View Full Version : Is Jeremy Lin a good player? I think he is an Alpha.

05-01-2014, 09:24 AM

Some say he sucks, some say he's good.

So what is the consensus? I tend to think he's a good player. He's proven it
tonight and also who can forget Linsanity?

Yes, he made some errors like blowing the wide open layup but I seriously think this kid is mentally strong, he is an Alpha. If you look at the previous game, Harden didn't trust him and it looks downhill for him, but instead he step up his game and prove that he is NBA starter worthy.


05-01-2014, 09:26 AM
he's a decent player and definitely not a scrub..

most ppl are hating due to the spotlight he got from insanity and lead to him being overrated but now ill say hes definitely underrated.

05-01-2014, 09:26 AM
it's hard to say since his coach is dog shit and gives beverly more minutes than he deserves, and he has harden who chucks more than kobe & iverson combined, jesus christ i hate james harden SO MUCH

05-01-2014, 09:31 AM
it's hard to say since his coach is dog shit and gives beverly more minutes than he deserves, and he has harden who chucks more than kobe & iverson combined, jesus christ i hate james harden SO MUCH

If McHail plays Harden, he needs Beverly in to have some D on the perimeter.

05-01-2014, 09:40 AM
Lin is the second best Rocket player right behind Dwight Howard.
but only if hes allowed to run the offense and handle the ball.
the thing is when he plays timid its because he is benched for eVERY mistake in an instant. how can somebody be aggresive if he knows he gets yanked for one mistake and all his teammates are allowed to fck up again and again without ever being benched?:confusedshrug:

05-01-2014, 09:41 AM
If McHail plays Harden, he needs Beverly in to have some D on the perimeter.
Lin is a better defender than Beverley, its their team defense and rotations that suck

05-01-2014, 09:41 AM
The problem with Lin is often times he either has a great game or a shitty one. He doesn't have a lot of in between games. He's not as good as his best games and he's not as bad as his worst. What he is is very inconsistent. He's a decent bench player. He's not worth $8mil in terms of play, only in terms of marketing. And stop with this alpha/beta shit it makes you look like a fool.

05-01-2014, 09:42 AM
The problem with Lin is often times he either has a great game or a shitty one. He doesn't have a lot of in between games. He's not as good as his best games and he's not as bad as his worst. What he is is very inconsistent. He's a decent bench player. He's not worth $8mil in terms of play, only in terms of marketing. And stop with this alpha/beta shit it makes you look like a fool.
:biggums: :wtf: :biggums: :facepalm

05-01-2014, 10:02 AM
:biggums: :wtf: :biggums: :facepalm

He means if you only look at consider/his best games you're going to overrate him. Is he having a great playoffs? No he had a good to great game last night.

He's on the borderline of good if he was more consistent.

05-01-2014, 10:04 AM
He cannot be alpha in a team full of black players and white coaches.

In terms of pecking orders, Asians are last. White/Jews then blacks then Hispanics then there's dogs/cats then there Asians.

05-01-2014, 10:07 AM
he is a good solid player. a starting PG in this league.

but he's a bad fit next to harden, who likes to have the ball most of the time.

I would certainly like to see him handling PG duties at a nba franchise, that fits his style.

05-01-2014, 10:44 AM
His major problem is confidence. You can just tell when he's having fun out. You can tell when he's frustrated and playing scared.

Just look at his body language in Game 4 and Game 5. Polar opposites.

05-01-2014, 10:44 AM
The dude is the definition of beta

05-01-2014, 10:52 AM
lin is solid but his confidence is key as everyone has already said

tough to cultivate that from the bench and while harden always has the ball

it'd be cool to see him on this year's bulls

05-01-2014, 10:54 AM
he is a good solid player. a starting PG in this league.

but he's a bad fit next to harden, who likes to have the ball most of the time.

I would certainly like to see him handing PG duties at a nba franchise, that fits his style.

you really think Lin is starting PG material? how many teams would honestly trade their starting PG for Jeremy Lin?

05-01-2014, 10:55 AM
you really think Lin is starting PG material? how many teams would honestly trade their starting PG for Jeremy Lin?

05-01-2014, 11:00 AM
very good player, very inconsistent, if he had to lead a team put great numbers, that's all

05-01-2014, 11:18 AM
the problem is that he is chinese and has poor asian genetics compared to black people. black people are just more athletic and quicker to react on the basketball court. that is why he turns the ball over so much.

05-01-2014, 11:20 AM
jeremy lin is only incosistent because he is used inconsistently.
one game he is the PG for a decent amount of time and, nearly always, delivers.
then harden or mcfail come up with the glorious idea that its time for harden iso again and jeremy as well as the whole team begin to stink it up:facepalm
his stats without harden blow EVERY PG in the league out of the water. 10 games is a short sample size but cant be ignored either.
mcfail needs to overcome his stubbornness to refuse to give lin the controll over the team, like any other PG in the league has.
if he does that theres a big chance the rockets might advance.
if not its over for them.
hes also the only player i have ever seen who gets more comfortable in the playoffs. that is because the refs cant call all the BS fouls on him on defense and ignore when he is hacked on offense because there is a huge scrutinity over them:coleman:

05-01-2014, 11:20 AM
the problem is that he is chinese and has poor asian genetics compared to black people. black people are just more athletic and quicker to react on the basketball court. that is why he turns the ball over so much.
reported for ignorance:biggums: :coleman:

05-01-2014, 11:21 AM
you really think Lin is starting PG material? how many teams would honestly trade their starting PG for Jeremy Lin?
Pacers would. :yaohappy:

05-01-2014, 11:21 AM
jeremy lin is only incosistent because he is used inconsistently.
one game he is the PG for a decent amount of time and, nearly always, delivers.
then harden or mcfail come up with the glorious idea that its time for harden iso again and jeremy as well as the whole team begin to stink it up:facepalm
his stats without harden blow EVERY PG in the league out of the water. 10 games is a short sample size but cant be ignored either.
mcfail needs to overcome his stubbornness to refuse to give lin the controll over the team, like any other PG in the league has.
if he does that theres a big chance the rockets might advance.
if not its over for them.
hes also the only player i have ever seen who gets more comfortable in the playoffs. that is because the refs cant call all the BS fouls on him on defense and ignore when he is hacked on offense because there is a huge scrutinity over them:coleman:

K. Now tell me how which teams are willing to trade their starting PG for Jeremy Lin.

05-01-2014, 11:23 AM
reported for ignorance:biggums: :coleman:

weren't you defending donald sterling?

05-01-2014, 11:24 AM
He is inconsistent because he is often a poor decision maker. I think he doesn't watch nearly enough film. Lots of talent though.

05-01-2014, 11:25 AM
K. Now tell me how which teams are willing to trade their starting PG for Jeremy Lin.
just off the top of my head: Bucks,PAcers,Knicks,Heat,Philly,Lakers,Sacramento, Mavs and i am sure i gorgot some

05-01-2014, 11:26 AM
He is very inconsistent and has too many and important weaknesses to be a starting PG for a good team in this league. He is definitely overpaid now but he should find his niche in the league as a reserve PG.

If he were from Baltimore he would not be talked about nearly as much, that's for sure. Some morons here seem to think his coach is the only thing that keeps him from becoming an all-star :rolleyes:

EDIT: see the dude above me

05-01-2014, 11:30 AM
just off the top of my head: Bucks,PAcers,Knicks,Heat,Philly,Lakers,Sacramento, Mavs and i am sure i gorgot some

All of those are shit teams except Heat, Pacers and Mavs. I'm not even sure if Pacers and Mavs are willing to trade their starting PG for Lin.

05-01-2014, 11:33 AM
All of those are shit teams except Heat, Pacers and Mavs. I'm not even sure if Pacers and Mavs are willing to trade their starting PG for Lin.
yes they would, especially pacers. heat too.
hell if i am the grizzlies gm i would trade conley too. dude is the biggest choke artist in the history of this league.
i guarantee you lin would put up 18/8 EASILY if he was allowed to play PG and make the Rockets unstoppable as they have so many options.
on teams with fewer options i can see him putting up 20/8 for a season no doubt.
all he needs is spacing and some bigs that can finish.
but i am going to stop now, dont wanna jinx him into a terrible game in portland:coleman:

05-01-2014, 11:36 AM
He is very inconsistent and has too many and important weaknesses to be a starting PG for a good team in this league. He is definitely overpaid now but he should find his niche in the league as a reserve PG.

If he were from Baltimore he would not be talked about nearly as much, that's for sure. Some morons here seem to think his coach is the only thing that keeps him from becoming an all-star :rolleyes:

EDIT: see the dude above me
You are absolutely right:rockon: BTW, the guy above you mentioned trading players. There is no way in hell that I would trade a potential future all star in MCW for Jeremy Lin. No way.

While I do know this year's ROY winner's stats are inflated being on a bad team and all. In Philly, MCW is looked at as a keeper and a POSSIBLE building block on a title team. We will see, but Lin is not even going to be a good starter on a good NBA team.

05-01-2014, 11:45 AM
he s too inconsistant...

05-01-2014, 11:50 AM
K. Now tell me how which teams are willing to trade their starting PG for Jeremy Lin.


Knicks - Felton
Pistons - Jennings
Lakers - Kendall Marshall
Pacers - George Hill (Dude is overrated...)

05-01-2014, 11:51 AM
yes they would, especially pacers. heat too.
hell if i am the grizzlies gm i would trade conley too. dude is the biggest choke artist in the history of this league.
i guarantee you lin would put up 18/8 EASILY if he was allowed to play PG and make the Rockets unstoppable as they have so many options.
on teams with fewer options i can see him putting up 20/8 for a season no doubt.
all he needs is spacing and some bigs that can finish.
but i am going to stop now, dont wanna jinx him into a terrible game in portland:coleman:

don't talk crap about Conley...dude is a baller..and puts up numbers against CP3 in the last 2 Playoffs....where as Lin plays scared against CP3.

05-01-2014, 11:52 AM
Decent PG. Mario Chalmers level.

Mass Debator
05-01-2014, 11:54 AM
Alpha put into a beta role. He needs to come to Minnesota where he'll be appreciated.

05-01-2014, 12:00 PM
don't talk crap about Conley...dude is a baller..and puts up numbers against CP3 in the last 2 Playoffs....where as Lin plays scared against CP3.
only thing lin is scared off when he plays against CP3 are the BS calls. he is always in foul trouble on garbage shit calls that no one lse would get.
last season he owned CP3 and the Clippers without harden and parsons btw:coleman:
conley is good but he chokes EVERYTIME down the stretch
hope he can prove otherwise tonigh:rockon:

05-01-2014, 12:13 PM
only thing lin is scared off when he plays against CP3 are the BS calls. he is always in foul trouble on garbage shit calls that no one lse would get.
last season he owned CP3 and the Clippers without harden and parsons btw:coleman:
conley is good but he chokes EVERYTIME down the stretch
hope he can prove otherwise tonigh:rockon:
Lin is not a starter in this league. He's a decent bench player and that's it. I'm sorry to upset you but Lin is like this, the savior one night and the scapegoat the night before. He also almost cost them game 3 with that dumb layup move. He's not a starter and he's inconsistent. The facts back up my statement. The only thing you have to back up yours is a stomach full of his jizz.

05-01-2014, 12:17 PM
Lin is not a starter in this league. He's a decent bench player and that's it. I'm sorry to upset you but Lin is like this, the savior one night and the scapegoat the night before. He also almost cost them game 3 with that dumb layup move. He's not a starter and he's inconsistent. The facts back up my statement. The only thing you have to back up yours is a stomach full of his jizz.

05-01-2014, 12:18 PM
Lin is not a starter in this league. He's a decent bench player and that's it. I'm sorry to upset you but Lin is like this, the savior one night and the scapegoat the night before. He also almost cost them game 3 with that dumb layup move. He's not a starter and he's inconsistent. The facts back up my statement. The only thing you have to back up yours is a stomach full of his jizz.
i guarantee you he will have 3-5 allstar games till he retires:rockon:

05-01-2014, 12:21 PM
i guarantee you he will have 3-5 allstar games till he retires:rockon:
He might get voted in by delusional asians. He will never be an all star caliber player though. Especially with the great PGs we have today.

05-01-2014, 12:22 PM
i guarantee you he will have 3-5 allstar games till he retires:rockon:
Because half of China votes him in? I wasn't aware that a player's career was measured by phony all star appearances. Thanks for the guarantee. I guarantee that he'll always be inconsistent and never be more than a decent bench player or a poor starter. I also guarantee that you're Asian and are most comfortable with his p*nis in your mouth. It's ok to like someone because you're Asian and he's Asian. I have no problem with that. You just need to be a bit more realistic. I mean you must have thought that Mengke Bateer was as good as wilt.

05-01-2014, 12:28 PM
Because half of China votes him in? I wasn't aware that a player's career was measured by phony all star appearances. Thanks for the guarantee. I guarantee that he'll always be inconsistent and never be more than a decent bench player or a poor starter. I also guarantee that you're Asian and are most comfortable with his p*nis in your mouth. It's ok to like someone because you're Asian and he's Asian. I have no problem with that. You just need to be a bit more realistic. I mean you must have thought that Mengke Bateer was as good as wilt.
im german you freaking fakkit.

05-01-2014, 12:58 PM
If you made this thread before last night's game, you'd have at least 7 LOH's in the thread saying he isn't even D league worthy, at best a perennial backup PG.

But obviously he's a very good player when GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY. Unfort. he has the worst coach and worst "star" player on his team so he's not given opportunities.

05-01-2014, 01:20 PM
Everyone who thinks a PG who isnt at least an allstar level talent an clear cut starter in this league who did this in his first 2 years is borderline retarded and should never talk about basketball again
28/14 vs Mavs 2012
38 points vs Lakers
27 points+ game winner vs Toronto 2012
38 points vs spurs 2012
29/9 vs Thunder with two game winning shots 2013
31 points vs Toronto 2013
34/12 vs Sixers 2013
26 points an clutch shot vs Portland 2014
21/4/3/2/1 vs Portland playoff game 5

just a few examples of his outstanding games so far in his young career

not a starter doe:yaohappy: :yaohappy:

05-01-2014, 01:28 PM
Jeremy Lin is unfortunately a walking affirmative action.

He may or may not make the all star team but people will factor in his race part of the equation.

05-01-2014, 01:31 PM
Jeremy Lin is unfortunately a walking affirmative action.

He may or may not make the all star team but people will factor in his race part of the equation.
the nba is rigging the allstar vote against him.
of course he so far didnt deserve it but he has way more fans than Yao and they all voted for him but he still didnt get in.
yao got in when he didnt even play that season.
i am okay with it tho he will have good enough stats one day that the nba will accept it

05-01-2014, 01:54 PM
I think Morey's system hurts Lin. Lin has a pretty good midrange shot...he just doesn't have the green light to shoot it. During Linsanity, I recall he was hitting near 60% of his midrange (which a lot of people said he wouldn't be able to keep up). Right now he's being limited to either scoring off a three or drives to the hoop.

You can see Harden says, "**** YOU" to that and shoots midrange whenever he wants, but Lin obviously doesn't have that freedom. If he misses more than a couple midrange shots in a row, he usually gets benched. Hell, he does anything even remotely wrong, he gets benched.

For what Lin is still able to accomplish, given the short leash McHale gave him, is a testament to his ability.

Will he ever be one of the best PGs in the game? Honestly? Probably not unless he polishes up his handles big time. But I think he can definitely crack top 15...even top 10 as his ceiling. And given the stacked PG league we are in, that's a great accomplishment.

Would love to see what this guy could do on a team that gave him more freedom. I've always said this all along. When Lin does well, the team does well. Lin is very much an impact player.

05-01-2014, 02:13 PM
I think Morey's system hurts Lin. Lin has a pretty good midrange shot...he just doesn't have the green light to shoot it. During Linsanity, I recall he was hitting near 60% of his midrange (which a lot of people said he wouldn't be able to keep up). Right now he's being limited to either scoring off a three or drives to the hoop.

You can see Harden says, "**** YOU" to that and shoots midrange whenever he wants, but Lin obviously doesn't have that freedom. If he misses more than a couple midrange shots in a row, he usually gets benched. Hell, he does anything even remotely wrong, he gets benched.

For what Lin is still able to accomplish, given the short leash McHale gave him, is a testament to his ability.

Will he ever be one of the best PGs in the game? Honestly? Probably not unless he polishes up his handles big time. But I think he can definitely crack top 15...even top 10 as his ceiling. And given the stacked PG league we are in, that's a great accomplishment.

Would love to see what this guy could do on a team that gave him more freedom. I've always said this all along. When Lin does well, the team does well. Lin is very much an impact player.
he will be a top 5 PG in in no more than 2 years:cheers: :rockon:

05-01-2014, 02:15 PM
He has to leave the Rockets though in order to achieve that.

05-01-2014, 02:20 PM
I think Morey's system hurts Lin. Lin has a pretty good midrange shot...he just doesn't have the green light to shoot it. During Linsanity, I recall he was hitting near 60% of his midrange (which a lot of people said he wouldn't be able to keep up). Right now he's being limited to either scoring off a three or drives to the hoop.

You can see Harden says, "**** YOU" to that and shoots midrange whenever he wants, but Lin obviously doesn't have that freedom. If he misses more than a couple midrange shots in a row, he usually gets benched. Hell, he does anything even remotely wrong, he gets benched.

For what Lin is still able to accomplish, given the short leash McHale gave him, is a testament to his ability.

Will he ever be one of the best PGs in the game? Honestly? Probably not unless he polishes up his handles big time. But I think he can definitely crack top 15...even top 10 as his ceiling. And given the stacked PG league we are in, that's a great accomplishment.

Would love to see what this guy could do on a team that gave him more freedom. I've always said this all along. When Lin does well, the team does well. Lin is very much an impact player.

Rockets only want to score from dunks/layups, 3s and FTs. Its a bold strategy, Cotton. Lets see how it pays off for them.

05-01-2014, 02:32 PM
K. Now tell me how which teams are willing to trade their starting PG for Jeremy Lin.

Heat - Rio is a better fit for Miami but not a better PG/player
Magic - Iffy, Oladipo is gonna be good but Lin has proven that when given minutes he can be an explosive PG.
Bulls - Not counting Rose
Pistons - Jennings is a cancer
Nets - If you count Livingston as their PG as he was during the second half of the season and when the Nets actually made some noise.

05-01-2014, 02:34 PM
you really think Lin is starting PG material? how many teams would honestly trade their starting PG for Jeremy Lin?

new york
new orleans
los angeles

05-01-2014, 02:34 PM
said this before.

Not a starting PG for a championship team.
6th man to 7th man on a contending team.

If he's your worst player in rotation, you should be winning the championship.

Fire Kevin McHale if they don't make it to the finals and replace him with George Karl if you could.

05-01-2014, 02:37 PM
Magic[/B] - Iffy, Oladipo is gonna be good but Lin has proven that when given minutes he can be an explosive PG.

Lin won't be more consistent than Oladipo. And Oladipo is just as capable of putting up random bursts of 40 points game given enough possessions.

05-01-2014, 02:37 PM
im german you freaking fakkit.
you are not german. :roll:

just admit ur an asian that stans lin.

05-01-2014, 02:44 PM
Lin is a sixth man. Thats it and thats all.

But hes one of the best sixth men in the league.

05-01-2014, 02:47 PM
chicago -
new york -
indiana -
miami -
new orleans
orlando -
milwaukee -l
los angeles -
chicago - No, DJ is better
new york - yes
indiana - no Hill is better by a mile. Hes the 2nd best catch and shoot player in the league by %
miami - No, hed be a terrible fit there
new orleans - Uh... Jrue?
philly - Uh.. MCW?
orlando - Jameer is better
milwaukee - BK has much more potential
los angeles - Yes

05-01-2014, 02:47 PM
you are not german. :roll:

just admit ur an asian that stans lin.

So what if you're Asian and you like Lin. I'm half Korean/white...I don't give a ****. You think ALL Asians are alike? You do realize that even Asians hate other Asians? Japanese, Chinese and Korea have had absolutely vicious wars against each other...doing all kinds of inhumane acts like mass slaughters.

Only ignorant idiots think "All Asians like Lin because he's Asian".

That's like saying if you're Mexican, you automatically like Delfino and Calderon because they speak Spanish.

Asians don't even speak the same ****ing language you dumb****!

05-01-2014, 02:51 PM
chicago - No, DJ is better
new york - yes
indiana - no Hill is better by a mile. Hes the 2nd best catch and shoot player in the league by %
miami - No, hed be a terrible fit there
new orleans - Uh... Jrue?
philly - Uh.. MCW?
orlando - Jameer is better
milwaukee - BK has much more potential
los angeles - Yes

DJ is NOT better.

Hill is arguably the worst starting PG in the league...Pacers fans don't even like him. Lin > Hill any day of the week.

Chalmers is a better fit...I'll give you that. But Lin > Chalmers straight up.

I like Holiday...so no argument there.

MCW is as inconsistent as Lin. I wonder how well Lin would do if he could do no wrong like MCW.


Like Knight...I think he's underrated.

05-01-2014, 02:51 PM
In that other thread, it rumored Carmelo signing w/ the bulls.

Tyson Chandler and amar'e are still there! Pick and roll galore all day! :rockon: :cheers:

05-01-2014, 03:07 PM
DJ is NOT better.

Hill is arguably the worst starting PG in the league...Pacers fans don't even like him. Lin > Hill any day of the week.

Chalmers is a better fit...I'll give you that. But Lin > Chalmers straight up.

I like Holiday...so no argument there.

MCW is as inconsistent as Lin. I wonder how well Lin would do if he could do no wrong like MCW.


Like Knight...I think he's underrated.

I do think DJ is better. Honestly you could probably put Lin on the Bulls and they may improve a game or two, but with Rose there (if he ever plays) he is a waste of cap space.

What Pacers fans have you spoken to? The ones I speak to live in Indy, and they would disagree with you.

Chalmers is a great fit on the Heat.

MCW is a rookie, and physically more superior to Lin. When he develops a jumpshot, he will be an all-star (he would have been this year if he hadn't been hurt).

I like Jameer but I think Im alone no that opinion?

05-01-2014, 03:14 PM
So what if you're Asian and you like Lin. I'm half Korean/white...I don't give a ****. You think ALL Asians are alike? You do realize that even Asians hate other Asians? Japanese, Chinese and Korea have had absolutely vicious wars against each other...doing all kinds of inhumane acts like mass slaughters.

Only ignorant idiots think "All Asians like Lin because he's Asian".

That's like saying if you're Mexican, you automatically like Delfino and Calderon because they speak Spanish.

Asians don't even speak the same ****ing language you dumb****!

The amount of none-Asians who have unrealistic expectations of Lin probably isn't very high.

And while everyone is biased because of certain associations.

Lets just say you got called out.

05-01-2014, 07:30 PM
The dude is the definition of beta

You are the definition of fakkit

The problem with Lin is often times he either has a great game or a shitty one. He doesn't have a lot of in between games. He's not as good as his best games and he's not as bad as his worst. What he is is very inconsistent. He's a decent bench player. He's not worth $8mil in terms of play, only in terms of marketing. And stop with this alpha/beta shit it makes you look like a fool.

So he IS worth 8 mil then :confusedshrug: why does everyone sh1t on his contract? NBA teams are businesses

The amount of none-Asians who have unrealistic expectations of Lin probably isn't very high.

And while everyone is biased because of certain associations.

Lets just say you got called out.

Who gives a **** if there are non-basketball Lin fans who overrated him? Is this the 4th grade? "FCUK The Playstation 3! PS3 Fans are so fcuking retarded! OMG its so overrated stupid Sony fans make me HATE the PS3! :cry: "

05-01-2014, 07:57 PM

everyone thinks hes beta but he is a natural born alpha

05-01-2014, 07:58 PM
the problem is that he is chinese and has poor asian genetics compared to black people. black people are just more athletic and quicker to react on the basketball court. that is why he turns the ball over so much.

I know a 5'9 chinese guy who can dunk two handed on a dropstep. :confusedshrug:

Anyway, it is not like Lin is not athletic he has dunk several times in an NBA game.Also, turning over the ball isn't about athleticism anyway.

05-01-2014, 08:04 PM
I'm not exactly sure how people could possibly hate Lin, but I guess people are jealous that an Asian is better than them at basketball. :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug:

And no I'm not Asian.

05-01-2014, 08:06 PM
I do think DJ is better. Honestly you could probably put Lin on the Bulls and they may improve a game or two, but with Rose there (if he ever plays) he is a waste of cap space.

What Pacers fans have you spoken to? The ones I speak to live in Indy, and they would disagree with you.

Chalmers is a great fit on the Heat.

MCW is a rookie, and physically more superior to Lin. When he develops a jumpshot, he will be an all-star (he would have been this year if he hadn't been hurt).

I like Jameer but I think Im alone no that opinion?

DJ Augustin flat out sucks at basketball. :confusedshrug:

05-01-2014, 08:16 PM
I think that he is a good player. Not sure about the Alpha part though. Because if he was an Alpha, there is no way in the world that he would let Harden jack up 21 shots and go 9-21. So Lin is a good point guard. Not an Alpha.

05-01-2014, 08:16 PM
You are the definition of fakkit

Did the comment hit home right there? or are you lin's personal secretary?

05-01-2014, 08:21 PM
Jameer would fit on the Rockets better than Lin tbh

05-01-2014, 08:22 PM
Alright who the **** is it who said we would trade Oladipo for ****ing Jeremy Lin? I want to slap you in the ****ing face

05-01-2014, 08:27 PM
Lin is the second best Rocket player right behind Dwight Howard.
but only if hes allowed to run the offense and handle the ball.
the thing is when he plays timid its because he is benched for eVERY mistake in an instant. how can somebody be aggresive if he knows he gets yanked for one mistake and all his teammates are allowed to fck up again and again without ever being benched?:confusedshrug:This. And inconsistent minutes preventing him from getting into rhythm.

He's far less talented than Harden (obviously), but the fact that he's an average defender as opposed to the biggest defensive negative I have ever seem (makes D-Fish look like Tony Allen), unselfish play compared to the biggest ball stopper I have ever seen, and makes clear minded decisions in the clutch instead of shrinking and panicking; he is indeed a bigger positive impact than Harden.

In a nutshell, Lin is an average starting pg in terms of talent who is mentally amazingly strong with tremendous heart. Rockets trade Harden and hire an average coach and I wouldn't be surprised if lin puts up his per 36 numbers for real. Maybe even better.

05-01-2014, 08:28 PM
Did the comment hit home right there? or are you lin's personal secretary?

He's alpha as fcuk

05-01-2014, 08:28 PM
DJ is NOT better.

Hill is arguably the worst starting PG in the league...Pacers fans don't even like him. Lin > Hill any day of the week.

Chalmers is a better fit...I'll give you that. But Lin > Chalmers straight up.

I like Holiday...so no argument there.

MCW is as inconsistent as Lin. I wonder how well Lin would do if he could do no wrong like MCW.


Like Knight...I think he's underrated.
Jameer is better and MCW is better. Stop overrating Lin holy ****

Mr. Jabbar
05-01-2014, 08:29 PM
he is alpa and that is all ppl need to know

ALPA :bowdown: :bowdown:

05-01-2014, 08:29 PM
Jameer is better and MCW is better. Stop overrating Lin holy ****

Jameer WAS better... you can't tell me with a straight face Nelson is better than Lin as of today.

J Lin would probably put up comparable stats to MCW on a team as ****ty as the Sixers. MCW obviously is more gifted physically and has a higher ceiling.

05-01-2014, 08:32 PM
Jameer WAS better... you can't tell me with a straight face Nelson is better than Lin as of today.
Honestly, it's debatable as far as offense goes, but defensively gives Lin the edge. Jameer would put up 15/6 on this Rockets team though because he's a better passer and shooter.

05-01-2014, 08:41 PM
lin and durant are the same. Theyre not good if theres someone competing in touches.

05-01-2014, 08:46 PM
I think that he is a good player. Not sure about the Alpha part though. Because if he was an Alpha, there is no way in the world that he would let Harden jack up 21 shots and go 9-21. So Lin is a good point guard. Not an Alpha.

maybe because theres discrimination?

05-01-2014, 08:58 PM
Honestly, it's debatable as far as offense goes, but defensively gives Lin the edge. Jameer would put up 15/6 on this Rockets team though because he's a better passer and shooter.

I like Jameer, but there is no way he gets 15/6 playing alongside Harden AND Howard. Plus, he'd be the 4th option after Howard and Parsons. The offense Houston runs is NOT PG friendly at all. Honestly, you don't even need a PG to run it, which is why Bevs starts (I guess).

Someone brings up the ball and then someone else runs up above the three point line...they hand off/pass the ball...then they dump it down to the post to Howard (who will shoot it 9/10 times) or if they ball is in Harden's hand, he goes ISO mode. Neither of those options is assist friendly. Howard's moves are too delayed, negating the assist to whoever dumped it to him and most of Harden's points are unassisted.

05-01-2014, 09:57 PM
Name me a team that has a worse system for a PG than the Houston Rockets. Biggest ball hogs, no Pick n rolls, least amount of assists out of all playoff teams right now, Lin's done amazing stuff with basically a system designed for him to do nothing but stand in a corner.

05-01-2014, 10:00 PM
Its all about having the opportunity, he doesn't usually get that on the Rockets team, I KNOW Mchale was never high on the guy, the first chance he saw that he could degrade Lin's role on the team he took it and continues to do so.

With that said, Lin is no doubt the clutchest player on the Rockets, people will say Harden is, but the motherfker got 100% of touches in crunchtime during the regular season, and whats he doing in the playoffs?

Lin played HUGE in an elminination game that he put all the heat on his shoulders and took all the blame, overcame that shit and got into the zone in game 5, that was a real flashback to Linsanity

05-01-2014, 10:01 PM
you are not german. :roll:

just admit ur an asian that stans lin.
stick to coke bitsch

05-01-2014, 10:02 PM
chicago - No, DJ is better
new york - yes
indiana - no Hill is better by a mile. Hes the 2nd best catch and shoot player in the league by %
miami - No, hed be a terrible fit there
new orleans - Uh... Jrue?
philly - Uh.. MCW?
orlando - Jameer is better
milwaukee - BK has much more potential
los angeles - Yes
:yaohappy: :yaohappy: :yaohappy:

05-01-2014, 10:04 PM
Jameer would fit on the Rockets better than Lin tbh
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
choke on an anime d1ck mane:cheers: :cheers:

05-01-2014, 10:06 PM
Jameer is better and MCW is better. Stop overrating Lin holy ****

05-01-2014, 10:23 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
choke on an anime d1ck mane:cheers: :cheers:
Better passer and 3-point shooter than Lin. He definitely would fit better.

05-01-2014, 10:27 PM
you are not german. :roll:

just admit ur an asian that stans lin.

Then admit you hate Lin because you're black.

05-01-2014, 10:32 PM
What is this Lin's 2nd full year? He's going to be a legit star. Dude's not in his prime yet, and he can put up big numbers when given the ball. The Rockets don't even play to his strengths, but he has the ability to adapt and contribute. That to me is a solid player.

05-01-2014, 10:40 PM
he's yet to prove himself that he has it when the defense cares about him.

if the team is just standing there like portland was the other night, just totally disrespecting him, and waiting for him to do something, he's good enough to make them pay.

but if he's playing a lot of minutes and the other teams actually put some attention on him, then... it's a different (or the same) lin.... the dude with like 8 or 9 turnovers.

05-01-2014, 10:42 PM
he's yet to prove himself that he has it when the defense cares about him.

if the team is just standing there like portland was the other night, just totally disrespecting him, and waiting for him to do something, he's good enough to make them pay.

but if he's playing a lot of minutes and the other teams actually put some attention on him, then... it's a different (or the same) lin.... the dude with like 8 or 9 turnovers.
he hit super tough shots idiot:facepalm :facepalm

05-01-2014, 10:43 PM
he hit super tough shots idiot:facepalm :facepalm

about half the time, he was wide open, as wide as kardashian's ******. that's 10 easy points right there.

05-01-2014, 10:45 PM
about half the time, he was wide open, as wide as kardashian's ******. that's 10 easy points right there.
uhhm. no he actually wasnt.
he was wide open on one backdoor cut, the rest of the time he beat his man off the dribble or faked the shit out of lillard like he always does with lillard:coleman:

05-01-2014, 10:47 PM
uhhm. no he actually wasnt.
he was wide open on one backdoor cut, the rest of the time he beat his man off the dribble or faked the shit out of lillard like he always does with lillard:coleman:

that's selective memory if you think it was only ONE time he was left wide open.

rewatch the tape.

05-01-2014, 10:48 PM
that's selective memory if you think it was only ONE time he was left wide open.

rewatch the tape.
i watched the highlights.
when he got open it was nearly everytime because of a screen or because he pass faked or shot faked the sh1t outta lillard

05-01-2014, 10:59 PM
he's yet to prove himself that he has it when the defense cares about him.

if the team is just standing there like portland was the other night, just totally disrespecting him, and waiting for him to do something, he's good enough to make them pay.

but if he's playing a lot of minutes and the other teams actually put some attention on him, then... it's a different (or the same) lin.... the dude with like 8 or 9 turnovers.

He's a point guard who's main strength is making his TEAMMATES better

He's not a ultimate offensive scorer like LeBron but much more of a playmaker who can score when needed. Not to mention highly underrated as a defender, and has the most heart out of anyone on the Rockets.

05-01-2014, 11:04 PM
i watched the highlights.
when he got open it was nearly everytime because of a screen or because he pass faked or shot faked the sh1t outta lillard

you need to rewatch the tape. i just did. portland was totally disrespecting him the first half.... just standing there and scratching their butts like they're playing in a lazy summer league all star game. if you think standing 7-8 feet away is considered playing playoff defense, i don't know what to tell you. lin got a career high the other night. he made some plays, but he also had freebies. can he reproduce if the defense actually cared the entire game and gave him none??

05-01-2014, 11:16 PM
He needs to be more consistent. Mr. Lin only had one good game in this playoffs series.

05-01-2014, 11:46 PM
you need to rewatch the tape. i just did. portland was totally disrespecting him the first half.... just standing there and scratching their butts like they're playing in a lazy summer league all star game. if you think standing 7-8 feet away is considered playing playoff defense, i don't know what to tell you. lin got a career high the other night. he made some plays, but he also had freebies. can he reproduce if the defense actually cared the entire game and gave him none??
:facepalm :facepalm

05-01-2014, 11:47 PM
he's yet to prove himself that he has it when the defense cares about him.

if the team is just standing there like portland was the other night, just totally disrespecting him, and waiting for him to do something, he's good enough to make them pay.

but if he's playing a lot of minutes and the other teams actually put some attention on him, then... it's a different (or the same) lin.... the dude with like 8 or 9 turnovers.

You're insane...Mo Williams was ALL up in his grill the entire time.

05-01-2014, 11:48 PM
He needs to be more consistent. Mr. Lin only had one good game in this playoffs series.
he had 2 STELLAR games ere he was responsible for 60% of the rockets points in the Overtimes and made a game winning hustle play plus assist in one of them.
the others he just didnt get enough minutes:confusedshrug:

05-01-2014, 11:49 PM
You're insane...Mo Williams was ALL up in his grill the entire time.
when Lin fakes out people or scores on and ones or buzzer beaters people then have to say he was unguarded
pathetic:oldlol: :oldlol:

05-01-2014, 11:52 PM
when Lin fakes out people or scores on and ones or buzzer beaters people then have to say he was unguarded
pathetic:oldlol: :oldlol:

the same jeremy lin who shot an airball over the backboard when there's defensive pressure?

05-01-2014, 11:55 PM
when Lin fakes out people or scores on and ones or buzzer beaters people then have to say he was unguarded
pathetic:oldlol: :oldlol:

this dude is simply unstoppable.


05-01-2014, 11:55 PM
He needs to be more consistent. Mr. Lin only had one good game in this playoffs series.

He actually had a pretty good Game 1. 14/6/4 on 45%

Game 3 was decent. 13/4/6 on 45%

Game 5 was his best. 21/3/4 on 60%

Game 2 and 4 were his worst but he only had 25 and 21 minutes. And he was only put in at ends of quarters and sat for LONG stretches at a time.

Remember, this guy is just a bench guy and 4th option on offense. Can't expect him to get 20 points every single game.

His defense has been excellent the entire series.

05-01-2014, 11:56 PM
the same jeremy lin who shot an airball over the backboard when there's defensive pressure?

LOL...that's all you got? Really?

You're like that fat white kid on the courts who bricks every single shot, then finally makes one with your eyes closed and screams out, "MONEY BITCH!"

05-02-2014, 12:02 AM
LOL...that's all you got? Really?

You're like that fat white kid on the courts who bricks every single shot, then finally makes one with your eyes closed and screams out, "MONEY BITCH!"

nope, i'm 6'4" 190.

you and marlo are like the short nerds who never get laid but act try to act tough on the internet. done with you pitiful trolls.


05-02-2014, 12:04 AM
lin is an average player. i repeat: lin is an average basketball player. there isn't anything special about his game. he isn't a top 20 pg. those are just facts.

05-02-2014, 12:22 AM
lin is an average player. i repeat: lin is an average basketball player. there isn't anything special about his game. he isn't a top 20 pg. those are just facts.

It's his 2nd year. Give the kid time to fully develope.

05-02-2014, 12:44 AM
It's his 2nd year. Give the kid time to fully develope.
He's 25. I mean... there isn't much room to improve. The problems he had in the D-League are still pretty prevalent now.

05-02-2014, 12:48 AM
lin is an average player. i repeat: lin is an average basketball player. there isn't anything special about his game. he isn't a top 20 pg. those are just facts.
yeah and we sure care about your 15 year old opinion:lol :lol
stay trolling laker fans, it fits you better:oldlol:

05-02-2014, 12:49 AM
He's 25. I mean... there isn't much room to improve. The problems he had in the D-League are still pretty prevalent now.
Lin is much better than Nash was at this point in his career. they are very similar.
nash has better handles but lin is ten times as athletic and better defensively:cheers:

05-02-2014, 12:52 AM
Lin is much better than Nash was at this point in his career. they are very similar.
nash has better handles but lin is ten times as athletic and better defensively:cheers:
Jeremy Lin will never be Steve Nash. He doesn't have near the passing ability, court vision, shooting ability, quickness, or intelligence. Jeremy Lin is an average point guard. There are literally 15-20 point guards I'd take over him.

05-02-2014, 12:53 AM
He's good enough to where he could start on a good number of teams. In the right system, he could probably average close to 20 PPG with around 7-8 APG. He averaged 13/4 this year in just 29 MPG and last year, he was 13/6. He may have gotten a tad overrated because of Linsanity, but he's not a bad player by any stretch.

His main weakness is he's just to erratic. Part of it is because McHale doesn't utilize him properly and the team's rotations are terrible. He can give you 20/10 one night, then come back the next night with 6 points. Put him on the right team with a good system and a coach who knows what he's doing, he can probably put up 18/7.

05-02-2014, 12:56 AM
He's good enough to where he could start on a good number of teams. In the right system, he could probably average close to 20 PPG with around 7-8 APG. He averaged 13/4 this year in just 29 MPG and last year, he was 13/6. He may have gotten a tad overrated because of Linsanity, but he's not a bad player by any stretch.

His main weakness is he's just to erratic. Part of it is because McHale doesn't utilize him properly and the team's rotations are terrible. He can give you 20/10 one night, then come back the next night with 6 points. Put him on the right team with a good system and a coach who knows what he's doing, he can probably put up 18/7.
give him the suns teams and dragics role and watch him put up 21/8 EASILY

05-02-2014, 12:58 AM
He's good enough to where he could start on a good number of teams. In the right system, he could probably average close to 20 PPG with around 7-8 APG. He averaged 13/4 this year in just 29 MPG and last year, he was 13/6. He may have gotten a tad overrated because of Linsanity, but he's not a bad player by any stretch.

His main weakness is he's just to erratic. Part of it is because McHale doesn't utilize him properly and the team's rotations are terrible. He can give you 20/10 one night, then come back the next night with 6 points. Put him on the right team with a good system and a coach who knows what he's doing, he can probably put up 18/7.
The thing is that when defense is actually played against Lin, he shrivels. His stats aren't going to increase much and his turnovers will be through the roof.

05-02-2014, 01:02 AM
The thing is that when defense is actually played against Lin, he shrivels. His stats aren't going to increase much and his turnovers will be through the roof.

In an open court style with free reign, he'll have a high turnover rate but he'll also score and dish at a higher rate. He thrived when D'Antoni was still coaching the Knicks.

05-02-2014, 01:03 AM
The thing is that when defense is actually played against Lin, he shrivels. His stats aren't going to increase much and his turnovers will be through the roof.
you really dont have a clue.
linsanity whole defenses tried to shut him down and he shat on them
in the ten games without harden he has 22/7 on 53% with 3,2 Turnovers.
he often gets guarded by the opponents best player because they know harden wuill settle for jumpers and his stats are empty anyway.
good argument doe:applause: :applause:

05-02-2014, 01:12 AM
He's good enough to where he could start on a good number of teams. In the right system, he could probably average close to 20 PPG with around 7-8 APG. He averaged 13/4 this year in just 29 MPG and last year, he was 13/6. He may have gotten a tad overrated because of Linsanity, but he's not a bad player by any stretch.

His main weakness is he's just to erratic. Part of it is because McHale doesn't utilize him properly and the team's rotations are terrible. He can give you 20/10 one night, then come back the next night with 6 points. Put him on the right team with a good system and a coach who knows what he's doing, he can probably put up 18/7.

he might put up 18 and 7 once in a while on a surprise, but he'll never average 18/7 consistently. because nobody is leaving a 18/7 guy unattended and wide open the whole game. tapes will be constantly watched and weaknesses will constantly be exploited which will limit his production to his real ability. he makes a lot of gambles and is still highly turnover prone. he's not a conservative player, which helps and hurts him. when you look at his play, the same exact play can either look like a highlight or an incredibly stupid risky play. sometimes there's a tight gap, and you wonder why is he dribbling into the trap? if he exits with a pass, nice bail out. if he makes a turnover, just stupid. in the past, he's shown to make more dumb turnovers in those sequences.