View Full Version : So what players will want to sign for the clippers now?

All Net
04-27-2014, 09:56 AM
Does sterling have any choice But to sell?

04-27-2014, 10:06 AM
Someone like Gilbert Arenas might enjoy getting paid while not being allowed to actually show up at games. A golden opportunity for all those lazy...people with skin completion not compatible with Sterling's aesthetical preferences.

04-27-2014, 10:08 AM
Someone like Gilbert Arenas might enjoy getting paid while not being allowed to actually show up at games. A golden opportunity for all those lazy...people with skin completion not compatible with Sterling's aesthetical preferences.
Gilbert is already making enough money, if anything he's making a comeback is for the love of the game

SacJB Shady
04-27-2014, 10:09 AM
Clippers will become the team they used to be before CP3

04-27-2014, 10:14 AM
Clippers will become the team they used to be before CP3



04-27-2014, 10:18 AM
CP3 should request a trade to the Lakers.

04-27-2014, 10:24 AM

What is Miles wearing in there
wool durag? :roll:

04-27-2014, 10:25 AM
Well...its not like Donald Sterling just suddenly woke up and was racist yesterday.

He's been a racist **** for a loooong time and players have still signed with the Clips.

04-27-2014, 10:28 AM


lmao Miles got that Iron Sheik headdress going on. :oldlol:

SacJB Shady
04-27-2014, 10:31 AM
CP3 should request a trade to the Lakers.

Likely will

All Net
04-27-2014, 10:32 AM
Question is will players care as long as they get paid?

04-27-2014, 10:34 AM
Well...its not like Donald Sterling just suddenly woke up and was racist yesterday.

He's been a racist **** for a loooong time and players have still signed with the Clips.

it makes a difference if you know he is racist or not

players need balls these days! just stop playing and get this racist ****** out of the nba

04-27-2014, 10:35 AM
Lol Darius Miles... What an after thought...:lol

04-27-2014, 10:35 AM
Ku Klux Klan

SacJB Shady
04-27-2014, 10:39 AM
The most hated team in History, Owners ranting about blacks and Magic Johnson, players pouring water on fans. Bunch of trash human beings.

04-27-2014, 10:46 AM

04-27-2014, 10:48 AM
people like pevoloic, AK47, Jeremy lin, kevin love, stojakovic, etc would probably consider it

04-27-2014, 10:54 AM
Clippers are a disgrace. Sterling needs to sell, team needs a name change/rebranding, relocation to Anaheim or Seattle

04-27-2014, 10:57 AM
the truth is sterlings racism is a well known entity.
It has never stopped black players from signing before.

Sterlings comments to his mixed "girlfriend" are just sensational. His actual actions as a slumlord have been far worse. Also he refuses to rent his properties in nicer communities to minority families. (he has given reasons like "the smell of black people attract vermin")

Black players have never refused to work for him when he did stuff that actually hurt a lot of black people. I dont see why his comments are worse than the stuff he has actually done.

04-27-2014, 10:58 AM
Well...its not like Donald Sterling just suddenly woke up and was racist yesterday.

He's been a racist **** for a loooong time and players have still signed with the Clips.

Not sure why people keep parroting this.. An audio tape, released by a HUGE media outlet, that has been exposed all over sports tv and the internet, is a bit different than "stories" and crap-written articles that were meant to be swept under the rug.

Basketball fans only NOW know the truth.. And part of that truth is, nobody will wanna sign and play for this cretin

04-27-2014, 10:58 AM
Well...its not like Donald Sterling just suddenly woke up and was racist yesterday.

He's been a racist **** for a loooong time and players have still signed with the Clips.
His past incidents were kinda swept under the rugs, or at least doesn't have the same magnitude as this one. Probably because nobody cared about the Clippers back in 2004/05 and the NBA was recovering from the Malice in Palace incident.

Now the Clippers are successful and currently considered WCF contenders and the NBA has a good public image, the league is popular again, so a controversy like this is gonna blow up.

Not sure why people keep parroting this.. An audio tape, released by a HUGE media outlet, that has been exposed all over sports tv and the internet, is a bit different than "stories" and crap-written articles that were meant to be swept under the rug.

Basketball fans only NOW know the truth.. And part of that truth is, nobody will wanna sign and play for this cretin
Exactly. His past incidents only made around the basketball community, not even sure non-NBA sports fan even know much about it. Now it's "front-page" news, not just in the basketball and sports section but general news section too. It's a big black-eye for the league and its players.

The pressure is on to get rid of him, or get him to sell the team.

All Net
04-27-2014, 11:21 AM
Is the ownership all his?

04-27-2014, 11:28 AM
Few questions have to be asked on this issue....


Who signed with the clippers to begin with?

Biggest stars of Sterlings time have been damaged goods Bill Walton, Ron Harper, Mark Jackson, Danny Manning, Elton Brand, Lamar Odom, Baron Davis, and now Paul and Blake. A lot of people who were hurt, a number of trades they had no choice on, some draft picks who had to play or leave the country, and then...Chris Paul in a sign and trade when he was denied his first choice.

The Clippers have never been some FA destination. They may have become one with a long enough stint of success but they never were for 30 years. Their biggest straight up "This guy chose to come here...." signing who didnt settle or get traded mid contract? Probably Baron Davis.

And LA is his hometown and he signed with the understanding Brand would resign......which he didnt. And I cant blame him(Though MANY Clipper fans here did at the time). And how did Sterling treat him?

And the other lowest point is when I played for the Clippers. ... I just stopped liking basketball. Youre dribbling down the court and having the owner like cuss at you and call you an idiot. I didn't even look forward to coming to the games, and if the owner [Donald Sterling] came to the game, I definitely was not gonna have a good game because it was just like, how do you play when the main heckler in the gym is the owner of the team, and he's telling you how much he hates you and calling out your name?

Thats from 2 years ago.

Sterling has been a batshit crazy, sexually harrassing, racist for at least 30 years of not signing good free agents, not winning, and making his team the joke of all professional sports.

He also turned a hefty profit doing it.

Why wouldnt he now?

Watch...next game...fans will pack the arena. And the one after that. And next year.

Maybe the league makes him agree to take a backseat and not attend games...or to stay in the box seats not on camera. Maybe some BS about handing power off to some family member or whatever and fading away on screen.

But some 20 year old kid who comes from a poor family is gonna get drafted this summer back end of the first round...hes gonna walk up on the stage with that Clippers hat....and faced with signing an 8 milion dollar deal to play in beautiful LA for a good and exciting team or going to Poland for less money for 4 years till the Clippers dont have his rights.....hes signing the deal.

And when asked hes gonna rationalize it with the things the staff and players will feed him in advance of press conferences. Team team team...not owner...great fans..."Ive never even met Donald Sterling...hes not at the games or in practice...".

Hes gonna be called courageous, the players who do nothing but take a check to play ball are gonna be praised for their ability to overcome the distraction, and life will go on.

I look high enough in the pecking order of any 6 decade billion dollar operation in America im gonna find old white guys who remember the 50s and dont want me ****ing their daughters and dont want to have to explain to their other old white guy friends why a woman hes seeing was spotted with me and my black friends leaving the club.

That is the world we have.

Every NBA player should know Donald Sterling is one of those people. Hearing a tape of him admitting it changed nothing to me.

It may make some people front like they really care...then they will cash their $800,000 monthly check knowing who it came from.

The Clippers are capped out(far as a major Fa signing) till the end of 2017 and thats if Paul AND Blake both opt out...if they dont...2018. By then Sterling is 85 if not dead....

And it will have been years of him not being out front as more and more people rationalized fattening his pockets to the point players dont even bring it up anymore.

Sterling made more money off the Clippers losing than most teams make when they win. hes owned them for 30 terrible years. He doesnt care if the team loses. He cares if the team doesnt make money.

And guess what?

Its gonna make money....because people only care how awful he is up to the point they have to be denied something they want....like...watching his team and rooting for them to win...buying things to rep the team if they do.

Be for real...how many people in the Clippers fanbase acting upset right now are gonna buy a "Clippers...2014 world champs!" shirt or hat if they win? Real Clipper fans...guys who remember Olowokandi...guys who rooted for Bo Kimble and remember Lamond Murray dunking on Hakeem.

these people are gonna rep the SHIT outta the clippers now that they have success and they are gonna do it knowing who benefits....because they will support anyone so long as they get what they want out of it.

A poor kid is always gonna take the millions to play in LA so they have the draft, the major FAs who are already rich have ducked the Clippers for 30 profitable years anyway, and fans dont care if the owner is Martin Luther King or the evil octopus ho from the Little Mermaid:


Fans want to attach themselves to success. Especially fans so starved for it all their lives.

Sterling could come off the top rope and drop the big elbow on a starving kid from Peru and Clipper fans would tweet about how awful he is....on their way to the game vs the Heat.

I mean....its the Big 3 vs Lob City!

Morals can wait till the Bobcats are in town. Then they will only sit home and watch the ads that pay him while wearing clippers gear he gets a cut out of.

Dont have to like it....but thats the world we have.

And it extends well beyond sports. There are 10 Donald Sterlings at the top of every major company we all patronize. Not knowing their names or seeing them on youtube doesnt make them not exist. It just gives us an excuse not to look into it.

We all want cell phones.

Doesnt matter what the old Asian guys who run cell phone companies think about black people. And trust me...you dont even wanna look into what old Asians think about black people. My cousin is stationed in Japan....hes from the deep south and even he wasnt prepared for the racism of Asia.

You cant live in the modern world and not help make someone who hates you rich.

We just sweep it under the rug until someone makes us take a hard look at it now and then.

Sterling is this weeks look. He will be back under the rug shortly.

04-27-2014, 11:52 AM
He will be back under the rug shortly.


reporter to silver: "do you agree with lebron that there is no place in the nba for a donald sterling ?"

silver, after pausing for 5 seconds : uh uh uhm .. mr. sterling has the right to eh .. uhm .. due process .. and we are going to follow that process and do a thorough investigation"


they'll probably just make him put out some generic apology and 'suspend' him to make it look like they're doing something about it until things cool off

04-27-2014, 12:00 PM
What could they really even do?

How can being racist be used to make you sell your business?

The league would have to have worked in a morals clause into the ownership agreement...and done so in the late 70s to cover him.

People talk up other owners they say were forced out...and ignore that they just sold teams after 20 years of people hating and did so for huge profits. It doesnt seem like they were forced out to me.

What would a suspension matter?

How could it even be enforced if he wanted to pus hthe issue? Hes got a lease on the building...

I can see a lot of for the public punishment that he laughes off in private coming.

04-27-2014, 12:01 PM

04-27-2014, 12:15 PM
He'll sell. He's a cheapass of the highest order. Silver needs to make it difficult for him to make money, and between that and the embarrasment he'll cash out.

BTW, those of you who are fans of other teams (and i'm no clipper fan, one of the most obnoxious teams in the league) who are taking up the mantle that the clippers players should be forced to bear the brunt of this is really transparent and pretty pathetic.

longtime lurker
04-27-2014, 12:18 PM
Clippers new logo


04-27-2014, 12:23 PM
He'll sell. He's a cheapass of the highest order. Silver needs to make it difficult for him to make money, and between that and the embarrasment he'll cash out.

BTW, those of you who are fans of other teams (and i'm no clipper fan, one of the most obnoxious teams in the league) who are taking up the mantle that the clippers players should be forced to bear the brunt of this is really transparent and pretty pathetic.

And how will he go about that? He's not selling. I doubt he gives a **** about any public embarrassment as long as he keeps lining his pockets, he isn't going to lose any sleep over this.

04-27-2014, 12:25 PM
theyel either turn into the indiana pacers, sanantonio spurs or utah jazz... ( their most stereotypical of eras/rosters

the ones we all know of

and the funny thing is... they were all great teams

04-27-2014, 12:32 PM
Not sure why people keep parroting this.. An audio tape, released by a HUGE media outlet, that has been exposed all over sports tv and the internet, is a bit different than "stories" and crap-written articles that were meant to be swept under the rug.

Basketball fans only NOW know the truth.. And part of that truth is, nobody will wanna sign and play for this cretin

Believe me, I get why this is now front-page news on CNN now whereas it might not have been 15-20 years ago. That's not the point I was making.

If its just something that wasn't really known outside of the League and the fans that really pay attention...doesn't that further my point? The players are kind of a huge part of the League...they know the owners. Players talk to each other. These guys must have been aware of Sterling's past remarks, regardless of whether they got swept under the rug to keep it away from the public at large. I'd bet a dollar to a donut most of the players and other ownerse were waiting for something like this to happen, cos scum like Sterling eventually trip themselves up...I certainly don't believe for one second guys like Lebron James and Chris Paul didn't already know full well that Sterling was this exact guy.

04-27-2014, 12:42 PM
For the most part... money talks.

I'm willing to bet many players, prior to it being a huge public ordeal, were wiling to play for a team with a known racist owner... as long as they're getting their millions.

Now that it's public, people will feel obligated to protest. It's less about showing the owner and more about showing their peers, family, and friends that they don't condone racism.

Something will happen to Sterling and this shit will blow over.

04-27-2014, 12:46 PM
Ku Klux Klan

Ku Klux Klippers

04-27-2014, 12:59 PM
For the most part... money talks.

I'm willing to bet many players, prior to it being a huge public ordeal, were wiling to play for a team with a known racist owner... as long as they're getting their millions.

Now that it's public, people will feel obligated to protest. It's less about showing the owner and more about showing their peers, family, and friends that they don't condone racism.

Something will happen to Sterling and this shit will blow over.

Those first three sentence = exactly what I'm thinking.

04-27-2014, 01:29 PM
Good post, Kblaze I agree w a lot except you are wrong about one thing:Clippers have become a destination in last 3 years.

Blake Griffin signed, CP3 forced trade here and resigned. Caron butler, collison, big baby, Barnes, Crawford, Redick, granger... All signed.

A lot of those guys were pursued by all the other marquee teams and clippers won out.

Players want to play in LA, they want to play for Doc, they want to play for a winner.

Clippers have all 3.

Before this incident I could almost guarantee you that an FA is choosing the clips over your Bulls, for instance.

This incident may very well change that. I agree that many of the products we buy are from racists and probably other teams we root for. The difference is out of sight, out of mind.

Chris Paul prob knew about sterlings past but he has nothing to do
with the day to day and it was just some stuff on old legal documents.

Now a guy going to sign w the clippers is going to have to justify it to this family and his friends. He has to look bad in the eyes of the world.

04-27-2014, 02:45 PM
Do you guys think that even if Sterling sells, the Clippers could remain a nice FA destination or would there be a proverbial "stink" around the organization for some time longer. If he sells, shouldn't they rename the team or something?

04-27-2014, 02:49 PM
Do you guys think that even if Sterling sells, the Clippers could remain a nice FA destination or would their be a proverbial "stink" around the organization for some time longer. If he sells, shouldn't they rename the team or something?

There will be no "stink" and no name change will be needed. Sterling is the only thing wrong with that organization.

04-27-2014, 02:55 PM
" clippers " is just a a stupid name. Also "bucks" is stupid as $hit.

Please change those.

04-27-2014, 04:10 PM
Good post, Kblaze I agree w a lot except you are wrong about one thing:Clippers have become a destination in last 3 years.

Blake Griffin signed, CP3 forced trade here and resigned. Caron butler, collison, big baby, Barnes, Crawford, Redick, granger... All signed.

Blake was drafted. And as ive said in 300 topics on 300 subjects....players ALWAYS take the first max extension they can get. I think its literally unheardof for a player to not take an offered max deal and instead go into the last year of their rookie deal with nothing promised beyond that 3-4 million. It just doesnt happen.

CP3 accepted the Clippers after the Lakers who he chose were overturned and he had already started moving to LA.

None of the rest of those players are newsworthy. Maybe Crawford....or Butler 4 years ago. I wasnt talking about deep bench players.

Everyone signs them. I was talking major free agents. Baron Davis I think is the only actual free agent the clippers ever signed to a max type deal.

If not who would it be?

Brand was traded for Chandler and took the end of rookie deal extension.

All the other long term good clippers are drafted...and as I said...no matter what team it is guys ALWAYS take the end of rookie deal big contract. I predicted blake would take it years ago. I literally cant think of one player to pass on it on any team ever.

They all say the right things....even the ones who go on to demand a trade after they get it...

But they all take that one.

Which is why I said the clippers will always have the draft. Everyone does. Its always been the key. You draft a star hes yours for 7 years. beyond that its a tossup.

Long story short....this just wont impact the Clippers much because they dont sign anyone anyway. And if they do get big cap space....it wont be until Sterling is 85.

Guys will have to flat demand trades or go on strike to really make a difference.