View Full Version : Phantom Dick

03-05-2014, 10:29 AM
I was thinking about phantom limbs (after a conversation regarding chopping my gf's leg off, but that is irrelevant), and started wondering if people who have undergone male to female sexual reassignment surgery have it. I Googled "phantom *****" and came across some interesting info:

But it is curious that most normal people who have carcinoma of the *****, which is not rare, and they have an amputation of the ***** as a life saving measure, a majority of them, maybe about 80%, 85% of them, experience a phantom *****, including phantom erections. This is well known. Since this chap is saying his ***** doesn't belong to him in the first place, what if his ***** is amputated because he wants to become a woman, what happens then?

The answer is the majority of them don't experience a phantom *****. What's amazing is that your body image, which includes your genitals, is at least in part programmed by genes and your brain is hard-wired to incorporate the genitals as part of your body image. Even more amazing is the observation that women who undergo transgender sexual surgery who acquired an artificial *****, a majority of them since early childhood have experienced a phantom *****. This is absolutely extraordinary because it means that each of us has a brain-based body image which is detailed down to the fine anatomy, including your genitals.

If your brain body image does not match...normally your brain body image and your external morphology are synchronised in early development through hormones, through genetic mechanisms. If this gets uncoupled and they aren't in synchrony you end up with a body image that's morphologically male, so they experience a phantom *****. What's amazing is that all these years of culture being raised as a woman, as a girl, and even seeing that they don't have a ***** does not correct this body image. This shows that even though your body image is extremely malleable, as we have shown with phantom limbs and mirrors and that sort of thing, it also turns out that there's a strong genetic contribution to your body image. This has, of course, great implications for understanding how your brain represents sexual behaviour and constructs body image.


tl;dr version: Most cisgendered males experience phantom ***** if it is removed, but most male to female transsexuals do not because their self image didn't include a dick.

03-05-2014, 10:34 AM

Nick Young
03-05-2014, 10:46 AM
People today are paying to have their ***** chopped off and inverted, ingesting hormones of the opposite gender, and sometimes having artificial silicon breasts implanted.

This shit is more f*cked up then anything in Brave New World of 1984.

In the future, humanity will look back on this sad politically correct era with disgust and bemusement, the same way we look back and the Romans and laugh at their orgies and the fact they barfed up food during feasts so they could eat more.

03-05-2014, 10:49 AM
People today are paying to have their ***** chopped off and inverted, ingesting hormones of the opposite gender, and sometimes having artificial silicon breasts implanted.

This shit is more f*cked up then anything in Brave New World of 1984.

In the future, humanity will look back on this sad politically correct era with disgust and bemusement, the same way we look back and the Romans and laugh at their orgies and the fact they barfed up food during feasts so they could eat more.

who does that?

03-05-2014, 10:49 AM
In the future, humanity will look back on this sad politically correct era with disgust and bemusement, the same way we look back and the Romans and laugh at their orgies

What is wrong with a good ole fashioned orgy?

Nick Young
03-05-2014, 10:49 AM
who does that?
prude Christians.

The main part of the orgies people laugh at is when they brought horses and animals in to the equation.

Then again, that still happens today in Mexico, Thailand and Holland so I don't know why people today look back on the Romans from a high horse.

BUT POINT NON-WITHSTANDING, what these trannies are paying thousands of pounds to do to themselves is an embarrassing episode in the history of human civilization. Pumping yourself full or hormones and getting your d*ck chopped off and sythetic breasts implanted does not turn a man into a woman.

And chopping off your t*ts and having your ****** hacked up and shaped into something slightly resembling a phallic organ and pumping yourself full of testosterone does not turn a woman in to a man.

03-05-2014, 10:52 AM
prude Christians

So essentially the same group that looks down upon transsexuals and will continue to do so in the future while everybody else won't care. What a wonderful comparison you have drawn.

03-05-2014, 12:15 PM
People today are paying to have their ***** chopped off and inverted, ingesting hormones of the opposite gender, and sometimes having artificial silicon breasts implanted.

This shit is more f*cked up then anything in Brave New World of 1984.

Just because you can't afford it doesn't mean you should trash it. I suppose that's a coping mechanism for you Sergio. Within that scrawny facade of a body there is a glorious showgirl just dying to burst on the scene. Don't deny your true self.

03-05-2014, 12:23 PM
I've read lots about phantom limbs but never considered the phantom dick. It seems horrifying. Some phantom boner you can't get rid of. Although, if they get off with their new lady parts does their phantom boner go away?

03-05-2014, 12:24 PM

03-05-2014, 01:11 PM
I've read lots about phantom limbs but never considered the phantom dick. It seems horrifying. Some phantom boner you can't get rid of. Although, if they get off with their new lady parts does their phantom boner go away?

:eek: ......... that question will keep me up all night

03-05-2014, 01:23 PM
call bullshit on women getting phantom erections. Just some shit they make up that they truly believe

Dude clear your PMs

03-05-2014, 01:27 PM
Ok but this better be a dick pic...

Or at least a phantom dick pic!

03-05-2014, 02:10 PM
Or at least a phantom dick pic!

:biggums: ....that would be a blank !


03-05-2014, 05:57 PM

Was thinking of that scene when I came into the thread.

03-05-2014, 06:57 PM
:biggums: ....that would be a blank !


I'm pretty sure he is expecting a pic of a mutilated area where a dick used to be.

03-05-2014, 07:22 PM
That's definitely interesting.

I think your internet history would be quite a read OP.

03-05-2014, 07:29 PM
That's definitely interesting.

I think your internet history would be quite a read OP.

I have my moments.

03-05-2014, 07:36 PM
I'm pretty sure he is expecting a pic of a mutilated area where a dick used to be.

hmm, pretty sure everything can be found on the internet.......