View Full Version : Did Blake really just lose all his Kia + State farm sponsorships because of Sterling?

04-28-2014, 07:06 PM
Do them ending their partnerships with the clippers mean no more commercials for blake?

Goodbye clippers, hello lakers :lol

04-28-2014, 07:06 PM
Nah, apparently he has a separate agreement with KIA that isn't related to the Clippers.

04-28-2014, 07:08 PM
No he doesn't lose them.

04-28-2014, 07:23 PM
Does this mean he loses his rigged dunk title too?

oh the horror
04-28-2014, 07:25 PM
Also the State Farm and kia sponsorships appear to be on hold. Not entirely ended yet.

04-28-2014, 07:28 PM
Does this mean he loses his rigged dunk title too?
God I hope so, his KIA hatchback bumper dunk was as lame and rigged as any "winning" dunk I've ever seen.

04-28-2014, 07:30 PM
God I hope so, his KIA hatchback bumper dunk was as lame and rigged as any "winning" dunk I've ever seen.
Wilt would never have allowed this

04-28-2014, 07:44 PM
God I hope so, his KIA hatchback bumper dunk was as lame and rigged as any "winning" dunk I've ever seen.Lamer than Cedric Ceballos' "blindfold" dunk? Lamer than Dominique Wilkins winning in '90 by performing the same exact dunks he'd been doing since '84 just so he could cash in on a bonus from his shoe sponsor? Lamer than Michael Jordan's winning free throw line dunk in '88 that he'd already performed in a previous contest as well as a previous round of the current contest and missed on his first attempt in the finals after Wilkins was given a shady low score on his final make just to give Jordan a chance to win in the first place? Lamer than Harold Miner copying his entire routine in '93 as a means of repeating in '95? Lamer than Nate Robinson winning three dunk contests after 117 combined dunk attempts? Lamer than Gerald Green winning by windmilling over a two foot bench? Lamer than Fred Jones winning by completing a banked layup in '04?

Dang then, that's pretty lame.

04-28-2014, 08:53 PM
Lamer than Cedric Ceballos' "blindfold" dunk? Lamer than Dominique Wilkins winning in '90 by performing the same exact dunks he'd been doing since '84 just so he could cash in on a bonus from his shoe sponsor? Lamer than Michael Jordan's winning free throw line dunk in '88 that he'd already performed in a previous contest as well as a previous round of the current contest and missed on his first attempt in the finals after Wilkins was given a shady low score on his final make just to give Jordan a chance to win in the first place? Lamer than Harold Miner copying his entire routine in '93 as a means of repeating in '95? Lamer than Nate Robinson winning three dunk contests after 117 combined dunk attempts? Lamer than Gerald Green winning by windmilling over a two foot bench? Lamer than Fred Jones winning by completing a banked layup in '04?

Dang then, that's pretty lame.

yep lamer then all of the above no doubt

04-28-2014, 08:55 PM
i guess he just won't be wearing clipper gear/colors in those commercials anymore, but even if it's just him wouldn't that still have a lot of clipper indirect association?

04-28-2014, 09:32 PM
yep lamer then all of the above no doubtYeah I may actually agree, though I always maintain that JaVale McGee did virtually nothing in the final round that year to tip the scale in his favor. Griffin at least did a one-footed honeydip off the backboard for his first dunk, something we'd never seen. McGee just did a poor man's Larry Nance followed by a layup line bounce dunk.

04-28-2014, 09:48 PM
At least Blake competed in the dunk contest. Other so called great Dunkers just tease then bail out :facepalm

04-29-2014, 03:20 AM
At least Blake competed in the dunk contest. Other so called great Dunkers just tease then bail out :facepalm

Wouldn't you if you were guaranteed a multi-year car deal and a free dunk championship if you complete bare minimum dunks?

Seriously though, I am happy he was willing to participate. The rigging ruined it, but we got to at least see him attempt some stuff.

04-29-2014, 03:29 AM
Inb4 Blake requests a trade to protect his endorsements.