View Full Version : What kind of rec player are you?

03-12-2014, 10:34 AM
I'm about 5'10" with great quickness, and slightly above average speed. I can dribble with both hands, and get into the lane but i'm a poor finisher at the rim. I think it's due to my lack of elevation. I'm pretty good in one on one play (twenty ones and thirty twos), but when playing on teams no one ever passes me the ball ( i don't demand it either) and i get lost in the shuffle.

I take pride in being a good rebounder and defender. If the other team is going to score, the guy i'm guarding won't be the one putting the ball in the basket and if he does he's going to work for it. My strong point is shooting stand still or off the dribble. If i could pick an NBA player whose game kind of resembles mine, offensively i would say Gary Neal.

03-12-2014, 10:39 AM
Kids at the playground dunk on me :(

03-12-2014, 10:40 AM

03-12-2014, 10:40 AM
6 8 250

03-12-2014, 10:40 AM
Someone along the lines of shorter nic batum. Athletic guy with good stroke, passing, defense, fundamentals but bad handles.

03-12-2014, 11:08 AM
Klay Thompson

Good length, great catch and shoot shooter. Below average foot speed and quickness. I'm 5'10" but where I play I'm Klay size on the court lol. Solid but under-utilised in other aspects of the game such as rebounding, passing, defense.

03-12-2014, 11:09 AM
Nowadays something like Pau-lite. I keep it simple and work in the flow of the offense, mostly scoring on low post moves (3 basic moves: fadeaway to the baseline, hook to the middle, and up and under as counter) and high post jumpers, but also like to share the ball and make sure to do the little things. I use my length for defense and rebounding with the occasional putback. Unlike Pau however I'll pop to the 3 point line and either shoot it or put the ball on the floor, especially when I'm put against a tough but slow opponent. I don't so much dominate as contribute efficiently to winning the game. No longer mind the guards chucking or running their mouths - can't stop it so I'll just do my part, get my 16, 8 and 4 and 2 + the win. I don't talk enough, but on the positive side I never complain or let things get to me. That's if I'm with decent players of course. If my teammates just suck I'll pass them the ball a few times just so I don't get accused of chucking, but make sure to score whenever it matters - that's probably what they want too anyway.

03-12-2014, 11:13 AM
I'm an attacker and I believe my strong point is getting to the rim and finishing strong. I enjoy pushing tempo and running. Otherwise I'm a pretty standard rec. guy. 6'3'', I enjoy shooting, my defense is touch & go, etc.

03-12-2014, 11:21 AM
Homeless man's tony parker

03-12-2014, 11:23 AM
Rich man's Samaki Walker, but 6 inches shorter.

03-12-2014, 11:29 AM
shit handles when under pressure, streaky shooter, blowing easy layups quite often, lazy defender, lock down defender if money were at stake, good vision and passing and i waste all my energy for blocks like this
( usually push them with my other hand but who cares, fool got blocked )

03-12-2014, 11:36 AM
I'm 6'2, 200 lbs. I play in the low post and my pet move is my MJ turnaround fadeaway. I LOVE to box out for rebounds and sometimes people I box out think I'm playing dirty because they're not used to anyone boxing out.

03-12-2014, 11:38 AM
I dunk on 8 foot goals, try to hang on the rim only to have my momentum go forward and faceplant.

03-12-2014, 11:45 AM
I'm 6'2, 200 lbs. I play in the low post and my pet move is my MJ turnaround fadeaway. I LOVE to box out for rebounds and sometimes people I box out think I'm playing dirty because they're not used to anyone boxing out.

I don't think anyone thinks you're playing dirty because of boxing out, they're just not used to people boxing out and get angry because of it. Happens all the time.

03-12-2014, 11:46 AM
the kind that posts in the correct forum

03-12-2014, 11:48 AM
Bron's build
Griffin's hops
MJ's instinct
Ray Allen's shot
Pippen's trouser snake

03-12-2014, 11:53 AM
I'm like Pistol Pete - I score a lot and showboat a lot and don't care whether I win or lose.

Mass Debator
03-12-2014, 12:10 PM
I'm like Pistol Pete - I score a lot and showboat a lot and don't care whether I win or lose.

03-12-2014, 12:17 PM
Can't dribble. Can't shoot. I'm a scrub.

03-12-2014, 12:22 PM
5'9" Rip Hamilton. My midrange pullup is damn near automatic, and if I hit a couple I get super hot.

My off-hand dribbling is ass though, and as soon as someone figures that out I'm totally useless one-on-one - unless I'm up against another guy as short as me and I can post up and hit the fade in either direction. But I just move a lot without the ball and if I catch it off a curl or get one dribble into the mid range my jumper is absolute butter.

Outside shot not so much - streaky at best (unless I'm already hot from hitting a couple in midrange, then I can sink just about anything), but otherwise I'm Wade shooting threes.

Good passer, limited by the total lack of coordination in my left hand, but my vision is nice and I never fail to spot the open man.

I don't gamble a lot on defense, and I'm not much for blocking shots, but I'm a pain in the ass to score on and I always guard the best player on the other team (unless he's too big). Kind of like a playground Shane Battier on that end - I just stay in front of my dude and contest everything pretty well.

One thing is for whatever reason, I've always been clutch as all hell in pickup games. If it's game point, I demand the shot and I always feel sure it's going in. I don't really know why, but that always just came natural to me. Same thing with pool - I can suck all game long but I'll hit the sickest shots on the 8-ball.

Mass Debator
03-12-2014, 12:24 PM
PG/SG hybrid. Instinct is to drive and finish but have the feel to dish. Can be lights out at 3 every other game. I feel like my game resembles D-Wade/Kobe. I'm the leader and explosive scorer for my squad.

- Great midrange shooter even off the dribble. T-mac like
- Good 3-point shooter but don't settle
- Good at drawing contact and finishing
- Flashy handles
- Lock-down perimeter D

- Lazy rebounder
- Play defense only when I'm going against someone who is the focal point of the offensive load
- Occasionally indecisive on what to do right after catching the ball...doing too much

03-12-2014, 12:24 PM
I'll bit. 5'9 and my game kinda resembles John Starks. Some pick up games I can shoot lights out and others I keep bricking.

03-12-2014, 12:26 PM
Tyson Chandler.

03-12-2014, 12:28 PM
I'm Rondo on offense, Gary Payton on defense. Obviously rec level though, I'm talking purely style.

Usually run the offense. I'm a good passer and have great vision, but I can't shoot worth shit and barely score for myself outside of open layups and the occasional spot up.

I'm a vicious defender though. I talk a TON of shit and give the guy barely any room to breathe.

I've been told I'm really fun to play with, but the most obnoxious piece of shit to play against.

03-12-2014, 12:28 PM
I'm the 5'11 version of Ben Wallace. :pimp:

Can't shoot, no dribbling moves to speak of, no post up moves.:lol

But I always give 100%, play hard, box out, take pride in playing defense and I'm a good rebounder for my size. I'm a decent finisher around the rim.

I'm the guy that voluntarily plays defense.

03-12-2014, 12:33 PM
I get tired quickly so I usually just D up man to man on people with a similar build to me and provide help.

On O I make cuts and jumpers from the elbow. I occasionally jab-step or fake to see what the defender does but usually I just go up when I catch the ball near the elbow.

I rebound aggressively, box out and look to get teammates involved more than looking for my own shot.

03-12-2014, 01:15 PM
I'm the late 30's Jason Kidd. 5'9 on a good day. I rebound well for my size and usually only score 2-4 points a game, but I set up alot of my teammates.

03-12-2014, 01:18 PM
Good (for my area... Rural, not Urban) one-on-one player.
Real nice shot, but mediocre handles. 6'1, so I can shoot over most, and those that I can't I can get by with my quick first step. Not a fast runner, but my first step is nice. For that reason, I "developed" a one-step jumper... once the defender learns I can blow by them for the layup, yet drain the jumper often enough that they can't play loose D, I'll take one hard step, get them backpedaling, and pull up from 15-18 out.

In a team game, while I'm a willing passer, I have middling vision, so if/when I draw defensive attention, I'm not the best at kicking it out to the right person.

If I'm on a talented team, I'm happiest setting nasty picks, D-ing up the best player on the other team, regardless of size... I'm big enough with enough of a vert to defend the post against 6'4-6'6 (unless they're freakishly strong) and quick enough to stay in front of those little 5'6 jitterbug guys... and hitting the occasional shot.

If I play on a bad team, I'm a total chucker/gunner. Grab the board, run the court, pull up 3 from the wing (unless the paint is open). Pretty much won't pass unless the other player is wide open. Still play tough D though.

When I was in college, I was probably in the 15-20 range for players, including the team. It was D3, and I was very close to good enough for varsity, but probably not there just yet... but the kids on the JV and the Club team I regularly outplayed in the rec center.

03-12-2014, 02:18 PM
I'm a 6'3'' guy who loves blocking the shit out of 5'8" guys.

03-12-2014, 02:47 PM
I'm a 6'3'' guy who loves blocking the shit out of 5'8" guys.
I'm also a "pizza man". I work for, live and breathe Domino's.

Can you explain your user name?

03-12-2014, 02:48 PM
I can't shoot for shit but I have a 40 in vert and a high basketball IQ so I excel at creating for others + getting rebounds and putback dunks.


03-12-2014, 02:49 PM
Best 3 point shooter, defender, and clutch player in my state

03-12-2014, 02:55 PM
I rarely play nowadays. But I'm 6'1" without shoes..6'2" with shoes. My problem as always been that I'm way too unselfish. I love to pass the ball and get others involved. People get pissed at this. My shot is streaky. Sometimes it's really on other times it's off. I play in the post a little, but it's not really my comfort zone. I will use a lot fakes. I can handle the ball a little but rarely drive in. I think because I wear glasses and in the past all people had to do was hit my glasses off my face and that would discourage me. My shot from the wings is very good especially right block. Mid range. I have long arms so I get my share of blocks and can defend. I have lost quickness and explosiveness from age and not playing that often.

03-12-2014, 02:57 PM
A bad one.

03-12-2014, 03:01 PM
With the level of competition I play with, probably Iggy. Don't play enough to be a really good shooter anymore so I'm inconsistent. Decent passer and I don't mind handling the ball in the half court. Don't put up a ton of shots and I like to get my teammates involved unless I am getting to the rim. I give effort on D and I'm willing to guard the best player. Plus, I'm 6'3" so I've got defensive versatility. Pretty athletic for the guys I play with, as in I'm capable of finishing a drive with a simple dunk.

If I played with good players and got back into game shape? Probably like JJ Redick or something. Shooter who is good enough with the ball to work a little bit in the half court. Passable on D.

03-12-2014, 03:20 PM
I am basically like Kobe Bryant. I have a good fadeaway jumper and dunk on fools as tall as Yao Ming. I can do between the legs dunks and hit shots when it counts and we need to win. I am also an excellent passer and defender. I could probably be in the NBA but decided to go another route.

Le Shaqtus
03-12-2014, 03:27 PM
I am basically like Kobe Bryant. I have a good fadeaway jumper and dunk on fools as tall as Yao Ming. I can do between the legs dunks and hit shots when it counts and we need to win. I am also an excellent passer and defender. I could probably be in the NBA but decided to go another route.

03-12-2014, 03:55 PM
I'm 21, 6'1 200lbs and played football,basketball, and ran track in high school. Some stats: 40 yard dash-4.7ish, very good foot quickness (do to a lot of jump roping and playing soccer as a kid), 30 inch vert ( strong legs-430 squat-and flexible hips), strong upper body (285 bench) with wide shoulders, can handle and finish with both hands, can shoot and pass well, and also have very good body control due to yoga. Haha don't mean to brag, but I'm usually the best player when I'm playin rec. The brotha's are usually very surprised for how athletic I am for a white dude lol.

03-12-2014, 03:58 PM
I don't know about you bit it depends on a level i am playing. I am short in basketball terms 5'10'' but people are amazed by my speed, i am actually not that fast, but just very quick and this get me many rebounds, steals and everything else that comes with it. Even though i am not naturally a leader people tend to make me play point guard because of my speed and lack of height and as more i am playing it i think i am getting better in terms of what it requires from a mental standpoint. I love running pick&rolls which i am actually pretty good at since i can shoot and and drive all through and pass aswell. The thing i like the most as a point guard is pressuring the ball and running as fast as i can as soon i get the ball, i just outrun many players and it's often 2v2 or 1v2 and defense is not set so it makes it a promising situation. I was always considered a guy who can drive the lane at will but people were also aware of my bad shooting so they would oftenly beg me to shoot and stood away from me. Because of that i was really working on it and consider myself a reliable shooter now. I play for a college team, but since i enjoy playing basketball i play it on many occasions. If i would have to comapare myself to some pro player that would be chris paul.

03-12-2014, 04:01 PM
I have good speed and I'm a good finisher. I can shoot 3's but not mid range jumpers. I'm good on the fast-break. My handles are okay even though I'm not that tall. I have good hops for my size.

03-12-2014, 04:04 PM
im the type that try to rip thru defenders arm and get the foul call, if it helps im also a twig. When defenders back up that's when i get the open jumpshot

03-12-2014, 04:07 PM
I'm enjoying all of the responses because i've played against most of the types of players in this thread at one point or another. That's what i love about basketball.

03-12-2014, 04:07 PM
I'm 28, 5'11, 180 lbs. Athletic, not great hops ... very quick, although other athleticism has diminished in recent years I've noticed since I turned 25, and stopped playing as much.

I have amazing handle, good shooter, particularly from mid range, oustanding passer, played PG in HS and on D1 college practice squad (DePaul). To top things off I take most pride in the lost art of defense. I am a lock down man defender.

Against bad competition, I play easy usually. Letting inferior teammates, and competition have fun. If my team gets down, I'm still very competitive, can't lose ... so I put it into scoring mode, and do the bulk of the heavy lifting for my team as a primary volume scorer. Ex: Kobe-esque

Against quality competition, and playing with good players @ say DePaul, Men's League, or with former college players or in seriously good Chicago pick up spots ...

I hustle all the time. I'm primarily a distrubtor, read the defense, use my court vision and look to make great passes letting everyone show case their talents. Play tough defense as well, usually willing to guard the opposition's best player. Allowing my teammates to do the bulk of the scoring. Ex: Stockton-esque

Against inbetween, normal pickup competition @ Lifetime Fitness, or X-Sport? I am a balanced combo of scorer, playmaker, and distributor. But pick my spots. Always give full effort defensively. But with ability to take over games still. Ex: CP3-esque

03-12-2014, 04:20 PM
Athleticism is not that important if you don't know how to use it properly. There's nothing better than when u see some guys dunking and trying to do all the fancy dunks but you just outsmart them. These players are usually easy to fake since they just want to block your shot. I am 5'10'' and can jump just enough to touch the rim but easily outrebound players few inches higher than me. The thing i would like to change at myself is leadership and being vocal, i am quiet guy by nature so it's kind of difficult to act like another person on the court.

03-12-2014, 04:21 PM
As I've got older....I'm more of a defender now. I use most of my energy on the defensive end and I enjoy it. I got nice handles and can still take most guys off the dribble....still able to break ankles, but my shot is inconsistent like Thabo Sefolosha. I don't even like shooting outside shots anymore. I'm ashamed to say that I've lost all confidence in my shot unless I'm by myself in the gym where I make everything. :facepalm

I'm a good passer and can run an offense. I've always had hops for a shorter guy, but I can't dunk anymore due to age, weight gain, and inactivity.

03-12-2014, 04:30 PM
6''1 270. Because of my build the worst player on the court usually matches up with me. Im the guy that walks up and down the court not really doing much so the defense cheats off me, then ill hit game point and talk shit lol.

03-12-2014, 04:35 PM
6 foot Kevin Garnett

03-12-2014, 04:36 PM
6''1 270. Because of my build the worst player on the court usually matches up with me. Im the guy that walks up and down the court not really doing much so the defense cheats off me, then ill hit game point and talk shit lol.

Y trash talking, like to so much, i like to trash talk everywhere there's competition :lol . I amazed that i have friends at all :lol

03-12-2014, 04:37 PM
Glenn Davis. Fat and undersized and only good at bullying players smaller than me. Also failing dunks and bricking midrange jumpers since I'm too gassed to finish.

03-12-2014, 06:33 PM
5'9, or as the NBA would list me 5'10 or 11. 207 pounds....6'2 wingspan 7'6 standing reach....Can't dribble for shit, nor have I shot in awhile so I can't do that either...but if I practice for a bit I'm decent from midrange to the 3. Catch and shoot.....Confident in my shot, so it doesn't matter if my FG% is 5% I'll take the shot as calmly as the others if needed, otherwise know when to pass it off when Im not feeling it. Also like to post up and shoot the hook, starting to work on counter moves to it. Until I get a chance to work on my shooting a bit more I tend to focus on the boards....Not tall but since I weigh a decent bit for someone my size I can box out and rebound okay...If I'm playing someone bigger than me that I can't rebound against I try to make him have to box me out at a position that will put him at a disadvantage against my other teammates for the board...But that really depends on the placing of everyone else.... if I had to say what NBA players I'm a mix of it'd be a very raw Bob Pettit with a Jimmer Fredette attitude from the 3 with a dash of Bill Laimbeer...

Not fast at all, so I have trouble guarding fast players with good handles....But since I weigh a lot I try to disrupt their running path when they drive to push them to a spot where a teammate can switch off his man and block him from the side or behind as I switch off to his guy last second...Unfortunately the people I play with sometimes don't realize what I'm doing and that doesn't always workout :lol

Best game I ever had wasn't even played serious at first, and it was a long time ago...Back when I was in 8th grade in 2005 during gym we had a little pickup game.....Some of the kids didnt even play basketball but a few were on our schools basketball team...At that point in my life I had taken time off from shooting around so it wasn't expected but I happened to be draining everything I put up...And I literally mean everything...When the game started no one knew I could shoot and didn't guard me, but even when they did it didnt matter... I would even step IN to shoot right in their face to make a point. When I'm hot, I feel as if I'm patient enough to wait for just enough space I have as good of a chance making it wide open....Shot after shot whether it was a 3, midrange, driving shooting from the side off the backboard...Hooks...EVERYTHING went in. Gym teacher called down our schools 2 coaches to watch, everyone was cheering every time I made a shot...It was nuts

It's been awhile but If remember correctly I was 17 for 18 with about 6 3's....Last shot was at the VERY end of the game from halfcourt...Other team missed, I got the rebound, dribbled to halfcourt and put it up for shits and giggles and banked it XD

03-12-2014, 07:29 PM
I'm short with no handles, so I pretty much just jumpshoot, I can do a 2 dribble drive if i have an open lane but my finishing is weak.

My main skill is my hustle play.

03-12-2014, 07:40 PM
i can tell you the kind im not. and thats one of those whiny crybabies who complain about every single touch foul and just slow down or stop the game because of it. theres always one of those guys.

03-12-2014, 07:46 PM
A shorter, slower Mikan without a hook shot.

03-12-2014, 07:48 PM
I'm short with no handles, so I pretty much just jumpshoot, I can do a 2 dribble drive if i have an open lane but my finishing is weak.

My main skill is my hustle play.

Realest n*gga in this entire damn thread.

03-12-2014, 07:55 PM
The guy that shows up with two other sorry mother****ers. We try but, oh boy, do we suck.

03-12-2014, 07:57 PM
Like 5'10 and pretty skinny. Pretty selfish and love to dribble the clock out or go for fancy shots. Basically an untalented white Allen Iverson. Get winded pretty quickly and usually overexert myself by trying to breakdown somebody on offense therefore I'm deff a walker on defense. Only time I pass is when I'm too tired to try something offensively.

Pretty much a terrible rec player. Basketball has always been my favorite sport but always been pretty bad/by far the worst sport for me to play. Even when I was younger and didn't get winded as quickly/had good stamina.

03-12-2014, 07:59 PM
Smaller Chris Paul. Game winners included.

03-12-2014, 07:59 PM
I'm a 1 armed 30 year old retired Air Force cop. Before I joined the Military I was a pretty decent player. I played bball with my sister a lot in my teen years and I'd like to think that its one of the reasons she got a scholarship to Grambling after only playing organized ball for 2 years. I could dunk a ball with no issues but never played high school ball because at that point, I'd been playing trumpet for 11-12 years and dedicated all of my free time to attending the New Orleans center for Creative arts and trying to master my craft. Every now and again I would go to the local rec center and ball out. I was even invited to join the aau team. Well after 911 I felt an intense desire to help my country and immediately joined the Air Force. Well shortly thereafter, I was involved in a vehicle rollover in Iraq that took my left arm. lucky for me, my writing and release hand is my right. I still play trumpet and every so often, I get out with my kids and hit a couple of 1 handed 3s and give them a dunk or two. I teach my babies that while life may not be fair sometimes, I doesn't mean you just stop, you just find a way to make it work.

03-12-2014, 07:59 PM
i'm always the best decision maker on the floor, with handles and can shoot 3's well..i'm a pretty good and versatile defender too

03-12-2014, 08:00 PM
Though I suck. I did average a quad double season at the Y.

03-12-2014, 08:00 PM
Like 5'10 and pretty skinny. Pretty selfish and love to dribble the clock out or go for fancy shots. Basically an untalented white Allen Iverson. Get winded pretty quickly and usually overexert myself by trying to breakdown somebody on offense therefore I'm deff a walker on defense. Only time I pass is when I'm too tired to try something offensively.

Everything about this post is hilarious, whether you intended it to be or not. It's like you went in on all those and1 dudes. :oldlol:

03-12-2014, 08:06 PM
Everything about this post is hilarious, whether you intended it to be or not. It's like you went in on all those and1 dudes. :oldlol:

Just how I play. I've consistently sucked since I was a kid. I would say my one positive is I was a fast runner and could control the ball at high speeds but nowadays I get winded so quickly it's useless. Decent handle.

It's because I tried to emulate NBA players but never put the work in. Loved watching Iverson play so probably didn't hit a jumper till I was 14 because all I wanted to do was cross people and barrel into the paint and attempt a finger roll.

03-12-2014, 08:46 PM
I'm a 1 armed 30 year old retired Air Force cop. Before I joined the Military I was a pretty decent player. I played bball with my sister a lot in my teen years and I'd like to think that its one of the reasons she got a scholarship to Grambling after only playing organized ball for 2 years. I could dunk a ball with no issues but never played high school ball because at that point, I'd been playing trumpet for 11-12 years and dedicated all of my free time to attending the New Orleans center for Creative arts and trying to master my craft. Every now and again I would go to the local rec center and ball out. I was even invited to join the aau team. Well after 911 I felt an intense desire to help my country and immediately joined the Air Force. Well shortly thereafter, I was involved in a vehicle rollover in Iraq that took my left arm. lucky for me, my writing and release hand is my right. I still play trumpet and every so often, I get out with my kids and hit a couple of 1 handed 3s and give them a dunk or two. I teach my babies that while life may not be fair sometimes, I doesn't mean you just stop, you just find a way to make it work.

03-12-2014, 09:12 PM
I'm a 1 armed 30 year old retired Air Force cop. Before I joined the Military I was a pretty decent player. I played bball with my sister a lot in my teen years and I'd like to think that its one of the reasons she got a scholarship to Grambling after only playing organized ball for 2 years. I could dunk a ball with no issues but never played high school ball because at that point, I'd been playing trumpet for 11-12 years and dedicated all of my free time to attending the New Orleans center for Creative arts and trying to master my craft. Every now and again I would go to the local rec center and ball out. I was even invited to join the aau team. Well after 911 I felt an intense desire to help my country and immediately joined the Air Force. Well shortly thereafter, I was involved in a vehicle rollover in Iraq that took my left arm. lucky for me, my writing and release hand is my right. I still play trumpet and every so often, I get out with my kids and hit a couple of 1 handed 3s and give them a dunk or two. I teach my babies that while life may not be fair sometimes, I doesn't mean you just stop, you just find a way to make it work.

No offense but this was kind of random.

03-12-2014, 09:13 PM
I play like Prime Stephon Marbury (without the dunking part).

03-12-2014, 09:36 PM
I can walk onto a basketball court.

And that's about it.:oldlol:

03-12-2014, 09:37 PM
JR Smith

i can create my own shot, clutch, lace 3s all day, great passer

03-12-2014, 09:43 PM
I usually run point when we play 5-5. I get more satisfaction dishing assists than scoring. I do play completely different if it's a bunch of randoms playing with me. Takes a while to adjust. However, with my friends, I know their strengths and weaknesses. If I'm playing 21 or something, I just shoot mid range or threes. Always been hesitant to attack the rim since I messed up my knee a few years ago.

03-12-2014, 09:45 PM
I like to think of myself as a shorter, whiter version of Duncan, but with a mean streak. I'm back to the basket most of the time, I use the jump hook from anywhere inside 10 feet, my jumper is good to maybe twelve feet out, I love contact inside, and love playing with a good point guard cause I run the floor all day. Also like to set picks, there's nothing like someones face hitting you in the chest when they're not expecting it. No longer have any hops, white mans disease set in many years ago, although it was always kind of there, was never able to dunk in traffic, only on wide open fast breaks.

03-12-2014, 09:50 PM
No shirt.

I make Magic passes, but my teammates are never ready.

I'm short and I post up everyone.

Don't play defense, tho I will hack and faceguard you.

I have the greatest looking missed step back jumper ever.

03-12-2014, 09:56 PM
Just got the stats today from my local YMCA...we had our yearly seoson and the team that wins the title gets 2 thousand dollars split...we finished the year 4th with 25 teams involved...my numbers: (12 games)

Game 1: (17/2 42 points, 13 reb, 8ast, 8st and 12 blocks
Game 2: 12/18, 29 points, 7 reb, 15ast, 9st and 8 blocks
Game 3: 9/12, 15 points, 23 reb, 17ast, 4st and 11 blocks
Game 4: 20/29, 46 points, 12 reb, 9ast, 2stl and 7 blocks
Game 5: 13/23, 32 points, 8 reb, 13ast, 0stl and 11 blocks
Game 6*: 22/27, 42 points, 17 reb, 12ast, 8stl and 7 blocks
Game 7: 6/8, 13 points, 9 reb, 5 ast, 5 stl and 6 blocks (only 15 minutes of play)
Game 8: 16/26, 39 points, 10reb, 12 ast, 10st and 9 blocks
Game 9: 11/17, 26 points, 11 reb, 9 ast, 7 st and 14 blocks
Game 10: DNP
Game 11: DNP
Game 12: 23/30, 55 points, 16 reb, 8ast, 9st and 16 blocks

I play small forward at the tourny and the game are only 8min a quarter and a total of 32min...players only over 17 are allowed in this tourny.

My seoson average: 33.9ppg, 12.6rpg, 10.8apg, 6.2spg, 10.2bpg...in 27.2mpg.
72.9ft%, 62.0 3pt%...149 FG made on only 218 fga...68.3fg% is my tourny stat...i know it was only 10 games but damn i was surprised when i got the stats...i was also named MVP and defensive player...hope my team can win that 2 thousand dollars...it will be very tough...we finished 10-2 but the 2 loses was when i couldn't play due to college.

the highest our team scored was 104 points...scores vary.
It depends how teams play...there are some teams that play straight d but other play offensive style meaning they shot the ball very quickly...there are a few teams that are very weak and i know i can score well over 60 points on them but some teams have player over 6'4 and i'm only 5'11...not the tallest by any means...there are about 10 really storng teams.
If you notice i shoot around 70% from the field...so whenever i shot i usually hit...i struggle form the line big time, that my main weakness in the game, i love having a hand in my face when i shot the ball.

I guard usually point guards...i'm the best defender on my team and i'm the 2nd smallest too...i play SF/SG on offence but i guard pg...blocks are pretty easy to get because there are some crappy players, there was this pg who was 5'2 i blocked him about 6 times in less than 3 minutes and he didn't play for the rest of the game...

03-12-2014, 10:05 PM
My favorite shot is the bank shot from both of the side angles. It's not flashy, but boy is it effective. I can drain it all day long. I also love the Tony Parker floater. Another weakness of mine is when i'm running a fast break i don't pick my head up right away and miss the open man streaking down the court. Also whenever i try to attempt a crossover i get ripped.

03-12-2014, 10:06 PM
Just got the stats today from my local YMCA...we had our yearly seoson and the team that wins the title gets 2 thousand dollars split...we finished the year 4th with 25 teams involved...my numbers: (12 games)

Game 1: (17/2 42 points, 13 reb, 8ast, 8st and 12 blocks
Game 2: 12/18, 29 points, 7 reb, 15ast, 9st and 8 blocks
Game 3: 9/12, 15 points, 23 reb, 17ast, 4st and 11 blocks
Game 4: 20/29, 46 points, 12 reb, 9ast, 2stl and 7 blocks
Game 5: 13/23, 32 points, 8 reb, 13ast, 0stl and 11 blocks
Game 6*: 22/27, 42 points, 17 reb, 12ast, 8stl and 7 blocks
Game 7: 6/8, 13 points, 9 reb, 5 ast, 5 stl and 6 blocks (only 15 minutes of play)
Game 8: 16/26, 39 points, 10reb, 12 ast, 10st and 9 blocks
Game 9: 11/17, 26 points, 11 reb, 9 ast, 7 st and 14 blocks
Game 10: DNP
Game 11: DNP
Game 12: 23/30, 55 points, 16 reb, 8ast, 9st and 16 blocks

I play small forward at the tourny and the game are only 8min a quarter and a total of 32min...players only over 17 are allowed in this tourny.

My seoson average: 33.9ppg, 12.6rpg, 10.8apg, 6.2spg, 10.2bpg...in 27.2mpg.
72.9ft%, 62.0 3pt%...149 FG made on only 218 fga...68.3fg% is my tourny stat...i know it was only 10 games but damn i was surprised when i got the stats...i was also named MVP and defensive player...hope my team can win that 2 thousand dollars...it will be very tough...we finished 10-2 but the 2 loses was when i couldn't play due to college.

the highest our team scored was 104 points...scores vary.
It depends how teams play...there are some teams that play straight d but other play offensive style meaning they shot the ball very quickly...there are a few teams that are very weak and i know i can score well over 60 points on them but some teams have player over 6'4 and i'm only 5'11...not the tallest by any means...there are about 10 really storng teams.
If you notice i shoot around 70% from the field...so whenever i shot i usually hit...i struggle form the line big time, that my main weakness in the game, i love having a hand in my face when i shot the ball.

I guard usually point guards...i'm the best defender on my team and i'm the 2nd smallest too...i play SF/SG on offence but i guard pg...blocks are pretty easy to get because there are some crappy players, there was this pg who was 5'2 i blocked him about 6 times in less than 3 minutes and he didn't play for the rest of the game...

Oscar Robertson on steroids.

03-13-2014, 11:35 AM
Just got the stats today from my local YMCA...we had our yearly seoson and the team that wins the title gets 2 thousand dollars split...we finished the year 4th with 25 teams involved...my numbers: (12 games)

Game 1: (17/2 42 points, 13 reb, 8ast, 8st and 12 blocks
Game 2: 12/18, 29 points, 7 reb, 15ast, 9st and 8 blocks
Game 3: 9/12, 15 points, 23 reb, 17ast, 4st and 11 blocks
Game 4: 20/29, 46 points, 12 reb, 9ast, 2stl and 7 blocks
Game 5: 13/23, 32 points, 8 reb, 13ast, 0stl and 11 blocks
Game 6*: 22/27, 42 points, 17 reb, 12ast, 8stl and 7 blocks
Game 7: 6/8, 13 points, 9 reb, 5 ast, 5 stl and 6 blocks (only 15 minutes of play)
Game 8: 16/26, 39 points, 10reb, 12 ast, 10st and 9 blocks
Game 9: 11/17, 26 points, 11 reb, 9 ast, 7 st and 14 blocks
Game 10: DNP
Game 11: DNP
Game 12: 23/30, 55 points, 16 reb, 8ast, 9st and 16 blocks

I play small forward at the tourny and the game are only 8min a quarter and a total of 32min...players only over 17 are allowed in this tourny.

My seoson average: 33.9ppg, 12.6rpg, 10.8apg, 6.2spg, 10.2bpg...in 27.2mpg.
72.9ft%, 62.0 3pt%...149 FG made on only 218 fga...68.3fg% is my tourny stat...i know it was only 10 games but damn i was surprised when i got the stats...i was also named MVP and defensive player...hope my team can win that 2 thousand dollars...it will be very tough...we finished 10-2 but the 2 loses was when i couldn't play due to college.

the highest our team scored was 104 points...scores vary.
It depends how teams play...there are some teams that play straight d but other play offensive style meaning they shot the ball very quickly...there are a few teams that are very weak and i know i can score well over 60 points on them but some teams have player over 6'4 and i'm only 5'11...not the tallest by any means...there are about 10 really storng teams.
If you notice i shoot around 70% from the field...so whenever i shot i usually hit...i struggle form the line big time, that my main weakness in the game, i love having a hand in my face when i shot the ball.

I guard usually point guards...i'm the best defender on my team and i'm the 2nd smallest too...i play SF/SG on offence but i guard pg...blocks are pretty easy to get because there are some crappy players, there was this pg who was 5'2 i blocked him about 6 times in less than 3 minutes and he didn't play for the rest of the game...

You must be sandbagging....playing in a league that u have no business being in due to the talent level.

My game was similar to Scottie Pippen 6'4/200 at that time...I graduated high school at 5'10, then I hit a growth spurt over the summer...my game was based off guard play, growth spurt happened and gave me a advantage over most dudes I played against.......the teams I played on usually consisted of a couple college players and we traveled to some tourneys. I played against some NBA guys and by far the most intimidating was rookie Chris Webber....for a guy that size moving the way he did was ridiculous....up until that point most guys that size where just posting up that I played against.....this guy was all over the floor taking off from where most guys are shooting jumpshots from, hitting college threes..so glad i didnt have to guard him. Tim Hardaway never fully went all out but would be bombing knuckleballs from all over the court. Bibby, Hunter, Dickerson, overseas guys....I just didnt have the drive those guys had which is why they are on a different level....they are too consistent due to working at their craft day in and day out. Hardaway use to tell us that he was dribbling everyday everywhere....even when he was sent to the store to pick up stuff for his mom. Most guys u play against need to set up or think their move out....these guys are just instinctive as hell.

03-13-2014, 03:54 PM
Dell Curry except I cannot shoot 3s (just wide open 15 footers)

03-13-2014, 03:58 PM
Just got the stats today from my local YMCA...we had our yearly seoson and the team that wins the title gets 2 thousand dollars split...we finished the year 4th with 25 teams involved...my numbers: (12 games)

Game 1: (17/2 42 points, 13 reb, 8ast, 8st and 12 blocks
Game 2: 12/18, 29 points, 7 reb, 15ast, 9st and 8 blocks
Game 3: 9/12, 15 points, 23 reb, 17ast, 4st and 11 blocks
Game 4: 20/29, 46 points, 12 reb, 9ast, 2stl and 7 blocks
Game 5: 13/23, 32 points, 8 reb, 13ast, 0stl and 11 blocks
Game 6*: 22/27, 42 points, 17 reb, 12ast, 8stl and 7 blocks
Game 7: 6/8, 13 points, 9 reb, 5 ast, 5 stl and 6 blocks (only 15 minutes of play)
Game 8: 16/26, 39 points, 10reb, 12 ast, 10st and 9 blocks
Game 9: 11/17, 26 points, 11 reb, 9 ast, 7 st and 14 blocks
Game 10: DNP
Game 11: DNP
Game 12: 23/30, 55 points, 16 reb, 8ast, 9st and 16 blocks

I play small forward at the tourny and the game are only 8min a quarter and a total of 32min...players only over 17 are allowed in this tourny.

My seoson average: 33.9ppg, 12.6rpg, 10.8apg, 6.2spg, 10.2bpg...in 27.2mpg.
72.9ft%, 62.0 3pt%...149 FG made on only 218 fga...68.3fg% is my tourny stat...i know it was only 10 games but damn i was surprised when i got the stats...i was also named MVP and defensive player...hope my team can win that 2 thousand dollars...it will be very tough...we finished 10-2 but the 2 loses was when i couldn't play due to college.

the highest our team scored was 104 points...scores vary.
It depends how teams play...there are some teams that play straight d but other play offensive style meaning they shot the ball very quickly...there are a few teams that are very weak and i know i can score well over 60 points on them but some teams have player over 6'4 and i'm only 5'11...not the tallest by any means...there are about 10 really storng teams.
If you notice i shoot around 70% from the field...so whenever i shot i usually hit...i struggle form the line big time, that my main weakness in the game, i love having a hand in my face when i shot the ball.

I guard usually point guards...i'm the best defender on my team and i'm the 2nd smallest too...i play SF/SG on offence but i guard pg...blocks are pretty easy to get because there are some crappy players, there was this pg who was 5'2 i blocked him about 6 times in less than 3 minutes and he didn't play for the rest of the game...

If you're going to steal another post at least try to make it obvious.