View Full Version : Vintage NBA: George Mikan

03-11-2014, 11:04 PM




"In the Trotters' locker room before the game, Abe gave a brief pep talk, then turned the floor over to player coach Babe Pressley, who laid out the game plan. The Globetrotters realized that there was no way Goose could handle Mikan one-on-one, as he was giving up seven inches and fifty pounds, so other players were going to have to sag on the Lakers' center, double-teaming him whenever he got the ball. Additionally, Pressley told them not to hesitate to foul Mikan hard and often. There was no "one-and-one" rule at that time, so a non-shooting foul drew only one shot.

The game plan, which had sounded plausible in the dressing room, fell apart completely when the game began. Mikan was stronger and quicker than the Trotters had expected, and he was simply overwhelming Goose"

03-11-2014, 11:24 PM

03-12-2014, 12:02 AM
RIP He would dominate these unfundamental scrubs playing now.

03-12-2014, 09:53 AM
this dude would have ZERO chance today. ZERO.

03-12-2014, 09:54 AM
this dude would have ZERO chance today. ZERO.
No matter how much emphasis you put on it, still doesn't make it true...

Also, that hook shot:applause:

03-12-2014, 09:55 AM
Just look at all that white trash in that gif.

03-12-2014, 10:05 AM
No matter how much emphasis you put on it, still doesn't make it true...

Also, that hook shot:applause:

What I see from the (few) highlights of mikan:

- Excellent hook shot (mikan drill, etc) but lacking a proper post game: up and under, jab steps, fade aways, power dunks, etc ... won't be scoring too much against NBA level athletes.
- A constitution lacking lower body strength with relatively small shoulders at only 6'10'' ... would be bullied for position and would certainly not rebound well.
- low athleticism, and absolutely no rim defense... would give a layup/dunk drill to the other team.

My conclusion is that he he would not even sniff the league.

So enlighten me please as to why I may be wrong.

03-12-2014, 10:15 AM
He was a great legend of his time with incredible skills.

As for today, if you were able to pluck him out of history and put him in a game today, he would be physically outmatched. The game and athletes have evolved significantly since then and you just cannot compare the eras.

What you have to do is appreciate his skills and capabilities for the time he was in the league, as he was one of the best back then.


03-12-2014, 10:23 AM
Thanks for posting. Nice highlights video, people should check it out.

If you watch his highlights, you can see that he looks pretty skilled and smart, with some nice moves and a soft touch around the rim including a good hook-shot (good FT shooter too, underhanded), plus he was 6'10, 250 lbs while pretty mobile - all of this, at least to me. One would think he would be good regardless - even a good starting C nowadays, if he grew up in this era and dedicated his life to basketball - but you can say the shot-clock affected his play considerably, even though he was on the decline before and hadn't play for year.. So, I wouldn't "vouch for him" really, although it's more like a can't tell situation.

Of course ignorant people will just say that he would straight up suck no matter what, not even knowing what they're talking about in reality. They will also talk that (mostly) bullshit about the athleticism and whatnot, when dudes like Marc Gasol, Perkins, Splitter or Pekovic "can be" starting centers in this league. Same old same, it is what it is.

03-12-2014, 10:48 AM
First of all, greats should be given the benefit of the doubt because they were, in actual fact, great - not mediocre, not even decent, but great. Our hypotheticals will never change that reality.

A "modernized" version of Mikan I think could do really well in the league. A 6'10, tough, smart and hardworking player who's mobile and has a good touch... at the very least he'd get in the NBA based on outstanding college production with this kind of profile. If you look at the moves he had in the 50s, you see him making sky hooks and a Dirk leg. Those aren't old school moves that wouldn't work today, but the very moves no one's ever found a real answer for, so it's not too much of a stretch to imagine his offensive moves at his height being difficult to stop today. He's also great at free throws which is HUGE for a post player. And if he were raised in today's game, you can easily imagine him having a reliable modern jumper at the key. He'd probably need to develop it and he has the right tools and mindset for it. Where he suffers most I think is on defense. Does he completely dominate everyone and make LeBron/Durant etc. look "average"? Probably not. Would he be a very productive player everyone wants on his team? I think so.

In any case, his impact on the game was incredible. His legacy is one of the greatest in all of basketball.

03-12-2014, 12:37 PM
Mikan's drills around the basket for warmups was something my coach did with me from day one.

Kareem even stated his drills in grade school taught him his hook shot.


03-12-2014, 12:42 PM
narrow lanes changed to wider lanes , and goal tending rules were because of him
Amazing one player changing rules..

03-12-2014, 12:43 PM
What I see from the (few) highlights of mikan:

- Excellent hook shot (mikan drill, etc) but lacking a proper post game: up and under, jab steps, fade aways, power dunks, etc ... won't be scoring too much against NBA level athletes.
- A constitution lacking lower body strength with relatively small shoulders at only 6'10'' ... would be bullied for position and would certainly not rebound well.
- low athleticism, and absolutely no rim defense... would give a layup/dunk drill to the other team.

My conclusion is that he he would not even sniff the league.

So enlighten me please as to why I may be wrong.
Mikan was huge.... what do you mean small shoulders/etc?

245lbs as a scrawny ass rookie... the guy was 280lbs by the 1950's and never touched a set of weights... 6-10 is likely his actual height too as he basically played in the barnstorming 40's and 50's, not some BS inflated height era caused by marketing and competition. He's a wide bodied 7 footer through and through with a very visibly wide frame. His body and natural athleticism isn't very vertical but his shoulders look wide and strong AF...

You know how big Wilt is, he towered over young Shaq... well here's Lakers 300+ lbs Wilt standing next to old man Mikan on the right:

Wilt's shoulders look narrow compared to Mikans. Mikan had the raw physical tools to be a dominant center... it wasn't a coincidence that he was a dominant center in his own era. There were other 7 footers he went up against, they didn't have his massive frame (or competitive fire), thus he was the Shaq of his time. (btw that's Bob Kurland on the right)

03-12-2014, 12:45 PM
As with all the greats, they are a product of their era. Put Mikan as an NBA player in to todays NBA and he'd be terrible. On the other hand, put Mikan as a kid learning modern fundamentals throughout high school and college and I expect he'd be a very good player in todays league.

03-12-2014, 01:18 PM
Aaron Gray is an NBA player. Whatever retards think Mikan couldn't play now should get clocked in the mouth.

03-12-2014, 01:18 PM
Mikan was huge.... what do you mean small shoulders/etc?

245lbs as a scrawny ass rookie... the guy was 280lbs by the 1950's and never touched a set of weights... 6-10 is likely his actual height too as he basically played in the barnstorming 40's and 50's, not some BS inflated height era caused by marketing and competition. He's a wide bodied 7 footer through and through with a very visibly wide frame. His body and natural athleticism isn't very vertical but his shoulders look wide and strong AF...

You know how big Wilt is, he towered over young Shaq... well here's Lakers 300+ lbs Wilt standing next to old man Mikan on the right:

Wilt's shoulders look narrow compared to Mikans. Mikan had the raw physical tools to be a dominant center... it wasn't a coincidence that he was a dominant center in his own era. There were other 7 footers he went up against, they didn't have his massive frame (or competitive fire), thus he was the Shaq of his time. (btw that's Bob Kurland on the right)

Plus, he looked pretty mobile with some decent moves, soft touch around the rim with a sweet hook-shot and a solid turnaround jumper from close. Also seemed like a tough dude, capable of rebounding and playing defense. And he could shoot like 78% from ft.

03-12-2014, 01:20 PM

03-12-2014, 03:04 PM
Plus, he looked pretty mobile with some decent moves, soft touch around the rim with a sweet hook-shot and a solid turnaround jumper from close. Also seemed like a tough dude, capable of rebounding and playing defense. And he could shoot like 78% from ft.

Great free throw shooter also....But his FG% is pretty damn low considering how narrow the lane was then and where he'd normally set himself up

03-12-2014, 03:11 PM

Babe Ruth signs ball for 10 year old Gorge Mikan

03-12-2014, 03:29 PM
Plus, he looked pretty mobile with some decent moves, soft touch around the rim with a sweet hook-shot and a solid turnaround jumper from close. Also seemed like a tough dude, capable of rebounding and playing defense. And he could shoot like 78% from ft.
If you haven't seen this guy






At the same time, Chamberlain was often paying a physical toll, getting slapped, elbowed, poked, pulled and scratched himself.
"The things I saw guys to do him was unbelievable," said teammate Al Attles. "Clyde Lovellette hit him with that elbow that drove Wilt's lower teeth up into his jaw and put him the hospital and caused an infection. That was the worst of it, but he was always being beat up and abused."

"BOSTON (AP) - San Francisco's Wilt Chamberlain floored Boston's Clyde
Lovellette with a punch in the nose Monday night, but the Celtics floored the
Warriors 124-101 and took a two game lead in the final National Basketball
Association Playoffs.
THe Lovellette-Chamberlain incident, at the foul line in the fourth period,
touched off a near riot.
The fourth period squabble came about when the officials called Lovellette for
fouling Chamberlain. The two big pivot men had words and some scuffling ensued.
Then, Wilt turned his kayo punch loose, knocking Lovellette to this knees.
Blood streamed from the big Boston center's nose.
Both benches emptied onot the floor and police were called in to help restore
Auerbach seemed the most incensed of all. Russell had a difficult time pulling
his coach off the court and back to the bench.
The only action taken was the upholdig of the foul against Lovellette. Nobody
was thrown out and Chamberlain calmly dropped in the free throw."

03-12-2014, 03:38 PM
If you haven't seen this guy






At the same time, Chamberlain was often paying a physical toll, getting slapped, elbowed, poked, pulled and scratched himself.
"The things I saw guys to do him was unbelievable," said teammate Al Attles. "Clyde Lovellette hit him with that elbow that drove Wilt's lower teeth up into his jaw and put him the hospital and caused an infection. That was the worst of it, but he was always being beat up and abused."

"BOSTON (AP) - San Francisco's Wilt Chamberlain floored Boston's Clyde
Lovellette with a punch in the nose Monday night, but the Celtics floored the
Warriors 124-101 and took a two game lead in the final National Basketball
Association Playoffs.
THe Lovellette-Chamberlain incident, at the foul line in the fourth period,
touched off a near riot.
The fourth period squabble came about when the officials called Lovellette for
fouling Chamberlain. The two big pivot men had words and some scuffling ensued.
Then, Wilt turned his kayo punch loose, knocking Lovellette to this knees.
Blood streamed from the big Boston center's nose.
Both benches emptied onot the floor and police were called in to help restore
Auerbach seemed the most incensed of all. Russell had a difficult time pulling
his coach off the court and back to the bench.
The only action taken was the upholdig of the foul against Lovellette. Nobody
was thrown out and Chamberlain calmly dropped in the free throw."

03-12-2014, 03:55 PM
It's been awhile since I've seen the numbers, but I looked at about 3-4 seasons he played against Russell or Chamberlain that was some of his highest scoring seasons and he averaged 20+ against them....With his FG% not being affected much. He wasn't a slouch, and in some ways he looks even more refined than Mikan


03-12-2014, 04:10 PM
Honestly with his dominance and resume he deserves a spot on the top 10 GOAT list. Maybe as high as 4th all-time.

03-12-2014, 04:15 PM

Looks like my librarian :lol

03-12-2014, 04:29 PM
Looks like my librarian :lol

03-12-2014, 04:31 PM


"In the Trotters' locker room before the game, Abe gave a brief pep talk, then turned the floor over to player coach Babe Pressley, who laid out the game plan. The Globetrotters realized that there was no way Goose could handle Mikan one-on-one, as he was giving up seven inches and fifty pounds, so other players were going to have to sag on the Lakers' center, double-teaming him whenever he got the ball. Additionally, Pressley told them not to hesitate to foul Mikan hard and often. There was no "one-and-one" rule at that time, so a non-shooting foul drew only one shot.

The game plan, which had sounded plausible in the dressing room, fell apart completely when the game began. Mikan was stronger and quicker than the Trotters had expected, and he was simply overwhelming Goose"

03-12-2014, 04:51 PM

Great free throw shooter also....But his FG% is pretty damn low considering how narrow the lane was then and where he'd normally set himself up

Yea that's also true. He was once 5th and once 3rd in the league in FG% though, while being 1st in points, but his competition wasn't strong like what came around after him.

03-12-2014, 07:14 PM
lmao this thread is fuggin senile. :oldlol: he was great in the 50s but today he dead meat.

one dude puttin a crazy picture with people at different distances, ages, weights, different clothes types,etc ... half the 7 footers would look broader than wilt, you look at a playing time picture of course. But what can you expect from cavaliersftw?

others talking about skill, could he pull those moves against nba level athleticism? shit if those are his best clips because it's obvious that was what they was putting on tape those days that's some depressing shit.

Fluidity and athleticism??? :lol compared to the other white boys back then maybe?

@ aaron gray talk : maybe he could play in the nba the aaron gray role ... aaron gray is 2 inches taller though. that's not saying much tbh.

Let me give you fools some pictures of this guy, maybe we ain't talkin about the same person:

dem muscles doe :lol

dem arms, daaaam son he could put wilt on his ass anytime

dem wide shoulders doe. Dwight level forreal. dat vision too

03-12-2014, 07:16 PM
NBA level physique.

strong arms for boxing out.

****** ripped doe :lol

03-12-2014, 07:18 PM
:bowdown: One of the great Lakers of all time. Give it up for the old school!

03-12-2014, 07:20 PM
now how the fukc is any of you people really implying that a dude from the 50s that look like decently fit librarian with a hook shot could be a valuable NBA player today is beyond me.

great FT and post moves :roll: Doe you gotta be able to stay on feet and hold your position to use/get them or have some tom chambers like athleticism. A 6'10 and that physique&speed this white boy would get thrashed. THRASHED.

lmao again @aaron gray last resort comparison.

Daam boy daam this thraed made my day.:biggums: :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

03-12-2014, 08:24 PM
My conclusion is that he he would not even sniff the league.

With all due respect: your conclusion is irrelevant.
History has it ways to come to its own conclusions and they tend to last longer.

03-12-2014, 08:26 PM
What I see from the (few) highlights of mikan:

- Excellent hook shot (mikan drill, etc) but lacking a proper post game: up and under, jab steps, fade aways, power dunks, etc ... won't be scoring too much against NBA level athletes.
- A constitution lacking lower body strength with relatively small shoulders at only 6'10'' ... would be bullied for position and would certainly not rebound well.
- low athleticism, and absolutely no rim defense... would give a layup/dunk drill to the other team.

My conclusion is that he he would not even sniff the league.

So enlighten me please as to why I may be wrong.

Here's some light for you: Nobody in his era tried to teach him the crap that you mention that he lacked. Do you even know that "lack" means? Suppose someone on the road robs a multi-millionaire who might happen to carry only $100 with him. I guess if the robber had your "logic", he'd think "gee, this guy lacks money".
Also, if you think Mikan had small shoulders, you may need some actual light.
:sleeping at the muscles crap. Show us Zidrunas' muscles. Kaman's muscles. Even young Kareem's muscles. Not to mention non-C Durant, who was billed by some too weak to do anything serious in the NBA when he failed his strength tests as a rookie.

03-12-2014, 11:31 PM
now how the fukc is any of you people really implying that a dude from the 50s that look like decently fit librarian with a hook shot could be a valuable NBA player today is beyond me.

great FT and post moves Doe you gotta be able to stay on feet and hold your position to use/get them or have some tom chambers like athleticism. A 6'10 and that physique&speed this white boy would get thrashed. THRASHED.

lmao again @aaron gray last resort comparison.

Daam boy daam this thraed made my day.

:facepalm Keep burying yourself even more, ignorant child.

I'm pretty sure you've never even played a minute of organized basketball in your life and you know nothing about the game.. yet you keep on going :rolleyes: Ignorant shit all around man :facepalm

Since you like posting pics, I can do it too:




Look at some of these white-boys, wouldn't be shit in this era.... wait.... :lol
And Mikan - for example - didn't even come up with all these "luxuries" you can think of, plus with players to "learn from".

Smook A.
03-12-2014, 11:43 PM
Shot only 40% for his career. Not being rude but he wouldn't be sh*t in today's NBA. Probably a very poor man's david lee. He wouldn't survive with those pencil arms.

03-12-2014, 11:48 PM
Shot only 40% for his career. Not being rude but he wouldn't be sh*t in today's NBA. Probably a very poor man's david lee. He wouldn't survive with those pencil arms.
What about Clyde? posted about him in this thread

Smook A.
03-12-2014, 11:51 PM
What about Clyde? posted about him in this thread
Which Clyde?

03-12-2014, 11:57 PM
Which Clyde?

If you haven't seen this guy






At the same time, Chamberlain was often paying a physical toll, getting slapped, elbowed, poked, pulled and scratched himself.
"The things I saw guys to do him was unbelievable," said teammate Al Attles. "Clyde Lovellette hit him with that elbow that drove Wilt's lower teeth up into his jaw and put him the hospital and caused an infection. That was the worst of it, but he was always being beat up and abused."

"BOSTON (AP) - San Francisco's Wilt Chamberlain floored Boston's Clyde
Lovellette with a punch in the nose Monday night, but the Celtics floored the
Warriors 124-101 and took a two game lead in the final National Basketball
Association Playoffs.
THe Lovellette-Chamberlain incident, at the foul line in the fourth period,
touched off a near riot.
The fourth period squabble came about when the officials called Lovellette for
fouling Chamberlain. The two big pivot men had words and some scuffling ensued.
Then, Wilt turned his kayo punch loose, knocking Lovellette to this knees.
Blood streamed from the big Boston center's nose.
Both benches emptied onot the floor and police were called in to help restore
Auerbach seemed the most incensed of all. Russell had a difficult time pulling
his coach off the court and back to the bench.
The only action taken was the upholdig of the foul against Lovellette. Nobody
was thrown out and Chamberlain calmly dropped in the free throw."

Smook A.
03-13-2014, 12:01 AM
He's fat. Not hating but he is an Aaron Gray in today's NBA.

No muscle, looks slower than a sloth without legs. That won't translate in this era

03-13-2014, 12:06 AM
He's fat. Not hating but he is an Aaron Gray in today's NBA.

No muscle, looks slower than a sloth without legs. That won't translate in this era

If you saw pics - taken with an old camera - from Marc Gasol, Kevin Love or David Lee (like I've posted, for example), without having no idea who they were or what they could do, you would say the same though...

But keep talking (ignorant) shit for the **** of it.

Smook A.
03-13-2014, 12:25 AM
If you saw pics - taken with an old camera - from Marc Gasol, Kevin Love or David Lee (like I've posted, for example), without having no idea who they were or what they could do, you would say the same though...

But keep talking (ignorant) shit for the **** of it.
Lol you actually think they'd be good in this era? You're just mad as hell. I just watch Mikan's highlights and that dude played with 0 defense. A bunch of slow, weak, small guys. Im not the only one saying this. Mikan was also toothpick skinny

and why do you care what I say? :lol :lol
You're acting like I just killed your family

03-13-2014, 12:42 AM
Lol you actually think they'd be good in this era? You're just mad as hell. I just watch Mikan's highlights and that dude played with 0 defense. A bunch of slow, weak, small guys. Im not the only one saying this. Mikan was also toothpick skinny

and why do you care what I say? :lol :lol
You're acting like I just killed your family

Duck the point I was making tough, and I'm the one who's mad :lol

Thanks for posting. Nice highlights video, people should check it out.

If you watch his highlights, you can see that he looks pretty skilled and smart, with some nice moves and a soft touch around the rim including a good hook-shot (good FT shooter too, underhanded), plus he was 6'10, 250 lbs while pretty mobile - all of this, at least to me. One would think he would be good regardless - even a good starting C nowadays, if he grew up in this era and dedicated his life to basketball - but you can say the shot-clock affected his play considerably, even though he was on the decline before and hadn't play for year.. So, I wouldn't "vouch for him" really, although it's more like a can't tell situation.

Of course ignorant people will just say that he would straight up suck no matter what, not even knowing what they're talking about in reality. They will also talk that (mostly) bullshit about the athleticism and whatnot, when dudes like Marc Gasol, Perkins, Splitter or Pekovic "can be" starting centers in this league. Same old same, it is what it is.

As for Lovellette, I think he could definitely be a good starting PF/C if he grew up in this era, while dedicating himself to basketball, yea.

If players like Love, Gasol, Nash or Dirk, for example, played back in the 60's, and if you've saw a couple of grainy-footage highlights from them, along with some old pictures.. you'd be saying the same exact things about them. This is just an "example", don't take the comparisons to the extreme though, but it paints a good picture. It's saddening with some of you ignorant children but it's just the way it is.

03-13-2014, 04:15 AM
Duck the point I was making tough, and I'm the one who's mad :lol

As for Lovellette, I think he could definitely be a good starting PF/C if he grew up in this era, while dedicating himself to basketball, yea.

If players like Love, Gasol, Nash or Dirk, for example, played back in the 60's, and if you've saw a couple of grainy-footage highlights from them, along with some old pictures.. you'd be saying the same exact things about them. This is just an "example", don't take the comparisons to the extreme though, but it paints a good picture. It's saddening with some of you ignorant children but it's just the way it is.

nig you salty as hell and apparently you can't read for shits.

I don't give no fukcs that 90% of center skillset wasn't teached in his era, we talkin bout now in this league so we compare him to what is now not what ifs. Here's a what if. What if he couldn't apply these magically new acquired skills due to proven low mobility? Or what if he couldn't pull them off in games due to very probable low strength? Or what if he couldn't even stay in games due to being destroyed on defence? Or being too slow to guard his man.
What if he decided the librarian life suits him better tbh?
Much more probable.

I posted pictures of his physique because given his proven skill set (very low btw) and low athleticism/mobility/hops (from highlights) he not doing shit without a huge physical advantage. But guess what doe? He a toothpick with a high center of gravity. Yet you think you're smart posting pictures of guys who have enormouse size/length/skiill advantge in the gasol brothers or davis lee who is athletic as fukc and very mobile. You kiddin me? :lol

If players like nash/love/gasol/etc would have grainy film you would see they had elite competition. You would see elite ball handling and shooting. You would see an elite post game for gasol and a magnificent high post game for dirk. You would see exceptional ball handling. You would see them playing plays. You would see absolutely elite mobility and coordination. You would see textbook boxing out and lower body strength at love. You would see alot tbh. Great comparison btw :lol :lol

and lmao @durant .. that's like comparing a starving caveman to a nasa scientiest from a game comparison.

The fact that you can come back only with personal shit calling people 12 without argumenting properly just shows what a self-entitled cuckolded sissy you are, prolly reaching senility at retirement age.

Might as well recommend you this

Nigggas im done with this thread. Soon jlauber/lazaereus gon come out of nowhere with 6k word essay :lol

03-13-2014, 04:37 AM
nig you salty as hell and apparently you can't read for shits.

I don't give no fukcs that 90% of center skillset wasn't teached in his era, we talkin bout now in this league so we compare him to what is now not what ifs. Here's a what if. What if he couldn't apply these magically new acquired skills due to proven low mobility? Or what if he couldn't pull them off in games due to very probable low strength? Or what if he couldn't even stay in games due to being destroyed on defence? Or being too slow to guard his man.
What if he decided the librarian life suits him better tbh?
Much more probable.

I posted pictures of his physique because given his proven skill set (very low btw) and low athleticism/mobility/hops (from highlights) he not doing shit without a huge physical advantage. But guess what doe? He a toothpick with a high center of gravity. Yet you think you're smart posting pictures of guys who have enormouse size/length/skiill advantge in the gasol brothers or davis lee who is athletic as fukc and very mobile. You kiddin me? :lol

If players like nash/love/gasol/etc would have grainy film you would see they had elite competition. You would see elite ball handling and shooting. You would see an elite post game for gasol and a magnificent high post game for dirk. You would see exceptional ball handling. You would see them playing plays. You would see absolutely elite mobility and coordination. You would see textbook boxing out and lower body strength at love. You would see alot tbh. Great comparison btw :lol :lol

and lmao @durant .. that's like comparing a starving caveman to a nasa scientiest from a game comparison.

The fact that you can come back only with personal shit calling people 12 without argumenting properly just shows what a self-entitled cuckolded sissy you are, prolly reaching senility at retirement age.

Might as well recommend you this

Nigggas im done with this thread. Soon jlauber/lazaereus gon come out of nowhere with 6k word essay :lol
Personally I dont think they would be stars but would make the league...And would be very serviceable if put in right situation.

Side question, how do you think Pekovic, Laimbeer and Olynyk would do as is in the 50s and 60s?

03-13-2014, 07:37 AM
and lmao @durant .. that's like comparing a starving caveman to a nasa scientiest from a game comparison.

That might be the f*cking worst, most nonsensical simile I've ever read.

What the f*ck do you asshats get out of degrading past players? LeBron is a choker whether or not Mikan was good. Kobe's still a chucking rapist.

It's stupid.

You're stupid.

I hope you drown in a bucket of jizz.

03-13-2014, 08:03 AM
If you saw pics - taken with an old camera - from Marc Gasol, Kevin Love or David Lee (like I've posted, for example), without having no idea who they were or what they could do, you would say the same though...

But keep talking (ignorant) shit for the **** of it.

black and white photography actually enhances muscle definition because it accentuates shadow contrasts.

lol @ this dude actually arguing pre-integration players would have similar success in the modern league.

03-13-2014, 08:27 AM
Personally I dont think they would be stars but would make the league...And would be very serviceable if put in right situation.

Side question, how do you think Pekovic, Laimbeer and Olynyk would do as is in the 50s and 60s?

pekovic is a monster with .74 FT with a relatively reliable jumper. 1v1 when he gets position he scores on anybody in the league right now (vs perkins, vs dwight, vs deandre, vs noah, vs gasols, etc) so imagine this dude in a world without double teaming where people are much less athletic and strong. :lol

In the no defense, no double-team, no real rim attacking 50s and 60s he would the freaking GOAT. All his defensive deficiencies (rim protection, positional defense) would be all but negated and his offensive proficiency would be maximized by the lack of height/size, double teams and zones.

Laimbeer would revolutionize the game with his shooting, he would simply shoot over alot of people as defenses wouldn't know what to do with him. His rebounding rate would probably make him one of the leaders in rebounding (up there with wilt and russell) .. see this: http://doubledribble.wordpress.com/2012/09/13/nba-stars-of-1960s-pace-adjusted-stats/
So a perennial MVP candidate and dominating force.

I've not seen much of olynik so dunno bout this one.

03-13-2014, 08:29 AM
That might be the f*cking worst, most nonsensical simile I've ever read.

What the f*ck do you asshats get out of degrading past players? LeBron is a choker whether or not Mikan was good. Kobe's still a chucking rapist.

It's stupid.

You're stupid.

I hope you drown in a bucket of jizz.

Sometimes grading is degrading for guys playing an inferior game. The rule of evolution. The caveman is not as intelligent as the man today.. though judging by your post there might be outliers :roll:

Anyways..you know what's ****ing worst? A faggt like you bringing NO ARGUMENT but still talking shit like I just called out his family. That's called being SHOOK bro. SHOOK.
Stay mad :lol

03-13-2014, 09:20 AM

from left to right: mailman, horse trainer, pornography historian and mall santa in today's era

03-13-2014, 01:55 PM
Sometimes grading is degrading for guys playing an inferior game. The rule of evolution. The caveman is not as intelligent as the man today.. though judging by your post there might be outliers :roll:

Anyways..you know what's ****ing worst? A faggt like you bringing NO ARGUMENT but still talking shit like I just called out his family. That's called being SHOOK bro. SHOOK.
Stay mad :lol

You started calling people names because they said a player you've never watched would be okay. You're a moron.

Between your poor grammar and retarded logic I'm surprised you can even turn on a computer. Oh wait, you said you were 'done' in this thread and then responded multiple times. Great job.

Are you so stupid that you think the skill set of a caveman isn't better in areas than now? Tell me, how much Gortex and Cheerios did they have during the ice age to keep them alive? Yet, they survived and excelled.

You claim I have no argument, when I said, "Aaron Gray plays today." But you come in saying, "LOL OLD STUFF SUCKZ."

You think a legitimate 6'10" athlete from 60 years ago couldn't play a game where Hasheem Thabeet, Aaron Gray and Dexter Pittman play? Look out for those elite world beaters.

Evolution isn't a rule either, it's a God damned theory. The game evolved, not humanity you jag.

Please kill yourself.

03-13-2014, 02:13 PM

Cool picture.

03-13-2014, 02:43 PM
pekovic is a monster with .74 FT with a relatively reliable jumper. 1v1 when he gets position he scores on anybody in the league right now (vs perkins, vs dwight, vs deandre, vs noah, vs gasols, etc) so imagine this dude in a world without double teaming where people are much less athletic and strong. :lol

In the no defense, no double-team, no real rim attacking 50s and 60s he would the freaking GOAT. All his defensive deficiencies (rim protection, positional defense) would be all but negated and his offensive proficiency would be maximized by the lack of height/size, double teams and zones.

Laimbeer would revolutionize the game with his shooting, he would simply shoot over alot of people as defenses wouldn't know what to do with him. His rebounding rate would probably make him one of the leaders in rebounding (up there with wilt and russell) .. see this: http://doubledribble.wordpress.com/2012/09/13/nba-stars-of-1960s-pace-adjusted-stats/
So a perennial MVP candidate and dominating force.

I've not seen much of olynik so dunno bout this one.

03-13-2014, 03:17 PM
You started calling people names because they said a player you've never watched would be okay. You're a moron.

Between your poor grammar and retarded logic I'm surprised you can even turn on a computer. Oh wait, you said you were 'done' in this thread and then responded multiple times. Great job.

Are you so stupid that you think the skill set of a caveman isn't better in areas than now? Tell me, how much Gortex and Cheerios did they have during the ice age to keep them alive? Yet, they survived and excelled.

You claim I have no argument, when I said, "Aaron Gray plays today." But you come in saying, "LOL OLD STUFF SUCKZ."

You think a legitimate 6'10" athlete from 60 years ago couldn't play a game where Hasheem Thabeet, Aaron Gray and Dexter Pittman play? Look out for those elite world beaters.

Evolution isn't a rule either, it's a God damned theory. The game evolved, not humanity you jag.

Please kill yourself.

look at the video jongib369 posted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkD4GRGdCZI

That's the fukcking finals son. Any idiot can deduct that
1) the game has evolved from a tactical and managerial pov tremendously... it's not even similar anymore.
2) the athleticis&strength today >>>.....>>> the athleticism&strength back then
3) granny set shots, bad footwork, not using the left, bad time management, no catch and shoot, no post moves besides a hook shoot, not fronting the post, inexistent help defense, atrocious man defense ... the skill level from today is so far out it's not even funny... most (quasi) decent high school teams play a more advanced game than this.

There are pickup games where the level of play is higher than that in the video. No joke.

That's why I said people would be nuts to think this guy could make the league today. Aaron gray is an excellent man2man defender (i remember he was bothering dirk when he was in NOH). Aaron gray can play a set. Aaron gray is bigger and more mobile. Hell Aaron gray is the scrubbiest of scrubs.

Hasheem thabeet or dexter pittman would be running a train in that game. Imagine thabeet playing there at his length, the other team wouldn't get 50, those guys wouldn't even know how to attack a rim defender. You can check his defensive stats in the today NBA to easily understands how much he counts for defense when he is on the floor.

Dexter pittman is the scrubbiest of all those guys and if you check his size/length or watch the heat vs indy series you would understand why he did get a place in this league. Hell, his size/strength compared to what you see in the video is absolutely crazy not to mention that he can put the ball on the floor compared to those guys or that he can defend the paint, or that he really looks to box out when rebounding.

As a basketball fan if you watch that video and still pretend mikan could play any relevant ball in today's league you are nuts imo and arguing with you is pointless. After seeing this video I will retract my affirmation that this dude can in any way make the league. Dude woule be an excellent librarian today, he would not even SNIFF the league, the game is so much more advanced that you name scrubs like aaron gray/thabeet/pittmann and when you really think of it they do SO MUCH compared to back then it's not even in the same zip code.

PS : ***** you you ignorant prick. I backed up all I've said, you just named players without even taking into account what they do in todays game. You just another fagggot with ZERO understanding of the game. Go watch some blake griffin dunks or somethang:lol

03-13-2014, 03:59 PM
look at the video jongib369 posted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkD4GRGdCZI

That's the fukcking finals son. Any idiot can deduct that
1) the game has evolved from a tactical and managerial pov tremendously... it's not even similar anymore.
2) the athleticis&strength today >>>.....>>> the athleticism&strength back then
3) granny set shots, bad footwork, not using the left, bad time management, no catch and shoot, no post moves besides a hook shoot, not fronting the post, inexistent help defense, atrocious man defense ... the skill level from today is so far out it's not even funny... most (quasi) decent high school teams play a more advanced game than this.

There are pickup games where the level of play is higher than that in the video. No joke.

That's why I said people would be nuts to think this guy could make the league today. Aaron gray is an excellent man2man defender (i remember he was bothering dirk when he was in NOH). Aaron gray can play a set. Aaron gray is bigger and more mobile. Hell Aaron gray is the scrubbiest of scrubs.

Hasheem thabeet or dexter pittman would be running a train in that game. Imagine thabeet playing there at his length, the other team wouldn't get 50, those guys wouldn't even know how to attack a rim defender. You can check his defensive stats in the today NBA to easily understands how much he counts for defense when he is on the floor.

Dexter pittman is the scrubbiest of all those guys and if you check his size/length or watch the heat vs indy series you would understand why he did get a place in this league. Hell, his size/strength compared to what you see in the video is absolutely crazy not to mention that he can put the ball on the floor compared to those guys or that he can defend the paint, or that he really looks to box out when rebounding.

As a basketball fan if you watch that video and still pretend mikan could play any relevant ball in today's league you are nuts imo and arguing with you is pointless. After seeing this video I will retract my affirmation that this dude can in any way make the league. Dude woule be an excellent librarian today, he would not even SNIFF the league, the game is so much more advanced that you name scrubs like aaron gray/thabeet/pittmann and when you really think of it they do SO MUCH compared to back then it's not even in the same zip code.

PS : ***** you you ignorant prick. I backed up all I've said, you just named players without even taking into account what they do in todays game. You just another fagggot with ZERO understanding of the game. Go watch some blake griffin dunks or somethang:lol
Thanks for your opinion, what do you think of these games? First is shorter, but the second is an all around better game...Reed and Kareem go at it



03-13-2014, 04:08 PM
Thanks for your opinion, what do you think of these games? First is shorter, but the second is an all around better game...Reed and Kareem go at it



Why are you looking for an ignorant kid's opinion? Dude who most likely never played organized basketball in his life, who knows nothing about the game and only started to watch recently. Seriously? :facepalm

03-13-2014, 04:15 PM
Why are you looking for an ignorant kid's opinion? Dude who most likely never played organized basketball in his life, who knows nothing about the game and only started to watch recently. Seriously? :facepalm
It's not that I agree with him, just like hearing other peoples opinion. Even if to some they're absurd

03-13-2014, 04:33 PM
look at the video jongib369 posted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkD4GRGdCZI

That's the fukcking finals son. Any idiot can deduct that
1) the game has evolved from a tactical and managerial pov tremendously... it's not even similar anymore.
2) the athleticis&strength today >>>.....>>> the athleticism&strength back then
3) granny set shots, bad footwork, not using the left, bad time management, no catch and shoot, no post moves besides a hook shoot, not fronting the post, inexistent help defense, atrocious man defense ... the skill level from today is so far out it's not even funny... most (quasi) decent high school teams play a more advanced game than this.

There are pickup games where the level of play is higher than that in the video. No joke.

That's why I said people would be nuts to think this guy could make the league today. Aaron gray is an excellent man2man defender (i remember he was bothering dirk when he was in NOH). Aaron gray can play a set. Aaron gray is bigger and more mobile. Hell Aaron gray is the scrubbiest of scrubs.

Hasheem thabeet or dexter pittman would be running a train in that game. Imagine thabeet playing there at his length, the other team wouldn't get 50, those guys wouldn't even know how to attack a rim defender. You can check his defensive stats in the today NBA to easily understands how much he counts for defense when he is on the floor.

Dexter pittman is the scrubbiest of all those guys and if you check his size/length or watch the heat vs indy series you would understand why he did get a place in this league. Hell, his size/strength compared to what you see in the video is absolutely crazy not to mention that he can put the ball on the floor compared to those guys or that he can defend the paint, or that he really looks to box out when rebounding.

As a basketball fan if you watch that video and still pretend mikan could play any relevant ball in today's league you are nuts imo and arguing with you is pointless. After seeing this video I will retract my affirmation that this dude can in any way make the league. Dude woule be an excellent librarian today, he would not even SNIFF the league, the game is so much more advanced that you name scrubs like aaron gray/thabeet/pittmann and when you really think of it they do SO MUCH compared to back then it's not even in the same zip code.

PS : ***** you you ignorant prick. I backed up all I've said, you just named players without even taking into account what they do in todays game. You just another fagggot with ZERO understanding of the game. Go watch some blake griffin dunks or somethang:lol

Wow, not only do you not know the proper useage of deduce; you don't even know that deduct and deduce are different things.

You didn't back up anything. You just used conjecture to claim something.

1. I said the game evolved you moron. You're acting like someone is incapable of learning a different set of rules. How do kids learn the rules now? Oh, people tell them.

2. Athleticism and strength don't mean shit. Pau Gasol isn't a hyper athlete who's dunking on people and Durant isn't benching 300.

3. There were no granny set shots in the video. There were granny free throws, and they went in. Shaq practiced that way and was allegedly good at them but said they were stupid and he wouldn't use them. The league is lousy with bad footwork now. Jeff Green has horrible defensive footwork. LeBron and Dwight can't move in the post. A lot of players now have no left hand. Rondo takes off for layups on the wrong foot. You don't know the time management because you saw a heavily edited video. There was catch and shoot in the video. There was help defense in the video. The man defense was fine, because the game wasn't predicated on outside shots. Yeah, they clearly had zero strategy when they specifically game plan for an old, nearly retired Mikan, and literally run set plays most of the time.


Mikan was in his last season in the video you dumb f*ck. He made a few nice passes, timed rebound tips, and was second on his team in scoring, and they won. THEY CHANGED RULES BECAUSE OF HIM. He shit on his competition and it's patently stupid to assume he'd be a poor player with proper shoes, medicine and training.

That game had players with comparable skills, playing fast, without zones, without iso-ball, without threes, without ticky tack fouls, without whining to the refs, and guys played with significant injuries. There was a behind the back pass, there were 25 foot shots, there was ball movement. People claim the floater is the hardest shot in basketball, and these guys took 18 foot one handers that were essentially floaters. They used the f*cking backboard.

This is good basketball with slightly different rules and skills. You're showing a grandiose amount of stupidity. Stop talking nonsense and learn about the game you piece of shit.

03-13-2014, 04:46 PM
Wow, not only do you not know the proper useage of deduce; you don't even know that deduct and deduce are different things.

You didn't back up anything. You just used conjecture to claim something.

1. I said the game evolved you moron. You're acting like someone is incapable of learning a different set of rules. How do kids learn the rules now? Oh, people tell them.

2. Athleticism and strength don't mean shit. Pau Gasol isn't a hyper athlete who's dunking on people and Durant isn't benching 300.

3. There were no granny set shots in the video. There were granny free throws, and they went in. Shaq practiced that way and was allegedly good at them but said they were stupid and he wouldn't use them. The league is lousy with bad footwork now. Jeff Green has horrible defensive footwork. LeBron and Dwight can't move in the post. A lot of players now have no left hand. Rondo takes off for layups on the wrong foot. You don't know the time management because you saw a heavily edited video. There was catch and shoot in the video. There was help defense in the video. The man defense was fine, because the game wasn't predicated on outside shots. Yeah, they clearly had zero strategy when they specifically game plan for an old, nearly retired Mikan, and literally run set plays most of the time.


Mikan was in his last season in the video you dumb f*ck. He made a few nice passes, timed rebound tips, and was second on his team in scoring, and they won. THEY CHANGED RULES BECAUSE OF HIM. He shit on his competition and it's patently stupid to assume he'd be a poor player with proper shoes, medicine and training.

That game had players with comparable skills, playing fast, without zones, without iso-ball, without threes, without ticky tack fouls, without whining to the refs, and guys played with significant injuries. There was a behind the back pass, there were 25 foot shots, there was ball movement. People claim the floater is the hardest shot in basketball, and these guys took 18 foot one handers that were essentially floaters. They used the f*cking backboard.

This is good basketball with slightly different rules and skills. You're showing a grandiose amount of stupidity. Stop talking nonsense and learn about the game you piece of shit.
:applause: wow that is enough ether to kill 10 men :oldlol:

03-13-2014, 04:52 PM
It's not that I agree with him, just like hearing other peoples opinion. Even if to some they're absurd

I like to hear different opinions only when a certain person knows what he's talking about and when they're objective, not just saying stuff for the **** of it, or hating. This is a hyperbole - and yet again maybe not :lol - but I wouldn't go around asking nuclear physics to a grade school kid, who finds everything funny, let's say.

03-13-2014, 04:57 PM
Wow, not only do you not know the proper useage of deduce; you don't even know that deduct and deduce are different things.

You didn't back up anything. You just used conjecture to claim something.

1. I said the game evolved you moron. You're acting like someone is incapable of learning a different set of rules. How do kids learn the rules now? Oh, people tell them.

2. Athleticism and strength don't mean shit. Pau Gasol isn't a hyper athlete who's dunking on people and Durant isn't benching 300.

3. There were no granny set shots in the video. There were granny free throws, and they went in. Shaq practiced that way and was allegedly good at them but said they were stupid and he wouldn't use them. The league is lousy with bad footwork now. Jeff Green has horrible defensive footwork. LeBron and Dwight can't move in the post. A lot of players now have no left hand. Rondo takes off for layups on the wrong foot. You don't know the time management because you saw a heavily edited video. There was catch and shoot in the video. There was help defense in the video. The man defense was fine, because the game wasn't predicated on outside shots. Yeah, they clearly had zero strategy when they specifically game plan for an old, nearly retired Mikan, and literally run set plays most of the time.


Mikan was in his last season in the video you dumb f*ck. He made a few nice passes, timed rebound tips, and was second on his team in scoring, and they won. THEY CHANGED RULES BECAUSE OF HIM. He shit on his competition and it's patently stupid to assume he'd be a poor player with proper shoes, medicine and training.

That game had players with comparable skills, playing fast, without zones, without iso-ball, without threes, without ticky tack fouls, without whining to the refs, and guys played with significant injuries. There was a behind the back pass, there were 25 foot shots, there was ball movement. People claim the floater is the hardest shot in basketball, and these guys took 18 foot one handers that were essentially floaters. They used the f*cking backboard.

This is good basketball with slightly different rules and skills. You're showing a grandiose amount of stupidity. Stop talking nonsense and learn about the game you piece of shit.


that shit that make your soul burn slow

03-13-2014, 05:56 PM
Wow, not only do you not know the proper useage of deduce; you don't even know that deduct and deduce are different things.

You didn't back up anything. You just used conjecture to claim something.

1. I said the game evolved you moron. You're acting like someone is incapable of learning a different set of rules. How do kids learn the rules now? Oh, people tell them.

2. Athleticism and strength don't mean shit. Pau Gasol isn't a hyper athlete who's dunking on people and Durant isn't benching 300.

3. There were no granny set shots in the video. There were granny free throws, and they went in. Shaq practiced that way and was allegedly good at them but said they were stupid and he wouldn't use them. The league is lousy with bad footwork now. Jeff Green has horrible defensive footwork. LeBron and Dwight can't move in the post. A lot of players now have no left hand. Rondo takes off for layups on the wrong foot. You don't know the time management because you saw a heavily edited video. There was catch and shoot in the video. There was help defense in the video. The man defense was fine, because the game wasn't predicated on outside shots. Yeah, they clearly had zero strategy when they specifically game plan for an old, nearly retired Mikan, and literally run set plays most of the time.


Mikan was in his last season in the video you dumb f*ck. He made a few nice passes, timed rebound tips, and was second on his team in scoring, and they won. THEY CHANGED RULES BECAUSE OF HIM. He shit on his competition and it's patently stupid to assume he'd be a poor player with proper shoes, medicine and training.

That game had players with comparable skills, playing fast, without zones, without iso-ball, without threes, without ticky tack fouls, without whining to the refs, and guys played with significant injuries. There was a behind the back pass, there were 25 foot shots, there was ball movement. People claim the floater is the hardest shot in basketball, and these guys took 18 foot one handers that were essentially floaters. They used the f*cking backboard.

This is good basketball with slightly different rules and skills. You're showing a grandiose amount of stupidity. Stop talking nonsense and learn about the game you piece of shit.


03-13-2014, 07:16 PM
Thanks for your opinion, what do you think of these games? First is shorter, but the second is an all around better game...Reed and Kareem go at it



a completely different type of game from what I see... unfortunately I don;t have much time to view them right now. From what I see that type of game is much more appliable today.
Reed and Kareem would no doubt be great players today.
Kareem is GOAT imo.

nice vids btw.

03-13-2014, 07:22 PM
Mikan did a lot of great things (and if you include BAA+NBL, that's 6 titles, two threepeats). In general though I'm very hesitant about pre-shot clock guys (especially considering Mikan wasn't considered the most mobile of big men; pretty fluid for the position back in the day though), so I don't want to speculate as to his place in today's game.

Either way, great videos and links in this thread. :applause:

03-13-2014, 07:45 PM
Wow, not only do you not know the proper useage of deduce; you don't even know that deduct and deduce are different things.

You didn't back up anything. You just used conjecture to claim something.

i use the available information. I don't make shit up like players might learn something and judge by that. I judge by what is proven. You brought players into the discussion and I told you what they bring to the table that 50s guys did not.

1. I said the game evolved you moron. You're acting like someone is incapable of learning a different set of rules. How do kids learn the rules now? Oh, people tell them.

The game has evolved beyond rules. The game favors a distinct type of players, some like wilt and russell have the gifts to play in all eras, others like mikan would simply not adapt due to all the things I already pointed out.

2. Athleticism and strength don't mean shit. Pau Gasol isn't a hyper athlete who's dunking on people and Durant isn't benching 300.

they do when you lack skills. Pau Gasol is a ****ing elite post player at 7'1' with retardo length that can put the ball on the floor and that has a high post game. We're talking about a primary option for a team that almost beat team usa twice, one of the most skilled players to ever play.
Kevin Durant has a ridiculous first step at 6'10'... isn't that athleticism idiot?

3. There were no granny set shots in the video. There were granny free throws, and they went in. Shaq practiced that way and was allegedly good at them but said they were stupid and he wouldn't use them.

alot of the guys are at most comfort when they shoot from the shoulder/ from lower head level. Against current defenses that is simply not gonna cut it.

The league is lousy with bad footwork now. Jeff Green has horrible defensive footwork. LeBron and Dwight can't move in the post. A lot of players now have no left hand. Rondo takes off for layups on the wrong foot.

the league is crazy athletic now and the rules have been changed in order to free the lane, therefore such players can get away with not having correct footwork. Sure it would be helpful to have footwork, but as it stands today it is unfortunately not mandated by the rule-favored style of play.
Lebron/Jeff Green/Dwight/Rondo are all athletic freaks with insane vert btw.

You don't know the time management because you saw a heavily edited video. There was catch and shoot in the video.
there was very little catch and shoot and the spacing was shit.

There was help defense in the video. The man defense was fine, because the game wasn't predicated on outside shots.
the man defense was atrocious with many absolutely comic lane penetrations imo.
how about fronting the post?
how about not helping one pass away from the shooters?
how about using a traping zone on those helpless guards?
because the game was inferior and it did not properly use spacing, because prolly those guys were bad shooters, because because because..

[QUOTE=ProfessorMurder]Yeah, they clearly had zero strategy when they specifically game plan for an old, nearly retired Mikan, and literally run set plays most of the time.

i'll give that they were running basic set plays, when I'm refering to plays I'm refering to stuff like elevator, hammer, horns, princeton schema, screening the screener, screening for low post position etc. Something that has multiple options, is flexible, etc. Not post up pass around the perimeter, establish position again, post up. That's rudimentary.
and the guy guarding mikan should learn to front the post imo
they ran zero plays for shooters, they did not maximize spacing like today
a floater from 15 feet will never be a high percentage shot or a shot that should ever be encouraged.


NEVER DID I SAY THAT HE GETS TO TRAIN. That implies that he can learn and apply all those moves in the first place. Because then we'd be judging nothing but IFs. I'm judgeing his game by what the tape shows, nothing more nothing less.
And btw given his constituion I don't see him as a strong low post scorer (Explained this 10 times already)

Mikan was in his last season in the video you dumb f*ck. He made a few nice passes, timed rebound tips, and was second on his team in scoring, and they won. THEY CHANGED RULES BECAUSE OF HIM. He shit on his competition and it's patently stupid to assume he'd be a poor player with proper shoes, medicine and training.

Again, I am judging based on what the player shows, not based on IF HE TRAINED with modern means. He was great back then, hats off. It don't mean his game would matter today. I don't assume shit. From the first post I said HIS GAME, not his ASSUMED/HYPOTHETICAL/POSSIBLE/POTENTIAL game. I said his game, what he showed in the video.
And the competition in the video is pathethic sincerely.

That game had players with comparable skills, playing fast, without zones, without iso-ball, without threes, without ticky tack fouls, without whining to the refs, and guys played with significant injuries. There was a behind the back pass, there were 25 foot shots, there was ball movement. People claim the floater is the hardest shot in basketball, and these guys took 18 foot one handers that were essentially floaters. They used the f*cking backboard.

playing fast? :lol
the ball security in that video is sad
the ball handling is absolutely primitive
the 25ft shots were bailouts they had no tactics/spacing/plays because of lack of shooting skill and thus a lack of better spacing. Again 20ft floaters are not good shots as you hopefully know since you pretend to have played organized ball. Good basketball is based on easy shots no hard shots, so you basically imply they were taking bad shots....
and shitloads of players use the backboard today but you don't see it so much because the long 2p is one of the most inefficient shots today.

This is good basketball with slightly different rules and skills. You're showing a grandiose amount of stupidity. Stop talking nonsense and learn about the game you piece of shit.
slightly different rules??? 3pt line, zone rules, etc, those are game changers
no shooting/no spacing
no complex plays that can collapse a defense with multiple options
no athleticism
no rim defense
those guards would turn the ball over so much today I don't even want to go there
how the fukc is that good basketball? it's primitive basketball, it's nice solid and fundamental and it's great for primary school. It was GREAT back then but now it simply does not cut it. What's so hard to understand, I'm not against the guy I'm just saying his type of game would not be relevant today and his defficiencies would kill his role in this league.

and at the rest of the dickriders in this thread: great contribution does. Ether my ass :roll:

03-13-2014, 08:30 PM
The fun part about criticizing older players for taking difficult shots is that, when they are in fact taking easy shots they'll still criticize them because "anyone can do it" and it doesn't look impressive enough.

Old player makes a tough shot > But it's a bailout!
Old player makes a layup > But it's only a layup!

03-14-2014, 12:42 AM
black and white photography actually enhances muscle definition because it accentuates shadow contrasts.

lol @ this dude actually arguing pre-integration players would have similar success in the modern league.

Hmmm...read the very first post.

He dominated the HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS for cryingoutloud.