View Full Version : Wow Bomani Jones Went hard on Sterling Fiasco... Calling People Frauds

shake N bake
05-15-2014, 12:25 PM
http://deadspin.com/in-10-minutes-espns-bomani-jones-lays-waste-to-the-ste-1569195989?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitte r&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow

05-15-2014, 12:28 PM
I wish my name was Bomani.

05-15-2014, 01:23 PM
Some dude set to be executed yesterday kidnapped, raped, then shot his victim and gave her jacket to his mother and her jewelry to his girlfriend.. and is celebrated because there was a stay on his execution cause its his right to know who makes the drugs!

But Sterling is the worst person on earth for a statement he made.

People are such sheep. The media control the publics minds and they eat it up because 95% of the population is borderline retarded. Racist! Homophobe! All while politicans laugh their way to the bank because the masses are too stupid to care about important shit.

God help us all.

05-15-2014, 01:32 PM
But Sterling is the worst person on earth for a statement he made

Yeah, I don't get that. There are a lot worse people, but you would think he was Hitler or bin Laden. And for that matter, the dude has done worse, but it didn't cause a major outcry. It's like everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon of moral outrage. But only when everyone else is outraged, not before then.

05-15-2014, 01:40 PM
Bomani is one of the better guys at ESPN. Not that it's much of a difficult accomplishment.

05-15-2014, 01:45 PM
Damn, Bomani is spot on with this shit.

05-15-2014, 01:48 PM
Some dude set to be executed yesterday kidnapped, raped, then shot his victim and gave her jacket to his mother and her jewelry to his girlfriend.. and is celebrated because there was a stay on his execution cause its his right to know who makes the drugs!

But Sterling is the worst person on earth for a statement he made.

People are such sheep. The media control the publics minds and they eat it up because 95% of the population is borderline retarded. Racist! Homophobe! All while politicans laugh their way to the bank because the masses are too stupid to care about important shit.

God help us all.
That's why it's important to not care about such accusations/labels, even if they're true. We don't need to concern ourselves with thought crimes. Worry about actual crimes.

05-15-2014, 01:57 PM
The fractional reserve banking practices are the real enemies.

Keeping the populace divided makes it easier for them to control the sheep called humans.

05-15-2014, 02:01 PM

05-15-2014, 02:05 PM
The fractional reserve banking practices are the real enemies.

Keeping the populace divided makes it easier for them to control the sheep called humans.
That's true, but nobody has any intention about doing anything about it.

It used to be, you got expelled from a country for such immoral business practice.

05-15-2014, 02:17 PM
Bomani is the only good thing about ESPN. Not that it's much of a difficult accomplishment.

05-15-2014, 02:34 PM
I like Lebatard, Reali, and Kornheiser. (Happy Hour is still good)

Simmons is a horrible boston homer but I can't hate on Grantland and 30 for 30. Jalen can get annoying, but he's still interesting to listen to.

05-15-2014, 02:34 PM
Some dude set to be executed yesterday kidnapped, raped, then shot his victim and gave her jacket to his mother and her jewelry to his girlfriend.. and is celebrated because there was a stay on his execution cause its his right to know who makes the drugs!

But Sterling is the worst person on earth for a statement he made.

People are such sheep. The media control the publics minds and they eat it up because 95% of the population is borderline retarded. Racist! Homophobe! All while politicans laugh their way to the bank because the masses are too stupid to care about important shit.

God help us all.

Did you actually listen to the audio from the link because this just sounds like posturing on your part. Most of what Bomani is saying is that for years Sterling was benefiting from illegal practices in his housing projects that was based around subtle racism that greatly affected minorities and then linked it to a friend of his who was fighting against similar housing practices in Chicago and was killed right after making a protest about the subject.

You can rail about what you're talking about here (rightly, yes but a very odd place to do so) but it's not the only problem affecting people in the world or in this country. And the fact that slumlords like Sterling who are finding ways to profit off of minorities being unable afford suitable living conditions (and making ideas like affordable housing a joke) is a major problem in this country.

05-15-2014, 02:38 PM
Some dude set to be executed yesterday kidnapped, raped, then shot his victim and gave her jacket to his mother and her jewelry to his girlfriend.. and is celebrated because there was a stay on his execution cause its his right to know who makes the drugs!

But Sterling is the worst person on earth for a statement he made.

People are such sheep. The media control the publics minds and they eat it up because 95% of the population is borderline retarded. Racist! Homophobe! All while politicans laugh their way to the bank because the masses are too stupid to care about important shit.

God help us all.

The masses aren't too stupid to care about important shit...they just don't want to. But yeah, I agree with what steve just said above me. The important take away is that Sterling is a despicable human being for his business practices but nobody cared about that when it happened and nobody cares about it now. They were rather not be inconvenienced by actual problems so they choose to focus on something entirely irrelevant like his comments.

I'm guilty of the same shit too. Like LeBatard said, it's dispiriting.

05-15-2014, 02:51 PM
Some dude set to be executed yesterday kidnapped, raped, then shot his victim and gave her jacket to his mother and her jewelry to his girlfriend.. and is celebrated because there was a stay on his execution cause its his right to know who makes the drugs!

But Sterling is the worst person on earth for a statement he made.

People are such sheep. The media control the publics minds and they eat it up because 95% of the population is borderline retarded. Racist! Homophobe! All while politicans laugh their way to the bank because the masses are too stupid to care about important shit.

God help us all.

What happens in your first scenario is that this person made a clear violation against the law.

while of course, Sterling isn't the worst person on earth, yet his action required "private company/business justice". Which is also a direct reflection of the moral of the business entity.

And because NBA is such a large organization, it generates buzz. But lets be clear now, a few days from now, the majority of the population will forget about both of these people.

Yes, the NBA for as large as it is, is still a sub-culture.

05-15-2014, 02:51 PM
Bomani was right, and I've been saying the same thing since this Sterling shit happened.

Anyone who knew Sterling, knew he was racist and should've gotten tons of shit already. He didn't really say anything that bad on the phone compared to other stuff he's done.

Im so nba'd out
05-15-2014, 02:57 PM
Get off your soapbox talking about the problems of america.instead of bching on a internet forum about how everyone is sheep go out and do something that actually helps

05-15-2014, 03:01 PM
Problem number 1 is the majority of the media is here to sell stories and make money. They care less about how it would influence the average Joe in a good or bad way.

Problem number 2 is the average Joe listens to everything that's said in the media and not have enough life experience to see what's right or wrong.

Clippers players working under an owner that's racist? Well, welcome to the real world.