View Full Version : Cuban not in favor of booting Sterling

04-29-2014, 01:28 PM
Gotta say I agree with the man...

But before you hit the 'Post Reply' button and claim I back a racist, read the excerpt.

DALLAS -- Mavericks owner Mark Cuban thinks the NBA would be a better league without Donald Sterling in it, but Cuban called the potential scenario of forcing the Los Angeles Clippers owner to sell the team in wake of the racist comments allegedly made by him "a slippery slope."

"I think there's a [league] constitution for a reason, right?" Cuban said before Game 4 of the Mavericks-San Antonio Spurs series. "Because this is a very slippery slope. What Donald said was wrong. It was abhorrent. There's no place for racism in the NBA, any business I'm associated with, and I don't want to be associated with people who have that position.

"But at the same time, that's a decision I make. I think you've got to be very, very careful when you start making blanket statements about what people say and think, as opposed to what they do. It's a very, very slippery slope."

Cuban was concerned about an arbitrary line being set for forcing people out of the league because of controversial beliefs that could be considered offensive.

"In this country, people are allowed to be morons," Cuban said. "They're allowed to be stupid. They're allowed to think idiotic thoughts.

"Within an organization like the NBA, we try to do what's in the best interest of the league, and that's why we have a commissioner and a constitution, and I think Adam will be smart and deal with Donald with the full extent available. But, again, if you're saying a blanket, 'Let's kick him out' -- I don't want to go that far because it's not about Donald, it's not about his position, it's about his mess -- and what are we going to make a decision on?

He's got a point. You see what happened to the US Constitution. Spit on and ignored and pushed to the side. Things with good intentions (the Patriot Act) have turned into a nightmare and now if you dont happen to support those in charge, you are lied to, audited, scrutinized, have your assets 'legally' stripped from you, your rights taken away. Now 2nd amendment rights are being challenged, 1st amendment rights are being subjected to special '1st amendment areas (wtf?), college kids are punished for handing out constitutions on college campuses, etc., etc.

Cuban has a point. If you punish the man for his opinion, who's to say when an owner lets the word '***' slip hes not booted? What if he makes a political statement, something extreme like vocally supporting Putin? What about when an owner says he's a devout Christian and believes gay marriage is morally wrong? Are the Jason Collins fans of the world going to claim that he needs to be ousted too.

It's important to tread very lightly and be very, very careful in your choice of action. Once you start down that path, you see where it can lead.

04-29-2014, 01:37 PM
Wasn't there another controversial topic where Cuban used the term "very slippery slope" before too? I cant remember what that was about. He seems to like that phrase.

04-29-2014, 01:38 PM
I agree with Cuban

04-29-2014, 01:42 PM
Of course Cuban is right.

Chris Broussard thinks it's wrong to be gay...is there no place for him at ESPN?

It should be about your actions and not your private thoughts or opinions. If Sterling was actually acting in such a way that favored one race over another...then that would warrant these talks.

But an old man talking about minorities on a private phone call while he has nearly and all black team and a black head coach...meh...just does not warrant this kind of response.

Like everyone said. He's a moron. He's ignorant. He's delusional.

But he's always been those things and he's always clearly been racist. Like Cuban said...you start forcing people out of the league for private phone calls...damn...how far can you take it?

04-29-2014, 01:45 PM
Cuban makes some good points, I generally agree.

Well, we'll hear shortly (in about 15 minutes) what the discipline will be.

04-29-2014, 01:47 PM
i get what cuban said but what about the future of the clippers? which black players will actually want to play for this guy? the only scenario i can imagine is if they dramatically overpay them...the franchise is going to be shit and that's another issue they can't ignore

04-29-2014, 01:49 PM
i get what cuban said but what about the future of the clippers? which black players will actually want to play for this guy? the only scenario i can imagine is if they dramatically overpay them...the franchise is going to be shit and that's another issue they can't ignore

I think at that point the league would have a better argument....although, the Clippers were awful for a long long long time...and Sterling was just fine about it being his cheap ass self and turning a yearly profit while his team went up.

It would take all players refusing to play there so he couldn't even field a team.

I think that is what the players should all do this summer if this really bothers them so much. Assuming Silver/Owners can't get rid of Sterling on their own. They do that and it reaches a new level...

04-29-2014, 01:50 PM
This about the only saving grace Sterling has.

If the Owners decide they do not want to associate with him anymore, fine. If they decide his actions warrant action under their constitution and by-laws, fine.

But Owners would be setting a precedent. One that stipulates that the private conversations with your mistress can lead to action by your NBA peers. Does anyone really think these Owners are stupid enough to set a standard that their private thoughts are subject to review and punishment by the rest of the league?

The only way this would work is if they attempt to get him on the Department of Justice settlements, but then again, he can claim that under the terms of the settlements he did not admit to any violations of law or civil rights.

04-29-2014, 01:51 PM
Completely agree with him. The problem, however, is this affects the future of the basketball team in free agency, drafting, contract signing, etc.

04-29-2014, 01:53 PM
also this is a league where you get fined 25k for saying the officiating was shitty

04-29-2014, 01:53 PM
Of course Cuban is right.

Chris Broussard thinks it's wrong to be gay...is there no place for him at ESPN?

It should be about your actions and not your private thoughts or opinions. If Sterling was actually acting in such a way that favored one race over another...then that would warrant these talks.

But an old man talking about minorities on a private phone call while he has nearly and all black team and a black head coach...meh...just does not warrant this kind of response.

Like everyone said. He's a moron. He's ignorant. He's delusional.

But he's always been those things and he's always clearly been racist. Like Cuban said...you start forcing people out of the league for private phone calls...damn...how far can you take it?

Sums up my feelings precisely.

04-29-2014, 01:55 PM
You guys ever watch Shark Tank?

Cuban seems like a real cool guy. I like him, by far, the most out of all the sharks.

04-29-2014, 01:58 PM
You guys ever watch Shark Tank?

Cuban seems like a real cool guy. I like him, by far, the most out of all the sharks.

My childhood best friend is about to be on that show. Couldn't tell me if he won or not though. Should be cool.

04-29-2014, 01:58 PM
Of course Cuban is right.

Chris Broussard thinks it's wrong to be gay...is there no place for him at ESPN?

It should be about your actions and not your private thoughts or opinions. If Sterling was actually acting in such a way that favored one race over another...then that would warrant these talks.

But an old man talking about minorities on a private phone call while he has nearly and all black team and a black head coach...meh...just does not warrant this kind of response.

Like everyone said. He's a moron. He's ignorant. He's delusional.

But he's always been those things and he's always clearly been racist. Like Cuban said...you start forcing people out of the league for private phone calls...damn...how far can you take it?
No that's different. That's a matter of religious beliefs. Apparently that's immune from all criticism.

04-29-2014, 02:02 PM
No that's different. That's a matter of religious beliefs. Apparently that's immune from all criticism.

Of course. You can do anything if it's in the name of Christianity in this country...

04-29-2014, 02:02 PM
Cuban's knows his shit :applause:.

No that's different. That's a matter of religious beliefs. Apparently that's immune from all criticism.

04-29-2014, 02:02 PM
Of course Sterling has the right to his opinion and his rights aren't being violated (and wouldn't be if he were kicked out of the league for this). The NBA is well within their rights as an organization to decide Sterling should no longer be a member of said organization by following their own bylaws.

I posted this in another thread but I'm not sure how many people actually read but it lays out exactly the process Silver and the NBA will probably take to ousting Sterling. They have a lot more options than originally thought and it looks like Sterling's the one without many openings here. http://espn.go.com/espn/otl/story/_/id/10852199/challenge-donald-sterling

04-29-2014, 02:02 PM
Well then it's fairly obvious that mark Cuban is racist as well. Anyone want to buy the mavs???

04-29-2014, 02:06 PM
Of course Sterling has the right to his opinion and his rights aren't being violated (and wouldn't be if he were kicked out of the league for this). The NBA is well within their rights as an organization to decide Sterling should no longer be a member of said organization by following their own bylaws.

I posted this in another thread but I'm not sure how many people actually read but it lays out exactly the process Silver and the NBA will probably take to ousting Sterling. They have a lot more options than originally thought and it looks like Sterling's the one without many openings here. http://espn.go.com/espn/otl/story/_/id/10852199/challenge-donald-sterling

Yea, but I think what Cuban is speaking to is would it be appropriate to force him out and set that precedent.

So if in a couple years an owner is recorded saying that he thinks gay people don't deserve the right to get married and that he doesn't want his daughter being friends with a lesbian girl she knows or taking pictures with her and posting them on facebook....

That owner is going to have to be worried about being forced out of the league for his personal/private opinions on that subject?

I don't know man...that seems so dangerous.

04-29-2014, 02:08 PM
Cuban is afraid of people kicked out for their thoughts. What's Cuban hiding. Hmmm....

04-29-2014, 02:11 PM
Cuban is afraid of people kicked out for their thoughts. What's Cuban hiding. Hmmm....

Probably thinks that Dirk is the GOAT...

04-29-2014, 02:13 PM
Cuban is afraid of people kicked out for their thoughts. What's Cuban hiding. Hmmm....

I'm sure everybody has once said something in private that can be construed as controversial. Not sticking up for the racist Sterling, not even a case of misconstruing him (clearly a bigot), but we live in such an ultra-PC, socially networked, cell phone recorded, society that it's almost scary how quick controversy can emerge and spread. Sterling makes Paula Deen look like a saint :oldlol:

04-29-2014, 02:27 PM
Well, he's gonna get to vote on this now.

04-29-2014, 02:37 PM
hIS TWEET was posted up on cnn while silver was giving his speech. He tweeted he agrees 100% on silvers decision. Cuban just trolled you guuys hahahhhaahhah

04-29-2014, 02:38 PM
Looks like Cuban is in favor of the forced sale:


04-29-2014, 02:38 PM

"I agree 100% with Commissioner Silvers findings and the actions taken against Donald Sterling" - @mcuban

Looks like he's cool with it.

04-29-2014, 02:38 PM
hIS TWEET was posted up on cnn while silver was giving his speech. He tweeted he agrees 100% on silvers decision. Cuban just trolled you guuys hahahhhaahhah
He agrees with the ban and the fine, but there is zero chance he votes to force him to sell the team.

Reading comprehension friend.

04-29-2014, 02:44 PM
He agrees with the ban and the fine, but there is zero chance he votes to force him to sell the team.

Reading comprehension friend.


If the owners actually vote to force a sale...damn...they all better make sure the skeletons in their closets are well hidden and they better be damn careful not to ever say anything even remotely controversial...

04-29-2014, 02:48 PM
I would think they wouldn't vote him out .. very bad fkn precedent .. you can't be stripping people of their property/investments over private conversations/private thoughts .. 'thought crimes' .. that's fkn insane ..

you wanna know who should be punished in all this ? that fkn piece of shit, butt ugly tranny who leaked this .. that's who .. illegal taping then leaking .. she basically destroyed this guy's life .. a pariah and recluse for the rest of whatever life he has left now

04-29-2014, 02:49 PM

If the owners actually vote to force a sale...damn...they all better make sure the skeletons in their closets are well hidden and they better be damn careful not to ever say anything even remotely controversial...

No room for discrimination of any form.

Don't be a hateful person and you got no worries.

04-29-2014, 02:50 PM
I don't disagree with Cuban

but I also didn't see Sterling refusing the fact that he made those statements, or even trying to fight the allegations.

the impression has been, I said it, yes, it's how I view things, and I'm certain he knew and expected the commissioner to make a statement.

There weren't any apologies to make the rope slippery.

04-29-2014, 02:50 PM
From the NY Post today...


04-29-2014, 02:52 PM
Mark Cuban ‏@mcuban 31m

I agree 100% with Commissioner Silvers findings and the actions taken against Donald Sterling..

04-29-2014, 02:52 PM
No room for discrimination of any form.

Don't be a hateful person and you got no worries.
No, be careful what you divulge and to who.

Do some research on the owners backgrounds and how they made their money, none of them are squeaky clean.

Some on democrats (Sterling was a huge donor), some are conservative, some don't believe in gay marriage (Magic's owner is a homophobe), some made their money off fracking, Dan Gilbert was heavily involved in shady financial deals...

none of them are clean.

04-29-2014, 02:52 PM
No room for discrimination of any form.

Don't be a hateful person and you got no worries.

So the Christian owners that think it's wrong to be gay and that homosexuals are going to hell...

There is no room for them?

How about Chris Broussard who said it's a sin to be gay when Collins came out? ESPN did nothing about that...and rightfully so...it's CB's right to have those opinions on things.

I completely disagree with him of course...and think it's absurd to treat gay people differently, but Chris Broussard should be allowed to work and make a living at ESPN even though he has those personal views.

Trust me, this is so dangerous...

04-29-2014, 02:55 PM
Of course Cuban is right.

Chris Broussard thinks it's wrong to be gay...is there no place for him at ESPN?

It should be about your actions and not your private thoughts or opinions. If Sterling was actually acting in such a way that favored one race over another...then that would warrant these talks.

But an old man talking about minorities on a private phone call while he has nearly and all black team and a black head coach...meh...just does not warrant this kind of response.

Like everyone said. He's a moron. He's ignorant. He's delusional.

But he's always been those things and he's always clearly been racist. Like Cuban said...you start forcing people out of the league for private phone calls...damn...how far can you take it?
No, because he knows little to nothing in basketball.

04-29-2014, 02:55 PM

"I agree 100% with Commissioner Silvers findings and the actions taken against Donald Sterling" - @mcuban

Looks like he's cool with it.


All the Owners are going to vote his ass out, why? Because it would ruin their relationship with players on their team.

04-29-2014, 02:56 PM
Why are people saying its about actions and not words? Are we forgetting this man's history of using his money and power to discriminate against minorities?

04-29-2014, 02:58 PM
Chris Broussard thinks it's wrong to be gay...is there no place for him at ESPN?Chris Broussard clearly is gay (repressed/closeted), my dude.

04-29-2014, 02:58 PM
Why are people saying its about actions and not words? Are we forgetting this man's history of using his money and power to discriminate against minorities?

Silver just got done saying this decision had nothing to do with any previous actions.

04-29-2014, 02:59 PM
So the Christian owners that think it's wrong to be gay and that homosexuals are going to hell...

There is no room for them?

How about Chris Broussard who said it's a sin to be gay when Collins came out? ESPN did nothing about that...and rightfully so...it's CB's right to have those opinions on things.

I completely disagree with him of course...and think it's absurd to treat gay people differently, but Chris Broussard should be allowed to work and make a living at ESPN even though he has those personal views.

Trust me, this is so dangerous...

There is nothing dangerous about it or new, people are fired over racist and homophobic shit all the time. Some get away with it, some dont. This is nothing new.

04-29-2014, 02:59 PM
So the Christian owners that think it's wrong to be gay and that homosexuals are going to hell...

There is no room for them?

How about Chris Broussard who said it's a sin to be gay when Collins came out? ESPN did nothing about that...and rightfully so...it's CB's right to have those opinions on things.

I completely disagree with him of course...and think it's absurd to treat gay people differently, but Chris Broussard should be allowed to work and make a living at ESPN even though he has those personal views.

Trust me, this is so dangerous...

If Chris Broussard got fired he would still have his rights to free speech.

He and Sterling can say whatever the hell they want and not be prosecuted under law. That's what's in the constitution!

If his sponsors want to pull out because of his views that's their right too!

Nobody's rights were violated. He's not going to jail. He just won't own a team with majority black players anymore and that's the NBA's right to do so!

04-29-2014, 03:00 PM
Cuban is looking for his own ass. if he slip up someplace where he said some racist thing he would be out of like sterling. in this time its hard to say something with out getting recorded and being public to everyone to see and hear.

04-29-2014, 03:00 PM
Cuban is a idiot

04-29-2014, 03:01 PM
There is nothing dangerous about it or new, people are fired over racist and homophobic shit all the time. Some get away with it, some dont. This is nothing new.

That is usually in practice.

Like an owner of a business refusing to hire people of a certain faith or minorities....etc.

Very rarely would it be about a private/personal views on a subject.

I am talking about forcing the sale of the team...not the ban from coming to games etc....that makes sense to me.

The stuff about stripping him of ownership for a private opinion is dangerous in my opinion.

04-29-2014, 03:01 PM

"I agree 100% with Commissioner Silvers findings and the actions taken against Donald Sterling" - @mcuban

Looks like he's cool with it.

He's a smart man. Changing his mind, even if it's just PR, is wise.

04-29-2014, 03:03 PM
If Chris Broussard got fired he would still have his rights to free speech.

He and Sterling can say whatever the hell they want and not be prosecuted under law. That's what's in the constitution!

If his sponsors want to pull out because of his views that's their right too!

Nobody's rights were violated. He's not going to jail. He just won't own a team with majority black players anymore and that's the NBA's right to do so!

I never said his rights were violated. I'm saying that stripping someone of their ownership for personal views and not actions is a slippery slope.

04-29-2014, 03:03 PM
i disagree with Cuban. It would be impossible for the Clippers to be a marketable NBA team with Sterling having anything to do with the organization.

The Sponsors are all suspending their sponsorships or are pulling out. The fans and players are turning their backs. The ONLY way to resolve that is by getting rid of Sterling.

There is a lot more to this than just setting some owner precedent. The other owners don't have to worry about the Clippers getting their sponsors, fans, and players back. Cuban is real short sighted with what he's saying. Even if i thought Sterling was entitled to his own opinion there is just no way the Clippers could ever recover with him still being involved with them in any capacity.

rich old men have the biggest weaknesses for young women, it always seems to screew them over in the end. this gold digger completely ruined him.

04-29-2014, 03:04 PM
Cuban was always on sterling sick

04-29-2014, 03:05 PM
I never said his rights were violated. I'm saying that stripping someone of their ownership for personal views and not actions is a slippery slope.

how is it a slippery slope?

If you own a mcdonald's franchise and discriminate against a certian race of people mcdonalds (per their policy) has every right to strip you of your franchise.

It's really not that complicated.

04-29-2014, 03:05 PM
That is usually in practice.

Like an owner of a business refusing to hire people of a certain faith or minorities....etc.

Very rarely would it be about a private/personal views on a subject.

I am talking about forcing the sale of the team...not the ban from coming to games etc....that makes sense to me.

The stuff about stripping him of ownership for a private opinion is dangerous in my opinion.

Well the Owners when voting will be able to take account everything he has done in life, so that includes all his other racist shit. Nothing dangerous about that.

04-29-2014, 03:05 PM
i disagree with Cuban. It would be impossible for the Clippers to be a marketable NBA team with Sterling having anything to do with the organization.

The Sponsors are all suspending their sponsorships or are pulling out. The fans and players are turning their backs. The ONLY way to resolve that is by getting rid of Sterling.

There is a lot more to this than just setting some owner precedent. The other owners don't have to worry about the Clippers getting their sponsors, fans, and players back. Cuban is real short sighted with what he's saying. Even if i thought Sterling was entitled to his own opinion there is just no way the Clippers could ever recover with him still being involved with them in any capacity.

rich old men have the biggest weaknesses for young women, it always seems to screew them over in the end.

that is the fallout. that is a separate thing. if the fallout from the comments is so bad that the Clippers are no longer a viable enterprise under Sterling...then forcing him out then makes sense.

he was talking just about the opinion/views part of it. not the fall out.

04-29-2014, 03:07 PM
PPL Who r defending STERLING



3.Uncle Toms

04-29-2014, 03:07 PM
how is it a slippery slope?

If you own a mcdonald's franchise and discriminate against a certian race of people mcdonalds (per their policy) has every right to strip you of your franchise.

It's really not that complicated.

because actually discriminating against someone is different than expressing private opinions.

i know it's not complicated...you are confusing yourself.

Sterling has nearly an all black team and a black coach...where is the discrimination of Sterling in this case?

I'm not talking about the past...you can't bring up the past on this one.

04-29-2014, 03:10 PM
because actually discriminating against someone is different than expressing private opinions.

i know it's not complicated...you are confusing yourself.

Sterling has nearly an all black team and a black coach...where is the discrimination of Sterling in this case?

I'm not talking about the past...you can't bring up the past on this one.

If it was truly private, we wouldn't be talking about this right now though.

I agree it was once private, but it's not now, and there has to be a response now that the dirty laundry has been aired.

04-29-2014, 03:10 PM
because actually discriminating against someone is different than expressing private opinions.

i know it's not complicated...you are confusing yourself.

Sterling has nearly an all black team and a black coach...where is the discrimination of Sterling in this case?

I'm not talking about the past...you can't bring up the past on this one.

There's a difference between actual discrimination and thought crimes.

04-29-2014, 03:12 PM
If it was truly private, we wouldn't be talking about this right now though.

I agree it was once private, but it's not now, and there has to be a response now that the dirty laundry has been aired.
So anytime someone illegally tapes you and decides to leak it, it then becomes fair game? Sorry bro. The tape would not even make it into a court room.

04-29-2014, 03:12 PM
I never said his rights were violated. I'm saying that stripping someone of their ownership for personal views and not actions is a slippery slope.

Well his thoughts aren't private anymore, are they? If some jackass is dumb enough to get recorded and have his views spilled in public that's his problem. Dumb ****s should realize we're living in a digital age now where anything you say or do can end up on the news quick. If this happened in any other organization the same shit would happen so I'm not sure where the slippery slope is.

04-29-2014, 03:13 PM

There's a difference between actual discrimination and thought crimes.

Not This.

Silver said the Owners will also take into account his whole life, that includes all his discrimination cases. So their vote will not only be about the private recording.

04-29-2014, 03:13 PM
So was this illegally taped?

04-29-2014, 03:13 PM
If it was truly private, we wouldn't be talking about this right now though.

I agree it was once private, but it's not now, and there has to be a response now that the dirty laundry has been aired.

Of course that has to be a response.

I'm talking about taking away the business of a man that expressed a private opinion and was illegally taped and in this specific case...actually did not discriminate anyone.

04-29-2014, 03:16 PM
Well his thoughts aren't private anymore, are they? If some jackass is dumb enough to get recorded and have his views spilled in public that's his problem. Dumb ****s should realize we're living in a digital age now where anything you say or do can end up on the news quick. If this happened in any other organization the same shit would happen so I'm not sure where the slippery slope is.


You think a business owner that thinks being gay is wrong...should lose his business even if he doesn't discriminate against homosexuals in his business?

Or a different owner feels that the Islam religion is dangerous and wrong, but doesn't discriminate against Muslims? That owner should be stripped of his business if he's illegally recorded talking about how he thinks the world would be a better place of there was no Islamic religion?

You really don't see the danger in that?

oh the horror
04-29-2014, 03:17 PM
Of course that has to be a response.

I'm talking about taking away the business of a man that expressed a private opinion and was illegally taped and in this specific case...actually did not discriminate anyone.

It was done for primarily business reasons. The whole moral outrage aspect is acting an posturing. The league has known about this guys character for years but presented with this being full fledged public knowledge given TMZ being the ones to air this, the league was forced into this for financial aspects of the team sinking into the ground and the nba being affiliated with a now blatantly known bigot.

So basically it became public for everyone even outside of the nba fan base

04-29-2014, 03:18 PM
because actually discriminating against someone is different than expressing private opinions.

i know it's not complicated...you are confusing yourself.

Sterling has nearly an all black team and a black coach...where is the discrimination of Sterling in this case?

I'm not talking about the past...you can't bring up the past on this one.

Whether his opinions are in private or in public he is still discriminating.

Even though he's lost lawsuits over it in the past, discrimination doesn't have to be an action it can be your opinions too.

04-29-2014, 03:18 PM

You think a business owner that thinks being gay is wrong...should lose his business even if he doesn't discriminate against homosexuals in his business?

Or a different owner feels that the Islam religion is dangerous and wrong, but doesn't discriminate against Muslims? That owner should be stripped of his business if he's illegally recorded talking about how he thinks the world would be a better place of there was no Islamic religion?

You really don't see the danger in that?

Does Donald Sterling own the NBA?

04-29-2014, 03:19 PM
It was done for primarily business reasons. The whole moral outrage aspect is acting an posturing. The league has known about this guys character for years but presented with this being full fledged public knowledge given TMZ being the ones to air this, the league was forced into this for financial aspects of the team sinking into the ground and the nba being affiliated with a now blatantly known bigot.

So basically it became public for everyone even outside of the nba fan base

Yes...that is the fall out from this.

And if the fallout is sponsors leaving and players not wanting to play there...etc. Then that is reasonable grounds to remove him from his ownership position.

His private opinions are not.

That is the distinction I'm making...

04-29-2014, 03:20 PM
Does Donald Sterling own the NBA?

He owns the Clippers.

And could you please answer the question.

04-29-2014, 03:21 PM
Silver just got done saying this decision had nothing to do with any previous actions.
Well then he's lying imo...

04-29-2014, 03:22 PM
How owns the Clippers.

And the Clippers are apart of a bigger organization, right? Sterling's views, which are now public because of his stupidity, can damage the reputation of that bigger organization as well as have financial repercussions with sponsors, right? That's grounds for dismissal.

oh the horror
04-29-2014, 03:23 PM
Yes...that is the fall out from this.

And if the fallout is sponsors leaving and players not wanting to play there...etc. Then that is reasonable grounds to remove him from his ownership position.

His private opinions are not.

That is the distinction I'm making...

That's the distinction most are making which is reasonable.

The people that are OUTRAGED (!!!!) by this all seem odd to me. Frankly everyone has said some BS in the privacy of their own homes.

Unfortunately he dealt with a snake b*tch that caught him slipping and now it has rocked his business ventures.

04-29-2014, 03:24 PM
And the Clippers are apart of a bigger organization, right? Sterling's views, which are now public because of his stupidity, can damage the reputation of that bigger organization as well as have financial repercussions with sponsors, right? That's grounds for dismissal.

Yes...that is the fallout from it.

I'm talking about the actual opinions of an individual.

If the fall out really hurts the NBA financially and it's reputation...then it's of course reasonable to remove him from his position as it would fit in with what it says in the constitution of the NBA.

You are talking about the fall out from those opinions. Not the actual opinions. And there is no way one, like Silver said, could know the real ramifications on the NBA at this point.

04-29-2014, 03:30 PM

You think a business owner that thinks being gay is wrong...should lose his business even if he doesn't discriminate against homosexuals in his business?

Or a different owner feels that the Islam religion is dangerous and wrong, but doesn't discriminate against Muslims? That owner should be stripped of his business if he's illegally recorded talking about how he thinks the world would be a better place of there was no Islamic religion?

You really don't see the danger in that?

its obviously worse given that the NBA is a predominantly african american league with a big african american audience and sub culture.

it wouldn't be as bad as if he said something against someone gay or muslim IMO. If he were running a gay bar and said something about gays then it would be bad....or a mosque and said something about muslims it would be bad. I don't think it would be AS bad if he owned a soccer or hockey team altho it would still be a sort of big deal.

Even if he didn't technically descriminate against african americans, his views of them matter to his predominantly african american clientele and employee's...and sponsors are as politically correct entities as they come.

04-29-2014, 03:31 PM
So was this illegally taped?
Yes it was.

04-29-2014, 03:33 PM
Yes it was.
How is this even legal then? This is just fvcked up. If you recorded some of the shit I've said I wouldn't have any friends and in juvie

04-29-2014, 03:35 PM
its obviously worse given that the NBA is a predominantly african american league with a big african american audience and sub culture.

it wouldn't be as bad as if he said something against someone gay or muslim IMO. If he were running a gay bar and said something about gays then it would be bad....or a mosque and said something about muslims it would be bad. I don't think it would be AS bad if he owned a soccer or hockey team altho it would still be a sort of big deal.

Even if he didn't technically descriminate against african americans, his views of them matter to his predominantly african american clientele and employee's...and sponsors are as politically correct entities as they come.

Again. That is the fall out.

You would be getting rid of Sterling not really for the comments, but because of the damage done by the comments. And I fully support that...but one would have to prove that the fall out is damaging in such a way that it impacts the NBA enough to warrant his removal as owner. I have no doubt the data will come in on that with sponsors and players already hinting at not associating themselves with the Clippers.

You see the difference though? It's the fact that Sterling did something (could have been anything) that has so negatively impacted his franchise and the league that he needs to be banned and removed as owner.

04-29-2014, 03:38 PM
Yes...that is the fallout from it.

I'm talking about the actual opinions of an individual.

If the fall out really hurts the NBA financially and it's reputation...then it's of course reasonable to remove him from his position as it would fit in with what it says in the constitution of the NBA.

You are talking about the fall out from those opinions. Not the actual opinions. And there is no way one, like Silver said, could know the real ramifications on the NBA at this point.

When you have a poison pill that threatens progress or the stability of an organization do you not get rid of it? You don't wait around while the cancer spreads.

04-29-2014, 03:46 PM
What's wild is that Cuban loves being in the spot light and is now going to be hit up for this left and right for his stand here. We know he's going to vote to keep Sterling around and has his face as the leader.

Sterling said things before, like what he said to Rollie Massimino, will forever stain his image. Sometimes the image transcends all things. Cuban is somewhere he might really regret.

04-29-2014, 03:47 PM
What's wild is that Cuban loves being in the spot light and is now going to be hit up for this left and right for his stand here. We know he's going to vote to keep Sterling around and has his face as the leader.

Sterling said things before, like what he said to Rollie Massimino, will forever stain his image. Sometimes the image transcends all things. Cuban is somewhere he might really regret.

He already changed his mind though, via twitter. Check the last page the or the page before.

04-29-2014, 03:51 PM

04-29-2014, 03:52 PM

04-29-2014, 03:52 PM
How is this even legal then? This is just fvcked up. If you recorded some of the shit I've said I wouldn't have any friends and in juvie

Because this has nothing to do with the legal process, he's not being convicted of anything or put on trial. All this is for the NBA is information they're being presented with.

04-29-2014, 03:59 PM
Its understandable, do you want your opponents to be retarded or smart?

04-29-2014, 04:00 PM
He already changed his mind though, via twitter. Check the last page the or the page before.

But we know his real feelings. In a concealed vote I think I know which way he's going. If media people like him they might let him off the hook.

04-29-2014, 04:02 PM
No room for discrimination of any form.

Don't be a hateful person and you got no worries.
don't hate on hate, bigot

04-29-2014, 04:02 PM
To sum it up he is in favor of voting him out..
Not necessarily. He agrees with Sterling's actions, not necessarily what the board has to vote on.

04-29-2014, 04:05 PM
Not necessarily. He agrees with Sterling's actions, not necessarily what the board has to vote on.

Sterling is gone and no owner will want to be in minority supporting a racist. That would not go over good with its teams players and fans and hurt its bottom line.

04-29-2014, 04:06 PM
To sum it up he is in favor of voting him out..No he's in favor of the sanctions Silver handed down today, he's not in favor of voting to remove him as an owner.. two separate issues

04-29-2014, 04:08 PM
The thing is the NBA is a business and some entity is damaging your business then the NBA has a right to remove that damage.

KKK clan members can have their rallies but they are not going to be allowed to have them in the BET Awards.

04-29-2014, 04:09 PM
No he's in favor of the sanctions Silver handed down today, he's not in favor of voting to remove him as an owner.. two separate issues

I guarantee he votes him out dont be stupid please..

04-29-2014, 04:11 PM
If its a public vote, he will be voted out.

If its a private vote, he won't. No owner wants the NBA to have that much power, they all have skeletons in their closet.

If its public, every owner will vote yes or else minorities will be out protesting and shit and they may be the next owner to be taken out.

04-29-2014, 04:11 PM
Whether his opinions are in private or in public he is still discriminating.

Even though he's lost lawsuits over it in the past, discrimination doesn't have to be an action it can be your opinions too.
Ok. Just don't complain if 1 day your business gets taken away from you if somebody finds out in your private life you wrote "OP is a phaggit" on a message board.

04-29-2014, 04:12 PM
I guarantee he votes him out dont be stupid please..

Right, Cuban's pragmatism is on full show with his initial comments and that same pragmatism is going to lead to him to voting Sterling out as an owner because there's too much at stake financially for the NBA if they allow Sterling to remain as an owner (Silver wouldn't have handed down the lifetime ban if he didn't have confidence that the other owners had his back that Sterling will be out as an owner).

04-29-2014, 04:57 PM
Right, Cuban's pragmatism is on full show with his initial comments and that same pragmatism is going to lead to him to voting Sterling out as an owner because there's too much at stake financially for the NBA if they allow Sterling to remain as an owner (Silver wouldn't have handed down the lifetime ban if he didn't have confidence that the other owners had his back that Sterling will be out as an owner).

Let's be honest. What does a "lifetime ban" mean to a guy who's into his 80's? Also, I don't think ban and sale are necessarily linked.

04-29-2014, 04:58 PM
This is troublesome to single entity owners ala Cuban. He will unfortunately have to vote against Sterling, but what if he runs into that similar bad situation through illegal actions against him?

General public loves to have single entity owners, just a guy or a lady passionate to run a professional sport team unlike a faceless corporation. But this will make things a lot more difficult for those in the future.

04-29-2014, 05:34 PM
Ok. Just don't complain if 1 day your business gets taken away from you if somebody finds out in your private life you wrote "OP is a phaggit" on a message board.
This is something I recall you doing a lot of. Its trolling gone wrong.

04-29-2014, 06:35 PM

But we know his real feelings. In a concealed vote I think I know which way he's going. If media people like him they might let him off the hook.
Off the hook for what? Having an opinion that doesn't fit with the current moral crusade and media witch hunt everyone is using to make themselves feel superior?

You're a complete joke if you think there's anything wrong with what Cuban said.

04-29-2014, 06:39 PM
Ok. Just don't complain if 1 day your business gets taken away from you if somebody finds out in your private life you wrote "OP is a phaggit" on a message board.

04-29-2014, 06:40 PM
No room for discrimination of any form.

Don't be a hateful person and you got no worries.
Am i allowed to hold the door open for a lady or is that too 'discriminatory?'

Another word that doesn't have any logical meaning the way it is used.