View Full Version : Football/soccer all-time draft tournament

03-08-2014, 12:26 PM
I made a new thread for the tournament and I'll use a bracket generator to randomly decide who goes up against who


blablabla is yet to post his formation/tactics

I think Trollsmasher once posted his tactics but I couldn't find it

Players who have posted their formation/tactics

b1imtf(page 1) Tournament Thread

EnoughSaid(page 2)Tournament Thread

Andrew Wiggins (page 6)Tournament Thread

kurple (page 6)Tournament Thread

alenleomessi (page 6)Tournament Thread

waseem780 (page 71) Original Thread

kc16 (page 6)Tournament Thread

dunksby (page 66) Original Thread

RagaZ (page 6)Tournament Thread

iamgine (formation only) (page 65) Original Thread

Overdrive (http://insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=9634022&postcount=968)

Mr Clutch Melo (formation only) (page 61) Original Thread

Trollsmasher (page 67)Original Thread

Bosnian Sajo (page 70)Original Thread

Kobesfinger (page 66)Original Thread

Jasi page (page 6)Tournament Thread

03-08-2014, 08:10 PM
b1imitf vs EnoughSaid

-Post your formation and tactics please. Adjust accordingly to your opponent.

-Voting will begin soon.

EDIT: Please reference the draft thread, if you want to know who you going up against and lineups.

03-08-2014, 10:15 PM
from what i saw the last pages enoughsaid has a better TEAM, i'll wait to see the coaches and the way they'll play. i really love desailly-beckenbauer which should be the best cd pairing in the whole draft.

the other dude has nedved - ballack - del piero - totti - henry all playing in the middle of the park :facepalm

03-09-2014, 02:06 AM
I'll post my stuff first thing in the morning. Reserve this post for that.

03-09-2014, 09:18 AM
[CENTER]Van der Sar

03-09-2014, 09:22 AM
from what i saw the last pages enoughsaid has a better TEAM, i'll wait to see the coaches and the way they'll play. i really love desailly-beckenbauer which should be the best cd pairing in the whole draft.

the other dude has nedved - ballack - del piero - totti - henry all playing in the middle of the park :facepalm
Shit happens.

03-09-2014, 03:23 PM
here is enougsaid team since he is not interested in posting a write up


03-09-2014, 03:25 PM
Ok...voting starts now!

First match of the tourney.


03-09-2014, 03:29 PM
Both teams are almost equal but I am going with b1imtf

03-09-2014, 03:59 PM
I'm gonna wait for NuffSaid to explain his tactics and mindset before voting. Waseem I thought we were trying to avoid I like that team better votes?

03-09-2014, 04:04 PM
I'm gonna wait for NuffSaid to explain his tactics and mindset before voting. Waseem I thought we were trying to avoid I like that team better votes?
Who said I like b1imtf's team better , I said both were almost as good as eachother but b1imtf's IMO is a slightly better team..

03-09-2014, 04:10 PM
Imo you should swap Nedved and Ballack and also Maldini and Lucio. Especially Nedved is a natural on the left flank, you can't keep him away.

03-09-2014, 04:12 PM
EnoughSaid's formation is wrong imo. Ljungberg and above all Pires should be in the mf while Kaka and Rui support Sheva.
Hell, the
Kaka ---- Rui
offense actually existed in Ancelotti's 4-3-2-1 at Milan.
I vote b1tmf.

03-09-2014, 04:14 PM
enougsaid's defense is superb but i think he could have done a better job on the midfield and especially on the wingers.. taking sheva in 4th round imo was a big mistake.. there were lots of better options
kaka and rui costa were also both AMs so a lot of pressure on alonso here..

b1 i think has nedved out of position-he was an attacking LM.. and im not a fan of his full backs.. still im voting for him unless enoughsaid posts a tactic and changes my mind

03-09-2014, 04:17 PM
Imo you should swap Nedved and Ballack and also Maldini and Lucio. Especially Nedved is a natural on the left flank, you can't keep him away.
Also he shouldn't play Totti and ADP as wings, cause they are not. Totti behind Henry and ADP is better. He can afford no wings considering his FBs are extremely offensive.

03-09-2014, 04:22 PM
I'm fuct :(

03-09-2014, 04:24 PM
enougsaid's defense is superb but i think he could have done a better job on the midfield and especially on the wingers.. taking sheva in 4th round imo was a big mistake.. there were lots of better options
kaka and rui costa were also both AMs so a lot of pressure on alonso here..

b1 i think has nedved out of position-he was an attacking LM.. and im not a fan of his full backs.. still im voting for him unless enoughsaid posts a tactic and changes my mind

Nedved can surely play either RCM or (better) LCM, even if he eventually got to play a more offensive role at Juve

03-09-2014, 04:27 PM
Can I still switch Ballack and Pavel? lol

03-09-2014, 04:28 PM
[QUOTE=b1imtf][CENTER]Van der Sar

03-09-2014, 04:38 PM
1. still don't like your team, nedved, ballack, totti, del piero and henry never even can play together.

2. totti and del piero were not starters as you said in WC06, only totti was.

3. totti can't play as a winger never in his life did that for more than a couple of games, del piero played winger for 2 of his 20+ career, under sacchi at italy. pep needs full-time wingers and both players are 100 times better in the center.

4. nedved also didn't play deep lying playmaker

5. makelele a mystery to me why he was selected so high, and lol at the best DM of all time

if the other guy doesn't explain it's you by default but this isn't a TEAM to me. will watch this thread and vote letter. sorry nothing personal man.

No biggie, I was in a bad mood when I replied to you earlier. As I've said, I don't have half the knowledge some of these guys have. All good :cheers:

03-09-2014, 04:42 PM
EnoughSaid's Team
Managed by Ottmar Hitzfield

Formation/Tactic Reasonings:

- I just want to start off by explaining why I've chosen the the 4-1-4-1 formation and how I think each player fits into the philosophy. Starting off with Neur, we all know he's a terrific goalkeeper, and has been the best in the world for the past maybe 4-5 years. He's great in the goal and is very mobile, but I think what gets overlooked is his distribution of the ball. With him in the goal and the pace of my team, counter attacks will be unavoidable.

Now onto the defense. As you know my first 2 picks were Beckenbauer and Cafu. I went with the idea that if I have a good defense that can suppress any offensive threat, the rest of the team will fit straight in. Here I have the greatest center back in the history of football, and he will be the rock to hold the defense together. The partnership with Desailly and Beckenbauer will be critical in disrupting passes, and presumably holding it down during set pieces. When you factor in the fact that I also have the greatest RB in the history of football backing the two up, then it becomes formidable. Lizarazu is also no slouch, and his quickness of tracking back from the offensive side of the ball should alleviate the pressure of any oncoming attacks.

My midfield is where I kind of want to clear up some confusion. Xabi Alonso will probably be my most important player. He'll sure up any potential defensive gaps, but also will be a focal point of beginning the attacks. I like to think he'd be able to sufficiently fill the role of a solid DM. The 4 upper midfielders that I have won't necessarily play in a set position. They key of my team is that everybody is flexible and can move from one area to another. Costa/Kaka/Pires/Ljungberg will be able to adjust and play any of the 4 positions, not limiting or constraining them to a certain spot on the field. My thought process is that they'll be connecting constantly and attacking from all different angles. If a team is pressing and not allowing constant possession, they'll take it up a notch or two. I also like to think that this team would be deadly from set pieces. And of course, they'll all be feeding into one of the greatest goal scorers of all time in Shevy, who would highly benefit from 4 midfielders who can string together amazing sets of passes.

So yeah. I just wanted you guys to understand that the 4 attacking mids would be constantly shifting in and out of position, maybe even switching flanks or rotating their areas. Also take in the fact that Lizarazu and Cafu would be joining in, allowing the 4 mids to all go into the attacking fray. I feel like I have the best defense in the whole tournament, and when you add in the fact that Xabi Alonso is also aiding Beckebauer/Desailly, then it gets silly.

I don't know if b1mtf's team has the pace and width to really break my down my astute pairings. Cafu could take care of Nedved, and the CB's could take on Henry, Totti or ADP. Alonso would also be a menace, not allowing anything to go by.

All in all I feel like when you add in the flexibility of my offense with the amazing defense, I would assume they'd coexist and perform together beautifully.

EDIT: Come onnn guys you knew I'd post. Don't just vote for b1mtf because he posted his stuff earlier.

03-09-2014, 04:43 PM
1. still don't like your team, nedved, ballack, totti, del piero and henry never even can play together.

2. totti and del piero were not starters as you said in WC06, only totti was.

3. totti can't play as a winger never in his life did that for more than a couple of games, del piero played winger for 2 of his 20+ career, under sacchi at italy. pep needs full-time wingers and both players are 100 times better in the center.

4. nedved also didn't play deep lying playmaker

5. makelele a mystery to me why he was selected so high, and lol at the best DM of all time

if the other guy doesn't explain it's you by default but this isn't a TEAM to me. will watch this thread and vote letter. sorry nothing personal man.

I think it sort of works. I think like Jasi said, Totti should play more of a attacking midfielder role with Henry and Del Piero acting as the strikers. I'm not entirely sure about Leonardo and Pep.

That said I think Ballack - Makelele - Nedved is a very balanced and hardworking midfield. You have Alves who can cover the entire right side and be that winger on offense, you have Nedved and Leonardo (?) who can go down that left side when necessary.

He could have gotten better talent for some of the picks, but it's not bad. I don't see any really glaring flaws like some of the other teams have.

03-09-2014, 04:52 PM
Good job EnoughSaid.

03-09-2014, 05:02 PM
Honestly I don't think have the midfield to hang, enoughsaid. Xabi is a playmaker with a bit of a mean streak, he's not the defensive player you make him out to be. The rest of your midfield is extremely questionable defensively.

You have the best defense in the draft. Swap out Kaka and Ljungberg for a DM and a better RW and you'd have a real contender here. Now it just falls apart on midfield I think. I would take b1mtf's team in this matchup.

03-09-2014, 05:02 PM
Good job EnoughSaid.

Yeah man you too. I just don't see the opposing teams being able to break down my defense. Especially when you have Xabi acting as basically a third CB at times. That's what I wanted to base my team around. I wanted a defensive approach.

03-09-2014, 05:04 PM
Honestly I don't think have the midfield to hang, enoughsaid. Xabi is a playmaker with a bit of a mean streak, he's not the defensive player you make him out to be. The rest of your midfield is extremely questionable defensively.

You have the best defense in the draft. Swap out Kaka and Ljungberg for a DM and a better RW and you'd have a real contender here. Now it just falls apart on midfield I think.

Ehh I see what you're saying, but I feel like the 4 mids are so flexible and can adjust that it'd make up for any missing links. Are you saying they'd have trouble with defending or what?

03-09-2014, 05:04 PM
That attack isn't desirable.

03-09-2014, 05:12 PM
Ehh I see what you're saying, but I feel like the 4 mids are so flexible and can adjust that it'd make up for any missing links. Are you saying they'd have trouble with defending or what?
They'd lose the midfield battle.

03-09-2014, 05:16 PM
They'd lose the midfield battle.

I mean I see how Mekelele/Ballack/Nedved is maybe more formidable that let's say Alonso/Kaka/Costa. I want to say that this game would be won on the wings. With Cafu and Lizarazu running up the seams feeding into Pires or Ljungberg, my team might have an advantage.

The flow doesn't have to necessarily go through the midfield. Even if the battle is lost there it won't mean my team wouldn't be able to be successful or prosper in other areas.

03-09-2014, 05:20 PM
When does the voting start?

03-09-2014, 05:20 PM
Honestly I don't think have the midfield to hang, enoughsaid. Xabi is a playmaker with a bit of a mean streak, he's not the defensive player you make him out to be. The rest of your midfield is extremely questionable defensively.

You have the best defense in the draft. Swap out Kaka and Ljungberg for a DM and a better RW and you'd have a real contender here. Now it just falls apart on midfield I think. I would take b1mtf's team in this matchup.
this matchup is a tough one, but I agree with this. b1mtf gets my vote as well

03-09-2014, 05:24 PM
Not going to lie EnoughSaid your defense makes me jealous, very strong and I'm sure it can stop most of the teams on here. My vote goes to you EnoughSaid in a close one, looking overall at both teams and formations.

03-09-2014, 05:28 PM
I need to think the current matchup through, it is close and I don't want to cast a shallow vote.
NuffSaid you should take your Headcoach's mentality and tendencies into consideration as well. If you are going to lean on CA he will be effective but IMO saying your positions are not fixed is a cop out. I don't like your midfield lineup, Rui Costa is playing too wide which makes him less effective especially considering you are playing him on the left.

Andrew Wiggins
03-09-2014, 05:34 PM
Please reserve this post for when your matchup is up for voting.
I need to think the current matchup through, it is close and I don't want to cast a shallow vote.

yeah, i didn't bother to read through the thread. why don't you edit your post and i'll delete mine and repost when it's time for my matchup. :cheers:

as for my vote, i'll have to give it some thought. i like parts of both squads.

03-09-2014, 06:25 PM
how long is the voting open? for each round

03-09-2014, 06:29 PM
how long is the voting open? for each round

Earlier I said 24 hours but it looks like people are taking their time with the voting. I am cool with it as long as people don't procrastinate.

I am trying to get this thing going.

03-09-2014, 06:44 PM
waiting 24 hours for one matchup seems a bit much. i would understand it in the next round when there are 8 games

03-09-2014, 06:57 PM
Although I have big problems with NuffSaid's midfield, I can't close my eyes to b1imtf's messy midfield too. Both have great defense but I have to give the edge here to NuffSaid, Shevchenko is unpredictable while I could see Henry getting locked up. Set pieces are in b1's favor still I don't see his team scoring more than one goal off them in a close game.
I have to go to sleep so I'm gonna cast my vote now: NuffSaid

Mr Clutch Melo
03-09-2014, 07:06 PM
Voting for B1mtf.

Enoughsaids midfield lacks balanse.Would be countered and overrunned to death by most teams in this draft.

Andrew Wiggins
03-09-2014, 07:13 PM
my vote goes to b1imtf. makelele-ballack would boss the midfield. enoughsaid's back 4 is formidable but i don't like xabi as a lone holding mid, he would get overrun. and i don't think the attack stacks up to the trio of del piero-totti-henry.

Bosnian Sajo
03-09-2014, 07:40 PM
Close one, but I'm gonna have to go with enoughsaid based on his defense. Not the best midfield, but Schevy will find someway to score and get you the 1-0 victory. I don't feel like B1's midfield would have a good connection at all, and that also gave the slight edge to enoughsaid.

03-09-2014, 08:16 PM
I don't necessarily see how Makelele and Ballack completely run over everybody. You guys are basically saying that because of that matchup, my offense won't be able to do anything and I'll get destroyed?

03-09-2014, 08:22 PM
who said anything about getting destroyed?

03-09-2014, 08:25 PM
who said anything about getting destroyed?

Someone noted that my midfield would get consistently decimated.

When building the team I felt like the defense would be strong enough for me to not need another DM alongside Alonso. I felt like a more attacking approach would do fine with the partnerships in the defense. I guess I didn't think it through.

03-09-2014, 08:37 PM
I don't necessarily see how Makelele and Ballack completely run over everybody. You guys are basically saying that because of that matchup, my offense won't be able to do anything and I'll get destroyed?

I don't think two real DMs are needed either. Most systems throughout the years didn't do this. Some use a regista and a Roy Keane type, but it's no necessity. I'll cast a vote soon.

03-09-2014, 09:04 PM
I take enoughsaid's team, but it's very very close. Best of 7, go ahead buzzer beater style.

Reasons: Enoughsaid has an awesome defensive line, didn't compare it to the others yet, but even without looking it's surely in the top 3 independent of the rest of the team. b1mtfs is still awesome and basically just a little bit below. Leonardo was an option for me, too, but he's too much of an attacking type(something your team just doesn't need), and basically became a CM at the first chance he got. He's the guy who shifts the defense battle towards enoughsaid. 1-0
The omission of a 2nd DM is no mistake for me here either. I actually like the midfield better than b1imtf's, because it would actually work. Smart DM good mids good outside mids. b1imtf's midfield is stacked beyond belief, but there redundant players and role. Nedved and Totti, though having different position were(are) both playmakers. Del Pierro is a deep lying forward. You have three 10s two 8s and one 9 here. That's too much imo. If these guys find out how too play together, though, they're one of the most talented teams around 1-1(2-1 on aggregate)
Sheva was good, but I think he was a tier below Henry. I might get flack for that, but that's how I feel. He had success everywhere he played. If not for a Lehmann brainfart he might've won the CL in his prime as the main guy, too.0-1(2-2)
Coaches: This is like Pop vs Spo. Hitzfeld is the old accomplished guy, who has all the experience and all the tricks up his sleeve, but on a good day the young one might outcoach him. Pep deploys a state of the art tactic for his teams, but Hitzfeld basically always did that, too. He's no Trapattoni who plays 5-3-2 for 40 years straight. He maximizes the talent on the team, something I'm not sure Guardiola can, because he had all the talent in the world so far. Hitzfeld on the other hand made a powerhouse out of a country that not so long ago was on austria's level.1-0(3-2)

03-09-2014, 09:10 PM
I don't think two real DMs are needed either. Most systems throughout the years didn't do this. Some use a regista and a Roy Keane type, but it's no necessity. I'll cast a vote soon.
most teams throughout the years didnt play against midfields and attacks as good as the teams we just drafted.

his defense is epic, but it would be 75minutes of defending. I'm sure Totti, Henry and Del Piero could score a goal or two

03-09-2014, 09:11 PM
Good analisys Overdrive. :cheers:

03-09-2014, 09:14 PM
most teams throughout the years didnt play against midfields and attacks as good as the teams we just drafted.

his defense is epic, but it would be 75minutes of defending. I'm sure Totti, Henry and Del Piero could score a goal or two

I feel as if you guys are ignoring my offensive threats. I have 5 attacking players basically, all capable of scoring a goal or two.

If we're going by areas of the field, I'll give him the midfield. I'll say that I have the better defense and offense tho.

03-09-2014, 09:15 PM
most teams throughout the years didnt play against midfields and attacks as good as the teams we just drafted.

his defense is epic, but it would be 75minutes of defending. I'm sure Totti, Henry and Del Piero could score a goal or two

I just don't think that way. b1imtf's midfield is too much - in a negative way. That's like having Iverson, Kobe, Jordan, T-Mac and Wade on the field. I don't like the way of thinking that 2 DMs are needed, just because the other team has alot of fancy midfielders. In defense you switch formation to a 4-4-2 or 4-5-1 anyway regardless of what it looks like on offense. Everybody has to defend especially on the level we project here.

03-09-2014, 09:17 PM
b1imtf's midfield is too much - in a negative way. That's like having Iverson, Kobe, Jordan, T-Mac and Wade on the field.
Go big or go home :rockon: :lol

Learning a shit ton from this draft.

03-09-2014, 09:19 PM
Go big or go home :rockon: :lol

Learning a shit ton from this draft.

Haha that quote reminds me of good times. :D

03-09-2014, 09:22 PM
He maximizes the talent on the team, something I'm not sure Guardiola can, because he had all the talent in the world so far. Hitzfeld on the other hand made a powerhouse out of a country that not so long ago was on austria's level.1-0(3-2)
you dont think pep maximized the talent on barca from 08 to 12? especially in 2011?
he got the most out of messi, xavi, iniesta.. gave pique, busquets and pedro a chance and kept pushing them.. thiago was just a talent a year ago.. now he is becoming one of the best midfielders..
lots of coaches have talents but not all of them can make them great players

03-09-2014, 09:32 PM
you dont think pep maximized the talent on barca from 08 to 12? especially in 2011?
he got the most out of messi, xavi, iniesta.. gave pique, busquets and pedro a chance and kept pushing them.. thiago was just a talent a year ago.. now he is becoming one of the best midfielders..
lots of coaches have talents but not all of them can make them great players

That's true and I knew you would come along, but what I mean is that he never had to build a team from scratch. He basically inheirited a Barca team, that after the Ronnie years was on the upside having the huge talents already on the team. Not talking about Bayern.

Not saying he's a bad talent manager, what I'm saying is that aslong as he doesn't do Hitzfeld's team building, he is simply not on his level.

Hitzfeld proved on so many team's that he's a big reason for success. Pep can't do this if he becomes manager on reigning UCL winners everytime.

03-09-2014, 09:38 PM
Imagine if Pep ever got Ibra to fully buy in to the system. Dang the thought of Ibra with current Barca is scary , but I guess it wasn't meant to be since Ibra is too alpha and over-confident (not necessarily a bad thing).

03-09-2014, 09:40 PM
Imagine if Pep ever got Ibra to fully buy in to the system. Dang the thought of Ibra with current Barca is scary , but I guess it wasn't meant to be since Ibra is too alpha and over-confident (not necessarily a bad thing).

For Ibra just Ibra exists, that's his biggest problem and his biggest asset.

03-09-2014, 09:54 PM
My turn? .... ehhh

I'll take Landon Donovan.

03-09-2014, 11:50 PM
i'll go with enoughsaid's team as he finally explained his selection. greatest defense in the whole draft, still has some flaws on attack, not a fan of his freddie ljungberg and pires but it will work for now. this and what i said before: enoughsaid

congratulations to b1imtf for being a great sport about it, we need more guys like him on ISH :applause:

03-10-2014, 12:19 AM
i'll go with enoughsaid's team as he finally explained his selection. greatest defense in the whole draft, still has some flaws on attack, not a fan of his freddie ljungberg and pires but it will work for now. this and what i said before: enoughsaid

congratulations to b1imtf for being a great sport about it, we need more guys like him on ISH :applause:

Mr Clutch Melo
03-10-2014, 02:58 AM
So whats the next matchup `?

Bosnian Sajo
03-10-2014, 03:00 AM
Since Enoughsaid just got done being matched up, lets go with Andrew Wiggans vs. Iamgine.

03-10-2014, 05:12 AM
Don't know if the vote is over and mine was counted, it was for b1imtf anyways.

EDIT - Damn I always spell his username wrong :lol

03-10-2014, 08:32 AM
7-6 for b1 if i got it correctly

03-10-2014, 08:35 AM
Don't know if it was mentioned but does anyone know why EnoughSaid and b1imtf were chosen as the two teams to battle out for the 16 seed?

03-10-2014, 08:38 AM
7-6 for b1 if i got it correctly

hm 8-6 from what i counted. people that cast theit vote should spell the name in bold.

op how long until next matchup?

03-10-2014, 08:50 AM
I guess we could move to the next matchup , and I kc16 I used a bracket generator , put in all the names and it randomly decided the matchups.

03-10-2014, 09:26 AM
Why dont we vote for all the first round matches together?
It is a waste of time to do it one by one imo.

03-10-2014, 10:46 AM
I guess we could move to the next matchup , and I kc16 I used a bracket generator , put in all the names and it randomly decided the matchups.
Ok, thankfully I wasn't picked for that. I would hate to be out that early.

03-10-2014, 01:29 PM
Since Enoughsaid just got done being matched up, lets go with Andrew Wiggans vs. Iamgine.
i hope we're not doing one game at a time, with 24hour voting. it's gonna take a month to finish this

03-10-2014, 01:30 PM
Why dont we vote for all the first round matches together?
It is a waste of time to do it one by one imo.

Bosnian Sajo
03-10-2014, 02:23 PM
smfh people...why was everyone so active in the drafting process if they won't stick around for the tourny? Made a championship team for nothing :facepalm

03-10-2014, 02:25 PM
It is not clear what everyone is supposed to do.
Waseem should clearly open the voting for EVERY first round match and list the tactical post for each team.

03-10-2014, 02:30 PM
smfh people...why was everyone so active in the drafting process if they won't stick around for the tourny? Made a championship team for nothing :facepalm

Simply got less time this week. I will try to vote as much as possible still.

03-10-2014, 02:38 PM
C'mon peeps.

03-10-2014, 02:40 PM
Why dont we vote for all the first round matches together?
It is a waste of time to do it one by one imo.
ill write mine in a minute

03-10-2014, 02:49 PM

Captain: Johan Cruyff.

Coach: Rinus Michels. Greatest coach of 20th century according to FIFA. Inventor of total football.

Very attacking, free flowing, interchanging positions, players comfortable in multiple positions, offensive full-backs, keeping possession, keeping the ball away from the goal, intercepting passes and marking deadly strikers. Total football.

Lev Yashin - Greatest GK of all time. Over 150 penalty saves and over 270 clean sheets. Only GK to be named a footballer of the year.

Laurent Blanc - One of the most important members of France's 1998 team and one of the better defenders in the late 90s. Scored the first ever golden goal against Paraguay in the WC. Imposing stature and a great leader.
Frank Rijkaard - Arguably the greatest DM ever. Could also play as a CM and CB. Im playing him CB in this offensive formation. 6'4 and 6'3 CBs to go along the offensive full backs. Both CBs scored goals like crazy too. Facchetti is one of the greatest LBs ever and one of the greatest Italian players ever. He is remembered as being the first truly great attacking full-back. Spent all of his career with one club. The other full-back Gentile could also play CB. He is most known for succesfully man-marking Maradona in the 1982 WC. After the match he famously said: '' Football is not for ballerinas!''
In the defensive side of the midfield i have Willem van Hanegem, a major piece of the Dutch team in the WC 1974 and arguably their greatest mid ever. Fantastic passing range and ability with the ball at his feet. He was aggresive defender and played with passion. Hated the germans because they killed his whole family. ''I didn't give a damn as long as we humiliated them. They murdered my father, sister and two brothers. I am full of angst. I hate them.''
Another guy that played with passion was Marco Tardelli. His celebration after scoring the goal in the final of the 1982 WC is widely known as one of the greatest ever and is known as the "Tardelli cry'. '' With tears in his eyes, he sprinted towards the Italian bench, fists clenched in front of his chest, screaming "Gol! Gol!" as he shook his head wildly''. Tireless defensive midfielder with good technical quality. One of the best mids in the early 80s. Those two would be like Pirlo-De Rossi. Only better.
A bit ahead of those two i have Deco. One of the finest mids in the 00s that won the CL with two different teams by being their most important and 2nd most important player. Led his nation to a final in the Euro 2004 where they unlucky lost. Made the 1/2 final in the WC two years later. Named UEFA footballer of the year in 2004 and UEFA best midfielder with both Porto and Barca. Incredible vision and possibly only overshadowed by Cruyff in this amazing team full of magicians. A mix of Xavi and Iniesta.
Cruyff is arguably the greatest. He could do it all. Head and shoulders over anyone in his era. Basically the Messi of the 70s that led his nation to a WC final.
Gullit was the epitome of total football. Could play all positions except GK ( they didnt want to mention the idea ). Twice player of the year. Very athletic, used his strength and speed to outbattle the opponents. Excellent in the air, outstanding natural balance for a man of his stature. Also very intelligent and crazy skilled.
Gunnar Nordahl is probably the least known member of my team. Thats because he played in the 50s. But his record speaks for itself. 225 goals in 291 matches. 3rd highest goalscorer in Serie A history. Most efficient goalscorer in Seria A with 0.77 goals per match. One of the strongest and most muscular guy of his era. Defenders had something brown on their pants. It wasnt mud.

03-10-2014, 02:52 PM
Coach: Luis Aragones
Captain: Diego Simeone

Philosophy: Aragones was one of the greatest motivators in football history. He was always able to adapt as a coach through many years of coaching, and he always got the best out of his players. I remember him most for his hard nosed 70's Atletico teams, think Bad Boys Pistons esque. Their Europa Leauge game agains Celtic in '74 is still talked about. And the introduction of "Tiki-Taka" football in the '06 World Cup. Combining those with a compact defense and great counter-attacking is the perfect team.

I want the team to be defence first. They should have no problem winning games on their defense alone even if they dont have the best individual defenders of this draft (Not far from the best), similar to current Atletico who i want my team to model their defense after. It doesnt hurt to have the mastermind behind that defense (Diego Simeone) playing the anchor
of the midfield role. Stay extremely compact when the oposing team is doing their build-up play, and always be quick to preassure the ball afte losing it. I want them to run more, and work harder than any other team. Especially the midfield. Again similar to current Atletico only with A LOT more talent. And i really think having a player as Simeone as captain would help Aragones set that tone.

I want the team to always look for counterattacks. Helps having the IMO 2nd best distributing GK of all time (after Neuer actually) in Dasaev. Dude had GREAT vision, powerful and acurate arms. I dont want us to be a defensive team just because we can win games with our defense. Always look to keep posession with precise and short "tiki-taka" passes/ing. And I would trust that two of the greatest decisionmakers and passers of all time (Platini and Zidane) would be able to make the right plays.

GK: Dasaev wasnt the most talented GK left on the board. And he may not have saved 150 penalties, like Yashin. But he was exactly what i wanted from my GK. Great vocal leader, always took command in the penalty area. A cross would have to be pretty ****ing great for Dasaev not to get his hands on the ball. And as said earlier. I rank his distribution 2nd only to Manuel Neuer. Dasaev has the great vision and powerful and acurate arm i wanted. Him and Giggs would be a nightmare for opposing defences.

FullBacks: I was very happy when i got one of the greatest RB's of all time in Djalma Santos. He's got the defence, crosses, skill, brain and pace to keep up with anyone. He would be used like a winger similar to Dani Alves when we are building an attack, as Zidane doesnt offer much width. But jusst imagine the damage he and Zidan could do together on the right side of the pitch. He should also always look for the counter attack.
Philipp Lahm is a bit different. I wasnt sure where i would play him (LB is not his natural position), but he is one of the brightest footballing brains of our generation and could play anywhere on the pitch. He's exactly the kinda high IQ, hard working machine i want on this team. And his crossing would not really be needed on the left with Giggs providing the width. But he would help the midfield a lot, and help make the right desicions.

CB: Not really too much to say. Nesta is a complete defender and might be the 2nd best modern defender behind Maldini. Ofc it could be debated, but he has his case. And Sir Alex said selling Japp Stam was the biggest mistake he's made. Solskjaer called him the best defender he's played with or against. Called him tall as a mountain, wide as a house and quick as a ferrari (lol)). He's in both Ole's and Sir Alex's alltime United starting 11's (same with Ruud and Giggs BTW). Both Maldini and Stam are hard workers and are good in the air, thats important to me. Both also have great positioning, awereness and overall high football IQ. What more could i asked for? Thought hard about picking Beckenbauer at #5 because i wanted a defensive powerhouse, but i'm glad i didnt.

CM: The team will play with one DM and one CM/Box2Box. There was one word i wanted for my midfield, and that was toughness. Diego Simeone was the guy i wanted for my DM position all along, unless Makelele dropped pretty far. Simeone doesnt just fit what i need skillwise, but he's a tough son of a B, a great vocal leader and sets the tone for the entire team, that you dont mess with us. He's also a good short passer, and not terrible at going forward. I wasnt sure who i wanted for my other CM position. I planned on waiting to a later round, because i had a couple potential sleepers. And i cant complain with Duncan Edwards. I hope most of you have heard of him, even if none of us have ever watched him play. He died way to young, at 21 (and a half), but he was a man amongst boys on the pitch long before he died. He was a complete midfielder, and one of the biggest talents theres ever been.

Some quotes from people who did see him play or played with/against him:

He could play as an attacker, creator or defender and be the best player on the pitch… He was world class when United had the ball, and when the opposition has the ball he was our best defender.

Most players they are good at certain things; in the air, or good with their left or right foot, they read the game well, or they have pace. But Duncan had it all, he really was better at everything than anyone else

From the first moment I saw him he could play anywhere and do anything. He was brave, great in the tackle, could pass it long or short and score goals. When I arrived at United Duncan was the only player who could do things I knew I wasn’t capable of.

He was the only player who made me feel inferior,

Duncan was without doubt the best player to ever come out of this place, and there’s been some competition down the years. He was colossal and I wouldn’t use that word to describe anyone else. He had such presence, he dominated every game all over the pitch. Had he lived, he would have been the best player in the world. He was sensational, and it is difficult to convey that. It is sad there isn’t enough film to show today’s youngsters just how good he was.
I'd take that 21 year old over most central midfielders of all time. This was IMO the biggest steal of the draft

AM: What can i say? Are there anyone better to lead, control, create and initiate the offense than Zinedine Zidane and Michael Platini? Two of the greatest passers, playmakers and footballers of all time. I'll just leave it at that
Ryan Giggs was important to me to add some needed pace and width. He's a brilliant winger, one of the best of all time and certainly one of the best of our time. My offense is all about decisionmaking, and Giggs is a player of high football IQ and would fit perfectly into that. While adding something different than the other playes.

CF: There have been so many great strikers over the years and it's tough for me to rank them. I wasnt sure what type of striker i wanted, if i wanted one with great pace, strenght or whatever. After i got Zidane, Platini and Giggs in the first 3 rounds, felt i the team needed a striker that didnt need the ball in his feet all the time to be effective. I needed a stiker with great positioning in the box and great finishing abilty. Enter Ruud Van Nistelrooy, everything i needed.

The formation will look something like this when we are building an attack


- Edwards pretty much stays in the mid circle
- Zidane and Platini are free to do whatever they want
- Simeone or either CB shouldnt cross the half line, unless its a deadball.
- Speaking of deadballs, my team will defend every dead ball man2man. i hate the zone

Defensive stance: similar to current atletico madrid. high preasure when losing the ball, but stay extremely compact defensivly


Only adjustment i would make would be to have Simeone man2man mark Di Steffano. And play him hard/tough/dirty

and maybe lay a bit lower than against other teams. because of his great attack. but i think his team would have big problem defending my team on the counterattack.

still. my team would take this one easily (maybe not easily lol)

03-10-2014, 02:55 PM
This is mine, might refine it a little bit in the future, but that's it basically:


03-10-2014, 03:05 PM
when i get home ill make a list of who posted their teans formation/tactics abd where to find them

Andrew Wiggins
03-10-2014, 03:07 PM
we're all posting our tactics now? here's mine

Wim Suurbier - Vincent Kompany - Ruud Krol - Marcelo
Lothar Matthaus - Arturo Vidal
Figo - Raul - Ze Roberto

Manager - Johan Cruyff

while cruyff favors the 4-3-3, I think his total football approach would work fine in a 4-2-3-1 given the players at his disposal. for the cb pairing, i believe kompany and krol would compliment each other well. kompany would be the brute who dominates in the air and with his physical strength while krol would lead the line and distribute out of the back with passes into the midfield and precise, defense-splitting long balls over the top of defense. marcelo and suurbier would alternate bombing the flanks and constantly provide overlapping runs and bolster the attack.

matthaus would break up play, distribute the ball all over the wings, and provide a shield for the cbs. vidal would function in the box to box role and help matthaus command the midfield. vidal’s knack for scoring goals from distance and popping up around the box would keep defenders occupied.

ze roberto would provide excellent service down the left flank and fine coverage defensively. this would allow marcelo to overlap as he pleases without having to worry about being exposed on that side of the pitch. figo, raul, and romario would constantly rotate in and out of their positions and be a nightmare for defenders to deal with because of their amazing interplay. goals, goals, and more goals.

my team doesn't have the flashiest names but i think they all would play well off each other and have the versatility to excel in total football.

03-10-2014, 03:20 PM
Zanetti - Costacurta - Deschamps - Cole
Beckham - Lampard - Iniesta
Pele - Dalglish

Manager: Bob Paisley. Only manager to win 3 European Cups.

All my players have won either a CL/EC or a World Cup. This team screams of winning mentality. No prima donnas.

Tactics? As the late Brian Clough said: "Players lose you games, not tactics. There's so much crap talked about tactics by people who barely know how to win at dominoes."

03-10-2014, 03:24 PM
Here is my formation and tactics from the draft thread:

I made changes to mine, more of a 4-3-3 with Riquelme playing a supporting striker/centre attacking midfield position. Defensively we will switch to a 4-4-2 with Riquelme and Okocha occasionally helping in defense when needed.


Okocha and Riquelme will be able to interchange the centre attacking workload when need be. Both are great creators and are able to finish with with precise passes or taking shots at goal. Feeding balls to Eusebio and Weah is integral. Both are some of the stronger strikers in soccer history, let alone some of the greatest. Both strikers are goal hungry and are great ball controllers, add to the fact any defender will be worried to see these two coming at them. I have good faith in my attackers.

Toure and Vieira are vital pieces to both the attack and defense as both will play a box-to-box role,knowing that and Mourinho's tactics of being a defensive mind, when one is up helping the attack the other won't go up as high to sure up the defense.

Roberto Carlos will play a similar role to what Ashley Cole does for Chelsea, helping out in the attack but importantly using his strength to stop opposing wingers and attackers from his side. Plus his left foot is deadly, taking unexpected shots when up front is no problem for me. Puyol is allowed to come up occasionally but not necessary.

Silva and Kuffour will mostly stay in the center of the backfield and with their strength and speed I am confident they can slow most attackers. Add to the fact with Vieira and Toure playing central defense and Carlos and Puyol at LB and RB respectively I have much confidence in my defense. Cech's athleticism and leadership is also very integral part, knowing where players should be during free kicks and corners.

Coach Mourinho is a defensive minded coach so it is vital that players like Okocha and Riquelme help out in defense when need be. Also to balance things out it's best that we keep at 3 defenders in the back as well as one of our midfielders back as well when we are attacking our opponent. Carlos and Toure would be used often when we are moving up front and it is vital that they come back to help our defense. Another reason for picking Mourinho is that Chelsea is my favorite team and I have enjoyed Mourinho as our coach since the first year he started coaching us back in 2004. As a players coach, as most players love to play for him, will help build chemistry with this team.

Sorry for no arrows, I didn't know how to upload the image on here using this11.com. The arrows would have helped though.

03-10-2014, 03:24 PM
Zanetti - Costacurta - Deschamps - Cole
Beckham - Lampard - Iniesta
Pele - Dalglish

Manager: Bob Paisley. Only manager to win 3 European Cups.

All my players have won either a CL/EC or a World Cup. This team screams of winning mentality. No prima donnas.

Tactics? As the late Brian Clough said: "Players lose you games, not tactics. There's so much crap talked about tactics by people who barely know how to win at dominoes."

Might have something to do with England not winning sh!t in 50 years.

03-10-2014, 03:35 PM
Might have something to do with England not winning sh!t in 50 years.
Brian Clough won consecutive European Cups with Nottingham Forest :facepalm

03-10-2014, 03:39 PM
Brian Clough won consecutive European Cups with Nottingham Forest :facepalm

Brian Clough, yeah...
It's the attitude of a whole football tradition that I was referring to.
And how many WCs did England win in the last 40+ years?

03-10-2014, 03:42 PM
This is my team

Ancelotti with his 4-3-1-2.
Possession based and narrow, but both FBs give options on the sides.
Three MFs who can switch positions indifferently, depending on the opponent.
De Rossi as CDM can be an adjunct defender, Schweini will do it all both defensively, in terms of possession and as a shooting threat when advancing in space.
Suarez Miramontes is the main Architect (for the kids, think Xavi plus range).
Maradona, Baggio and Di St

03-10-2014, 03:46 PM
Brian Clough, yeah...
It's the attitude of a whole football tradition that I was referring to.
And how many WCs did England win in the last 40+ years?
Hos many WCs have Italy won without Mussolini(1934) and cheating?(Paolo Rossi in 1982, Calciopoli 2006)

Just one. And that was before WWII.

03-10-2014, 03:58 PM
blablabla is yet to post his formation/tactics

I think Trollsmasher once posted his tactics but I couldn't find it

Players who have posted their formation/tactics

b1imtf(page 1) Tournament Thread

EnoughSaid(page 2)Tournament Thread

Andrew Wiggins (page 6)Tournament Thread

kurple (page 6)Tournament Thread

alenleomessi (page 6)Tournament Thread

waseem780 (page 71) Original Thread

kc16 (page 6)Tournament Thread

dunksby (page 66) Original Thread

RagaZ (page 6)Tournament Thread

iamgine (formation only) (page 65) Original Thread

Overdrive (http://insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=9634022&postcount=968)

Mr Clutch Melo (formation only) (page 7) Tournament Thread

Trollsmasher (page 67)Original Thread

Bosnian Sajo (page 7)Tournament Thread

Kobesfinger (page 66)Original Thread

Jasi page (page 6)Tournament Thread

03-10-2014, 04:00 PM
Hos many WCs have Italy won without Mussolini(1934) and cheating?(Paolo Rossi in 1982, Calciopoli 2006)

Just one. And that was before WWII.
:roll: how did matchfixing in italy affect the two WCs? You really have no clue what you are talking about.

Speaking of undeserved, how about that goal in 1966... :roll:

I like to underline also that the only time you won, it's when you played differently from your usual lame style and tactics. But you didn't learn the lesson :oldlol:

03-10-2014, 04:10 PM
:roll: how did matchfixing in italy affect the two WCs? You really have no clue what you are talking about.

Speaking of undeserved, how about that goal in 1966... :roll:

I like to underline also that the only time you won, it's when you played differently from your usual lame style and tactics. But you didn't learn the lesson :oldlol:
Who won you that World Cup in 1982? Rossi. Shouldnt have played that tournament.

Who won you that World Cup in 2006? Juventus. They cheated, in what, 2 consecutive Serie A seasons? If Man United did the same in England, i can guarantee you Hodgson wouldnt pick players from that club in his squad.

03-10-2014, 04:14 PM
Btw Did you watch Sir Bobby Robson's England team play in your country in 1990?

Gazza, Lineker, Waddle.. If that was "lame", then... :facepalm

03-10-2014, 04:16 PM
It cannot be irrelevant that my team is maybe the only one to include three Top 10 players all time.
i'm sure everyones top10 looks different. this isnt the NBA

Mr Clutch Melo
03-10-2014, 05:08 PM
Will post my tactics tommorow. Have school shit to do now

03-10-2014, 05:27 PM
i'm sure everyones top10 looks different. this isnt the NBA

Sure but find me on where there is no Maradona and Di St

03-10-2014, 05:44 PM
[QUOTE=Jasi]Sure but find me on where there is no Maradona and Di St

Mr Clutch Melo
03-10-2014, 06:02 PM

My team will line up in a 3-5-2

Ayala will work as the sweeper in back three. He was in his time a master in controlling the d-line . He had a strong sense of the game and the ability to read and predict events unfolding in a match.
Tresor and Ferdinand were both athletich monsters in their prime and were almost impossible to go past one againts one, which makes it difficult to score on my team even if you overplay my midfield.

Cabrini will have the license to bomb forward at will while Thuram will be a bit more defensive minded ( even though is was a bit underrated offensively, remember WC989? Both have high level of capability in pace, stamina and acceleration.

Overrall I feel that my teams strength lies in the defense and thats is my I have picked the midfield I have.

There is few players that can move the ball the from zone to zone faster and smarter than Falcao and Xavi. Both are masters at moving the ball with 1-2 touch passes. Falcao will be playing deeper than Xavi and pinpoint passes to the Wing-backs and Ronaldinho. Gerrad will be asked to bomb forward and be the captain and complete player he is. He will the my goal scoring threat from my midfield and he is a tiredless worker BOTH WAYS. He is a really good defensive player to.

Ronaldinho will have a free role to create and bring the magic for me. Drogba , one of the best I've ever seen at protecting the ball , will take a lot off attention from the central defenders + even the DMF on the other team. Which will give Ronaldinho the time to do what he does in the final third. Drogba will also reguarly be feed with crosses from Cabrini and Thuram.

And yeah, please dont foul my team in the final third. My free kick takers are DEADLY. And the penalty box will be filled with amazing headers of the ball. Thuram,Ferdinand, Tresor , Ayala, Drogba etc.

Bosnian Sajo
03-10-2014, 06:08 PM
Since I know no one wants to go digging in the old thread to find tactics:


Coach: Mario Zagallo, the coach of the 1970 Brasil WC winners, aka the greatest team ever.

GK: Casillas, can you really go wrong with Iker? The Captain has logged in 153 games for Spain and 669 games for Real Madrid. Won the CL twice and WC once, easily one of the best GKers of his generation.

CB's: The Italian connection of Bergomi and Cannavaro are sure to give every team in this draft trouble. Cannavaro was well known for his strength and positioning, as well as his solid aerial game. Cannavaro is one of the best CB's to ever play the game, and led Italy to the 06 title. He is the main defender on this team, and will have opposing number 10's on check. Bergomi is a solid CB who's contributions were overshadowed by AC Milan's dominance, but he was regularly for 20 years a starter in both Inter and Italy.

Fullbacks: The most important positions in Zagallo's formation, the fullbacks. Briegel will play well against the Italians, considering his success in Italy in his playing career. Although he has great Physical Prowess and Stamina, I want him to focus on defending the back while the secret weapon, Carlos Alberto makes runs forward to score. The legendary Brazilian RB was the captain of Zagallo's 1970 WC team, and scored the wondergoal that is considered by many to be the greatest WC goal of all time. He will bomb forward with his great speed from the right side, while Jairzinho cuts inside. This play allows Carlos to feed the ball inside to Ibra and Zico with no problem. On top of being an offensive threat, he is also a world class defender. Easily the most important player on this team.

Center Midfield: Dunga will be the anchor of this team, something that he plays very well. Many other players in this position lunged into tackles and put themselves about, but Dunga rarely went to ground to make a tackle, instead using his anticipation and timing. He will drop back a lot to help out the Italian connection whenever Carlos Alberto lunges up in attack. Safet Susic will be this teams regista, as he is renown for is superb passing ability. He will have plenty of options on this team, what with the wingers running frantically up and down the field all game, as well as Zico and Ibra having the ability to blast shots into the goal with ease. He had a great scoring record in his time as a player, so he too can go up and score, but we want him to focus more on passing in this team. I'll have him curving in corners from the right. The third player in this well balanced midfield is the mighty Zico, who will be playing as an attacking mid in this team. Zico is gifted with having a RIDICULOUSLY strong and powerful shot, this man would score goals from every angle on the pitch. Tremendous goal scorer, he will be used as Pele was used in Zagallo's 1970 team. Zico is known as the White Pele, so if there is anyone to replace Pele, it is this guy. Commonly considered as one of the best finishers and passers this game has ever seen, Zico is sure to terrorize opposing center backs with his wide range attack arsenal. When it comes to set pieces, he will be taking the longer free kicks while Rivelino takes the shorter ones.

Wings: Personally my favorite part of this team, I have recreated the 1970 world champion wings that flew Brasil to the top. Rivelino will control the left side, the legendary Brazilian who was famous for his large mustache, thunderous long-range free kicks, excellent long passes, quick thinking and distinct way of controlling the ball. One of the most graceful players the game has seen, he was usually used as an attacking mid on his club teams, however, he would play the left flank for his national team, which was no probelm for him. He will be the master of set pieces, as he is THE best FK taker ever (I said it). He will also be taking corners from the left. Rivelino has the most thunderous left foot world football has ever seen, and he will be cherry picking Ibrahimovic's tall ass like its stealing candy from a baby. When he isn't crossing the ball, Rivelino can cut to the middle while Zico takes over the left flank for him. This is where he can use his skills to score magnificent goals. On the right side will be his Robin, Jairzinho. Jairzinho is a quick and powerful winger who scored in every game of the 1970 WC, only 1 of 2 players to ever do that. Jairzinho is a skilled crosser just as Rivelino, but he thrived at scoring goals in his career. He will cut into the box as Carlos Alberto comes running up the right flank with the ball. There, along with Ibra, he will be rocketing in goals for this team. The hurricane's consistency is, imo, the most valuable asset in his game.

Striker: Zlatan Ibrahimovic...need I say more? :lol You all know what he is good at, and I want him to do exactly that for this team: score goals. Let Zlatan be golden.

03-10-2014, 06:52 PM
Wiggins vs Iamgene:

I personally like Wiggins team more. Lots of players i love, but Iamgene has the better players. Close, but not that close

Kobesfingers vs Overdrive:

Similar talentwise, but Kobesfingers lack of width is what makes the difference for me. team looks a bit wierd

Waseem vs Trollsmasher:

Dat midfield and striker duo

gonna look at the rest soon

03-10-2014, 07:56 PM
It would be nice for somebody to make one post dedicated to the matchup. They could layout the team rosters for each team, making it easier for everyone involved.

03-10-2014, 10:34 PM
Since this tournament became really unorganized I shall make a new thread and post every matchup and all the rules so we can finish this , EnoughSaid and b1imtf have already finished their matchup so i'll include that as well