View Full Version : Linux ISH: Best Linux Distribution for a Beginner?

05-05-2014, 07:33 PM
Interested in dual booting Linux and have been trying to find out what distro to use. Linux Mint looks cool, is that good? Also, would it bad to download it now since a new version is coming out next month?

05-05-2014, 08:04 PM
Install Gentoo.

05-05-2014, 08:19 PM
Why don't you do it and tell us how it went?

05-05-2014, 08:32 PM
Ubuntu is free, and very easy to install as dualboot on a Windows machine (or as a virtual machine), plus makes a halfway decent embedded environment.

05-05-2014, 10:56 PM
Why don't you do it and tell us how it went?
Wanted to see if this is a good one for beginners? Don't know much about it and didn't want to do it multiple times bc it seems like it would take a lot of time.

05-05-2014, 10:57 PM
Ubuntu is free, and very easy to install as dualboot on a Windows machine (or as a virtual machine), plus makes a halfway decent embedded environment.

Looks kinda ugly tho. Is it easier to install than mint?

05-05-2014, 11:50 PM
Are you migrating to linux out of curiosity, or do you actually know how to get the most out of your computer?

I run a linux distro, and have run *nix in some flavor for 25+ years, as well as linux as my primary OS for over 15. The linux world is documented to an extreme, if you have to ask basic questions, it's not the best choice for you.

All assholishness and bluntness aside. Mint is slightly more user friendly, but Solyd is even better, and less bloated than ubuntu/mint. Ubuntu is not all that great as a distro.

05-06-2014, 12:14 AM
Are you migrating to linux out of curiosity, or do you actually know how to get the most out of your computer?

I run a linux distro, and have run *nix in some flavor for 25+ years, as well as linux as my primary OS for over 15. The linux world is documented to an extreme, if you have to ask basic questions, it's not the best choice for you.

All assholishness and bluntness aside. Mint is slightly more user friendly, but Solyd is even better, and less bloated than ubuntu/mint. Ubuntu is not all that great as a distro.

Everyone has to start somewhere. I'm sure that I can figure it out with do time. Tbh, I figured linux users would want people like me to use their OS since they seem to want to become more mainstream.

Personally, I don't like Windows and want to leave that environment. Figured I'd give linux a try.

05-06-2014, 12:29 AM
I'm actually thinking of buying another computer and making this one use the Linux OS and just start learning how to use it.

05-06-2014, 12:53 AM
Just use Ubuntu. Don't listen to Crystallas he may have reasons for not liking it but 99.9% chance that won't apply to you.

Really you can pick any of the mainstream ones and you'll find it is way easier than you think. If you want to use a computer like a normal non-gamer and not using AutoCAD or something, then you might as well use Linux it's just as easy as Windows or iOS.

If you want to learn to program then you're way better off in Linux where it's a lot more transparent what is going on.

05-06-2014, 01:09 AM
Linux is for hard-core hackers and geekdom. Ewe don't get a Linux distro because ewe want things easy and pussified for ewe. Get Slackware and compile your own shiite that ewe want on it.

05-06-2014, 01:23 AM
I install Ubuntu in my friend's computer after he lost the key to his computer and he tells me he loves it, and that Linux is so fast compared to windows.

05-06-2014, 01:40 AM
Ubuntu is great.

05-06-2014, 03:12 AM
Ubuntu is pretty nice and easy.

05-06-2014, 07:28 AM
ubuntu is easy and has a gigantic community for support.

but in reality, all linux distros for 99.99999% of people are worthless. A lot of extra finagling for not much utility (at least for a daily work computer)

I'd use it for like a media/torrenting computer or something, but i tried a linux set up for daily use for a while, got sick of it real fast.

You can set up some of the distros to be very cool looking and do some pretty cool stuff, but meh. At the end of the day i'm primarily going to be using word and browsing the internet.

05-06-2014, 07:40 AM
ubuntu is easy and has a gigantic community for support.

but in reality, all linux distros for 99.99999% of people are worthless. A lot of extra finagling for not much utility (at least for a daily work computer)

I'd use it for like a media/torrenting computer or something, but i tried a linux set up for daily use for a while, got sick of it real fast.

You can set up some of the distros to be very cool looking and do some pretty cool stuff, but meh. At the end of the day i'm primarily going to be using word and browsing the internet.

The one thing I hate about windows is that no matter what my machine always seems to slow down. I've read that linux slows down at a much slower pace. If so, that is reason enough for me to switch.

I may get sick of it tho, I readily admit that.

05-06-2014, 07:41 AM
Speaking of OS, I recently upgraded my notebook from Windows 7 to Windows 8 and man am I pleased with the performance.

05-06-2014, 08:10 AM
The one thing I hate about windows is that no matter what my machine always seems to slow down. I've read that linux slows down at a much slower pace. If so, that is reason enough for me to switch.

I may get sick of it tho, I readily admit that.

just do a fresh reinstall. If you are going to linux for performance that's the wrong thing to do. Your computer's architecture was engineered to work running the OS it came w/ out the box. The linux OS will be snappier and run more fluidly, but you probably won't get the same type of graphics performance if you'd just stick with windows.

You want consistent performance? Get a mac. Haters wanna hate but it's the truth.

05-06-2014, 09:15 AM
just do a fresh reinstall. If you are going to linux for performance that's the wrong thing to do. Your computer's architecture was engineered to work running the OS it came w/ out the box. The linux OS will be snappier and run more fluidly, but you probably won't get the same type of graphics performance if you'd just stick with windows.

You want consistent performance? Get a mac. Haters wanna hate but it's the truth.

Too late. Just bought a Thinkpad. But, I don't really need heavy graphics performance. The only thing I'm worried about is being annoyed if volume doesn't work or something. I'd be willing to fix it but it would be annoying.

I'm just sick of dealing with the slow down and I've heard Linux is better. If it will stay nappy and run better for longer then that is all i want.