View Full Version : University: Help, our campus is too white

04-16-2014, 11:27 PM
Western Washington University is concerned that there are too many white students on its campus and is seeking help to rectify the situation.
"How do we make sure that in future years 'we are not as white as we are today?'" a questionnaire put out by the state-funded school asked, college watchdog website Campus Reform reported.
The school's president, Bruce Shepard, has been open about the goal, stating in the university's 2012 opening convocation: "Every year, from this stage and at this time, you have heard me say that, if in decades ahead, we are as white as we are today, we will have failed as university."
Campus Reform reported that the sentiment has been echoed in a number of convocation speeches, in which the campus' whiteness is seen as evidence of "failure."
"In the decades ahead, should we be as white as we are today, we will be relentlessly driven toward mediocrity; or, become a sad shadow of our current self," Mr. Shepard said in a recent blog post, Campus Reform reported.
A university spokesman was "hesitant" to offer clarification, the watchdog site reported.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/15/university-calls-white-campus-population-failure-a/#ixzz2z6tZgnaA
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Washington State is 90% non-hispanic white

Western Washington University is 76.2% white.

What exactly is the issue? I hate this new era of political correctness from these liberal goons(I am making an assumption they are extreme lefties because Unis tend to attract these types.) To make matters worse this is a public school being funded by primarily who I assume to be white taxpayers of the state of Washington. Good to know taxpayer money is being funded to a university that publically aims to discriminate against the very people that fund them.

I'm glad to not live in Washington and fund this sort of political correctness BS gone crazy.


04-16-2014, 11:33 PM
Why are people in the US so retarded when it comes to difference in skin:facepalm:

04-16-2014, 11:39 PM
All colleges would be like 90% asian if they accepted based on merit lol

There would be like 5 whiteys max in the Ivy Leagues

04-16-2014, 11:40 PM
Why are people in the US so retarded when it comes to difference in skin:facepalm:

I guess its the history slavery and racist laws in the past that have led some to overcompensate and make race relations even worst.

Naturally I am against these racial quotos set in place and I even think I would not have an issue with a private university with such an aim but a publically university funded by taxpayers of the state is looking to make the college less white?

04-16-2014, 11:47 PM
All colleges would be like 90% asian if they accepted based on merit lol

There would be like 5 whiteys max in the Ivy Leagues

I am also against Asians being discriminated in IVY league and college education in general. But my bigger issue is a public university funded by taxpayers with such goals.

04-17-2014, 12:31 AM
I guess its the history slavery and racist laws in the past that have led some to overcompensate and make race relations even worst.

Naturally I am against these racial quotos set in place and I even think I would not have an issue with a private university with such an aim but a publically university funded by taxpayers of the state is looking to make the college less white?

Overcompensate is the key word.

When a liberal doesnt like a particular conservative ideology, he immediately sprints to the far opposite side of it to try and negate it. Rather than find the appropriate and unglamorous middle ground, he makes a spectacle of his opposition, and uses his extremism in tolerance and political correctness as a means of forging a social identity in a world where he otherwise has no real meaningful qualities.

Liberalism tends to attract soft men who can only make it in 'soft' fields like academia or public service. They couldnt hack it as businessmen nor as independent blue collar types.

Because in the traditional, conservative sense of what it means to be a man, they are toward the bottom of the rung, they try to flip the system and make it seem as tho whoever is the most sensitive, compassionate, tolerant, needy, pooitically correct, pretentious phaggit is really "cool and smart."

Its MUCH more of a self-serving ideology than these self-unaware pansies admit or even realize. And by taking the complete opposite of every conservative position, it gives them a chance to "compete" and "win" political battles as if theyre a sporting event, again solely as a means to achieve some kind of personal validation, rather than simply looking for a logical solution.

04-17-2014, 12:40 AM
I guess its the history slavery and racist laws in the past that have led some to overcompensate and make race relations even worst.

Naturally I am against these racial quotos set in place and I even think I would not have an issue with a private university with such an aim but a publically university funded by taxpayers of the state is looking to make the college less white?
Honestly I wouldn't really care if more white people is attending the University. It is what it is, if people just let time be they will see more black people going to college. What they need to do is find the reason why. Money? Or is it something else. Is education killing the want to be better, is school failing? Are the tests just too hard for most students?

You also have to watch how much money those white people families has on average compared to the black people families in high school.

If there is a disparity they just can't blame the universities, they have to find the reason way sooner (as in elementary, middle and high school).

04-17-2014, 12:44 AM
All colleges would be like 90% asian if they accepted based on merit lol

There would be like 5 whiteys max in the Ivy Leagues
Nobody wants a university full of students deprived of soul.

04-17-2014, 12:52 AM
Honestly I wouldn't really care if more white people is attending the University. It is what it is, if people just let time be they will see more black people going to college. What they need to do is find the reason why. Money? Or is it something else. Is education killing the want to be better, is school failing? Are the tests just too hard for most students?

You also have to watch how much money those white people families has on average compared to the black people families in high school.

If there is a disparity they just can't blame the universities, they have to find the reason way sooner (as in elementary, middle and high school).

Like I mentioned before the state is 90% white and 76% of the students in the class are white meaning 24% of the students are non-white. A case could be made that statistically speaking the white kids are underrepresented relative to the % to the state The only way the college get more non-white students is to discriminate against white kids in the state or bring other minorities from other state.

If the the college had something like 99% white kids then I could see their point. Or if they just gave us a liberal line of promoting more "diversity" then ok. But they are going out of their way to state the school needs to be less white in the future. The schmucks at this school scream typical liberal loonies which I almost despise as much as the far right.

04-17-2014, 01:08 AM
Overcompensate is the key word.

When a liberal doesnt like a particular conservative ideology, he immediately sprints to the far opposite side of it to try and negate it. Rather than find the appropriate and unglamorous middle ground, he makes a spectacle of his opposition, and uses his extremism in tolerance and political correctness as a means of forging a social identity in a world where he otherwise has no real meaningful qualities.

Liberalism tends to attract soft men who can only make it in 'soft' fields like academia or public service. They couldnt hack it as businessmen nor as independent blue collar types.

Because in the traditional, conservative sense of what it means to be a man, they are toward the bottom of the rung, they try to flip the system and make it seem as tho whoever is the most sensitive, compassionate, tolerant, needy, pooitically correct, pretentious phaggit is really "cool and smart."

Its MUCH more of a self-serving ideology than these self-unaware pansies admit or even realize. And by taking the complete opposite of every conservative position, it gives them a chance to "compete" and "win" political battles as if theyre a sporting event, again solely as a means to achieve some kind of personal validation, rather than simply looking for a logical solution.
This is actually pretty accurate. Lol

04-17-2014, 01:20 AM
Like I mentioned before the state is 90% white and 76% of the students in the class are white meaning 24% of the students are non-white. A case could be made that statistically speaking the white kids are underrepresented relative to the % to the state The only way the college get more non-white students is to discriminate against white kids in the state or bring other minorities from other state.

If the the college had something like 99% white kids then I could see their point. Or if they just gave us a liberal line of promoting more "diversity" then ok. But they are going out of their way to state the school needs to be less white in the future. The schmucks at this school scream typical liberal loonies which I almost despise as much as the far right.
yeah I see your point.

I thought Watshington state was the name of state university.

04-17-2014, 01:24 AM
My Alma Mater in Oregon was really white (a decent amount of people from Hawaii), and had very few black students. Apparently they finally got enough students for a black student union and a car wreck unfortunately killed 2 of those students.

04-17-2014, 02:47 AM
Nobody wants a university full of students deprived of soul.

Then they should accept more black people yo

Patrick Chewing
04-17-2014, 03:03 AM
The world is upside down.

04-17-2014, 03:30 AM
i bet it

04-17-2014, 05:32 AM
Why are people in the US so retarded when it comes to difference in skin:facepalm:


04-17-2014, 10:48 AM
me and my n*ggas coming to that school asap, lots of bunnies that havent been touched. imagine the potential fam.

04-17-2014, 11:30 AM
Do they not have a track team, basketball and football team?

04-17-2014, 11:34 AM
me and my n*ggas coming to that school asap, lots of bunnies that havent been touched. imagine the potential fam.

Exactly what I was thinking :oldlol: Imagine possessing the only bbc on the whole campus? God damn!

04-17-2014, 11:36 AM
Agree with OP. Merit is how schooling should be done

04-17-2014, 11:49 AM
And this what happened other day in Detroit. A girl with 3.6 GPA and a 23 on ACT, got rejected by University of Michigan and she protest because she thinks they rejected her because shes black.


04-17-2014, 12:05 PM
Is 23 on the ACT good?

Also did she asked who they chose and compare their scores with her?

04-17-2014, 12:14 PM
Is 23 on the ACT good?

Also did she asked who they chose and compare their scores with her?
no 23 on the ACT is not good enough for University of Michigan. she thinks she was wrongfully rejected by one of the top school in the country.

04-17-2014, 12:25 PM
no 23 on the ACT is not good enough for University of Michigan. she thinks she was wrongfully rejected by one of the top school in the country.
So she sucked and she just doesn't accept the reality that she does.:lol

Burgz V2
04-17-2014, 12:54 PM
the salty white tears in this thread. even a miserable attempt to explain "liberalism". saving this thread for future laughs.

04-17-2014, 01:30 PM
Liberalism tends to attract soft men who can only make it in 'soft' fields like academia or public service. They couldnt hack it as businessmen nor as independent blue collar types.

What makes the two fields you listed "soft" in your eyes?

04-17-2014, 03:35 PM
What makes the two fields you listed "soft" in your eyes?
He's about that tough life. I mean he got his a$$ kicked by a 5'0 midget mexican dude.:lol

04-17-2014, 03:55 PM
What makes the two fields you listed "soft" in your eyes?

Ignore the trolls. That guy has no career, no education, and no life; he should be the last person to comment on the situation unless you're talking about dropping out of a 3rd rate state university.

04-17-2014, 04:15 PM
What makes the two fields you listed "soft" in your eyes?

Well, there is an academic distinction between the "soft" sciences which include economics, sociology, and psychology, and the "hard" sciences of physics, chemistry, and biology.


Of course, people take issue with the fact that calling something "soft" can be derogatory or imply it is easy or isn't "real" but it is what it is. This is widely-used terminology.

edit: I read what he actually wrote. He's just a ****ing idiot and doesn't know what he's talking about. There is nothing soft about academia or public service

04-17-2014, 05:11 PM
Starface/arkatoizle is just a failed actor that isn't even good enough for porn because he has a small dick.