View Full Version : LeBron and Bosh rip the Heat

Smook A.
03-23-2014, 04:33 PM
Chris Bosh

We suck. We need to turn it around. There's no passion. There's nothing. ... We need some dialogue around here. On defense, we can't stop a nosebleed. This is unacceptable. If we don't change this, we will be watching the championship from home.

LeBron James

We all need to get on the same page and figure it out. I don't know what we're going to do, but we have to figure this out.

There's too many excuses. Everything is an excuse. Something goes wrong? An excuse. Lineup change? An excuse. Turn the ball over? An excuse.

Kobe Bryant after 1st game back from Achilles tear and 1st time playing ball in 8 months: "I played horrible. I made too many mistakes and I'm nowhere near were I would like to be." LeBron James after bad shooting night "Well you know if it weren't or these damn sleeved jersey I would have dominated like usual."


03-23-2014, 04:34 PM
kobe said that he could play this year but simply doesnt feel like it

lebron would never do that

Smook A.
03-23-2014, 04:37 PM
kobe said that he could play this year but simply doesnt feel like it

lebron would never do that
Probably True

03-23-2014, 04:38 PM
Probably True
Difference between a true champion and a rat

03-23-2014, 04:38 PM
Chris Bosh

LeBron James

Kobe Bryant after 1st game back from Achilles tear and 1st time playing ball in 8 months: "I played horrible. I made too many mistakes and I'm nowhere near were I would like to be." LeBron James after bad shooting night "Well you know if it weren't or these damn sleeved jersey I would have dominated like usual."


Source for that Lebron quote, please.

03-23-2014, 04:38 PM
agenda thread, reported to every mod, email them too.

03-23-2014, 04:39 PM
They are saying the right things, but the team is very old. Their role players are having the worst seasons of their careers. Oden has been awful, and with all the rotation changes to rest Wade, Oden, and whoever else, it has completely destroyed the rhythm of the team. Their defense has been awful all year. Old tired legs..... The team is going to be radically different next year big 3 or not.

03-23-2014, 04:39 PM
Source for that Lebron quote, please.

Patrick Chewing
03-23-2014, 04:41 PM

03-23-2014, 04:42 PM
I'm confused, not only do those quotes have NOTHING to do with you typed, the two scenarios you compared aren't even remotely similar. How is a bad shooting night similar to a first game back after a year hiatus?

Le Shaqtus
03-23-2014, 04:43 PM
LeBron the wordsmith over here.

Black and White
03-23-2014, 04:43 PM
Its good that they are doing this instead of making excuses.

03-23-2014, 04:43 PM
kobe said that he could play this year but simply doesnt feel like it

lebron would never do that
lol LeBRONZE would "fake" an elbow injury and shoot the freethrow with his left...lol

Honestly....why would kobe risk injuring himself in this waste of a season....think about it u phvcking dvmbfvcks...when was the last time kobe had a full off season to rest? 35 years old...lets see where lebron is at 35...

Eric Cartman
03-23-2014, 04:44 PM
:lol Lebron is responsible for like 80% of the excuses on the team.

03-23-2014, 04:45 PM
One more thing....does the "best" player make excuses that the jerseys affected his shots? Come on mang be real here....all you lebron nut suckers fvck yall

03-23-2014, 04:45 PM

It's not this until they lose in a series. They are in a massive slump, but they could still get to the ECF and losing in the ECF is hardly a sinking ship. Many fans would love just to get there.

03-23-2014, 04:45 PM
don't know why they would say that when they are coasting. can a Lames fan explain?

It's not this until they lose in a series. They are in a massive slump, but they could still get to the ECF and losing in the ECF is hardly a sinking ship. Many fans would love just to get there.

Not making the finals with LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh in the east is a sunken ship.

03-23-2014, 04:49 PM
Difference between a true champion and a rat
So wait....your telling me a true champion...leaves the CAVS when he said he wanted to win a championship with them to go to the MIAMI HEAT and join WADES team? That's what a champion does? :roll: :roll: you a fool son...lemme tell you what you should do....unplug your PC and throw it out the window...:roll: your useless

03-23-2014, 04:49 PM
don't know why they would say that when they are coasting. can a Lames fan explain?

Not making the finals with LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh in the east is a sunken ship.

Not when Indiana is one of the best teams in the league. If they lose to the Wizards or Raptors, then yes.

03-23-2014, 04:55 PM

03-23-2014, 05:22 PM
Did we all really think LeBron was gonna retire in a Heat jersey? :no:

Maybe it's time.

03-23-2014, 05:24 PM
Kobe Bryant after 1st game back from Achilles tear and 1st time playing ball in 8 months: "I played horrible. I made too many mistakes and I'm nowhere near were I would like to be." LeBron James after bad shooting night "Well you know if it weren't or these damn sleeved jersey I would have dominated like usual."

Dat ether

kobe said that he could play this year but simply doesnt feel like it

lebron would never do that

I think it is he probably would push through it if it was a chance to get into the playoffs but he doesn't see a point in doing so if all they are fighting is a pick. I would at least say it like that instead how he said it.

03-23-2014, 05:25 PM
It's not this until they lose in a series. They are in a massive slump, but they could still get to the ECF and losing in the ECF is hardly a sinking ship. Many fans would love just to get there.
Winning is all that matters in the end.

Indian guy
03-23-2014, 05:37 PM
They look like LA did in 2011. Tired, old and unmotivated. Given what they've been through the last 4 seasons, it's not that surprising. Their biggest issue is LeBron though, who's pretty much playing the worst regular season ball of his career since completing his rookie year. LeBron masks a lot of their issues when he plays like a superstar, and he NEEDS to, because the other stuff won't change. The aging role players will continue to stink, rebounding will continue to be league-worst, the defensive scheme will continue to look outdated against well-coached teams and Bosh and Wade will continue to be super inconsistent. LeBron has always been their one lone constant. He looks exhausted and unmotivated since that 61 point game, and somehow, someway, that needs to change.

03-23-2014, 05:38 PM
Winning is all that matters in the end.

If any other team makes the ECF besides Indiana in the East, it's a huge accomplishment. Defending champs or not, making the ECF is an accomplishment.

Mr. Jabbar
03-23-2014, 05:39 PM
lebron: "i didn't sign up for this shit, can't wait for free agency"

03-23-2014, 05:40 PM
this is why the three peat is so hard heat fans witnessing the greatness of jordan and kobe

03-23-2014, 05:41 PM
If any other team makes the ECF besides Indiana in the East, it's a huge accomplishment. Defending champs or not, making the ECF is an accomplishment.
That's your POV though. To me being last and being the second place is the same thing. That gold medal/ring/trophy/etc is what matters in the end, not being second best or getting a ribbon for participating. Get that sh*t outta here.

03-23-2014, 05:45 PM
If any other team makes the ECF besides Indiana in the East, it's a huge accomplishment. Defending champs or not, making the ECF is an accomplishment.

No, simply making the ECF is not an accomplishment for the Heat. For someone like the Raptors or Bobcats, sure. But anything short of a championship is a failure for the Heat.

03-23-2014, 05:45 PM
That's your POV though. To me being last and being the second place is the same thing. That gold medal/ring/trophy/etc is what matters in the end, not being second best or getting a ribbon for participating. Get that sh*t outta here.

Making there is still an accomplishment whether you want the title or not. I won't overreact like people here will do and call it a massive failure and make a 1000 threads about it. All I ask for is a consistent playoff team. If my team just won the SB, I don't see every year they don't win after that as a failure. I don't see Spur and Patriot fans complaining.

03-23-2014, 05:47 PM
No, simply making the ECF is not an accomplishment for the Heat. For someone like the Raptors or Bobcats, sure. But anything short of a championship is a failure for the Heat.

My point is that I only ask to be in the dance every year. I think it's unrealistic to expect a title every year as a fan. It's too early for this because Miami is very in contention for the title, but if they lose, I'm not going to overreact.

03-23-2014, 05:48 PM
Making there is still an accomplishment whether you want the title or not. I won't overreact like people here will do and call it a massive failure and make a 1000 threads about it. All I ask for is a consistent playoff team. If my team just won the SB, I don't see every year they don't win after that as a failure. I don't see Spur and Patriot fans complaining.
I respect your POV but I don't agree with that though. Like I said to me winning is everything that matters in the end.

03-23-2014, 05:50 PM
I respect your POV but I don't agree with that though. Like I said to me winning is everything that matters in the end.

Your POV makes sense for a Lakers or Yankees fan, but when you root for so many bad teams, all you ask for is for a consistent contender.

03-23-2014, 05:55 PM
Your POV makes sense for a Lakers or Yankees fan, but when you root for so many bad teams, all you ask for is for a consistent contender.

Fins fan I'm assuming?

Don't worry, Tann Marino gon' break out next season? :rockon:

03-23-2014, 05:57 PM
Fins fan I'm assuming?

Don't worry, Tann Marino gon' break out next season? :rockon:

Yes. :banana:

He put up good stats with the worst O-line in football and injured players.

03-23-2014, 06:07 PM
knicks franchise is the half below the water.

Doctor Rivers
03-23-2014, 06:10 PM
Difference between a true champion and a rat

why u mad?

03-23-2014, 06:11 PM
Your POV makes sense for a Lakers or Yankees fan, but when you root for so many bad teams, all you ask for is for a consistent contender.
It makes sense if you consider second place good enough or not.

03-23-2014, 06:12 PM

:facepalm Coming from a knicks fan.

03-23-2014, 06:17 PM
It makes sense if you consider second place good enough or not.

It's just unrealistic to me. We're not talking about a single man event like a race where only he or she controls their fate. This is a 30 team league. There's so many factors in winning a title.

03-23-2014, 06:26 PM
Your POV makes sense for a Lakers or Yankees fan, but when you root for so many bad teams, all you ask for is for a consistent contender.

The Heat are not a bad team at all (the comparison to the 2011 Lakers makes a lot of sense, and I definitely saw the loss to the Mavs as a failure) and back to back championships qualify as a dynasty. Not winning a ring would be a failure for them. You can't judge the Heat (three championships in the last 10 years with future HOF players like LeBron, Wade, Bosh, Ray Allen, and SHAQ) like you can the Dolphins (haven't won a Super Bowl in ages and when they're good they're pretenders) or MARLINS (their two World Series years were the only two seasons they were good with only a few winning seasons afterwards).

03-23-2014, 06:29 PM
So wait....your telling me a true champion...leaves the CAVS when he said he wanted to win a championship with them to go to the MIAMI HEAT and join WADES team? That's what a champion does? :roll: :roll: you a fool son...lemme tell you what you should do....unplug your PC and throw it out the window...:roll: your useless

No, a true champion cries about wanting to be traded when things are going poorly.

03-23-2014, 06:29 PM
They're playing bad, you can't blame them for blowing off some steam.

Pat needs to talk to them, because it's got to a point where there might be issues between the big players here and that's not good timing for it.

03-23-2014, 06:30 PM
They're playing bad, you can't blame them for blowing off some steam.

Pat needs to talk to them, because it's got to a point where there might be issues between the big players here and that's not good timing for it.

Winning fixes everything. They just need to stop sucking.

03-23-2014, 06:33 PM
My point is that I only ask to be in the dance every year. I think it's unrealistic to expect a title every year as a fan. It's too early for this because Miami is very in contention for the title, but if they lose, I'm not going to overreact.

Leave the overreacting to fans of other teams. But you can't deny that anything short of a title for THIS Heat team will be a disappointment. Let's be real here. This team was only put together to win multiple titles. I feel like this might be the last year this group will play together so I'd like them to end it on a high note.

03-23-2014, 06:39 PM
It's just unrealistic to me. We're not talking about a single man event like a race where only he or she controls their fate. This is a 30 team league. There's so many factors in winning a title.
Doesn't mean the main objective of the 30 teams is to win a championship.

03-23-2014, 06:47 PM
The Heat are not a bad team at all (the comparison to the 2011 Lakers makes a lot of sense, and I definitely saw the loss to the Mavs as a failure) and back to back championships qualify as a dynasty. Not winning a ring would be a failure for them. You can't judge the Heat (three championships in the last 10 years with future HOF players like LeBron, Wade, Bosh, Ray Allen, and SHAQ) like you can the Dolphins (haven't won a Super Bowl in ages and when they're good they're pretenders) or MARLINS (their two World Series years were the only two seasons they were good with only a few winning seasons afterwards).

I never said they were a bad team. I'd be an idiot if I did. I agree with you that they are in a different league of judgment compared to the Fins and Fish, but that's just how I view things. Plus I also root for the Florida Panthers (one of the worst franchises in the NHL) and Miami Hurricanes (haven't been relevant since the early 2000s). I just have a different mindset compared to other people. It allows me to not overreact and put things in perspective if they fail to win a title. It's how I got through 2011 since that was the first time and only time my team lost in the championship in my life time. Losing in the ECF to the Pacers isn't as bad as getting swept in the first round. That's a failure. If the Heat lose to any team not named the Pacers in the East, I would agree.

All Net
03-23-2014, 07:09 PM
They do suck bad right now.. Not having hca in last two rounds could cost them.

03-23-2014, 07:13 PM
Tanking :applause:

03-23-2014, 07:53 PM
sounds like the bulls in 97... turmoil in the ranks. i'm sure they'll get it together come playoffs.

03-23-2014, 07:57 PM
I'm pretty sure Lebron is itchy to join Jabari or Wiggins next year.

03-24-2014, 12:18 PM
No, simply making the ECF is not an accomplishment for the Heat. For someone like the Raptors or Bobcats, sure. But anything short of a championship is a failure for the Heat.
Not really. They've been to 3 Finals and won the last two. No team wins every year, that's impossible, That Heat will lose a series, that is inevitable. Stop acting like an entitled douche. They weren't ever going to win not 6 or 7 or 8...:facepalm

If the Heat don't win this year, they'll need an overhaul and they'll still be contenders as long as LeBron is there.

03-24-2014, 12:21 PM
miami is not the "same", but that doesnt mean they strive for early playoff exits. they are playing for a title and anything less than a title for lebron is a HUGE disappointment. he said as much at the beginning of the season.

03-24-2014, 12:30 PM
Not really. They've been to 3 Finals and won the last two. No team wins every year, that's impossible, That Heat will lose a series, that is inevitable. Stop acting like an entitled douche. They weren't ever going to win not 6 or 7 or 8...:facepalm

If the Heat don't win this year, they'll need an overhaul and they'll still be contenders as long as LeBron is there.

It wouldn't be as big of a deal to me if they won their first year, which they really should have. If they fail to win this year, that would be 2 titles out of 4 years. Lebron may not be there next season, so I'd like this group to end it on a positive note like I mentioned.

03-24-2014, 01:46 PM

Well, not until proven otherwise, that is, losing in ECF or earlier

03-24-2014, 01:57 PM
They look like LA did in 2011. Tired, old and unmotivated. Given what they've been through the last 4 seasons, it's not that surprising. Their biggest issue is LeBron though, who's pretty much playing the worst regular season ball of his career since completing his rookie year. LeBron masks a lot of their issues when he plays like a superstar, and he NEEDS to, because the other stuff won't change. The aging role players will continue to stink, rebounding will continue to be league-worst, the defensive scheme will continue to look outdated against well-coached teams and Bosh and Wade will continue to be super inconsistent. LeBron has always been their one lone constant. He looks exhausted and unmotivated since that 61 point game, and somehow, someway, that needs to change.

But ISH told me that Lebron is playing on the most stacked team in NBA history. How can such a stacked team be so dependent on one player?