Your meal is advertised cheaper because those people are working for less than minimum wage. If their employer paid them a full wage, you would get stuck with a mandatory service fee. Some restaurants already do this and as high as 35% of your bill.

I did 7 years of commercial construction. It was hard, back breaking work in the Arizona dry heat, 6 days a week 9+ hours a day for less than what some of the starting wages were for the restaurants we were building. It sucked, but I chose to do that work, and I still don't have such a bitter view towards service workers.

The way to make more money in serving is to put more effort and work into it. The people who make bank are the ones who bust their ass. It's a nerve racking job, and I'm sure anybody would be pissed if most of their pay was expected from the customer and they didn't leave a tip.

05-20-2014, 01:29 PM
they are supposed to be nice regardless, it's their ****ing job, and I've never been served by the same person twice in my whole life

And you're supposed to tip because the restaurant expects you to.

05-20-2014, 01:38 PM
And you're supposed to tip because the restaurant expects you to.

So why do you tip the pizza delivery guy but not the ups delivery guy?

Because someone tells you to?

05-20-2014, 01:44 PM
So why do you tip the pizza delivery guy but not the ups delivery guy?

Because someone tells you to?

Because the UPS guy makes a salary.. :facepalm

05-20-2014, 01:45 PM
So why do you tip the pizza delivery guy but not the ups delivery guy?

Because someone tells you to?

Pizza Delivery guy makes less than minimum wage. UPS guy makes a pretty good wage and full benefits, also drives a company truck and uses a company gas card. Pizza guy uses his own car, pays his own gas and insurance.

Course, you can ask your pizza joint to UPS your pizza to you and enjoy that shit thrown on your doorstep the next day if you want. Probably pay a lot more than a $2 delivery fee and $3 tip, too.

05-20-2014, 01:46 PM
There's a huge difference, moron.

Retail employees make at least minimum wage. At least in Indiana, waiters make $2.13 / hour. If they don't get tipped, they can't pay bills. And if your rebuttal is "well they should choose a different profession" then you're twice the moron I thought you were.
Thats their problem. They should of graduated with a high school diploma and or went to college.

robert de niro
05-20-2014, 02:03 PM
Because the UPS guy makes a salary.. :facepalm
where I live they make the same money, same with most examples you guys are giving :confusedshrug:

05-20-2014, 03:33 PM
All of your arguments come off as bitter towards service industry people because of the jobs you chose to do. What does that have anything to do with service and tipping?

I'll repeat this...you tip people who subsidize the price of your food/service with their wages. Your meal is advertised cheaper because those people are working for less than minimum wage. If their employer paid them a full wage, you would get stuck with a mandatory service fee. Some restaurants already do this and as high as 35% of your bill.

I did 7 years of commercial construction. It was hard, back breaking work in the Arizona dry heat, 6 days a week 9+ hours a day for less than what some of the starting wages were for the restaurants we were building. It sucked, but I chose to do that work, and I still don't have such a bitter view towards service workers.

The way to make more money in serving is to put more effort and work into it. The people who make bank are the ones who bust their ass. It's a nerve racking job, and I'm sure anybody would be pissed if most of their pay was expected from the customer and they didn't leave a tip.

It isnt bitterness. My opinion is based on conversations with people I for the most part liked at the time. Its just honesty. Im not listening to someone bullshit about a hard job for low money like it makes them entitled to anything when ive done much harder jobs for less money....and I dealt with it like a man. I didnt spit in anyones food. I didnt complain about my money. I got a better job when the chance arrived and worked hard not to go back.

Few people act as entitled as waiters or as ready to defend the difficulty of their job and its utter bullshit. It is a job society doesnt need and its performed in relative comfort.

And the lies about minimum wage have to end. A waiter at a job that follows the law is never under minimum wage. If tips dont cover it...the employeer must. So nobody is working for 3 dollars an hour. Except of course...the millions who do under the table work that actually IS below minimum wage because its a flat rate for a long days work.

Sitting in a quincys with a gang of service types wrapping forks and all after hours and complaining about tips when they made twice what plenty of people doing real work make....in half the hours worked...

Just rubbed me the wrong way.

I tip people all the time...but those douchebags have stuck in my mind for years.

And it isnt helped by people here talking about food being spit in and pissed on by idiots working in these places if they feel you dont tip them enough.

Pretty much...worst case....a waitress makes minimum wage. Which millions make for harder work.

Best...and most usual case...they make far more money than their skills justify.

There are exceptional waiters. There are.

Most dont deserve anything beyond their pay. Which...is minimum wage.

Now you want to talk about minimum wage going up....there is a discussion to be had. But most people do nothing to justify more than they agreed to work for. And they like millions of others work for minimum wage....if tips arent there.

Not many deserve money for going above and beyond. Maybe 2 in 10 ive dealt with. but 100% get tipped anyway. Just because.

No logic to it. Just...because.

05-20-2014, 04:33 PM
I don't believe in tipping and I'll tell you why.

First of all, I think it's amoral to pay people less than minimum wage for any reason. It's the minimum wage. And I feel like we, as consumers, are being guilt-tripped into making up the difference for these people. It's like one big scam where we're paying a business' employees for them.

A gratuity is loosely defined as a "gift." Yet tipping has evolved into a system where if you don't tip there's like an implied threat. "Don't eat there again." So my food might get ****ed with because I didn't give you a gift? What are you, five? And if you don't tip, or don't tip enough, you can cut the awkwardness with a knife. So better to just tip amirite.

People say you should tip because you're being provided with a service. Well, people are also doing what they're supposed to do - their jobs. Lots of people who are just doing their jobs also provide me with a service with no tips expected. Like a librarian who finds a specific book for me. And people will say "they get paid a fair wage though." See my first point.

People say tipping ensures good service. Good service should be ensured regardless or they shouldn't have their job. It's called professionalism. I'm tired of this hostage situation. And it isn't true anyway. I'm fairly well-traveled, and the service industry gets along just fine in countries where there is no tipping. Take Japan for instance. My first time eating there I left a tip because it's what I'm used to doing, and the girl followed me outside to give me the tip back and apologize to me. It's considered strange to tip there, or downright rude. And guess what? Service is just as good as it is here if not better(leaning towards the latter).

All that being said, I DO tip. And I tip well. As an individual, I can't change the system by holding out, and I'm not going to leave some kid to go hungry that night because his mom didn't make enough that day. Recently left someone a $20 tip on an $8 bill, just because. I'm not good at saving money and I might die tomorrow anyway. I participate, I just don't like it.

Consumers always end up paying for the labor of a business. It's how the whole system works. Tipping might actually be an even better model if you feel that workers get exploited. Instead of indirectly paying their wages you can actually directly give them money. That way you determine their wage instead of the business owner distributing the wage, which gives him the opportunity to absorb profits brought on by the service of the workers.

05-20-2014, 04:39 PM
Depends on the service.

Hard to argue with KBlaze, but I think what helps them is most of the time, when you go out to eat, you have people around and you want to seem magnanimous. You don't want to sour the mood with arguments about tipping and what not.

I don't eat out that much, so it isn't a hassle.

05-20-2014, 04:39 PM
As someone who sometimes gets tips, it really comes down to luck. I don't **** with people if they don't tip me, that's their right. Luckily my shit job isn't so shit that I have to rely on tips to even make minimum wage. That's criminal.

Sometimes you do the world for people and they don't tip, other times you barely do much for them and they practically empty their wallet. It's not a big deal. I don't hold grudges, but I will admit that I remember the generous tippers if they're a regular patron.

05-20-2014, 05:01 PM
i hate tipping.

the thing that pisses me off so much is when i order chinese delivery these MF'ers charge a $3~ delivery fee. its a nice, expensive chinese restaurant but whats real messed up is that delivery fee goes to the restaurant and not the driver. So these assholes expect me to give $5~ extra EACH time i order delivery. Its just such a fukking scam how they pull this shit but i like their food so i still order.

the other thing that pisses me off is the attitude of delivery drivers who get all bitter if you give them a weak tip, like they're doing you this huuge favor and have earned more from just driving A to B....kills me how entitled a lot act for just fukking driving :mad:

that all said i generally tip well especially if i'm with a girl. i suck at calculating 20% so i just get roundabout on the high end in those situations. if i'm with a bunch of fellas i don't tip that well tho unless we're real fukked up and then we combine and give huge tips(but a lot of these situations we know the bartender).

05-21-2014, 08:35 PM
i hate tipping.

the thing that pisses me off so much is when i order chinese delivery these MF'ers charge a $3~ delivery fee. its a nice, expensive chinese restaurant but whats real messed up is that delivery fee goes to the restaurant and not the driver. So these assholes expect me to give $5~ extra EACH time i order delivery. Its just such a fukking scam how they pull this shit but i like their food so i still order.

the other thing that pisses me off is the attitude of delivery drivers who get all bitter if you give them a weak tip, like they're doing you this huuge favor and have earned more from just driving A to B....kills me how entitled a lot act for just fukking driving :mad:

that all said i generally tip well especially if i'm with a girl. i suck at calculating 20% so i just get roundabout on the high end in those situations. if i'm with a bunch of fellas i don't tip that well tho unless we're real fukked up and then we combine and give huge tips(but a lot of these situations we know the bartender).

It's expensive for a restaurant to offer a delivery service. On top of paying the drivers' wages, they have to have insurance on all their drivers (in addition to the driver's personal insurance) if they get into a crash.

You've obviously never worked as a delivery driver, or you'd know why they get frustrated from poor tippers. They are using their own gas and putting wear on their vehicle to bring your food to your doorstep. Guys that work enough hours to make decent money put 3-4 times or more the average mileage on their vehicle...which means it will need to be repaired or replaced that much sooner. Delivery miles are usually hard miles at that.

Got to look at the bigger picture. Don't short sell the guy just because most of his work was done outside of your view. $5 isn't breaking the bank.

05-21-2014, 08:57 PM
It isnt bitterness. My opinion is based on conversations with people I for the most part liked at the time. Its just honesty. Im not listening to someone bullshit about a hard job for low money like it makes them entitled to anything when ive done much harder jobs for less money....and I dealt with it like a man. I didnt spit in anyones food. I didnt complain about my money. I got a better job when the chance arrived and worked hard not to go back.

Few people act as entitled as waiters or as ready to defend the difficulty of their job and its utter bullshit. It is a job society doesnt need and its performed in relative comfort.

And the lies about minimum wage have to end. A waiter at a job that follows the law is never under minimum wage. If tips dont cover it...the employeer must. So nobody is working for 3 dollars an hour. Except of course...the millions who do under the table work that actually IS below minimum wage because its a flat rate for a long days work.

Sitting in a quincys with a gang of service types wrapping forks and all after hours and complaining about tips when they made twice what plenty of people doing real work make....in half the hours worked...

Just rubbed me the wrong way.

I tip people all the time...but those douchebags have stuck in my mind for years.

And it isnt helped by people here talking about food being spit in and pissed on by idiots working in these places if they feel you dont tip them enough.

Pretty much...worst case....a waitress makes minimum wage. Which millions make for harder work.

Best...and most usual case...they make far more money than their skills justify.

There are exceptional waiters. There are.

Most dont deserve anything beyond their pay. Which...is minimum wage.

Now you want to talk about minimum wage going up....there is a discussion to be had. But most people do nothing to justify more than they agreed to work for. And they like millions of others work for minimum wage....if tips arent there.

Not many deserve money for going above and beyond. Maybe 2 in 10 ive dealt with. but 100% get tipped anyway. Just because.

No logic to it. Just...because.

You can have your opinion..but at the end of the day a tip is a tip. Compensation for services given. You pay it one way or another, whether its to the server or to the restaurant to split out to the server.

I've worked 8 different service jobs for years, met hundreds of other service workers and most of them do not bitch about their work, or dwell on a stiff. The ones that do are usually people who get the job thinking servers make bank because they've seen a few dollars laying on a tables :rolleyes: and expect everyone to leave them a generous tip.

I've probably heard more people bitch about having to leave $3 on the table than I've heard servers bitch about not getting a tip. Most people tip, and for every person that doesn't tip, there are those that tip well.

05-28-2014, 02:54 PM



[QUOTE]11) Celebrities should tip well, because the person they tip will tell everyone they know about it forever, and everyone they tell will tell everyone they know about it forever.

For example: A friend of mine served Arnold Schwarzenegger and his family at a fancy lunch place in Santa Monica called Cafe Montana. Since he was the governor, they comped him the meal. And he left a $5 bill as the tip. I

05-28-2014, 03:16 PM
I don't believe in tipping and I'll tell you why.

First of all, I think it's amoral to pay people less than minimum wage for any reason. It's the minimum wage. And I feel like we, as consumers, are being guilt-tripped into making up the difference for these people. It's like one big scam where we're paying a business' employees for them.

A gratuity is loosely defined as a "gift." Yet tipping has evolved into a system where if you don't tip there's like an implied threat. "Don't eat there again." So my food might get ****ed with because I didn't give you a gift? What are you, five? And if you don't tip, or don't tip enough, you can cut the awkwardness with a knife. So better to just tip amirite.

People say you should tip because you're being provided with a service. Well, people are also doing what they're supposed to do - their jobs. Lots of people who are just doing their jobs also provide me with a service with no tips expected. Like a librarian who finds a specific book for me. And people will say "they get paid a fair wage though." See my first point.

People say tipping ensures good service. Good service should be ensured regardless or they shouldn't have their job. It's called professionalism. I'm tired of this hostage situation. And it isn't true anyway. I'm fairly well-traveled, and the service industry gets along just fine in countries where there is no tipping. Take Japan for instance. My first time eating there I left a tip because it's what I'm used to doing, and the girl followed me outside to give me the tip back and apologize to me. It's considered strange to tip there, or downright rude. And guess what? Service is just as good as it is here if not better(leaning towards the latter).

People say if there were no tipping food costs would go up. Fine. If that's true, I'd rather that than all this damn grey area, especially if the end result is I'm spending the same amount of money anyway.

All that being said, I DO tip. And I tip well. As an individual, I can't change the system by holding out, and I'm not going to leave some kid to go hungry that night because his mom didn't make enough that day. Recently left someone a $20 tip on an $8 bill, just because. I'm not good at saving money and I might die tomorrow anyway. I participate, I just don't like it.


05-28-2014, 03:22 PM
We dont tip in England. Its a dumb concept that you yanks seem to love going in circles about. You are aware these people are already getting salary for bringing you food? Its not like they gave you a bj on the side, they are doing their job.

05-28-2014, 03:30 PM
We dont tip in England. Its a dumb concept that you yanks seem to love going in circles about. You are aware these people are already getting salary for bringing you food? Its not like they gave you a bj on the side, they are doing their job.

They're not getting salary and they're paid less than half the standard minimum wage because it's accepted that most reasonable people will be tipping for their service. When I visited London for a conference last year it took me a few days to figure out why I was getting weird looks dropping tips to waiters and bartenders everywhere I went.

05-28-2014, 03:38 PM
Well at this point is pretty much ingrained in your society, thus resulting in their low pay. But I dont know how or why it started.

They're not getting salary and they're paid less than half the standard minimum wage because it's accepted that most reasonable people will be tipping for their service. When I visited London for a conference last year it took me a few days to figure out why I was getting weird looks dropping tips to waiters and bartenders everywhere I went.

Haha they must of been confused. How'd you find London?

05-28-2014, 03:48 PM
They're not getting salary and they're paid less than half the standard minimum wage

People really arent going to stop telling this lie are they?

Minimim wage is minimum wage. If tips dont cover it...federal law requires the employer to do it.

It just doesnt come up because tips often go well beyond it.

A real business that files it taxes and follows the law...

The waiters at Applebees getting 3 bucks an hour if people dont tip is just a flat out lie or ignorance.

If it happens at a mom and pop setting...be hard to say.

But it wouldnt be legal.

05-28-2014, 04:22 PM
People really arent going to stop telling this lie are they?

Minimim wage is minimum wage. If tips dont cover it...federal law requires the employer to do it.

It just doesnt come up because tips often go well beyond it.

A real business that files it taxes and follows the law...

The waiters at Applebees getting 3 bucks an hour if people dont tip is just a flat out lie or ignorance.

If it happens at a mom and pop setting...be hard to say.

But it wouldn't be legal.

Lol, I worked at Applebee's for many years, if you don't get tips you keep your 2.35 an hour and only your 2.35 an hour. Your weekly check is always 2.35 x hours worked; never more.

You believe these lies to justify your cheap ass?

05-28-2014, 04:24 PM
Well at this point is pretty much ingrained in your society, thus resulting in their low pay. But I dont know how or why it started.

Haha they must of been confused. How'd you find London?

Women and food (Indian not withstanding) not so good, but everything else was fun.

05-28-2014, 04:39 PM
I tip every service person on that list except for cabbies. They rip you off all the time, so fck em!

Was in Philly a few years back and had to get a cabbie to get back to our hotel, the son-of-a-bitch drove around the block for like 10 minutes. We didn't even pay attention cuz we were kinda tipsy but he started acting like he didn't know where the hotel was and I sobered up immediately.

Another cabbie in NYC drove my buddy and I around Central Park, so we didn't even go anywhere, ended up at the same spot we started.

The apartment doormen thing is a tough thing to tip if you live in a metropolitan area.

We have 4 different doormen, then we have 8 guys who will do a combination of building maintenance, package valet, and cleaning. It's customary to type $20 - $50 per person so my roommate and I end up unloading $400 every Christmas to these guys.

05-28-2014, 04:40 PM
that "tips are x percent of their salary" shit is dumb. If they don't get tips then their "salary" increases to the rate of minimum wage via federal law.

I like how everyone just conveniently ignores that however and continues to tip so that they can feel like good people.

05-28-2014, 04:41 PM
I tip cabbies but they are cheap in Pittsburgh and I've never had one try to rip me off except once on like a $10 ride where he acted lost. Didn't care tho because I was wasted. Normally I just request and Uber. Way more convenient and you don't need to tip Uber drivers (I do sometimes anyway if I think they had to put up with my obnoxious friends).

05-28-2014, 04:43 PM
It isnt bitterness. My opinion is based on conversations with people I for the most part liked at the time. Its just honesty. Im not listening to someone bullshit about a hard job for low money like it makes them entitled to anything when ive done much harder jobs for less money....and I dealt with it like a man. I didnt spit in anyones food. I didnt complain about my money. I got a better job when the chance arrived and worked hard not to go back.

Few people act as entitled as waiters or as ready to defend the difficulty of their job and its utter bullshit. It is a job society doesnt need and its performed in relative comfort.

And the lies about minimum wage have to end. A waiter at a job that follows the law is never under minimum wage. If tips dont cover it...the employeer must. So nobody is working for 3 dollars an hour. Except of course...the millions who do under the table work that actually IS below minimum wage because its a flat rate for a long days work.

Sitting in a quincys with a gang of service types wrapping forks and all after hours and complaining about tips when they made twice what plenty of people doing real work make....in half the hours worked...

Just rubbed me the wrong way.

I tip people all the time...but those douchebags have stuck in my mind for years.

And it isnt helped by people here talking about food being spit in and pissed on by idiots working in these places if they feel you dont tip them enough.

Pretty much...worst case....a waitress makes minimum wage. Which millions make for harder work.

Best...and most usual case...they make far more money than their skills justify.

There are exceptional waiters. There are.

Most dont deserve anything beyond their pay. Which...is minimum wage.

Now you want to talk about minimum wage going up....there is a discussion to be had. But most people do nothing to justify more than they agreed to work for. And they like millions of others work for minimum wage....if tips arent there.

Not many deserve money for going above and beyond. Maybe 2 in 10 ive dealt with. but 100% get tipped anyway. Just because.

No logic to it. Just...because.

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

excellent post yet again.

05-28-2014, 04:47 PM
Lol, I worked at Applebee's for many years, if you don't get tips you keep your 2.35 an hour and only your 2.35 an hour. Your weekly check is always 2.35 x hours worked; never more.

You believe these lies to justify your cheap ass?

so it's our fault you didn't understand the law and capitalize via suing them out the ass for not paying you minimum wage? then again, you probably weren't proactive about letting them know you didn't make enough in tips to begin with so that all falls on you.

the mentality of some waiters/waitresses is just :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

I, the customer, don't owe you shit.

05-28-2014, 05:02 PM
I tip every service person on that list except for cabbies. They rip you off all the time, so fck em!

Was in Philly a few years back and had to get a cabbie to get back to our hotel, the son-of-a-bitch drove around the block for like 10 minutes. We didn't even pay attention cuz we were kinda tipsy but he started acting like he didn't know where the hotel was and I sobered up immediately.

Another cabbie in NYC drove my buddy and I around Central Park, so we didn't even go anywhere, ended up at the same spot we started.

last time i was in London, i left my bag in the cab that contained my ipad, my laptop, and most importantly, our passports. i was supposed to fly out to greece in 2 days and it would have taken a few weeks to get our passports replaced. luckily for me, the cabby returned everything or i would have been stuck in london for my entire trip. i'm pretty sure the tip i gave him previously encouraged him to turn everything in b/c i would have had no way to find him.

05-28-2014, 05:11 PM
that "tips are x percent of their salary" shit is dumb. If they don't get tips then their "salary" increases to the rate of minimum wage via federal law.

I like how everyone just conveniently ignores that however and continues to tip so that they can feel like good people.

Such a dumb philosophy. You're going to be paying for the service/labor regardless so it might as well be a direct transfer to the server which allows you to give them feedback on their level of service. Get good service? Tip well. Average service? Give the the normal 15%. Get noticeably bad service? Give them 5% or maybe even nothing.

That way good servers who actually make money stick around and bad servers who get shafted end up quitting.

05-28-2014, 06:00 PM
I don't. It's beta as hell. Why would you tip someone for doing their job? Do you realize how stupid that sounds? :oldlol: Only in America.

Common myths/stigmas about tipping debunked:

If you don't tip you will get dick in your burger

False. Think of the odds here. You have to not tip, come in again, GET the waiter you got before, and they they have to convince some chef to risk his job just so they get the satisfaction of putting some dick in your burger. It doesn't happen.

Waitresses and Waiters don't make minimum wage so you are an asshole if you don't tip

False. If they don't make enough tip money their employers are required by law to pay them minimum wage. If you actually care about these workers, you will do them a service and NOT TIP, because it forces their employers to pay them more.

Watch this video, the homie explains it best


This tipping automatically shit is beta as hell. Quit worrying about your image or shit like that. Stop being a ***** and save your money instead of wasting it on tips.
Someone just turned 15.

05-28-2014, 06:03 PM
Someone just turned 15.

ah, here we go with the personal attack all because I don't tip certain minimum wage employees strictly because society deems so.

05-28-2014, 06:10 PM
Lol, I worked at Applebee's for many years, if you don't get tips you keep your 2.35 an hour and only your 2.35 an hour. Your weekly check is always 2.35 x hours worked; never more.

You believe these lies to justify your cheap ass?

Have you looked into that actual law in question here?

Its fairly cut and dry.

As I said there may be situations it doesnt happen...illegal ones....but the law is what it is.

There is no minimum wage exception for waiters. Only an allowance for the tips to cover it first. And even that isnt in every state.

It just rarely comes up.

Its fairly difficult to not make 5-7 bucks an hour as a waiter. Ive watched them counting hundreds of dollars in a night working places like wafflehouse. Which would...in one night....remove them from having to have their employer make up the difference even if they got next to nothing the rest of the week.

And if it was years for you...it was when the minimum wage was less than it is now(when did it hit 7.55? 2010 or so?)

Minimum wage when I was of age to make it was 4-5 bucks. To not make that an hour as a tipped worker would be difficult.

Bet your ass when I worked minimum wage(possibly while you were waiting) you could make more waiting tables than I could at Kmart. My girlfriend at the time sure as hell did.

And complained anyway.

If she got actual minimum wage shed have quit in a second.

05-28-2014, 06:14 PM
I'm actually not cheap in the slightest though. I just disagree with the practice of tipping at a philosophical level.

I was a waiter at Bob Evans and I didn't believe in it then either. But I didn't turn down tips as a means of bucking the system. I still participate, on both sides. Just wish we had a tipping revolution.:lol
naw, if there was no tipping system, none of the waiters would rush or even try to be pleasant...the only thing that keeps them motivated to bust ass for you is your tip

05-28-2014, 06:15 PM
Russ, if you are a homeowner, and eat at the same places all the time...it is VERY likely you will not only get the same waiters and waitresses but you will also know them by name.

I also have friends that have worked in restaurants before that have fcked with people's food, if you think the kids that work at some of these joints are beyond fcking with your food you are very wrong.

05-28-2014, 06:18 PM
Russ, if you are a homeowner, and eat at the same places all the time...it is VERY likely you will not only get the same waiters and waitresses but you will also know them by name.

I also have friends that have worked in restaurants before that have fcked with people's food, if you think the kids that work at some of these joints are beyond fcking with your food you are very wrong.

why should I live in fear of getting the same person twice and having them remember me and ****ing with my food?

if they are going to **** with my food because I didn't tip then I'd say 10 times out of 10 they weren't worthy of a tip in the first place so I did good :confusedshrug:

05-28-2014, 06:18 PM
Indeed you are. Food service people will do some vile shit. And if you are good friends I doubt a single one will tell you they have never seen it done(at least....possibly done it themselves).

Friend of mine worked at KFC for literally part of one shift....said he saw them put food off the floor into peoples boxes. He didnt stay long enough to learn why they did it to that particular person. That wasnt why he quit....but he saw it on day one.

And thats fast food....where you can mostly be seen by customers. Where the kitchen is off byitself?

dont anger the people who handle your food.

05-28-2014, 07:44 PM
Indeed you are. Food service people will do some vile shit. And if you are good friends I doubt a single one will tell you they have never seen it done(at least....possibly done it themselves).

Friend of mine worked at KFC for literally part of one shift....said he saw them put food off the floor into peoples boxes. He didnt stay long enough to learn why they did it to that particular person. That wasnt why he quit....but he saw it on day one.

And thats fast food....where you can mostly be seen by customers. Where the kitchen is off byitself?

dont anger the people who handle your food.

I saw a moldy ass tray of beans in a hole-in-the-wall type place I briefly worked at. I mean there was a legit film of mold covering these beans.

The boss told one of the workers to just stir it into the beans, afterwards you couldn't tell there was mold :biggums:

So yeah they pull some nasty shit on their own accord, don't piss them off.

05-28-2014, 09:43 PM
Then how do other countries that don't tip as a part of their culture(such as England like Deuce mentioned) get by? Is the service just inherently worse in your opinion?
Funny, I am going to Paris in two weeks and have been warned the service is much worse in most of Europe and to be prepared to wait an hour for my meal.

I'll let you know when I get back.

05-28-2014, 09:57 PM
I love the sense of entitlement that waiters have. shit is hilarious.

"oh, no tip? okay then just don't expect us to be quick and don't expect us not to rub dick in your food next time you come in"

seriously, the fact that people use this as some sort of justification for why we should tip these people is even worse. This sounds precisely like a thing I want no part of promoting therefore I won't tip and will hope others do the same so that they will just be paid standard minimum wage.

05-28-2014, 11:48 PM
I love the sense of entitlement that waiters have. shit is hilarious.

"oh, no tip? okay then just don't expect us to be quick and don't expect us not to rub dick in your food next time you come in"

seriously, the fact that people use this as some sort of justification for why we should tip these people is even worse. This sounds precisely like a thing I want no part of promoting therefore I won't tip and will hope others do the same so that they will just be paid standard minimum wage.

So you're an asshole and are mad that they treat you like an asshole?

You must be BMOGEfan. Only other poster who made threads about tipping and had the same tired responses as you do.

Regardless of whether it's tipping or you pay a service fee, it still comes out of your pocket. Is that a hard concept to grasp? Tipping is what we use in the US. It won't change any time soon so deal with it.

05-29-2014, 11:46 AM
i dont see a problem with tipping. Anyone whos had to deal with customers now how much an asshole they can be for little to no reason. So i always tip. Cant say i ever had service so bad that I don't want to tip. As long as they don't forget to bring out my food, there isn't much I need from a waiter. I don't need to be waited on hands and feet.

And whats with this alpha/beta shit on here all the time? Yall about as alpha male as that Elliot Rodgers kid thought he was

05-29-2014, 11:55 AM
Why did tipping start in America? And why is it a big deal? If I ever went there I think I would tip just to avoid people shitting in my food, but I think its a ridiculous concept.

05-29-2014, 11:55 AM
i was a pizza delivery boy for a while a made some good money doing it. But i clearly and distinctly remember those who did not tip.

I once delivered a pizza to his morbidly obese woman who lived in this townhouse. This smelly fat lady asked me to carry the pizza up into her bedroom because she said she was unable to do so.

the house stank. It was messy as f*ck. Her bedroom was DISGUSTING.

This lady had me put the pizza box on her nightstand and open it up for her. She pays me with a check. exact change.

Le Shaqtus
05-29-2014, 12:06 PM
I love the sense of entitlement that waiters have. shit is hilarious.

"oh, no tip? okay then just don't expect us to be quick and don't expect us not to rub dick in your food next time you come in"

seriously, the fact that people use this as some sort of justification for why we should tip these people is even worse. This sounds precisely like a thing I want no part of promoting therefore I won't tip and will hope others do the same so that they will just be paid standard minimum wage.

Thanks for generalizing every single waiter, because everyone is like that.

05-29-2014, 02:19 PM
Funny, I am going to Paris in two weeks and have been warned the service is much worse in most of Europe and to be prepared to wait an hour for my meal.

I'll let you know when I get back.

Most restaurants will charge you at least 10% service charge, which is why people rarely bother tipping in Europe. Also, bring water! They always try to charge you for water, and if you ask for tap water, they literally sneer at you. But if it's an experienced waiter, they can tell you're American and might think you're stingy for not tipping like other American tourists :P

I've lived in UK for 3 years, been to US twice, never noticed any difference in restaurant service at all.

05-29-2014, 03:38 PM
Most restaurants will charge you at least 10% service charge, which is why people rarely bother tipping in Europe. Also, bring water! They always try to charge you for water, and if you ask for tap water, they literally sneer at you. But if it's an experienced waiter, they can tell you're American and might think you're stingy for not tipping like other American tourists :P

I've lived in UK for 3 years, been to US twice, never noticed any difference in restaurant service at all.
I have heard the UK service is not bad...but that France was bad, and that Italy was "REALLY BAD"

I am not sure why that is...Brits take more pride in their jobs maybe :confusedshrug:

05-29-2014, 11:26 PM
Why did tipping start in America? And why is it a big deal? If I ever went there I think I would tip just to avoid people shitting in my food, but I think its a ridiculous concept.

Don't know why it started. It's a big deal because the restaurant expects you to tip your server/driver since they do not charge you for their services in the bill like in non tipping restaurants.

Stiffing someone won't automatically make them **** with your food like everyone makes it seem. Most of the time they will just have an attitude and not put much effort into providing you with any service. It's really not that big of a deal to servers since most of their customers do tip.

Treating them like shit while they have to serve you for their job is more surely to get your food ****ed with.

Nick Young
07-04-2014, 07:04 AM
this one goes out to all you saps out there who tip waiters, even when they do a shitty job, act rude and get your order wrong.

Have you ever been a waiter? They have one of the easiest jobs in the world. They don't deserve extra money simply for doing their job that they are already paid to do.

Japan works just fine and Japanese are insulted if you tip them.

We should be like Japan in this case.


MJ(Mean John)
02-09-2015, 06:41 PM

This is Epic.



lets keep this going

02-09-2015, 06:43 PM
If they're bad....15%

20% standard

above that depending how nice,hot, attentive they are.