View Full Version : Check to see if any of your accounts have been compromised

04-29-2014, 10:51 AM
here is a PSA for my ISH bretheren. go to any one of these 3 websites and enter your email addresses. they will check it against their database to see if any of them matches up with the compromised accounts they have on record. if you get a match then you should probably change your login info.

(go to one of these 2 articles and click on any of the 3 websites that they are suggesting you use)



[QUOTE]These Sites Tell Which Of Your Accounts Have Been Hacked
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Heartbleed, the massive flaw in web encryption recently made public, is just one of the unending stream of vulnerabilities that enables hackers to steal personal details and passwords from companies with which you do business.

Of recent, a number of websites have opened up shop to alert users when such attacks happen.

For example, haveibeenpwned.com allows you to enter in an email address to see if hackers have compromised it. For example, a check of one email address I use only with companies showed that it had been breached in October

04-29-2014, 11:27 AM
Didn't show up there but someone got my PayPal with heartbleed. They added a card to my account that I assume they were going to draw funds to from my bank account. I changed my password and logged out all other sessions before they could change anything else.

I considered screwing them back by withdrawing into my account from their card, but I didn't want to stoop and it'd be more trouble than it's worth.

04-29-2014, 11:43 AM
I got pwned on Adobe, idk wtf that means though. I changed my email password months ago when Yahoo told me I had suspicious activity.

04-29-2014, 11:49 AM
I got pwned on Adobe, idk wtf that means though. I changed my email password months ago when Yahoo told me I had suspicious activity.
it means your email was associated with an adobe leak. what those websites in the stories i linked are doing are comparing the email you entered against their database of all the leaked ones that are out there that are already compromised. this info is already publicly available to the bad guys, they are just confirming that you are a victim so you can go change your pw. it doesn't mean that you are STILL vulnerable, just that you have been at one point or another.

04-29-2014, 12:50 PM
Didn't show up there but someone got my PayPal with heartbleed. They added a card to my account that I assume they were going to draw funds to from my bank account. I changed my password and logged out all other sessions before they could change anything else.

I considered screwing them back by withdrawing into my account from their card, but I didn't want to stoop and it'd be more trouble than it's worth.

holy shit