View Full Version : David Aldridge on his sole encounter with Sterling

04-29-2014, 08:39 PM
I've had one conversation with Sterling. It lasted about four minutes. This was in 2006, when the Clippers, to the surprise of the entire western world, didn't have a team that stunk. They had a functioning Elton Brand and Chris Kaman, and an old head in Sam Cassell, and a coach in Mike Dunleavy -- who, just a few years later, would have to sue Sterling to get what had been promised him contractually -- who made the Clips into a promising squad.

Anyway, the Clippers were in the playoffs for the first time in years, and playing the Denver Nuggets. At halftime of one of the games, I was talking to the team's GM, Elgin Baylor -- who, just a few years later, would have to sue Sterling to get what had been promised him contractually. I mentioned, quite casually and not expecting anything in response, that I had never met Sterling.

Elgin got a look on his face. It was a familiar look; the look of someone who was about to do something he really didn't want to do, but felt obligated to do -- like shovel five feet of snow off the elderly neighbor's stoop.

"You want to meet him?," Elgin asked.

"Uh, sure," I said. It was halftime of a playoff game -- the clock was running in the press room at Staples. How much damage could be done in one pithy conversation?

Baylor introduced me to Sterling and his wife, Shelly -- who, just a few years later, would sue the woman who ... oh, God, never mind -- and we made about two minutes of small talk about the game and the great season the Clippers, finally, were having.

Then Sterling said, and I'm quoting, "Can I ask you a question?"

I said, "Sure."

And he said, "Why are all these black women having these children out of wedlock?"

To repeat: I had never, until this day in 2006, ever been introduced, or said hello, or called, or had anything to do with Sterling -- who, just a few years later, would pay $2.725 million to settle the largest housing discrimination lawsuit in the history of the United States of America. I had never written him a note or an e-mail, or received one from him. Nothing. Nada. Nuttin'.

I looked at the clock on the wall. I believe it was under seven minutes, and counting, until the second half began. I found what little composure was in my body.

"Well, Mr. Sterling, that's not a question I can answer in seven minutes," I began, gesturing to the running clock. "First, I'm not sure it's 'All' these black women,' and the ones that do have a lot of factors that contribute to their decisions -- "

"Oh, I know," he said. "I was just wondering what you thought."

I have not had a conversation with Sterling since. Nor do I plan to.


04-29-2014, 08:44 PM
He sounds like a crazy uncle that pretty much every family has. The guy you are scared to invite to Thanksgiving Dinner, who blurts out completely rude and inappropriate things with a straight face and then wonders why everyone else is looking at him funny.

04-29-2014, 08:50 PM
Wow just wow lmao...:roll:

At last when borat does this $hit, you know Sasha baron Cohen is trolling and is in character...but sterling... Doesn't know he's affecting ppl in his own special way

TheReal Kendall
04-29-2014, 08:50 PM
So now all these old racist stories about to come out about Sterling to drag his name even further in the mud. :facepalm

Dude is just old, ignorant and stuck in his ways.

Like above poster said everyone has this guy in their family be it white, black, mexican, or whatever race you may be

04-29-2014, 08:52 PM
no one is surprised... everyone in the NBA knew this and thus had the reaction of not being surprised and being strong with their statements after Sterling made his racist comments

04-29-2014, 08:53 PM
Sterling should have been dealt with a long time ago. The Sterling tape was only gasoline poured unto a racist blazing past.

The league finally got it right. Hopefully, they can eventually remove him entirely.

04-29-2014, 08:54 PM
The Sterling smear campaign continues :facepalm

04-29-2014, 08:54 PM
It's pretty obvious that Sterling was just being humorous, asking such a question to a black guy at such a random moment.

I'm sure his comedic timing was off, but let's not further condemn him for meaningless words.

04-29-2014, 08:56 PM
Sheeeet.... if you care about society you better be asking this question.

04-29-2014, 08:57 PM
So now all these old racist stories about to come out about Sterling to drag his name even further in the mud. :facepalm

Dude is just old, ignorant and stuck in his ways.

Like above poster said everyone has this guy in their family be it white, black, mexican, or whatever race you may be


04-29-2014, 08:57 PM
Wonder if dude77 is related to Sterling.

longtime lurker
04-29-2014, 09:14 PM
So now all these old racist stories about to come out about Sterling to drag his name even further in the mud. :facepalm

Dude is just old, ignorant and stuck in his ways.

Like above poster said everyone has this guy in their family be it white, black, mexican, or whatever race you may be

Jesus have some of you guys ever even had a job? So many of you are clueless to the responsibility that comes with being the CEO of a company.

04-29-2014, 09:57 PM
Sheeeet.... if you care about society you better be asking this question.

Sterling has more on his mind than silly old sports :bowdown:

04-29-2014, 10:12 PM
"Why are all these black women having these children out of wedlock?"

"Cause we po black folk be stoopid, Massa Sterling. Can I shine dose shoes for ya? I shine 'em real good, yessa...."

"I like you, David."

04-29-2014, 10:14 PM
Fvck Sterling Fvck Sterling Fvck Sterling!!!!!

04-29-2014, 10:20 PM
It's crazy that people that are that ignorant can be so rich. He doesn't have any idea how offensive he is being. Sterling is pathetic.

04-29-2014, 10:33 PM
He sounds like a crazy uncle that pretty much every family has. The guy you are scared to invite to Thanksgiving Dinner, who blurts out completely rude and inappropriate things with a straight face and then wonders why everyone else is looking at him funny.

He saw this and was confused by it perhaps so it caused him to be inquisitive?


Im so nba'd out
04-29-2014, 10:34 PM
So now all these old racist stories about to come out about Sterling to drag his name even further in the mud. :facepalm

Dude is just old, ignorant and stuck in his ways.

Like above poster said everyone has this guy in their family be it white, black, mexican, or whatever race you may be
your not bothered about it cause its not about you if he was talking about fa''ots too u would be mad like us

04-29-2014, 10:37 PM
It's funny they all pile on so much, why not release this stuff whe nit happened?

Im so nba'd out
04-29-2014, 10:38 PM
It's funny they all pile on so much, why not release this stuff whe nit happened?
because white ppl say slick sht all the time you hear so much racist stuff in a lifetime you dont know if they are truly racist or just trying to make you mad.

04-29-2014, 11:02 PM
because white ppl say slick sht all the time you hear so much racist stuff in a lifetime you dont know if they are truly racist or just trying to make you mad.
So why all these black bitchez having kids out of wedlock then? Just thought i'd get your opinion.

TheReal Kendall
04-29-2014, 11:05 PM
your not bothered about it cause its not about you if he was talking about fa''ots too u would be mad like us

Nikka I'm black and I live in Alabama, this shit is lightweight compared to the stuff I've had to deal with.

Simple Jack
04-29-2014, 11:18 PM
The Sterling smear campaign continues :facepalm

Do you think he's a good person or something? Why do you feel the need to defend him?

04-29-2014, 11:24 PM
It's crazy that people that are that ignorant can be so rich. He doesn't have any idea how offensive he is being. Sterling is pathetic.

It's a dumb question to ask David Aldridge at a baskebtall game, however it's a pretty valid question to ask in general.

But ju know what?

People will focus on the fact it's "racist" because they're conditioned to rush to the TV with their soapbox in hand every time they get a chance to yell racism. There's money in broadcasting sensationalized, polarizing stories of "racism." It's a ratings bonanza. So the media does it, and liberals who are trying to prove they fit in try their best to outdo each other in who can yell "racist!" the loudest.

There's no money though, no lobby, no corporate backing for the interests of confronting black teen pregnancy. So that gets virtually no attention, even though it's the far more IMPORTANT issue. If you even try to talk about it, the conditioned sheep will not recognize an opportunity to have a dialogue about a pressing issue, they will go into automatic "white guy talking about black problems, we have a racist here! We have a racist here! Racism bad! Down with the racist! Get that racist!" Full robot mode. Media controlled sheep who think they're smart and superior for simply bleting the word "racist" over and over any time a white guy is politically incorrect and the media sounds the alarm.

Hilarious world we live in doe.

04-29-2014, 11:51 PM
It's a dumb question to ask David Aldridge at a baskebtall game, however it's a pretty valid question to ask in general.

But ju know what?

People will focus on the fact it's "racist" because they're conditioned to rush to the TV with their soapbox in hand every time they get a chance to yell racism. There's money in broadcasting sensationalized, polarizing stories of "racism." It's a ratings bonanza. So the media does it, and liberals who are trying to prove they fit in try their best to outdo each other in who can yell "racist!" the loudest.

There's no money though, no lobby, no corporate backing for the interests of confronting black teen pregnancy. So that gets virtually no attention, even though it's the far more IMPORTANT issue. If you even try to talk about it, the conditioned sheep will not recognize an opportunity to have a dialogue about a pressing issue, they will go into automatic "white guy talking about black problems, we have a racist here! We have a racist here! Racism bad! Down with the racist! Get that racist!" Full robot mode. Media controlled sheep who think they're smart and superior for simply bleting the word "racist" over and over any time a white guy is politically incorrect and the media sounds the alarm.

Hilarious world we live in doe.

hilarious that in a pathetic way, you're like a mini version of donald sterling. you've been banned so many times for your ignorant views, yet you refuse to go away. you think you have a place here and you just keep crawling back. you have the thickest skin on insidehoops. no other poster comes close.

04-29-2014, 11:56 PM
:roll: :roll:

The gall of this man.

04-29-2014, 11:59 PM
I don't even think this dude is aware how his thoughts/views are racist.

I honestly think he just doesn't know any better, I mean come on :lol what self aware person would honestly use "why are those black woman having kids out of wedlock" as an ice breaker

04-30-2014, 12:01 AM
hilarious that in a pathetic way, you're like a mini version of donald sterling. you've been banned so many times for your ignorant views, yet you refuse to go away. you think you have a place here and you just keep crawling back. you have the thickest skin on insidehoops. no other poster comes close.

duck and cover whenever you see the truth bombs dropping.