View Full Version : Craig Sager diagnosed with leukemia

04-17-2014, 11:47 PM
:( :( :(

04-17-2014, 11:49 PM
Man wtf:(

Smook A.
04-17-2014, 11:49 PM
:( :( :(

04-17-2014, 11:51 PM
Fight hard Craig, we're all rooting for you :cry:

Smook A.
04-17-2014, 11:51 PM
Craig will be back on sidelines before you know it.

Love watching him on TV. He brings a cool personality, and his suits are the best.

04-17-2014, 11:51 PM
Aw shit. Well that really sucks. Hopefully they caught it quick and he can fight it and get back out there so Pop can mock him between quarters. Hang in there, Sag!

04-17-2014, 11:53 PM
strong dude. he'll be fine

04-18-2014, 12:06 AM

Eric Cartman
04-18-2014, 12:12 AM
Man :(

04-18-2014, 12:13 AM
Sager has that killer instinct and clutch gene. He can beat this.

J Shuttlesworth
04-18-2014, 12:16 AM
Damn. Sending good vibes over to Craig. He can beat this :rockon:

04-18-2014, 12:17 AM
Best of luck to Craig and his family. Gonna miss seeing him out there this playoffs. What a great personality.

04-18-2014, 12:21 AM
Prayers to the man. Be strong! The nba universe is behind you.

04-18-2014, 12:22 AM
damn it

not craig! :(

04-18-2014, 12:23 AM
Ah man I love this guy. I pray for his health.

04-18-2014, 12:24 AM
Not a fan of his but this sux

Mr. Jabbar
04-18-2014, 12:27 AM
its one of the cancers with best survival rates! im sure we'll have good news soon!

04-18-2014, 12:35 AM
about time, sick of seeing this clown in his stupid ass suits, while we are at it lets shed a tear for the thousands of starving children that died today

Mr. Jabbar
04-18-2014, 12:39 AM
about time


Smook A.
04-18-2014, 12:41 AM
about time, sick of seeing this clown in his stupid ass suits

04-18-2014, 12:41 AM
There are people who don't like Sager? What scum :mad:

04-18-2014, 12:42 AM

Statistically there is bound to be sociopaths on this board. Just ignore it.

04-18-2014, 12:46 AM
about time, sick of seeing this clown in his stupid ass suits, while we are at it lets shed a tear for the thousands of starving children that died today

You're seriously patethic, stfu :facepalm

04-18-2014, 12:50 AM
Wtf!? Really? Man that's sad, I pray that he recovers from this

04-18-2014, 12:57 AM
Literally ruined my night. I hope he gets better.

04-18-2014, 01:22 AM
get well soon mr. sager.

04-18-2014, 01:23 AM
Get well soon :(

04-18-2014, 01:46 AM
**** man :facepalm :mad:

04-18-2014, 01:57 AM
Hope all goes well. For all the jokes fans and players make about his fashion or interviewing techniques we all love him deeply. Truly one of a kind.

04-18-2014, 03:41 AM
Bad news, I pray he recovers :(

04-18-2014, 03:48 AM
That's horrible :( hope he's ok soon

04-18-2014, 03:50 AM
tb 100% h, im sorry, i was out of line :(

04-18-2014, 03:50 AM
Get well craig! Prayers sent out to you and yours! i don't wanna stop seeing his suits and pop giving him a hard time about it. Wish a full recovery.

04-18-2014, 03:53 AM
KD and Sager are good friends.

Do it or Sager KD.... bring it home for him.

04-18-2014, 03:57 AM

04-18-2014, 04:19 AM
Man, that sucks. Thoughts to Sager and his fam.

04-18-2014, 04:32 AM
Definitely wishing for the best! The NBA wouldn't be the same without his ridiculous suits and all the players crackin on them. Best wishes to Mr. Sager!

04-18-2014, 05:10 AM
I'm not going to weep over this whether he lives or he dies. My 88 year old grandmothers sister died in her mid 30s of leukemia when she had 3 songs 12 to 18. I'm not going to feel sorry for a man in his early 60s with cancer. If you was go to feel sorry for every man in his early 60s with cancer I wouldn't even be able to type how much I don't care. (ha) Frankly, people live...and people die...Some live longer than others. He should he happy he even reached 60 whether he dies or not, I know my uncles are happy seeing their mother pass before they were grown men. At least if he dies he dies having lived a full and happy life. A lot of people die 70+ with not a passing thought in their head except waiting for the end. He should he happy he was as fortunate as he was for this whether he lives or he dies....most of us won't be and most of the world isn't.

He could die tomorrow and how many of you posting little said faces would actually give a shit? You may read the news, think of it for 5 secs, "mourn", and then what? It's just another breeze passing in an afternoon day. There is nothing worse than casual or false sympathy? You make yourself care for the sake of being a "good person" and make yourself better? Good for you. I don't care if he lives or dies as he has noting to do with me and frankly I'm not the next mother teresa to save all the (rich well doing men who get sick) sick in the world? If he dies I feel sorry for his love ones, but a life spent dwelling on the past is a life spent wasted. They will move on as we have all. Not one grown ass man or woman hasn't seen someone they love pass away. If you can't deal with it, take up drinking or drugs (I find drinking quite reiliant myself), or move on.

04-18-2014, 05:30 AM
I'm not going to weep over this whether he lives or he dies. My 88 year old grandmothers sister died in her mid 30s of leukemia when she had 3 songs 12 to 18. I'm not going to feel sorry for a man in his early 60s with cancer. If you was go to feel sorry for every man in his early 60s with cancer I wouldn't even be able to type how much I don't care. (ha) Frankly, people live...and people die...Some live longer than others. He should he happy he even reached 60 whether he dies or not, I know my uncles are happy seeing their mother pass before they were grown men. At least if he dies he dies having lived a full and happy life. A lot of people die 70+ with not a passing thought in their head except waiting for the end. He should he happy he was as fortunate as he was for this whether he lives or he dies....most of us won't be and most of the world isn't.

He could die tomorrow and how many of you posting little said faces would actually give a shit? You may read the news, think of it for 5 secs, "mourn", and then what? It's just another breeze passing in an afternoon day. There is nothing worse than casual or false sympathy? You make yourself care for the sake of being a "good person" and make yourself better? Good for you. I don't care if he lives or dies as he has noting to do with me and frankly I'm not the next mother teresa to save all the (rich well doing men who get sick) sick in the world? If he dies I feel sorry for his love ones, but a life spent dwelling on the past is a life spent wasted. They will move on as we have all. Not one grown ass man or woman hasn't seen someone they love pass away. If you can't deal with it, take up drinking or drugs (I find drinking quite reiliant myself), or move on.
you're a real piece of shit aren't ya?

All Net
04-18-2014, 05:32 AM
:( damn

04-18-2014, 05:39 AM
strong dude. he'll be fine

04-18-2014, 05:57 AM
I'm not going to weep over this whether he lives or he dies. My 88 year old grandmothers sister died in her mid 30s of leukemia when she had 3 songs 12 to 18. I'm not going to feel sorry for a man in his early 60s with cancer. If you was go to feel sorry for every man in his early 60s with cancer I wouldn't even be able to type how much I don't care. (ha) Frankly, people live...and people die...Some live longer than others. He should he happy he even reached 60 whether he dies or not, I know my uncles are happy seeing their mother pass before they were grown men. At least if he dies he dies having lived a full and happy life. A lot of people die 70+ with not a passing thought in their head except waiting for the end. He should he happy he was as fortunate as he was for this whether he lives or he dies....most of us won't be and most of the world isn't.

He could die tomorrow and how many of you posting little said faces would actually give a shit? You may read the news, think of it for 5 secs, "mourn", and then what? It's just another breeze passing in an afternoon day. There is nothing worse than casual or false sympathy? You make yourself care for the sake of being a "good person" and make yourself better? Good for you. I don't care if he lives or dies as he has noting to do with me and frankly I'm not the next mother teresa to save all the (rich well doing men who get sick) sick in the world? If he dies I feel sorry for his love ones, but a life spent dwelling on the past is a life spent wasted. They will move on as we have all. Not one grown ass man or woman hasn't seen someone they love pass away. If you can't deal with it, take up drinking or drugs (I find drinking quite reiliant myself), or move on.

are you ****ing stupid? ppl here are basketball fans and have watched sager for years so its just logical that you feel bad for him more than for all the other poor souls we don't know that had something similar or worse.
if you don't care you shut up and esp. don't tell others what they feel and what not.

04-18-2014, 05:57 AM
strong dude. he'll be fine

really? is this how you think cancer works? jesus :lol :facepalm

04-18-2014, 05:58 AM
I wish him the best.

04-18-2014, 07:18 AM
I am a realist and frankly a lot fuller of vodka earlier, but it changes nothing. You don't care for him. Do you know him? Are you friends with him? Are you family with him? Like I said before...the worst thing in the world is false sympathy...no the worst thing in the world is GUILT SYMPATHY. You feel sorry for someone because you think you should. That doesn't make you a good person. There is nothing genuine about that. Just about everyone here and their sad little faces is full of ****ing shit. It's not my fault you pups aren't old enough to get jaded to the ways of life yet...

04-18-2014, 07:50 AM
I am a realist and frankly a lot fuller of vodka earlier, but it changes nothing. You don't care for him. Do you know him? Are you friends with him? Are you family with him? Like I said before...the worst thing in the world is false sympathy...no the worst thing in the world is GUILT SYMPATHY. You feel sorry for someone because you think you should. That doesn't make you a good person. There is nothing genuine about that. Just about everyone here and their sad little faces is full of ****ing shit. It's not my fault you pups aren't old enough to get jaded to the ways of life yet...
This guy actually thinks he's saying something insightful. :oldlol:

Keep going.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-18-2014, 07:56 AM
Hope he gets better everytime he interview or talk he always give positive vibe........:( :(

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

04-18-2014, 09:11 AM
Damn :(

04-18-2014, 09:13 AM
I'm not going to weep over this whether he lives or he dies. My 88 year old grandmothers sister died in her mid 30s of leukemia when she had 3 songs 12 to 18. I'm not going to feel sorry for a man in his early 60s with cancer. If you was go to feel sorry for every man in his early 60s with cancer I wouldn't even be able to type how much I don't care. (ha) Frankly, people live...and people die...Some live longer than others. He should he happy he even reached 60 whether he dies or not, I know my uncles are happy seeing their mother pass before they were grown men. At least if he dies he dies having lived a full and happy life. A lot of people die 70+ with not a passing thought in their head except waiting for the end. He should he happy he was as fortunate as he was for this whether he lives or he dies....most of us won't be and most of the world isn't.

He could die tomorrow and how many of you posting little said faces would actually give a shit? You may read the news, think of it for 5 secs, "mourn", and then what? It's just another breeze passing in an afternoon day. There is nothing worse than casual or false sympathy? You make yourself care for the sake of being a "good person" and make yourself better? Good for you. I don't care if he lives or dies as he has noting to do with me and frankly I'm not the next mother teresa to save all the (rich well doing men who get sick) sick in the world? If he dies I feel sorry for his love ones, but a life spent dwelling on the past is a life spent wasted. They will move on as we have all. Not one grown ass man or woman hasn't seen someone they love pass away. If you can't deal with it, take up drinking or drugs (I find drinking quite reiliant myself), or move on.
Ha, this guy thinks he's so edgy or something

Grow up you asshole :oldlol:

04-18-2014, 10:07 AM
You can tell those suits he wore had radiation on them

04-18-2014, 10:30 AM
Craig is awesome... hopefully everything turns out good!

oh the horror
04-18-2014, 10:31 AM
I am a realist and frankly a lot fuller of vodka earlier, but it changes nothing. You don't care for him. Do you know him? Are you friends with him? Are you family with him? Like I said before...the worst thing in the world is false sympathy...no the worst thing in the world is GUILT SYMPATHY. You feel sorry for someone because you think you should. That doesn't make you a good person. There is nothing genuine about that. Just about everyone here and their sad little faces is full of ****ing shit. It's not my fault you pups aren't old enough to get jaded to the ways of life yet...

Or maybe some people just choose to not get jaded by life.

Hope you slept off whatever it is you're tripping on.

04-18-2014, 12:52 PM
I'm not going to weep over this whether he lives or he dies. My 88 year old grandmothers sister died in her mid 30s of leukemia when she had 3 songs 12 to 18. I'm not going to feel sorry for a man in his early 60s with cancer. If you was go to feel sorry for every man in his early 60s with cancer I wouldn't even be able to type how much I don't care. (ha) Frankly, people live...and people die...Some live longer than others. He should he happy he even reached 60 whether he dies or not, I know my uncles are happy seeing their mother pass before they were grown men. At least if he dies he dies having lived a full and happy life. A lot of people die 70+ with not a passing thought in their head except waiting for the end. He should he happy he was as fortunate as he was for this whether he lives or he dies....most of us won't be and most of the world isn't.

He could die tomorrow and how many of you posting little said faces would actually give a shit? You may read the news, think of it for 5 secs, "mourn", and then what? It's just another breeze passing in an afternoon day. There is nothing worse than casual or false sympathy? You make yourself care for the sake of being a "good person" and make yourself better? Good for you. I don't care if he lives or dies as he has noting to do with me and frankly I'm not the next mother teresa to save all the (rich well doing men who get sick) sick in the world? If he dies I feel sorry for his love ones, but a life spent dwelling on the past is a life spent wasted. They will move on as we have all. Not one grown ass man or woman hasn't seen someone they love pass away. If you can't deal with it, take up drinking or drugs (I find drinking quite reiliant myself), or move on.

So edgy and "real".

Le Shaqtus
04-18-2014, 01:16 PM
Man this sucks, he'll make it.

He'll be suiting up again before we know it.

04-18-2014, 01:20 PM
I am a realist and frankly a lot fuller of vodka earlier, but it changes nothing. You don't care for him. Do you know him? Are you friends with him? Are you family with him? Like I said before...the worst thing in the world is false sympathy...no the worst thing in the world is GUILT SYMPATHY. You feel sorry for someone because you think you should. That doesn't make you a good person. There is nothing genuine about that. Just about everyone here and their sad little faces is full of ****ing shit. It's not my fault you pups aren't old enough to get jaded to the ways of life yet...

False sympathy or guilt sympathy makes somebody a better person than somebody saying they don't give a shit and tries to convince others to not care as well.

04-18-2014, 01:21 PM

Le Shaqtus
04-18-2014, 01:28 PM
Damn it this has ruined my whole day

04-18-2014, 01:32 PM
Giving my blessings to Sager.

04-18-2014, 01:33 PM
Get well soon, Sager! Don't let Don Cherry beat you! (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=292110)

04-18-2014, 01:34 PM

This legit made me sad

04-18-2014, 01:49 PM
I am a realist and frankly a lot fuller of vodka earlier, but it changes nothing. You don't care for him. Do you know him? Are you friends with him? Are you family with him? Like I said before...the worst thing in the world is false sympathy...no the worst thing in the world is GUILT SYMPATHY. You feel sorry for someone because you think you should. That doesn't make you a good person. There is nothing genuine about that. Just about everyone here and their sad little faces is full of ****ing shit. It's not my fault you pups aren't old enough to get jaded to the ways of life yet...
Wow, what a ****ing realist. Edgy. :applause:

Someone get this man a medal, quick.

04-18-2014, 01:55 PM
I am a realist and frankly a lot fuller of vodka earlier, but it changes nothing. You don't care for him. Do you know him? Are you friends with him? Are you family with him? Like I said before...the worst thing in the world is false sympathy...no the worst thing in the world is GUILT SYMPATHY. You feel sorry for someone because you think you should. That doesn't make you a good person. There is nothing genuine about that. Just about everyone here and their sad little faces is full of ****ing shit. It's not my fault you pups aren't old enough to get jaded to the ways of life yet...

No, I don't know him. I'm not friends with him. He's not part of my family. He is, however, part of NBA basketball, which has become an important part of my life.

I feel sorry for the guy since it's someone I've watched for many years now, and it's only natural to feel a "connection" with someone like that, even if you don't know them personally. Were it Marv Albert, Steve Kerr, or Reggie Miller I'd feel some sympathy too. It's not "false sympathy", it's called NOT being a sociopath.

Does it make me a good person? No, GTFO man. No one is feeling bad for Sager in order to rationalize they are a good person.

04-18-2014, 03:45 PM
I am a realist and frankly a lot fuller of vodka earlier, but it changes nothing. You don't care for him. Do you know him? Are you friends with him? Are you family with him? Like I said before...the worst thing in the world is false sympathy...no the worst thing in the world is GUILT SYMPATHY. You feel sorry for someone because you think you should. That doesn't make you a good person. There is nothing genuine about that. Just about everyone here and their sad little faces is full of ****ing shit. It's not my fault you pups aren't old enough to get jaded to the ways of life yet...
Bravo man you're a total douchebag.
If you don't care then why post in this thread, you should of just "moved on" to another thread. People care because he's an important figure in basketball, maybe you don't agree with them but the point is they do care. Anyways, I hope Craig fights through this, always been one of my favorite reporters and tv personality.

04-18-2014, 03:50 PM
I'm not going to weep over this whether he lives or he dies. My 88 year old grandmothers sister died in her mid 30s of leukemia when she had 3 songs 12 to 18. I'm not going to feel sorry for a man in his early 60s with cancer. If you was go to feel sorry for every man in his early 60s with cancer I wouldn't even be able to type how much I don't care. (ha) Frankly, people live...and people die...Some live longer than others. He should he happy he even reached 60 whether he dies or not, I know my uncles are happy seeing their mother pass before they were grown men. At least if he dies he dies having lived a full and happy life. A lot of people die 70+ with not a passing thought in their head except waiting for the end. He should he happy he was as fortunate as he was for this whether he lives or he dies....most of us won't be and most of the world isn't.

He could die tomorrow and how many of you posting little said faces would actually give a shit? You may read the news, think of it for 5 secs, "mourn", and then what? It's just another breeze passing in an afternoon day. There is nothing worse than casual or false sympathy? You make yourself care for the sake of being a "good person" and make yourself better? Good for you. I don't care if he lives or dies as he has noting to do with me and frankly I'm not the next mother teresa to save all the (rich well doing men who get sick) sick in the world? If he dies I feel sorry for his love ones, but a life spent dwelling on the past is a life spent wasted. They will move on as we have all. Not one grown ass man or woman hasn't seen someone they love pass away. If you can't deal with it, take up drinking or drugs (I find drinking quite reiliant myself), or move on.

The joke in all of this was you had no reason to even enter this thread if you didn't care. You did, however, show how much you don't care by writing two paragraphs. :rolleyes:

Dr. Cheesesteak
04-18-2014, 03:55 PM
No, I don't know him. I'm not friends with him. He's not part of my family. He is, however, part of NBA basketball, which has become an important part of my life.

I feel sorry for the guy since it's someone I've watched for many years now, and it's only natural to feel a "connection" with someone like that, even if you don't know them personally. Were it Marv Albert, Steve Kerr, or Reggie Miller I'd feel some sympathy too. It's not "false sympathy", it's called NOT being a sociopath.

Does it make me a good person? No, GTFO man. No one is feeling bad for Sager in order to rationalize they are a good person.
qft x100000000000

Rooting for ya Sager!

04-18-2014, 03:56 PM
Smoke117 needs to go drink off all the anti-depressants he's taken.

04-18-2014, 04:00 PM
Smoke117 needs to go drink off all the anti-depressants he's taken.
Smoke117 needs to stop smoking crack... :roll: Smoke117 is just mad because his life sucks....fvcking piece of $h|t

04-18-2014, 04:02 PM
Prayers to Mr. Sager and his family.

04-18-2014, 04:05 PM
Smoke117 needs to stop smoking crack... :roll: Smoke117 is just mad because his life sucks....fvcking piece of $h|t
"Phuck the haterz" -Smoke117

04-18-2014, 04:46 PM
No, I don't know him. I'm not friends with him. He's not part of my family. He is, however, part of NBA basketball, which has become an important part of my life.

I feel sorry for the guy since it's someone I've watched for many years now, and it's only natural to feel a "connection" with someone like that, even if you don't know them personally. Were it Marv Albert, Steve Kerr, or Reggie Miller I'd feel some sympathy too. It's not "false sympathy", it's called NOT being a sociopath.

Does it make me a good person? No, GTFO man. No one is feeling bad for Sager in order to rationalize they are a good person.
And Smoke117 was never seen in the thread again.

04-18-2014, 06:43 PM
I'm not going to weep over this whether he lives or he dies. My 88 year old grandmothers sister died in her mid 30s of leukemia when she had 3 songs 12 to 18. I'm not going to feel sorry for a man in his early 60s with cancer. If you was go to feel sorry for every man in his early 60s with cancer I wouldn't even be able to type how much I don't care. (ha) Frankly, people live...and people die...Some live longer than others. He should he happy he even reached 60 whether he dies or not, I know my uncles are happy seeing their mother pass before they were grown men. At least if he dies he dies having lived a full and happy life. A lot of people die 70+ with not a passing thought in their head except waiting for the end. He should he happy he was as fortunate as he was for this whether he lives or he dies....most of us won't be and most of the world isn't.

He could die tomorrow and how many of you posting little said faces would actually give a shit? You may read the news, think of it for 5 secs, "mourn", and then what? It's just another breeze passing in an afternoon day. There is nothing worse than casual or false sympathy? You make yourself care for the sake of being a "good person" and make yourself better? Good for you. I don't care if he lives or dies as he has noting to do with me and frankly I'm not the next mother teresa to save all the (rich well doing men who get sick) sick in the world? If he dies I feel sorry for his love ones, but a life spent dwelling on the past is a life spent wasted. They will move on as we have all. Not one grown ass man or woman hasn't seen someone they love pass away. If you can't deal with it, take up drinking or drugs (I find drinking quite reiliant myself), or move on.

Sorry your girlfriend dumped you in an email, son.

Maybe leave the basketball fans in here who appreciate Sager to feel a bit of sympathy and you go back to cutting yourself while listening to Savage Garden and Depeche Mode records.

Smook A.
04-18-2014, 06:52 PM


04-18-2014, 07:16 PM
It is always a tragedy when a respected upstanding citizen dies.

04-18-2014, 07:21 PM
I'm not going to weep over this whether he lives or he dies. My 88 year old grandmothers sister died in her mid 30s of leukemia when she had 3 songs 12 to 18. I'm not going to feel sorry for a man in his early 60s with cancer. If you was go to feel sorry for every man in his early 60s with cancer I wouldn't even be able to type how much I don't care. (ha) Frankly, people live...and people die...Some live longer than others. He should he happy he even reached 60 whether he dies or not, I know my uncles are happy seeing their mother pass before they were grown men. At least if he dies he dies having lived a full and happy life. A lot of people die 70+ with not a passing thought in their head except waiting for the end. He should he happy he was as fortunate as he was for this whether he lives or he dies....most of us won't be and most of the world isn't.

He could die tomorrow and how many of you posting little said faces would actually give a shit? You may read the news, think of it for 5 secs, "mourn", and then what? It's just another breeze passing in an afternoon day. There is nothing worse than casual or false sympathy? You make yourself care for the sake of being a "good person" and make yourself better? Good for you. I don't care if he lives or dies as he has noting to do with me and frankly I'm not the next mother teresa to save all the (rich well doing men who get sick) sick in the world? If he dies I feel sorry for his love ones, but a life spent dwelling on the past is a life spent wasted. They will move on as we have all. Not one grown ass man or woman hasn't seen someone they love pass away. If you can't deal with it, take up drinking or drugs (I find drinking quite reiliant myself), or move on.

http://www.quickmeme.com/img/f9/f9df9f7c4f565fcd390b1350f2e92d5e52a74b37011773d752 afcc5e7350d998.jpg