View Full Version : Sterling Refusing to Pay the $2.5M Fine.

05-16-2014, 02:06 PM
Looks like shit is about to get ugly. He's refusing to pay and he appears to be filing an anti-trust lawsuit.

05-16-2014, 02:08 PM
We got a case on our hands, boys.


05-16-2014, 02:09 PM
We got a case on our hands, boys.


Iconic character.

05-16-2014, 02:22 PM
time to deal wit sterling

05-16-2014, 03:11 PM
time to deal wit sterling

:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

La Frescobaldi
05-16-2014, 03:17 PM
entrapment, and also by private conversation.

05-16-2014, 05:35 PM
Honestly....He shouldn't. He got caught in a private conversation and was setup to look like a monster which he probably is.

One thing that I dont agree with is all the NBA stars are crying wolf when they say racist stuff all the time. I don't believe they are racist but they say it like it is nothing. They always joke or make fun of each other all the time using racist remarks and nothing happens. How many times has Yao Ming, Jeremy Lin, Wang Zhi Zhi, Yi Jianlan has been called ******? How many times has a black player insisting never to let that ***** score on them?

Again...are they racist? probably not but they come out like Sterling is like the Hitler or something.

Again... I dont condone what he said but there are alot worse things said in the league and they dont get banned for life. I guarantee Cuban has said worse and done many bad things in his life but just never been caught.

Ball So Harden
05-16-2014, 05:42 PM
Kobe should be banned for his homophobic remarks. And he said his at a public NBA game.

05-16-2014, 05:46 PM
Kobe should be banned for his homophobic remarks. And he said his at a public NBA game.

Problem with banning Kobe is that he makes money for the league while Sterling collects money.

05-16-2014, 06:02 PM
Problem with banning Kobe is that he makes money for the league while Sterling collects money.
No, the problem is nobody gave a shit about Kobe's comments.

05-16-2014, 06:03 PM
No, the problem is nobody gave a shit about Kobe's comments.

I am sure they do. Kobe farts in public and it is all over twitter.

05-16-2014, 06:17 PM
Honestly....He shouldn't. He got caught in a private conversation and was setup to look like a monster which he probably is.

One thing that I dont agree with is all the NBA stars are crying wolf when they say racist stuff all the time. I don't believe they are racist but they say it like it is nothing. They always joke or make fun of each other all the time using racist remarks and nothing happens. How many times has Yao Ming, Jeremy Lin, Wang Zhi Zhi, Yi Jianlan has been called ******? How many times has a black player insisting never to let that ***** score on them?

Again...are they racist? probably not but they come out like Sterling is like the Hitler or something.

Again... I dont condone what he said but there are alot worse things said in the league and they dont get banned for life. I guarantee Cuban has said worse and done many bad things in his life but just never been caught.

Who is that woman in your avatar?

05-16-2014, 06:18 PM
I am sure they do. Kobe farts in public and it is all over twitter.

Relatively speaking, nobody cared. I don't remember sponsors dropping the Lakers over Kobe's epithet.

05-16-2014, 06:26 PM
Who is that woman in your avatar?
Jolby Souk

05-16-2014, 06:53 PM
Sterling is about to get the same treatment that he gave to his tenants, the royal beat down. Sterling can refuse but the league can take the money from several places, most importantly TV money. Heck the league can withhold the $2.5 million when it sends out money for profit sharing. Either way, the league has this bum by the fruit of the looms.

05-16-2014, 07:28 PM
Sterling is about to get the same treatment that he gave to his tenants, the royal beat down. Sterling can refuse but the league can take the money from several places, most importantly TV money. Heck the league can withhold the $2.5 million when it sends out money for profit sharing. Either way, the league has this bum by the fruit of the looms.
The NBA would first need a court order allowing them to deduct the $2.5M from payments they make to him. They can't just do whatever they want. There are legal procedures that have to be followed.

Now that he has filed a suit, they DEFINITELY can't do that. Even if there's a 100% chance that Sterling will lose, It is still "in dispute" until it is decided or settled. It would be wildly illegal for the NBA to take the money out of payments.

05-16-2014, 07:34 PM
The NBA would first need a court order allowing them to deduct the $2.5M from payments they make to him. They can't just do whatever they want. There are legal procedures that have to be followed.

Now that he has filed a suit, they DEFINITELY can't do that. Even if there's a 100% chance that Sterling will lose, It is still "in dispute" until it is decided or settled. It would be wildly illegal for the NBA to take the money out of payments.

That's one (The bold) i had not heard discussed do you have a link or....

And he hasn't filed a suit or if he has i'd like to see a link to that also

05-16-2014, 07:36 PM
From what I have seen on the internet. If Sterling chooses not to pay the 2.5 million within 30 days, that is another reason for removal of the team.

05-16-2014, 07:37 PM
From what I have seen on the internet. If Sterling chooses not to pay the 2.5 million within 30 days, that is another reason for removal of the team.

This is true... they can remove him as an owner if he doesn't pay the fine

Article 13 Section C,
Specifically, a franchise may be terminated if it:
Fail[s] to pay any dues or other indebtedness owing to the Association within thirty (30) days after Written Notice from the Commissioner of default in such payment.

but that probably won't happen or get that far because they can withhold it from him

(j) The Commissioner shall be empowered to withhold all revenues due to any Member in the event that said Member has, in the Commissioner’s determination, failed to discharge its financial obligations to the Association or any Member thereof.

Once again these are both items that Sterling has agreed to a number of times over the years as do all franchise holders

05-16-2014, 07:38 PM
Relatively speaking, nobody cared. I don't remember sponsors dropping the Lakers over Kobe's epithet.

You're right. Nobody does care.

In our pathetic pussified society, though, people act like they're offended when they're really not. The truth is that everyone has used those same words Kobe did that night. Lie and claim you never have, or you know someone who never has, but the fact of the matter is you're either a goody goody or overly religious if you've never used foul language in your life.

"******" used to just be used to mock someone. They didn't even have to necessarily be gay. Hell, even their actions didn't have to be on the queer side. If someone was being annoying, you would call them a '******;' if someone cut you off and almost caused you to crash, you might have called them a '******;' if someone was hitting on your g/f, you'd threaten to kick that '******'s' ass; etc.

My point is that Kobe didn't say anything anyone else wasn't saying at the time; it just so turns out that people are overly sensitive today and want to act like they've never said a gay slur in their entire lives. Plus, Kobe doesn't own a franchise that employs a large number of gays.
Donald Sterling, on the other hand, does own a franchise that employs a large number of blacks. He was clearly in the wrong for his remarks. You can't own a basketball team with a majority of your players being black and turn out to be a known racist.

The only thing that bothers me about all of this is that everyone ignored the shit Sterling did in the past and immediately jumped on this. They ignored the housing discrimination lawsuits this idiot went through; they ignored people accusing him of racism over the past 30+ years; they simply ignored it all. But now that he said something about mostly rich black guys, like Magic Johnson, everyone wants to act offended. Why weren't you offended when he was discriminating against poor black people?

Edit: I should make sure everyone who reads this knows that when I'm saying "you," I'm not speaking to anyone in general, so the guy who I quoted doesn't have to trip out and think I'm calling him out or something.

05-16-2014, 07:40 PM
No, the problem is nobody gave a shit about Kobe's comments.

Kobe apologized. Sterling didn't.

05-16-2014, 07:41 PM
That's one (The bold) i had not heard discussed do you have a link or....

And he hasn't filed a suit or if he has i'd like to see a link to that also
Are you kidding? You're actually not aware that you can't just confiscate people's property?

If you claim somebody owes you money, you don't get to unilaterally decide to take it from them. You have to go through the courts. Like, duh.

You're right about the suit though. He might not have filed yet. I actually don't know.

05-16-2014, 07:46 PM
The only thing that bothers me about all of this is that everyone ignored the shit Sterling did in the past and immediately jumped on this. They ignored the housing discrimination lawsuits this idiot went through; they ignored people accusing him of racism over the past 30+ years; they simply ignored it all. But now that he said something about mostly rich black guys, like Magic Johnson, everyone wants to act offended. Why weren't you offended when he was discriminating against poor black people?


05-16-2014, 07:49 PM
This is true... they can remove him as an owner if he doesn't pay the fine

Article 13 Section C,
Specifically, a franchise may be terminated if it:
Fail[s] to pay any dues or other indebtedness owing to the Association within thirty (30) days after Written Notice from the Commissioner of default in such payment.

but that probably won't happen or get that far because they can withhold it from him

(j) The Commissioner shall be empowered to withhold all revenues due to any Member in the event that said Member has, in the Commissioner’s determination, failed to discharge its financial obligations to the Association or any Member thereof.

Once again these are both items that Sterling has agreed to a number of times over the years as do all franchise holders
No no no no no. :no:

The team is one thing. It's a franchise. It's not actually his property.

His money however is HIS property. That's an entirely different issue. They have NO authority to strip him of HIS property. The team is the NBAs but they can not touch his money.

Yes, refusing to pay a fine is grounds for removal, but they are already doing that anyway.

05-16-2014, 07:50 PM
Are you kidding? You're actually not aware that you can't just confiscate people's property?

If you claim somebody owes you money, you don't get to unilaterally decide to take it from them. You have to go through the courts. Like, duh.

You're right about the suit though. He might not have filed yet. I actually don't know.

ever heard of eminent domain... not that it applies here but it hapnens all the time...

And once again you're ignoring the NBA constitution.. fortunately the courts won't be so foolish

Now stop ranting and raving and show me a link that says the NBA's bylaws that state they can withhold a teams funds are illegal, show me a link where they have to get a court order.. i'll wait

i just showed the actually wordage from the NBA constitution that says they can now you show me something that says that they can't

you keep making all these statements but never back them up, you keep dismissing/ignoring the bylaws in favor of your own opinion but you never share anything that actually backs up your claims

05-16-2014, 07:56 PM
Now stop ranting and raving and show me a link that says the NBA's bylaws that state they can withhold a teams funds is illegal, show me a link where they have to get a court order..

i just show the actually wordage from the NBA constitution that says they can now you show me something that says that they can't

you keep making all these statements but never back them up, you keep dismissing/ignoring the bylaws in favor of your own opinion but you never share anything that actually backs up your claims
Expect you didn't.

MEMBER = NBA franchise

You quoted a statement about withholding revenue from a MEMBER. Sterling is not a MEMBER. The Clippers franchise is a member of the NBA. Sterling is an owner of the MEMBER.

05-16-2014, 08:04 PM
ever heard of eminent domain... not that it applies here but it hapnens all the time...
Eminent domain ONLY apples to matters of public use and requires compensation.

The NBA isn't going to take Sterling's $2.5M for public use. And if they were, what is the point if they had to compensate him with $2.5M for his $2.5M that they took?

05-16-2014, 08:40 PM
$2.5M is diaper money to Sterling


05-16-2014, 08:42 PM
The reason he refuses to pay the money is because the NBA is planning on donating it to poor minorities.

05-16-2014, 08:55 PM
The only thing that bothers me about all of this is that everyone ignored the shit Sterling did in the past and immediately jumped on this. They ignored the housing discrimination lawsuits this idiot went through; they ignored people accusing him of racism over the past 30+ years; they simply ignored it all. But now that he said something about mostly rich black guys, like Magic Johnson, everyone wants to act offended. Why weren't you offended when he was discriminating against poor black people?

Not all the fans knew, but the people intertwined in the NBA should have.

05-16-2014, 08:57 PM
Not all the fans knew, but the people intertwined in the NBA should have.
If I knew, I don't see how anybody in the NBA didn't. Especially Doc Rivers.

05-16-2014, 09:12 PM
If I knew, I don't see how anybody in the NBA didn't. Especially Doc Rivers.

That is why I said "people intertwined in the NBA should have."

05-16-2014, 09:24 PM
It is hard to say if the higher ups/owners/etc only turned on Sterling to save face now that there is public outcry, or if they only didn't speak up because they didn't have hard proof to accuse him with.

But, guys like Doc chose to work for him. You don't need proof to get out of doing that.

05-16-2014, 09:34 PM
It is hard to say if the higher ups/owners/etc only turned on Sterling to save face now that there is public outcry, or if they only didn't speak up because they didn't have hard proof to accuse him with.

But, guys like Doc chose to work for him. You don't need proof to get out of doing that.

It's not to save face it's to stop sponsors from bolting and to keep things from getting even worse.. within 24 hours of the tape being released the Clippers had lost roughly 20 sponsors, players were threatening to boycott, the media was all over it and people from every corner of the USA was crying foul etc etc etc... The NBA had to act, they couldn't sit by and hoped it calmed down...

They knew of his previous problems but the difference was it never touched the league, people knew he was an asshole but nothing stuck and the couple times he was up against the wall he managed to weasel out via plea bargain before the jury go a hold of him...

but the big thing is it never touched the NBA like this did, it never cost the owners this much grief, there was never this big a public reaction or this much loss of revenue (remember 1/3 of what Sterling makes is shared among the other teams)

Now it's touched the league and they have to act to remove the problem, as is their right to do