View Full Version : Why do gay people want to get married?

04-04-2014, 03:39 PM
Its something I dont understand. If they are gay then they are clearly against religion, so why are they forceful in their pursuit of marriage? If it is just the rights of married people they want, civil partnerships have given them those rights a long time ago. So why is it they want to get married in a religious ceremony, even though in a lot of cases they hate religion?

Im not a christian but I dont understand how they want to force a church and its priests to perform a ceremony that they believe is wrong. Religious people dont owe gay people anything, just as gay people dont owe others. If you want people to accept homosexuality, then why are you not willing to accept someones religion which clearly states that they cannot perform a ceremony for two men or two women? I dont understand what homosexuals want from this. Its like they have already won, since everyone is on their side, and now they want to show it off in their adversaries faces.

Have I understood this wrong, or is there indeed no reason for them to be getting religious wedding ceremonies?

Nick Young
04-04-2014, 03:42 PM
They are like women. They enjoy the attention this issue is getting them.

04-04-2014, 03:43 PM
Why does anyone who's not Religious want to get married?

Le Shaqtus
04-04-2014, 03:44 PM
Because they want to spend the rest of their lives together.

Just like any other regular couple.

04-04-2014, 03:46 PM
Because they want to spend the rest of their lives together.

Just like any other regular couple.

What does that have to do with anything?? First of all no one is saying they cant spend their lives together. And if they want to get "married", why do they need to go further than a civil partnership?

Le Shaqtus
04-04-2014, 03:48 PM
What does that have to do with anything?? First of all no one is saying they cant spend their lives together. And if they want to get "married", why do they need to go further than a civil partnership?

Why shouldn't they pursue something more than a civil partnership if they want it? It should be their choice to make, not anyone else's.

04-04-2014, 03:51 PM
because they want half of the other person's sh1t.

04-04-2014, 03:54 PM
Why does anyone who's not Religious want to get married?

Financial reasons, altho i have no answer on gay people wanting religous ceremonies.

Also marriage is more than a religious thing in this day and age.

04-04-2014, 03:54 PM
why do people who claim to be straight care so much about gay people's business?

04-04-2014, 03:54 PM
Why shouldn't they pursue something more than a civil partnership if they want it? It should be their choice to make, not anyone else's.

Lol wtf... First of all there is nothing "more" than a civil partnership. Civil Partnership and marriage bring the same rights, the only difference is a RELIGIOUS ceremony. How can be against religion but you want a religious ceremony? :biggums:

Being gay and religion dont mix. There is a big, clear line between the two. Some wish it was different but hey thats the way of the world. You can only be on one side, you cant pick and choose. It doesnt make sense.

04-04-2014, 04:00 PM
Financial reasons, altho i have no answer on gay people wanting religous ceremonies.

Also marriage is more than a religious thing in this day and age.

Maybe 50 years ago, but I can't see how there are any extra perks financially now. Considering in the U.K 42% of marriages end in divorce which is costly why bother anymore?

04-04-2014, 04:03 PM
Lol wtf... First of all there is nothing "more" than a civil partnership. Civil Partnership and marriage bring the same rights, the only difference is a RELIGIOUS ceremony. How can be against religion but you want a religious ceremony? :biggums:

Being gay and religion dont mix. There is a big, clear line between the two. Some wish it was different but hey thats the way of the world. You can only be on one side, you cant pick and choose. It doesnt make sense.

Why do you care? First of all religion and homosexuality are not mutually exclusive, secondly plenty of non-religious people have traditional marriage ceremonies.

04-04-2014, 04:04 PM
why do people who claim to be straight care so much about gay people's business?

Dunno why you say this, it is a prominent subject in our modern society. You sound like someone who has no intelligent rebuttal so you just reach for the first generic move in the book.

04-04-2014, 04:04 PM
Is OP stupid, trolling, or both?

04-04-2014, 04:07 PM
Because it makes them happy?

04-04-2014, 04:07 PM
Is OP stupid, trolling, or both?

Why don't you respond to my question? I just want to know their reasoning yet no one has given me an answer so far.

04-04-2014, 04:11 PM
Because it makes them happy?

Dumb reason. If it made a guy and his mom happy to get married, could they get married too? I mean they arent hurting anyone else and its not our business, right? Oh wait society has told you that is wrong and if you disagree you are a sicko. Yet being gay was just the same thing before, so whats to stop us seeing a dude marry his mum in a church in 50 years time? Or a dad marry his adult children in a group ceremony? Being happy is not a good enough reason otherwise your creating a scenario where everything goes.

04-04-2014, 04:12 PM
OP is an idiot if he thinks people cant be gay and religious.

Also, the marriage certificate is not a religious ceremony, but a civil one. A civil union does not carry the same legal weight as a marriage (in terms of taxes, hospital visitation, power of attorney, etc.). SMFH, why dont you just google the civil benefits of marriage and save jeff some bandswitch?

I am not religious, yet I got married. My ceremony was not religious in the slightest.

04-04-2014, 04:13 PM
Dumb reason. If it made a guy and his mom happy to get married, could they get married too? I mean they arent hurting anyone else and its not our business, right? Oh wait society has told you that is wrong and if you disagree you are a sicko. Yet being gay was just the same thing before, so whats to stop us seeing a dude marry his mum in a church in 50 years time? Or a dad marry his adult children in a group ceremony? Being happy is not a good enough reason otherwise your creating a scenario where everything goes.
funny, a guy can marry his mom and i will not gaf, they are sick but at the same time i find gay people weird so :confusedshrug:

04-04-2014, 04:16 PM
funny, a guy can marry his mom and i will not gaf, they are sick but at the same time i find gay people weird so :confusedshrug:

Why do you find gay people weird? Are you freaked out by the flamboyant type? You probably know a lot of gay people, but they don't advertise it.

04-04-2014, 04:19 PM
Why does anyone want to get married???

**** those outdated ideals that sucks green out yo pockets.

04-04-2014, 04:20 PM
Why do you find gay people weird? Are you freaked out by the flamboyant type? You probably know a lot of gay people, but they don't advertise it.
I have gay friends, and i have told them, the thought of being attracted to a man is just weird to me.

They aren't flamboyant tho, can't stand those f*gs

04-04-2014, 04:21 PM
OP is an idiot if he thinks people cant be gay and religious.

Also, the marriage certificate is not a religious ceremony, but a civil one. A civil union does not carry the same legal weight as a marriage (in terms of taxes, hospital visitation, power of attorney, etc.). SMFH, why dont you just google the civil benefits of marriage and save jeff some bandswitch?

I am not religious, yet I got married. My ceremony was not religious in the slightest.

This also civil unions aren't recognized by all states so you can get a civil union in one state but it will not be recognized in another state.

I think same sex marriages should be allowed or in the very least allow civil unions the same rights as marriages.

Le Shaqtus
04-04-2014, 04:22 PM
Is OP stupid, trolling, or both?


I don't know why I was dumb enough to even respond to the thread.

04-04-2014, 04:30 PM
Gay "marriage" is not marriage. Slightly annoying when people say it is.

04-04-2014, 04:37 PM
Gay "marriage" is not marriage. Slightly annoying when people say it is.

Yes it is. You or other religious entities are not the sole authority on the definition of marriage.

Le Shaqtus
04-04-2014, 04:49 PM
Yes it is. You or other religious entities are not the sole authority on the definition of marriage.

Problem is thats exactly what they think.

04-04-2014, 04:56 PM
Maybe 50 years ago, but I can't see how there are any extra perks financially now. Considering in the U.K 42% of marriages end in divorce which is costly why bother anymore?

People that get married because they love each other doesn't reason like that, they get married because they love each other immensely and if they didn't think that the other one isnt the one they want to spend the rest of their life with they wouldnt have even got married. That may be naive but love has that effect.

Or they just do it because someone had to get pregnant.

04-04-2014, 05:01 PM
Why don't you respond to my question? I just want to know their reasoning yet no one has given me an answer so far.

You are making the mistake of thinking every religion is against homosexuality, even the Bible is open for interpretation, so gay people want to get married because they love each other and/or for financial reasons.

I do not see the correlation between religion and marriage.

04-04-2014, 05:02 PM
Gay "marriage" is not marriage. Slightly annoying when people say it is.
Gay marriage = real.

God = not real. Slightly annoying when you pretend he is.

04-04-2014, 05:03 PM
**** those outdated ideals that sucks green out yo pockets.

Not true if the marriage lasts or your better half is the rich one.

04-04-2014, 05:10 PM
Yes it is. You or other religious entities are not the sole authority on the definition of marriage.

Gay marriage = real.

God = not real. Slightly annoying when you pretend he is.
I don't care about religion. I'm just going by the dictionary definition. I see they've brushed it up a bit on some websites to appease the gays tho.

04-04-2014, 05:10 PM
OP is an idiot if he thinks people cant be gay and religious.

Also, the marriage certificate is not a religious ceremony, but a civil one. A civil union does not carry the same legal weight as a marriage (in terms of taxes, hospital visitation, power of attorney, etc.). SMFH, why dont you just google the civil benefits of marriage and save jeff some bandswitch?

I am not religious, yet I got married. My ceremony was not religious in the slightest.
it should

silly that we base anything legal around ceremonies and ring exchanges...

04-04-2014, 05:11 PM
I don't care about religion. I'm just going by the dictionary definition. I see they've brushed it up a bit on some websites to appease the gays tho.

The dictionary definition does not support you either.

04-04-2014, 05:14 PM
The dictionary definition does not support you either.
Like I said, it has been altered in recent years due to the gays clamoring for "equality".


I mean Idc really, just a slight annoyance.

04-04-2014, 05:15 PM
Like I said, it has been altered in recent years due to the gays clamoring for "equality".


I mean Idc really, just a slight annoyance.

Sounds like you do care, and it also sounds like you're a pretty smart guy.

04-04-2014, 05:37 PM
Sounds like you do care, and it also sounds like you're a pretty smart guy.
Nah, I actually don't. Lol.

My argument would just be the same tired shit about the degree to which we can change the definitions of words. Technically, it's pretty much valid, but it's honestly a much more complex argument that I don't really care to have.

04-04-2014, 05:37 PM
Gay "marriage" is not marriage. Slightly annoying when people say it is.
why am I not surprised this ignoramus has this view point. Dumbest fool in houston, a town full of fools.

Marriage is not some sort of cultural universal. There are as many acceptable marriage structures (polygyny, fraternal polyandry, bilateral cross-cousin marriages, etc.) as there are cultures. Even within your beloved holy book, many of the marriages are not between one man or one woman.

Besides, freedom of religion includes freedom from religion. You are entitled to your backwards-ass opinion, but you are not entitled to force it as law. and the courts are recognizing this.

04-04-2014, 05:47 PM
Lol I love how OP spews nonsense and claims it as fact. Civil union doesn't give you the same rights as marriage. Try getting a green card for example, see how that works.and booze hound touched on the financial points.

So in summary, you're a moron. I'm against moron marriages because it can lead to morons breeding.

04-04-2014, 06:23 PM
Who the f*ck says a gay person can't be religious? Like the same people that have sex before marriage, and are still religious. I can't speak from experience since I don't really think I know many gay people, but it's stupid to suggest that being gay=not religious automatically.

04-04-2014, 06:36 PM
I Miss the days when it was fun to make fun of gays. Now even straight people get defensive about it.:(

04-04-2014, 07:09 PM
Some people in this thread epitomize exactly what I hate about the gay propaganda. Its become to ingrained in people through society that to even question a gay person is offensive and stupid. I have not insulted anyone, all I asked was a question. I personally do not understand why they want a religious ceremony but if someone here does I would appreciate an answer (and some posters have tried to explain their view which I appreciate).

Others however follow the stereotypical "your a idiot", "your ignorant", template of response to anyone who questions gay people. You are the idiots. A popular gay phrase is their want for people to "tolerate differences". So why should I tolerate, yet you don't want to tolerate my views? Views which I have actually not even stated in this thread since all I was doing was asking a question, you have just made assumptions.

For those saying marriage isnt religious, what do they say at weddings? Do they sing nursery rhymes, or does a priest refer to the joining in the eyes of God? There is a very strong religious element in marriage, whether you want to admit it or not. In the past, it was those who stood out against homophobia who were attacked and whose opinion was ridiculed. It has flipped around now and the sheep are the ones who come out in force any time someone mentions an ideal they dont follow. Pathetic.

04-04-2014, 07:16 PM
For those saying marriage isnt religious, what do they say at weddings? Do they sing nursery rhymes, or does a priest refer to the joining in the eyes of God? There is a very strong religious element in marriage, whether you want to admit it or not. In the past, it was those who stood out against homophobia who were attacked and whose opinion was ridiculed. It has flipped around now and the sheep are the ones who come out in force any time someone mentions an ideal they dont follow. Pathetic.

Once again that is a marriage in a church where two Christians get married, you can get married in other places than the church and im pretty sure a buddhist priest(?) won't say the same thing as a christian priest and sure as hell won't hear the same thing when marrying in court.

97 bulls
04-04-2014, 07:19 PM
why am I not surprised this ignoramus has this view point. Dumbest fool in houston, a town full of fools.

Marriage is not some sort of cultural universal. There are as many acceptable marriage structures (polygyny, fraternal polyandry, bilateral cross-cousin marriages, etc.) as there are cultures. Even within your beloved holy book, many of the marriages are not between one man or one woman.

Besides, freedom of religion includes freedom from religion. You are entitled to your backwards-ass opinion, but you are not entitled to force it as law. and the courts are recognizing this.
Show us any scripture in the Bible that recognizes marriage as being anything more than a covenant between a man and a woman to God.

04-04-2014, 07:20 PM
Once again that is a marriage in a church where two Christians get married, you can get married in other places than the church.

You are correct, but Im talking specifically about in a church. Whenever gay marriage is permitted somewhere the first couple are always in a church for some reason.

04-04-2014, 07:24 PM
You are correct, but Im talking specifically about in a church. Whenever gay marriage is permitted somewhere the first couple are always in a church for some reason.

Marriage isn't specific to Christians so I still don't understand this point.

For those saying marriage isnt religious, what do they say at weddings?

Marriage is something that has existed long before Jesus.

97 bulls
04-04-2014, 07:26 PM
Therefore*God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be*dishonored among them.*25*For they exchanged the truth of God for*[p]a*lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator,*who is blessed*[q]forever. Amen.

26*For this reason*God gave them over to*degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is*[r]unnatural,27*and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another,*men with men committing*[s]indecent acts and receiving in*[t]their own persons the due penalty of their error.

28*And just as they did not see fit*[u]to acknowledge God any longer,God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,*29*being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice;*they are*gossips,30*slanderers,*[v]haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil,*disobedient to parents,*31*without understanding, untrustworthy,unloving, unmerciful;*32*and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of*death, they not only do the same, but also*give hearty approval to those who practice them.

You are making the mistake of thinking every religion is against homosexuality, even the Bible is open for interpretation, so gay people want to get married because they love each other and/or for financial reasons.

I do not see the correlation between religion and marriage.

04-04-2014, 07:31 PM
Marriage isn't specific to Christians so I still don't understand this point.

Marriage is something that has existed long before Jesus.

What are you trying to say? That marriage isnt religious? I have been to weddings of 4 different religions, all different, all religious in their way. Im not talking about gay people getting married in offices. I am talking about in religious ceremonies.

I was focusing on churches in particular because it is the most common.

97 bulls
04-04-2014, 07:34 PM
Marriage is a religious institution. People today make a mockery of it. Saying that, I see no reason why a person of sound mind shouldn't be able to join in a partnership with another legally. Gays and Lesbians should be afforded the same rights as married people. That's what they should've been fighting for. Mocking God by calling it Marriage is just plain wrong

longtime lurker
04-04-2014, 07:45 PM
Non-religious heterosexual people get married. WTF is the OP on?

04-04-2014, 07:48 PM
Non-religious heterosexual people get married. WTF is the OP on?

Shoulda stayed lurking son. People who are non religious heterosexuals are already being hypocritical, but when you have a non religious homosexual then that is displaying a flagrant disregard for the ideals of the couple, the person performing the service and the sanctity of the situation in religious terms.

04-04-2014, 07:50 PM
What are you trying to say? That marriage isnt religious? I have been to weddings of 4 different religions, all different, all religious in their way. Im not talking about gay people getting married in offices. I am talking about in religious ceremonies.

I was focusing on churches in particular because it is the most common.

People can be religious and gay how is that hard to understand?

Read the shit in white only if you want to hear me talking out of my ass and only guessing-

Finding quotes in the new testaments that frowns on gay people is like finding quotes about drinking, should I as a alcoholic take distance from the church? at the end of the day the only thing that matters in the bible is the ten commandments and that everyone is a sinner meaning you can repent. Something about that the 10 commandements are the words of God and the rest of the book are shit that his apostle wrote down.

Repent and thou shall be blessed by the holy arm of Brizzly.

Ps: I may be talking out my arse, I do occasianlly go to church but I listen to nothing because I most often fall asleep.

With that said, I believe hinduism/buddishm doesn't mention anything about homosexuality and many others probably doesn't care.

Patrick Chewing
04-04-2014, 07:50 PM
What happened to the M0zilla CEO is an abomination. Tyranny at its finest.

04-04-2014, 08:00 PM
People can be religious and gay how is that hard to understand?

Read the shit in white only if you want to hear me talking out of my ass and only guessing-

Finding quotes in the new testaments that frowns on gay people is like finding quotes about drinking, should I as a alcoholic take distance from the church? at the end of the day the only thing that matters in the bible is the ten commandments and that everyone is a sinner meaning you can repent.

Repent and thou shall be blessed by the holy arm of Brizzly.

Ps: I may be talking out my arse, I do occasianlly go to church but I listen to nothing because I most often fall asleep.

With that said, I believe hinduism/buddishm doesn't mention anything about homosexuality and many others probably doesn't care.

Bro Im not even christian, and I found a lot of faults in Christianity after I researched it deeply. Im just using church as a primary example cause its not like gays are getting married in Mosques or Synagogues now is it.

What I do know though is that in the majority of the major religions (maybe even all), homosexuality of strictly forbidden. That is not a disputable point, as religion for the most part can not be changed. Usually the rules are set in stone, only to be interpreted not edited. So if you make a conscious decision to be gay, you can be religious if you want as no one is stopping you, but you cannot expect others to see you that way. If you are not religious, as arent most gay people, then why would you want to get married in a church anyway? And why should you feel surprised if those running the church do not want to perform a service for you to get married in their church? Its like me asking a PETA headquarters to host a hunters convention. It is flagrantly against their beliefs and they cannot be blamed for denying me. Thats not to say I cant hold my convention elsewhere, just like gay people can get married in a registry office or get a civil partnership.

Has anything I have so far been untrue? It seems as it this is such a big deal because they want to have their cake and eat it too.

04-04-2014, 08:06 PM
OP jealous since nobody has ever loved him.

04-04-2014, 08:06 PM
Marriage is a religious institution.

If you want to get married by a priest or minister it is, but marriage is also ----done by the "power vested in me by the state of Minnesota...."--- a legal institution.

There's a lot of legal benefits to that.

If you die without a will, your spouse will inherit automatically in most cases.

If you are sick in the hospital, often only family members are allowed to visit.

The US is a not a theocracy. You can go to City Hall and get married. And you could do that for a long, long time before the gay rights movement started.

04-04-2014, 08:09 PM
My brother's wedding was a non-religious setting and I've been to another wedding that was a non-religious setting as well.

Weddings/marriage are not really religious ideals anymore. You should be taking issue with the government, not gays.

I've never heard of any gays fighting to get married by churches...just to be recognized by the government.

04-04-2014, 08:12 PM
Why does anyone get married? Tradition or legal reasons. You cross one off it is probably the other.

04-04-2014, 08:14 PM
[QUOTE]Bro Im not even christian, and I found a lot of faults in Christianity after I researched it deeply. Im just using church as a primary example cause its not like gays are getting married in Mosques or Synagogues now is it.

Dont know about mosques but I do know that there are synagogues having no problem with wedding gay people.

What I do know though is that in the majority of the major religions (maybe even all), homosexuality of strictly forbidden.

Most yes, but not all.

That is not a disputable point, as religion for the most part can not be changed. Usually the rules are set in stone, only to be interpreted not edited.

Most of the bible is open for interpretation, the rules that are set in stone is the ten commandments.

If you are not religious, as arent most gay people, then why would you want to get married in a church anyway?
Tradition, I know a lot of people that are born into Christianity and since taken distance from it but still got married in Church.

And why should you feel surprised if those running the church do not want to perform a service for you to get married in their church?

Every church is the house of God, and a church should be accepting to everyone. The people that "runs" the church is doing one helluva bad job if they are declining entrance to people.

Has anything I have so far been untrue? It seems as it this is such a big deal because they want to have their cake and eat it too.

04-04-2014, 08:17 PM
please take my posts in this thread with a grain of salt because I may not know what the **** im talking about.

04-04-2014, 08:19 PM

Every church is the house of God, and a church should be accepting to everyone. The people that "runs" the church is doing one helluva bad job if they are declining entrance to people.

No, they do not accept everyone. I cant bring a dog as ask them to wed us, they have their own rules to abide by which are based on their religion and people shouldnt expect them to change that. Everyone has an identity, if a gay person wants their identity respected, shouldnt they respect a persons religious identity too?

04-04-2014, 08:20 PM
please take my posts in this thread with a grain of salt because I may not know what the **** im talking about.

Haha nah man debates are good, everyone learns something from eachother at the end of the day. Are you gay btw? I remember you coming out recently, or was that someone else?

04-04-2014, 08:27 PM
Haha nah man debates are good, everyone learns something from eachother at the end of the day. Are you gay btw? I remember you coming out recently, or was that someone else?

Yes it was me who came out, and no I am not gay, lol.

04-04-2014, 08:36 PM
What happened to the M0zilla CEO is an abomination. Tyranny at its finest.

The Dude voluntarily resigned. They didn't fire him for political contributions. And they didn't fire him two years ago when his political contributions were made public. He remained as CTO.

How CEO is a different gig.

There's no right to be a CEO in the Constitution.

In more than half of US states you can be fired simply because you are gay.

Tyranny has had finer moments.

04-04-2014, 08:39 PM
Its something I dont understand. If they are gay then they are clearly against religion, so why are they forceful in their pursuit of marriage? If it is just the rights of married people they want, civil partnerships have given them those rights a long time ago. So why is it they want to get married in a religious ceremony, even though in a lot of cases they hate religion?

Im not a christian but I dont understand how they want to force a church and its priests to perform a ceremony that they believe is wrong. Religious people dont owe gay people anything, just as gay people dont owe others. If you want people to accept homosexuality, then why are you not willing to accept someones religion which clearly states that they cannot perform a ceremony for two men or two women? I dont understand what homosexuals want from this. Its like they have already won, since everyone is on their side, and now they want to show it off in their adversaries faces.

Have I understood this wrong, or is there indeed no reason for them to be getting religious wedding ceremonies?

Didn't read the thread, but OP lol wut? ^^^ :biggums: The fact that this is untrue defeats your whole message.

04-04-2014, 08:40 PM
The Dude voluntarily resigned. They didn't fire him for political contributions. And they didn't fire him two years ago when his political contributions were made public. He remained as CTO.

How CEO is a different gig.

There's no right to be a CEO in the Constitution.

In more than half of US states you can be fired simply because you are gay.

Tyranny has had finer moments.

I know there was a shitstorm on Twitter, if you are anti something as a person that is reliant on customers using your services then stepping down might be the right choice if being a CEO over a company that has a lot of gay friendly users.

Patrick Chewing
04-04-2014, 08:58 PM
The Dude voluntarily resigned. They didn't fire him for political contributions. And they didn't fire him two years ago when his political contributions were made public. He remained as CTO.

How CEO is a different gig.

There's no right to be a CEO in the Constitution.

In more than half of US states you can be fired simply because you are gay.

Tyranny has had finer moments.

I'm just upset at him as I am with everyone that voiced their opinion against him. I'm upset that he stepped down in the first place. Fight for what you believe in. Then I hear of some stupid dating site that blocked itself from being accessible through Firefox until he stepped down. What is that shit?? That's bully tactics against a company and a man who has not done anything wrong. Idiots calling him a bigot and not tolerant. Really?? Yet, you're not tolerant of his opinion on marriage? Hypocrites!

97 bulls
04-04-2014, 09:32 PM
If you want to get married by a priest or minister it is, but marriage is also ----done by the "power vested in me by the state of Minnesota...."--- a legal institution.

There's a lot of legal benefits to that.

If you die without a will, your spouse will inherit automatically in most cases.

If you are sick in the hospital, often only family members are allowed to visit.

The US is a not a theocracy. You can go to City Hall and get married. And you could do that for a long, long time before the gay rights movement started.
Right. My point is that if one is not being married by a man of God then its not a marriage. In another post, I said there should be provisions made for consenting adults to be able to care for each other and their finances. As well as being able to dictate what happens when the mate falls ill.

But don't make a mockery of marriage by calling it that.

04-04-2014, 11:29 PM
Marriage in this society is a legal institution.. Don't believe me??

Think about it.. When you get a divorce you don't go see a priest.. You go see a lawyer

People say marriage is about you-your spouse-& God..

Marriage is really about you-your spouse and the STATE..

Marriage is a societal institution..

I dont think gays should be kept outside of legal marriage.. If churches want to discriminate? that is their right, but the state has a duty to treat all citizens equally regardless of their race creed ethnic background, gender or sexual orientation

That means there is a place for gay marriage in the USA

04-05-2014, 12:05 AM
Its something I dont understand. If they are gay then they are clearly against religion, so why are they forceful in their pursuit of marriage? If it is just the rights of married people they want, civil partnerships have given them those rights a long time ago. So why is it they want to get married in a religious ceremony, even though in a lot of cases they hate religion?

Im not a christian but I dont understand how they want to force a church and its priests to perform a ceremony that they believe is wrong. Religious people dont owe gay people anything, just as gay people dont owe others. If you want people to accept homosexuality, then why are you not willing to accept someones religion which clearly states that they cannot perform a ceremony for two men or two women? I dont understand what homosexuals want from this. Its like they have already won, since everyone is on their side, and now they want to show it off in their adversaries faces.

Have I understood this wrong, or is there indeed no reason for them to be getting religious wedding ceremonies?


1. Marriage is a religious ceremony.

2. Gays want to get married because they are trying to "get back" at the people who are against them.

3. I am not sure if civil rights partnership grants them the right for inheritance, hospital visitation, and a slew of others, but you have to look at the overall picture, to them, it's more of a civil rights issue than anything.

longtime lurker
04-05-2014, 12:24 AM
Shoulda stayed lurking son. People who are non religious heterosexuals are already being hypocritical, but when you have a non religious homosexual then that is displaying a flagrant disregard for the ideals of the couple, the person performing the service and the sanctity of the situation in religious terms.

Hey dipsh!t the concept of marriage is older than religion. Go do some research on the origins of marriage and realize that you're full of sh!t. How do homosexuals disregard the ideals of a couple?

Patrick Chewing
04-05-2014, 01:45 AM
This is all about tradition. Marriage is a union between man and women that has been around for thousands of years. Why should it be changed when its been around for so long? Should we cancel/change Christmas, Ramadan, Hanukkah, Chinese New Year etc just because it doesn't include everybody?

I have no problem with gay people wanting something formal and distinct to show the world that they love their partner. But why does it have to mean changing MY tradition? If heterosexual people want to support gay unions, then they should start a new tradition which includes gay people and NOT call it marriage. I'de support them doing that, and i'm sure many others will.

People these days act all smug and pretentious just because they believe in equal rights for homos. But the truth is, there have been periods throughout human history where homosexuality was accepted way more then it is now. And guess what, NO ONE WAS PREACHING then to change our tradition of marriage.


04-05-2014, 01:46 AM
it sucks that they can still claim single on tax returrns.

04-05-2014, 01:49 AM
Does anybody feel like the State should get out of the business of defining marriage??? Let churches decide who they want to marry and let everything else be civil unions. Obvious problems will pop up but overall think it is still better than the current situation.

04-05-2014, 01:56 AM
Right. My point is that if one is not being married by a man of God then its not a marriage.

This is simply wrong and furthermore it's insulting. Put aside gay marriage for a second.

You're saying the millions of people who got married by justice of the peace or a ship's captain or an Elvis impersonator are not married? Their relationship is not a marriage?

Think about that.

How different is that from another Christian telling you that your read the wrong Bible and are not a real Christian?

04-05-2014, 02:13 AM
This is all about tradition. Marriage is a union between man and women that has been around for thousands of years. Why should it be changed when its been around for so long? Should we cancel/change Christmas, Ramadan, Hanukkah, Chinese New Year etc just because it doesn't include everybody?

I have no problem with gay people wanting something formal and distinct to show the world that they love their partner. But why does it have to mean changing MY tradition? If heterosexual people want to support gay unions, then they should start a new tradition which includes gay people and NOT call it marriage. I'de support them doing that, and i'm sure many others will.

People these days act all smug and pretentious just because they believe in equal rights for homos. But the truth is, there have been periods throughout human history where homosexuality was accepted way more then it is now. And guess what, NO ONE WAS PREACHING then to change our tradition of marriage.

PS. I dont know why people are jumping on the OPs comment regarding "Gay people cant be religious". Hes completely right. Why would any gay person (especially Christian) even want to be religious after reading the shit that's written about Homosexuality in the Bible. How can you claim you love God, Jesus etc blah blah, when the Holy Book (Which i dont agree with) that's meant to be your gospel and represent your values and beliefs demonizes you for been a Homosexual? Do I believe there are gay people who are religious? Yes? Do I believe theyre FUKCIN IDIOTS? YES!.

1) No, marriage is a social and cultural construct, not a predefined scientific or biological construct that has been with us since the beginning of man.

2) It doesn't change YOUR tradition. Marriage to fundamental Mormons is between a man several women; marriage in many cultures is between a man and an underage woman. Neither of these cultural constructs change what you want marriage to be under your beliefs.

3) You can not prove that historical efforts for "equal rights for homos" were not widely protested or accepted. In fact, we've had a widely accepted gay man as president. You can't speak on behalf of historical culture.

4) Again, you're an idiot, religion and homosexuality are not mutually exclusive no matter what modern traditional bullshit church you've attended. Just because you were brought up in some backwoods religion doesn't mean the rest of the world falls under your retarded faith.

04-05-2014, 02:28 AM
Does anybody feel like the State should get out of the business of defining marriage??? Let churches decide who they want to marry and let everything else be civil unions. Obvious problems will pop up but overall think it is still better than the current situation.
This is how I think it should be to be honest. Marriage is mostly a religious thing. Has no business being regulated at all by the government. If a civil union wants to get married nice, if not, then they still have the same benefits as those who did get married.

Would make it much easier

04-05-2014, 02:31 AM
Why do gay people want to get married ?

Because they are fukking fagggots :D

seriously, they wanna be like everyone else, still they have anuals parades were they show of their decadence

04-05-2014, 03:04 AM
You must be trolling right? You can't possibly believe that.

04-05-2014, 03:46 AM
You must be trolling right? You can't possibly believe that.

You are such a dumb f*ck. The guy is giving you legit answers but all you can to is fall back to your automatic response of calling faith retarded. Why are you bringing up Mormons? In a mormon church a guy is allowed to marry more than one wife, its part of their religion. You know whats not allowed? Homosexual marriages.

You are probably the type of guy whos gonna be arguing with me 30 years from now when a guy is campaigning to make it legal to marry his grandma in a church. Righteous, pretentious wannabes such as yourself are the reason we cant discuss gay issues

04-05-2014, 03:49 AM
Does anybody feel like the State should get out of the business of defining marriage??? Let churches decide who they want to marry and let everything else be civil unions. Obvious problems will pop up but overall think it is still better than the current situation.

Yeah this is what I think too. Would make things better for everyone.

04-05-2014, 03:56 AM
They want to be miserable like straight people

04-05-2014, 10:36 AM
Does anybody feel like the State should get out of the business of defining marriage??? Let churches decide who they want to marry and let everything else be civil unions. Obvious problems will pop up but overall think it is still better than the current situation.

Agreed. I guess some would argue the "separate but equal" treatment.

04-05-2014, 10:42 AM

i sometimes wonder what they taste like :confusedshrug:

04-05-2014, 10:43 AM

i sometimes wonder what they taste like :confusedshrug:
Rogan :bowdown:

04-05-2014, 11:24 AM
You are such a dumb f*ck. The guy is giving you legit answers but all you can to is fall back to your automatic response of calling faith retarded. Why are you bringing up Mormons? In a mormon church a guy is allowed to marry more than one wife, its part of their religion. You know whats not allowed? Homosexual marriages.

You are probably the type of guy whos gonna be arguing with me 30 years from now when a guy is campaigning to make it legal to marry his grandma in a church. Righteous, pretentious wannabes such as yourself are the reason we cant discuss gay issues

What a rediculous jump in logic. Comparing Homosexuality to Incest. :facepalm

04-05-2014, 11:36 AM
i think its mostly about not being discriminated against. basically the principle of being equal with hetero's. i know some say its because of taxes but in the big picture i think most gays would keep pushing regardless until they're perceived even with hetero's.

i have nothing against it, in fact i think its pretty dumb how the right wing are so against them and marriage. marriage is more a legally binding contract than some pretense of a sacred holy matrimony but whatever. it makes me laugh when people say that about marriage, or protecting the sacred institution of it.

Le Shaqtus
04-05-2014, 11:53 AM
7 pages of pure bullshit.

This forum.

04-05-2014, 11:54 AM
People still believe in religion? :roll:

04-05-2014, 12:38 PM
What a rediculous jump in logic. Comparing Homosexuality to Incest. :facepalm

incest is terrible......but one dude sticking his dick in another man

04-05-2014, 12:40 PM
[QUOTE=tomtucker]incest is terrible......but one dude sticking his dick in another man

04-05-2014, 01:08 PM
[QUOTE=tomtucker]incest is terrible......but one dude sticking his dick in another man

04-05-2014, 01:08 PM
What a rediculous jump in logic. Comparing Homosexuality to Incest. :facepalm

So why is one right yet the other is disgusting? Im not even being sarcastic I really want to know how we differ between whats okay and whats not.

04-05-2014, 01:09 PM
7 pages of pure bullshit.

This forum.

Stfu, what have you contributed? Nothing but snide remarks, so you shouldnt be talking about bullshit.

Le Shaqtus
04-05-2014, 01:16 PM
Stfu, what have you contributed? Nothing but snide remarks, so you shouldnt be talking about bullshit.

What have you contributed to this life other than surviving your abortion? :confusedshrug:

I'm here if you want a shoulder to cry on bro.

04-05-2014, 01:26 PM
What have you contributed to this life other than surviving your abortion? :confusedshrug:

I'm here if you want a shoulder to cry on bro.

Wow good joke bro, so original, so new.

Why are you so butthurt? If you are gay I have no problem with you or your kind. I am just someone who doesnt know any gay people personally so this aspect of their fight for equality has puzzled me. I may be right, I may be wrong but thats why I asked a question, so that someone could actually tell me their side of it. If you dont have a reason, and you support gay marriage just to support it, then just say so. I wont think any less of you, not everyone is able to think and some must follow the ideas of others even without truly understanding their reasoning. Its okay, we are all friends here.

Le Shaqtus
04-05-2014, 02:08 PM
Wow good joke bro, so original, so new.

Why are you so butthurt? If you are gay I have no problem with you or your kind. I am just someone who doesnt know any gay people personally so this aspect of their fight for equality has puzzled me. I may be right, I may be wrong but thats why I asked a question, so that someone could actually tell me their side of it. If you dont have a reason, and you support gay marriage just to support it, then just say so. I wont think any less of you, not everyone is able to think and some must follow the ideas of others even without truly understanding their reasoning. Its okay, we are all friends here.

You're really bad at this.

04-05-2014, 02:29 PM
You're really bad at this.

Your really good at proving me right. Keep going. I want to see how many posts you can make in this thread without actually saying anything.

04-05-2014, 02:33 PM
I love being a straight white male. I'm never left out.

I don't know how gays, blacks, or any minority feels.

They probably feel left out and want to be treated as equals. It is human nature. More power to them.

04-05-2014, 02:43 PM
I love being a straight white male. I'm never left out.

I don't know how gays, blacks, or any minority feels.

They probably feel left out and want to be treated as equals. It is human nature. More power to them.

das fuuk u talking about mang

u r the recipient of a sh!tload of racism dude

04-05-2014, 04:59 PM
This is all about tradition. Marriage is a union between man and women that has been around for thousands of years. Why should it be changed when its been around for so long? Should we cancel/change Christmas, Ramadan, Hanukkah, Chinese New Year etc just because it doesn't include everybody?

I have no problem with gay people wanting something formal and distinct to show the world that they love their partner. But why does it have to mean changing MY tradition? If heterosexual people want to support gay unions, then they should start a new tradition which includes gay people and NOT call it marriage. I'de support them doing that, and i'm sure many others will.

People these days act all smug and pretentious just because they believe in equal rights for homos. But the truth is, there have been periods throughout human history where homosexuality was accepted way more then it is now. And guess what, NO ONE WAS PREACHING then to change our tradition of marriage.

PS. I dont know why people are jumping on the OPs comment regarding "Gay people cant be religious". Hes completely right. Why would any gay person (especially Christian) even want to be religious after reading the shit that's written about Homosexuality in the Bible. How can you claim you love God, Jesus etc blah blah, when the Holy Book (Which i dont agree with) that's meant to be your gospel and represent your values and beliefs demonizes you for been a Homosexual? Do I believe there are gay people who are religious? Yes? Do I believe theyre FUKCIN IDIOTS? YES!.
This is all about tradition. A "person" is defined as a male with white skin. Why should it be changed when it's been around for so long?

I have no problem with blacks being allowed to live and breathe on this Earth, but why does it have to mean changing tradition? If white people want to support black personhood, then they should start a new tradition which includes black people but NOT call them "people". I'd support them doing that, and I'm sure many others will.

P.S., my Bible says that slavery is A-OK (see what you sound like you bigot?)

04-05-2014, 07:00 PM
I've always envied my Jewish friends for having bar mitzvahs. why am I excluded for being Catholic...and Filipino.
La heim

97 bulls
04-05-2014, 09:00 PM
This is all about tradition. A "person" is defined as a male with white skin. Why should it be changed when it's been around for so long?

I have no problem with blacks being allowed to live and breathe on this Earth, but why does it have to mean changing tradition? If white people want to support black personhood, then they should start a new tradition which includes black people but NOT call them "people". I'd support them doing that, and I'm sure many others will.

P.S., my Bible says that slavery is A-OK (see what you sound like you bigot?)
This is dumb. And why it's impossible to argue with ignorant people like atheists

04-05-2014, 09:44 PM
This is dumb. And why it's impossible to argue with ignorant people like atheists
Ignorant? Do you know what that word means? It means lacking knowledge. I know all about Christianity and used to be Christian.

I was just showing why tradition is not a good argument. Slavery used to be tradition. The Bible tells you how to treat your slaves. It used to be tradition to torture and burn witches. Bigotry against gays by not letting them get married is another tradition that needs done away with.

04-05-2014, 10:05 PM
Dunno why you say this, it is a prominent subject in our modern society. You sound like someone who has no intelligent rebuttal so you just reach for the first generic move in the book.
your question is not worthy of an intelligent rebuttal.

04-06-2014, 03:13 AM
I see the resemblance once you pull it out



i wanna lick it clean

04-06-2014, 05:34 AM
This is dumb. And why it's impossible to argue with ignorant people like atheists

How are Atheists ignorant? Or do you not know what the definition of ignorant is?

04-06-2014, 05:39 AM
How are Atheists ignorant? Or do you not know what the definition of ignorant is?

Im not gonna say all atheists are ignorant, because that would be ignorant. But there is a portion of atheists who dont understand religion and are just negative towards it without really knowing anything more than the basics.

Its the same as when you say a religious person is born into a religion, so they cant really see outside the box. Some atheist people are like that, they are born into a non religious environment so they just dont understand religion in its entirety, and the sad thing is that its those atheists that are often the loudest in their disapproval of religion.

04-06-2014, 08:55 AM
They probably grew up dreaming about putting a wedding dress on themselves? :confusedshrug:

04-06-2014, 09:21 AM
Im not gonna say all atheists are ignorant, because that would be ignorant. But there is a portion of atheists who dont understand religion and are just negative towards it without really knowing anything more than the basics.

Its the same as when you say a religious person is born into a religion, so they cant really see outside the box. Some atheist people are like that, they are born into a non religious environment so they just dont understand religion in its entirety, and the sad thing is that its those atheists that are often the loudest in their disapproval of religion.

I was raised an Atheist and I've never once been stopped from going to Church or learning about Religion. I see vocal Atheists as an equal and opposite reaction to the vocal Religious folk. In my experience it's been the deeply religious who have been a lot less accepting and a lot more judgemental of others.

I also don't see why religion should have tax breaks on the money they make and I'd also like to see more criminal prosecutions against the church.

04-06-2014, 09:23 AM
I love being a straight white male. I'm never left out.

I don't know how gays, blacks, or any minority feels.

They probably feel left out and want to be treated as equals. It is human nature. More power to them.
Except you're asian. I've never heard an asian describe themselves as a white male. I guess it is a true statement.

I never understood the gay marriage debate, people are worried about gay people marrying each other. People who are not gay. That strikes me as a thing that doesn't require worrying about.

04-06-2014, 09:45 AM
This is dumb. And why it's impossible to argue with ignorant people like atheists

So the absence of a positive statement regarding the existence of one or more deities makes a person ignorant? Good to know. I assume you also think that Jews are greedy, blacks are criminals, Mexicans are lazy and whites are superior to blacks? Or did I miss any important generalizations of a group of people based on a singular trait?

04-06-2014, 09:50 AM
They're not against religion. In fact, a goodly number of them are very religious people.

They're criminalized by people with a very narrow, medieval perspective on religion, however.

04-06-2014, 10:02 AM
Im not gonna say all atheists are ignorant, because that would be ignorant. But there is a portion of atheists who dont understand religion and are just negative towards it without really knowing anything more than the basics.

Its the same as when you say a religious person is born into a religion, so they cant really see outside the box. Some atheist people are like that, they are born into a non religious environment so they just dont understand religion in its entirety, and the sad thing is that its those atheists that are often the loudest in their disapproval of religion.

What does "understanding religion in its entirety" even mean? Are you saying this from the Western
imaginary Atheism <-> Christianity dichotomy viewpoint, or are you including every kind of religious belief system that ever existed? In that case, it would be impossible to dismiss any religion besides your own based on the fact you never were part of them, thus never "understood" them. On the other hand, it's also quite a stretch to conclude that being part of a specific religious ideology (Christianity I suppose) gives you an inherent advantage in "understanding" other religions, while a non theist fails at doing so.

So I'm not quite sure how this "understanding religion it it's entirety" phrase is related to the whole topic and how you're defining it and applying it to all possible religious ideologies, and even more importantly non religious theistic worldviews.

Besides, I can also be a theist while disapproving religion. Or be atheistic and approve it. Both possible. So I feel like you're simplifying the whole topic way too much. Might be convenient, but misses the point imo.

04-06-2014, 11:50 AM
This is dumb. And why it's impossible to argue with ignorant people like atheists
actually its incredibly relevant. in fact its practically crucial information to even beginning to understand the institution of marriage and why debates around "changing" it are so controversial.

the bottom line of that history however is that the institution of marriage has changed constantly throughout its history, typically in the direction of more inclusion and more equality. and every time there has been a substantial transformation, with regard to race, gender, or sexual orientation, the exact same counterargument is applied by proponents of the status quo.

"leave me and my tradition alone and go get your own"

and in each and every case throughout history, that argument has appeared laughable in hindsight generations later. i expect nothing different this time around. you've literally already lost the battle, so deal with it.

04-06-2014, 11:59 AM
i've got my money on a terrorist attack that will purge society's most uncultured bottom feeders along with their silly superhero leaders. losing the divas is a sacrifice im willing to make

04-06-2014, 12:04 PM
yea bra

04-06-2014, 12:32 PM
It provides them with the same 1,138 rights as straight couples.

04-06-2014, 02:57 PM
Its something I dont understand. If they are gay then they are clearly against religion, so why are they forceful in their pursuit of marriage? If it is just the rights of married people they want, civil partnerships have given them those rights a long time ago. So why is it they want to get married in a religious ceremony, even though in a lot of cases they hate religion?

Im not a christian but I dont understand how they want to force a church and its priests to perform a ceremony that they believe is wrong. Religious people dont owe gay people anything, just as gay people dont owe others. If you want people to accept homosexuality, then why are you not willing to accept someones religion which clearly states that they cannot perform a ceremony for two men or two women? I dont understand what homosexuals want from this. Its like they have already won, since everyone is on their side, and now they want to show it off in their adversaries faces.

Have I understood this wrong, or is there indeed no reason for them to be getting religious wedding ceremonies?

Your mindset is terribly narrow. You are only looking at things through your eyes and your religion. Just because SOME religions are against homosexuality does not mean all religions are. Some religions had no problems with gays at all and some actually recognized gay marriage (Native American religions, Buddhism though Buddism is more spirituality than religion, Ancient Greek religion etc)

Gay marriage is older than all 3 of the Abrahamic religions. Just because those 3 religions define marriage as between a man and a woman does not mean that is the set definition. That is there definition. The ancient Greeks recognized marriage between 2 people including gays..so did many Native Americans tribes.

Sexual orientation has no relation with spirituality and I think any religion that ties spirituality with sexual orientation is wrong and focusing on the wrong things. Sexual orientation is irrelevant to spirituality.

04-06-2014, 03:03 PM
If they are gay then they are clearly against religion

And that's where you're WRONG.

04-06-2014, 03:11 PM
Dumb reason. If it made a guy and his mom happy to get married, could they get married too? I mean they arent hurting anyone else and its not our business, right? Oh wait society has told you that is wrong and if you disagree you are a sicko. Yet being gay was just the same thing before, so whats to stop us seeing a dude marry his mum in a church in 50 years time? Or a dad marry his adult children in a group ceremony? Being happy is not a good enough reason otherwise your creating a scenario where everything goes.

The bold- Society once said being black was wrong. I don't care what society says. What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong no matter what any one else says. Also a lot of people support gay marriage.

As for the underlined- this is a common non sense tactic people who support gay marriage discrimination do. Gay does not equal incest. A gay is no more likely to commit incest than a straight is. A man marrying a non related man is just as far away from incest as a man marrying a non related woman.

I'd turn this thread around and give you this question: why is it because YOUR religion's definition of a marriage is between a man and a woman you then want to use government force to ban gay marriage? That is like someone thinking interracial marriage is wrong (yes some religions have thought that) so using government force to ban interracial marriage.

The bible condemns marrying people of other religions so I guess we should ban inter-religious marriages as well since the Bible says that.

Thankfully gay marriage will become legal everywhere in the near future.

04-06-2014, 03:35 PM
The bold- Society once said being black was wrong. I don't care what society says. What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong no matter what any one else says. Also a lot of people support gay marriage.

As for the underlined- this is a common non sense tactic people who support gay marriage discrimination do. Gay does not equal incest. A gay is no more likely to commit incest than a straight is. A man marrying a non related man is just as far away from incest as a man marrying a non related woman.

I'd turn this thread around and give you this question: why is it because YOUR religion's definition of a marriage is between a man and a woman you then want to use government force to ban gay marriage? That is like someone thinking interracial marriage is wrong (yes some religions have thought that) so using government force to ban interracial marriage.

The bible condemns marrying people of other religions so I guess we should ban inter-religious marriages as well since the Bible says that.

Thankfully gay marriage will become legal everywhere in the near future.

First of all, I did not say gay people were more likely to engage in incest. I am just saying that just like being gay disgusted people, incest disgusts people too. But now we are more accepting of homosexuality (main reasons being: they cant help it, its not your business, its love, etc), which can also be used in support of incest (which like homosexuality has been going on for thousands of years). It is not unlikely at all that we will be seeing situations like I described in the near future as a result of homosexuality being acceptable. There are a lot of people in this thread that will say incest is disgusting now but when that time comes they will be the ones calling me ignorant.

Secondly, you cannot compare peoples attitudes towards black people to the attitudes towards gay people. Being black is genetic, it is an unchangeable fact. Being gay however is not genetic, since there has never been a "gay" gene found. Attraction is 99% environmental. When a baby is born, they are not born with a image of a pen*s or a v*gina ingrained in their head. They dont know. It is only through many years of life that they gain a sexual identity. Everyone likes different things, some guys like black girls, some guys like white girls, tall girls, short girls, etc. It just so happens that some guys like other guys. That is purely psychological. The thing is that it is there are a lot of different types of attractions that deviate from the norm (pedos, bestiality, homosexuality, incest, etc.). Most of that is illegal (and rightly so), but I dont understand how we make the distinction between what is okay and what is not? Im talking strictly societal, not religious. Of course the main rule is that there must be consent on both sides, but after that how is whats wrong and right decided? I mean a guy and his mom can consent, right? It would be good if someone could enlighten me on that. I know its not the thread topic but while your here it would be good to see what you have to say.

Thirdly, I am not Christian and I will acknowledge that there are many things wrong within the bible. The reason I used church as an example is because that is the most common place of gay marriage out of all the religious establishments. Maybe the thread title was unclear, but let me break down my exact question.

Gay people have a number of choices in regards to marriage. There are civil partnership opportunities available, and if they do not want that there are registry offices they can get married in if they want (if it is legalized). So why are they arguing with the Church? The church is founded on religion, they have a book that was written and cannot be just "changed" to fit what gay people want (please don't bring up the New Testament, that's a new story altogether). Why can people not accept that there are rules when it comes to marrying in a church, and it is not the governments place to change the rules? Surely a religious constitution that has been around from the beginning of time deserves more respect than that?

04-06-2014, 06:55 PM
Really, gays don't give a fck about the church. It's just that when being married gives you advantages and you are banned from being married, there's a problem.