View Full Version : Ancient Aliens DEBUNKED (it's "entertainment", not a valid science documentary)

02-03-2014, 02:41 PM

I swear if any of you actually believed any of the shit you heard on Ancient Aliens you need to get the f*ck out more. Either that, or kill yourself. Discover how the sciences and the natural world actually work, discover what human race is actually capable of even with a minimal amount of tools at our disposal. Those lunatics that present those 'theories' wouldn't know a fact from a leap-of-faith conclusion if it was a matter of life or death ("I don't understand therefore... ALIENS!... :oldlol: ).

Educate yourselves, watch that entire documentary. If you some how had the interest to watch even 1 full episode of ancient aliens you will surely be glued to that documentary dismantling every little meticulous lie or piece of misinformation that was ever delivered by one of the lunatic hosts.


Little grey human-oid aliens that fly in saucer shaped UFO's do not exist people, and they certainly don't visit our planet let alone build shit for us or 'gift' us with their "Alien Technology" :hammerhead: :oldlol:

02-03-2014, 02:42 PM

02-03-2014, 02:51 PM
All that show does is circulate around false dilemmas presented by the hosts.

"There are no flat surfaces in nature, so what you're actually seeing here is an ENTIRE mountain, that has been FLATTENED, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to do this with human technology! Alien Excavation!"

A 6th grade level education, all one needs to immediately expose half the false dilemmas that show attempts to create:

And yes, in one episode those hosts really did attempt to say Alien technology was needed to create a totally natural plateau.

02-03-2014, 02:51 PM
Looks like the aliens successfully disguised the other other thread from the non-believers

02-03-2014, 02:59 PM
Do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials?

Do you believe that extraterrestrials have ever visited this planet on any level?
"Life" of some sort elsewhere in the universe on celestial bodies other than our own pale blue dot - sure.

Who's to say it would even be based on DNA, let alone be cellular in structure? Who knows, even if something we could loosely define as life was out there elsewhere, how the heck would it converge to form a human-like race that has hands and feet and bilateral symetry and big heads and eyes roughly placed where human heads and eyes are placed and shit, the entire idea that 'aliens' resemble humans is so corny and naive :lol

Would any so called alien life forms, particularly of 'high intelligence/humanoid appearance' ever be visiting our planet? An emphatic no. The fact that most people who claim to see or believe in aliens believes they resemble humans is proof these are coming straight out of nothing but a simpletons imagination.

02-03-2014, 03:03 PM
Would any so called alien life forms, particularly of 'high intelligence/humanoid appearance' ever be visiting our planet? An emphatic no. The fact that most people who claim to see or believe in aliens believes they resemble humans is proof these are coming straight out of nothing but a simpletons imagination.

If I was capable of interstellar travel, the first thing I'd do is visit some lame ass planet and build a couple pyramids to impress those peasants :lol

02-03-2014, 03:07 PM

I swear if any of you actually believed any of the shit you heard on Ancient Aliens you need to get the f*ck out more.

Step 1: Tell people they need to get out more.
Step 2: Post link to video over 3 hours long.
Step 3: ??????
Step 4: Profit

02-03-2014, 03:10 PM
If I was capable of interstellar travel, the first thing I'd do is visit some lame ass planet and build a couple pyramids to impress those peasants :lol
Yeah, and why such a simple geometric shape out of thousands of relatively tiny slices of unprocessed raw materials like sandstone...

In posession of technology capable of interstellar travel...

Only builds simple geometric shape out of piled up unprocessed rocks...

seems legit :roll:

02-03-2014, 03:10 PM
When you reach a certain level of education and accomplishment, you will quickly find certain topics attract people who want to portray an image of being a "hip, open-minded intellectual", without doing the hard and often boring work of serious research or even critical thinking (no, being "open-minded" is not sufficient for critical thinking).

Ancient aliens is one such topic.

02-03-2014, 03:14 PM
If I was capable of interstellar travel, the first thing I'd do is visit some lame ass planet and build a couple pyramids to impress those peasants :lol

Maybe they are helpful beings that wanted to help teach us basic ways of building stuff for ourselves, or wanted to see if we could be taught to. Kind of like how we experiment and test if we can teach other animals how to do things.

02-03-2014, 03:15 PM
When you reach a certain level of education and accomplishment, you will quickly find certain topics attract people who want to portray an image of being a "hip, open-minded intellectual", without doing the hard and often boring work of serious research or even critical thinking (no, being "open-minded" is not sufficient for critical thinking).

Ancient aliens is one such topic.
"But how do you KNOW, they present some pretty good questions on that show, I just don't think you can rule it out you know"

Was told this in real life by someone. :(

02-03-2014, 03:15 PM
Maybe they are helpful beings that wanted to help teach us basic ways of building stuff for ourselves. Kind of like how we experiment and test if we can teach other animals how to do things.

02-03-2014, 03:16 PM
Maybe they are helpful beings that wanted to help teach us basic ways of building stuff for ourselves. Kind of like how we experiment and test if we can teach other animals how to do things.

How are pyramids helpful for anything? Those aliens wanted to create more jobs in ancient Egypt?

02-03-2014, 03:17 PM
Ancient Aliens needed to be debunked?

I think it's hilarious and golden entertainment, but the credibility of that show is lower than the Jerry Springer show.

02-03-2014, 03:21 PM
How are pyramids helpful for anything? Those aliens wanted to create more jobs in ancient Egypt?
And they traveled all accross the universe just to find our pale blue dot at JUST the right time in the past few billion years of life on earth to be here at the extremely precise moment a group of life forms became just ever so intelligent enough to ponder and think for themselves. Light from the other side of our universe hasn't even reached our planet yet... but humanoid looking aliens have, to build us some monuments made out of totally unprocessed raw materials :oldlol:

02-03-2014, 03:25 PM
Ancient Aliens needed to be debunked?

I think it's hilarious and golden entertainment, but the credibility of that show is lower than the Jerry Springer show.
People believe it is true in real life.

Heck, my own family watches ghost shows and that long island medium garbage and they think it's real. I see facebook updates about that long island medium fraud all the time, women love that lady for some reason. Her charisma is all they need to be convinced she is the 'real thing'. Ancient Aliens is the same thing, people buy into the charisma and passion of the guys on the show. Nobody actually tests or has any understanding what is being said, so they just believe it, it must be true it's on the history channel right?

02-03-2014, 03:28 PM
How are pyramids helpful for anything? Those aliens wanted to create more jobs in ancient Egypt?

Well, maybe more the testing us idea then. We spend a lot of time doing animal behavior tests. Could be similar.

02-03-2014, 03:33 PM
I'm pretty sure everyone knows that the show is assumptious.

02-03-2014, 03:34 PM
Well, maybe more the testing us idea then. We spend a lot of time doing animal behavior tests. Could be similar.
human/primate behavior... why would Aliens be exhibiting human/primate behavior in the first place? Again, this brings me right back to people who can't conceptualize what it even takes to be some sort of life form. The people who believe in Aliens anthropormophise the entire concept. They look like us, they think like us etc... uh, who's to say an 'alien' form of life would even have a cellular structure, or even ANY kind of intelligence for that matter? Would it even be based on DNA? Let alone posess tissue and mass and bilateral symetry and 2 eyes 2 nostril a mouth, 2 hands 2 feet an upright posture and an intellectual capacity that parallels our own way of thinking?

You haven't ventured very far outside the box. Think critically here.

02-03-2014, 03:37 PM
human/primate behavior... why would Aliens be exhibiting human/primate behavior in the first place? Again, this brings me right back to people who can't conceptualize what it even takes to be some sort of life form. The people who believe in Aliens anthropormophise the entire concept. They look like us, they think like us etc... uh, who's to say an 'alien' form of life would even have a cellular structure, or even ANY kind of intelligence for that matter? Would it even be based on DNA? Let alone posess tissue and mass and bilateral symetry and 2 eyes 2 nostril a mouth, 2 hands 2 feet an upright posture and an intellectual capacity that parallels our own way of thinking?

You haven't ventured very far outside the box. Think critically here.

Whose to say they wouldn't have a humanoid body structure?


02-03-2014, 03:40 PM
Love that show

02-03-2014, 03:45 PM
human/primate behavior... why would Aliens be exhibiting human/primate behavior in the first place? Again, this brings me right back to people who can't conceptualize what it even takes to be some sort of life form. The people who believe in Aliens anthropormophise the entire concept. They look like us, they think like us etc... uh, who's to say an 'alien' form of life would even have a cellular structure, or even ANY kind of intelligence for that matter? Would it even be based on DNA? Let alone posess tissue and mass and bilateral symetry and 2 eyes 2 nostril a mouth, 2 hands 2 feet an upright posture and an intellectual capacity that parallels our own way of thinking?

You haven't ventured very far outside the box. Think critically here.

You were questioning their reasoning for having us build pyramids a moment ago. You were presenting it as not logical based on our human conceptions of logic, so you are just as guilty as me and everybody else. If they came here and built shit or taught us to build shit, their reasoning could be anything ranging from something similar to what we would do to something we have never considered.

02-03-2014, 03:56 PM
the tv show suggest that the aliens created us or shaped our form in some way, its not suggesting that they came here and found people with similar body structures

02-03-2014, 03:59 PM
Whose to say they wouldn't have a humanoid body structure?

Virtually insurmountable odds.

How old is the known universe? How long has the earth existed as a ball of lifeless rock... how long until chemical sludges and oozes loosely formed together to create RNA ...how long did it take for RNA to become DNA? How long before the first cellular organisms existed? How long was life nothing but single celled organisms ...how long before life became multi-cellular ...how long before life became larger than the size of a bacteria...

I haven't even gotten into the age of incredibly complex organisms with spines and brains and limbs and sh*t, do you know what kind of timescales we are talking here? And do you know how 'slow' the speed of light travels to cover the vast distances of the universe? Odds that life can form elsewhere in some way or another? Let alone be intelligent enough for interstellar travel, let alone be able to recognize and find other life on other celestial bodies? Let alone look like HUMANS that took a couple billion years of totally unique evolutionary pressures that by no means could likely be duplicated in the same manner elsewhere!? Incredibly low odds that if life exists elsewhere, it would even resumble a slug or a dandelion on earth let alone a human.

02-03-2014, 04:01 PM
Whose to say they wouldn't have a humanoid body structure?




02-03-2014, 04:06 PM




02-03-2014, 04:13 PM
Virtually insurmountable odds.

How old is the known universe? How long has the earth existed as a ball of lifeless rock... how long until chemical sludges and oozes loosely formed together to create RNA ...how long did it take for RNA to become DNA? How long before the first cellular organisms existed? How long was life nothing but single celled organisms ...how long before life became multi-cellular ...how long before life became larger than the size of a bacteria...

I haven't even gotten into the age of incredibly complex organisms with spines and brains and limbs and sh*t, do you know what kind of timescales we are talking here? And do you know how 'slow' the speed of light travels to cover the vast distances of the universe? Odds that life can form elsewhere in some way or another? Let alone be intelligent enough for interstellar travel, let alone be able to recognize and find other life on other celestial bodies? Let alone look like HUMANS that took a couple billion years of totally unique evolutionary pressures that by no means could likely be duplicated in the same manner elsewhere!? Incredibly low odds that if life exists elsewhere, it would even resumble a slug or a dandelion on earth let alone a human.

The universe is so huge and there could be existence way beyond what we are aware of. With a universe so huge, it is likely that life takes place elsewhere. If life does exist elsewhere, it is probably in many many locations. If there are tons of different locations, there could be millions of species that are beyond our imagination, as well as potentially millions of species that we could liken to things similar to what we see here on Earth. There could therefore be tons of primate/humanoid type creatures (stand on back legs, have arms and a head). If any of those are super intelligent they could want to explore the universe and study it, and could potentially want to study other primate/humanoids of the universe, which is would explain why they came here (or whatever reasons they have beyond what we have considered).

You haven't ventured very far outside the box. Think critically here.

02-03-2014, 04:15 PM
Virtually insurmountable odds.

How old is the known universe? How long has the earth existed as a ball of lifeless rock... how long until chemical sludges and oozes loosely formed together to create RNA ...how long did it take for RNA to become DNA? How long before the first cellular organisms existed? How long was life nothing but single celled organisms ...how long before life became multi-cellular ...how long before life became larger than the size of a bacteria...

I haven't even gotten into the age of incredibly complex organisms with spines and brains and limbs and sh*t, do you know what kind of timescales we are talking here? And do you know how 'slow' the speed of light travels to cover the vast distances of the universe? Odds that life can form elsewhere in some way or another? Let alone be intelligent enough for interstellar travel, let alone be able to recognize and find other life on other celestial bodies? Let alone look like HUMANS that took a couple billion years of totally unique evolutionary pressures that by no means could likely be duplicated in the same manner elsewhere!? Incredibly low odds that if life exists elsewhere, it would even resumble a slug or a dandelion on earth let alone a human.

The chance of winning the lottery on a single ticket is one in 175 million, doesn't mean it can't happen.

Chance of you being born is 1 in 10^2,640,000.

Just because it's unlikely doesn't mean it can't happen. :confusedshrug:

02-03-2014, 04:19 PM
The universe is so huge and there could be existence way beyond what we are aware of. With a universe so huge, it is likely that life takes place elsewhere. If life does exist elsewhere, it is probably in many many locations. If there are tons of different locations, there could be millions of species that are beyond our imagination, as well as potentially millions of species that we could liken to things similar to what we see here on Earth. There could therefore be tons of primate/humanoid type creatures (stand on back legs, have arms and a head). If any of those are super intelligent they could want to explore the universe and study it, and could potentially want to study other primate/humanoids of the universe, which is would explain why they came here (or whatever reasons they have beyond what we have considered).

You haven't ventured very far outside the box. Think critically here.
Always gravitating back to humanoids :hammerhead:

02-03-2014, 04:28 PM
Always gravitating back to humanoids :hammerhead:

Always failing to consider that in our giant universe that other humanoids are possible :hammerhead:

And the conversation at hand was about humanoids, so of course I was talking about humanoids :hammerhead:

02-03-2014, 04:28 PM
Always failing to consider that in our giant universe that other humanoids are possible :hammerhead:
that traveled accross the universe to visit our pale blue dot at the very geologic instant some other 'humanoid' (or should I say ALIENOID!, MAYBE THEY CAME FIRST!!!!) to pile up some unprocessed sandstone :oldlol:


02-03-2014, 04:31 PM
that traveled accross the universe to visit our pale blue at the very geologic instant some other 'humanoid' (or should I say ALIENOID!, MAYBE THEY CAME FIRST!!!!) dot to pile up some unprocessed sandstone :oldlol:


It is possible. That is the only thing I am arguing. I don't believe that is what happened. Not sure why the word "possible" is beyond your comprehension.

02-03-2014, 04:39 PM
human/primate behavior... why would Aliens be exhibiting human/primate behavior in the first place? Again, this brings me right back to people who can't conceptualize what it even takes to be some sort of life form. The people who believe in Aliens anthropormophise the entire concept. They look like us, they think like us etc... uh, who's to say an 'alien' form of life would even have a cellular structure, or even ANY kind of intelligence for that matter? Would it even be based on DNA? Let alone posess tissue and mass and bilateral symetry and 2 eyes 2 nostril a mouth, 2 hands 2 feet an upright posture and an intellectual capacity that parallels our own way of thinking?

You haven't ventured very far outside the box. Think critically here.

Human ego. Same way people anthropomorphize deities. Can't imagine any 'higher life' forms being anything besides a projection of themselves.



If there is life on other planets, and I personally think it's likely there is... good chance it looks nothing like how screenwriters and costume designers conceive.

02-03-2014, 04:44 PM
Did you really need the link in the OP to realize the show was garbage?
No, but I sure am glad it was made

02-03-2014, 04:46 PM
Human ego. Same way people anthropomorphize deities. Can't imagine any 'higher life' forms being anything besides a projection of themselves.


I bet I can bench more than these aliens.

02-03-2014, 04:50 PM
I bet I can bench more than these aliens.

I can rip the heads off androids more easily too.

02-03-2014, 04:59 PM
I love how the Ancient Aliens narration is so careful with their wording to stay technically correct about everything they are saying. Through the entire show every crazy claim is prefaced with a statement like "Some ancient astronaut theorists believe..." or "Is it possible that ..."

02-03-2014, 05:03 PM
I love how the Ancient Aliens narration is so careful with their wording, so they are technically correct about everything they are saying. Count how many times they preface their crazy claims with a statement like "Some ancient astronaut theorists believe..." or "Is it possible that ..."
The false dilemmas they create and many (heck most) 'facts' they cite which they use as their jumping off platform for proposing their ideas however, are completely untrue. That's where the documentary I posted comes in, you can see just how bad they were about using 'facts'.

02-03-2014, 05:07 PM

02-03-2014, 05:10 PM
The false dilemmas they create and many (heck most) 'facts' they cite which they use as their jumping off platform for proposing their ideas however, are completely untrue. That's where the documentary I posted comes in, you can see just how bad they were about using 'facts'.

I dont disagree with any of that, just saying I find it hilarious when use these qualifying statements like "Some ancient astronaut theorists believe that ..." and follow it up with something absurd.

You dont need a 3 hour documentary to convince me that the hosts on that show are some insane motherfvckers

02-03-2014, 05:13 PM
I'm pretty sure the entire point of the show is entertainment. At least that's how I interpreted it

02-03-2014, 05:20 PM
no one takes it seriously do they? It's a bit of light entertainment. I always thought they should link it into a new series of stargate sg-1

Anyway hasn't science already proven and found evidence that the components required to form DNA arrived on meteorites and evidence of bacteria in comet trails? No alien visits or the like but shows that life did get a helping hand from some other planet.

02-04-2014, 12:03 AM
Virtually insurmountable odds.

except the universe as we know it is practically infinite so...

maybe we were created by some higher power aliens and they decided to fk around with us :confusedshrug:

02-04-2014, 01:27 AM
OP is obsessed with Ancient Alien theory. He made almost this exact thread not long ago http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=312497

Patrick Chewing
02-04-2014, 01:49 AM
I'm pretty sure everyone knows that the show is assumptious.

That's the entire premise of the show.


Notice the question mark?