View Full Version : When is the last time Adam Sandler made a good movie?

Real Men Wear Green
05-12-2014, 12:42 PM
I am struggling to understand how he is permitted to do what he has been doing.

05-12-2014, 12:44 PM
Big Daddy? I don't remember it much but I remember enjoying it.

Anyway, I think of it as a bit like Bollywood movies. They know it's a piece of crap but enough people will watch it at least once that everybody makes money, so why not.

05-12-2014, 12:47 PM
His production company makes them and they all turn big, and sometimes extraordinary, profits so it shouldn't be that hard to understand.

Funny People was probably his last "good" movie.

05-12-2014, 12:54 PM
Funny People(2009), and if not that then Reign Over Me(2007).


05-12-2014, 12:56 PM
I was just looking through his films on IMDB and realized I've watched maybe 10% of his movies. I think I'll just recuse myself from having an opinion on this.

Also, **** you google, recuse is a word.

05-12-2014, 12:59 PM
The Longest Yard.

Grown Ups was funny the first 2-3 times watching it, now it's cringeworthy.

Styles p
05-12-2014, 01:02 PM
Bullet proof and billy maddison

05-12-2014, 01:06 PM
I hate Sandler now, as a person...what a fckin money whore

IMO what he has been doing lately is ruining his "classics" like Gilmore and Billy Madison. I used to love those movies now I just can't even watch anything this cawk sucker is in.







he's a parody of himself

05-12-2014, 01:08 PM
That one where he's the socially awkward dude. With Emily Watson. Shit. Gonna make me google it. Be right back.

Edit: Punch Drunk Love!

El Kabong
05-12-2014, 01:16 PM
I didn't mind The Longest Yard as it had some funny characters in it, but I think that or Click were the last movies of his I saw. Outside of Punch Drunk Love I don't think I'd ever have any real desire to watch a film of his again.

05-12-2014, 01:20 PM
I hate Sandler now, as a person...what a fckin money whore

IMO what he has been doing lately is ruining his "classics" like Gilmore and Billy Madison. I used to love those movies now I just can't even watch anything this cawk sucker is in.







he's a parody of himself
Those aren't real movies are they? I've never heard of any of them

05-12-2014, 01:41 PM
I loathe this fictitious omni belief that he and Barrymore have on-screen chemistry that warrants what feels like a new project every second bloody month.

Like get the **** over it already...

05-12-2014, 01:59 PM
When did he make a good film full stop?

05-12-2014, 03:01 PM
Grown Ups 2 - 2/10 - Terrible movie, just like the first. Unbelievable and Adam Sandler trying to make himself out like the big man.
That's My Boy - 4/10 - Cringe worthy movie, Samberg is totally under-utilized
Jack and Jill - 3/10 - Horrible premise, horrible execution. Hate hearing Sandler use his "female" voice for a whole movie
Just Go with It - 5/10 - Watchable. Interesting idea, just poor execution and production value. Sandler again plays a guy punching well above his weight.
Grown Ups - 2/10 - It feels like it was written just as an excuse for the 4 actors to hang out. Chris Rock play token.
Funny People - 7/10 - I quite liekd this, it seemed like it was Sandler playing himself. The supporting cast really helped prop this up.
Bedtime Stories - 6/10 I watched it with my wife, didn't mind it but nothing fantastic. Russell Brand steals all the scenes he's in.
You Don't Mess with the Zohan - 3/10 - absolute crap. Not many funny moments that don't feel contrived.
I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry - 6/10 - watchable. I liked that the characters were openly saying f-ggot etc in the beginning - it gave the characters more depth than your average comedy. Just a shame fat-ass Kevin James was in it.
Reign Over Me - 9/10 - This is the kind of acting Sandler is capable of. It's sad that he doesn't open himself up to more dramatic roles. After all, it's always sad to see a clown cry. Not to sound too crazy, but I thought he even deserved award recognition for his role.
Click - 7/10 - Kate Beckinsale's ass. I liked the premise of the movie, because we've all thought about having a remote control like this at some stage, but I'd be robbing banks on pause and banging your wife. People sad it was too dramatic, but I liked that mixed in with the comedy.
The Longest Yard - 4/10 - poor remake.
Spanglish - 2/10 - boring
50 First Dates - 7/10 - good date night movie. Funny characters, and a cute story
Anger Management - 6/10 - Jack is great in this, so is Sandler, but something about it just didn't sit well with me. All the elements for good comedy are there, but it just didn't work as well as expected.
Eight Crazy Nights - 7/10 - nice foray into cartoons. I loved this movie. It'll be a holiday film my kids watch one day with all the classics.
Mr. Deeds - 6/10 - pretty funny, but nothing spectacular.
Punch-Drunk Love - 9/10. It's low moving, but if you buy into Sandler's character and see the complex layers, you should enjoy it. I was cheering during the fight scene. Great movie to root for the little guy. Hate those bitch ass sisters.
Little Nicky - 7.5/10 - really funny movie. Will watch again one day.
Big Daddy - 7/10 - another classic.
The Waterboy - 8.5/10 - damn funny. Sandler at his best as an odd ball. Eventually he moved away from playing these kind of lovable idiots, and he ended up playing conceited assholes with everything.
The Wedding Singer - 8.5/10 - this movie is a classic. "Aunt Linda, you're a bitch!"
Bulletproof - 5.5/10 - Wayans is crap in this, like most movies he's in.
Happy Gilmore - 9/10 - Great comedy.
Billy Madison - 10/10 - My favorite comedy of all time. Perfect character for Sandler - my friends and I know this line for line. According to my wife and her friends, this makes me a geek. MY wife said it's my "Star Wars"- they don't know that I post on ISH though. Posting on this site is pretty beta for a man like myself






05-12-2014, 03:14 PM
Last good movie: Reign Over me

Last good comedy: Big Daddy? I'm torn regarding whether I actually think that is a good comedy or not.

05-12-2014, 03:32 PM
Grown Ups 2 was great

05-12-2014, 03:32 PM
Grown Ups 2 was great
This is why New Jersey should be banned from the internet.

05-12-2014, 03:34 PM
50 first dates would have been much better if the girl was more desirable, but they used drew Barrymore :facepalm

05-12-2014, 03:58 PM
ISH has weird taste in comedy, so I'm pretty sure to most here his last good movie came out in the mid 90s.

05-12-2014, 04:10 PM
This is why New Jersey should be banned from the internet.


05-12-2014, 04:23 PM
dude and his buddies are living the dream. theyre KNOWINGLY making shitty movies, but they dont care because sandler and his cast of friends are getting paid on millions to go on vacations with each other. I think it was chris rock who full on admitted this truth.

05-12-2014, 05:37 PM
Billy Madison
Happy Gilmore
Little Nicky
Grandma's Boy (No Sandler, but his company, and his sidekicks)

These are the only ones really worth repeated watching.

TheReal Kendall
05-12-2014, 05:44 PM
The Longest Yard, Grown Ups 1, Waterboy, and some older ones I can't think of was good for laughs.

I wouldn't pay to see him films though, always wait for the bootleg or when they come on tv.

Only movie of his I seen in theaters was Grown Ups 1 and that was a date.

05-12-2014, 06:01 PM
Those aren't real movies are they? I've never heard of any of them

they arent

it says something about his recent work, that they could plausibly be real movies

05-12-2014, 06:05 PM
Billy Madison
Happy Gilmore
Little Nicky
Grandma's Boy (No Sandler, but his company, and his sidekicks)

These are the only ones really worth repeated watching.

I thought Hot Rod was a Sandberg film for the longest time. It fits right in with the rest, but is closer to Billy Madison than Jack and Jill

05-12-2014, 07:07 PM
When an A-list comedian has kids, their performances change for the worse 49 out of 50 times. Their outlook on life changes, they don't want their kids to think of them as the same offensive characters, and many want to change their image with their kids, by making bad family movies.

It's an unwritten rule, and rarely ever is it not the case.

05-12-2014, 09:01 PM
Grown ups got the job done for me