View Full Version : Prime Amare Stoudemire VS Current Blake Griffin?

02-24-2014, 11:00 AM
Who would take on your team?

Both gifted athletes, Great Dunkers, Bad defenders.

02-24-2014, 11:05 AM
The one who plays great defense

Im Still Ballin
02-24-2014, 11:07 AM
Prime Amare.

Not nostalgia or Blake hating, just honest opinion. Prime Amare pre knee injury was something else. His stats might have been inflated playing in PHX and with Steve Nash and the run and gun offense but the dude was straight heat. That series vs spurs, Duncan had no answer Amare was too athletic

02-24-2014, 11:17 AM
As sad as it may seem, most posters here never even saw prime Amare play. He was a handful. The guy was just insane. That being said, this year I feel like Griffin is playing really well and he's playing defense. I would say based on this year, Griffin but prime Amare was more exciting to me.

02-24-2014, 11:18 AM
Dat Nash and Amare PnR :bowdown: :bowdown:

Mr Exlax
02-24-2014, 11:20 AM
Oh man this is a tough one. Prime Amare was just so freaking nasty. Griffin has really made some strides this season though. Whew man I can't decide.

02-24-2014, 11:22 AM
Prime Rib >>>>> both combined

02-24-2014, 11:24 AM
Amare for scoring, blake for d and playmaking.
I miss prime amare so much, he was so exciting.

02-24-2014, 11:27 AM
amare was a better scorer but blake is a much better overall player

02-24-2014, 11:27 AM
I'd take prime Amare. He was giving prime Duncan 37/10 and 26/10 in the playoffs during his Suns years.

02-24-2014, 11:30 AM
I dnt think Blake is a good enough defender to take him over Prime Amare.

02-25-2014, 04:32 AM
Close but I'll take Amare. Amare had that wet midrange jumper which some might have forgotten. And in his prime he was an elite shot blocker. Blake plays better D and can pass a bit better, but not enough to make me take him over prime STAT.

no pun intended
02-25-2014, 04:33 AM
Prime Amar'e. No question.

02-25-2014, 04:35 AM
STAT, but Griffin isn't far off after this season.
Needs to show something in the playoffs like Amare vs Duncan.

02-25-2014, 04:37 AM
Pretty close.
Amare was probably the better defender, he could at least get you a few blocks here and there. Probably a better pick and roll player, although Blake is quite good himself.
Blake is better at creating for himself though, and most definitely a better playmaker for teammates.

I don't know. This is probably as equal as it gets.

02-25-2014, 04:39 AM
Prime Amare was a baaaaaaaad man *Stephen A voice*

02-25-2014, 04:47 AM
Prime Amare. There is no defensive advantage to either. With Amare you get a better midrange shooter, a very strong dunker, and a better free throw shooter.

02-25-2014, 04:49 AM
Amare is pretty much Blake with a better face-up / shooting game.

02-25-2014, 04:51 AM
Id take current blake griffin. Amare was a better scorer but blake is a better mid range shooter, just as athletic, equally effective in defense and a better playmaker than amare. Close but ill take blake coz HE is better overall player than prime amare.

02-25-2014, 04:55 AM
Id take current blake griffin. Amare was a better scorer but blake is a better mid range shooter, just as athletic, equally effective in defense and a better playmaker than amare. Close but ill take blake coz HE is better overall player than prime amare.

In what world is Blake even a GOOD midrange shooter? Commentators cringe and suggest he take a higher percentage shot every time he puts one up :confusedshrug:

All Net
02-25-2014, 05:01 AM
Prime Amare was a beast, not the joke we see now.

02-25-2014, 05:29 AM
Prime STAT.

Black and White
02-25-2014, 05:31 AM
STAT, absolute beast

02-25-2014, 05:40 AM
Prime Amare. There is no defensive advantage to either. With Amare you get a better midrange shooter, a very strong dunker, and a better free throw shooter.


02-25-2014, 06:21 AM
In what world is Blake even a GOOD midrange shooter? Commentators cringe and suggest he take a higher percentage shot every time he puts one up :confusedshrug:

Since this year. Commentators constantly mention how much his improve jumpshot is now and he is shooting a respectable percentage from mid range.

Prime Amar'e was a better scorer than Griffin is, and has a better face up and midrange game. Griffin is better playmaker, rebounder and better in the open court. He may be a better defensive player, but not enough to win me over.

Also, Griffin never played well in the playoffs. Granted, he was hurt but Amar'e in his prime was awesome in the playoffs. But we'll see how Griffin will play in the upcoming playoffs. Griffin has been playing very well lately.

02-25-2014, 06:25 AM
Griffin isn't a bad defender any more. He's improved on that front. Better defender than Stoudemire ever was. Better than Kevin Love and other PF's.

02-25-2014, 07:30 AM
Prime Amar'e was a monster, he was at times unguardable and could literally take over a game in ways I haven't seen Griffin do. What a shame the injuries have been

All Net
02-25-2014, 07:35 AM
Prime Amar'e was a monster, he was at times unguardable and could literally take over a game in ways I haven't seen Griffin do. What a shame the injuries have been

Well even when he lost all of his hops he still had 30 point game after 30 point game as Knick not long ago....that alone shows how great he could of been before his surgery. He would of had the speed and mid range shot. Would of made him unguardable.

02-25-2014, 09:04 AM
STAT all day, and that is not even close!

02-25-2014, 09:45 AM
Blake Griffin has been known as the poor man's Amare Stoudemaire since he entered the league, so you know whos better already.

02-25-2014, 09:55 AM
Prime Amare (6th in MVP shares that year) put up
25.2 ppg, 9.1 rpg, .8 spg, 2.1 bpg on 59% and 81% (and played 79 games)

and in the playoffs the year before (lost to the Spurs) he put up:
25.3 ppg, 12.1 rpg, 1.3 spg, 1.9 bpg on 52% and 77%

To be honest Blake doesn't really even come close to touching that yet. Amare was only a bad defender compared to KG and Duncan. He was a pretty decent defender. He was mad athletic and disrupted even stuff to be at least considered above average honestly. His weakness was understanding defensive schemes. Wasn't an anchor but his man to man defense was pretty damn solid.

Tim Duncan vs. him was a pretty close matchup. A 2006 Tim Duncan vs. Blake Griffin would be more of a mismatch imo.

Amare's biggest weapon was his ability to shoot that midrange shot. He was absolute money from there. It allowed his athleticism to be on display in the halfcourt. Blake still mostly just scores athletically in transition. In the playoffs a halfcourt 25 ppg scorer >>> a transition 25 ppg scorer. I guess we'll see though. If Blake can outplay say Lemarcus Aldridge then he has gone a long way to sway my opinion.

02-25-2014, 10:04 AM
Pretty much that ^^^

He had a great mid range shot that always went in and good ft shooter. People also forget but he was an incredible finisher, even after contact he would manage to get the ball in the rim. Blake gets to line alot but his ft shooting isnt anything to write home about, and while his mid rnage shot is improving its nowhere near as solid as amares was

02-25-2014, 10:44 AM
Amar'e used to drop 39 and 10 against PRIME DUNCAN in the playoffs!!! That's what he averaged for an entire playoff series!

Guy used to be really really really good :cry:

02-25-2014, 10:52 AM
I wanna see how Blake do in the playoffs this year.

02-25-2014, 10:54 AM
Prime Amare (6th in MVP shares that year) put up
25.2 ppg, 9.1 rpg, .8 spg, 2.1 bpg on 59% and 81% (and played 79 games)

and in the playoffs the year before (lost to the Spurs) he put up:
25.3 ppg, 12.1 rpg, 1.3 spg, 1.9 bpg on 52% and 77%

To be honest Blake doesn't really even come close to touching that yet. Amare was only a bad defender compared to KG and Duncan. He was a pretty decent defender. He was mad athletic and disrupted even stuff to be at least considered above average honestly. His weakness was understanding defensive schemes. Wasn't an anchor but his man to man defense was pretty damn solid.

Tim Duncan vs. him was a pretty close matchup. A 2006 Tim Duncan vs. Blake Griffin would be more of a mismatch imo.

Amare's biggest weapon was his ability to shoot that midrange shot. He was absolute money from there. It allowed his athleticism to be on display in the halfcourt. Blake still mostly just scores athletically in transition. In the playoffs a halfcourt 25 ppg scorer >>> a transition 25 ppg scorer. I guess we'll see though. If Blake can outplay say Lemarcus Aldridge then he has gone a long way to sway my opinion.

The Suns and their offense make anybody loom good

02-25-2014, 01:44 PM
The Suns and their offense make anybody loom good

Cop out response. Prime Amare at that time would of been stat dominant on any team in the league.

02-25-2014, 01:46 PM
Prime Amare was amazing

02-25-2014, 01:49 PM
As of right now I'd take prime Stat. But barring any injuries or apathy, Blake will probably surpass him in a couple years.

02-25-2014, 02:38 PM
Injuries :(

Prime Amare over current Blake. We have yet to see Blake's peak, though.

NEW ORLEANS — There are still moments — a few possessions at a time, maybe even a few games at a time — when you can suspend your disbelief for a little while, you can watch Amar’e Stoudemire play basketball, and you can do so without the baggage he carries like a millstone around his neck.
There are still moments when Stoudemire evades his man on the low block when he can still elevate in an eyeblink, before the help can reach him. There are still moments when, thanks to that, a defender leaves him open for an extra half-step, and Stoudemire all but shrugs his shoulders and buries the 17-footer.
There are even moments, if things are timed just right, when he can rise in traffic for a rebound, when he can greet a penetrating guard with an outstretched shot-blocking arm, when he runs the floor without effort or worry or concern. And in those moments, it can still be a treat to watch.
But there are other moments …
Like the uncertainty that creeps into his game so often, clearly unsure if he can shake off a defender. Like the moment Tuesday night in Memphis when, after hitting a couple of jumpers he eschewed a third, tried to take it to the basket, and clumsily ran into the teeth of the Grizzlies defense, where about three different players could have take the charge.
And sometimes — this, truly, is the most heartbreaking of all those moments — he can be both iterations at the same time. Against the Grizzlies, early in the fourth quarter with the Knicks down two, there was a loose ball in a corner and Stoudemire outhustled everyone to track it down, he noted a clear path along the baseline, nothing impeding him to the basket …
He should have dunked.
If he could have dunked.
But by then, the soreness that kept him out of Wednesday night’s game with the Pelicans had clearly started to creep into his knee, and so instead of ending the play the way he has ended thousands of them before, he tried a layup, and he missed the layup, and soon he was on the bench, and soon after the game he was sitting in a corner of the locker with what looked like vacuum tubes attached to both knees.
Hello, darkness, my old friend.
“I’m OK,” Stoudemire said before he departed the arena in Memphis, and in his case “OK” is most definitely a relative term. The Knicks are in the midst of four games in five nights, and it was almost certain Stoudemire wouldn’t play in all four simply out of precaution. Too many pregames these past three years have included diagnoses of Stoudemire out for a few games, out for a few weeks, out for a few months. One game in the middle of a rapidly evaporating season won’t make a ripple.
Except in the big picture. Except if you remember what Stoudemire was in those first few months as a Knick, when he played with abandon, often for 40 and 42 minutes a night, when by himself he helped carry the Knicks back to relevance. It explains why the Garden remains Amar’e country even in the most frustrating times.
It’s why James Dolan, the Knicks owner who committed five years and $100 million to Stoudemire, remains hopeful someday, somehow, Amar’e can steal a few more months out of his youth, and why he flatly rejects the notion he would take a mulligan on that contract if he could.
“I still have hope,” Dolan said in November. “You cannot ask for a guy to be more dedicated, more disciplined, than Amar’e. He does his rehab, he does his workouts, he does everything, he’s on it every day, and that’s worth a lot, too. If there’s justice in this world, his knee will heal up to the point where he can play more minutes and make the contribution he wants to make.”
Ah, but there is rarely justice of that sort, not in a demanding sport, and so Wednesday night there was Stoudemire in his civvies again, one more time with his name next to a stat line that would say “DNP-Did Not Dress.”


02-25-2014, 02:45 PM
Amare because were comparing prime vs someone who I believe hasn't reached his. I'd bet money that Griffin will end up being considered a much better player than Amare when it's all said and done.

Injuries are a bitch. :(

02-25-2014, 05:16 PM
I'd take prime Brand over prime Amare without much question. I'd be hesitant on taking prime Brand over prime Blake.

02-25-2014, 05:20 PM
wow. This thread really highlights how irrelevant Amare has become ever since he turned 29, or ever since he became a Knick, rather.

Dude was a beast with the Suns, or maybe he was just a product of Steve Nash, like how D'Antoni was a product of Nash.

02-25-2014, 05:30 PM
prime amare, what a beast he was posterizing every1 and has a pick and pop game also

02-25-2014, 05:32 PM
wow. This thread really highlights how irrelevant Amare has become ever since he turned 29, or ever since he became a Knick, rather.

Dude was a beast with the Suns, or maybe he was just a product of Steve Nash, like how D'Antoni was a product of Nash.
he was beasting in ny before melo came, was an early mvp candidate that year

02-25-2014, 06:03 PM
he was beasting in ny before melo came, was an early mvp candidate that yearKnicks honestly ****ed up by trading gallinari, fields, etc for melo. That team would've been a very solid playoff team tbh.

02-25-2014, 06:34 PM
Prime Amare was a lot more unstoppable on offense than Griffin... dude was just a monster with the ball in his hands. Would make defenders look silly. He also developed an amazing mid-ranged jumpshot. I'm still not sold on Blake ever becoming the offensive beast Amare was. Sure, Blake is unstoppable on the lob, but he doesn't quite have the talent when it comes to making something happen with the ball in his hands at mid range. Most of his offense comes from getting the ball fed to him in the paint.

02-25-2014, 06:37 PM
The Suns and their offense make anybody loom good
He was a beast before he even came in the league, he was a beast as a rookie before Steve Nash was on the team and the Run And Gun Suns were in full effect... dude was just talented until a few years ago. He was even dominant for a while on the Knicks. Don't know what happened to him lately. He just declined.

02-25-2014, 07:41 PM
He was a beast before he even came in the league, he was a beast as a rookie before Steve Nash was on the team and the Run And Gun Suns were in full effect... dude was just talented until a few years ago. He was even dominant for a while on the Knicks. Don't know what happened to him lately. He just declined.

I just remember him hitting a three to force OT against the Spurs in the playoffs (or was it Marbs? Or did it go into double OT?). I'm confused now.

02-25-2014, 07:43 PM
prime amare. when he was puttin it on san antonio, he looked like he was going to contend with kobe for the top spot

02-25-2014, 07:46 PM
Don't know what happened to him lately. He just declined.

? his knees happened. theyre shot

02-25-2014, 07:46 PM
I just remember him hitting a three to force OT against the Spurs in the playoffs (or was it Marbs? Or did it go into double OT?). I'm confused now.
i think he hit it to go ot and marbury hit the game winning 3

02-25-2014, 08:05 PM
Pretty close.
Amare was probably the better defender, he could at least get you a few blocks here and there. Probably a better pick and roll player, although Blake is quite good himself.
Blake is better at creating for himself though, and most definitely a better playmaker for teammates.

I don't know. This is probably as equal as it gets.

Totally agree. Give me another 2 years with Blake...

02-25-2014, 08:29 PM
i think he hit it to go ot and marbury hit the game winning 3

I just know one of them banked it in, but swear it was double OT in a loss or separate games.

Meh, just know I thought it was insane.

02-25-2014, 08:31 PM
Prime Amare was godly around the rim. Blake is no slouch there though. I am giving the edge to Amare here. But Griffin is incredibly underrated.

02-25-2014, 09:13 PM
Amare. Better finisher, excellent mid-range J, one of the better shot blockers in the league, good on the pick and roll, good free throw shooter for a big. And look what 22 year old Amare did to the Spurs in the playoffs, and that was with Tim Duncan still in his prime. Blake may surpass Amare at some point, but he hasn't yet.

And BTW, that was Marbury who banked that shot in game 1 against the Spurs in '03 at the buzzer to win the game.

02-26-2014, 02:42 AM
No contest. Blake a much more active, versatile, and effective defender. They put Blake on LeBron for large spans of the game, and he does an average job. Can you imagine the Suns putting Amare on Bron? :oldlol: if anything, Amare has always been a liability on defense. Never averaged enough rebounds per game for his height. And was 1/50th the passer that Blake is; conversely, his handles compared to Blake were elementary.

Pretty much, Amare was only better offensively, and compared to Blake this last month, marginally. Blake this year has been better in literally every other facet of the game than peak Amare was when he get down to the analyst and metrics.

OG LeeTSkeeT
02-26-2014, 04:29 AM
Prime Webber

02-26-2014, 04:32 AM
Prime Webber