View Full Version : Zach Galifianakis interview with Obama

03-11-2014, 03:35 PM

obama so cool

03-11-2014, 03:38 PM
gave my mom dad sis healthcare. greatest pres

03-11-2014, 06:48 PM

03-12-2014, 11:36 AM
It's been a while since I watched between two ferns.

The Ben Still and Natalie Portman are killing me among others. Bradley Cooper's was good too. He just asked Bruce Willis if his favorite child was Ashton.

03-12-2014, 03:57 PM
Obama sharper than a razor

03-12-2014, 10:14 PM
That was hard to watch.

magic chiongson
03-12-2014, 10:55 PM
It's been a while since I watched between two ferns.

The Ben Still and Natalie Portman are killing me among others. Bradley Cooper's was good too. He just asked Bruce Willis if his favorite child was Ashton.
never heard of 2 ferns, this one introduced me to it. all terrible so far :(

this is how you do staged awkward interviews:


03-12-2014, 11:13 PM
Zach Galifnfdskafdis is not funny.

03-12-2014, 11:33 PM
Obama's so kool lol, approving drone strikes that murder innocent villagers, super cool :applause: :applause: :applause: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Biggest warmongering president ever, besides he's just a puppet like all the others

03-13-2014, 12:26 PM
Obama's so kool lol, approving drone strikes that murder innocent villagers, super cool :applause: :applause: :applause: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Biggest warmongering president ever, besides he's just a puppet like all the others

03-13-2014, 01:06 PM
Obama's so kool lol, approving drone strikes that murder innocent villagers, super cool :applause: :applause: :applause: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Biggest warmongering president ever, besides he's just a puppet like all the others

But look how great of an orator he is. Sophistry at its best.

Video was entertaining tho

03-13-2014, 01:35 PM
Do you think we will ever see another president waste as much time doing dumb shit as Obama?

I'm not a Barry O hater, in fact I have lost friends defending him to a point cuz they were irrational dumbasses, but it's kinda puzzled me his entire presidency the types of things he dignifies or makes news with.

I'm not saying he shouldn't enjoy pop culture or sports or have fun with his persona at times but it just seems like dude is consistently overly casual about his interests and desire to appeal to the average dumbass internet surfer, to the point of overkill.

I understand a strategy of appealing to those who aren't politics people but it's gotten annoying over the years to have this man, elected leader of the U.S. - worldpower in times of uncertainty- talkin about Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, Macklemore, Lebron, Richard Sherman, givin interviews with one bit comedy acts like Zach Gilifianakis, etc.

Not a good look

03-13-2014, 02:10 PM
Do you think we will ever see another president waste as much time doing dumb shit as Obama?

I'm not a Barry O hater, in fact I have lost friends defending him to a point cuz they were irrational dumbasses, but it's kinda puzzled me his entire presidency the types of things he dignifies or makes news with.

I'm not saying he shouldn't enjoy pop culture or sports or have fun with his persona at times but it just seems like dude is consistently overly casual about his interests and desire to appeal to the average dumbass internet surfer, to the point of overkill.

I understand a strategy of appealing to those who aren't politics people but it's gotten annoying over the years to have this man, elected leader of the U.S. - worldpower in times of uncertainty- talkin about Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, Macklemore, Lebron, Richard Sherman, givin interviews with one bit comedy acts like Zach Gilifianakis, etc.

Not a good look

Well, healthcare.gov needs more young, healthy people to sign up on it and this was probably just a strategy to get it more exposure to that group. Doesn't hurt that the guy has charisma and a sense of humor so why not take advantage of it by plugging the site in an entertaining way.

03-13-2014, 02:35 PM

03-13-2014, 02:35 PM
Obama's so kool lol, approving drone strikes that murder innocent villagers, super cool :applause: :applause: :applause: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Biggest warmongering president ever, besides he's just a puppet like all the others

03-13-2014, 02:48 PM
Love this series.

03-13-2014, 02:55 PM
Do you think we will ever see another president waste as much time doing dumb shit as Obama?

I'm not a Barry O hater, in fact I have lost friends defending him to a point cuz they were irrational dumbasses, but it's kinda puzzled me his entire presidency the types of things he dignifies or makes news with.

I'm not saying he shouldn't enjoy pop culture or sports or have fun with his persona at times but it just seems like dude is consistently overly casual about his interests and desire to appeal to the average dumbass internet surfer, to the point of overkill.

I understand a strategy of appealing to those who aren't politics people but it's gotten annoying over the years to have this man, elected leader of the U.S. - worldpower in times of uncertainty- talkin about Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, Macklemore, Lebron, Richard Sherman, givin interviews with one bit comedy acts like Zach Gilifianakis, etc.

Not a good look
You do understand that this wasn't just about hanging out with Zach Galifinakis, don't you? (https://twitter.com/HealthCareTara/status/443720066954436608)
Tara McGuinness ‏@HealthCareTara Mar 12
Funnyordie video has 11 million views. http://Healthcare.gov traffic for yesterday was up almost 40% from Monday.

I suspect we will see more things like this, they did something like this in November, but it just wasn't as viral.

03-13-2014, 02:59 PM
Also I do suggest you get some health insurance. You never know what could happen. I stepped on tack this morning. Just got back from the doctor's.

03-13-2014, 03:15 PM
Also I do suggest you get some health insurance. You never know what could happen. I stepped on tack this morning. Just got back from the doctor's.
What a fakkit *****. You stepped on a tack and went to to the doctor.

03-13-2014, 03:27 PM
What a fakkit *****. You stepped on a tack and went to to the doctor.
What an asshole.

Yeah, I went to get a tetanus booster and have the doctor take a look at, because the whole area is stiff and I can't wiggle my toes. So I wanted to make sure I didn't hit a nerve.

03-13-2014, 03:33 PM
What an asshole.

Yeah, I went to get a tetanus booster and have the doctor take a look at, because the whole area is stiff and I can't wiggle my toes. So I wanted to make sure I didn't hit a nerve.


03-13-2014, 03:36 PM
Do you think we will ever see another president waste as much time doing dumb shit as Obama?

I'm not a Barry O hater, in fact I have lost friends defending him to a point cuz they were irrational dumbasses, but it's kinda puzzled me his entire presidency the types of things he dignifies or makes news with.

I'm not saying he shouldn't enjoy pop culture or sports or have fun with his persona at times but it just seems like dude is consistently overly casual about his interests and desire to appeal to the average dumbass internet surfer, to the point of overkill.

I understand a strategy of appealing to those who aren't politics people but it's gotten annoying over the years to have this man, elected leader of the U.S. - worldpower in times of uncertainty- talkin about Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, Macklemore, Lebron, Richard Sherman, givin interviews with one bit comedy acts like Zach Gilifianakis, etc.

Not a good look

There's always that one idiot every time a President does something a little different or pop-culture-esque. Congratulations on being that guy.

Not to mention it's promotion for his biggest platform.

03-13-2014, 04:13 PM
The video was kinda funny but I shake my head at these idiots claiming he is the greatest because of some witty written lines. I had a girl a year ago tell me the Obama was so cool because he made a Mean Girls reference on twitter. When I brought up the drones and killing innocent people halfway around the world well I guess that isn't that funny.

I guess that is the state of American politics vote for the person you identify with without knowing any of their policies or beliefs.

But lettuce be cereal doe, Obama just trying to get us kids to join his shitty plan so we can subsidize healthcare for dem old swaggerless brahs. It's a tarp.

03-13-2014, 04:58 PM
Obama's so kool lol, approving drone strikes that murder innocent villagers, super cool :applause: :applause: :applause: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Biggest warmongering president ever, besides he's just a puppet like all the others

:applause: mericeh

03-13-2014, 05:02 PM
There's always that one idiot every time a President does something a little different or pop-culture-esque. Congratulations on being that guy.

Not to mention it's promotion for his biggest platform.

:roll: :roll:

Lol you're really just a big, insufferable f@ggot. I dunno why u even come on the boards to chat or discuss anything considering all u do is try to tear folks down. You haven't even been anything close to funny in years, your presence is now just bland, worthless criticism of anybody who has a diff opinion than you.

I get why he did it and the purpose for reaching out to an unengaged, unpolitical sect. Younger, more into seeking out entertainment in comedy and shit- hence the Galifianakis interview. I thought the interview was decently funny, I laughed a couple times. I UNDERSTAND THE STRATEGY AND PURPOSE OF THE INTERVIEW, it's not hard to see why and how he wanted to plug the Obamacare. If this was an isolated incident, I wouldn't have the tendency to :rolleyes:

This wasn't the crux of my comment. My criticism is just an annoyance that this dude is consistently doing and saying shit to forcefully appeal to certain demographics and appear like he's just an everyman who digests the same media/entertainment content as the rest of us. I'm tired of having my president name drop Billboard musical artists, be a 'beer guy' and talk about sports in front of America, tactfully try to appeal to lowest common denominator type shit. Dude is already elected, he can't get elected anymore. Real terrible state of affairs have been ongoing in the country yet I continually hear this dude talkin bout Jay-Z and Lil Wayne on national stages, like it's more important to be accepted by the 16-25 demographic than actually give good responses to pertinent questions.

I don't hate Obama and I get his reasoning for more exposure to the website his legacy more or less hinges on now.

I just find his pop culture references and tactics played out, forced and irksome after the last several years. Or am I not allowed to have an opinion on obvious pandering by the figurehead of the entire nation? :confusedshrug:

03-14-2014, 09:11 AM
I don't think it is really pandering. Pandering would be changing his political views to suit the youth demographic. The pop-culturey stuff that he does is more of an unconventional political outreach program that seems distasteful because the image of the president has always been pretty austere. It's an interesting shift from the presidency and I think it is a smart campaign.

Obama just watched Bush get murdered by pop culture and comedic political commentary. Instead of trying to simply avoid that type of criticism, he proactively nullified it by being an occasional participant and demonstrating the ability to laugh at himself. Not only that but he is exposing an demographic (that is hugely liberal) to the political discussion. 2004 kind of marked a shift in voter turnout for 18-24 year olds because of the reaction to GW and it is in the interest of Democrats and Obama to keep that trend steady.

03-14-2014, 10:16 AM
:roll: :roll:

Lol you're really just a big, insufferable f@ggot. I dunno why u even come on the boards to chat or discuss anything considering all u do is try to tear folks down. You haven't even been anything close to funny in years, your presence is now just bland, worthless criticism of anybody who has a diff opinion than you.

I get why he did it and the purpose for reaching out to an unengaged, unpolitical sect. Younger, more into seeking out entertainment in comedy and shit- hence the Galifianakis interview. I thought the interview was decently funny, I laughed a couple times. I UNDERSTAND THE STRATEGY AND PURPOSE OF THE INTERVIEW, it's not hard to see why and how he wanted to plug the Obamacare. If this was an isolated incident, I wouldn't have the tendency to :rolleyes:

This wasn't the crux of my comment. My criticism is just an annoyance that this dude is consistently doing and saying shit to forcefully appeal to certain demographics and appear like he's just an everyman who digests the same media/entertainment content as the rest of us. I'm tired of having my president name drop Billboard musical artists, be a 'beer guy' and talk about sports in front of America, tactfully try to appeal to lowest common denominator type shit. Dude is already elected, he can't get elected anymore. Real terrible state of affairs have been ongoing in the country yet I continually hear this dude talkin bout Jay-Z and Lil Wayne on national stages, like it's more important to be accepted by the 16-25 demographic than actually give good responses to pertinent questions.

I don't hate Obama and I get his reasoning for more exposure to the website his legacy more or less hinges on now.

I just find his pop culture references and tactics played out, forced and irksome after the last several years. Or am I not allowed to have an opinion on obvious pandering by the figurehead of the entire nation? :confusedshrug:

It's forceful that he wants to appeal to his voter base? That he has a sense of humor? That he fills out a bracket? Jesus man get a grip. I merely pointed out that you're that douche with the same forced, played out comment any time any president does something without a stick up his ass.

Dude pushes his main platform through, that's meant to help the uninsured, largely young people, then promotes it on a platform so they can be aware of it. Oh shit! So forced. Maybe he should go on Charlie Rose; I'm sure that's where all the 30 and under uninsured flock to.

03-14-2014, 11:08 AM
Zach Galifnfdskafdis is not funny.


03-14-2014, 12:15 PM
It's forceful that he wants to appeal to his voter base? That he has a sense of humor? That he fills out a bracket? Jesus man get a grip. I merely pointed out that you're that douche with the same forced, played out comment any time any president does something without a stick up his ass.

Dude pushes his main platform through, that's meant to help the uninsured, largely young people, then promotes it on a platform so they can be aware of it. Oh shit! So forced. Maybe he should go on Charlie Rose; I'm sure that's where all the 30 and under uninsured flock to.

I happen to like Obamas alleged personality. This interview didnt enrage me or anything, it was pretty funny.

My criticism has nothing to do with his attempts to draw more attention to his Heath reform.

Jus been too many years of my president doing anything an everything for ppl to like his personality to mask the stink that a lot of people have endured with more severe consequences.

Ppl havin a hard time finding honest work but I see my president tellin the nation how all lower income children have a chance to rise above and be successful and self sufficient becuz Jay Z and Wayne are business moguls. Lol giving big ups to industry whores (moreso ppl like Perry, Beyonce, etc.)like their path is super noble while also expressing how 'regular' and in tune he is to the latest most popular figures in modern entertainment. Gimme a break.

Lol like those ppls careers are accessibly attainable or that they are proper figureheads for ambition to be revered by all of our youth. It's more just for likability and to feel some sort of common ground with the everyday regular taxpayer so that th commonalities can be easier forged into empathy that our Eagle of Air Force One watches the Grammys and has Kanye West on his iPod just like us!

Just transparent to me and after several years, stale. So yea, I guess I have an opinion on that aspect of his content of communication, that particular narrative he choose so often to expose with the American ppl

03-14-2014, 04:02 PM
:roll: :roll:

Lol you're really just a big, insufferable f@ggot. I dunno why u even come on the boards to chat or discuss anything considering all u do is try to tear folks down. You haven't even been anything close to funny in years, your presence is now just bland, worthless criticism of anybody who has a diff opinion than you.

I get why he did it and the purpose for reaching out to an unengaged, unpolitical sect. Younger, more into seeking out entertainment in comedy and shit- hence the Galifianakis interview. I thought the interview was decently funny, I laughed a couple times. I UNDERSTAND THE STRATEGY AND PURPOSE OF THE INTERVIEW, it's not hard to see why and how he wanted to plug the Obamacare. If this was an isolated incident, I wouldn't have the tendency to :rolleyes:

This wasn't the crux of my comment. My criticism is just an annoyance that this dude is consistently doing and saying shit to forcefully appeal to certain demographics and appear like he's just an everyman who digests the same media/entertainment content as the rest of us. I'm tired of having my president name drop Billboard musical artists, be a 'beer guy' and talk about sports in front of America, tactfully try to appeal to lowest common denominator type shit. Dude is already elected, he can't get elected anymore. Real terrible state of affairs have been ongoing in the country yet I continually hear this dude talkin bout Jay-Z and Lil Wayne on national stages, like it's more important to be accepted by the 16-25 demographic than actually give good responses to pertinent questions.

I don't hate Obama and I get his reasoning for more exposure to the website his legacy more or less hinges on now.

I just find his pop culture references and tactics played out, forced and irksome after the last several years. Or am I not allowed to have an opinion on obvious pandering by the figurehead of the entire nation? :confusedshrug:
Good post.

From the first years I felt it was such a gimmick him attending Wizards game and everything. That's not what presidents do.

Shabba Ranks
03-14-2014, 04:27 PM
Prob lame, didnt watch nor click . lol

03-14-2014, 07:01 PM
Good post.

From the first years I felt it was such a gimmick him attending Wizards game and everything. That's not what presidents do.

Yea I mean at first my reaction was more like, oh cool dude is a sports fan and takes some healthy R and R the to enjoy his interest, he is human and should be able to do that every once in a while.

Then after several years, it's him name dropping recording artists and people who don't deserve a presidential platform during a National interview. It's just a component that what used to seem humbled and Down to Earth now comes off calculated and try hard.

Apparently, thinking so makes somebody the 'that guy douchebag' when in reality the Presidents comments are all scripted and disciplined to a fault when a wide audience is intended