View Full Version : Let me get this straight, you are all worried about the billionaire?

04-29-2014, 09:44 PM
So...there seems to be great concern about Donald Sterling. Let's be real here. What did he lose? He's going to get 1.5 BILLION dollars to sell his team. He has to sell it, he can't have sponsors anymore, the league sponsors will pull out if he stays, he's not a viable partner anymore. If Silver said "i love him, he can stay" he'd still not be able to keep the team and keep it viable.

Essentially what he is losing is the ability to use the line "i'm the clipper owner" when trying to pick up women that he probably can't **** anyway because he's old as **** and is going to die soon. He'll need to stick to the time tested line "**** Me, I'm a Billionaire."

But you all seem deeply concerned about this. What am i missing?

04-29-2014, 09:46 PM
Why are you starting another thread? Post this shit in one of the other 22 threads about Sterling where it will actually get noticed.

04-29-2014, 09:47 PM
Why are you starting another thread? Post this shit in one of the other 22 threads about Sterling where it will actually get noticed.


04-29-2014, 09:49 PM
So...there seems to be great concern about Donald Sterling. Let's be real here. What did he lose? He's going to get 1.5 BILLION dollars to sell his team. He has to sell it, he can't have sponsors anymore, the league sponsors will pull out if he stays, he's not a viable partner anymore. If Silver said "i love him, he can stay" he'd still not be able to keep the team and keep it viable.

Essentially what he is losing is the ability to use the line "i'm the clipper owner" when trying to pick up women that he probably can't **** anyway because he's old as **** and is going to die soon. He'll need to stick to the time tested line "**** Me, I'm a Billionaire."

But you all seem deeply concerned about this. What am i missing?

Niko.. This is the Internet, where everyone picks a side and then goes overboard with outrage and concern over everything.

longtime lurker
04-29-2014, 10:09 PM
So...there seems to be great concern about Donald Sterling. Let's be real here. What did he lose? He's going to get 1.5 BILLION dollars to sell his team. He has to sell it, he can't have sponsors anymore, the league sponsors will pull out if he stays, he's not a viable partner anymore. If Silver said "i love him, he can stay" he'd still not be able to keep the team and keep it viable.

Essentially what he is losing is the ability to use the line "i'm the clipper owner" when trying to pick up women that he probably can't **** anyway because he's old as **** and is going to die soon. He'll need to stick to the time tested line "**** Me, I'm a Billionaire."

But you all seem deeply concerned about this. What am i missing?

They're just fighting for the plight of the oppressed white man. Don't be racist bro

04-29-2014, 10:20 PM
So...there seems to be great concern about Donald Sterling. Let's be real here. What did he lose? He's going to get 1.5 BILLION dollars to sell his team. He has to sell it, he can't have sponsors anymore, the league sponsors will pull out if he stays, he's not a viable partner anymore. If Silver said "i love him, he can stay" he'd still not be able to keep the team and keep it viable

It's not a concern for an old billionaire. It's a privacy concern and a concern about mob morality. It could have been any unpopular opinion for any public figure that got made public and it would be the same issue.

04-29-2014, 10:24 PM
You were concerned enough to start another thread. :confusedshrug:

04-29-2014, 10:25 PM
Niko.. This is the Internet, where everyone picks a side and then goes overboard with outrage and concern over everything.
I find it frustrating listening to everything about this topic. The absolute lack of understanding what freedom of speech means, and the fact that people don't understand that he violated his responsibility as a partner in the league. This isn't normal life being an NBA owner. if you hate me because of my race, and rant about it, no one cares. But it's different if you are one of the 30 people in charge of a league that's 80% black.

Mind boggling.

04-29-2014, 10:33 PM
I find it frustrating listening to everything about this topic. The absolute lack of understanding what freedom of speech means, and the fact that people don't understand that he violated his responsibility as a partner in the league. This isn't normal life being an NBA owner. if you hate me because of my race, and rant about it, no one cares. But it's different if you are one of the 30 people in charge of a league that's 80% black.

Mind boggling.

:roll: Actually, I am stunned too by that.. lol

I see some of the dumbest sh*t I have ever seen posted in some of these threads.. its disturbing

you are right.. this all boils down to the fact that he f*cked up big time when that tape got out..

People say what Riley Cooper said was worse, but thats not true at all..

Donald Sterling didn't use the N word, but he laid out the whole philosophy for his twisted thinking. It wasn't Roy Hibbert saying something dumb during a press conference.. He explained why he thinks the way he does..

there is no mistaking his views, and considering the fan base, and the majority of players in the league? This is too much to sweep under the rug and ignore. Im sure the NBA would love to sweep it under the rug and let it go away, but they know that the Sterling hurts their bottom line every day he remains an owner in good standing and they cannot have that..

04-29-2014, 10:37 PM
Why is it okay to railroad a man and essentially ruin his image for the entire country because he has a lot of money?

You make zero sense.

04-29-2014, 10:38 PM
You've missed the point entirely. It has nothing to do with the individual involved and everything thing to do with principle. If you think mobbish moral crusades against 81-year-old senile men for expressing an opinion in a private conversation where he was being baited is cool, then that's your problem, but don't act like it is somehow not normal to express surprise and concern at the power that conventional opinion backed by a media-led mob currently has, and which will find far less deserving candidates to turn into hate figures in the future.

btw how is the league 80% black, and why does a single drop of African blood somehow make somebody 100% black? That makes no sense.

04-29-2014, 10:40 PM
Why is it okay to railroad a man and essentially ruin his image for the entire country because he has a lot of money?

You make zero sense.

He basically railroaded himself.. His mistress, who he picked, decided to put out tapes of his racial ramblings (that came out of his own mouth)..

Nobody forced any of this on him..

the thing that ruined his "image" is the fact that people got to actually hear what he thinks from his own mouth

04-29-2014, 10:41 PM
Someone really needs to get a hold of James Dolan's phone conversation.

04-29-2014, 10:41 PM
I find it frustrating listening to everything about this topic. The absolute lack of understanding what freedom of speech means, and the fact that people don't understand that he violated his responsibility as a partner in the league. This isn't normal life being an NBA owner. if you hate me because of my race, and rant about it, no one cares. But it's different if you are one of the 30 people in charge of a league that's 80% black.

Mind boggling.

So the privacy issue is of no consequence? I get that free speech doesn't excuse you from consequences, but part of me feels that the public can make it so that certain things can't be said, even in private. It's like we affirm free speech legally, but don't really believe in it socially.

If you can explain how none of that is a concern and a good was done, then I'll accept your "mind boggling" remark.

04-29-2014, 10:42 PM
[QUOTE=Rasheed1]He basically railroaded himself.. His mistress, who he picked, decided to put out tapes of his racial ramblings (that came out of his own mouth)..

Nobody forced any of this on him..

the thing that ruined his "image" is the fact that people got to actually hear what he thinks from his own mouth

04-29-2014, 10:43 PM
:roll: Actually, I am stunned too by that.. lol

I see some of the dumbest sh*t I have ever seen posted in some of these threads.. its disturbing

you are right.. this all boils down to the fact that he f*cked up big time when that tape got out..

People say what Riley Cooper said was worse, but thats not true at all..

Donald Sterling didn't use the N word, but he laid out the whole philosophy for his twisted thinking. It wasn't Roy Hibbert saying something dumb during a press conference.. He explained why he thinks the way he does..

there is no mistaking his views, and considering the fan base, and the majority of players in the league? This is too much to sweep under the rug and ignore. Im sure the NBA would love to sweep it under the rug and let it go away, but they know that the Sterling hurts their bottom line every day he remains an owner in good standing and they cannot have that..

that wasnt true at all until the tapes got leaked.. and he was a known racist all along lol. The league doesnt care about his 'philosophy' and never has. They only care now because it got the attention of others and made an impact on their money.

04-29-2014, 10:44 PM
:roll: Actually, I am stunned too by that.. lol

I see some of the dumbest sh*t I have ever seen posted in some of these threads.. its disturbing

you are right.. this all boils down to the fact that he f*cked up big time when that tape got out..

People say what Riley Cooper said was worse, but thats not true at all..

Donald Sterling didn't use the N word, but he laid out the whole philosophy for his twisted thinking. It wasn't Roy Hibbert saying something dumb during a press conference.. He explained why he thinks the way he does..

there is no mistaking his views, and considering the fan base, and the majority of players in the league? This is too much to sweep under the rug and ignore. Im sure the NBA would love to sweep it under the rug and let it go away, but they know that the Sterling hurts their bottom line every day he remains an owner in good standing and they cannot have that..What are you talking about? Those were the incoherent ramblings of a senile old man, not some guy laying out his life philosophy. If you'd actually listened to the tape properly you'd notice his concern was the criticism he was receiving from his associates about his bish doing public shit with black guys. He clearly has close associates who disapproved strongly, and i wonder who these people are. He even state she could **** black guys if she wanted, just not to publicise it everywhere. In what world is that a twisted life philosophy based around hating black people?

Andrew Wiggins
04-29-2014, 10:44 PM
]What are you talking about? Those were the incoherent ramblings of a senile old man[/B], not some guy laying out his life philosophy. If you'd actually listened to the tape properly you'd notice his concern was the criticism he was receiving from his associates about his bish doing public shit with black guys. He clearly has close associates who disapproved strongly, and i wonder who these people are. He even state she could **** black guys if she wanted, just not to publicise it everywhere. In what world is that a twisted life philosophy based around hating black people?

ageist bigot


04-29-2014, 10:47 PM
da fuq is op talking about

04-29-2014, 10:50 PM
A man should be able to say whatever he wants to say in a private conversation.

He's an idiot more so for dealing with this trashy whore.

Nothing happens in a vacuum..

you are right ..."A man should be able to say whatever he wants to say in a private conversation"

but when you deal with "trashy whores" then your conversations might not stay private for long.. He can't blame anyone for his choice of women but himself..

If he had stayed away from the whores and with his wife? maybe this wouldn't have been possible.. He has to blame himself for these events. he picked that girl.

He's been living like this since the 80's.. He had nice long run, but his lifestyle caught up to him :confusedshrug:

04-29-2014, 10:56 PM
What are you talking about? Those were the incoherent ramblings of a senile old man, not some guy laying out his life philosophy. If you'd actually listened to the tape properly you'd notice his concern was the criticism he was receiving from his associates about his bish doing public shit with black guys. He clearly has close associates who disapproved strongly, and i wonder who these people are. He even state she could **** black guys if she wanted, just not to publicise it everywhere. In what world is that a twisted life philosophy based around hating black people?

He can can be senile and incoherent all he wants.. He just can't be an NBA owner anymore.. His ideas hurt the league and so they had to cut ties with him.. period

04-29-2014, 10:59 PM
that wasnt true at all until the tapes got leaked.. and he was a known racist all along lol. The league doesnt care about his 'philosophy' and never has. They only care now because it got the attention of others and made an impact on their money.

you are right.. and thats the whole point.. They rode with him and ignored it for as long as they could.. :confusedshrug:

but they can't do it any longer…

its like knowing your partner is cheating as opposed to catching them cheating..

Knowing it is one thing… Actually witnessing it is another..

the tapes make it crystal clear who this guy is and the NBA had to bail

04-29-2014, 11:15 PM
[QUOTE=Rasheed1]you are right.. and thats the whole point.. They rode with him and ignored it for as long as they could.. :confusedshrug:

but they can't do it any longer

04-29-2014, 11:24 PM
I think if you examined the intimate views of all the owners you would find quite a few who think similarly to sterling.. he got scapegoated but also slipped up

I dont disagree.. It doesn't matter if no one hears it.. Other owners may be smart enough to keep their private views out of the public..

He got what he got because his views became public..

I dont understand guys like kevin johnson going on about instiutionalized racism though. Sterling may hold outdated racist views but he didnt use them to discriminate against minorities as far as the clippers go. His whole damn team is black.. coach is black, maybe if he was the owner of the twolves they'd have a point.

He hired Elgin Baylor and he does donate some doe here and there, but if you look at what he was paying Elgin Baylor? :oldlol: it was peanuts compared to what other guys in his position were making.. He gets credit for hiring some black folks, but he doesn't get a pass because he has a long history of some nasty racial incidents and comments..

the fact that Sterling lasted so long proves Kevin Johnson's point.. The reason this came to an end now is because the jig is up.. The NBA can't explain away that tape, and they won't even try.. He just has to go

04-30-2014, 12:12 AM
So the privacy issue is of no consequence? I get that free speech doesn't excuse you from consequences, but part of me feels that the public can make it so that certain things can't be said, even in private. It's like we affirm free speech legally, but don't really believe in it socially.

If you can explain how none of that is a concern and a good was done, then I'll accept your "mind boggling" remark.

This isn't a legal issue so the fact that this was a private conversation is irrelevant. This has been reiterated repeatedly all over the place.

04-30-2014, 01:55 AM
and why does a single drop of African blood somehow make somebody 100% black? That makes no sense.

You'll have to ask this country's founding fathers about that.

04-30-2014, 01:59 AM
Nobody cares about Donald Sterling. He could die tonight for all I care.

I do however think it is unacceptable to have 0 tolerance for unpopular opinions. Even if they are opinions that I don't agree with.

I'm also against this victim culture where people's hurt feelings are more important than basic freedom.

04-30-2014, 02:02 AM
This isn't a legal issue so the fact that this was a private conversation is irrelevant. This has been reiterated repeatedly all over the place.

It will become a legal issue if Sterling decides to be stubborn, which seems likely. Then it's a question of whether something said in private can be considered detrimental conduct from an owner which would warrant a lifetime ban and possibly being forced to sell the team.

04-30-2014, 02:03 AM
You'll have to ask this country's founding fathers about that.
Founding fathers were long gone before the on drop rule came into existence.