View Full Version : phil jackson is cheap!

04-28-2014, 07:43 PM

04-28-2014, 07:45 PM
who cares

04-28-2014, 08:14 PM
who cares

Apparently you, you clicked on my thread and posted under it. YOU, thats who cares! And its eating you up inside isnt it

04-28-2014, 08:16 PM

04-28-2014, 08:19 PM
That's an 18% tip, not too bad...Just because he's a millionaire doesn't mean that he should tip 100% :rolleyes:

04-28-2014, 08:21 PM
Everyone should leave atleast 20 if the service was good but maybe it wasnt

04-28-2014, 08:28 PM
i dont get it with americans, why dont they jsut add the tip into the price?

04-28-2014, 08:28 PM
what? 25$ tip on a 140$ bill isnt bad

thats 17% ... what because he's got money he has to shower every waitress or waiter with riches?


if i went out and spend 140$ on a meal. i would feel uncomfortable giving 25$ as a tip..

you tip based on percentage when its a low amount. not when its 140$...

i mean is a guy bringing me a plate and a drink really worth 25$ ontop of his salary?

he's lucky to have gotten that... i've never worked in an industry that involves tipping. but i know if i work 8 hours and get 25$ extra from every customer.. i'd be raking in the cash

you probly serve 5-10 people an hour as a waiter or waitress

thats 40-80 people a night.. even if each person only left a 5$ tip.. you'd be walking home with 200-400$ just in tips

greedy f*ckin people out there... i wish i could have made 25$ for handing someone a few objects

f*ck all servers

04-28-2014, 08:28 PM
that's a bad tip? $25 on a $140 bill?

04-28-2014, 08:30 PM
That's an 18% tip, not too bad...Just because he's a millionaire doesn't mean that he should tip 100% :rolleyes:

I always tip 20% if the service is reasonable, so it is a weak tip, but it's hardly cheap.

04-28-2014, 08:40 PM
I always tip 20% if the service is reasonable, so it is a weak tip, but it's hardly cheap.

would you tip 20% if you had to spend 500$ on a meal though ?

percentages have to be sort of ruled out after a certain amount. i mean what kind of waitress or waiter is doing anything that would require a 100$ tip... they better be under that table the entire time doing something more than hand me a drink .. if you know what i mean

04-28-2014, 08:44 PM
That's an 18% tip, not too bad...Just because he's a millionaire doesn't mean that he should tip 100% :rolleyes:It's a little cheesy considering a few items were comped... you're supposed to add the amount of comped items to the bill then tip on what the bill would be if you had to pay for everything...

04-28-2014, 08:48 PM
pagesix - did not read.

Nuff Said
04-28-2014, 08:51 PM
would you tip 20% if you had to spend 500$ on a meal though ?

percentages have to be sort of ruled out after a certain amount. i mean what kind of waitress or waiter is doing anything that would require a 100$ tip... they better be under that table the entire time doing something more than hand me a drink .. if you know what i mean

You gotta think though, $500 worth of food is a lot of work. Not that I'm saying $25 is a weak tip. The waiter just expected to be overpaid due to Phil's bank statement. Let it be anyone else and he wouldn't even care.

04-28-2014, 08:55 PM
Apparently you, you clicked on my thread and posted under it. YOU, thats who cares! And its eating you up inside isnt it
i don't care, the only reason why im posting is to show how pathetic you are

i didn't even click on the link

04-28-2014, 08:58 PM
You gotta think though, $500 worth of food is a lot of work. Not that I'm saying $25 is a weak tip. The waiter just expected to be overpaid due to Phil's bank statement. Let it be anyone else and he wouldn't even care.
lol nikka you think it's someone ordering $500 of burgers or something? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: when someone drops that much its usually a highend restaurant that charges ridiculous amounts and prolly an expensive wine. they are not ordering 200 burgers.

04-28-2014, 09:00 PM
i dont get it with americans, why dont they jsut add the tip into the price?
I don't get it with your Europeans, why don't you all go to the dentist to fix your ugly donkeyass teeth?

04-28-2014, 09:11 PM
i mean is a guy bringing me a plate and a drink really worth 25$ ontop of his salary?

04-28-2014, 09:12 PM
Me too but i don't know make that kfc money

04-28-2014, 09:12 PM
left just $25 on the bill of about $140, sources said. This despite getting his appetizers and desserts comped, no less.

This is one of the things they are complaining about. The value of his tab was probably closer to $200. If so, that turns out to be well under 18%.

Also he was there for three hours.

04-28-2014, 09:13 PM
A waiter was upset to get a 25 dollar tip? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

****ing waiter scum

Nuff Said
04-28-2014, 09:14 PM
lol nikka you think it's someone ordering $500 of burgers or something? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: when someone drops that much its usually a highend restaurant that charges ridiculous amounts and prolly an expensive wine. they are not ordering 200 burgers.
Bitch $500 is a lot anywhere you go. Do you even eat?

04-28-2014, 09:18 PM
Should've been $28 for the standard 20% on a $140 bill. But considering he got comped appetizers, and dessert, the tip should've been even higher. If you're wealthy enough to be making $12 million a year, a mere 20% tip on a discounted bill is pathetic in of itself. Lost a little respect for PJ here.

04-28-2014, 09:20 PM
Should've been $28 for the standard 20% on a $140 bill. But considering he got comped appetizers, and dessert, the tip should've been even higher. If you're wealthy enough to be making $12 million a year, a mere 20% tip on a discounted bill is pathetic in of itself. Lost a little respect for PJ here.

You lost respect for PJ because he didn't tip 5 dollars more to reach 20%?

Holy shit, what the **** is wrong with you people. If he didn't tip someone for bagging his groceries is he an asshole then too?

You guys are so brainwashed to follow social convention, it's hilarious.

04-28-2014, 09:21 PM
Should've been $28 for the standard 20% on a $140 bill. But considering he got comped appetizers, and dessert, the tip should've been even higher. If you're wealthy enough to be making $12 million a year, a mere 20% tip on a discounted bill is pathetic in of itself. Lost a little respect for PJ here.

And then you realize he was camped out at the table for 3 hours thus cutting down on the table turnover the waiter expects to see... he'll make up for it if he goes there as often as they said he does... Jeanie's probably already bent his ear on it...lol

04-28-2014, 09:27 PM
You lost respect for PJ because he didn't tip 5 dollars more to reach 20%?
No, because

a) He didn't even tip on the dollar amount of food he was served.

Comping is up to manager's discretion ... the server still had to describe, sell, prep, bus, and deliver the dish to him.

Why does that worker get jewed out of money because the manager wanted to make friends with Phil Jackson, and in return PJ was too stingy to compensate accordingly?

b) as a wealthy person, I think you should be obliged to give back when you can. Unless the service was bad. What excuse does he have to be so cheap to not even tip the standard 20% on a bill that got reduced even further?

That's quite pathetic.

I think it's pretty clear that you don't eat out, at nice restaraunts no less, aren't cultured, or simply don't understand the industry. You're probably poor as shit if you think this is acceptable behavior.

If he didn't tip someone for bagging his groceries is he an asshole then too?
When do grocery baggers get tipped? Servers are sales people, they hustle and work for their tips. In high end restaraunts they have many duties that require really high standards of service.

You're clearly ignorant on the topic, so it's probably best if you stop talking.

Knoe Itawl
04-28-2014, 09:31 PM
Standard acceptable tip is 15-20%. I generally tip 20% on good service, but anything above 15% is considered standard.

Knoe Itawl
04-28-2014, 09:38 PM
Take your lady out, portion of the bill gets comped even though service was great. Do you base your tip on the adjusted price, or the original price? I'm intrigued to hear what you would do ...

I'm black, so according to you I don't tip. I must have been lying in my first post........

04-28-2014, 09:39 PM
I'm black, so according to you I don't tip. I must have been lying in my first post........
Blacks generally don't tip. Or tip well. They're usually broke, stingy, low class. TYPICALLY it's the norm. I didn't fabricate this stereotype, it's there for a reason. You probably don't tip well, I'm just asking. Bringing up 15% was a tell.

Knoe Itawl
04-28-2014, 09:44 PM
Blacks generally don't tip. Or tip well. They're usually broke, stingy, low class. TYPICALLY it's the norm. I didn't fabricate this stereotype, it's there for a reason. You probably don't tip well, I'm just asking. Bringing up 15% was a tell.

You're an ignorant bigot. Bringing up your moronic stereotypes was a tell. I didn't fabricate you being a lowlife confused Klansman who doesn't like black people but yet wouldn't mind having Jordan f%ck your girlfriend in front of you and watches a sport that's 80% black. That's all you. Now go sign a petition for no punishment against Sterling or something.

04-28-2014, 09:49 PM
You're an ignorant bigot. Bringing up your moronic stereotypes was a tell.
Stereotypes exist based on truth.

Tell me Knoe, why do brothers ALWAYS order an expensive cut of steak, and that have it charred or well done to the point it becomes shoe leather?

Like tipping, is it a lack of culture type of thing? Explain it to me please. Is it because they grow up piss poor, and they only know shitty cuts of meats that get burnt and don't understand that leaving a piece of meat a little bloody ehances flavor profiles?

I didn't fabricate you being a lowlife confused Klansman who doesn't like black people but yet wouldn't mind having Jordan f%ck your girlfriend in front of you and watches a sport that's 80% black. That's all you.
Which is precisely why my truthful, or uncomfortable statements about race don't confine me to your "racist" box you want to put me in now does it?

How could I possibly be the racist you want to paint me to be when my favorite sport is 80% black? When I hero worship an African American who was the best basketball player of all-time ... and defend him fiercly to the point of parody.

Parody, and sarcasm that goes well beyond most people's heads here because everyone is beyond serious on ISH.

Now go sign a petition for no punishment against Sterling or something.
You seem to stalk all my other posts like the creep ISH has long known you to be, convenient you missed my statements condeming the pice of crap Sterling has long been known to be in regards to race, ethnicity, and religion.

Knoe Itawl
04-28-2014, 10:06 PM
Stereotypes exist based on truth.

Actually, if you weren't such an insufferable, ignorant bigot, then you would know that there have been many examples where the dominant culture purposely generated harmful stereotypes against minority groups in order to foster just the type of ignorant bigotry that you so lovingly embrace.

Tell me Knoe, why do brothers ALWAYS order an expensive cut of steak, and that have it charred or well done to the point it becomes shoe leather?

Like tipping, is it a lack of culture type of thing? Explain it to me please. Is it because they grow up piss poor, and they only know shitty cuts of meats that get burnt and don't understand that leaving a piece of meat a little bloody ehances flavor profiles?

Why do you bigots always think that a black person is the spokesperson for what all "brothers" do? None of my "brothers" order charred steak. This may be very hard for you to comprehend but (shock!) some brothers are actually well educated, financially stable, professionals who (shock!) go to steakhouses and order medium steaks!!!

It's like me expecting you to tell me why white males are more likely to be serial killers, family annihilators, pedophiles, etc. etc.

Which is precisely why my truthful, or uncomfortable statements about race don't confine me to your "racist" box you want to put me in now does it?

Actually, your bigoted statements so confine you to that box.

How could I possibly be the racist you want to paint me to be when my favorite sport is 80% black? When I hero worship an African American who was the best basketball player of all-time ... and defend him fiercly to the point of parody.

I was reading recently that hardcore racists are some of the biggest buyers of interracial porn. You white bigots are a warped group. It's like you both hate and admire black people at the same time. It'a actually pretty common. Remember good ol' racist ass Strom Thurmond who had a black mistress for many years? I told you you bigots are some sick, confused f$cks.

You seem to stalk all my other posts like the creep ISH has long known you to be

Haha, remembering your bigoted posts mean I "stalk" you. You're delusional. But then an NBA loving bigot would have to be.

convenient you missed my statements condeming the pice of crap Sterling has long been known to be in regards to race, ethnicity, and religion.

Nope, don't buy that you care about his statements.

04-28-2014, 10:09 PM
What a junk article.

04-28-2014, 10:09 PM
Never got the got to tip your server thing, in our country service charge is already added to your food. And i do still leave a small tip, but to get mad for not tipping crazy.

04-28-2014, 10:27 PM
Bitch $500 is a lot anywhere you go. Do you even eat?

Not really. Going to eat here in San Diego a table of 4 can run up to that easy and quick. With not much food or drink.

04-28-2014, 10:30 PM
When do grocery baggers get tipped? Servers are sales people, they hustle and work for their tips. In high end restaraunts they have many duties that require really high standards of service.

You're clearly ignorant on the topic, so it's probably best if you stop talking.

Ah yes, tell me more how servers work so much harder than everyone else in the customer service industry that doesn't get tips. I'm sure you'll win this argument that way :oldlol: :facepalm

Andy Hug
04-28-2014, 11:13 PM
****ing lol

Waiters don't deserve any tip. Get a real job or stop complaining. I work 25-30 hours a week during my time at university and I don't complain when people don't tip. 100+ in tips a night is more than fine.


04-28-2014, 11:34 PM
Millionaire or not, live at a pace where you can be one for as long as you live. I would probably feel some type of way if a celebrity comes up and only tips that much, but think about the amount of vacations and places he's been. Think about the amount of tips he's given. Charity maybe as well. Not every where he attends people around him hit the jackpot.

If that was the case I would disagree with it.

04-28-2014, 11:55 PM
That's an 18% tip, not too bad...Just because he's a millionaire doesn't mean that he should tip 100% :rolleyes:

If it's true about appetizers and dessert being comped, and the dinner being 3 hours long... then yes, it is a very shitty tip.

04-29-2014, 12:36 AM
You gotta think though, $500 worth of food is a lot of work. Not that I'm saying $25 is a weak tip. The waiter just expected to be overpaid due to Phil's bank statement. Let it be anyone else and he wouldn't even care.

nobodies buying 30+ chicken dinners when they spend 500$

and theyre not ordering 100+ beers

there is no extra work.. if a bill is high its usually cause the food or drinks cost more.

the waitress isnt doing any more work

highest possible tip for any individual doing a good job is maybe 25-30$ at most. anything more is ludicrous . and thats if theres a family getting served for 2-3 hours and whining or making noise while the waiter is doing everything fast and being polite..