View Full Version : How much of Lin's popularity & contract does he owe to being Asian?

Connor B
04-28-2014, 01:47 AM

That is how much money Jeremy Lin is going to make next year.

And tonight he just blew the series against Houston.

In a league where race has historically been a very sensitive subject, it is a shame to see Lin get overhyped and overpaid just because of the color of his skin. White or black or hispanic, and this kid isn't making 15 million next year.

I understand he is the first Asian-American player to make it big in the NBA, and maybe at the time he was good enough to give a decent contract. But 15 million next year?

Absurd. One of the worst contracts in the NBA. This Houston team is broken, and he is part of the problem. Racial sensitivity shouldn't translate to atrocious contacts.

04-28-2014, 02:27 AM
Morey's poison pill coming back to bite him in the ass :roll:

Seriously though if Lin brings in 15mil revenue then it's worth it. The NBA and each of it's teams are a business, not a nonprofit (like the NFL :oldlol:)

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-28-2014, 02:27 AM
95% due to being Asian
5% due to Melo and Dantoni

04-28-2014, 02:29 AM
its funny how people look at Lin's final year being $15 mill like he made $15 mill every year. If you sign a contract and backload it to where u make $1 the first 3 years and then $20 million on the fourth does that mean u should be seen as a $20 million/year player?

04-28-2014, 02:30 AM
its funny how people look at Lin's final year being $15 mill like he made $15 mill every year. If you sign a contract and backload it to where u make $1 the first 3 years and then $20 million on the fourth does that mean u should be seen as a $20 million/year player?

Exactly. People can't do math. (5+5+15)/3 is about $8.3m per year.

04-28-2014, 02:38 AM
8,3 million a year is not enough. he should get 10 a year.
nikkas like stuckey get 8,3:facepalm

04-28-2014, 02:39 AM
its funny how people look at Lin's final year being $15 mill like he made $15 mill every year. If you sign a contract and backload it to where u make $1 the first 3 years and then $20 million on the fourth does that mean u should be seen as a $20 million/year player?

which means the Rockets were counting the current roster to win them a championship. If not they wouldn't have created such "innovated" contract negotiation path.

Because clearly, they butchered the plan of adding other meaningful pieces, which can also be viewed as the real cost of this plan.

J Shuttlesworth
04-28-2014, 02:41 AM
How much of NBA athletes athleticism do they owe to being black?

04-28-2014, 02:43 AM
which means the Rockets were counting the current roster to win them a championship. If not they wouldn't have created such "innovated" contract negotiation path.

Because clearly, they butchered the plan of adding other meaningful pieces, which can also be viewed as the real cost of this plan.

I believe they said it would only count as 8 or so mill against the cap (not definite), but no the reason they created such an "innovated contract negotiation path" was so the knicks couldnt match not because next year is the year theyre going to go for a chip

04-28-2014, 02:45 AM
Anyone who thinks Lin is on the Rockets for any reason other than being Asian and trying to fill the void left by Yao is kidding themselves and too afraid of sounding racist. That said, it was Linsanity that got him the contract, not being Asian.

Although one could argue Linsanity being as big of a deal as it was, was because he was Asian. He wasn't the first no name player to blow up for a little while, and although it was a great streak most no name players would not have received that kind of attention.

I'm not a Lin hater though, I feel like he gets shit on and blamed for way too much for pretty much the same reason as the above.

04-28-2014, 02:48 AM
It was another calculated gamble by Morey. It hasn't panned out and part of that may be due to the fact Harden and Lin aren't the most complementary of pieces (didn't the Harden trade go down after the Lin signing?). The Asik move was pretty slick, especially if they couldn't land Dwight. It's hard to move poison-pill contracts though, so not sure what will happen this summer, especially since it looks like they'll lose this series

As a general question though- how many poison pill type contracts can a team exactly offer? Is there an exact limit on what the annual average for any of these deals can be?

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-28-2014, 02:49 AM
8,3 million a year is not enough. he should get 10 a year.
nikkas like stuckey get 8,3:facepalm
Stuckey is better than Lin

04-28-2014, 02:50 AM
It was another calculated gamble by Morey. It hasn't panned out and part of that may be due to the fact Harden and Lin aren't the most complementary of pieces (didn't the Harden trade go down after the Lin signing?). The Asik move was pretty slick, especially if they couldn't land Dwight. It's hard to move poison-pill contracts though, so not sure what will happen this summer, especially since it looks like they'll lose this series

As a general question though- how many poison pill type contracts can a team exactly offer? Is there an exact limit on what the annual average for any of these deals can be?

You can create a poison pill pharmacy as long as you stay under the salary cap. Or, as long as you pay the luxury tax if you go past it.

Lin and Asik both count 8.3m towards the salary cap, even though their bank accounts go up by 15m. That's also why this is dumb... to the fans, Lin and Asik are 8.3m players, not 15m players.

Stuckey is better than Lin

:roll: :biggums:

04-28-2014, 02:51 AM
NYC media hype got him that contract.

04-28-2014, 02:51 AM

04-28-2014, 03:07 AM
Stuckey is better than Lin

04-28-2014, 03:17 AM
You can create a poison pill pharmacy as long as you stay under the salary cap. Or, as long as you pay the luxury tax if you go past it.

Lin and Asik both count 8.3m towards the salary cap, even though their bank accounts go up by 15m. That's also why this is dumb... to the fans, Lin and Asik are 8.3m players, not 15m players.
Thank you for clearing that up. I understood the structuring, just wasn't sure what rule(s) from a cap situation allowed the structuring.

The contract he got though was for a 25 game stretch where he went berserk and energized MSG on a team that was floundering. That looked like a nice business opportunity. He's not a bad player by any means, certainly not worth $8M+/year against the cap. Media hype definitely played a huge role in his deal

04-28-2014, 03:18 AM
Atleast Stuckey dosent fking turn it over like lin did in the clutch. lin will be forever rememberd for the dumbass that he is.

04-28-2014, 03:24 AM
Atleast Stuckey dosent fking turn it over like lin did in the clutch. lin will be forever rememberd for the dumbass that he is.
The irony.

04-28-2014, 03:24 AM
Atleast Stuckey dosent fking turn it over like lin did in the clutch. lin will be forever rememberd for the dumbass that he is.

You need Jesus or Buddha bro. So much hate in your heart :oldlol: You cant be mad at all Asians that an Asian guy stole your girlfriend.

04-28-2014, 03:28 AM
Wait so they structure it for 5 - 5 - 15 right?

But it only counted 8 - 8 - 8 towards the cap?

Then why didn't New York match if that was the case???

04-28-2014, 03:31 AM
Wait so they structure it for 5 - 5 - 15 right?

But it only counted 8 - 8 - 8 towards the cap?

Then why didn't New York match if that was the case???
I think because it would mean $8.3M less in cap space for summer 2014, when back then it was assumed all Big 3 would opt out to become FAs. Knicks have always left window open to chase LBJ (they since tied up money in Bargs & Chandler, so they can't get him until next summer if he waits to be FA for another yr).

Plus, I thought they'd have even crazier luxury tax payments, which I think was one reason they publicly said why they didn't match the offer.

04-28-2014, 03:36 AM
Anyone who thinks Lin is on the Rockets for any reason other than being Asian and trying to fill the void left by Yao is kidding themselves and too afraid of sounding racist. That said, it was Linsanity that got him the contract, not being Asian.
I've said that Lin is on the Rockets only to draw in the Asian crowd and I got negged like crazy. 99% of them were idiots who were incapable of understanding what I meant and calling me racist because I was being real.

04-28-2014, 03:36 AM
Wait so they structure it for 5 - 5 - 15 right?

But it only counted 8 - 8 - 8 towards the cap?

Then why didn't New York match if that was the case???
Because he's not worth 24 million over 3 years that's Jeff Teague type money who is WAY better than Lin at everything and actually stepping up in the playoffs and winning not losing games for his team.

04-28-2014, 03:39 AM
I think because it would mean $8.3M less in cap space for summer 2014, when back then it was assumed all Big 3 would opt out to become FAs. Knicks have always left window open to chase LBJ (they since tied up money in Bargs & Chandler, so they can't get him until next summer if he waits to be FA for another yr).

Plus, I thought they'd have even crazier luxury tax payments, which I think was one reason they publicly said why they didn't match the offer.
Then there was no reason whatsoever to structure it that way.

Just structure it 8 - 8 - 8 from the start. What's the difference. :confusedshrug:

04-28-2014, 03:40 AM
Then there was no reason whatsoever to structure it that way.

Just structure it 8 - 8 - 8 from the start. What's the difference. :confusedshrug:
Houston did that because it allowed them to also sign Asik that same off-season, which was important to them since they didn't have a great starting C.

04-28-2014, 03:41 AM
it was pretty much said Lin was signed for monetary reasons. it was Alexander's call not Morey nor mchales.

04-28-2014, 03:45 AM
Houston did that because it allowed them to also sign Asik that same off-season, which was important to them since they didn't have a great starting C.
How does that allow them to sign Asik if it counted 8 towards their cap instead of 5?

04-28-2014, 03:45 AM
Because he's not worth 24 million over 3 years that's Jeff Teague type money who is WAY better than Lin at everything and actually stepping up in the playoffs and winning not losing games for his team.

You said Lin is just an average bench player.

So why the **** are you blaming him for the loss (while not giving him credit for the rockets win last game)????? Especially considering Parsons' blocked shots, Dwight OT struggles, Haren awful D, etc

It would be like blaming Danny Granger for the Clippers loss today. Or blaming Marco Belinelli and Patty Mills for the Spurs loss :facepalm

04-28-2014, 03:47 AM
You said Lin is just an average bench player.

So why the **** are you blaming him for the loss (while not giving him credit for the rockets win last game)????? Especially considering Parsons' blocked shots, Dwight OT struggles, Haren awful D, etc

It would be like blaming Danny Granger for the Clippers loss today. Or blaming Marco Belinelli and Patty Mills for the Spurs loss :facepalm
Cause he pretty much nearly lost them the last game also with that lay up, I'm sorry but those mistakes you cannot excuse they were awful and he sucked the whole game and he's not worth his contract.

04-28-2014, 03:49 AM
I like Lin but he's def overpaid.

04-28-2014, 03:54 AM
How does that allow them to sign Asik if it counted 8 towards their cap instead of 5?
Good question, http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nba-ball-dont-lie/jeremy-lin-knicks-james-dolan-betrayed-deceived-161820611--nba.html
Here's a story I found saying that Dolan felt betrayed Lin would go for a money grab essentially after his real shot came with NYK. Supposedly the last year being such a big spike had luxury tax implications. Maybe the cap hit is lower but the actual payment amount amount goes towards luxury tax calculations. That might be incorrect, but best thing I can fathom

04-28-2014, 10:47 AM
That was the point in that contract structuring. The Knicks would have gotten killed in luxury taxes next year

04-28-2014, 01:58 PM

That is how much money Jeremy Lin is going to make next year.

And tonight he just blew the series against Houston.

In a league where race has historically been a very sensitive subject, it is a shame to see Lin get overhyped and overpaid just because of the color of his skin. White or black or hispanic, and this kid isn't making 15 million next year.

I understand he is the first Asian-American player to make it big in the NBA, and maybe at the time he was good enough to give a decent contract. But 15 million next year?

Absurd. One of the worst contracts in the NBA. This Houston team is broken, and he is part of the problem. Racial sensitivity shouldn't translate to atrocious contacts.

Regarding what one gets just because of the color of his skin, what do you say about the reverse when an Asian kid has to get hundreds of (SAT) points MORE than an African-American kid to be on even terms when it comes to college admissions? Or how about the African-American boy who got accepted to all 8 Ivy League schools (unheard of). The Supreme Court recently gave a blow to Affirmative Action in regard to college admissions at University of Michigan.

Why should there be affirmative action for one minority and not another - it's not like the Chinese weren't also exploited (building the rails across the country)? Sorry, it's a sore point for me - just finished going through college applications with my daughter. School counselor/administration were furious when WashU summarily rejected ALL the Asian students while accepting caucasian, hispanic and black students with lower scores/grades.

Each player is deserving of whatever a team will offer - market price. If HOU thinks Lin is worth $xx million because of the Chinese market (which has followed and voted [all-star] for all HOU players since Yao Ming), what's he to say? No, I'm not worth that? He probably affects what they get from broadcasting their games to China. Same with Manu. Is he worth $7million? No, but he is to the Spurs because of the large hispanic population in San Antonio.

04-28-2014, 02:20 PM
Being in NY
Being Asian
Hurt players on NY
Media Overhype
Him Balling when he got the chance
38 against Lakers
His underdog story
Backed by a whole country
To Bring interest in Houston

Many reasons why he got that contract

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