View Full Version : the lack of empathy for Sterling is somewhat insensitive

04-29-2014, 05:48 PM
guy is 80 years old, we are all product of our environment and Sterling's formative year is certainly shaped by the pre civil rights era he grew up in. Certainly he's not progressive minded and his outdated views are jarring and anachronistic in the age we live in but they are reflection of the generation he's from and the institutionalized racism and oppression that existed then. Sterling is nothing but a product of the skeletons in America's closet, the vestige of the bigotry and racism that's the very core of american history, nation with its beginnings in the eradication of native americans and institution of slavery.

Sterling being racist is about as surprising as 80 year old not being able to use a smartphone, I would be surprised if he was the only owner to even harbor such views. He's just the only one dumb enough to have it taped and broadcast.

Sure fans have every right to boycot and sponsors can pull endorsement. And given that silver is the arbitrator with unilateral power, a lifetime ban can also be justified or difficult to contest. But he should not be forced to sell the team, and I don't believe there are grounds to do that against he sancity of property rights.

They can contract the team. the fallout from that would be fascinating.



giving props where it's due, Jason Whitlock says it better than me

these impurities of our culture is ubiquitous, burning Sterling in effigy will not cleanse our collective soul

there is a highly profitable business in synthetic indignation these days, everyone rushes to appear self righteous as if they dont have any moral warts

04-29-2014, 05:52 PM
It's just hilarious you can get banned for the league for expressing thoughts such as those in private. He never even said a racial slur or anything either, just didn't want his side chick posting pics with black people on instagram and now he's banned from the league for it?

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

The overreaction here is strong as fvck.

04-29-2014, 05:53 PM
He and he wife shouldn't play these games with his mistresses. Don't feel sorry for him at all. :oldlol:

Cowboy Thunder
04-29-2014, 05:54 PM
I wonder what went through your head when you chose an avatar of LeBron baring his nipple :lol

04-29-2014, 05:55 PM
every black man's opinion of this thread, mine included


Im so nba'd out
04-29-2014, 05:56 PM

04-29-2014, 05:57 PM
It's just hilarious you can get banned for the league for expressing thoughts such as those in private. He never even said a racial slur or anything either, just didn't want his side chick posting pics with black people on instagram and now he's banned from the league for it?

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

The overreaction here is strong as fvck.
Absolutely agreed.

But NBA and many others has greatly affected by it and they still have to do something about it.

04-29-2014, 06:00 PM
who cares? It's just funny watching the Clipper organization crash and burn. I hope he does remain an owner and everyone leaves the clipps

04-29-2014, 06:02 PM
It's just hilarious you can get banned for the league for expressing thoughts such as those in private. He never even said a racial slur or anything either, just didn't want his side chick posting pics with black people on instagram and now he's banned from the league for it?

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

The overreaction here is strong as fvck.
The reaction is relative to how much negative publicity it generated for the NBA.

04-29-2014, 06:02 PM
Absolutely agreed.

But NBA and many others has greatly affected by it and they still have to do something about it.

Oh no doubt. A million dollar fine and suspension for the rest of the playoffs would have been the most reasonable punishment at the most in my opinion.

Like Cuban says, you are going down a slippery slope to dictate what owners can and can't say in private. Michael Jordan has reportedly said a bunch of racist shit before, should we revoke him as an owner or are black owners operating under a different set of rules because the media doesn't get over sensitive when a black man says the word n*gger?

Just doesn't make any sense to me.

04-29-2014, 06:06 PM
should have paid the whore off

04-29-2014, 06:08 PM
That's what he gets for getting too involved with a ho. Shoulda kept it between him and his wife. No sympathy, a woman will wreck you, **** you learn that from day 1.

04-29-2014, 06:09 PM
I dont liek Sterling. He was wacist to black people. Thats not nice.

04-29-2014, 06:12 PM
Taken from a CBC commentary:

Did anyone listened the conversation. It's on YouTube. It's over 9 min long.
During the whole time Sterling multiple times asking his girlfriend to stop this "toxic" conversation, to which she always replied "is it because they re black?". I believe the woman had set Sterling up. I think she is the one made the tape of the call (which is illegal without the consent). During the whole 9 min Sterling did not say one derogatory word against black people. It appeared to me that he was trying to give her advise not to display (promote) her private life on public sites. At the end he got very upset, he told her that's it's over between them and ask not to come or bring that man(Magic) to the games.
It looks to me that the whole situation is overblown. An illegally made tape, taken out of contents, edited by the media to present the owner as a racist, so he can loose his team to the same guy (Magic) on the tape. Hostile takeover.

04-29-2014, 06:13 PM
A member on here said "what black man owns an NBA team?"

You have to be one stupid fvck to not know Jordan owns a team.

Please never post again.

04-29-2014, 06:15 PM
every black man's opinion of this thread, mine included

Are you saying black men a one great homogeneous blob of idiots who all think the same? Because that's what you seem to be saying...

04-29-2014, 06:17 PM
I love how white people get all sensitive when someone of prominence gets called out for being a racist piece of shit. Over-reacting? More like "Oh damn - we're becoming the minority". Fear of a Black Planet, indeed. Lack of empathy for a rich white dude without any concern for his behavior... are you ****ing for real? It's way time to clean this shit out. The nation is being ruined by bigots like this. Educate yourself, fool.

I look at it as one small victory. And if a Black owner said some racist remarks.... oh - wait a minute....:facepalm

04-29-2014, 06:20 PM
Oh no doubt. A million dollar fine and suspension for the rest of the playoffs would have been the most reasonable punishment at the most in my opinion.

Like Cuban says, you are going down a slippery slope to dictate what owners can and can't say in private. Michael Jordan has reportedly said a bunch of racist shit before, should we revoke him as an owner or are black owners operating under a different set of rules because the media doesn't get over sensitive when a black man says the word n*gger?

Just doesn't make any sense to me.

Huh? What did Jordan say?

04-29-2014, 06:22 PM
I love how white people get all sensitive when someone of prominence gets called out for being a racist piece of shit. Over-reacting? More like "Oh damn - we're becoming the minority". Fear of a Black Planet, indeed. Lack of empathy for a rich white dude without any concern for his behavior... are you ****ing for real? It's way time to clean this shit out. The nation is being ruined by bigots like this. Educate yourself, fool.

I look at it as one small victory. And if a Black owner said some racist remarks.... oh - wait a minute....:facepalm

LJ said racist remarks and no one said shit. We can't have a double standard.

04-29-2014, 06:25 PM
Taken from a CBC commentary:

Did anyone listened the conversation. It's on YouTube. It's over 9 min long.
During the whole time Sterling multiple times asking his girlfriend to stop this "toxic" conversation, to which she always replied "is it because they re black?". I believe the woman had set Sterling up. I think she is the one made the tape of the call (which is illegal without the consent). During the whole 9 min Sterling did not say one derogatory word against black people. It appeared to me that he was trying to give her advise not to display (promote) her private life on public sites. At the end he got very upset, he told her that's it's over between them and ask not to come or bring that man(Magic) to the games.
It looks to me that the whole situation is overblown. An illegally made tape, taken out of contents, edited by the media to present the owner as a racist, so he can loose his team to the same guy (Magic) on the tape. Hostile takeover.



Connecting dots.

04-29-2014, 06:27 PM
guy is 80 years old, we are all product of our environment and Sterling's formative year is certainly shaped by the pre civil rights era he grew up in. Certainly he's not progressive minded and his outdated views are jarring and anachronistic in the age we live in but they are reflection of the generation he's from and the institutionalized racism and oppression that existed then. Sterling is nothing but a product of the skeletons in America's closet, the vestige of the bigotry and racism that's the very core of american history, nation with its beginnings in the eradication of native americans and institution of slavery.

Sterling being racist is about as surprising as 80 year old not being able to use a smartphone, I would be surprised if he was the only owner to even harbor such views. He's just the only one dumb enough to have it taped and broadcast.

Sure fans have every right to boycot and sponsors can pull endorsement. And given that silver is the arbitrator with unilateral power, a lifetime ban can also be justified or difficult to contest. But he should not be forced to sell the team, and I don't believe there are grounds to do that against he sancity of property rights.

They can contract the team. the fallout from that would be fascinating.

You don't get a pass for being a racist just because you grew up in a different era, what kind of stupid line of thought is that?

"Oh no, the Nazi's weren't bad, you have to remember the climate they grew up in!"

See how stupid it sounds when you just pass the blame onto the era?

04-29-2014, 06:28 PM
Lmao, just listened to the 9 minute clip on youtube.

Holy shit he was set up :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

He wasn't even trying to make the issue about race but the dumb bitch kept running on about it trying to get more sound bytes out of him. He even told her it wasn't about race and shit.

Obviously didn't stop the media from taking shit out of context and blowing it way out of proportion.

04-29-2014, 06:30 PM
LJ said racist remarks and no one said shit. We can't have a double standard.
LJ is not an owner. If he said some shit, then he should be called out. But if you're an owner, then let's talk about the "real" standard.

04-29-2014, 06:30 PM
I feel no empathy for billionaires, especially stupid ones that don't know how to keep their mouths shut.

04-29-2014, 06:31 PM
Lmao, just listened to the 9 minute clip on youtube.

Holy shit he was set up :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

He wasn't even trying to make the issue about race but the dumb bitch kept running on about it trying to get more sound bytes out of him. He even told her it wasn't about race and shit.

Obviously didn't stop the media from taking shit out of context and blowing it way out of proportion.

Everyone knew this from the start. In fact Sterling's people released a statement saying just as much. She's the defendent in a current lawsuit against Sterling and at one point went on record saying she would "get even with him" (prior to this)

04-29-2014, 06:32 PM
The premise of this thread's foundation would be somewhat accurate, if Donald Sterling did not have a past of racial injustice, etc.

If this guy wasn't historically racist, then this thread would have some glimmer of validation. However, Donald Sterling has a past. It came to foster.

Game over for Sterling in the NBA.

04-29-2014, 06:33 PM
I feel no empathy for billionaires, especially stupid ones that don't know how to keep their mouths shut.
I don't this Sterling is stupid. If he is he would have been caught a long time ago. He is just senile and rivals are taking advantage of it.

04-29-2014, 06:35 PM
guy is 80 years old, we are all product of our environment and Sterling's formative year is certainly shaped by the pre civil rights era he grew up in. Certainly he's not progressive minded and his outdated views are jarring and anachronistic in the age we live in but they are reflection of the generation he's from and the institutionalized racism and oppression that existed then. Sterling is nothing but a product of the skeletons in America's closet, the vestige of the bigotry and racism that's the very core of american history, nation with its beginnings in the eradication of native americans and institution of slavery.

Sterling being racist is about as surprising as 80 year old not being able to use a smartphone, I would be surprised if he was the only owner to even harbor such views. He's just the only one dumb enough to have it taped and broadcast.

Sure fans have every right to boycot and sponsors can pull endorsement. And given that silver is the arbitrator with unilateral power, a lifetime ban can also be justified or difficult to contest. But he should not be forced to sell the team, and I don't believe there are grounds to do that against he sancity of property rights.

They can contract the team. the fallout from that would be fascinating.
There is some evidence of the bolded, but I would hope that a truth that existed for a "scant" 20-30 years of one's life could be partially, if not mostly, erased by the overriding truth of the following 50-60 years.

His (apparent) lack of flexibility of mind (aka: Not changing opinions) is distinctly not a product of his environment, but rather a choice, as it were.

Long post short -- Change. Most everyone does it.

04-29-2014, 06:35 PM
Sterling is an idiot but man did that bitch do him dirty. Half the convo she was trying to bait him into saying some racist shit so Im amazed that this was the worst she could get out of him

04-29-2014, 06:36 PM
Sterling is an idiot but man did that bitch do him dirty. Half the convo she was trying to bait him into saying some racist shit so Im amazed that this was the worst she could get out of him
most bitches are the vindictive sort

04-29-2014, 06:36 PM
Yeah well if you talk about racism it's all over for you! Kinda wish I were a black guy then I'd just be throwing the racist card around in order to get what I want. You won't hire me? Boom, racist! Gotta call my local TV station and talk about how I was discriminated against.

K Xerxes
04-29-2014, 06:36 PM
'We are all a product of our environment' is a classic slippery slope. Ultimately, we have to take responsibility for our actions relative to the values of society, otherwise no one can be held accountable for anything.

04-29-2014, 06:37 PM
Yeah well if you talk about racism it's all over for you! Kinda wish I were a black guy then I'd just be throwing the racist card around in order to get what I want. You won't hire me? Boom, racist! Gotta call my local TV station and talk about how I was discriminated against.

04-29-2014, 06:37 PM
Yeah well if you talk about racism it's all over for you! Kinda wish I were a black guy then I'd just be throwing the racist card around in order to get what I want.
Doesn't work that way.

You have to have PROOF! that you were discriminated against.

Sterling was caught on tape. Game over.

04-29-2014, 06:38 PM
Sterling is an idiot but man did that bitch do him dirty. Half the convo she was trying to bait him into saying some racist shit so Im amazed that this was the worst she could get out of him

He even said he loves black people.

'We are all a product of our environment' is a classic slippery slope. Ultimately, we have to take responsibility for our actions relative to the values of society, otherwise no one can be held accountable for anything.

He donates tickets for underpriveliged kids every game.

04-29-2014, 06:38 PM
'We are all a product of our environment' is a classic slippery slope. Ultimately, we have to take responsibility for our actions relative to society, otherwise no one can be held accountable.
yet the same people like Al Sharpton crucifying Sterling would be using that very same argument to defend affirmative action or social policies specifically helping young underprivleged kids

04-29-2014, 06:38 PM
Funny how the media missed out on the part where Sterling said

"Good. I know him (Magic Johnson) well and he should be admired."

If you pay attention to what he's saying apparently he's got people calling him and nagging him about her taking a pic with Magic Johnson or some shit, obviously not a big deal, and he brought it up to her and she just pressed him into a corner on the whole race shit when he wasn't even trying to talk about that.

oh the horror
04-29-2014, 06:40 PM
It's just hilarious you can get banned for the league for expressing thoughts such as those in private. He never even said a racial slur or anything either, just didn't want his side chick posting pics with black people on instagram and now he's banned from the league for it?

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

The overreaction here is strong as fvck.

Do you not understand why he was banned?

04-29-2014, 06:42 PM
most bitches are the vindictive sort

04-29-2014, 06:42 PM
LJ is not an owner. If he said some shit, then he should be called out. But if you're an owner, then let's talk about the "real" standard.

larry johnson said "blacks should worry about their own and try to make their own league" .. he works in player development on an nba team .. you think he should keep his job ?

04-29-2014, 06:42 PM
Do you not understand why he was banned?

He was banned because of a strong overreaction stemming from the media only telling one side of the story and (like usual) not trying to analyze the situation at all and instead going all in on the race issue that wasn't even the primary issue Sterling had.

04-29-2014, 06:44 PM
Where was this empathy for M. Vick?

04-29-2014, 06:45 PM



Connecting dots.

the plot thickens .. magic and his big cheeky smile .. who would've thought :eek:

04-29-2014, 06:45 PM
He was banned because of a strong overreaction stemming from the media only telling one side of the story and (like usual) not trying to analyze the situation at all and instead going all in on the race issue that wasn't even the primary issue Sterling had.
Again, you fail to realize Sterling has a history of racism and should have been out of the league way before the tape even came out.

Either way, in the tape, it's clear the guy is a racist. If you cannot see that, then you're either blind or choosing to be blind for your own agenda.


04-29-2014, 06:45 PM
Where was this empathy for M. Vick?
i defended vick, citing exactly culture relativism...

04-29-2014, 06:45 PM
Yeah well if you talk about racism it's all over for you! Kinda wish I were a black guy then I'd just be throwing the racist card around in order to get what I want. You won't hire me? Boom, racist! Gotta call my local TV station and talk about how I was discriminated against.

04-29-2014, 06:47 PM
Again, you fail to realize Sterling has a history of racism and should have been out of the league way before the tape even came out.

Either way, in the tape, it's clear the guy is a racist. If you cannot see that, then you're either blind or choosing to be blind for your own agenda.


I never said anything about the past... lmao, you trying to press me into a corner like that bimbo did with Sterling.

Silver himself said the decision was made strictly off of this incident alone, so why should I get caught up in past incidents when determining if the correct decision was made?

oh the horror
04-29-2014, 06:47 PM
He was banned because of a strong overreaction stemming from the media only telling one side of the story and (like usual) not trying to analyze the situation at all and instead going all in on the race issue that wasn't even the primary issue Sterling had.

Also factor in Donald's very long track record on top of recent events, and the financial implications attached to this PR nightmare and there is just no way you could keep him as an owner.

Basically a broad got him by the balls and smashed his whole shit up and the league had no choice but to take the action they did.

Media and public perception can negatively affect revenue and it was going to happen. As I've said it's just a financial issue. No big wigs give a shit if he's racist.

04-29-2014, 06:52 PM
Dude legitimately got his life ruined.


04-29-2014, 06:52 PM
I never said anything about the past...

That's your problem. You're looking at the current situation just on the surface. Look beneath the surface and see what's really going on. Donald Sterling's own actions, past and present, has lead to his own demise in the league. He cannot blame anyone but himself. Even he, if truthful, would agree.

lmao, you trying to press me into a corner like that bimbo did with Sterling.

I'm not pressing you into anything. I'm simply trying to explain the current state of the situation and why it climaxed so quickly and with such force. Donald Sterling has had a history of this type of behavior, which should have been grounds for much earlier suspension, fine, removal, etc from the league.

Silver himself said the decision was made strictly off of this incident alone

Silver is a lawyer. By nature, he knows what to say and how to say it legally. Obviously, everyone knows Donald Sterling's past, including Adam Silver. The decision was made by the other owners and Silver based on past and present racial discrimination.

04-29-2014, 06:53 PM

giving props where it's due, Jason Whitlock says it better than me

these impurities of our culture is ubiquitous, burning Sterling in effigy will not cleanse our collective soul

there is a highly profitable business in synthetic indignation these days, everyone rushes to appear self righteous as if they dont have any moral warts

04-29-2014, 06:55 PM
i defended vick, citing exactly culture relativism...

I don't remember any of the people currently in this thread coming close to trying to relate to or empathize with Mr. Vick.

These same posters talking about empathy called for Vick to be put down, and not once thought maybe there could be a cultural difference or environmental factor.

They just called him a ghetto thug who they were happy to see go to prison.

Now we should have empathy for an 80 year old racist who will still come out with more money than he came in with?

04-29-2014, 06:55 PM

there is nothing illegal or breaking the rules about having a view about a certain race, now this guy loses potential millions of dollars?

04-29-2014, 06:55 PM

giving props where it's due, Jason Whitlock says it better than me

these impurities of our culture is ubiquitous, burning Sterling in effigy will not cleanse our collective soul

there is a highly profitable business in synthetic indignation these days, everyone rushes to appear self righteous as if they dont have any moral warts

Stop reading at the bolded. :oldlol:

04-29-2014, 06:56 PM
I don't remember any of the people currently in this thread coming close to trying to relate to or empathize with Mr. Vick.

These same posters talking about empathy called for Vick to be put down, and not once thought maybe there could be a cultural difference or environmental factor.

They just called him a ghetto thug who they were happy to see go to prison.

Now we should have empathy for an 80 year old racist who will still come out with more money than he came in with?
i had some impassioned debates defending vick in the football subforum a couple of years ago

oh the horror
04-29-2014, 06:57 PM

there is nothing illegal or breaking the rules about having a view about a certain race, now this guy loses potential millions of dollars?

Yes but there are consequences to your actions (when made public) not being in the best interest in the business you could be involved in.

Donald is another piece in the nba and the nba IS a business first.

04-29-2014, 06:57 PM

giving props where it's due, Jason Whitlock says it better than me

these impurities of our culture is ubiquitous, burning Sterling in effigy will not cleanse our collective soul

there is a highly profitable business in synthetic indignation these days, everyone rushes to appear self righteous as if they dont have any moral warts
Whitlock can say what he wants. Truth is, without the sacrifices of many, he wouldn't even be allowed to do what he is doing now.

Yes, we're all human and we all make mistakes. No one is truly righteous. However, that is not what's being implied here in this Sterling debacle.

What is being implied is that racial discrimination will not be tolerated. Sterling is/was top brass of the Clippers organization. The league cannot have a top brass figure that has been openly, past and present, a racist.

04-29-2014, 06:59 PM

there is nothing illegal or breaking the rules about having a view about a certain race, now this guy loses potential millions of dollars?

Is he being legally charged with anything? It is in the right of the NBA as an organization to act within their best interest to do what they feel is necessary with Donald Sterling.

04-29-2014, 06:59 PM
Well, at least I know who the idiots on this forum are for sure.

If you are defending this billionaire who will walk away from this ordeal even richer, then you're a complete asshat.

04-29-2014, 07:00 PM

there is nothing illegal or breaking the rules about having a view about a certain race, now this guy loses potential millions of dollars?

Who said Donald is any legal trouble? He can say whatever he wants, just like I can tell my the clients at my law firm (who are universally white) and my staff (who are nearly universally white) that I never want to associate with white people.

Or they can obtain a tape of me saying that "I am down with Bin Laden and crew..."

Doesn't mean that is good for business...

04-29-2014, 07:05 PM
I love how white people get all sensitive when someone of prominence gets called out for being a racist piece of shit. Over-reacting? More like "Oh damn - we're becoming the minority". Fear of a Black Planet, indeed. Lack of empathy for a rich white dude without any concern for his behavior... are you ****ing for real? It's way time to clean this shit out. The nation is being ruined by bigots like this. Educate yourself, fool.

I look at it as one small victory. And if a Black owner said some racist remarks.... oh - wait a minute....:facepalm

Bigots come in all shapes and sizes.

04-29-2014, 07:06 PM
There is some evidence of the bolded, but I would hope that a truth that existed for a "scant" 20-30 years of one's life could be partially, if not mostly, erased by the overriding truth of the following 50-60 years.

His (apparent) lack of flexibility of mind (aka: Not changing opinions) is distinctly not a product of his environment, but rather a choice, as it were.

Long post short -- Change. Most everyone does it.
You're wrong man.

'People over forty can seldom be permanently convinced of anything. At eighteen our convictions are hills from which we look; at forty-five they are caves in which we hide.

The older you get the more your habits and conviction become ingrained through the reinforcement of neural pathways that get harder and harder to break. With someone Sterling's age you're better off just waiting for him to die than trying to change how he thinks.

04-29-2014, 07:07 PM
The league cannot have a top brass figure that has been openly, past and present, a racist.

will y'all stop repeating this nonsense ? ... the nba doesn't give a fk who's racist .. you think sterling was some lone wolf and now the nba has been cleansed ? lol .. the nba knew sterling had his controversial views .. they didn't care .. like others have said, this was a business decision .. the tape leaked and it fkd with the league's image .. nothing more ..

lol@people thinking this was some moral, anti-racism decision

04-29-2014, 07:08 PM
Will Sterling issue a statement?

04-29-2014, 07:09 PM
It was going to be a PR nightmare for the NBA. they cared about their own image thats why he was banned for life. there would have been protests at staples center and what not. we should all look for agendas of people

04-29-2014, 07:11 PM
Whitlock can say what he wants. Truth is, without the sacrifices of many, he wouldn't even be allowed to do what he is doing now.

Truth is, that has nothing to do with the veracity of Whitlock's opinion.

Yes, we're all human and we all make mistakes. No one is truly righteous. However, that is not what's being implied here in this Sterling debacle.

I hear an awful lot of moral outrage. My guess is that most people have said a few things in private they shouldn't have. But they feel no problem condemning someone else.

What is being implied is that racial discrimination will not be tolerated.

Who is he discriminating against? His mistress? Magic? Is saying offensives stuff in private the same as discrimination?

Sterling is/was top brass of the Clippers organization. The league cannot have a top brass figure that has been openly, past and present, a racist.

Well they sure seemed fine with it until yesterday. So the past didn't matter. I would think denying blacks the right to rent is a whole lot worse than saying insensitive stuff in private to a mistress you're having a fight with.

04-29-2014, 07:12 PM
Bigots come in all shapes and sizes.
I'm white. I can say this.

04-29-2014, 07:12 PM
Well, at least I know who the idiots on this forum are for sure.

If you are defending this billionaire who will walk away from this ordeal even richer, then you're a complete asshat.
What makes someone an asshat imo is being prejudiced in their opinions just because someone is a rich asshole, and they don't like rich assholes. Each case should be judged on its merit, irrespective of whether you like the person or not.

Saying 'so and so's a billionaire so you shouldn't defend him or bother with impartiality' is a non sequitur.

04-29-2014, 07:13 PM
What makes someone an asshat imo is being prejudiced in their opinions just because someone is a rich asshole, and they don't like rich assholes. Each case should be judged on its merit, irrespective of whether you like the person or not.

Saying 'so and so's a billionaire so you shouldn't defend him or bother with impartiality' is a non sequitur.
Come on man. These people are defending him like he's going to give them some of his money.

The punishment is perfectly fine and within the rules of the NBA. Why are we still even talking about it?

04-29-2014, 07:14 PM
How about an owner who's anti-gay?

[QUOTE]Orlando Magic owner Richard DeVos is a noted homophobe who has actively campaigned against equal rights for gay Americans. In an interview with Grand Rapids Press DeVos said,

04-29-2014, 07:15 PM
Yeah well if you talk about racism it's all over for you! Kinda wish I were a black guy then I'd just be throwing the racist card around in order to get what I want. You won't hire me? Boom, racist! Gotta call my local TV station and talk about how I was discriminated against.

Spare me this reverse racism shit. Whites get paid more for doing the same job and get punished less for committing the same crime. They have every advantage in the book.

The only people who cry 'reverse racism!' are white men who feel their centuries of privilege finally starting to give way to tiny pockets of equality.

04-29-2014, 07:15 PM
How about an owner who's anti-gay?


and this dude is gonna vote against sterling like he doesn't have skeletons to hide :oldlol:

pure hypocrisy

04-29-2014, 07:16 PM
I'm willing to bet that league-wide sponsors were ready to bolt if Silver didn't deliver.

You don't f*ck with the NBA's money. He can be racist all he likes, but he has to go.

04-29-2014, 07:16 PM
How about an owner who's anti-gay?


:eek: Now we just need a female to go press him into a corner to try and lure comments on gays from him

04-29-2014, 07:17 PM
The punishment is perfectly fine and within the rules of the NBA. Why are we still even talking about it?

Because we don't all agree with it, duh. I'm bothered with it being a private conversation with a pissed off girlfriend who taped it and made it public. If Sterling had said that sort of stuff publicly, it would be different.

04-29-2014, 07:18 PM
Because we don't all agree with it, duh. I'm bothered with it being a private conversation with a pissed off girlfriend who taped it and made it public. If Sterling had said that sort of stuff publicly, it would be different.

it's crazy that even having this discussion bothers some posters

04-29-2014, 07:19 PM
Because we don't all agree with it, duh. I'm bothered with it being a private conversation with a pissed off girlfriend who taped it and made it public. If Sterling had said that sort of stuff publicly, it would be different.

it wasn't even a genuine conversation. it was obviously a set up if you listen to the whole 9 minute tape. he wasn't even trying to make it about race and she just kept pressing on the issue trying to pull a soundbyte from him

04-29-2014, 07:21 PM
and this dude is gonna vote against sterling like he doesn't have skeletons to hide :oldlol:

pure hypocrisy

From is comments, it doesn't appear that he's hiding his views.

04-29-2014, 07:22 PM
it wasn't even a genuine conversation. it was obviously a set up if you listen to the whole 9 minute tape. he wasn't even trying to make it about race and she just kept pressing on the issue trying to pull a soundbyte from him

Who's fault is that? She should have known nothing. Then he could have kicked her to the curb and gotten a new side ho. He has only himself to blame for this.

04-29-2014, 07:22 PM
it wasn't even a genuine conversation. it was obviously a set up if you listen to the whole 9 minute tape. he wasn't even trying to make it about race and she just kept pressing on the issue trying to pull a soundbyte from him

Oh well... it sucks for him. :oldlol:

04-29-2014, 07:23 PM
Who's fault is that? She should have known nothing. Then he could have kicked her to the curb and gotten a new side ho. He has only himself to blame for this.

lol I know, I'm just laughing at the media making this strictly about race when that wasn't even his primary concern during the convo

04-29-2014, 07:23 PM
it wasn't even a genuine conversation. it was obviously a set up if you listen to the whole 9 minute tape. he wasn't even trying to make it about race and she just kept pressing on the issue trying to pull a soundbyte from him
That's confirmation bias dude.

Some of it is her slightly goading it on... but shit man he just goes too far too often. She even seems surprised by some of it.

04-29-2014, 07:25 PM
Sterling's ultimate demise isn't because of his racist views, or his 30 year old gold digger. His demise was simply because he couldn't keep his big mouth shut. You can have whatever opinion you want. Just be smart enough to keep your mouth shut.

04-29-2014, 07:27 PM
Come on man. These people are defending him like he's going to give them some of his money.

The punishment is perfectly fine and within the rules of the NBA. Why are we still even talking about it?
I think Sterling is an asshole and the league should have tried to do something about him for ages, but nobody cared then (the owners because he was running a competitor into the ground, and the NBA because they didn't have the balls). They never put any pressure on him and now they're apparently going to force him to give up his asset at what would have to be a devalued price because this recording was so vile that he has to be got rid of permanently right this minute!! But i don't think the recording was as clear cut as many are making it, and now everybody's piling in like they were completely oblivious the whole time. It's hilarious.

I'd like to know who this elite Jewish cabal that were pressuring him about his bish consists of though, that might actually be interesting. Sanctimonious moral outrage, on the other hand, i find rather boring and tiresome. Besides, just about everybody involved in this on both sides is a rich asshole anyway :lol.

04-29-2014, 07:27 PM
it's crazy that even having this discussion bothers some posters

Apparently you're not supposed to disagree on certain issues.

04-29-2014, 07:30 PM
How about an owner who's anti-gay?


NBA only gonna have a handful of owners by start of next season lol.

04-29-2014, 07:41 PM
If i am given crap for being a kumbaya hippie tre hugger then so be it...

I think it is important to have compassion for sterling even if he is a bigot.

You don't fight bigotry w/ more bigotry, shaming, or name calling.

This is a principle that must still exist in our world. Compassion & love should be given to those bigots not because they deserve it but I think because they need it the most.

People are indeed products of their environment. They are imprisoned in their way of thinking & can't necessarily snap out of it like Truman Burbank did (Jim Carrey). In their own mind, their way of thinking is right & those think the opposite are betas, hippies, new age pansies, etc...

In a world where every1 was like sterling, there wouldn't be much of a world. People wouldn't be cooperating w/ each other but rather using each other as pawns or slaves or objects to be used, owned, or discarded when done. People wouldn't be real friends but frenemies. Conversations wouldn't be about sharing ideas or enlightening each other but a pizzing contest or dick measuring contest. Lol so glad I don't live in the USA anymore.

Like I said I will get called a tree hugging hippie for saying this lol fucq it...oh yes I don't live in the us so...loll

04-29-2014, 07:45 PM
I think the reason no one wants to sympathize with this bigot is its hard to be associated with the guy, even showing some sort of sympathy will get you blackballed. Dude is surely a racist , but I dont think he desrves what he's getting either. Im guilty of being racist sometimes but I keep it to myself or close members of my family, but I love how everyone tries to be so PC yet you see rappers or even other NBA players calling this guy a redneck or calling for a all black league or rapping about killing whites. But anytime someone says something against blacks its a race card situation again. Dude made a mistake, he should have been given the opportunity to air his side, slapped him with the fine and maybe a 2yr suspenssion. Btw thats just my .02 on this matter. Overreaction at its finest.

04-29-2014, 07:46 PM

NBA only gonna have a handful of owners by start of next season lol.

"There is no room for that in our sport"

"It's unacceptable"

Let's go, we can have him out before the draft.

longtime lurker
04-29-2014, 07:51 PM
guy is 80 years old, we are all product of our environment and Sterling's formative year is certainly shaped by the pre civil rights era he grew up in. Certainly he's not progressive minded and his outdated views are jarring and anachronistic in the age we live in but they are reflection of the generation he's from and the institutionalized racism and oppression that existed then. Sterling is nothing but a product of the skeletons in America's closet, the vestige of the bigotry and racism that's the very core of american history, nation with its beginnings in the eradication of native americans and institution of slavery.

Sterling being racist is about as surprising as 80 year old not being able to use a smartphone, I would be surprised if he was the only owner to even harbor such views. He's just the only one dumb enough to have it taped and broadcast.

Sure fans have every right to boycot and sponsors can pull endorsement. And given that silver is the arbitrator with unilateral power, a lifetime ban can also be justified or difficult to contest. But he should not be forced to sell the team, and I don't believe there are grounds to do that against he sancity of property rights.

They can contract the team. the fallout from that would be fascinating.



giving props where it's due, Jason Whitlock says it better than me

these impurities of our culture is ubiquitous, burning Sterling in effigy will not cleanse our collective soul

there is a highly profitable business in synthetic indignation these days, everyone rushes to appear self righteous as if they dont have any moral warts

04-29-2014, 07:54 PM
more of a race man and socially conscious than you bro

04-29-2014, 07:55 PM
I think the reason no one wants to sympathize with this bigot is its hard to be associated with the guy, even showing some sort of sympathy will get you blackballed. Dude is surely a racist , but I dont think he desrves what he's getting either. Im guilty of being racist sometimes but I keep it to myself or close members of my family, but I love how everyone tries to be so PC yet you see rappers or even other NBA players calling this guy a redneck or calling for a all black league or rapping about killing whites. But anytime someone says something against blacks its a race card situation again. Dude made a mistake, he should have been given the opportunity to air his side, slapped him with the fine and maybe a 2yr suspenssion. Btw thats just my .02 on this matter. Overreaction at its finest.
This is it really: no one wants to look like they are defending a racist, and as you can see by many of the comments on here, that is the automatic conclusion many draw: 'OMG you're defending a racist, you racist' etc. It takes balls to defend a racist on a matter of principle (obviously not on here, but in public), which is why so few do it.

I think Mencken's saying is quite apt:

'The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.'

I remember how much flak C. Hitchens used to get for defending David Irving (Holocaust denying historian).

longtime lurker
04-29-2014, 07:57 PM
more of a race man and socially conscious than you bro

Yes we should feel empathy for the racist bigot who's downfall was his own ignorance and stupidity? :roll: unfvcking believable. sad day for all racists I guess

04-29-2014, 07:59 PM
Where was this empathy for M. Vick?

What Vick did was literally 1 billion times worse.

Is this shit serious with you people?

I've now seen Sterling compared to Vick and the Nazi's....holy shit.

He didn't even break a law here....nor did he use a vulgar term.

Damn man...the ignorance here is absurd.

04-29-2014, 08:11 PM
What Vick did was literally 1 billion times worse.

Is this shit serious with you people?

I've now seen Sterling compared to Vick and the Nazi's....holy shit.

He didn't even break a law here....nor did he use a vulgar term.

Damn man...the ignorance here is absurd.

He's trying to draw the "born and raised that way" parallel. Which does apply to both Vick and Sterling.

04-29-2014, 08:14 PM
Dude legitimately got his life ruined.



04-29-2014, 08:15 PM
He didn't say the n-word. It was in a private conversation. He was born like 30 years before the civil rights boom.

It's no different than a grandparent being a little racist.

He's getting far too much shit for doing so little. Yeah he's racist and dumb, but anyone that ever heard anything about him already knew that.

04-29-2014, 08:16 PM
LMAO did someone just compare Sterling to Michael Vick ?

:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

:oldlol: :roll: :roll:

04-29-2014, 08:16 PM
He's trying to draw the "born and raised that way" parallel. Which does apply to both Vick and Sterling.

LOL...then come up with a different example.

One is killing dogs and breaking numerous laws.

The other was illegally taped having a private conversation not even saying and racial slurs.

Can't wait until the next player or owner says something about gay people...it's gonna be hilarious.

How many owners are Christian? I'd love to know...should we lifetime ban all of them for holding private thoughts about Gays burning in hell?

It's just a perfect case of an emotional reaction...not an intellectual one.

The problem is...you have to ban him and force the sale of the team now because the public outcry is so big...and that is so sad really. America has become a nation of sheep that just follow the lead of the talking head morons on ESPN and other news channels just looking to get the highest ratings every 24 hours...

Really just pathetic.

What Riley Cooper did and said was clearly worse than what Sterling did.

04-29-2014, 08:35 PM
This is it really: no one wants to look like they are defending a racist, and as you can see by many of the comments on here, that is the automatic conclusion many draw: 'OMG you're defending a racist, you racist' etc. It takes balls to defend a racist on a matter of principle (obviously not on here, but in public), which is why so few do it.

I think Mencken's saying is quite apt:

'The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.'

I remember how much flak C. Hitchens used to get for defending David Irving (Holocaust denying historian).

No one is stopping Sterlings freedom to have his opinions. This is about the NBA owners freedom to not do business with someone that negatively affects their image, their money, and their employees.

It's a shame that you would conflate freedom with that.

04-29-2014, 08:40 PM
No one is stopping Sterlings freedom to have his opinions. This is about the NBA owners freedom to not do business with someone that negatively affects their image, their money, and their employees.

It's a shame that you would conflate freedom with that.

Right...it's the fall out from the comments.

That is why the NBA had to do what they did...but that is pathetic that our country is so mentally challenged that we are all looking "hang" this guy in public for private comments that were illegally recorded.

It's a truly sad commentary.

Can't wait until the next athlete says something homophobic and gay community wants his head and lifetime ban...etc.

And it will be really interesting, because if they don't get it...then are we saying as a society that gay people are inherently worth less than black people?

Again...slippery slope.

04-29-2014, 08:45 PM
Empathy for Sterling? **** him, he's been an asshole for a long time. He's a billionaire who will cash in on another billion when he sells the team, sorry if my "give a **** meter" is having trouble getting revved up for his plight.

04-29-2014, 08:52 PM
Right...it's the fall out from the comments.

That is why the NBA had to do what they did...but that is pathetic that our country is so mentally challenged that we are all looking "hang" this guy in public for private comments that were illegally recorded.

It's a truly sad commentary.

Can't wait until the next athlete says something homophobic and gay community wants his head and lifetime ban...etc.

And it will be really interesting, because if they don't get it...then are we saying as a society that gay people are inherently worth less than black people?

Again...slippery slope.

Yeah, It could be a slippery slope, not sure where I stand on that issue.

I've just been posting to these people that think this has anything to do with free speech, the government, etc., bc it doesn't. It's about the bottom line and the outrage that affects that bottom line.

Ultimately, in a capitalistic society, the "line" that gets crossed is simply when you affect the business's money. This is good at times (efficiency, innovation), but doesn't always line up with what's right. When advertisers drop, when stars threaten to not play and when fans are outraged, the result is the business protecting itself.

04-29-2014, 08:58 PM
Yeah, It could be a slippery slope, not sure where I stand on that issue.

I've just been posting to these people that think this has anything to do with free speech, the government, etc., bc it doesn't. It's about the bottom line and the outrage that affects that bottom line.

Ultimately, in a capitalistic society, the "line" that gets crossed is simply when you affect the business's money. This is good at times (efficiency, innovation), but doesn't always line up with what's right. When advertisers drop, when stars threaten to not play and when fans are outraged, the result is the business protecting itself.

Yes. I agree with you.

I just think it's going to get very interesting the next time a player calls a ref a "****ing *******" or someone involved with the NBA has a position that being gay is wrong and that gay men and women shouldn't have the same rights as straight people (a position that many Christians hold...and many NBA players are Christians)...

Because they won't get 1% of the heat that Sterling has gotten...and the gay community is going to be outraged by that...and rightfully so I might add.

So it's going to become this really awkward and tough discussion about why the NBA is more tolerant of homophobia than they are racism.

And of course we all know the answer....it's about money and public pressure, but verbalizing that in the next case is going to be very tough and could make the NBA or any sports league look really silly...

04-29-2014, 09:04 PM
Yes. I agree with you.

I just think it's going to get very interesting the next time a player calls a ref a "****ing *******" or someone involved with the NBA has a position that being gay is wrong and that gay men and women shouldn't have the same rights as straight people (a position that many Christians hold...and many NBA players are Christians)...

Because they won't get 1% of the heat that Sterling has gotten...and the gay community is going to be outraged by that...and rightfully so I might add.

So it's going to become this really awkward and tough discussion about why the NBA is more tolerant of homophobia than they are racism.

And of course we all know the answer....it's about money and public pressure, but verbalizing that in the next case is going to be very tough and could make the NBA or any sports league look really silly...

The problem that some of you have is that you're not really seeing the big picture. In the past, when players have said homophobic things, they have been punished. So, in that respect, you're wrong in thinking they get a pass.

Finally, Donald Sterling is a team owner. He's top brass. The league, of course, could not have an openly racist as a team owner. If you do not realize why that is, then you have no concept of human rights.

04-29-2014, 09:16 PM
The problem that some of you have is that you're not really seeing the big picture. In the past, when players have said homophobic things, they have been punished. So, in that respect, you're wrong in thinking they get a pass.

Finally, Donald Sterling is a team owner. He's top brass. The league, of course, could not have an openly racist as a team owner. If you do not realize why that is, then you have no concept of human rights.

They had an openly racist owner for the last 30 years...WTF are you talking about?

Anyone that knows anything about Sterling has known he's a full blown racist for a long long time....

It's about the public outcry...that is what it's about.

And the players were punished, but they didn't get lifetime bans. They aren't about to be voted out of the league for not breaking any laws...it's about public outcry and money...don't think it's actually about racism. This is naive and ignorant.

We live in a ****ed up society. A society in which you can kill dogs and break numerous laws and come back and make 100 million dollars...but you say a few racist comments in a private conversation and you get banned for life.

It's a slippery slope and the next time an owner or player ****s up and says something stupid...I can't wait to see what happens.

04-29-2014, 09:37 PM
Because we don't all agree with it, duh. I'm bothered with it being a private conversation with a pissed off girlfriend who taped it and made it public. If Sterling had said that sort of stuff publicly, it would be different.

I heard a professor once say "you are entitled to your own opinion up to the point where you voice it"

That means that once you speak your mind, you give everyone else a chance to respond to what you say.

If he didn't have such a dysfunctional environment, he probably could be a racist pr*ck and still be in the good graces of the NBA.. Think about it

04-29-2014, 10:21 PM
No one is stopping Sterlings freedom to have his opinions. This is about the NBA owners freedom to not do business with someone that negatively affects their image, their money, and their employees.

It's a shame that you would conflate freedom with that.
I'm not conflating freedom with that at all. The actions of Silver and the NBA owners had to be what they were because the media and public demanded it. Such extreme social pressure as has been exerted in this crusade is just as powerful a restraint of opinion (if not more) than actual legislation. I don't like it when a man can be turned into a national hate figure on the basis of a single taped private conversation for which zero context has been provided. It's a shame that you don't understand freedom at all if you think the law is the only restraint on liberty. Victorian Britain had pretty liberal (in the old sense) laws, but still so many things were prohibited on the basis of moral orthodoxy and public opinion. Now that is multiplied 100x by the rolling news media constantly on the look at for a new witch hunt to latch itself onto.

I'll leave you with a couple more quotes considering you missed the meaning of the last one:

'Society can and does execute its own mandates: and if it issues wrong mandates instead of right, or any mandates at all in things with which it ought not to meddle, it practices a social tyranny more formidable than many kinds of political oppression, since, though not usually upheld by such extreme penalties, it leaves fewer means of escape, penetrating much more deeply into the details of life, and enslaving the soul itself. . .Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough: there needs protection also against the tyranny of prevailing opinion and feeling; against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them; to fetter the development, and, if possible, prevent the formation, of any individuality not in harmony with its ways, and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own.’


'‘It is not difficult to show, by abundant instances, that to extend the bounds of what may be called moral police, until it encroaches on the most unquestionably legitimate liberty of the individual, is one of the most universal of all human propensities.’

(written in 1859 - man, human beings just do not change at all, they simply shift their moral orthodoxies and then pursue them afresh time and time again :facepalm )

04-29-2014, 10:41 PM
I stand with Sterling.

He is being railroaded. Crucified. Sacrificed.

People are sick.

Yao Ming's Foot
04-29-2014, 10:45 PM
[QUOTE=Dresta]I'm not conflating freedom with that at all. The actions of Silver and the NBA owners had to be what they were because the media and public demanded it. Such extreme social pressure as has been exerted in this crusade is just as powerful a restraint of opinion (if not more) than actual legislation. I don't like it when a man can be turned into a national hate figure on the basis of a single taped private conversation for which zero context has been provided. It's a shame that you don't understand freedom at all if you think the law is the only restraint on liberty. Victorian Britain had pretty liberal (in the old sense) laws, but still so many things were prohibited on the basis of moral orthodoxy and public opinion. Now that is multiplied 100x by the rolling news media constantly on the look at for a new witch hunt to latch itself onto.

I'll leave you with a couple more quotes considering you missed the meaning of the last one:

'Society can and does execute its own mandates: and if it issues wrong mandates instead of right, or any mandates at all in things with which it ought not to meddle, it practices a social tyranny more formidable than many kinds of political oppression, since, though not usually upheld by such extreme penalties, it leaves fewer means of escape, penetrating much more deeply into the details of life, and enslaving the soul itself. . .Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough: there needs protection also against the tyranny of prevailing opinion and feeling; against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them; to fetter the development, and, if possible, prevent the formation, of any individuality not in harmony with its ways, and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own.

04-29-2014, 10:49 PM
I'll post what I said in the thread where he got punished.

coming from a black guy, this is way over the top. Dude has racist sentiments. It happens. As long as it's privately expressed and doesn't affect his basketball practices, there shouldn't be a punishment.

that said, I don't feel bad for the guy

04-29-2014, 11:06 PM
lol I know, I'm just laughing at the media making this strictly about race when that wasn't even his primary concern during the convo

What in the hell are you talking about? The convo was about him being mad at her for taking pictures with black people and posting it online. How the **** is that not about race?

04-29-2014, 11:24 PM
He had this sh*t coming to him eventually and nobody should feel sorry for him.. He did it to himself..

This. If the brawl in Detroit never happened, he probably would've gotten the boot back in '06. The incident with Elgin Baylor never would've happened.

04-30-2014, 12:14 PM

Its not based on a single conversation. Dude has been a well known racist for years.
Irrelevant. Without that recording everything would've continued as it was - it wasn't any previous behaviour that caused this, it was that single recording.

04-30-2014, 12:17 PM
I heard a professor once say "you are entitled to your own opinion up to the point where you voice it"
Not shocking. It's not uncommon for "professors" to be communists.

04-30-2014, 12:40 PM
Not shocking. It's not uncommon for "professors" to be communists.
Do you see a correlation or does your stupidity include not knowing the definition of the word "communist"?

oh the horror
04-30-2014, 01:11 PM
I'll post what I said in the thread where he got punished.

Problem is, it was a detriment to his basketball business as well. The guy has been in court more than once in the past.

04-30-2014, 01:12 PM
Do you see a correlation or does your stupidity include not knowing the definition of the word "communist"?
Feel free to explain to me why I'm wrong.

04-30-2014, 01:53 PM
The reaction is relative to how much negative publicity it generated for the NBA.

that's it. It is technically wrong because it's so misguided. It's like dudes are pressing Sterling for every instance of racism they ever experienced in their life, imagined or true.

But it's really just about money. Not only is this going to make the NBA money, but it will give Silver more power. I bet it really does let him pass that age 20 thing. The NBA lost nothing by banning Sterling.

I really think that it's funny dudes are like: Do the right thing Sterling, apologize then sell the team. lol. If it was me, and I'm not a racist... if I have to sell the team I'm not going to apologize. If he apologizes and people actually believe his apology, that it's sincere, why does he have to sell the team? They obviously won't, they just want to humiliate him.

Reminds me of Tiger Woods, kind of, if I'm Sterling, I'm taking whatever amount of 'real' money I can pull out, give the rest to charity, and just go somewhere quiet. Why even **** with it after that point? I never understood why dudes stick around... like it's some fight they have to win. Nah, they already won plenty, time to just let it go.


04-30-2014, 02:29 PM
I don't think people should hate him.

Nor should people try to rub the result continuously, people should just celebrate on Adam Silver's announcement and move on.

The reality is that, it's not a matter of hate. But more so dislike.
Which, if you are the owner of a business with such large customer base.
This type of behavior is intolerable.

This goes back to that argument about why Chris Broussard wouldn't be fired even if he had publicly made his point of view about homosexuals.

Both parties here express their views of dislike of a particular social group
only with differences in role, one is deemed intolerable.

For simplicity sake, we will presume that Sterling isn't so much upset at the fact that the "ex-GF" went public about his statements. That's truly another issue.

04-30-2014, 02:42 PM
Adam Silver should have banned Stiviano as well.

04-30-2014, 02:53 PM
.....when you're losing sponsors and marketability because of someone elses idiocy,you dont have time to "feel bad"