View Full Version : guy says Raymond Lewis "streetball legend" could average 60-65 points in college?

04-25-2014, 08:59 PM
This guy got blackballed by the NBA. How good will he be in the NBA?
He said Lewis could average it at 0:52 if there was a 3pt line back then. I really wonder how good is this guy?

edit sorry forget the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8hRpyZ6Hw
He said it in this youtube link.

These are the testimonials: (These are all the other testimonials from the website below)

Lorenzo Romar said that he had played 1 on 1 with guys like Sidney Moncrief, Isiah Thomas, World Free and he said Lewis was the hardest and could beat him 11-0 when he got mad.

Coach Jerry Terkinian said this:
Raymond would play all our players one-on-one and kill "em, and half of them were All Americans." he said. "He was as fast as Allen Iverson, only taller, bigger and stronger, I kid you not, he could handle the ball like you couldn't believe, just make the ball disappear."

I never saw anyone guard him one-on-one. I never saw anyone contain him. I never saw anyone stop his dribble penetration. In a college game once, he scored 73 points (Back then no 3pt line) I was mesmerized by his ability and I just couldn't believe it.

Gary Hawke said Raymond Lewis was the best player he ever saw, and he played with KAJ before.


04-25-2014, 09:03 PM
These streetballer legends are stupidly exaggerated 99% of the time. Look to Rafer Alston to see what the ceiling of a streetballer is. Earl MAnigault better than Jordan, please, GTFO with that (I'm not referring to you OP but people say this kinda BS)

MJ(Mean John)
04-25-2014, 09:06 PM
I had an old coworker who played ball with him back in the Day.
He said he also played with KAJ, and he said among other things that Ray Lou was sooo good man, he said he was super super quick, could change directions and stop on the drop of a dime and had a crazy wet jumper.

So, yeah, a bigger iverson. A better one. Ironically enough he was drafted by the 6ers and never was able to agree on a contract. He died a few years ago.

04-25-2014, 09:06 PM
Do his college stats exist? If he could average 60-65 ppg with 3's, he'd better have already averaged 55+ ppg anyway.

04-25-2014, 09:07 PM
These streetballer legends are stupidly exaggerated 99% of the time. Look to Rafer Alston to see what the ceiling of a streetballer is. Earl MAnigault better than Jordan, please, GTFO with that


04-25-2014, 09:10 PM
These streetballer legends are stupidly exaggerated 99% of the time. Look to Rafer Alston to see what the ceiling of a streetballer is. Earl MAnigault better than Jordan, please, GTFO with that (I'm not referring to you OP but people say this kinda BS)

Refeer spent his prime in the NBA during it's toughest defensive period, after the rule changes made it easier for perimeter players he was already past his prime

Put a 25 yo rafeer in the NBA today and he's a borderline all star , there's no way he's not better than a Ty Lawson

04-25-2014, 09:11 PM

04-25-2014, 09:15 PM
These streetballer legends are stupidly exaggerated 99% of the time. Look to Rafer Alston to see what the ceiling of a streetballer is. Earl MAnigault better than Jordan, please, GTFO with that (I'm not referring to you OP but people say this kinda BS)

But no one ever said rafer alston was better than KAJ? I mean this raymond lewis was the real deal, he lit up real NBA players. Once at a scrimmage he lit up Doug collins for 60.

04-25-2014, 09:43 PM

[QUOTE]The days blend together in the City of the Angels; the summer sun, white and hot, is a spotlight for the lucky, for others a heat lamp turning the sidewalk into a griddle. The street is lined with houses losing the battle for respectability, the curbs littered with refuse. Down a sidewalk comes a boy in outsized Bermuda shorts and a faded T shirt. He is dribbling a basketball, pale from wear. As the boy reaches the corner, a young man lounging against a pole jumps out and deftly flicks at the ball, grabbing it in midair. He bats it several times from hand to hand, then shuffles it quickly between his legs, back and forth. The boy's mouth is open. Swiftly the ball circles the man's trunk

04-25-2014, 09:45 PM
lol no

04-26-2014, 01:51 PM
Lol Rafer Altson is a great dribbler not scorer.

These old school street ball cats were known to put the ball in the hoop. Ray, The Destroyer, Pee Wee, GOAT, JAck Jackson, Billy Harris, ect.

04-26-2014, 01:57 PM
Refeer spent his prime in the NBA during it's toughest defensive period, after the rule changes made it easier for perimeter players he was already past his prime

Put a 25 yo rafeer in the NBA today and he's a borderline all star , there's no way he's not better than a Ty Lawson

A borderline allstar? WTF Rafer Alston was a servicable, average starter point guard in the NBA. He had amazing dribbling skills, but all the dribbling skills in the world won't work against a team defence at the NBA level. His shooting percentages were abysmal.

04-26-2014, 01:59 PM
Must be playing with short, unathletic, uncoordinated white guys.


04-26-2014, 04:39 PM
I think this is the dude that lit up Cooper in a pro am

04-26-2014, 04:42 PM
These streetballer legends are stupidly exaggerated 99% of the time. Look to Rafer Alston to see what the ceiling of a streetballer is. Earl MAnigault better than Jordan, please, GTFO with that (I'm not referring to you OP but people say this kinda BS)

Dude when NBA guys and legends talk about you, I doubt its hype
