View Full Version : What would Durant s PPG be without all the touch fouls?

03-06-2014, 03:37 PM

03-06-2014, 03:41 PM

03-06-2014, 03:41 PM

03-06-2014, 03:50 PM

no hed be around melo, 25-28.

03-06-2014, 03:56 PM

03-06-2014, 04:01 PM
Good question!!! another good one, how many ppg would durant score if the rims were an inch smaller in diameter????

03-06-2014, 04:04 PM
no hed be around melo, 25-28.
He'd be a little below Melo. Melo honestly gets less calls then he deserves.

If the NBA were completely fair, not only would Durant get a few less calls, but Melo would get a couple more calls.

KD would be right around 25-26. Melo would be around 29-30.

03-06-2014, 04:29 PM

03-06-2014, 04:33 PM
I'm guessing if you took away all the points he got this year that came from iffy/touch fouls, he might lose not even half a point. Funny to see LeBron stans legit think he's getting 6-8 points every single game from BS fouls alone.

03-06-2014, 05:29 PM
I'm guessing if you took away all the points he got this year that came from iffy/touch fouls, he might lose not even half a point. Funny to see LeBron stans legit think he's getting 6-8 points every single game from BS fouls alone.
I'd say on average, he's got roughly 3.5 points PPG on bogus calls. Roughly 2 bad calls per game. Is that really so unreasonable?

03-06-2014, 05:37 PM
I'm guessing if you took away all the points he got this year that came from iffy/touch fouls, he might lose not even half a point. Funny to see LeBron stans legit think he's getting 6-8 points every single game from BS fouls alone.

Bron makes less than 6 FT's a game. Even if every foul on him were a 'bs foul' you would still be full of shit.

03-06-2014, 05:37 PM
I'm guessing if you took away all the points he got this year that came from iffy/touch fouls, he might lose not even half a point. Funny to see LeBron stans legit think he's getting 6-8 points every single game from BS fouls alone.
It's not just on free throws where his stats get inflated. Once the refs start calling so many touch fouls defenders are forced to back off of him, at which point he can drive for an easy layup or shoot an open J. If Durant were officiated the same way as Melo he would probably average between 23-25 ppg, on much worse efficiency.

03-06-2014, 05:39 PM
It's not just on free throws where his stats get inflated. Once the refs start calling so many touch fouls defenders are forced to back off of him, at which point he can drive for an easy layup or shoot an open J. If Durant were officiated the same way as Melo he would probably average between 23-25 ppg, on much worse efficiency.
Yess, his efficiency gets inflated because when he gets bailed out on a miss, it's as if his miss never happened.

Mass Debator
03-06-2014, 05:58 PM
75 Ppg 89/64/99
19 Rpg
12 Apg
4 Spg
0 Topg

100 Per

03-06-2014, 06:11 PM

Bron makes less than 6 FT's a game. Even if every foul on him were a 'bs foul' you would still be full of shit.

It's not just on free throws where his stats get inflated. Once the refs start calling so many touch fouls defenders are forced to back off of him, at which point he can drive for an easy layup or shoot an open J. If Durant were officiated the same way as Melo he would probably average between 23-25 ppg, on much worse efficiency.

Excellent points. So much sense being made, and clearly by level-headed, objective posters. Especially you JT123. Durant gets so many BS calls over the course of an 82 game season, it's inflated his scoring by 7-9 PPG. Nothing wrong with that logic at all.

03-06-2014, 06:13 PM
I would subtract a point or two from his total. Would also subtract a point or two from lbj because of the flopping + fu*ked up hairline

03-06-2014, 06:15 PM
28 ppg - ISH

03-06-2014, 06:18 PM
28 ppg - ISH
Are you talking about just this year? He's averaging nearly 32 PPG this season. So he's getting enough BS calls to inflate his scoring average by 3-4 points? Do people actually believe this? Are the ones saying it'd be more than 1-2 actually believe this?

03-06-2014, 06:32 PM
28 ppg - ISH

agree with this one!

03-06-2014, 06:34 PM
Still higher than Lebron's. Now go cry about it.

03-06-2014, 06:40 PM
Still higher than Lebron's. Now go cry about it.

you are probably the weakest poster in here.

03-06-2014, 06:43 PM
not sure.. but its funny how guys start to get reffed once they fully emerge as top players. I remember 2010 Durant was getting held all game long by Artest.. he was pretty much in a straight jacket. I cant help but think if that was current Durant Artest wouldve either fouled out every game, or been forced to back off and let him shoot.

03-06-2014, 06:43 PM
you are probably the weakest poster in here.

Youre the most bad ass poster on here, no doubt!!!!


03-06-2014, 06:49 PM

you are probably the weakest poster in here.
:oldlol: I'm not a Durant or a Thunder fan, that picture means absolutely nothing to me.

Your agenda threads are just simply not on the level of the higher up Lebron stans. No need to get mad about it, just get your shit together :confusedshrug:

03-06-2014, 06:53 PM
:oldlol: I'm not a Durant or a Thunder fan, that picture means absolutely nothing to me.

Your agenda threads are just simply not on the level of the higher up Lebron stans. No need to get mad about it, just get your shit together :confusedshrug:

get my shit together? ISH is not everyone s life. We dont all post 50 times a day on here. I dont have anything to prove to losers like you. I dont need smiling smilies to feel better about myself.
Now go back and work on you sense of humor if you want more of these :oldlol: .

03-06-2014, 06:54 PM
He'd be a little below Melo. Melo honestly gets less calls then he deserves.

If the NBA were completely fair, not only would Durant get a few less calls, but Melo would get a couple more calls.

KD would be right around 25-26. Melo would be around 29-30.

As a Knicks fan I definitely agree with your point about Melo. The slightly underappreciated facet of the bs calls Durant gets is that he knows he's going to get it unless he is given a wider berth of "openness" for his shot - this clearly contributes to his confidence!

Of course I cant prove it at all, but I think his understanding of the way his game is being refereed allows him to approach scoring (especially jump shooting) with more ease and confidence. This, plus the fact that a fouled miss isn't counted, really is why he appears so efficient.

I want to make clear that I'm not a stan or anything, and I think Durant is clearly a better jump shooter than Melo, clearly more athletic and better in transition, better defender, has accomplished more, and I don't want to take away from him. (I would say Melo is overall the better "scorer") I can't ignore the blatant favoritism he receives, though.

03-06-2014, 06:55 PM
get my shit together? ISH is not everyone s life. We dont all post 50 times a day on here. I dont have anything to prove to losers like you. I dont need smiling smilies to feel better about myself.
Now go back and work on you sense of humor if you want more of these :oldlol: .
Man, what an admirable poster. So why then do you make all these blatant troll posts and agenda threads?

03-06-2014, 06:56 PM
Man, what an admirable poster. So why then do you make all these blatant troll posts and agenda threads?

I ll let you find the answer yourself. It will keep your mind busy and you ll have something to do with your free time. good luck and have fun.

03-06-2014, 06:57 PM
I ll let you find the answer yourself. It will keep your mind busy and you ll have something to do with your free time. good luck and have fun.
:oldlol: Just what I thought, literally no rebuttal. Good day to you, and good luck improving your trolling.

Black and White
03-06-2014, 06:58 PM
Durant would still be the top scorer in the league without touch fouls, a lot of players get them, Durant gets more obviously but I don't get the point of this thread, the guy is the best scorer in the league regardless.

03-06-2014, 07:04 PM
Are you talking about just this year? He's averaging nearly 32 PPG this season. So he's getting enough BS calls to inflate his scoring average by 3-4 points? Do people actually believe this? Are the ones saying it'd be more than 1-2 actually believe this?
you really don't believe Durant recieves a mere 2 bad calls per game?

03-06-2014, 07:05 PM
Durant would still be the top scorer in the league without touch fouls, a lot of players get them, Durant gets more obviously but I don't get the point of this thread, the guy is the best scorer in the league regardless.

"Durant gets more obviously" <- the point of the thread (why does he?)

"Durant is the best scorer" <- arguable (because of these fouls!)

"Durant would still be the top scorer" <- also arguable (because hypotheticals)

Black and White
03-06-2014, 07:12 PM
"Durant gets more obviously" <- the point of the thread (why does he?)

"Durant is the best scorer" <- arguable (because of these fouls!)

"Durant would still be the top scorer" <- also arguable (because hypotheticals)

Is this just another prop up LeBron thread? :facepalm

EDIT: Just saw the OP is a massive LeBron homer

03-06-2014, 07:13 PM
Is this just another prop up LeBron thread? :facepalm
He's a Melo fan. Have you read a single post in this thread?

03-06-2014, 07:16 PM
As a Knicks fan I definitely agree with your point about Melo. The slightly underappreciated facet of the bs calls Durant gets is that he knows he's going to get it unless he is given a wider berth of "openness" for his shot - this clearly contributes to his confidence!

Of course I cant prove it at all, but I think his understanding of the way his game is being refereed allows him to approach scoring (especially jump shooting) with more ease and confidence. This, plus the fact that a fouled miss isn't counted, really is why he appears so efficient.

I want to make clear that I'm not a stan or anything, and I think Durant is clearly a better jump shooter than Melo, clearly more athletic and better in transition, better defender, has accomplished more, and I don't want to take away from him. (I would say Melo is overall the better "scorer") I can't ignore the blatant favoritism he receives, though.

To be honest, what gives Durant a slight edge in terms of scoring is his finishing ability.

Melo misses a lot of bunnies and shots at the rim, that Durant for the most part doesn't. Hence the difference in ppg and efficiency. Yes, Durant does get some favorable calls that Melo doesn't over the breadth of games...but I would say that finishing ability is more of a factor than FTs is when is comes to comparing the two.

Black and White
03-06-2014, 07:17 PM
He's a Melo fan. Have you read a single post in this thread?

The touch fouls alone cannot account for the 3-4 ppg lead he has, are you suggesting that most of his fouls are BS? Because the same can be said for many players in the league, why not bring up Harden then?

03-06-2014, 07:17 PM
You guys are idiots. If Durant didn't get fouled he would average 35+ ppg

03-06-2014, 07:19 PM
To be honest, what gives Durant a slight edge in terms of scoring is his finishing ability.

Melo misses a lot of bunnies and shots at the rim, that Durant for the most part doesn't. Hence the difference in ppg and efficiency. Yes, Durant does get some favorable calls that Melo doesn't over the breadth of games...but I would say that finishing ability is more of a factor than FTs is when is comes to comparing the two.
Yes, because when Melo gets hacked at the rim, they don't call it. When Durant blows a layup or a dunk, refs decide he MUST have been fouled.

03-06-2014, 07:21 PM

03-06-2014, 07:21 PM
28 MAX on lower efficency.
what people fail to udnerstand is he doesnt only get AT LEAST 1-2 absolute disgusting BS calls per game but it also changes how they defend him.
after two BS calls in a row he can cakewalk to his next 3-4 lay ups without anyone daring to come near him.
its the same with harden.:coleman: :coleman:

03-06-2014, 07:22 PM
Yes, because when Melo gets hacked at the rim, they don't call it. When Durant blows a layup or a dunk, refs decide he MUST have been fouled.

I can agree with that to an extent...but Durant also dunks a lot of shots at the rim that Melo may miss due to laying it up instead (whether he's hacked or not).

Like I said, Melo certainly does not get all the calls that Durant does...that's not even debatable really. But I think there are factors beyond FTs that separate the two scoring-wise.

03-06-2014, 07:23 PM
The touch fouls alone cannot account for the 3-4 ppg lead he has, are you suggesting that most of his fouls are BS? Because the same can be said for many players in the league, why not bring up Harden then?
harden is a the same or worse.
while durant is a very skilled and smart basketball player and a freak of nature, Harden is just a complete joke.
unathletic, fat, lazy streaky shooter, turnover machine.
only thing he has are sick handles and his disgusting flopping game.
i feel bad for houston fans because they have to root for such a POS:facepalm :facepalm

03-06-2014, 07:26 PM
Harden is just a complete joke.
unathletic, fat, lazy streaky shooter, turnover machine.
only thing he has are sick handles and his disgusting flopping game.
i feel bad for houston fans because they have to root for such a POS:facepalm :facepalm
:applause: :applause: :applause:

03-06-2014, 07:26 PM
The touch fouls alone cannot account for the 3-4 ppg lead he has, are you suggesting that most of his fouls are BS? Because the same can be said for many players in the league, why not bring up Harden then?
That's only 2 fouls a game.

Last time he played the Heat, he got bailed out on 2 separate 3 pointers. That's 6 free throws right there. The first game, his first 7 points of the game were all bailouts including a ridiculous goal tend call + an extra free throw off a foul that wasn't even a shooting foul.

I really question how much you watch Durant if you don't think Durant gets a mere 3-4 points worth of soft calls every night. It's only 1 or 2 calls a game which I think is pretty conservative.

You're out of your minds if you think Durant doesn't get at least 2 bad calls per game.

03-06-2014, 07:26 PM
you really don't believe Durant recieves a mere 2 bad calls per game?

Prove it is more.

20-30 really bad calls should be easy to find from this season if its is more then 2.

03-06-2014, 07:28 PM
How would OP's life be if he wasn't a fggt?

03-06-2014, 07:33 PM
twenty eight to twenty nine points per game.

03-06-2014, 07:33 PM
:applause: :applause: :applause:
:cheers: :cheers:
it has to be said. harden would be a sixth man at best without his ref treatment.
dude flops on every second possesion and not only on offense.
he even admited it:facepalm

Black and White
03-06-2014, 07:40 PM
harden is a the same or worse.
while durant is a very skilled and smart basketball player and a freak of nature, Harden is just a complete joke.
unathletic, fat, lazy streaky shooter, turnover machine.
only thing he has are sick handles and his disgusting flopping game.
i feel bad for houston fans because they have to root for such a POS:facepalm :facepalm

:bowdown: :bowdown: There is hope, this is a great post about Harden.

:banana: :banana: :cheers: :cheers: :banana: :banana:

03-06-2014, 07:49 PM
:bowdown: :bowdown: There is hope, this is a great post about Harden.

:banana: :banana: :cheers: :cheers: :banana: :banana:
Why can you admit that Harden is a recipient of bogus foul calls but you can't admit it for Durant?

03-06-2014, 07:50 PM
Why can you admit that Harden is a recipient of bogus foul calls but you can't admit it for Durant?
you are right but Durant would still be an elite scorer without touch calls while Harden would be lucky to be a sixth man:facepalm

03-06-2014, 07:51 PM
:bowdown: :bowdown: There is hope, this is a great post about Harden.

:banana: :banana: :cheers: :cheers: :banana: :banana:
i didnt even mention his defense where he is probably the worst at his position in the entire NBA:facepalm :facepalm

03-06-2014, 07:56 PM
you are right but Durant would still be an elite scorer without touch calls while Harden would be lucky to be a sixth man:facepalm
Durant would still be an elite player. It's just that he'd be a 27PPG on 47% elite player instead of a 31PPG on 51% elite player.

03-06-2014, 07:58 PM
You idiot LeBron stans have no right to complain, when KD stans troll you guys. :facepalm

I do agree that the refs aren't calling too much in favor of Wade and LeBron, but lets not act like KD is scoring 31+ only because he's getting a ton of FT's. Dude deserves the FT's that he gets.

03-06-2014, 07:59 PM
You idiot LeBron stans have no right to complain, when KD stans troll you guys. :facepalm

I do agree that the refs aren't calling too much in favor of Wade and LeBron, but lets not act like KD is scoring 31+ only because he's getting a ton of FT's. Dude deserves the FT's that he gets.
Nobody ever said all 31 of his points are from free throws.

03-06-2014, 08:01 PM
Nobody ever said all 31 of his points are from free throws.
Yeah. He's getting like 10 FT's a game. Only 2 more than LeBron. You guys should be complaining about LeBron NOT getting calls and not KD getting them.

03-06-2014, 08:02 PM
You idiot LeBron stans have no right to complain, when KD stans troll you guys. :facepalm

I do agree that the refs aren't calling too much in favor of Wade and LeBron, but lets not act like KD is scoring 31+ only because he's getting a ton of FT's. Dude deserves the FT's that he gets.
let all your hate for lebron fans out life long heat stan:facepalm

03-06-2014, 08:03 PM
Yeah. He's getting like 10 FT's a game. Only 2 more than LeBron. You guys should be complaining about LeBron NOT getting calls and not KD getting them.
How about everybody just gets what they earn?

03-06-2014, 08:03 PM
Yeah. He's getting like 10 FT's a game. Only 2 more than LeBron. You guys should be complaining about LeBron NOT getting calls and not KD getting them.
Kd gets calls for jumping into guys and throwing his arms around without getting touched. we have all the right to complain

03-06-2014, 08:25 PM
:lol Damn this site went downhill the past couple of months. Trolls really do run this shit now.

03-06-2014, 08:56 PM
How would OP's life be if he wasn't a fggt?
Repressed homo! Accept it! Accusing others wont help.
BTW, how does it feel to get Jason Colin'd every day?

03-06-2014, 08:59 PM
28 MAX on lower efficency.
what people fail to udnerstand is he doesnt only get AT LEAST 1-2 absolute disgusting BS calls per game but it also changes how they defend him.
after two BS calls in a row he can cakewalk to his next 3-4 lay ups without anyone daring to come near him.
its the same with harden.:coleman: :coleman:

This! Very important point. After 1-2 bad calls, the defender go easy on durant and doesnt play as aggressive.

03-06-2014, 09:02 PM
The same guy who was complaining to the refs during the All Star game :facepalm


03-06-2014, 09:02 PM
why not bring up Harden then?
Just because I feel like Melo/Durant is the more apt comparison, and I don't watch a lot of Rockets games.

I can agree with that to an extent...but Durant also dunks a lot of shots at the rim that Melo may miss due to laying it up instead (whether he's hacked or not).

Like I said, Melo certainly does not get all the calls that Durant does...that's not even debatable really. But I think there are factors beyond FTs that separate the two scoring-wise.

There are. In my opinion, the main factors besides FTs are athleticism and shooting efficiency. Like I said earlier in the thread, Durant definitely surpasses Melo in both of those categories (along with others previously named).
Athleticism speaks to your first point about dunking vs laying up, regardless of hack. Melo is older, doesn't jump as well, different body. Durant just looks springier, you know what I mean?

This! Very important point. After 1-2 bad calls, the defender go easy on durant and doesnt play as aggressive.

And Durant knows it! This of course allows/encourages him to be more aggressive and confident, which imo what basketball is all about. The refereeing really needs to be examined.

Simmons' most recent NBA Mailbag (from yesterday) illustrates how Silver has taken strides to distance himself from Stern's international foci and try to solve some of the present domestic game's larger issues, reffing (and tanking) among them.