View Full Version : Anyone else thinks Russell Westbrook is more athletic than Derrick Rose pre-injury?

05-17-2014, 09:47 AM
Just watching some of his dunks, he jumps higher than d-rose

05-17-2014, 09:48 AM
Define athleticism.

05-17-2014, 10:07 AM
At the NBA combine Rose ran faster than Westbrook and Rose jumped higher than WB. That is only objective data we can go by. Everything else is subjective.

Since Rose has been injured people forget just how fast and explosive Rose truly was.

05-17-2014, 10:08 AM
At the NBA combine Rose ran faster than Westbrook and Rose jumped higher than WB. That is only objective data we can go by. Everything else is subjective.

Since Rose has been injured people forget just how fast and explosive Rose truly was.
That was years ago....

Ancient Legend
05-17-2014, 10:14 AM
Westbrook uses his athleticism with reckless abandon while Rose was more of a contortionist. Both are great leapers. I would think current Westbrook is faster and more athletic overall than MVP Rose.

05-17-2014, 10:24 AM
Yes Westbrook is more athletic. Greatest PG athlete the league has seen.

05-17-2014, 10:27 AM
That was years ago....

True but I highly doubt much has changed. Both of those guys were roughly 20 years old at the NBA combine. The Westbrook we see now is coming off of multiple knee surgeries too. I highly doubt he has improved much. Go back and watch the videos of Rose. Rose verticals at least 43 to 45 inches with adrenaline pumping, and there is nobody faster. Period. Plus Rose was strong... so strong. Doc Rivers used to call it "power speed."

But like I say, out of sight out of mind. The thing we see now we always believe is better.

05-17-2014, 10:29 AM




Too close to call for anyone not leaning one way or the other for emotional reasons. Cant be upset either way. You dont see guys go all out that often far as getting as high as possible.

Also...on that Dragic dunk I always wondered what he thought was going to happen.

Kinda like when Bird went up with Nique:


Or Damon Jones jumped with Lebron.


You have to admire the courage and willingness to be embarrassed in not conceding the basket(It is a winners trait).

But still those plays remind me of the Wire season 2 when Method Man is beating Ziggys ass and hes acting all confused...


...and Method man asks him:

"What? You thought this was supposed to go some other way?"

or the dad on That 70s show asking his son "Why would you drop a bowling ball onto the couch? What good could come of it?" after it was a disaster.

They had to know going in that there was no happy ending for them.

05-17-2014, 11:06 AM
No, Rose's quickness, strength and agility are superior IMO. Westbrook is the more explosive jumper and better dunker

05-17-2014, 11:36 AM




Too close to call for anyone not leaning one way or the other for emotional reasons. Cant be upset either way. You dont see guys go all out that often far as getting as high as possible.

Also...on that Dragic dunk I always wondered what he thought was going to happen.

Kinda like when Bird went up with Nique:


Or Damon Jones jumped with Lebron.


You have to admire the courage and willingness to be embarrassed in not conceding the basket(It is a winners trait).

But still those plays remind me of the Wire season 2 when Method Man is beating Ziggys ass and hes acting all confused...


...and Method man asks him:

"What? You thought this was supposed to go some other way?"

or the dad on That 70s show asking his son "Why would you drop a bowling ball onto the couch? What good could come of it?" after it was a disaster.

They had to know going in that there was no happy ending for them.

Yeah that's what you should do though, you see even hyper-athletes like Russ or LeBron go up all the time and get fouled or have the ball poked out so they can't dunk it. It's just a matter of trying to make a play vs trying to save your 'pride', (which is overblown anyway, nobody actually rags on somebody for getting dunked on).

05-17-2014, 11:40 AM

the main reason I think Russell Westbrook is more athletic is the way he extends out when he dunk like the video.

I don't recall seeing Derrick Rose doing that sort of dunk jumping from that distance.

crap, just realized Westbrook is an inch taller than Rose, so this point might be invalid

05-17-2014, 11:43 AM
rose >>>

05-17-2014, 11:55 AM
Kinda like when Bird went up with Nique:


You have to admire the courage and willingness to be embarrassed in not conceding the basket(It is a winners trait).


I understand ego, but the utmost respect.

Obviously unathletic Bird trying to stop Dominique. Nique! :eek:

05-17-2014, 12:09 PM
I don't know if you can get more athletic than either one. I think Westbrook plays a bit more reckless and seems more explosive. Rose was bigger and played a very controlled game. Westbrook hits the hole vey quick. Rose is more coordinated and has better timing but can't say everybody has those qualities under athleticism. Too close to call and the differences might only be attributed to how they play and how their games are called.

05-17-2014, 12:21 PM
Just watching some of his dunks, he jumps higher than d-rose

Westbrook has a Lebron type athleticism: Powerful, fast, heavier movements.. his dunks have that ''anvil-dropping'' effect which I like.

Rose is more like a Jordan: Agile, wiry, floaty, graceful, emphatic.

Unfortunately when the little guys try doing too much in the paint, we've seen what happens (injury upon injury)

05-17-2014, 12:32 PM
yeah its pretty redundant trying to pick a winner, they are both at the very topper echelons of athleticism and they each have their own special thing.

Rose in reality is probably 6'1 give or take. Its obvious from his build. Its totally a personal thing but I think the prime explosiveness of rose, his ability to just put on a jet and burn anyone in the open court and his ability to go up for a dunk on two frikking feet instantaneously is indicative to me of something more impressive than westbrook in terms of sheer agility and explosion. I honestly believe some of the dunks rose showed in his prime arn't just amazing dunks, but indicative of a truly truly special athlete and it can't be said enough how sad it is to see that being taken away from him so young.

I think it comes down to this, whos skillset one would prefer to have.