View Full Version : Lebron: 'There is no room for Donald Sterling in our league. There is no room for him

04-26-2014, 07:24 PM
Unlike others, he speaks his mind :applause: :bowdown:

What are your thoughts on Donald Sterling's comments?

"If the reports are true, it's unacceptable. It's unacceptable in our league. It doesn't matter if you're white, black, Hispanic, whatever, all across the races. It's unacceptable and as a commissioner in our league, they have to make a stand, and they have to be very aggressive with it. I don't know what it's going to be, but you just can't have that in our league. We're the model citizens of all sports around the world and because we're the most recognizable, I mean, it figures. You see us all the time, you see our logos, you see our players, and for an owner to come out and say the things that he said, it's very disrespectful, it's very appalling and one of my best friends and dear friends plays on his team in Chris Paul and I haven't had an opportunity to talk to him but I can only imagine what's going through his head."

How difficult would it be to play with that hanging over...

"I don't know. I kind of waivered back and forth whether I would actually sit out. If our owner would come out and say the things that he said, I would really have to sit down with my teammates, talk to my family because at the end of the day, our family, and our teammates are way more important than that. Basketball is huge, obviously the playoffs have been unbelievable, and I hate the fact that something like this has to come out when the playoffs have been unbelievable and the game of basketball continues to grow, but there is no room for Donald Sterling in our league. There is no room for him."

Does it make you angry?

"I'm not angry. Just disappointed more than anything. There is only 30 owners and 400-plus of us. For a player, I just think...I put my...I can only imagine if a player came out and said something of that stature what would happen to us as players. So, I believe in Adam [Silver], I believe in the NBA and they have to do something and do something very fast and quickly before this really gets out of hand. Like I said, there is no room for Donald Sterling in our league, man. There it is."


04-26-2014, 07:27 PM
Chris Paul insisted he would only play for a team that hired a black head coach.

But thats ok. Hes black. We all secretly pity him for being black. We dont wanna come down on him, bc hes already black. And the truth is we all think that must suck. We expect him to already feel bad about being black. So we wont impose high standards on him.

But this caucasian guy, Sterling..... Lets witch hunt the hell out of the arrogant white bastard.

Gawwwd im like sooo progressive and tolerant u guys. Look at me n how cool i am. Its all about equality, yeah!

04-26-2014, 07:27 PM
kobe and bran on the same page. matter of time before we exile the clippers and spread out their talent.

we'll take griff

04-26-2014, 07:28 PM
Chris Paul insisted he would only play for a team that hited a black head coach.

Whatever, he never said he doesn't consider non-black people smelly, lazy, inferior people.

Im so nba'd out
04-26-2014, 07:29 PM
kobe and bran on the same page. matter of time before we exile the clippers and spread out their talent.

we'll take griff
sixers call cp3

04-26-2014, 07:31 PM
Whatever, he never said he doesn't consider non-black people smelly, lazy, inferior people.

Right, he just wants them denied employment because of the color of their skin.

04-26-2014, 07:31 PM

04-26-2014, 07:31 PM
Donald Sterling has proven, by his actions past and present, he doesn't belong in the NBA or any business that believes in equal rights and human rights.

By his own actions, he has shown his true colors. A racist bigot with a superiority complex.

All the owners should vote against him. Adam Silver, the new NBA commissioner, should set an example and punish him accordingly.

There is no place in society for these type of ideologies. We've seen what happens when racism goes unchecked. Hitler taught us that valuable cruel lesson. A lesson no sane person ever wants to re-do.

Sterling is still holding on to a fleeting past where ancient illogical ideas about race were deemed valid. In modern times, we know the result of racism and how it only fosters chaos, hate, violence, and ultimately death by the millions.

04-26-2014, 07:32 PM
well that escalated quickly, didnt think it was that big of a deal

04-26-2014, 07:33 PM
kobe and bran on the same page. matter of time before we exile the clippers and spread out their talent.

we'll take griff

We'll take DeAndre Jordan

04-26-2014, 07:33 PM
Chris Paul insisted he would only play for a team that hired a black head coach.

But thats ok. Hes black. We all secretly pity him for being black. We dont wanna come down on him, bc hes already black. And the truth is we all think that must suck. We expect him to already feel bad about being black. So we wont impose high standards on him.

But this caucasian guy, Sterling..... Lets witch hunt the hell out of the arrogant white bastard.

Gawwwd im like sooo progressive and tolerant u guys. Look at me n how cool i am. Its all about equality, yeah!
Way to go man, I'm proud of you.

04-26-2014, 07:33 PM
Cp3 to the heat

longtime lurker
04-26-2014, 07:33 PM
Chris Paul insisted he would only play for a team that hired a black head coach.

But thats ok. Hes black. We all secretly pity him for being black. We dont wanna come down on him, bc hes already black. And the truth is we all think that must suck. We expect him to already feel bad about being black. So we wont impose high standards on him.

But this caucasian guy, Sterling..... Lets witch hunt the hell out of the arrogant white bastard.

Gawwwd im like sooo progressive and tolerant u guys. Look at me n how cool i am. Its all about equality, yeah!

Again you're full of shit. You still haven't provided proof that this was actually true.

04-26-2014, 07:34 PM
But this is all gonna blower over, right dudes? Dudes...? :roll:

04-26-2014, 07:35 PM
Cp3 to the heat

Is he good? Can we get him?

04-26-2014, 07:35 PM
so its ok to be discriminating towards people with certain beliefs?

why cant someone be openly racist. its their right as a human being to like or not associate with somewhat for any reason. as long as it doesnt affect his way of hiring people. and theres a ton of black people in his organization. he had a black gm for 20 years... his best player is black

so what does it matter if he has a different culture and way of associating himself with friends or girlfriends...

i dont wanna date a black girl. i think theyre bossy and moody.

i'm openly against dating a black person.. so? thats my right as a human being

its his right to have that say aswell

yet all these black people now want him out of the nba

well he never wanted them out of the nba because theyre black. yet they want him out of the nba because of who he is

thats discrimination... which is nearly the same as racism.

lebrons no better than sterling.

04-26-2014, 07:35 PM
kobe and bran on the same page. matter of time before we exile the clippers and spread out their talent.

we'll take griff
Only non playoff teams get picks and non tanking teams.

Lakers get Blake, Knicks get CP3 :cheers:

04-26-2014, 07:36 PM
This has been a great week for race relations :oldlol: First Cliven Bundy and now this.

04-26-2014, 07:38 PM
Chris Paul insisted he would only play for a team that hired a black head coach.

Can you show legitimate proof that he ever said that?

04-26-2014, 07:38 PM
Donald Sterling has proven, by his actions past and present, he doesn't belong in the NBA or any business that believes in equal rights and human rights.

By his own actions, he has shown his true colors. A racist bigot with a superiority complex.

All the owners should vote against him. Adam Silver, the new NBA commissioner, should set an example and punish him accordingly.

There is no place in society for these type of ideologies. We've seen what happens when racism goes unchecked. Hitler taught us that valuable cruel lesson. A lesson no sane person ever wants to re-do.

Sterling is still holding on to a fleeting past where ancient illogical ideas about race were deemed valid. In modern times, we know the result of racism and how it only fosters chaos, hate, violence, and ultimately death by the millions.

Honestly sterling's actual actions as a slum lord are much worse than his comments. Everyone knows sterling is a racist. Anyone paying attention should have known way before this.

What do you propose be done? He can't be removed, he is the owner.

04-26-2014, 07:39 PM
Only non playoff teams get picks and non tanking teams.

Lakers get Blake, Knicks get CP3 :cheers:

Seems fair.

Celtics get Turkoglu or Barnes.

04-26-2014, 07:41 PM
There's no room for floppers or corrupts but oh well...:confusedshrug:

04-26-2014, 07:43 PM
Seems fair.

Celtics get Turkoglu or Barnes.
Thats definitely fair, Celts tanked enough. Detroit can get Reddick. Cavs or Jazz get Deandre.

Bucks tanked
76ers ubertanked
Magic tanked
Kings tanked by trading for Rudy

04-26-2014, 07:43 PM
Chris Paul insisted he would only play for a team that hired a black head coach.

But thats ok. Hes black. We all secretly pity him for being black. We dont wanna come down on him, bc hes already black. And the truth is we all think that must suck. We expect him to already feel bad about being black. So we wont impose high standards on him.

But this caucasian guy, Sterling..... Lets witch hunt the hell out of the arrogant white bastard.

Gawwwd im like sooo progressive and tolerant u guys. Look at me n how cool i am. Its all about equality, yeah!

From reading some of your comments you're obviously a racist/bigot, so why do you watch basketball :biggums:

04-26-2014, 07:51 PM
Lakers take griffin

04-26-2014, 07:54 PM
From reading some of your comments you're obviously a racist/bigot, so why do you watch basketball :biggums:

No, I'm obviously a person with a complex point of view, who sees many shades of grey and is not afraid or ashamed to admit as much and do so openly.

It's funny, because references to Nazis have already been brought up by multiple people here with regards to the Sterling thing. One idiot even claimed Sterling would have been a nazi.... apparently not realizing Donald Tokowitz is a jew.

Most Germans who became nazis did not initially do so out of some consuming hatred for Jews. They were convinced of that hatred by a few German leaders. They were persuaded toward that hatred. Now, did many of them have natural prejudices to begin with? Sure. But their ultimate systematic political hatred was the result of them being FOLLOWERS to the ideas of a few people higher up.

You... are a follower. You are acting like this stuff is black and white. "White racists are bad. Black racists are ok. Thinking otherwise is racist. The worst thing in the world is being racist. *Droning like a robot* Being racist is the worst thing in the world. White racists are bad. Black racists are ok. Thinking otherwise is racist. The worst thing in the world is being a racist." You are conditioned to think this, you are told it's a social expectation to think this, you are persuaded not to question this. You think by doing it that you're fitting in with the smart crowd and you're hoping for a little pat on the back.

You are a mindless sheep. This is a much more complex topic than YOU are capable of analyzing, you need one side of the coin to cling to and repeat. You think that everyone is either Hitler or Ghandi and there is no middle ground. You also probably don't think Hitler had some Ghandi in him or that Ghandi had some Hitler in him. You are a SIMPLE MIND. That's a polite way for me to tell you that YOU ARE STUPID.

But it's not just that you're stupid. You're also insecure. What if you speak honestly about your feelings and you get criticized? You certainly aren't gonna take that risk, are you? You're a scared little pansy. You're afraid not to fit in with the nice big safe group. So you think what they think. Or rather, you tell yourself you do. And you say what they say. And you hurl stones like a good little foot soldier at anyone who isn't in your camp, and thus must be in the enemy camp.

You're a fool, bruhskeedoodle. You're a small mind, delusional, and insecure. But it's all good man. I don't need your approval or admiration and I enjoy speaking freely. So I'll continue to do it. You'll continue marching with the mob, mindlessly, and thanking your lucky stars that you have the security and protection that comes with letting others think for you.


04-26-2014, 07:54 PM
LeBron mad because he planned on joining the Clippers next year.

04-26-2014, 07:54 PM
the nba has the right to make him sell his shares. guy might refuse and take it to court, but its going to end in him losing his rights to the clippers.

they should just dissolve the clippers franchise and merge with the lakers. chris paul, kobe, nick young, blake griffin, paul gasol

04-26-2014, 08:02 PM
they should just dissolve the clippers franchise and merge with the lakers.

That seems like the only plausible thing to do at this point and time.

04-26-2014, 08:05 PM
the nba has the right to make him sell his shares. guy might refuse and take it to court, but its going to end in him losing his rights to the clippers.

they should just dissolve the clippers franchise and merge with the lakers. chris paul, kobe, nick young, blake griffin, paul gasol


04-26-2014, 08:10 PM
While Sterling is a f*cking scumbag, the NBA absolutely does NOT have the right to make him sell :biggums:

It's not illegal to be racist. That's protected under your 1st amendment rights. It's illegal to employ racist/discriminatory practices, which this guy is not doing, as long as he is still signing Clips players' checks. You can't make a guy sell something he owns :facepalm as much as I dislike Sterling, I would shake my head if the NBA pulled some eminent domain shit.

04-26-2014, 08:20 PM
Bron :applause:

04-26-2014, 08:28 PM
There is no room for his flopping too. If only he could represent the sport like it should.....:rolleyes:

04-26-2014, 08:29 PM
There is no room for his flopping too. If only he could represent the sport like it should.....:rolleyes:

Do you have a really small peen? You are REALLY butthurt over this whole thing.

That being said, fcuk FlopP3

04-26-2014, 08:43 PM

Props to LeBron. Sterling is garbage. Feel bad for Clippers fans.

04-26-2014, 08:54 PM
Only LeBron could get insulted for saying racism is wrong :facepalm

04-26-2014, 08:57 PM
Cp3 to ny

04-26-2014, 08:58 PM
Only LeBron could get insulted for saying racism is wrong :facepalm
Lebron isnt being fair to silver, he is creating the expectation for him to force sterling out of the nba, when he has no ability to do so.