View Full Version : Bill Maher on Donald Sterling.

05-13-2014, 04:34 PM
Finally someone who gets it. It's not about Donald Sterling. It's about principles that affect ALL of us.

Bill Maher on Donald Sterling (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWke6z00_94)

05-13-2014, 04:35 PM
yeah he makes sense but hard to overlook the fact that this dude is a flat out racist too

edit: got him mixed up with bill murray my mistake

05-13-2014, 04:36 PM
Finally someone who gets it. It's not about Donald Sterling. It's about principles that affect ALL of us.

Bill Maher on Donald Sterling (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWke6z00_94)
To be fair I'm not that fond of the OP but this is very appropriate given the situation, plus I love Bill Maher!

hard to overlook the fact that this dude is a flat out racist too

proof or gtfo plz, Maher has been on the air since the early 90s he has literally millions of minutes of airtime

05-13-2014, 04:43 PM
Finally someone who gets it. It's not about Donald Sterling. It's about principles that affect ALL of us.

Bill Maher on Donald Sterling (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWke6z00_94)

ok........and whats your point? or to better phrase it, what is your solution?

There's no way to prevent being secretly taped. If your going to be a racist in private be prepared to stand by your views in public.

and be prepared If people want to boycott you when your views get out in public.

It's like you want to NBA to say "hey guys we know he's a racist BUT he was illegally taped so can we sweep this under the rug?"

I don't get what your cause is or bill mahers'

05-13-2014, 04:46 PM
hit it on the nail that maher guy

05-13-2014, 04:50 PM
ok........and whats your point? or to better phrase it, what is your solution?

There's no way to prevent being secretly taped. If your going to be a racist in private be prepared to stand by your views in public.

and be prepared If people want to boycott you when your views get out in public.

It's like you want to NBA to say "hey guys we know he's a racist BUT he was illegally taped so can we sweep this under the rug?"

I don't get what your cause is or bill mahers'

he was set up and baited into saying shit that would cause him irreparable harm and then it was used against him to cause said harm .. yeah, the guy is an unsavory character .. but we don't go around setting people up and destroying them just because we don't like them, do we ? ..

you're ok with someone secretly taping you and baiting you into saying shit that could get you in trouble .. then going out and leaking it for the world to hear ? ..

everyone is in a circle jerk throwing stones at sterling while completely forgetting what this type of thing actually represents

05-13-2014, 04:50 PM
Magic has AIDS

05-13-2014, 04:52 PM
ok........and whats your point? or to better phrase it, what is your solution?

There's no way to prevent being secretly taped. If your going to be a racist in private be prepared to stand by your views in public.

and be prepared If people want to boycott you when your views get out in public.

It's like you want to NBA to say "hey guys we know he's a racist BUT he was illegally taped so can we sweep this under the rug?"

I don't get what your cause is or bill mahers'
What if we find out that Adam Silver and his wife like to get dressed up in leather and have rough kinky sex in the privacy of their own home? If some scumbag decides to secretly tape it, does that make it fair game to publicly use against him?

Why even have laws against spying on people? If the consensus is "don't worry about invasions of privacy. If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care" why even bother? Or, are we only doing it with "racism"?

oh the horror
05-13-2014, 04:53 PM
Magic has AIDS

*THE aids.

05-13-2014, 04:55 PM
*THE aids.

AIDS = straight AIDS


Magic has straight AIDS. :hammerhead:

05-13-2014, 04:57 PM
he was set up and baited into saying shit that would cause him irreparable harm .. yeah, the guy is an unsavory character .. but we don't go around setting people up and destroying them just because we don't like them, do we ? ..

you're ok with someone secretly taping you and baiting you into saying shit that could get you in trouble .. then going out and leaking it for the world to hear ? ..

everyone is in a circle jerk throwing stones at sterling while completely forgetting what this type of thing actually represents

Baited or not, no one told him to say "don't bring minorities to my game"

thats his exact words out of his own mouth. he owns it!

05-13-2014, 05:15 PM
Baited or not, no one told him to say "don't bring minorities to my game"

thats his exact words out of his own mouth. he owns it!
So? You act as if he raped or murdered somebody. He expressed a nasty opinion. That's all. What's the big deal?

05-13-2014, 05:27 PM
This guy is a liberal Democrat and he bangs black chicks.. This doesn't help support the anti Sterling groups.

05-13-2014, 05:32 PM
Baited or not, no one told him to say "don't bring minorities to my game"

thats his exact words out of his own mouth. he owns it!

He was saying that because she was sleeping with them and he didn't want her letting them in his games for free and showing them off... Listen to the full tapes.

Not saying he isn't racist or anything but the media took those comments out of context and blew them way out of proportion.

05-13-2014, 05:35 PM
he was set up and baited into saying shit that would cause him irreparable harm and then it was used against him to cause said harm .. yeah, the guy is an unsavory character .. but we don't go around setting people up and destroying them just because we don't like them, do we ? ..

you're ok with someone secretly taping you and baiting you into saying shit that could get you in trouble .. then going out and leaking it for the world to hear ? ..

everyone is in a circle jerk throwing stones at sterling while completely forgetting what this type of thing actually represents

I actually agree with you but you need to pull Sterling's c0ck out your a$s. You are literally the most fcukign butthurt person on this forum. I can see the tears behind your post.

05-13-2014, 05:37 PM
Sterling knew he was being taped, and asked V. Stiviano to tape him.

05-13-2014, 05:40 PM
I don't disagree with Bill Maher here,

and I do agree that there should be the freedom to "practice" and "edit" in ones private property.

But the reality is that, our thoughts, turns into our words, which turns into our action.

Unhealthy thoughts will eventually lead to unwanted actions (mistakes)

I once wondered, is it only the winner of a war gets to make the rules.
then I realized that a winner shouldn't care about the rules, only how to even the playing field in the long run.
and the reality is that the rules, will always encounter its nemesis, an innovator.

05-13-2014, 05:44 PM
Sterling knew he was being taped, and asked V. Stiviano to tape him.
Says....... V. Stiviano........ Who also claims somebody else "found" the tape and leaked it.

05-13-2014, 05:54 PM
It really doesn't matter what the reason was, if 29/30 of your business partners vote you out, and they are allowed to in the contract, then you are out. It could be bc of something completely private that we don't even know about, assuming it's allowed in the contract. In this case, it's bc he is bringing negative attention to the business and their employees, customers and advertisers are demanding it.

I like Maher, but the 4th amendment (and the rest of them) only apply to the government. If you don't want people secretly taping others, I'm sure there are civil and criminal laws against that, and if not, advocate for them.

I agree no one wants your private words used against you, but the bottom line is once it gets out, you potentially have to deal with the consequences. We live in a free country, and just like Sterling can make those comments and the government can't stop him, the government also can't force the other NBA owners to not vote him out, or the players to play for Jim, or the customers and advertisers to not boycott him.

longtime lurker
05-13-2014, 05:58 PM
Of course Sterling has the right to speak his mind, just like everyone else has the right to speak their mind if they disagree with him. Fans and players have the right to boycott Clippers games, sponsors have the right to stop doing business with him, the media has the right to cover whatever news story they want and the NBA has a right to terminate his membership as stated in their bylaws :confusedshrug:

It's amazing how Sterling has been turned into a victim here. You're free to speak your mind, but you may also face consequences for your words and actions. Instead of crying like little bitches you should learn to take responsibility for what you say.

05-13-2014, 05:58 PM
The owners better know the road they're going down. I could see this doing tangible damage to basketball. There will be more circuses ahead.

05-13-2014, 06:00 PM
Of course Sterling has the right to speak his mind, just like everyone else has the right to speak their mind if they disagree with him. Fans and players have the right to boycott Clippers games, sponsors have the right to stop doing business with him, the media has the right to cover whatever news story they want and the NBA has a right to terminate his membership as stated in their bylaws :confusedshrug:

It's amazing how Sterling has been turned into a victim here. You're free to speak your mind, but you may also face consequences for your words and actions. Instead of crying like little bitches you should learn to take responsibility for what you say.
Well..... TMZ doesn't actually have the right to broadcast illegally obtained material. I don't know why exactly this is being overlooked. If I was Sterling, I'd be suing the living shit out of TMZ.

05-13-2014, 06:10 PM
Well..... TMZ doesn't actually have the right to broadcast illegally obtained material. I don't know why exactly this is being overlooked. If I was Sterling, I'd be suing the living shit out of TMZ.

He should do that. This is an issue that IMO can go to the courts, for one to assess the legality of the other owners voting him out, and also suing for the tape being disseminated.

But it's not a bill of rights issue here like some are conflating it to be. There is nothing the government can do to stop people from hating Sterling and wanted to disassociate themselves with him. This is between Sterling and the NBA and Sterling and Stiviano/TMZ.

05-13-2014, 06:12 PM

AIDS = straight AIDS


Magic has straight AIDS. :hammerhead:
lol how have you not been banned

Just to be clear though

Donald Sterling - racist
V. Stiviano - gold digger

the perfect match, no wonder Sterling was so choked up over losing his poonani

05-13-2014, 06:13 PM
lol how have you not been banned

Just to be clear though

Donald Sterling - racist
V. Stiviano - gold digger
Lol. It's an OBVIOUS joke.

05-13-2014, 06:14 PM
Sterling knew he was being taped, and asked V. Stiviano to tape him.
:lol :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

why the **** would he oblige to that

05-13-2014, 06:15 PM
yeah he makes sense but hard to overlook the fact that this dude is a flat out racist too

edit: got him mixed up with bill murray my mistake
When was Bill Murray racist?

05-13-2014, 06:16 PM
Lol. It's an OBVIOUS joke.

05-13-2014, 06:17 PM
Generally Maher blasts racists, but Sterling is a fellow Jew so he is taking it easier on him than he would if a non-Jew made those comments.

longtime lurker
05-13-2014, 06:20 PM
Well..... TMZ doesn't actually have the right to broadcast illegally obtained material. I don't know why exactly this is being overlooked. If I was Sterling, I'd be suing the living shit out of TMZ.

I missed the part where tmz represents the entire media...I'm sure he'll try and Sue them but they've been getting away with this for years.

05-13-2014, 06:22 PM
Of course Sterling has the right to speak his mind, just like everyone else has the right to speak their mind if they disagree with him. Fans and players have the right to boycott Clippers games, sponsors have the right to stop doing business with him, the media has the right to cover whatever news story they want and the NBA has a right to terminate his membership as stated in their bylaws :confusedshrug:

It's amazing how Sterling has been turned into a victim here. You're free to speak your mind, but you may also face consequences for your words and actions. Instead of crying like little bitches you should learn to take responsibility for what you say.

The thing is though, people didn't just speak their minds and disagreed with him, they demanded that he'd be stripped of his property and that is what made sponsors drop him.

05-13-2014, 06:23 PM
I actually agree with you but you need to pull Sterling's c0ck out your a$s. You are literally the most fcukign butthurt person on this forum. I can see the tears behind your post.


so let me get this straight .. there's been an onslaught of overreactions from everyone and anyone demonizing and trying to behead one person over a private conversation .. and you're calling me out for being 'butthurt' ? .. :oldlol: .. it's like I'm in a twilight zone episode ..

are you only allowed to be 'passionate' about something if you're beating down whitey ? ..

the whole witchhunt and overreaction is very annoying .. watching all these idiots going off on tv like a bunch of zombie sheep .. just goin' along with the lynch mob .. like I said, you can be an unsavory character .. that doesn't mean it's ok to go around baiting people and then releasing tapes out like that .. that's some wicked shit .. if you're all ok with this, then you're ok with anyone being maliciously set up and destroyed like that

05-13-2014, 06:26 PM
Sterling was a racist long before this fiasco ever happened. Hell if it wasn't for the brawl in Detroit, Sterling probably would've been banned in 2006.

longtime lurker
05-13-2014, 06:35 PM
The thing is though, people didn't just speak their minds and disagreed with him, they demanded that he'd be stripped of his property and that is what made sponsors drop him.

People are free to use their economic influence how they see fit. That's the point of the free market system. And if sponsors or the NBA don't want to associate with Sterling they're free to do that too. And again the Clippers aren't his property he's a member of an organization that owns a franchise. The Clippers were never his to begin with and he still receives money when the franchise is sold.

05-13-2014, 06:36 PM
remember when bill maher got fired for calling us cowards with how we responded to 9/11?

shit was stupid, I hate the media. Props to Maher for calling this bullshit out.

05-13-2014, 06:39 PM
sterling said he did NOT know he was being taped .. so who's lying ? .. why would someone agree to be taped saying shit like that ? unless they're going senile

05-13-2014, 06:44 PM
When did being a "racist" become the worst crime imaginable? I mean, Daren Sharper raped like 100 women and they barely even talked about it in the media. What makes this private conversation so much more of a big deal?

The mob mentality and fake outrage is weird.

05-13-2014, 06:46 PM
I find myself saying a lot of the sh*t Bill Maher says. I piss a lot of people off but I don't give a sh*t.

05-13-2014, 06:46 PM
he was set up and baited into saying shit that would cause him irreparable harm and then it was used against him to cause said harm .. yeah, the guy is an unsavory character .. but we don't go around setting people up and destroying them just because we don't like them, do we ? ..

you're ok with someone secretly taping you and baiting you into saying shit that could get you in trouble .. then going out and leaking it for the world to hear ? ..

everyone is in a circle jerk throwing stones at sterling while completely forgetting what this type of thing actually represents

Bait me as much as you want, I won't be saying hateful, bigoted shit because I'm not a hateful bigot.

05-13-2014, 06:47 PM
When did being a "racist" become the worst crime imaginable? I mean, Daren Sharper raped like 100 women and they barely even talked about it in the media. What makes this private conversation so much more of a big deal?

The mob mentality and fake outrage is weird.

Sharper was never convicted of rape.

05-13-2014, 06:49 PM
Sharper was never convicted of rape.
Sterling was never convicted of a hate crime/racism either.

05-13-2014, 06:51 PM
Sharper was never convicted of rape.

Nor was Kobe, but we all know he did it.

05-13-2014, 06:51 PM
Sterling was never convicted of a hate crime/racism either.

Racism isn't a crime. We know he's racist through his current fiasco and his incident with his apartment buildings. Sharper was just accused of rape. It hasn't been proven.

Take Your Lumps
05-13-2014, 07:04 PM
I agree with Maher on a lot of points here especially about privacy...this sets a dangerous precedent that will only get worse.

BUT -- and this is a big BUT -- Donald Sterling owns the Clippers and represents the NBA...a private enterprise.

What a lot of people don't realize is that Freedom of speech only applies to matters of government...the government cannot censor you. A private organization can do whatever they please if they think you are representing them in a bad light. Try saying some racist shit in your workplace and see if you can pull the freedom of speech card.

05-13-2014, 07:04 PM
Bait me as much as you want, I won't be saying hateful, bigoted shit because I'm not a hateful bigot.

many people have said over the top things in private .. not for anyone to hear .. yes, and many of those are people you look up to .. many didn't even mean it but were heated or pissed off or in an argument or baited .. do you think all of those people should be demonized/ostracized/turned into a pariah/lose their investments ? .. think about what you're agreeing with here

05-13-2014, 07:05 PM
the liberal media is disgusting man.

when real racism happens they fail to report it. when some weak shit like this happens they all jump up and act truly offended by it just so they can look and feel like good people.

Knoe Itawl
05-13-2014, 10:01 PM
Ahh, the ISH bigots/morons never cease to amaze me. All this "Poor Sterling" nonsense. It's good though, because issued like this really tell you a lot about certain posters.

I don't know why it's so hard to understand that some people (especially black people) might take exception to the owner of a team admonishing someone for bringing black people to games.

All this other twisting and turning and tying yourself in knots to make Sterling a victim can't change that. And black athletes (and those who aren't, you know racist) have a right to say they won't support the Clippers, play for them, etc as long as he has anything to do with them. It's pretty simple really.

Le Shaqtus
05-13-2014, 11:00 PM
This is so dumb

So so dumb

05-13-2014, 11:14 PM
Ahh, the ISH bigots/morons never cease to amaze me. All this "Poor Sterling" nonsense. It's good though, because issued like this really tell you a lot about certain posters.

I don't know why it's so hard to understand that some people (especially black people) might take exception to the owner of a team admonishing someone for bringing black people to games.

All this other twisting and turning and tying yourself in knots to make Sterling a victim can't change that. And black athletes (and those who aren't, you know racist) have a right to say they won't support the Clippers, play for them, etc as long as he has anything to do with them. It's pretty simple really.

You always keep it 100. Much respect to you bro.. I don't agree with everything you say, But I like your fearless attitude.. You say what you believe

05-14-2014, 09:37 AM
Ahh, the ISH bigots/morons never cease to amaze me. All this "Poor Sterling" nonsense. It's good though, because issued like this really tell you a lot about certain posters.

I don't know why it's so hard to understand that some people (especially black people) might take exception to the owner of a team admonishing someone for bringing black people to games.

All this other twisting and turning and tying yourself in knots to make Sterling a victim can't change that. And black athletes (and those who aren't, you know racist) have a right to say they won't support the Clippers, play for them, etc as long as he has anything to do with them. It's pretty simple really.
You mean, like yourself?

bigoted (adjective) - having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.

FYI trivialising the arguments of others into hysterical straw men like 'poor Sterling' (nobody arguing this), and then declaring everyone who disagrees with your opinion to be a bigot/moron is in fact the very definition of bigotry and intolerance, only you are on the other side of it.