View Full Version : What's with the Rockets tossing Lin under the bus?

04-28-2014, 12:53 PM
I think a lot of you are nuts about Lin (he's constantly praised as humble yet his summer was spent on the Jeremy Lin promotional tour which included a documentary about him). But he's a good teammate, and he's an important member of the Rocket. Yet for some reason his mistakes need to be announced by his teammates (Harden), his coach (McHale yesterday talked about the play and Lin by name and made sure we all knew it was Lin's fault, not his) in addition to the glares he gets from Harden and Howard.

WTF...their was enough blame to go around, but Lin needs to be blamed by name and with individual plays discussed.

04-28-2014, 12:55 PM
I think a lot of you are nuts about Lin (he's constantly praised as humble yet his summer was spent on the Jeremy Lin promotional tour which included a documentary about him). But he's a good teammate, and he's an important member of the Rocket. Yet for some reason his mistakes need to be announced by his teammates (Harden), his coach (McHale yesterday talked about the play and Lin by name and made sure we all knew it was Lin's fault, not his) in addition to the glares he gets from Harden and Howard.

WTF...their was enough blame to go around, but Lin needs to be blamed by name and with individual plays discussed.

Someone has to be the scapegoat. Lin just happened to be the unlucky one.

McHale knows his job is on the line now. He's gonna pass the buck as much as possible. But, any coach knows you can't pass the buck to your star player...since the fans come to see the stars play...not to see the coaches coach.

Harden's in the same boat. He sucked ASS this series. In every sense of the word. Passing the blame to Lin as much as possible suits his agenda.

04-28-2014, 01:01 PM
Lin should not take the glares from Harden and Howard, 2 soft betas. I know he's a nice guy, but he should not go down quietly with these pass the blame guys putting him down through the media. It's pretty obvious they don't like him there.

04-28-2014, 01:01 PM
It's disgusting how disrespectful they are to Lin. Lin made mistakes but dude is competing hard out there. Now Harden on the other hand is giving up as many points as he scores. And fukkin Mchale guarding LMA with a 6'8 player for those 2 losses. So those guys need to STFU about Lin!!!!

04-28-2014, 01:03 PM
I dislike what happened with Lin and the Knicks but I think Houston is wrong in the way they are treating him. McHale is the one playing him in critical minutes, so I don't get him criticizing him. The players are seemingly singling him out in a way you don't see much. Its a bit unfair.

04-28-2014, 01:05 PM
Whose singled him out?

Smook A.
04-28-2014, 01:06 PM
I feel bad for him but he has made some dumb mistakes. That turnover in game 4 and the missed layup in game 3. He made up that layup in OT though.

If we lose the series, which we definitely will, the main reason will be because of James Harden.

Im still a little disappointed because if Jeremy didn't turn that ball over in game 4, the series would've been tied at 2-2.

04-28-2014, 01:06 PM
Because he ****ing scrub that blew the game. I would assume that is why they are upset with him :oldlol:

04-28-2014, 01:07 PM
Just saw Mchale's comments. He's just trying to save his own ass. Harden needs to cut that shit out, but either way Lin is not going to be on the Houston Rockets next year. He isn't worth the headache.

Smook A.
04-28-2014, 01:09 PM
Just saw Mchale's comments. He's just trying to save his own ass. Harden needs to cut that shit out, but either way Lin is not going to be on the Houston Rockets next year. He isn't worth the headache.
Rockets should trade him to LA so he can reunite with D'Antoni or back to the Knicks.

04-28-2014, 01:11 PM
Just saw Mchale's comments. He's just trying to save his own ass. Harden needs to cut that shit out, but either way Lin is not going to be on the Houston Rockets next year. He isn't worth the headache.

Headache? What headache? If anything, Lin is the kind of guy you want on your team. Yeah, he makes mistakes, but he's still an inexperienced player.

He basically goes out and does what he's told...never bitches or pouts. 100% effort all the time and a great team player. Never blames anyone else...and is the first to give guys credit.

And I didn't get McHale's rotation in the end. He sat Lin pretty early in the 4th and I thought he was just gonna stick him there til the end...then he puts him back in at what...40 seconds left or something...for some ridiculous backwards offense/defense crap?

I'm not excusing Lin's huge mistake, but he gets jerked around by McHale like a dog on a short leash.

04-28-2014, 01:12 PM
And also it isn't like it's uncommon for the better players to publicly ridicule the lesser ones. You've seen it with Lebron, with Jordan, with Kobe, etc. etc. I've seen Dirk in the finals death glare Jason Terry for leaving Chalmers open. Shit isn't uncommon. Lin gave away the game last night. Plain and simple.

04-28-2014, 01:13 PM
Kevin McHale said...

"We talked about it during the break, that if we get the ball, we're going to call timeout unless we had an open break. We talked about that"

And Lin got the rebound and... got it stolen. His coach even said they had been told to call timeout if they got the ball.

This, from the same guy who took a stupid layup with 30 seconds left and 18 seconds on the shot clok up 2 just a few nights ago. Hes blown it twice. Say what you want about Harden and Dwight and Parsons and whoever, but those two plays, if those two plays end up differently, Houston is up 3-1.

So long Lin. Have fun playing in Milwaukee.

04-28-2014, 01:14 PM
And also it isn't like it's uncommon for the better players to publicly ridicule the lesser ones. You've seen it with Lebron, with Jordan, with Kobe, etc. etc. I've seen Dirk in the finals death glare Jason Terry for leaving Chalmers open. Shit isn't uncommon. Lin gave away the game last night. Plain and simple.

Yeah, but it's one thing coming from a REAL leader. No one is ever going to complain about Jordan singling out someone because he's the ultimate competitor.

But to see Harden just not give a shit on either side of the court...and then on top of that, toss a teammate under the bus...the SAME teammate who bailed your ass out the game before.

Harden, to me, seems like one of those dudes who has NO conscience. He just does not give a ****. He's like the guy at the park, who can't shoot for shit, but launches it everytime he touches and when you shoot the rock, he yells at you to "pass the rock".

04-28-2014, 01:16 PM
Kevin McHale said...

"We talked about it during the break, that if we get the ball, we're going to call timeout unless we had an open break. We talked about that"

And Lin got the rebound and... got it stolen. His coach even said they had been told to call timeout if they got the ball.

This, from the same guy who took a stupid layup with 30 seconds left and 18 seconds on the shot clok up 2 just a few nights ago. Hes blown it twice. Say what you want about Harden and Dwight and Parsons and whoever, but those two plays, if those two plays end up differently, Houston is up 3-1.

So long Lin. Have fun playing in Milwaukee.

Dude, you're an idiot.

They WON Game 3...in case you'd forgotten.

Or are you trying to blame Lin for the losses at home now?

04-28-2014, 01:17 PM
okay, if lin is out of houston this summer. they will still suck the next playoffs if your star and coach is a pile of trash like Harden and Mchale rofl.

04-28-2014, 01:18 PM
Headache? What headache? If anything, Lin is the kind of guy you want on your team. Yeah, he makes mistakes, but he's still an inexperienced player.

He basically goes out and does what he's told...never bitches or pouts. 100% effort all the time and a great team player. Never blames anyone else...and is the first to give guys credit.

And I didn't get McHale's rotation in the end. He sat Lin pretty early in the 4th and I thought he was just gonna stick him there til the end...then he puts him back in at what...40 seconds left or something...for some ridiculous backwards offense/defense crap?

I'm not excusing Lin's huge mistake, but he gets jerked around by McHale like a dog on a short leash.
Whether you like it or not Lin is still the inferior player to Harden. Sorry to say this, but if Harden wants Lin gone he will very likely be gone. Especially with the mistakes he's made in these playoffs. Lin doesn't fit well with this team anyways. Troy Daniels is actually a better fit since he's the far superior 3-point shooter.

04-28-2014, 01:19 PM
I feel bad for him but he has made some dumb mistakes. That turgabr in game 4 and the missed layup in game 3. He made up that layup in OT though.

If we lose the series, which we definitely will, the main reason will be because of James Harden.

Im still a little disappointed because if Jeremy didn't turn that ball over in game 4, the series would've been tied at 2-2.
If we lose the series, it isn't on Harden. LMA didnt score 89 points on Harden. Its on Morey. Rockets dont have a big enough PF in a conference loaded with all stars at the PF position.

It most certainly isn't Jones' fault, he cant be asked to guard LMA. So harden gave up layups? LMA has almost 90 ****ing points in the first two losses.

But this is the first season of the Dwight Howard experiment, and with a roster move here and there, theyll be right back in the hunt next season.

Smook A.
04-28-2014, 01:21 PM
okay, if lin is out of houston this summer. they will still suck the next playoffs if your star and coach is a pile of trash like Harden and Mchale rofl.
There's a 95% chance Kevin McHale won't be the coach after the playoffs.

04-28-2014, 01:21 PM
Dude, you're an idiot.

They WON Game 3...in case you'd forgotten.

Or are you trying to blame Lin for the losses at home now?
Youre right.

But im simply pointing out that Lin blows it in crunch time. Hes done it twice. Harden blew it with his freeze on his drive too. Its not just Lin, but hes much more disposable than Harden.

04-28-2014, 01:23 PM
Whether you like it or not Lin is still the inferior player to Harden. Sorry to say this, but if Harden wants Lin gone he will very likely be gone. Especially with the mistakes he's made in these playoffs. Lin doesn't fit well with this team anyways. Troy Daniels is actually a better fit since he's the far superior 3-point shooter.

He's the inferior player in terms of skills.

But, you have to take into consideration heart and mindset. Harden plays NO defense...and doesn't really care about it. He's not a guy that tries and can't play D (like Parsons)...he just doesn't even want to put in the effort. He's a ball hogging chucker as well. He puts up amazing numbers, but that is severely offset by the fact that whoever he's guarding puts up big numbers and he also tends to ruin the flow of the offense.

And let's not forget the contracts. Yeah, Lin is making some nice money, but Harden is a MAX player. Is Harden worth more than Lin after his contract expires? I don't know what kind of contract Lin will get after this one expires (it will be MUCH less I imagine) but Harden will still be making his 80 mil over 5 years. Is Harden MORE of a value then?

But I agree that Lin doesn't fit and hopefully he's somewhere else very soon.

04-28-2014, 01:38 PM
Lin to the lakers!

04-28-2014, 01:41 PM
Lin to the lakers!

That would be awesome! I might start watching the Lakers again.

04-28-2014, 02:10 PM
Because he ****ing scrub that blew the game. I would assume that is why they are upset with him :oldlol:
Yup yup

04-28-2014, 02:26 PM
That would be awesome! I might start watching the Lakers again.

Probably the only team who would take Lin's contract on a trade.

04-28-2014, 02:52 PM
Probably the only team who would take Lin's contract on a trade.
:lol I hope they do it and give us Hill or somebody. Would be great.

04-28-2014, 03:04 PM
I think a lot of you are nuts about Lin (he's constantly praised as humble yet his summer was spent on the Jeremy Lin promotional tour which included a documentary about him). But he's a good teammate, and he's an important member of the Rocket. Yet for some reason his mistakes need to be announced by his teammates (Harden), his coach (McHale yesterday talked about the play and Lin by name and made sure we all knew it was Lin's fault, not his) in addition to the glares he gets from Harden and Howard.

WTF...their was enough blame to go around, but Lin needs to be blamed by name and with individual plays discussed.
hes asian, doesnt have tatoos and doesnt go to strip clubs. enough to be howards and hardens scapedgoat.
mcFail never wanted him since he cut him right before Linsanity and looked like a fool as always.
McFail always benches him hen the team does well. for example Lin has the ball in his hands and builds a huge lead, then makes one mistake--> boom benched.:biggums:
then, when the game is on the line he is thrown in there to rescue the rockets.
before last game he scores 12 of houstons 24 OT points in game 1 and 3.
he won game 3 for them and would have won game 1 if harden didnt choke epically.
yet no criticism of mchales secret love harden is ever heard, even tho he has a historically bad series shooting 35 % with 4 TO per game:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

04-28-2014, 03:09 PM
I feel bad for him but he has made some dumb mistakes. That turnover in game 4 and the missed layup in game 3. He made up that layup in OT though.

If we lose the series, which we definitely will, the main reason will be because of James Harden.

Im still a little disappointed because if Jeremy didn't turn that ball over in game 4, the series would've been tied at 2-2.
sorry for trashing you before, you seem like a better poster with every loss the rockets take.
now yesteday lin did fuq up but you know what?? everytime he was in the game, houston build huge leads( 10 point leads). why?? ball movement and unselfishness.
<et he got benched at the end of the first and second half even tho he has proven himself to be very clutch this series.
then he gets thrown in there with 40 seconds to go. why?? i thought mcfail thinks hes a bad defender, thats why he lost his job to beverley. why bring him back with 40 seconds to go to defend?? and then dont let him play overtime where he has shown he can redeem himself. and then blame him after the game??:biggums: :biggums:
pretty classless
and that mistake, and it was a dumb one, could have been prevented if mcfail called timeout himself. why didnt he do that??:biggums:

04-28-2014, 03:11 PM
Youre right.

But im simply pointing out that Lin blows it in crunch time. Hes done it twice. Harden blew it with his freeze on his drive too. Its not just Lin, but hes much more disposable than Harden.
how retarded are you?? like seriously??
Lin is 5/6 in the OT of the games this series. hes pretty much the only one outside of daniels who even showed up to play the overtimes:facepalm

04-28-2014, 03:23 PM
Harden and Howard seem like horrible teammates. I remember in game 3, Daniels and Howard both went after a rebound, causing the ball to go out of bounds, and Howard gave him the death glare. It was just kind of a dick move by Howard. Seems to me like the Blazers just have much better comradery.

04-28-2014, 03:25 PM
Because he ****ing scrub that blew the game. I would assume that is why they are upset with him :oldlol:

Harden has played like dog shit all series. Who's he to play the blame game?

04-28-2014, 03:32 PM
Just saw the full interview. McHale was asked about Lin.

04-28-2014, 03:32 PM
What an interesting life Jeremy Lin must have led over these past couple of years. Dreams coming true with one of the most unlikely and unbelievable rags-to-riches stories we've ever seen, only for the subsequent prominence to become his worst enemy as he fails to meet heightened expectations in the long run. Hopefully he doesn't let everything get to him too much.

04-28-2014, 03:36 PM
What an interesting life Jeremy Lin must have led over these past couple of years. Dreams coming true with one of the most unlikely and unbelievable rags-to-riches stories we've ever seen, only for the subsequent prominence to become his worst enemy as he fails to meet heightened expectations in the long run. Hopefully he doesn't let everything get to him too much.
he will be an instant allstar on any team that lets him play PG.
he put up 16/5 per 36 this season being the 5th option on offense and playing completely out of position.
he was great in every post season game so far until yesterday. and even there heshowed his high impact sparking both rockets runs before being benched.
i guarantee everyone he will be an allstar averaging 18-20/8 on his next team on nearly 50%.
he just needs to play PG.

04-28-2014, 03:37 PM
Why do you guys care so much about Lin?

Chalmers gets blamed and called a headache all the time, yet I don't see a bunch of ISH in game threads or creating threads trying to defend him?

And isn't Lin set to make 15m?

I don't get it. The same folks quick to jump on any criticism of Lin, could care less about the disportionate criticism directed towards Rio.

04-28-2014, 03:39 PM
Why do you guys care so much about Lin?

Chalmers gets blamed and called a headache all the time, yet I don't see a bunch of ISH in game threads or creating threads trying to defend him?

And isn't Lin set to make 15m?

I don't get it. The same folks quick to jump on any criticism of Lin, could care less about the disportionate criticism directed towards Rio.
Lin is ten times the player chalmers will ever be.
Lin makes some mistakes sometimes. Chalmers makes dumb retard plays every time you let him handle the ball for more than 1 possesion per quater.
still chalmers gets defended by heat fans and doesnt get much blame. why?? because everyone knows hes trash( outside of stepping up to hit big shots:pimp: )

04-28-2014, 03:41 PM
What an interesting life Jeremy Lin must have led over these past couple of years. Dreams coming true with one of the most unlikely and unbelievable rags-to-riches stories we've ever seen, only for the subsequent prominence to become his worst enemy as he fails to meet heightened expectations in the long run. Hopefully he doesn't let everything get to him too much.
Let's slow down a little. He is a Harvard grad... not too many Harvard grads go to rags. If he didn't make the NBA, I have a hard time thinking he wouldn't become a top level CEO somewhere. I know you didn't mean it literally though :cheers:

I enjoyed his run when he came out of nowhere, because he was the underdog at something. I don't think many NBA players are smarter than him, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for someone that if he didn't become this sensation, would have become successful in something else.

04-28-2014, 03:42 PM
Let's slow down a little. He is a Harvard grad... not too many Harvard grads go to rags. If he didn't make the NBA, I have a hard time thinking he wouldn't become a top level CEO somewhere. I know you didn't mean it literally though :cheers:

I enjoyed his run when he came out of nowhere, because he was the underdog at something. I don't think many NBA players are smarter than him, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for someone that if he didn't become this sensation, would have become successful in something else.
For a Harvard grad he has pretty low b-ball IQ tbh.

04-28-2014, 03:44 PM
For a Harvard grad he has pretty low b-ball IQ tbh.
its the way the rockets play that makes anyone look like an idiot IQ wise.
if lins IQ is low, what is hadens IQ then?? retarded?

04-28-2014, 03:45 PM
And another thing. Here we have another similar underdog story of Daniels...a D-Leaguer, worked his way up, appears to be humble, making incredible shots in the playoffs, young, living a dream, etc.

Yet, I don't see countless threads about him as I do with Lin.

I am really confused as what is it about Lin that is drawing out such strong emotions but other similar NBA players are not.

Do we have a bunch of Harvard alums on ISH?

04-28-2014, 03:45 PM
For a Harvard grad he has pretty low b-ball IQ tbh.
BBall IQ and off the court IQ is completely different. Look at Rose, he just might be illiterate but he could excel at basketball. Now we just have to wait and see if he could do it without his God-given athleticism :oldlol:

04-28-2014, 03:46 PM
I just hope Lin gets traded.

I would hate to play for the Rockets. They aren't a team. They're a dysfunctional family.

04-28-2014, 03:46 PM
And another thing. Here we have another similar underdog story of Daniels...a D-Leaguer, worked his way up, appears to be humble, making incredible shots in the playoffs, young, living a dream, etc.

Yet, I don't see countless threads about him as I do with Lin.

I am really confused as what is it about Lin that is drawing out such strong emotions but other similar NBA players are not.

Do we have a bunch of Harvard alums on ISH?
He's Asian.

04-28-2014, 03:49 PM
I just hope Lin gets traded.

I would hate to play for the Rockets. They aren't a team. They're a dysfunctional family.
Lin isn't even tradable. For at least a regular GM's standard. I think Morey can and probably will pull it off but nobody wants him. Especially after this.

Dude just sucks most of the time. Rolller coaster player.

04-28-2014, 03:50 PM
oh theyre definitely gonna keep Lin. Force him to play off the bench for the rest of his career and be the scapegoat when they **** up :applause:

04-28-2014, 03:50 PM
rockets have the lowest number of assists of any playoff team.
how should a PG, out of position not allowed to handle the ball, shine on that team, with a player who takes 26 shots per game on 35 %??
anyone gon explain dat to me??:biggums:

04-28-2014, 03:51 PM
oh theyre definitely gonna keep Lin. Force him to play off the bench for the rest of his career and be the scapegoat when they **** up :applause:
stick to coke buddy

04-28-2014, 03:53 PM
He's Asian.

He's the ONLY Asian in the nba and the only one in forever to play a guard position.

Most other Asians have just been really tall with little skill (except for Yao but he was 7'5 and there were PLENTY of haters who said he was just getting by on size).

I mean let's face it. He sticks out like a sore thumb. He is going to be a polarizing figure on that alone.

I do wish Lin was more embraced...it honestly seems like just as many people want him to fail as much as they want him to succeed. But it would be good for the NBA in general if the appeal spread to as many races as possible.

04-28-2014, 03:53 PM
Of any team who'd have money to throw away to take on Lin's "ridiculous" contract it would be the Lakers.

Lin to the Lakers!!

04-28-2014, 03:54 PM
He's Asian.

Yeah, I just figured that out when I continued reading the thread and those defending him mention that he was "Asian" and "didn't have tattoos" or "go to strip clubs"

A first I thought we had a large Harvard alumni base on ISH...

Nonetheless that is quite sad...

04-28-2014, 03:54 PM
Of any team who'd have money to throw away it would be the Lakers.

Lin to the Lakers!!
Make it happen. :banana:

04-28-2014, 03:55 PM
Of any team who'd have money to throw away it would be the Lakers.

Lin to the Lakers!!
22/9 while leading them to the playoffs.
probably the lakers dont want him because Antoni knows theyll make the playoffs then.
then again, Kobe wont allow them to tank his last seasons were hes able to walk

04-28-2014, 03:56 PM
He's the ONLY Asian in the nba and the only one in forever to play a guard position.

Most other Asians have just been really tall with little skill (except for Yao but he was 7'5 and there were PLENTY of haters who said he was just getting by on size).

I mean let's face it. He sticks out like a sore thumb. He is going to be a polarizing figure on that alone.

I do wish Lin was more embraced...it honestly seems like just as many people want him to fail as much as they want him to succeed. But it would be good for the NBA in general if the appeal spread to as many races as possible.
Well his fans did it themselves. The reason a lot of Houston fans hate Lin is because his fans isolate him (makes him feel like he's not even a part of the team) and blame everyone else for his shortcomings. It's just the truth. Very few people hate Lin because he's Asian.

04-28-2014, 03:56 PM
rockets have the lowest number of assists of any playoff team.
how should a PG, out of position not allowed to handle the ball, shine on that team, with a player who takes 26 shots per game on 35 %??
anyone gon explain dat to me??:biggums:

The reason for the low team assists is because of Howard. He just wants to post up all day long. And he takes so long to make a move once he gets the ball. Five six dribbles than a shot.

Barkley said it best. Dump it down to him but don't run your offense through him. He slows everything down to a crawl and kills movement because he rarely passes out of the post.

But the rockets never cut anyways except for Parsons.

When was the last time Harden got an easy layup off a pass? He's too lazy to move without the ball.

04-28-2014, 03:58 PM
The reason for the low team assists is because of Howard. He just wants to post up all day long. And he takes so long to make a move once he gets the ball. Five six dribbles than a shot.

Barkley said it best. Dump it down to him but don't run your offense through him. He slows everything down to a crawl and kills movement because he rarely passes out of the post.

But the rockets never cut anyways except for Parsons.

When was the last time Harden got an easy layup off a pass? He's too lazy to move without the ball.
it doesnt help when your starting PG averages 1 assist per game because he has ZERO PG skills( beverley)

04-28-2014, 03:58 PM
Well his fans did it themselves. The reason a lot of Houston fans hate Lin is because his fans isolate him (makes him feel like he's not even a part of the team) and blame everyone else for his shortcomings. It's just the truth. Very few people hate Lin because he's Asian.
:cheers: :applause:

04-28-2014, 04:00 PM
Well his fans did it themselves. The reason a lot of Houston fans hate Lin is because his fans isolate him (makes him feel like he's not even a part of the team) and blame everyone else for his shortcomings. It's just the truth. Very few people hate Lin because he's Asian.

Not trying to turn this into a race thing but I bet there are a ton of players and coaches who look down on him for being Asian.

I'm half Asian and I'm the same way. I see a black guy and an Asian guy and I automatically think the black guy is better. It's just the nature of the game. This is a black sport whether anyone wants to admit it or not.

I used to play at parks that were 95% black. Trust me I know how Lin feels. I could do well all game but if my guy made the game winning shot all I heard was "this white boy can't play for shit".

04-28-2014, 04:00 PM
Well his fans did it themselves. The reason a lot of Houston fans hate Lin is because his fans isolate him (makes him feel like he's not even a part of the team) and blame everyone else for his shortcomings. It's just the truth. Very few people hate Lin because he's Asian.
Lin fans hate houston because they set him up for failure and fcked him over since day one.
told him they gon build around him and then get harden. lin and harden have two great ames together the first two games and they decide to take the ball out of lins hands from there on.
they hate houston because their head coach is a LIN HATER.
Lin fans LOVED the Knicks and never hated on their players even tho Melo and Woodson werent to amused about linsanity either. in fact many lin fans stuck with the knicks

04-28-2014, 04:06 PM
Not trying to turn this into a race thing but I bet there are a ton of players and coaches who look down on him for being Asian.

I'm half Asian and I'm the same way. I see a black guy and an Asian guy and I automatically think the black guy is better. It's just the nature of the game. This is a black sport whether anyone wants to admit it or not.

I used to play at parks that were 95% black. Trust me I know how Lin feels. I could do well all game but if my guy made the game winning shot all I heard was "this white boy can't play for shit".
There are. But those same coaches probably do the same to white players too.
I can completely understand HOU fans gripes. It's like if we had, say, Nikola Vucevic only fans on the Magic. It's like their trying to make the player bigger than the team. It's frustrating and annoying.
Very few people hate Lin for being Asian. When he was balling during that Linsanity hype almost everyone on this forum black, white, asian, latino, whatever embraced the hell out of it. It was fun. Seeing him hit that gamewinner in TOR, balling on the Lakers, etc.

04-28-2014, 04:08 PM
Lin fans hate houston because they set him up for failure and fcked him over since day one.
told him they gon build around him and then get harden. lin and harden have two great ames together the first two games and they decide to take the ball out of lins hands from there on.
they hate houston because their head coach is a LIN HATER.
Lin fans LOVED the Knicks and never hated on their players even tho Melo and Woodson werent to amused about linsanity either. in fact many lin fans stuck with the knicks
I don't think Lin having the ball a lot translates to Ws. If he's the main option on offense he's going to turn it over because of his weak handles, and teams will start trapping him because he tends to make bad decisions.

04-28-2014, 04:08 PM
Not trying to turn this into a race thing but I bet there are a ton of players and coaches who look down on him for being Asian.

I'm half Asian and I'm the same way. I see a black guy and an Asian guy and I automatically think the black guy is better. It's just the nature of the game. This is a black sport whether anyone wants to admit it or not.

I used to play at parks that were 95% black. Trust me I know how Lin feels. I could do well all game but if my guy made the game winning shot all I heard was "this white boy can't play for shit".
same goes for whites and hispanics dude. its not just asians. blacks are perceived as better athletes, and 90% of the time its the truth.

04-28-2014, 04:10 PM
And blame fans like Marlo for why Lin gets so much hate. I like Lin but after seeing Marlo's posts im starting to hate him tbh

04-28-2014, 04:10 PM
And blame fans like Marlo for why Lin gets so much hate. I like Lin but after seeing Marlo's posts im starting to hate him tbh
That dude is not to be taken seriously. It's a gimmick account.

04-28-2014, 04:11 PM
Not trying to turn this into a race thing but I bet there are a ton of players and coaches who look down on him for being Asian.

I'm half Asian and I'm the same way. I see a black guy and an Asian guy and I automatically think the black guy is better. It's just the nature of the game. This is a black sport whether anyone wants to admit it or not.

I used to play at parks that were 95% black. Trust me I know how Lin feels. I could do well all game but if my guy made the game winning shot all I heard was "this white boy can't play for shit".

Maybe the problem is with you and your issues, and on with the Rockets or NBA fans in general :confusedshrug:

04-28-2014, 04:12 PM
same goes for whites and hispanics dude. its not just asians. blacks are perceived as better athletes, and 90% of the time its the truth.

Yeah, but there are more whites and latin/hispanics in the NBA now so they don't stand out so much.

04-28-2014, 04:12 PM
They need a scapegoat and sadly, Lin gets that honor. I think that the whole team is messing up, not just Lin. You have Harden jacking up shots left and right. What is up with the 5 turnovers btw? If this had been Lin, all heck would have broken out. Then you have Dwight just being Dwight. Putting up decent numbers and doing work. But Harden...9-21:facepalm And the Rockets are throwing Lin under the bus? :no:

04-28-2014, 04:14 PM
Let's slow down a little. He is a Harvard grad... not too many Harvard grads go to rags. If he didn't make the NBA, I have a hard time thinking he wouldn't become a top level CEO somewhere. I know you didn't mean it literally though :cheers:

I enjoyed his run when he came out of nowhere, because he was the underdog at something. I don't think many NBA players are smarter than him, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for someone that if he didn't become this sensation, would have become successful in something else.Yeah, I'm with ya. And you are correct, I did not mean rags-to-riches from a life perspective, just from a "rising from nowhere" basketball and popularity angle. It must have been bizarre to almost instantaneously go from being a relatively anonymous division I basketball player to leading off Sportscenter every night.

On the flipside, I bet it took a heck of an adjustment to go from that to being criticized by the masses once his legendary run came to an end. Though, I guess I feel for many famous people in that regard. I'm not sure how well I could handle being so prominent and derided. I'd love to say I'd just forget all the haters and let it roll off my back (while swimming in my cash), but I feel like it'd be a bit depressing.

04-28-2014, 04:15 PM
Yeah, but there are more whites and latin/hispanics in the NBA now so they don't stand out so much.
you srs? i hear more "white boy" comments about white players and how they cant ball. Look at freaking Scalabrine. I dont think Lin gets the same treatment that he did.

Ive never heard a comment from someone in the Nba about Lin that looked down on him because hes asian

04-28-2014, 04:18 PM
Maybe the problem is with you and your issues, and on with the Rockets or NBA fans in general :confusedshrug:

It's not "issues". It's not racism...it's just how any "society" works. Any outsider to any social unit (in this case, the NBA) is going to be viewed with extra scrutiny. Some of this scrutiny will be people who want to see the underdog succeed...and some of it will be from people who feel this new person doesn't belong and just wants their feelings justified.

I don't think anyone HATES Lin because he's Asian. But, I think they want their feelings justified. Does that make sense?

You see an asian guy step on the court...what's the first thing you think? "This dude can't ball". And a lot of people have a hard time shaking off this impression. The Asian guy has to be BETTER than the rest.

You think if Jackie Robinson was just an average ball player that he would have been allowed to even PLAY? Hell ****ing no. I'm not making a Lin Robinson direct comparison, but just illustrating the extra pressure on the "new" guy to have to prove himself MORE so than someone else.

Now, we've come a long way, as a society, since those days...but this attitude still exists in some form.

04-28-2014, 04:19 PM
Really don't know what the discussion is at this point.

Bottom line is: Lin fans manage to make a guy like Lin dislikable because they are the worst and most delusional fans in the NBA.

Pretty simple. All of the feeling bad for him is BS. Dude is being massively overpaid and he doesn't even see the hate he gets. It's ISH, not reporters heckling him.

Black and White
04-28-2014, 04:33 PM
Yes Lin made a bad play, it was rather unlucky tbh as he was raked from behind.

However, who are Harden and McHale to blame Lin for anything??? Those two are the reason the Rockets got into 2-0 hole to begin with, not to mention Lin bailing out Harden by saving his ass in game 3 to put the ball in Troy Daniels hands, if that never happened then the Rockets were looking at 3-0, this blame needs to stop, this series is at LEAST 65-70% Hardens fault and 30% McHales fault, Harden just ruined them at the start with his ballhogging and shot jacking, there just wasn't any consistency with the offense, don't even get me started on defense.

Lin at least plays with heart.

04-28-2014, 04:36 PM
you srs? i hear more "white boy" comments about white players and how they cant ball. Look at freaking Scalabrine. I dont think Lin gets the same treatment that he did.

Ive never heard a comment from someone in the Nba about Lin that looked down on him because hes asian

Scalabrine is the most loved player on ISH.

04-28-2014, 04:39 PM
same goes for whites and hispanics dude. its not just asians. blacks are perceived as better athletes, and 90% of the time its the truth.

Not to get into this again, but this is not true. It is that ELITE Black athletes are better than ELITE white athletes...

The average Black guy is not necessarily more athletic than your average White guy.

04-28-2014, 04:41 PM
Scalabrine is the most loved player on ISH.
the love he gets is a form of mockery tho

04-28-2014, 04:43 PM
Same way Lebron tossed everyone under the bus while in Cleveland? :oldlol: :oldlol:

Chokers self-defense mechanism: "It was __insert name_____ fault."

04-28-2014, 04:45 PM
It's not "issues". It's not racism...it's just how any "society" works. Any outsider to any social unit (in this case, the NBA) is going to be viewed with extra scrutiny. Some of this scrutiny will be people who want to see the underdog succeed...and some of it will be from people who feel this new person doesn't belong and just wants their feelings justified.

I don't think anyone HATES Lin because he's Asian. But, I think they want their feelings justified. Does that make sense?

You see an asian guy step on the court...what's the first thing you think? "This dude can't ball". And a lot of people have a hard time shaking off this impression. The Asian guy has to be BETTER than the rest.

You think if Jackie Robinson was just an average ball player that he would have been allowed to even PLAY? Hell ****ing no. I'm not making a Lin Robinson direct comparison, but just illustrating the extra pressure on the "new" guy to have to prove himself MORE so than someone else.

Now, we've come a long way, as a society, since those days...but this attitude still exists in some form.

That is not true AT ALL. My personally experience, as a black man, is that I cannot even get on the basketball court at my local 24 hour fitness because of how good all the ASIAN basketball players are.

Anybody who thinks that Asians cannot play basketball needs to come to Houston and go to the local 24 hour fitness.

You seem to be projecting A LOT in this thread.

04-28-2014, 04:53 PM
Lin is the easy scape goat. It's a shame because Howard, Harden, McHale..those guys should be scrutinized. Lin is a good guy, good teammate..I think he's too much of a good guy so he's the one that gets the heat. Look at how they treat him even on the floor. The way Howard talks and looks at him. They deserve to lose, but it's not on Lin.

04-28-2014, 04:53 PM
the love he gets is a form of mockery tho

True, but you gotta admit that some of the hate Lin gets is unwarranted.

And why hate a guy just because of his fanbase? I mean, doesn't that seem silly?

04-28-2014, 04:54 PM
Lin is the easy scape goat. It's a shame because Howard, Harden, McHale..those guys should be scrutinized. Lin is a good guy, good teammate..I think he's too much of a good guy so he's the one that gets the heat. Look at how they treat him even on the floor. The way Howard talks and looks at him. They deserve to lose, but it's not on Lin.
:applause: :applause:

04-28-2014, 04:54 PM
True, but you gotta admit that some of the hate Lin gets is unwarranted.

And why hate a guy just because of his fanbase? I mean, doesn't that seem silly?
You don't understand. His fanbase is absolutely unbearable.

04-28-2014, 04:55 PM
That is not true AT ALL. My personally experience, as a black man, is that I cannot even get on the basketball court at my local 24 hour fitness because of how good all the ASIAN basketball players are.

Anybody who thinks that Asians cannot play basketball needs to come to Houston and go to the local 24 hour fitness.

You seem to be projecting A LOT in this thread.

I've played at my local University. The Asian kids are pretty good. They tend to be smaller, but they are quick, more fundamentally sound, and play with a higher I.Q. They can handle, shoot, and pass. While other guys are just thinking about dunking and looking cool..dumbasses.

04-28-2014, 04:56 PM
True, but you gotta admit that some of the hate Lin gets is unwarranted.

And why hate a guy just because of his fanbase? I mean, doesn't that seem silly?
look at Marlostanfields post. imagine that x 1 million asians. it starts to get on people's nerves. You should check out clutchfans forum, a war between lin fans and rocket fans has been going on since he joined the team :lol

04-28-2014, 04:57 PM
Lin is the easy scape goat. It's a shame because Howard, Harden, McHale..those guys should be scrutinized. Lin is a good guy, good teammate..I think he's too much of a good guy so he's the one that gets the heat. Look at how they treat him even on the floor. The way Howard talks and looks at him. They deserve to lose, but it's not on Lin.
This is normal for literally every single team with a inferior player that's up and down in the history of ever. With the Heat it's Chalmers. For LA it was Pau (not inferior tho). With OKC they blame Perkins or whoever. Lin made the biggest mistake of the game after HOU got a crucial stop. That can't be ignored. It just can't.

04-28-2014, 04:57 PM
look at Marlostanfields post. imagine that x 1 million asians. it starts to get on people's nerves. You should check out clutchfans forum, a war between lin fans and rocket fans has been going on since he joined the team :lol

Lin fans singlehandedly ruined clutchfans.

04-28-2014, 04:58 PM
Lin should not take the glares from Harden and Howard, 2 soft betas. I know he's a nice guy, but he should not go down quietly with these pass the blame guys putting him down through the media. It's pretty obvious they don't like him there.

I thought Parsons was his BFF? Why isn't he helping Lin? :confusedshrug:

04-28-2014, 04:58 PM
I think a lot of you are nuts about Lin (he's constantly praised as humble yet his summer was spent on the Jeremy Lin promotional tour which included a documentary about him). But he's a good teammate, and he's an important member of the Rocket. Yet for some reason his mistakes need to be announced by his teammates (Harden), his coach (McHale yesterday talked about the play and Lin by name and made sure we all knew it was Lin's fault, not his) in addition to the glares he gets from Harden and Howard.

WTF...their was enough blame to go around, but Lin needs to be blamed by name and with individual plays discussed.

Lin had his fame in NY. His game has declined due to confidence or athleticism? I am not sure. He should have not been dribbling the ball, and causing the turnovers that are costing them games. He is not nearly what he was, dunking on the Lakers in NY Linsanity is over. He cannot even come CLOSE to guarding his shadow. The truth is, he is a liability on both offense and defense, but he sells TONS of tickets and makes money for the Rockets through his presence, not his game. Sure he tries really hard and is a good overall guy, but it was like nobody was guarding Lillard when he blew by Lin. Lin was a million miles away from any crossover on him. I haven't seen him play any good defense at all yet. He is not skilled enough to stay in front of people, and not nearly strong enough to defend effectively. I feel bad for him because he is a good guy, and he even rejected Kim Kardashian. For me rejecting Kardashians was the most amazing thing he had done. They tried to cash out on his fame in NY, and he rejected her. Now look at Odom, and Humphries. Lin knew that would corrupt him.

Black and White
04-28-2014, 04:59 PM
This is normal for literally every single team with a inferior player that's up and down in the history of ever. With the Heat it's Chalmers. For LA it was Pau (not inferior tho). With OKC they blame Perkins or whoever. Lin made the biggest mistake of the game after HOU got a crucial stop. That can't be ignored. It just can't.

Agreed that that play makes it easier to blame him,

but Lin for 4 games >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hardens 4 games, and its not even close, Harden has just killed the momentum.

04-28-2014, 05:02 PM
Agreed that that play makes it easier to blame him,

but Lin for 4 games >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hardens 4 games, and its not even close, Harden has just killed the momentum.
No. Stop. Lin has played pretty subpar too.
9/4/5 on 36% shooting and 16% 3-point shooting and 2TOPG is piss poor.

04-28-2014, 05:03 PM
Agreed that that play makes it easier to blame him,

but Lin for 4 games >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hardens 4 games, and its not even close, Harden has just killed the momentum.
Why is it about harden with you LOF's? Is Harden the only other player on the team?

They have no similarites. You LOF's jealousy for Harden is beyond ridiculous.

Angry because he is obviously the better guard in Houston and has gotten the media recognition YOU THOUGHT Lin should have.

Stuff is pitiful.

Black and White
04-28-2014, 05:05 PM
No. Stop. Lin has played pretty subpar too.
9/4/5 on 36% shooting and 16% 3-point shooting is piss poor.

Look beyond that stats dude, if you watched the games you would understand that Hardens shotjacking in the first 2 games absolutely killed the Rockets, especially when Dwight was balling, Lin has played with a lot of heart, yes he has made some bad plays, but Harden has been crap the whole series, how can a team set up on offense when your best player loves to run down the court and jack up threes? This is the playoffs not the all star game.

Black and White
04-28-2014, 05:06 PM
Why is it about harden with you LOF's? Is Harden the only other player on the team?

They have no similarites. You LOF's jealousy for Harden is beyond ridiculous.

Angry because he is obviously the better guard in Houston and has gotten the media recognition YOU THOUGHT Lin should have.

Stuff is pitiful.

I don't even like Jeremy Lin, but the fact that you are trying to divert blame from Harden is stupid, he cost you this series, there is no doubt about it.

04-28-2014, 05:07 PM
I don't even like Jeremy Lin, but the fact that you are trying to divert blame from Harden is stupid, he cost you this series, there is no doubt about it.
LOL. The series was lost after G2 when McHale failed to make a adjustments. I won't even go indepth because you obviously don't know basketball.

04-28-2014, 05:08 PM
Look beyond that stats dude, if you watched the games you would understand that Hardens shotjacking in the first 2 games absolutely killed the Rockets, especially when Dwight was balling, Lin has played with a lot of heart, yes he has made some bad plays, but Harden has been crap the whole series, how can a team set up on offense when your best player loves to run down the court and jack up threes? This is the playoffs not the all star game.
I am. Lin has made his fair share of mistakes though and even though he plays hard most of the time he doesn't play well. With that said, Harden has got to play better. He's the best scorer on this team and needs to act like it.

Black and White
04-28-2014, 05:10 PM
I am. Lin has made his fair share of mistakes though and even though he plays hard most of the time he doesn't play well. With that said, Harden has got to play better. He's the best scorer on this team and needs to act like it.

:cheers: Glad we can agree there, I am not saying that Lin is free of blame, but if you are taking over 20 shots a game you have to make them count, as a leader, Harden has been a let down, there has been so many times this series were Dwight has heated up and they stop going to him, as a leader, you have to know when to start facilitating.

04-28-2014, 05:10 PM
Lets be real, dwight and harden just dont work together at all. they are both ball stoppers and harden hates having to give the ball up to dwight in crunch time. i dont even think they talk to each other much off the court. plus in the 4 games ive watched i dont think ive seen Dwight pass out of the post once.

Add Lin in to the mix and there is no chemistry at all

Black and White
04-28-2014, 05:11 PM
LOL. The series was lost after G2 when McHale failed to make a adjustments. I won't even go indepth because you obviously don't know basketball.

You clearly can't read, go back and see that I did actually blame McHale for this too, I said Harden and McHale are to blame, Hardens shotjacking has been the biggest issue, followed by McHale.

04-28-2014, 05:23 PM
You clearly can't read, go back and see that I did actually blame McHale for this too, I said Harden and McHale are to blame, Hardens shotjacking has been the biggest issue, followed by McHale.

the refs gave away the game clearly, terrible terrible calls and no calls, like last off of Howard when someone swiped the ball out of his hands clearly. The refs were betting on Portland last game.

04-28-2014, 05:32 PM
Lin did make a mistake on that play. But he plays hard and plays tough every game. I dont get the hate. Even after that play, Lin was the guy going hard for the offensive rebound, he was scrambling to defend everyone and had to close out on the 3 point shot even after going for the offensive board on the other side of the court. Houston will never go far because their stars have self entitled egos and will deflect blame. Harden is so such a predictable offensive player, there is no surprise he is struggling on the biggest stage. McHale is a terrible coach too. Took him 2 games to figure out that they should prob throw a double or 2 at Aldridge. Throwing your role players under the bus is as cowardly as it gets. They are down this series because he is getting severely outclassed as a coach. Its funny he is even coaching as horrible as he was in Minny.

04-28-2014, 05:33 PM
Lets be real, dwight and harden just dont work together at all. they are both ball stoppers and harden hates having to give the ball up to dwight in crunch time. i dont even think they talk to each other much off the court. plus in the 4 games ive watched i dont think ive seen Dwight pass out of the post once.

Add Lin in to the mix and there is no chemistry at all
Harden was the one who cleared off half the court to give Dwight the ball when Lopez had 5 fouls.

He clearly hates giving the ball up.

04-28-2014, 05:38 PM
Harden was the one who cleared off half the court to give Dwight the ball when Lopez had 5 fouls.

He clearly hates giving the ball up.

dude the commentators on tnt clearly called him out for being unhappy when he had to defer to dwight...

04-28-2014, 05:41 PM
Harden was the one who cleared off half the court to give Dwight the ball when Lopez had 5 fouls.

He clearly hates giving the ball up.

OMG did he really?!

I take back everything I've ever said about Harden, I was wrong. He clearly loves passing the ball and is only shooting out of necessity.

04-28-2014, 05:49 PM
You don't understand. His fanbase is absolutely unbearable.

I only post here and one other site (not sure if it can be mentioned here). Over on the other site, it's pretty 50/50 in terms of Lin fans/haters.

I know there's lots of mention of clutchfans, but I never go there.

I do sometimes wonder if the more "hardcore" Lin fans are really haters just trying to sabotage him.

Among my friends...I find it surprising that a lot of my Filipino friends do NOT like Lin. At all. I thought they would be supporting him big time, but I'm pretty much the only Lin fan around my circles.

04-28-2014, 05:57 PM
Lin fans hate houston because they set him up for failure and fcked him over since day one.
told him they gon build around him and then get harden. lin and harden have two great ames together the first two games and they decide to take the ball out of lins hands from there on.
they hate houston because their head coach is a LIN HATER.
Lin fans LOVED the Knicks and never hated on their players even tho Melo and Woodson werent to amused about linsanity either. in fact many lin fans stuck with the knicks

Bingo , finally the truth

The amount of people that just LIE about Lin is disgusting. The Rockets have killed any chance of him succeeding with the way they handled him and Harden.

04-28-2014, 06:00 PM
I don't think Lin having the ball a lot translates to Ws. If he's the main option on offense he's going to turn it over because of his weak handles, and teams will start trapping him because he tends to make bad decisions.

It's not about him being the MAIN offensive option

It's about him being able to play as a POINT GUARD and get assists and make his teammates better. Something James Harden does not do.

04-28-2014, 06:01 PM
Bingo , finally the truth

The amount of people that just LIE about Lin is disgusting. The Rockets have killed any chance of him succeeding with the way they handled him and Harden.
yeah lol. a ball dominant, UNSELFISH, PnR PG who can score and even better set up big men and teammates for easy points.
Used as a spot up shooter who never has the ball and NEVEr gets a single Pick set for him yet has to fight through 3 picks per possession on defense and often cover hardens man too.
yeah, i wonder why he doesnt have them allstar stats doe:confusedshrug: :confusedshrug:

04-28-2014, 06:02 PM
I was right there in the middle of Linsanity.

There was a good amount of people saying that Melo was ruining Lin and Woodson was putting him on a short leash.

Kinda funny how it's similar in Houston now with Harden/McHale.

The thing is...coincidence or not, you gotta admit that Lin hasn't had the best of luck. Melo IS similar to Harden. Not in terms of playing style, but having an offensive game that takes away from the PG and is more "just give me the ball and get out of the way".

And it's no secret that Woodson is coach who can't control his team...just like McHale.

I really wonder what Lin would do if he was on a team that really needed him. Obviously, such a team wouldn't go very far...but as fun as Linsanity was (probably one of the best sports memories of my life) it would be fun to see Linsanity 2.0.

04-28-2014, 06:03 PM
True, but you gotta admit that some of the hate Lin gets is unwarranted.

And why hate a guy just because of his fanbase? I mean, doesn't that seem silly?

The people who act like it's the fanbase's fault are just sensitive bitchess.

Kobe and LeBron fans are annoying, but that doesn't make me not like the player. Grow some balls and think for yourself. :coleman:

04-28-2014, 06:06 PM
Why is it about harden with you LOF's? Is Harden the only other player on the team?

They have no similarites. You LOF's jealousy for Harden is beyond ridiculous.

:biggums: :biggums:

Both of their main strengths is driving to the rim, drawing fouls, and being the main playmaker with the ball in their hands. How you can't see similarities with their game I'll never understand. #dummy

04-28-2014, 06:07 PM
yeah lol. a ball dominant, UNSELFISH, PnR PG who can score and even better set up big men and teammates for easy points.
Used as a spot up shooter who never has the ball and NEVEr gets a single Pick set for him yet has to fight through 3 picks per possession on defense and often cover hardens man too.
yeah, i wonder why he doesnt have them allstar stats doe:confusedshrug: :confusedshrug:
damn i thought it was silk that said that :oldlol:

anyways, harden going to houston was the worse thing that can happen for lin's career

04-28-2014, 06:08 PM
Not about to reason.

Lin sucks. Get over it.

04-28-2014, 06:09 PM
I was right there in the middle of Linsanity.

There was a good amount of people saying that Melo was ruining Lin and Woodson was putting him on a short leash.

Kinda funny how it's similar in Houston now with Harden/McHale.

The thing is...coincidence or not, you gotta admit that Lin hasn't had the best of luck. Melo IS similar to Harden. Not in terms of playing style, but having an offensive game that takes away from the PG and is more "just give me the ball and get out of the way".

And it's no secret that Woodson is coach who can't control his team...just like McHale.

I really wonder what Lin would do if he was on a team that really needed him. Obviously, such a team wouldn't go very far...but as fun as Linsanity was (probably one of the best sports memories of my life) it would be fun to see Linsanity 2.0.
why would such a team not go very far?? i could see Lin leading a team just like Nash.
what Nash has on him in offense, Lin owns Nashs ass in athletecism and defense.

04-28-2014, 06:10 PM
Not about to reason.

Lin sucks. Get over it.
the guy in your avy sucks. donkey balls too

04-28-2014, 06:11 PM
why would such a team not go very far?? i could see Lin leading a team just like Nash.
what Nash has on him in offense, Lin owns Nashs ass in athletecism and defense.
Lin = Steve Nash with athleticism


04-28-2014, 06:11 PM
It's really sad how the biggest Lin haters are Rockets "fans".

Worst fan base in the entire league.

04-28-2014, 06:12 PM
It's really sad how the biggest Lin haters are Rockets "fans".

Worst fan base in the entire league.
houston fans are the worst fans in the entire world.
their football fans suck too:oldlol: :oldlol:

04-28-2014, 06:27 PM
why would such a team not go very far?? i could see Lin leading a team just like Nash.
what Nash has on him in offense, Lin owns Nashs ass in athletecism and defense.

In order to lead a team, you need the respect of your teammates. No one in the league respects Lin right now. Whatever he had going for him during Linsanity, has been squashed by McHale.

Lin also needs to work on his handles. They are just too "loose" for an NBA caliber guard. Lin gets by because he's big and quick as ****. And even though he's been missing his layups lately, I think he's one of the best finishers for PGs in the league.

But those handles. Man, he's gotta work on those handles.

04-28-2014, 06:33 PM
In order to lead a team, you need the respect of your teammates. No one in the league respects Lin right now. Whatever he had going for him during Linsanity, has been squashed by McHale.

Lin also needs to work on his handles. They are just too "loose" for an NBA caliber guard. Lin gets by because he's big and quick as ****. And even though he's been missing his layups lately, I think he's one of the best finishers for PGs in the league.

But those handles. Man, he's gotta work on those handles.
i agree. earlier this year they were tight tho, i dont know what happened. he still averages only 1,5 TO in the playoffs.
once he improves his handles to decent and shoots 40% from three( hes alredy at 36%) he will be unstoppable:applause:

04-28-2014, 06:33 PM
He's Asian so he's easy pickings.

04-28-2014, 06:35 PM
He's Asian so he's easy pickings.

Wow bro, mad ignorant statement right here.

04-28-2014, 07:00 PM
Lin has been playing like absolute shit recently, but lets be honest, theres no way a bench player averaging like what 25 mpg in the playoffs so far is the main reason their losing.

04-28-2014, 07:33 PM
Lin has been playing like absolute shit recently, but lets be honest, theres no way a bench player averaging like what 25 mpg in the playoffs so far is the main reason their losing.
36% FG
16% 3PT

He does average 5 boards and 5 assists though. Granted in 28 minutes in games where the score regularly eclipses 115 points, I dont know if thats really all that awesome.

04-28-2014, 07:54 PM
sigh...when Lin turned it over, I looked over to my wife and said they better not score off this possession or he's going to get absolutely battered...

true to form, mo Williams scores....

It was such a bonehead move....just call a Time out....:facepalm

But for me, this entire series Lin has been punked by Mo williams.....come on Lin, you should lock Mo down...bully him physically and talk some trash to him man...Mo is not a tough guy, he's a little sXXX that needs a good kicking....

Not sure at Lin's age now, if his handles will ever get much better...he dribbles the ball high and the refs never call reach in fouls for Lin, even though he suffers a lot of them....

04-28-2014, 07:56 PM
who else are they gunna blame? but hey at least he is sitting in 25 mil of cash

04-28-2014, 08:08 PM
I like Lin but his fans can get annoying. If you criticize him, Marlo and a few other dudes literally jump on you. More fanatical than most Kobe and LeBron stans

04-29-2014, 01:42 AM
Harden is the most responsible imo. This f'cker is supposed to be a superstar and he plays like sh*t.

Dwight doing good.

Where da f'ck is Chandler Parsons as well.

Ppl shouldn't have high expectations for Lin, he's just average so why are people praising or dumping on him so much.

Rockets terrible my god

04-29-2014, 02:29 AM
Dwight is the only Rocket to be consistently beasting every game.
Harden is consistently ****ing terrible every game. Tons of TOs and AWFUL defense Rocket fans, get it through your skull. ALL your games are going to OT, and Haren is getting lit up the most, consistently, every game. He chokes on the last drive in every game. How Rockets fans defend this guy is beyond me.

And What does it say about a fanbase when they literally HATE a player due to that player's fans? It's pathetic. Hell, I ****ing hate Kobe fans. Kobe stans are literally some of the worst of any sport of all time. Do they ruin my appreciation for Kobe Bean Bryant? **** no. Kobe is a ****ing legend and I love to watch him play.

The way that Lin gets thrown under the bus is absolutely unprofessional as well. Heat fans are mentioning how "there's always that guy" and yes, we see Chalmers being the whipping boy. But how often does Spoelstra or Lebron actually single him out in the post-game interview?

Or Melo and JR criticizing Lin's "ridiculous contract"... you know what? It IS ridiculous. It's a pretty terrible contract. But anyone who has a shred of professionalism knows that you do NOT talk about things like that publicly to the media. It's disgraceful.

04-29-2014, 02:31 AM
Dwight is the only Rocket to be consistently beasting every game.
Harden is consistently ****ing terrible on defense every game. Rocket fans, get it through your skull. ALL your games are going to OT, and Haren is getting lit up the most, consistently, every game.

What does it say about a fanbase when they literally HATE a player due to that player's fans? It's pathetic. Hell, I ****ing hate Kobe fans. Kobe stans are literally some of the worst of any sport of all time. Do they ruin my appreciation for Kobe Bean Bryant? **** no. Kobe is a ****ing legend and I love to watch him play.

The way that Lin gets thrown under the bus is absolutely unprofessional as well. Heat fans are mentioning how "there's always that guy" and yes, we see Chalmers being the whipping boy. But how often does Spoelstra or Lebron actually single him out in the post-game interview?

Or Melo and JR criticizing Lin's "ridiculous contract"... you know what? It IS ridiculous. It's a pretty terrible contract. But anyone who has a shred of professionalism knows that you do NOT talk about things like that publicly to the media. It's disgraceful.
Because kobe is a great player. I don't hate Lin but you have to understand the difference between him and Kobe. Lin is an average, maybe above average on a bad team, but Kobe is a top 10 all time player. There is no comparison at all

04-29-2014, 02:35 AM
Because kobe is a great player. I don't hate Lin but you have to understand the difference between him and Kobe. Lin is an average, maybe above average on a bad team, but Kobe is a top 10 all time player. There is no comparison at all

Dude, I never said Lin was anywhere near Kobe... you made the comparison between them as players, not me. I'm simply referring to how Rockets fans say "Lin fans are so terrible, it makes you hate a guy like Lin". That's some grade school ****, man. "PS3 fans are so terrible, it makes you hate the PS3".

And how does that justify the rest of it? Because Lin is just an average-level player, it's acceptable to publicly criticize his contract, or blame playoff losses on the guy? :biggums: Let me know when Popovich and Tony Parker mention that they would have won if it weren't for Marco Belinelli and Patty Mills missing their shots... or when someone goes on record to the media complaining about Emeka Okafor's bloated contract. Come on man.

04-29-2014, 02:41 AM
Dude, I never said Lin was anywhere near Kobe... you made the comparison between them as players, not me. I'm simply referring to how Rockets fans say "Lin fans are so terrible, it makes you hate a guy like Lin". That's some grade school ****, man. "PS3 fans are so terrible, it makes you hate the PS3".

And how does that justify the rest of it? Because Lin is just an average-level player, it's acceptable to publicly criticize his contract, or blame playoff losses on the guy? :biggums:

Wouldn't it make sense to criticize you know... the ABOVE average players like Harden? Harden and McHale consistently single him out. Had they ONLY called him out this last game it would be understandable (since he ****ed up) but they consistently do so.
No one would criticize him if he wasn't so overrated by his fans. If you look in the real world no one is hating on Lin because nobody hears his fans. It's just magnified on forums because that is where they all gather at.

There is no defense for Lins play these past couple games. Same goes for harden but everybody gangs up on lin because of his shitty fans

04-29-2014, 02:42 AM
No one would criticize him if he wasn't so overrated by his fans. If you look in the real world no one is hating on Lin because nobody hears his fans. It's just magnified on forums because that is where they all gather at.

There is no defense for Lins play these past couple games. Same goes for harden but everybody gangs up on lin because of his shitty fans

Except for McHale, Harden, occasionally Dwight, and previously JR Smith and Melo :biggums:
If someone at my job mentioned that I was being paid too much, there would be some huge issues. It is absolutely unacceptable to speak about things like that. Just imagine if one of your coworkers (if you have a job) went to the city newspaper, stating on record, that you are underqualified and overpaid. Ridiculous.

Anyways, damn that is hella mature. Hate on a guy due to circumstances out of his control like rabid, ignorant fans :facepalm

04-29-2014, 02:43 AM
I think a lot of you are nuts about Lin (he's constantly praised as humble yet his summer was spent on the Jeremy Lin promotional tour which included a documentary about him). But he's a good teammate, and he's an important member of the Rocket. Yet for some reason his mistakes need to be announced by his teammates (Harden), his coach (McHale yesterday talked about the play and Lin by name and made sure we all knew it was Lin's fault, not his) in addition to the glares he gets from Harden and Howard.

WTF...their was enough blame to go around, but Lin needs to be blamed by name and with individual plays discussed.

Because it is easier to blame him than to admit their precious Harden is overrated.

04-29-2014, 02:45 AM
Except for McHale, Harden, occasionally Dwight, and previously JR Smith and Melo :biggums:
What? When have they shown their hate for lin? Jr and melo were just bitter about his contract. Harden and Dwight get mad at everyone on the team when the **** up. Michael is the coach, he should be pissed. If be surprised if he wasn't

04-29-2014, 02:46 AM
Anyways, damn that is hella mature. Hate on a guy due to circumstances out of his control like rabid, ignorant fans :facepalm
lol why should lin even care about a few hundred people hating on a forum? He's a millionaire in the nba, he does not give a ****

04-29-2014, 02:48 AM
lol why should lin even care about a few hundred people hating on a forum? He's a millionaire in the nba, he does not give a ****

I don't know what you're arguing. Read the thread title - "What's with the Rockets tossing Lin under the bus?"

It's unprofessional for an organization to do something like this. Do you work professionally? This is a clear-cut issue, no team should be throwing a guy under the bus.

04-29-2014, 02:51 AM
I don't know what you're arguing. Read the thread title - "What's with the Rockets tossing Lin under the bus?"

It's unprofessional for an organization to do something like this. Do you work professionally? This is a clear-cut issue, no team should be throwing a guy under the bus.
he lost the game though. hes not the only player in the nba that was blamed for a loss before

04-29-2014, 02:53 AM
he lost the game though. hes not the only player in the nba that was blamed for a loss before

Sure, this loss was on him (assuming you ignore the fact that the blazers go at Harden all the time and his defense is losing them this series) but anyway yeah, he made the worst plays possible in crunch time. He doesn't get any praise during wins that he contributes to, and is constantly being blamed for losses by Haren and McHale - this has been going on all season, and THAT is the problem

04-29-2014, 02:59 AM
Sure, this loss was on him (assuming you ignore the fact that the blazers go at Harden all the time and his defense is losing them this series) but anyway yeah, he made the worst plays possible in crunch time. He doesn't get any praise during wins that he contributes to, and is constantly being blamed for losses by Haren and McHale - this has been going on all season, and THAT is the problem
he never got blamed in games 1-3 tho...

04-29-2014, 03:01 AM
he lost the game though. hes not the only player in the nba that was blamed for a loss before

but he shouldnt be the only one to get the blame for the loss. He got stripped from behind not much he couldve done but shouldve called the timeout beforehand. But if you think the game was lost on that :facepalm

But you rocket fans imploding is the funniest thing and well deserved lost :roll:

04-29-2014, 03:20 AM
He's a scapegoat because he looks like a little kid.

04-29-2014, 04:05 AM
Because they are a joke of a team led by two mega bishes who, rightfully, will be held accountable when they lose soon, for as much as they try to avoid it

04-29-2014, 04:08 AM
Dwight is the only Rocket to be consistently beasting every game.
Harden is consistently ****ing terrible every game. Tons of TOs and AWFUL defense Rocket fans, get it through your skull. ALL your games are going to OT, and Haren is getting lit up the most, consistently, every game. He chokes on the last drive in every game. How Rockets fans defend this guy is beyond me.

And What does it say about a fanbase when they literally HATE a player due to that player's fans? It's pathetic. Hell, I ****ing hate Kobe fans. Kobe stans are literally some of the worst of any sport of all time. Do they ruin my appreciation for Kobe Bean Bryant? **** no. Kobe is a ****ing legend and I love to watch him play.

The way that Lin gets thrown under the bus is absolutely unprofessional as well. Heat fans are mentioning how "there's always that guy" and yes, we see Chalmers being the whipping boy. But how often does Spoelstra or Lebron actually single him out in the post-game interview?

Or Melo and JR criticizing Lin's "ridiculous contract"... you know what? It IS ridiculous. It's a pretty terrible contract. But anyone who has a shred of professionalism knows that you do NOT talk about things like that publicly to the media. It's disgraceful.
Actually, I can kinda feel Rocket fans. I remember a couple years ago, the Redskins had a backup QB called Colt Brennan. On the redskins board, there were a bunch of Hawaii fans and random ass people that became hyping the dude up like he was Joe Montana. At first, everyone liked Colt and thought he had potential to be a solid backup QB and maybe even a starter in the future.

That cult drove everyone insane and against the player. In the end, depends on how annoying the fans are.

04-29-2014, 06:34 AM
Yeah, but it's one thing coming from a REAL leader. No one is ever going to complain about Jordan singling out someone because he's the ultimate competitor.

But to see Harden just not give a shit on either side of the court...and then on top of that, toss a teammate under the bus...the SAME teammate who bailed your ass out the game before.

Harden, to me, seems like one of those dudes who has NO conscience. He just does not give a ****. He's like the guy at the park, who can't shoot for shit, but launches it everytime he touches and when you shoot the rock, he yells at you to "pass the rock".

this, I can just look at a man and know if they have sociopathic tendencies, Harden for sure. I wouldn't say dwight is a sociopath but im pretty sure he was raised without a father, I don't know anything about the guy but Im sure this is the case.

Also just think about, it harden and dwight are the best players on the team and inherently the leaders. They are both UTTER SHIT KUNTS devoid of anyt culture or appreciation of anything. Its so ****ing obvious and its so ****ing obvious what it does to team chemistry. Everyone knows these two are jackasses but they can't do shit because as always money talks. I feel like houston would honestly be a better team without harden. Dwight is a dick but hes a pansy that sort of goes with the flow. I feel like if harden wasn't there Lin and Parsons would set the tone for a happy and balanced team, but Harden...just look at the ****ing man, never cracks a smile, always walks around as if hes a ****ing god. The man is devoid of joy and empathy and sucks the happyness out of everyone around him

04-29-2014, 07:42 AM
he never got blamed in games 1-3 tho...
he made a BRILLIANT play in the last minute of game 3 regulation but than missed a nearly open layup and everyone lost their shit.
saying it was a bad play and lin is dumb even tho it was a perfect play just bad execution.
he gets the most ridiculous shit all the time.
doesnt even have the ball in his hands when the scrubs parsons and harden are on the floor, yet people expect huge stats
then everyone will be like" wow that Lin guy IS good" when hell average similar numbers as Dragic on his next team...

04-29-2014, 07:45 AM
this, I can just look at a man and know if they have sociopathic tendencies, Harden for sure. I wouldn't say dwight is a sociopath but im pretty sure he was raised without a father, I don't know anything about the guy but Im sure this is the case.

Also just think about, it harden and dwight are the best players on the team and inherently the leaders. They are both UTTER SHIT KUNTS devoid of anyt culture or appreciation of anything. Its so ****ing obvious and its so ****ing obvious what it does to team chemistry. Everyone knows these two are jackasses but they can't do shit because as always money talks. I feel like houston would honestly be a better team without harden. Dwight is a dick but hes a pansy that sort of goes with the flow. I feel like if harden wasn't there Lin and Parsons would set the tone for a happy and balanced team, but Harden...just look at the ****ing man, never cracks a smile, always walks around as if hes a ****ing god. The man is devoid of joy and empathy and sucks the happyness out of everyone around him
:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:
Always thought harden was a freaking sociopath too. beats a fan who says kobe is better, never shows the slighest bit of emotion, lies all the time, blames others but then loses his shit when he hits his first threepointer after bricking 6 in a row and bein 3-16 or something.
unbelievable:roll: :roll: :roll:

04-29-2014, 08:08 AM
this, I can just look at a man and know if they have sociopathic tendencies, Harden for sure. I wouldn't say dwight is a sociopath but im pretty sure he was raised without a father, I don't know anything about the guy but Im sure this is the case.

Also just think about, it harden and dwight are the best players on the team and inherently the leaders. They are both UTTER SHIT KUNTS devoid of anyt culture or appreciation of anything. Its so ****ing obvious and its so ****ing obvious what it does to team chemistry. Everyone knows these two are jackasses but they can't do shit because as always money talks. I feel like houston would honestly be a better team without harden. Dwight is a dick but hes a pansy that sort of goes with the flow. I feel like if harden wasn't there Lin and Parsons would set the tone for a happy and balanced team, but Harden...just look at the ****ing man, never cracks a smile, always walks around as if hes a ****ing god. The man is devoid of joy and empathy and sucks the happyness out of everyone around him

Welcome to America! The land of social stratification, of inequality, of elitism, and of mindless spending!

James har_en is mostly a product of his environment as we are all.

04-29-2014, 09:26 AM
Um, the logical idea is to call a time out so you can sub in your "good" FT shooters. Lin just f*cked up. McHale clearly instructed his players to call a timeout immediately after gabbing the rebound.

Besides I believe there was like a 6 second difference in the shot/game clock, so Portland fouling wasn't a guarantee.

Edit: You deleted your post. Oh well.

04-29-2014, 09:32 AM
Meh, the Rockets are about a year away from doing any real damage in the playoffs. People need to calm down, none of what's going on in this series is a big deal. All of the pieces are there, they just need another season together.

04-29-2014, 11:15 AM
I'm simply referring to how Rockets fans say "Lin fans are so terrible, it makes you hate a guy like Lin". That's some grade school ****, man. "PS3 fans are so terrible, it makes you hate the PS3".

Thank you. One of the lamest excuses in the world is, "His fans are so annoying, I sure am starting to hate Lin now". It's like STFU, are you 12 and can't make your own opinions for yourself? It's embarrassing.