View Full Version : Adamn Silver + Owners Need To Get Sterling Out Immediately!

04-27-2014, 05:44 PM
After watching the Clippers/Warriors series, post Sterling comments, it was extremely obvious that Donald Sterling needs to be out of the league immediately. His actions basically destroyed the spirits of the Clippers. You saw it on every players face that they didn't want to be there. You saw it in their body language and their play.

This is a damn travesty. I had to turn the game off just because I couldn't bare it anymore. Normally, I watch the whole game.

This is different than a player or coach doing something of this nature. This is the freaking owner of the team. The top brass.

If Donald Sterling isn't removed as owner of the Clippers, I simply cannot fathom how any player would want to play one more damn game for this team. It's like playing with a storm cloud hanging over your head.

Get this guy outta here!

04-27-2014, 05:46 PM
Or the warriors are simply destroying the cotton plantation

Still agree with ops intentions

04-27-2014, 05:48 PM
After watching the Clippers/Warriors series, post Sterling comments, it was extremely obvious that Donald Sterling needs to be out of the league immediately. His actions basically destroyed the spirits of the Clippers. You saw it on every players face that they didn't want to be there. You saw it in their body language and their play.

This is a damn travesty. I had to turn the game off just because I couldn't bare it anymore. Normally, I watch the whole game.

This is different than a player or coach doing something of this nature. This is the freaking owner of the team. The top brass.

If Donald Sterling isn't removed as owner of the Clippers, I simply cannot fathom how any player would want to play one more damn game for this team. It's like playing with a storm cloud hanging over your head.

Get this guy outta here!
How though?
This is still america, and sterling still legally owns the company known as the Clippers. property rights exist in this country.

If you found out you boss was a racist, you really couldnt force your boss to sell his company either.

04-27-2014, 05:50 PM
This is different than a player or coach doing something of this nature. This is the freaking owner of the team. The top brass.

If Donald Sterling isn't removed as owner of the Clippers, I simply cannot fathom how any player would want to play one more damn game for this team. It's like playing with a storm cloud hanging over your head.

Get this guy outta here!

No. Its because he is white.

If a white player said this, you would want him cut.

If a black player, coach, executive, or owner was espousing bigotry in private and it was leaked, you would be silent.

Dont make excuses for yourself. You are a hypocrite and a fraud.

04-27-2014, 05:54 PM
They can request he leave the public eye and name someone else president, but you can not tell a business in America who can or can't run them. To go down that patch is a slippery slope and will lead to something worse. With all of this said I do think he should step down and should be asked to. The reactions to this have sometimes been as bad as the act of saying it.

04-27-2014, 05:56 PM
No. Its because he is white.
WHAT!!? I really hope you're not calling me a racist. Where the hell did I ever say that if Sterling was black I wouldn't want him out of the league? What the hell are you talking about?

If a white player said this, you would want him cut.

Yes, I would.

If a black player, coach, executive, or owner was espousing bigotry in private and it was leaked, you would be silent.

Can you please show me where I have ever said that I would support any type of racism? PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSE! Post a link. Post a screenshot. Post something, ANYTHING, showing where I am in support of racism.

Dont make excuses for yourself. You are a hypocrite and a fraud.

Make excuses for myself? What excuses am I making? How am I a hypocrite? You're making accusations about me and you do not even know me. On top of that, I've always, on this forum, other forums, etc have always been against any type of racism and inequality.

So, before you call me a racist or hypocrite or whatever. GET YOUR DAMN FACTS STRAIGHT!

04-27-2014, 05:57 PM
No. Its because he is white.

If a white player said this, you would want him cut.

If a black player, coach, executive, or owner was espousing bigotry in private and it was leaked, you would be silent.

Dont make excuses for yourself. You are a hypocrite and a fraud.

Are you autistic? Quit repeating yourself and saying nothing.. It's cringe-worthy.

04-27-2014, 05:59 PM
Are you autistic? Quit repeating yourself and saying nothing.. It's cringe worthy.
He has the most post in nearly every Sterling thread. :oldlol:

Something you want to tell us?

04-27-2014, 06:02 PM
WHAT!!? I really hope you're not calling me a racist. Where the hell did I ever say that if Sterling was black I wouldn't want him out of the league? What the hell are you talking about?

Yes, I would.

Can you please show me where I have ever said that I would support any type of racism? PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSE! Post a link. Post a screenshot. Post something, ANYTHING, showing where I am in support of racism.

Make excuses for myself? What excuses am I making? How am I a hypocrite? You're making accusations about me and you do not even know me. On top of that, I've always, on this forum, other forums, etc have always been against any type of racism and inequality.

So, before you call me a racist or hypocrite or whatever. GET YOUR DAMN FACTS STRAIGHT!

Did you call on the Lakers to cut Kobe Bryant or suspend him for a significant period of time for calling another person a "fukcing f@ggot"?

"Oh but but but but its diffffereennntttt"

Adam Silver
04-27-2014, 06:02 PM
I'm hoping the situation blows over. If it doesn't, then maybe I'll do something.

04-27-2014, 06:03 PM
Are you autistic? Quit repeating yourself and saying nothing.. It's cringe-worthy.

the truth annoying you ? .. you're ok with talking about ds over and over again though :rolleyes:

the victimologists have a huge hard on at the moment .. they don't wanna hear any of that shit akrazotile :oldlol:

04-27-2014, 06:22 PM
Cp3 fans have yet another excuse for him.

"He was in foul trouble because of his owner's racism!"

Tmuston Beltics
04-27-2014, 06:24 PM
bunch of babies out there... :cry: he doesn't like us that's why we lost :cry:

04-27-2014, 06:47 PM
They can request he leave the public eye and name someone else president, but you can not tell a business in America who can or can't run them. To go down that patch is a slippery slope and will lead to something worse. With all of this said I do think he should step down and should be asked to. The reactions to this have sometimes been as bad as the act of saying it.

He isn't the preside. Nor does he run the team.

04-27-2014, 06:50 PM
Unless the bylaws have something, an attempt to do so would just end up in Tokowitz sueing the NBA and getting a hefty payout.

Staples barring him from games could be an option that may lead to selling, but I'm sure even then, that isn't fully legal. Maybe when the lease is up, Staples refuses to renew, and no arena offers a spot up?

04-27-2014, 07:01 PM
Unless the bylaws have something, an attempt to do so would just end up in Tokowitz sueing the NBA and getting a hefty payout.

Staples barring him from games could be an option that may lead to selling, but I'm sure even then, that isn't fully legal. Maybe when the lease is up, Staples refuses to renew, and no arena offers a spot up?
Say hello to your new Seattle SuperSonics.

04-27-2014, 07:03 PM
']Say hello to your new Seattle SuperSonics.

Yes, because any businessman would move a team that has been profiting from mediocre days (even moreso now) to a city that could not maintain a team!

You, as well sir, should become a CFO/CEO

04-27-2014, 07:07 PM
No. Its because he is white.

If a white player said this, you would want him cut.

If a black player, coach, executive, or owner was espousing bigotry in private and it was leaked, you would be silent.

Dont make excuses for yourself. You are a hypocrite and a fraud.
You oppressed white men are hilarious

It's not because he's white, it's because he's powerful. If he was a bum on the street nobody would give a shit about his ramblings. He's in a position to ACT on his views.

Black athletes have been neutered to the point that you don't have to worry about that, so you can enjoy your day.

04-27-2014, 07:10 PM
']Say hello to your new Seattle SuperSonics.

People sound so stupid when they post things like this.

04-27-2014, 07:17 PM
Black athletes have been neutered to the point that you don't have to worry about that, so you can enjoy your day.

how the fk are they neutered when they're getting paid millions to play a fkn game :facepalm

04-27-2014, 07:21 PM
You oppressed white men are hilarious

It's not because he's white, it's because he's powerful. If he was a bum on the street nobody would give a shit about his ramblings. He's in a position to ACT on his views.

Black athletes have been neutered to the point that you don't have to worry about that, so you can enjoy your day.

Riley Cooper is a pretty powerful guy too, huh? Media feasted on that soapbox saga for well over a month. When minority athletes say similar things it makes MUCH smaller waves in the media. Riley Cooper some obscure backup receiver for a football team. Suddenly an overnight household name because he's white and said n1gger.

And "he's powerful, he's in a position to act" is a valid excuse, huh? Exactly which persons in America are NOT in a position to act on their views? General managers like Isiah Thomas? Celebrities and entertainers like Spike Lee and Chris Rock? Suppose they donated money to violent black power extremist causes? Is that not acting on their views? Should we lynch them in the media for making racist statements, as is happening to Sterling? What about civil rights leaders like Sharpton and Jackson? They're not in a position of influence? They don't get shredded in the mainstream liberal media outlets like Sterling is now. It's all just a trendy witch hunt.

This is a double standard, predicated on the simple fact that liberals pity black people. They INTERNALLY look down on them as weak, inferior, and helpless, and thus feel compelled to mother them, to stand up and fight battles for them, to baby them, and most importantly, (for their top priority is not altruism) to BE SEEN doing these things.

If liberals were strictly about equality, tolerance, fairness, diversity, etc wouldn't they apply the same standards to all people? This is a "hey look at me, I'm rebellious against the old establishment, everyone look at me loudly take the black guys side, even when both parties are at fault, or neither party is at fault, or there issue is insignificant, HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT ME HOW ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT I AM BECAUSE I'M PLAYING THE RACE CARD ON WHITE PEOPLE!!!! IM SO HIP AND LIBERAL, EVERYONE LOOK!!!!!

Things like this Sterling thing give all these losers an opportunity to do that for 15 minutes. Each person trying to outdo the other in lip service compassion and moral authority. That's why they're so popular. They truly are witch hunts. It happens for the same reason people post a pic of themselves every 5 minutes on facebook or instagram. They're looking to get their moment to shine and be seen and heard. Feigning injustice over an 80 year old coot's private conversation is simply the means for everyone to get together and beat their chest. Doc and CP3 knew Sterilng's past, they took the money. The fans knew his past, they bought the tickets. The owners, the media, they all knew, nobody ever made a fuss. But now, as the ante for PC outrage is upped every year, everyone feels like we have to go bonkers on this one. This is the one where we all grab the torches and get our self-righteous moment of glory. Well woopadee dooooooo.

longtime lurker
04-27-2014, 07:33 PM
Are you autistic? Quit repeating yourself and saying nothing.. It's cringe-worthy.

:roll: :roll: :roll: he definitely has some form of mental problems. I've never seen a broken record quite like this guy.

04-27-2014, 07:38 PM
Riley Cooper is a pretty powerful guy too, huh? Media feasted on that soapbox saga for well over a month. When minority athletes say similar things it makes MUCH smaller waves in the media. Riley Cooper some obscure backup receiver for a football team. Suddenly an overnight household name because he's white and said n1gger.

And "he's powerful, he's in a position to act" is a valid excuse, huh? Exactly which persons in America are NOT in a position to act on their views? General managers like Isiah Thomas? Celebrities and entertainers like Spike Lee and Chris Rock? Suppose they donated money to violent black power extremist causes? Is that not acting on their views? Should we lynch them in the media for making racist statements, as is happening to Sterling? What about civil rights leaders like Sharpton and Jackson? They're not in a position of influence? They don't get shredded in the mainstream liberal media outlets like Sterling is now. It's all just a trendy witch hunt.

This is a double standard, predicated on the simple fact that liberals pity black people. They INTERNALLY look down on them as weak, inferior, and helpless, and thus feel compelled to mother them, to stand up and fight battles for them, to baby them, and most importantly, (for their top priority is not altruism) to BE SEEN doing these things.

If liberals were strictly about equality, tolerance, fairness, diversity, etc wouldn't they apply the same standards to all people? This is a "hey look at me, I'm rebellious against the old establishment, everyone look at me loudly take the black guys side, even when both parties are at fault, or neither party is at fault, or there issue is insignificant, HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT ME HOW ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT I AM BECAUSE I'M PLAYING THE RACE CARD ON WHITE PEOPLE!!!! IM SO HIP AND LIBERAL, EVERYONE LOOK!!!!!

Things like this Sterling thing give all these losers an opportunity to do that for 15 minutes. Each person trying to outdo the other in lip service compassion and moral authority. That's why they're so popular. They truly are witch hunts. It happens for the same reason people post a pic of themselves every 5 minutes on facebook or instagram. They're looking to get their moment to shine and be seen and heard. Feigning injustice over an 80 year old coot's private conversation is simply the means for everyone to get together and beat their chest. Doc and CP3 knew Sterilng's past, they took the money. The fans knew his past, they bought the tickets. The owners, the media, they all knew, nobody ever made a fuss. But now, as the ante for PC outrage is upped every year, everyone feels like we have to go bonkers on this one. This is the one where we all grab the torches and get our self-righteous moment of glory. Well woopadee dooooooo.
When you find the black player talking about how much he hates crackers and he isn't black balled, I'll take your opinion as relevant.

see Mahmoud Abdul Rauf, you might be new to the NBA. You want to speak on black entertainers who shine a light on bigotry, go ahead. Speaking a bout "equal" is only lip service when the system is clearly set up differently.


04-27-2014, 07:38 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: he definitely has some form of mental problems. I've never seen a broken record quite like this guy.

you have no problem talking about donald sterling continuously ? :confusedshrug: so what mental problems do you have ?

04-27-2014, 07:41 PM
Did you call on the Lakers to cut Kobe Bryant or suspend him for a significant period of time for calling another person a "fukcing f@ggot"?

"Oh but but but but its diffffereennntttt"
:applause: :applause:

longtime lurker
04-27-2014, 07:43 PM
you have no problem talking about donald sterling continuously ? :confusedshrug: so what mental problems do you have ?

This coming from the guy that jerks off the Zimmerman's mug shot :lol you and this guy are one in the same. you don't have any original thoughts of your own so you hide behind the same view points in all of these topics. Cute of you to come to your BFF's defense

04-27-2014, 07:48 PM
This coming from the guy that jerks off the Zimmerman's mug shot :lol you and this guy are one in the same. you don't have any original thoughts of your own so you hide behind the same view points in all of these topics. Cute of you to come to your BFF's defense

I'm not the one calling out someone for having 'mental problems' because they keep repeating an argument .. you wanna throw stones when someone calls you on your bullshit .. you and that other guy saying someone has mental problems because they keep repeating something(the truth by the way) but here you and a bunch of others are repeating shit over and over about donald sterling .. be consistent

longtime lurker
04-27-2014, 08:02 PM
I'm not the one calling out someone for having 'mental problems' because they keep repeating an argument .. you wanna throw stones when someone calls you on your bullshit .. you and that other guy saying someone has mental problems because they keep repeating something(the truth by the way) but here you and a bunch of others are repeating shit over and over about donald sterling .. be consistent

You're obviously not familiar with Starface. The guy repeats the same shit over and over again in every single topic. He'll go off on a tangent and end up calling a poster a pc liberal beta pansy fa99ot or something along those lines EVERYTIME! He doesn't bother to debate people's points, just continues to spout his nonsense. This isn't the only topic he does this with he continually makes topics about Kobe and Melo saying the same shit over and over. He's not the first poster I've said has mental problems and I'm sure he won't be the last.

04-27-2014, 08:05 PM
Yes, because any businessman would move a team that has been profiting from mediocre days (even moreso now) to a city that could not maintain a team!

You, as well sir, should become a CFO/CEO
It's no dumber than people actually believing anything can be done to force Sterling to do anything. If they try, he'll easily sue them.

And the owners will not allow for excessive damages, because they dont want to set a precedent

04-27-2014, 08:31 PM
You're obviously not familiar with Starface. The guy repeats the same shit over and over again in every single topic. He'll go off on a tangent and end up calling a poster a pc liberal beta pansy fa99ot or something along those lines EVERYTIME! He doesn't bother to debate people's points, just continues to spout his nonsense. This isn't the only topic he does this with he continually makes topics about Kobe and Melo saying the same shit over and over. He's not the first poster I've said has mental problems and I'm sure he won't be the last.


dude77 jerks it to his avatar of Zimmerman too