View Full Version : Boil in bag rice!

02-04-2014, 08:48 PM
Yolo, no more having to waste long time in kitchen cooking rice and rice that will get stuck and crap.

02-04-2014, 08:53 PM
Yolo, no more having to waste long time in kitchen cooking rice and rice that will get stuck and crap.
Get a rice cooker. We use that. You put it in, set the timer, rice is done, then you wash pot. No muss, no fuss.

02-04-2014, 08:54 PM
Get a rice cooker. We use that. You put it in, set the timer, rice is done, then you wash pot. No muss, no fuss.

Isnt that what Chinese Takeouts spots use?

02-04-2014, 08:59 PM
I grew up on Minute Rice, which means I now love cheap and fast to make rice. :rockon:

02-04-2014, 08:59 PM
Get a rice cooker. We use that. You put it in, set the timer, rice is done, then you wash pot. No muss, no fuss.
you can also throw in some spices and veggies and BOOM... in 15 minutes or whatever you've got a meal.

02-04-2014, 09:05 PM
Isnt that what Chinese Takeouts spots use?
Yeah but when you make it at home it's not so dry and crumbly. (Plus the quality of what you buy, the rice itself is better). It's really easy to use, i love it.

02-04-2014, 09:06 PM
Yeah but when you make it at home it's not so dry and crumbly. (Plus the quality of what you buy, the rice itself is better). It's really easy to use, i love it.

Me and my girlfriend got a rice cooker from her sister some months ago but the quality was kind of bad I think because the rice never tasted good.

The boil in bag one's are cheap and really easy, like 40 cents per meal.

02-04-2014, 09:12 PM
just so you know, boil in bag rice is also pretty much the worst kind of rice you can eat.

generally it's had the hull stripped and has been converted to a quick-cook version of rice... pretty close to empty calories. this kind of food will tend to directly give you diabetes and arterial disease in time.

i doubt you really care, but just so you know.

02-04-2014, 09:28 PM
just so you know, boil in bag rice is also pretty much the worst kind of rice you can eat.

generally it's had the hull stripped and has been converted to a quick-cook version of rice... pretty close to empty calories. this kind of food will tend to directly give you diabetes and arterial disease in time.

i doubt you really care, but just so you know.

Isn't it the same type of rice, just being wrapped in a bag?

My girlfriend cook her fancy rice the same amount of time.

02-04-2014, 09:28 PM
Me and my girlfriend got a rice cooker from her sister some months ago but the quality was kind of bad I think because the rice never tasted good.

The boil in bag one's are cheap and really easy, like 40 cents per meal.
You can do a lot of different types of rice. We do brown rice a lot because the white rice is pretty much the brown rice with the healthy part chopped off.

You can also but Quinoa in it which tastes good and makes it healthier. But im an old man and you're not so its less important.

02-04-2014, 09:39 PM
yeah get a rice cooker, never takes more than a minute to put rice/water in the pot or to clean the pot that goes inside. push that button down and wait for it. if its too dry or too wet, just change the amount of water you put in

02-04-2014, 09:45 PM
Isn't it the same type of rice, just being wrapped in a bag?

My girlfriend cook her fancy rice the same amount of time.
you'll need to look carefully. the point of the bag is convenience, so it tends to go hand in hand with the minute rice, i.e. much shorter cooking times.

i would seriously take niko's advice and try the rice cooker again, maybe with a different type of rice, like jasmine. i usually make a mix of brown rice, wild rice, onions, broccoli and curry. tastes great, doesn't cost much, and is quite healthy.

02-05-2014, 04:08 AM
Plus the fact that cooking anything in plastic brings an obscene amount of chemicals into your body. Never buy boil in food, or bake in plastic shit.

:applause: That there alone is one reason I wont get that stuff. Seriously how hard is it to boil rice? Its like one step harder than boiling water.

02-05-2014, 04:14 AM
yea... BPA and carcinogens from the plastic. you want your man-boobies to grow, don't you?

:applause: That there alone is one reason I wont get that stuff. Seriously how hard is it to boil rice? Its like one step harder than boiling water.
assuming you like well-prepared rice, it's definitely possible to go wrong... especially if you make different kinds of rice and/or different quantities and/or different seasoning additives.

El Kabong
02-05-2014, 04:20 AM
you can also throw in some spices and veggies and BOOM... in 15 minutes or whatever you've got a meal.
Yep. I bought a slow/pressure cooker. Can make a weeks worth of meals in an hour, chuck 'em in the freezer and you're done for the week.

02-05-2014, 04:42 AM
yea... BPA and carcinogens from the plastic. you want your man-boobies to grow, don't you?

assuming you like well-prepared rice, it's definitely possible to go wrong... especially if you make different kinds of rice and/or different quantities and/or different seasoning additives.

I was specifically talking about the dude talking about boiling his rice in a plastic bag lol.

02-05-2014, 05:27 AM
Potato > Rice

02-05-2014, 05:46 AM
Potato > Rice
Was about to say that earlier, chose not to post. But 100% agreed.

02-05-2014, 11:28 AM
Rice cookers are a waste of space and money. Just use a pot.

02-05-2014, 12:03 PM
Rice cookers are a waste of space and money. Just use a pot.

nah.. you got to use rice cooker if you're going to use the various rices...

There really is a big difference....

02-05-2014, 12:25 PM
nah.. you got to use rice cooker if you're going to use the various rices...

There really is a big difference....

Not really. The basic ratio of 1 cup rice, 2 cups water works across the board. Boil, stir, reduce heat, cover, check in 20 min. If it's still soupy give it more time. If you can't make rice you really don't need to be in the kitchen.

02-05-2014, 12:40 PM
no no, different kinds of rice (like brown) need more water and thus, more time.


02-05-2014, 12:43 PM
You can do a lot of different types of rice. We do brown rice a lot because the white rice is pretty much the brown rice with the healthy part chopped off.

You can also but Quinoa in it which tastes good and makes it healthier. But im an old man and you're not so its less important.

Outside of higher magnesium and fiber levels, brown rice really gets overrated. White rice is cheaper, and essentially identical in nutritional value. I seriously can't find a reason to go back to it, especially considering the far better taste of other rice.

02-05-2014, 12:47 PM
nah.. you got to use rice cooker if you're going to use the various rices...

There really is a big difference....

No, no you don't, and no there isn't. There's nothing you can do in a rice cooker I can't on a stove with a pot. Plus you're cooking rice in a 0.2 mm steel bowl while I'm using a 2.5 mm clad copper pot for superior performance.

I used to have a rice cooker, but it's just one more useless appliance taking up space in my kitchen.

02-05-2014, 12:49 PM
[QUOTE=gigantes]no no, different kinds of rice (like brown) need more water and thus, more time.


02-05-2014, 01:13 PM
There are few if any differences. You can do roughly 2:1 with pretty much anything and it will work fine.

Rice cooker is great for cooking large amounts. I don't have one, but my girlfriend is half Filo, so I've become accustomed to eating rice with just about every meal. :oldlol:

I guess its just a convenience thing, and depends on how often you want to make it.

02-05-2014, 01:27 PM
no no, different kinds of rice (like brown) need more water and thus, more time.

it’s not hard to burn it, make it mushy, or have it be a PITA you need to keep checking. how nice is it to be able to max out your burners, concentrate on other stuff, and let the rice cooker take care of its job?

ah, the great ISH rice wars... this is going to end with a pile of dead bodies, that’s for sure.

:oldlol: Yeah, I don't have anything against rice cookers. If it were a big staple of my diet I might consider buying one. Otherwise if rice is part of the meal I'm making it's the ingredient I usually worry the least about how to prepare.

As to the OP, that boil-in-bag shit is God awful.

02-05-2014, 01:35 PM
rice cookers are really for people that eat white rice with everything. its easy cooking rice with a pot. try basmati rice its delicious and cooks fast and easy, 10-15 minutes.

02-05-2014, 01:55 PM
Rice cooker is great for cooking large amounts. I don't have one, but my girlfriend is half Filo, so I've become accustomed to eating rice with just about every meal. :oldlol:

I guess its just a convenience thing, and depends on how often you want to make it.

It's not just a convenience thing but that's a biggie if you eat a ton of rice.

My wife being Chinese we eat a lot of rice at home. She probably has 5 different rices depending on the meal. You don't cook japanese saki rice (the kind she serves with fish) the same way you cook thai jasmine short grain (goes good with braised pork), some take very small amounts of water and you want to steam them not boil them, others take more water.

I like it because you don't do sh*t..lol put the rice in add water close lid and come back when you want to eat it.. no stirring no nothing

02-05-2014, 02:10 PM
Basmati = GOAT

Never had basmati with goat. I'll have to try it. I know, that was Bagelred bad

02-05-2014, 03:57 PM
There are few if any differences. You can do roughly 2:1 with pretty much anything and it will work fine.
the differences are what i said, and what gts said above.

and please take off that godamn hat. it

02-05-2014, 04:17 PM
Never had basmati with goat. I'll have to try it. I know, that was Bagelred bad

IMO the one indian dish that beats the restl is probably Basmati with saffron and those crispy onions with a side of the chickpeas salad and the goat vindaloo.