View Full Version : I didnt hear anything racist from Donald Sterling on that tape

04-28-2014, 11:17 AM

It s a public perception thing , not a racist thing. He says multiple times that he didnt care if she met them privately. He even said he didnt have any problem with her being half black, with her skin. He only didnt want her to put pictures of her with minorities publicly because his friends and other people made comments to me. He didnt and couldnt deal with that.

04-28-2014, 11:18 AM
5/10 in advance because a lot of people are going to take the bait.

04-28-2014, 11:18 AM
Not sure if you're serious or not but there's 2 threads on this on the first page...

04-28-2014, 11:19 AM
Sterling thread #1453673

04-28-2014, 11:21 AM
We're gonna need a new forum category for the members too stupid to leave their comments in existing threads.

04-28-2014, 11:25 AM
why dont we merge all sterling threads in one big sticky thread.

04-28-2014, 11:26 AM

04-28-2014, 11:37 AM
Why is it so hard for people to ignore a thread that they dont like and not click on it? Why does it bother them so much? If you dont like a thread, just scroll down and move on. Instead of doing that, they click on the topic, then, click on ''post reply'; button. They think about the comment they post, they write it and then post it. woow

What a bunch of weak minded losers! Then, they call Lebron beta! :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

Le Shaqtus
04-28-2014, 11:39 AM
Why is it so hard for people to ignore a thread that they dont like and not click on it? Why does it bother them so much? If you dont like a thread, just scroll down and move on. Instead of doing that, they click on the topic, then, click on ''post reply'; button. They think about the comment they post, they write it and then post it. woow

What a bunch of weak minded losers! Then, they call Lebron beta! :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:


04-28-2014, 11:40 AM
Why is it so hard for people to ignore a thread that they dont like and not click on it? Why does it bother them so much? If you dont like a thread, just scroll down and move on. Instead of doing that, they click on the topic, then, click on ''post reply'; button. They think about the comment they post, they write it and then post it. woow

What a bunch of weak minded losers! Then, they call Lebron beta! :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:
My post took seconds to write

Now look at yours and how long did it take you, weak minded fgt :oldlol:

04-28-2014, 11:40 AM
It is very racist. Back in the day when they had separate bathrooms and restaurants for black people, it was a public perception thing. You trying to say that wasnt racist?

04-28-2014, 11:46 AM
It is very racist. Back in the day when they had separate bathrooms and restaurants for black people, it was a public perception thing. You trying to say that wasnt racist?

Back in the days, some of the white people were not racists, they just followed others. They did what they did because of the rules in the society. They were followers. That doesnt make them good people, but they were not racists.

04-28-2014, 11:49 AM
OP desperately going for "dumbest ISH poster" :applause:

04-28-2014, 11:51 AM
I didnt hear anything about the avy bet :confusedshrug:

04-28-2014, 11:59 AM
Back in the days, some of the white people were not racists, they just followed others. They did what they did because of the rules in the society. They were followers. That doesnt make them good people, but they were not racists.

:oldlol: If society is racist, and you follow it by being also being racist, then guess what? Your racist.

04-28-2014, 12:09 PM

certainly not too stupid to get in your weak little mind

04-28-2014, 12:09 PM
:oldlol: If society is racist, and you follow it by being also being racist, then guess what? Your racist.

Thread lmao.

Le Shaqtus
04-28-2014, 12:12 PM
certainly not too stupid to get in your weak little mind

Whatever you say kid

04-28-2014, 12:15 PM
Oh so it's his friends that are racist. Got it!!!!

04-28-2014, 12:16 PM
:oldlol: If society is racist, and you follow it by being also being racist, then guess what? Your racist.

Depends on how you judge a person: ( different interpretations)
- You can judge a person by his actions.
- You can also judge him by his actual feelings.

Sometimes because of outside pressure from the society, people have to go against their own feelings. For example, some germans didnt feel like the Jews were problems and that they were bad, but still they had to go against them because of the pressure by the society.

If you judge a person by his action, then Donald is racist.
If you judge a person by his actual feelings, then, we cant tell if he is racist or not ( by hearing that tape post on the first post). That tape doesnt have enough informations.

04-28-2014, 12:17 PM
:oldlol: If society is racist, and you follow it by being also being racist, then guess what? Your racist.
This is incorrect. Racist behavior doesnt mean youre racist if the reason isnt racist.

04-28-2014, 12:51 PM
I think some of you dont actually know what racism is. When a person or people are being treated differently because of their race, then it is racism. Donald Sterling no wanting to be associated with someone because of their race makes him a racist. Its not hard :biggums:

04-28-2014, 12:57 PM

04-28-2014, 01:22 PM
It's obviously blown out of proportion. The media always overcompensates when it comes to such things. Sterling is a prick, probably not a good person. But I agree, he didn't blatantly say anything racist. If there was racism, we inferred it.

Everyone feels a certain way towards certain cultures, it is impossible to feel absolutely equal about everyone. If he doesn't wish to be associated with certain cultures, that's his issue. It might not be morally right, but that's a lifestyle choice.

04-28-2014, 01:28 PM
Depends on how you judge a person: ( different interpretations)
- You can judge a person by his actions.
- You can also judge him by his actual feelings.

Sometimes because of outside pressure from the society, people have to go against their own feelings. For example, some germans didnt feel like the Jews were problems and that they were bad, but still they had to go against them because of the pressure by the society.

If you judge a person by his action, then Donald is racist.
If you judge a person by his actual feelings, then, we cant tell if he is racist or not ( by hearing that tape post on the first post). That tape doesnt have enough informations.


04-28-2014, 10:45 PM
I think some of you dont actually know what racism is. When a person or people are being treated differently because of their race, then it is racism. Donald Sterling no wanting to be associated with someone because of their race makes him a racist. Its not hard :biggums:
It is a racist behavior. But a person is not a racist unless his intent and reasoning is racist.

04-28-2014, 10:47 PM
Best insults to OP get repped from me. Lets turn this thread around mateys! :cheers:

04-28-2014, 10:52 PM
Paula Deen, Cliven Bundy weren't "racist" either according to some people. Damn wtf do you have to do to be considered racist these days?

04-28-2014, 10:56 PM


04-28-2014, 11:07 PM
Paula Deen, Cliven Bundy weren't "racist" either according to some people. Damn wtf do you have to do to be considered racist these days?

Look, I don't care if they lynched that black guy, one time Chris Rock made a joke about white people and it's exactly the same.

(Am I doing it right?)

04-28-2014, 11:17 PM
HAHAHA Blown way out of proportion This is a joke right. He doesn't want his girl around magic johnson the guy whos banged how many chicks? He probably just doesn't want his friends making jokes about his gf being a whore

04-28-2014, 11:19 PM
You and Smoke117 should go butt**** each other in your "edgy comment" clubhouse.

04-28-2014, 11:34 PM
OP is either trolling or legit retarded.

04-28-2014, 11:51 PM
You guys are such close-minded sheep. OP posts his unpopular opinion on an issue and you all immediately call him stupid. I'm not saying that he's not, but none of you provided any reason why and resorted to insulting right away.

Combat Wombat
04-29-2014, 01:24 AM

It s a public perception thing , not a racist thing. He says multiple times that he didnt care if she met them privately. He even said he didnt have any problem with her being half black, with her skin. He only didnt want her to put pictures of her with minorities publicly because his friends and other people made comments to me. He didnt and couldnt deal with that.


Honestly, the best (and the most intelligent) part of you must have dribbled down the crack of your mothers ass and ended up as the brown stain on her mattress.

04-29-2014, 01:59 AM
lol she sounds like such a trophy wife. Also...he's clearly senile or something. He told her that he thought she was going to "take out" her mixed skin/culture. lol @ his damage control...he's such a dick. Still this whole thing is bs. The world is full of ***** and many of them own the organizations that run our country. Who cares what people think? Why does it matter to people if an owner is prejudice or not? Clips gonna let it cost them a shot at a chip...over some words? People are too sensitive. It's not like he's lynching ballboys in his backyard or something..jesus. He's just some old ass from the 30s who was brought up differently than all of us now. Also...remember, this was a PRIVATE PHONE CONVERSATION. I'm sure people could find something against all of us that they could use in the media if they hung around with us long enough.

04-29-2014, 03:25 AM
lol she sounds like such a trophy wife. Also...he's clearly senile or something. He told her that he thought she was going to "take out" her mixed skin/culture. lol @ his damage control...he's such a dick. Still this whole thing is bs. The world is full of ***** and many of them own the organizations that run our country. Who cares what people think? Why does it matter to people if an owner is prejudice or not? Clips gonna let it cost them a shot at a chip...over some words? People are too sensitive. It's not like he's lynching ballboys in his backyard or something..jesus. He's just some old ass from the 30s who was brought up differently than all of us now. Also...remember, this was a PRIVATE PHONE CONVERSATION. I'm sure people could find something against all of us that they could use in the media if they hung around with us long enough.

04-29-2014, 03:34 AM
lol she sounds like such a trophy wife. Also...he's clearly senile or something. He told her that he thought she was going to "take out" her mixed skin/culture. lol @ his damage control...he's such a dick. Still this whole thing is bs. The world is full of ***** and many of them own the organizations that run our country. Who cares what people think? Why does it matter to people if an owner is prejudice or not? Clips gonna let it cost them a shot at a chip...over some words? People are too sensitive. It's not like he's lynching ballboys in his backyard or something..jesus. He's just some old ass from the 30s who was brought up differently than all of us now. Also...remember, this was a PRIVATE PHONE CONVERSATION. I'm sure people could find something against all of us that they could use in the media if they hung around with us long enough.
Pretty much, he didnt promote hate or violence against anyone and its his damn miserable private life.

04-29-2014, 03:36 AM

It s a public perception thing , not a racist thing. He says multiple times that he didnt care if she met them privately. He even said he didnt have any problem with her being half black, with her skin. He only didnt want her to put pictures of her with minorities publicly because his friends and other people made comments to me. He didnt and couldnt deal with that.

Those were just excuses. You don't think he tones down his racism for her? If he is trying to make himself sound not racist, yet still comes across as super racist, imagine how racist he really is.

04-29-2014, 03:55 AM
Those were just excuses. You don't think he tones down his racism for her? If he is trying to make himself sound not racist, yet still comes across as super racist, imagine how racist he really is.
Fueling your hate for Sterling based on an assumption. :applause:

04-29-2014, 03:56 AM
Also...remember, this was a PRIVATE PHONE CONVERSATION. I'm sure people could find something against all of us that they could use in the media if they hung around with us long enough.

That's why it's better to stay out of the spotlight and away from scandalous hos. I mean, she definitely set this up, eh?


04-29-2014, 04:17 AM
You guys are such close-minded sheep. OP posts his unpopular opinion on an issue and you all immediately call him stupid. I'm not saying that he's not, but none of you provided any reason why and resorted to insulting right away.

Therefore, OP is stupid.

04-29-2014, 04:39 AM
You guys are such close-minded sheep. OP posts his unpopular opinion on an issue and you all immediately call him stupid. I'm not saying that he's not, but none of you provided any reason why and resorted to insulting right away.

Stupid people do that themselves. Like when your girl said she loved me. Stupid :facepalm

04-29-2014, 05:21 AM
Fueling your hate for Sterling based on an assumption. :applause:

04-29-2014, 07:32 AM
You guys are such close-minded sheep. OP posts his unpopular opinion on an issue and you all immediately call him stupid. I'm not saying that he's not, but none of you provided any reason why and resorted to insulting right away.
Living****** alt confirmed :lol

04-29-2014, 07:49 AM
Fueling your hate for Sterling based on an assumption. :applause:

A logical assumption, yes. You would have to be stupid to think what he said to his mixed race gf is the worst it gets for him.

04-29-2014, 08:29 AM
The opinion of some in this thread reminds me of this quote I once read, "America today likes its racism overt and indisputable, otherwise the tendency is to deny its existence."

Sterling's housing policy plus what he has been quoted as saying is very racist but to some, the policy and quotes are not sufficiently overtly racist. Therefore it is a huge leap to then label Sterling a racist. It's as if people are not allowed to deem an individual to be a racist based on reasonable and logical deductions from another's words and actions. Basically, Sterling has to explicitly say, "I am a racist!" before they can be considered racists and even then I suspect there'll be arguments that he's not racist.

04-29-2014, 07:56 PM
You guys are such close-minded sheep. OP posts his unpopular opinion on an issue and you all immediately call him stupid. I'm not saying that he's not, but none of you provided any reason why and resorted to insulting right away.

This is ISH for you. They cant think, they let media think for them and when someone goes against the media, they insult him.

04-29-2014, 07:59 PM
:oldlol: If society is racist, and you follow it by being also being racist, then guess what? Your racist.
Non sequitur.

04-29-2014, 08:03 PM
I think some of you dont actually know what racism is. When a person or people are being treated differently because of their race, then it is racism. Donald Sterling no wanting to be associated with someone because of their race makes him a racist. Its not hard :biggums:
I think you actually don't know the meaning of most words, because you are borderline retarded.

04-29-2014, 08:19 PM
I, just like majority of people who barely know this case in detailed and quickly make judgment, just listened to the whole conversation.

Now I really feel sorry to the old man.

That bitch kept playing race card til Sterling fell for it. Sterling talked back like he knew he has had enough problem with racism and did try to avoid it.

Plus, the conversation supposes to be private.

The whole thing has really been way overblown.

longtime lurker
04-29-2014, 08:20 PM
The funny part is that as much as Sterling wasn't trying to be racist he still comes off incredibly racist :oldlol:

04-29-2014, 08:20 PM
he's not the only white man insecure and uncomfortable about his girl consorting with some strapping brothas