View Full Version : Scoring: Overrated or Underrated on ISH?

04-01-2014, 11:40 AM

04-01-2014, 11:40 AM

04-01-2014, 11:42 AM
Defense is overrated on ISH. Let's be honest offensive threats win more games than defensive ones do.

However ISH is really good at acknowledging when scoring is overrated. AKA chucking .

04-01-2014, 11:50 AM
overrated as hell, used to help their agenda,
eg: durant is better scorer, but but bran play on both side of the floor

fact: there is a reason why harden is a franchise player with max contract, and iguodala is iguodala, same with nash etc, offense win you the game, not defense

in the playoff team with good defense has an advantage, but thats more system/teamplay rather than individual trait

04-01-2014, 11:54 AM
overrated as hell, used to help their agenda,
eg: durant is better scorer, but but bran play on both side of the floor

fact: there is a reason why harden is a franchise player with max contract, and iguodala is iguodala, same with nash etc, offense win you the game, not defense

in the playoff team with good defense has an advantage, but thats more system/teamplay rather than individual trait

the example you made with durant/lebron would make scoring underrated you know that..

I think underrated, simply because of all the dumbass "scoring aint the only part of bball" and the ridiculous love russell gets... scoring is no doubt the most important part of basketball.

04-01-2014, 11:57 AM
the example you made with durant/lebron would make scoring underrated you know that..

I think underrated, simply because of all the dumbass "scoring aint the only part of bball" and the ridiculous love russell gets... scoring is no doubt the most important part of basketball.

yeah sorry, i mean defense is overrated as hell and need to bring up only when the offense part is close

and yes, no defense only player should ever win MVP /FMVP, good defense is more product of team system

04-01-2014, 12:25 PM

04-01-2014, 01:22 PM
How is scoring overrated? Scoring is the most important aspect of basketball. At the end of the day, the team with the higher score wins.

04-01-2014, 01:24 PM
How is scoring overrated? Scoring is the most important aspect of basketball. At the end of the day, the team with the higher score wins.
I was referring to individual scoring.

04-01-2014, 01:26 PM

04-01-2014, 01:27 PM
Extremely overrated. It's often the only thing they focus on.

04-01-2014, 01:29 PM
LeBron stans: Overrated
Everyone else: Underrated

This is hilarious

The team that has a higher ts% will win 99.9% of games if offensive rebounding and turnovers are equal or balance out. So of course it's BY FAR the most important part of basketball.

04-01-2014, 01:30 PM
LeBron stans: Overrated
Everyone else: Underrated

This is hilarious

This, their hero lacks scoring ability that's why.

04-01-2014, 01:32 PM
Lets see...
KD stans overrate scoring and efficiency while underrating defense
LBJ stans overrate efficiency, passing and defense while underrating off the ball play
Kobe stans overrate scoring and underrate efficiency

04-01-2014, 01:34 PM
The best approach to outscoring your opponent is playing as a team.

Individual, iso scorers who do not have SUPERIOR efficiency (ie durant, bran, dirk) etc are OVER RATED. They dont accomplish anything the team couldnt do without them by moving the ball.

Melo, Kobe, Westbrook, Iverson, TMac, Marbury, Arenas, etc are nothing more than media hype.

04-01-2014, 01:37 PM
LeBron stans: Overrated
Everyone else: Underrated
This is hilarious

The team that has a higher ts% will win 99.9% of games if offensive rebounding and turnovers are equal or balance out. So of course it's BY FAR the most important part of basketball.
Not a Lebron fan in the slightest:confusedshrug:

04-01-2014, 01:39 PM
The best approach to outscoring your opponent is playing as a team.

Individual, iso scorers who do not have SUPERIOR efficiency (ie durant, bran, dirk) etc are OVER RATED. They dont accomplish anything the team couldnt do without them by moving the ball.

Melo, Kobe, Westbrook, Iverson, TMac, Marbury, Arenas, etc are nothing more than media hype.

LOL @ Durant not having superior efficiency. He's #3 in the NBA in ISO scoring efficiency

04-01-2014, 02:04 PM
LeBron stans: Overrated
Everyone else: Underrated

This is hilarious

The team that has a higher ts% will win 99.9% of games if offensive rebounding and turnovers are equal or balance out. So of course it's BY FAR the most important part of basketball.

No LeBron Stan had/has yet to appear, AND there were fans like me who said underrated...

Its overrated when you get to Kobe's scoring, which people mistake for effective production/great stats, instead its VOLUME.

04-01-2014, 02:06 PM
LOL @ Durant not having superior efficiency. He's #3 in the NBA in ISO scoring efficiency

Maybe I didn't state that sentence clearly, I was referring to Durant, Bran, Dirk as guys who are VERY efficient in their scoring.

04-01-2014, 02:23 PM
With the value that posters attach to individual scoring it is humanly impossible for anyone to make a legitimate claim to it being underrated.

04-01-2014, 02:29 PM
scoring is overrated AF and lets not pretend that only bron stans are saying this because he "can't score". he's been top 5 in scoring almost every season and won a scoring title early in his career so obviously he's capable of it.

offense gets you through the regular season but we all know for a fact (as cliche as it is) defense wins championships.

04-01-2014, 04:00 PM
the point of the game is to outscore the other team

04-01-2014, 04:03 PM
for those saying that scoring is overrated, please tell what is more important...

defense? so why is defense more important.. because you're trying to stop the person from doing the one thing that can beat your team which is..score?

playmaking? why is playmaking more important? because you're making a play that give your teammate a great opportunity to score

all these things other people will claim is more important all have one common factor.. their importance is based on the fundamental most important aspect of winning a basketball game..score more than your opponent

04-01-2014, 04:58 PM
for those saying that scoring is overrated, please tell what is more important...

defense? so why is defense more important.. because you're trying to stop the person from doing the one thing that can beat your team which is..score?

playmaking? why is playmaking more important? because you're making a play that give your teammate a great opportunity to score

all these things other people will claim is more important all have one common factor.. their importance is based on the fundamental most important aspect of winning a basketball game..score more than your opponent

Nobody is arguing that having your TEAM outscore the other TEAM is overrated. They are saying that having one PLAYER score more points than another PLAYER is overrated. There have been several instances where the most important player to a team's offense isn't even the leading scorer.

04-01-2014, 05:42 PM
Depends on context. Who are you scoring against, how are you scoring, how badly does your team need you to score and did you win.

Better if you score against a good team, with minimal isolation and free throws, while your teammates desperately need you to score to win

04-01-2014, 07:29 PM
Nobody is arguing that having your TEAM outscore the other TEAM is overrated. They are saying that having one PLAYER score more points than another PLAYER is overrated. There have been several instances where the most important player to a team's offense isn't even the leading scorer.


04-01-2014, 07:30 PM
Efficiency is overrated by the majority on here. Volume scoring is what gets underrated by a lot of people.

04-01-2014, 07:48 PM

nash, stockton(this one is debatable) for example

04-01-2014, 07:51 PM
Efficiency is overrated by the majority on here. Volume scoring is what gets underrated by a lot of people.
Depends. Most volume scorers are efficient except for a few. Otherwise they wouldnt be taking shots in such high volumes.

The only exceptions of relevant non efficient volume scorers are Kobe and Iverson that I can think of. Iverson is ringless so there's that.

04-01-2014, 07:56 PM
nash, stockton(this one is debatable) for example

I wouldn't say Stockton.

Nash is a good example but he was playing in a system where the most important offensive player isn't the leading scorer by design..which is rare

04-01-2014, 07:58 PM
Depends. Most volume scorers are efficient except for a few. Otherwise they wouldnt be taking shots in such high volumes.

The only exceptions of relevant non efficient volume scorers are Kobe and Iverson that I can think of. Iverson is ringless so there's that.

He wouldn't be if he didn't run up against the probably the best playoff team ever.

Iverson was one of those elite players where his volume shooting produced wins

04-01-2014, 08:01 PM
He wouldn't be if he didn't run up against the probably the best playoff team ever.

Iverson was one of those elite players where his volume shooting produced wins
Well he played in the east...

But yes outside of Kobe and Iverson who else was volume chucking on low efficiency and winning?

Contrast that with players who scored on high efficiency and scoring and winning.

The best scorers in NBA history are by nature efficient to a degree.

04-01-2014, 08:18 PM
Well he played in the east...

But yes outside of Kobe and Iverson who else was volume chucking on low efficiency and winning?

Contrast that with players who scored on high efficiency and scoring and winning.

The best scorers in NBA history are by nature efficient to a degree.

well yeah, efficiency or what is considered efficient gets overrated,

player A can shoot 12 of 24 and shoot 50% while player B can shoot 11 of 24 and be at less than 46%..

context needs to be considered as well.. Bron scored 21 points on 60% in the elimination game of the 2011 finals, should we praise his efficiency? Dirk shot 41.6% in the finals and Lebron shot 48% but nobody is going to tell you Lebron had a better series scoring wise.

04-01-2014, 08:20 PM
the question is whether scoring is overrated or not on ISH, not if it's the most important thing because it obviously is important. But some people ITT act like it's everything when it's not. That's why it's overrated on here.

04-01-2014, 08:21 PM
well yeah, efficiency or what is considered efficient gets overrated,

player A can shoot 12 of 24 and shoot 50% while player B can shoot 11 of 24 and be at less than 46%..

context needs to be considered as well.. Bron scored 21 points on 60% in the elimination game of the 2011 finals, should we praise his efficiency? Dirk shot 41.6% in the finals and Lebron shot 48% but nobody is going to tell you Lebron had a better series scoring wise.
That is a game. A whole season averages it out.

Well Dirk was definitely over rated that series, and that stat shows it. But Lebron was only at around 17 points per game instead of his usual 27.

04-01-2014, 08:22 PM
the question is whether scoring is overrated or not on ISH, not if it's the most important thing because it obviously is important. But some people ITT act like it's everything when it's not. That's why it's overrated on here.

what's more important in the game of basketball than scoring, you're acting like it's a side note that barely matters.

04-01-2014, 10:06 PM
what's more important in the game of basketball than scoring, you're acting like it's a side note that barely matters.

how did you read what i wrote then come up with "side note"? :wtf:

obviously scoring is the most important thing but it's not everything. the best players are the ones that can do everything. A la Jordan.