View Full Version : Some Of These Potential Clipper Buyers

04-30-2014, 05:05 PM
Magic Johnson- Not to be insensitive, but he has HIV. How long will he be able to maintain the team. Can't be trusted for longterm stability.
Floyd Mayweather - Made racist remarks about Asians. Beats women. Overall s.hitbag human being.
David Geffen - Homosexual. That will turns fans off just as much as the racism.
P Diddy- Ties with the Crips in the past. Organized a concert that resulted in he death of multiple people. Assaulted a music executive. Gun trial in 1999.

Great list :applause:

Can someone please tell me what the rush for Sterling to sell the team is again? :facepalm

Le Shaqtus
04-30-2014, 05:06 PM
Doesn't Oprah wanna buy too?

04-30-2014, 05:07 PM
Magic Johnson- Not to be insensitive, but he has HIV. How long will he be able to maintain the team. Can't be trusted for longterm stability.
Floyd Mayweather - Made racist remarks about Asians. Beats women. Overall s.hitbag human being.
David Geffen - Homosexual. That will turns fans off just as much as the racism.
P Diddy- Ties with the Crips in the past. Organized a concert that resulted in he death of multiple people. Assaulted a music executive. Gun trial in 1999.

Great list :applause:

Can someone please tell me what the rush for Sterling to sell the team is again? :facepalm

Magic Johnson bought the Dodgers with a GROUP of people, and he would do the same for the clippers. I can't tell if you're trolling with that one or just an ignorant fvck.

Black and White
04-30-2014, 05:07 PM
So being gay means you shouldn't be an owner??

Snoop Dogg should by the Clips.

04-30-2014, 05:08 PM
Magic Johnson- Not to be insensitive, but he has HIV. How long will he be able to maintain the team. Can't be trusted for longterm stability.
Floyd Mayweather - Made racist remarks about Asians. Beats women. Overall s.hitbag human being.
David Geffen - Homosexual. That will turns fans off just as much as the racism.
P Diddy- Ties with the Crips in the past. Organized a concert that resulted in he death of multiple people. Assaulted a music executive. Gun trial in 1999.

Great list :applause:

Can someone please tell me what the rush for Sterling to sell the team is again? :facepalm

Geffen is the only realistic candidate so far of any of the celebrities that have been floated, in this list or elsewhere. If its not him itll probably be some non-famous finance mogul.

04-30-2014, 05:16 PM
Is it too late to gauge Kanye and Kim's interest in buying the team? How about Justin Bieber?

04-30-2014, 05:18 PM
OP is a racist and a homophobe. :facepalm

04-30-2014, 05:20 PM
Breaking News :

Sources say that Vladamir Putin has shown interest in the purchasing of the Los Angeles Clippers. He addressed the idea in an interview, confirming that he was thinking about it.

04-30-2014, 05:20 PM
Is it too late to gauge Kanye and Kim's interest in buying the team? How about Justin Bieber?

Kanye and Kim are an interracial couple, so selling to them would probably need Chris Paul's approval. We know how he feels about playing for white coaches, I dont know if he would agree to play for a white women with a controlling interest in the team. This still has to be determined before any moves can be made.

TheReal Kendall
04-30-2014, 05:22 PM
I heard Rick Ross, Diddy and Money May wanted to go in together to get it.

Magic is cured now

04-30-2014, 05:23 PM
Doesn't Oprah wanna buy too?

What's wrong with Oprah?

04-30-2014, 05:25 PM
Kanye and Kim are an interracial couple, so selling to them would probably need Chris Paul's approval. We know how he feels about playing for white coaches, I dont know if he would agree to play for a white women with a controlling interest in the team. This still has to be determined before any moves can be made.

Great point :applause:

04-30-2014, 05:26 PM
OP is a racist and a homophobe. :facepalm


04-30-2014, 05:34 PM

Racist by association in your staunch defense of known bigot Donald Sterling.

Homophobe by attaching a negative connotation to Geffen's sexual orientation and saying it will "turn off fans".

Le Shaqtus
04-30-2014, 05:39 PM
What's wrong with Oprah?

Nothing, OP missed her out.

Good candidate

04-30-2014, 05:39 PM
Racist by association in your staunch defense of known bigot Donald Sterling.

Homophobe by attaching a negative connotation to Geffen's sexual orientation and saying it will "turn off fans".

Tons of players in the league are homophobes, and were pretty open about it until fairly recently when the PC police told them to watch their comments or risk their reputation.

Do you think all these players FEEL differently now about gays? I doubt it. What if a tape surfaced of a superstar caught gay bashing in private? Should he be forced to resign? What about Marc Jackson? Would he boycott coaching in the Clippers arena?? (Not that he'll have a job next year). Would Lebron claim he couldnt play for an untrustworthy owner like he said about potentially gay teammates?

For the record, I dont care who's gay. Im just curious what our ISH PC police think about these scenarios.

04-30-2014, 05:42 PM
other retards that want to buy team

oprah - hates whites (we dont need fat black women in our league)
oscar de la hoya - fgt hates his own kind, **** that queerbait
magic - mentally retarded
diddy - racist retard
sterlings hoes - sterlings hoes
dre - dont trust his products
malcom in the middle kid - he might work out for them

so ya. migh as well let sterling keep the team

04-30-2014, 05:45 PM
Magic Johnson- Not to be insensitive, but he has HIV. How long will he be able to maintain the team. Can't be trusted for longterm stability.

Magic is probably going to live a normal lifecycle. Last I heard, at this stage the HIV virus is pretty much dormant in his bloodstream. If he was going to die of an HIV related illness, I'm thinking it would have happened by now.

04-30-2014, 06:33 PM
No one is perfect

longtime lurker
04-30-2014, 06:56 PM
other retards that want to buy team

oprah - hates whites (we dont need fat black women in our league)
oscar de la hoya - fgt hates his own kind, **** that queerbait
magic - mentally retarded
diddy - racist retard
sterlings hoes - sterlings hoes
dre - dont trust his products
malcom in the middle kid - he might work out for them

so ya. migh as well let sterling keep the team

How is Oprah racist? :roll: All these candidates are infinitely better owners than Sterling.

04-30-2014, 07:05 PM
Sterling isn't being forced to sell because he is a racist. He's being forced to sell because the other 29 owners don't want him to be associated with their business anymore.

04-30-2014, 07:47 PM
Magic would be just atrocious. Would turn a lot of people off.

David Geffen is easily the best option

04-30-2014, 08:03 PM
In all seriousness isn't the best owner Malcolm in the middle. He is smart and always comes up with good ideas

04-30-2014, 08:20 PM
How is Oprah racist? :roll: All these candidates are infinitely better owners than Sterling.

Oprah is definitely racist, do some research if you want. She's also an egomaniac that thinks she has the power to define god to an atheist thus making them not an atheist.

04-30-2014, 08:23 PM
In all seriousness isn't the best owner Malcolm in the middle. He is smart and always comes up with good ideas