View Full Version : kendall marshall 4th best passing PG in past 20 years

03-09-2014, 02:07 AM
behind kidd, nash, stockton

obviously he isnt the 4th best overall pg. but passing, 4th best.

Boarder Patrol
03-09-2014, 02:15 AM

03-09-2014, 02:18 AM
Livingston >>

03-09-2014, 02:22 AM

03-09-2014, 02:29 AM
Green-Grass Gringo?


03-09-2014, 04:10 AM
Don't even think he makes the top 50 seriously..

03-09-2014, 04:11 AM
You don't believe this? Please tell me you are trolling

03-09-2014, 04:16 AM
CP3? Rondoooooooo?

Marshall is an exceptional passer, but putting him in the same sentence with HOFers/future HOFers is very disrespectful to the greats, who had long, consistent careers. 9.5 apg in 30 mpg is impressive, but he needs to do that for multiple seasons, which I doubt will happen since he's a horrible defender & a medicore shooter(44% from 3 is some kind of an aberration, he can make the wide open 3 at a decent clip, but in no way is he a good enough shooter).

03-09-2014, 04:18 AM
IDK but this pass is swaggy as fk...


03-09-2014, 05:09 AM
You don't believe this? Please tell me you are trolling

im serious.

look at my post history....i dont troll. i watch all laker games...he consistently makes great passes like nothing.

03-09-2014, 05:11 AM
CP3? Rondoooooooo?

Marshall is an exceptional passer, but putting him in the same sentence with HOFers/future HOFers is very disrespectful to the greats, who had long, consistent careers. 9.5 apg in 30 mpg is impressive, but he needs to do that for multiple seasons, which I doubt will happen since he's a horrible defender & a medicore shooter(44% from 3 is some kind of an aberration, he can make the wide open 3 at a decent clip, but in no way is he a good enough shooter).

he is def a better passer than cp3 and rondo. look, he is NOWHERE near a top PG but i stick by my comment on his passing over past 20 years. Maybe I am missing 1 or 2 guys off the top of my head....otherwise, he is 4th.

03-09-2014, 05:16 AM
I'm a big Marshall gam since his college days but this thread is just ****ing retarded.

03-09-2014, 05:22 AM
he is def a better passer than cp3 and rondo. look, he is NOWHERE near a top PG but i stick by my comment on his passing over past 20 years. Maybe I am missing 1 or 2 guys off the top of my head....otherwise, he is 4th.
:facepalm No.

03-09-2014, 06:26 AM
I just see a poor man's Andre Miller tbh

robert de niro
03-09-2014, 06:30 AM
you are on crack

03-09-2014, 06:32 AM
He's exceptional in passing, that's for sure. Certainly better than alot starting points in this league

03-09-2014, 11:08 AM
Coming out of college, he was the best point guard in the nation and definitely the best passer. He's what's known as a pure point guard in a league full of shoot first combo guards. He leads the league in assists doesn't he? I can't say for sure that the op is right, but he's not far off with his statement. He's definitely got elite court vision.

03-09-2014, 11:28 AM
Coming out of college, he was the best point guard in the nation and definitely the best passer. He's what's known as a pure point guard in a league full of shoot first combo guards. He leads the league in assists doesn't he? I can't say for sure that the op is right, but he's not far off with his statement. He's definitely got elite court vision.

No he doesn't, he averages 9.5 apg in 35 games.

03-09-2014, 11:34 AM
No he doesn't, he averages 9.5 apg in 35 games.

My mistake, he's 2nd in the league.

Real Men Wear Green
03-09-2014, 11:57 AM
he is def a better passer than cp3 and rondo.
Why? Both guys have multiple seasons getting more than the 9.5 that Marshall has only put up in 35 games of this one season. I'm sure Marshall is a good passer but you can't justify this statement.

03-09-2014, 12:32 PM
I'm pretty sure Rondo and Paul can average 15+ apg in a D'Antoni offense. It's like if you take one dribble into the paint, there's 4 options for shooters.

03-09-2014, 12:35 PM
First Nash then Lin and now Marshall!

MDA = GOAT PG coach

Charlie Sheen
03-09-2014, 12:39 PM
behind kidd, nash, stockton

obviously he isnt the 4th best overall pg. but passing, 4th best.

No. He's a willing passer because he can't create his own offense...ever! Fans misread this as exceptional playmaking and court vision. He has the ball in his hands running a ton of pnr. Quite frankly I can name a long list of pg's in the last 5 years i'd rather have as a passer in that role. He's okay around the rim but thats also because he cant finish. Youre boosting his passing ability cuz the other facets of his game are so poor. Its not really a strength, he's just okay in that one area and sucks at everything else.

Charlie Sheen
03-09-2014, 12:40 PM
First Nash then Lin and now Marshall!

MDA = GOAT PG coach

You forgot Felton.

03-09-2014, 12:55 PM
North Carolina

03-09-2014, 01:18 PM
No. He's a willing passer because he can't create his own offense...ever! Fans misread this as exceptional playmaking and court vision. He has the ball in his hands running a ton of pnr. Quite frankly I can name a long list of pg's in the last 5 years i'd rather have as a passer in that role. He's okay around the rim but thats also because he cant finish. Youre boosting his passing ability cuz the other facets of his game are so poor. Its not really a strength, he's just okay in that one area and sucks at everything else.

I watched his whole career at North Carolina, he is a pure point guard, he looks to find the open man as soon as he touches the ball. The dude was an exceptional passer in college, the best in the nation that year he came out, that's why he was a lottery pick. That being said, I wouldn't consider him a top 30 point guard of the last 20 years because he is deficient in so many other areas. But to say he's just okay as a passer sounds like you haven't really watched him play much.

03-09-2014, 03:41 PM
I'm pretty sure Rondo and Paul can average 15+ apg in a D'Antoni offense. It's like if you take one dribble into the paint, there's 4 options for shooters.

its not just the system. he has great court vision and the passes he makes are consistently awesome.

03-09-2014, 03:46 PM

03-09-2014, 03:54 PM
nothing in that vid changed my mind at all

03-09-2014, 04:07 PM
CP3? Rondoooooooo?

Marshall is an exceptional passer, but putting him in the same sentence with HOFers/future HOFers is very disrespectful to the greats, who had long, consistent careers. 9.5 apg in 30 mpg is impressive, but he needs to do that for multiple seasons, which I doubt will happen since he's a horrible defender & a medicore shooter(44% from 3 is some kind of an aberration, he can make the wide open 3 at a decent clip, but in no way is he a good enough shooter).

Yes, but the OP is strictly talking about passing.

It would be wrong to assume that CP3 and all the guys at the top of the assists per game stat are the only great passers.

There are probably some guys who are elite passers but never get a chance to show it because they have no handle, can't shoot, or are really unathletic.

So I haven't really watched much of Kendall Marshall, but i wouldn't be surprised if he really does have elite vision.

03-09-2014, 04:37 PM
Yes, but the OP is strictly talking about passing.

It would be wrong to assume that CP3 and all the guys at the top of the assists per game stat are the only great passers.

There are probably some guys who are elite passers but never get a chance to show it because they have no handle, can't shoot, or are really unathletic.

So I haven't really watched much of Kendall Marshall, but i wouldn't be surprised if he really does have elite vision.


03-09-2014, 06:00 PM
sick pass right there

Charlie Sheen
03-09-2014, 06:49 PM
I watched his whole career at North Carolina, he is a pure point guard, he looks to find the open man as soon as he touches the ball. The dude was an exceptional passer in college, the best in the nation that year he came out, that's why he was a lottery pick. That being said, I wouldn't consider him a top 30 point guard of the last 20 years because he is deficient in so many other areas. But to say he's just okay as a passer sounds like you haven't really watched him play much.

the only area I'd consider him a good passer is around the rim. I don't think he's special, but he's better than okay there.

Kendall Marshall isn't a "pure" pg no matter how you slice it. Ty Lawson was a better passer at the college level. Marshall doesn't create anything and that's why his turnover total is so low. He passes to the open guy. That does not make him a remarkable passer, certainly not the 4th best of the last 20 years. It's outrageous to even think that way.

Nick Young
03-09-2014, 06:52 PM
Mitch GOATchak creating a team of stars out of D-leaguers:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Nick Young
03-09-2014, 06:53 PM
the only area I'd consider him a good passer is around the rim. I don't think he's special, but he's better than okay there.

Kendall Marshall isn't a "pure" pg no matter how you slice it. Ty Lawson was a better passer at the college level. Marshall doesn't create anything and that's why his turnover total is so low. He passes to the open guy. That does not make him a remarkable passer, certainly not the 4th best of the last 20 years. It's outrageous to even think that way.

03-09-2014, 07:54 PM
the only area I'd consider him a good passer is around the rim. I don't think he's special, but he's better than okay there.

Kendall Marshall isn't a "pure" pg no matter how you slice it. Ty Lawson was a better passer at the college level. Marshall doesn't create anything and that's why his turnover total is so low. He passes to the open guy. That does not make him a remarkable passer, certainly not the 4th best of the last 20 years. It's outrageous to even think that way.

He gets the ball to the player on the court in the best position to score, whether it's close to the rim or cross court. Did you not watch the game today? And, I watch college ball religiously, seen Marshalls and Lawsons entire careers, Marshall was the better passer. Lawson was just so fast he was able to get into the lane at will and draw defenses, then kick the ball out. Marshall had to be way more creative with his passes.

Charlie Sheen
03-09-2014, 09:27 PM
He gets the ball to the player on the court in the best position to score, whether it's close to the rim or cross court. Did you not watch the game today? And, I watch college ball religiously, seen Marshalls and Lawsons entire careers, Marshall was the better passer. Lawson was just so fast he was able to get into the lane at will and draw defenses, then kick the ball out. Marshall had to be way more creative with his passes.

You're diminishing Lawson's passing skillset because he's so fast? How does that make any sense? If anything, the quicker player is more creative with the ball cause those are scenarios Kendall could never open up. You've just defined a limit on what passes he cant make that other points can.

If you want to say he's good. Okay. Whatever. That's cool. I don't agree but it's not an out of this world evaluation. The title of this thread is not suggesting Marshall is merely good or even great. The claim is that he's one of the best ever. He's not. You'd have to be homermania to even consider him being anything close to that.

03-09-2014, 09:32 PM
Rondo 18 assists 0 turnovers

03-09-2014, 09:44 PM
Rondo 18 assists 0 turnovers


Black and White
03-09-2014, 09:50 PM
he is def a better passer than cp3 and rondo. look, he is NOWHERE near a top PG but i stick by my comment on his passing over past 20 years. Maybe I am missing 1 or 2 guys off the top of my head....otherwise, he is 4th.


03-09-2014, 11:08 PM
You're diminishing Lawson's passing skillset because he's so fast? How does that make any sense? If anything, the quicker player is more creative with the ball cause those are scenarios Kendall could never open up. You've just defined a limit on what passes he cant make that other points can.

If you want to say he's good. Okay. Whatever. That's cool. I don't agree but it's not an out of this world evaluation. The title of this thread is not suggesting Marshall is merely good or even great. The claim is that he's one of the best ever. He's not. You'd have to be homermania to even consider him being anything close to that.

I'm telling you Lawsons passing at UNC consisted of lightning fast drives to the hoop and a dish off if he didn't shoot first, that's about the extent of his playmaking. I didn't mean to get into an argument about Marshall being an all time great, I'm just refuting your statement that he was merely an ok passer. I think he's a great passer, maybe not as great as the OP feels, but still, it's hard to deny his passing abilities when you watch him play.

Charlie Sheen
03-10-2014, 09:57 AM
I'm telling you Lawsons passing at UNC consisted of lightning fast drives to the hoop and a dish off if he didn't shoot first, that's about the extent of his playmaking. I didn't mean to get into an argument about Marshall being an all time great, I'm just refuting your statement that he was merely an ok passer. I think he's a great passer, maybe not as great as the OP feels, but still, it's hard to deny his passing abilities when you watch him play.

Quite the opposite for me whenever I watch him out there. His performance doesn't match up with his gaudy assist #'s. He's not in complete control of the halfcourt like a rondo or a cp3.

I'll drop it, but I think you're being unfairly simplistic with your assessment of Lawson. He's got much more variety than being fast and running towards the hoop.

03-10-2014, 11:59 AM
nothing in that vid changed my mind at all

Probably because you didnt watch it. 9m30s video and you posted 8m later. :applause:

03-10-2014, 12:33 PM
Quite the opposite for me whenever I watch him out there. His performance doesn't match up with his gaudy assist #'s. He's not in complete control of the halfcourt like a rondo or a cp3.

I'll drop it, but I think you're being unfairly simplistic with your assessment of Lawson. He's got much more variety than being fast and running towards the hoop.

I'll drop it also. I will say it is nice to have a logical argument on ish once in a while without it turning into a trollfest.:cheers:

03-10-2014, 12:33 PM
Can we get a Kendall Marshall passing highlights video to back up your claim?

Some of us haven't really felt a need to tune into a Laker game this year to watch a bunch of scrubs (although i did see some of yesterday's game which was surprisingly good).