View Full Version : Luke Walton as next Knicks head coach? WTF!!!

05-18-2014, 06:43 AM

I'm getting VERY VERY tired of hearing how these guys who have almost NO head coaching experience are getting great jobs while guys like Ewing have toiled away as assistant head coaches for years get zilch.

Who cares that Walton knows the triangle. I'm sure guys who teach high school b-ball understand the triangle- doesnt mean they're qualified to be head coach of an NBA team. Phil can make everything a-ok in my book if he gets Lebron in a few months.

05-18-2014, 06:46 AM
ny media :facepalm

"has been linked" is now a legit enough source to write an article about that?

05-18-2014, 06:47 AM

I'm getting VERY VERY tired of hearing how these guys who have almost NO head coaching experience are getting great jobs while guys like Ewing have toiled away as assistant head coaches for years get zilch.

Who cares that Walton knows the triangle. I'm sure guys who teach high school b-ball understand the triangle- doesnt mean they're qualified to be head coach of an NBA team. Phil can make everything a-ok in my book if he gets Lebron in a few months.

The Knicks really shouldn't listen to Phil Jackson. What does he know? Does he even post on ISH?

El Kabong
05-18-2014, 07:03 AM
Sounds like they've gone full retard

I dunno, I can understand Kidd, he was a once in a generation PG who had the respect of probably every other player in the NBA. Even if his X & O's weren't great, I wouldn't expect him having any issues transitioning to dealing with NBA players on a coaching level. Luke Walton though? I have my doubts.

05-18-2014, 07:17 AM
Sounds like they've gone full retard

I dunno, I can understand Kidd, he was a once in a generation PG who had the respect of probably every other player in the NBA. Even if his X & O's weren't great, I wouldn't expect him having any issues transitioning to dealing with NBA players on a coaching level. Luke Walton though? I have my doubts.

I'm only talking about bball IQ now, not necessarily coaching ability...but if Phil Jackson praises a player for his knowledge of the game, I'm inclined to believe him. There's a reason all these so called "scrubs" are in the league, even though we can't tell from watching them play limited minutes. I mean some morons here even think players like Steve Blake or Derek Fisher suck ass. Truth is, we don't know shit about basketball, Phil Jackson does.

05-18-2014, 07:18 AM

I'm getting VERY VERY tired of hearing how these guys who have almost NO head coaching experience are getting great jobs while guys like Ewing have toiled away as assistant head coaches for years get zilch.

Who cares that Walton knows the triangle. I'm sure guys who teach high school b-ball understand the triangle- doesnt mean they're qualified to be head coach of an NBA team. Phil can make everything a-ok in my book if he gets Lebron in a few months.
If this is serious I take it Phil wants to be more involved in team's tactics and how they play so he is trying to bring in an inexperienced coach to have more influence over him and the team.

El Kabong
05-18-2014, 07:48 AM
If this is serious I take it Phil wants to be more involved in team's tactics and how they play so he is trying to bring in an inexperienced coach to have more influence over him and the team.
Total puppet master move. Wants to coach by proxy, but makes you wonder why he wanted Kerr in the first place.

05-18-2014, 07:51 AM
I tend to give Phil Jackson the benefit of the doubt when it comes to basketball.

05-18-2014, 08:14 AM
if you saw Ewing on the MSg pre and post-game shows, you know why he's never gotten a HC gig. He can't speak, and gets nervous easily. He gets flustered, and doesn't clearly express him. I'm sure it's just as bad in interviews. The ability to sell yourself is the most important part of the interview process. That's why so many coaches get recycled

05-18-2014, 09:56 AM
']if you saw Ewing on the MSg pre and post-game shows, you know why he's never gotten a HC gig. He can't speak, and gets nervous easily. He gets flustered, and doesn't clearly express him. I'm sure it's just as bad in interviews. The ability to sell yourself is the most important part of the interview process. That's why so many coaches get recycled


05-18-2014, 10:02 AM
If you are really gonna hire someone with no experience just hire an impressive college or HS coach that knows the triangle. Coaching is not like playing. In playing we know the best are playing in the big leagues. In coaching the best are not always in the big leagues. They often are toiling around in college and HS. Coaching in a professional league is a who you know type thing. Luke Walton will probably be a mediocre coach.

Just look at college football. That is one of the only major American sports leagues that is not afraid to be creative in hires and has hired a few coaches directly out of HS like Chip Kelly and Gus Malzahn, who ended up instantly being among the best coaches in college. Chip Kelly has done great in his one year in the NFL and I have no doubt Malzahn would do the same thing.

I'd take my chance on a creative young genius college coach over a guy like Walton or even Kerr.

05-18-2014, 10:21 AM
If you are really gonna hire someone with no experience just hire an impressive college or HS coach that knows the triangle. Coaching is not like playing. In playing we know the best are playing in the big leagues. In coaching the best are not always in the big leagues. They often are toiling around in college and HS. Coaching in a professional league is a who you know type thing. Luke Walton will probably be a mediocre coach.

Just look at college football. That is one of the only major American sports leagues that is not afraid to be creative in hires and has hired a few coaches directly out of HS like Chip Kelly and Gus Malzahn, who ended up instantly being among the best coaches in college. Chip Kelly has done great in his one year in the NFL and I have no doubt Malzahn would do the same thing.

I'd take my chance on a creative young genius college coach over a guy like Walton or even Kerr.

College football is the step above high school football, it's only natural that a coach moves up once in a while. Same thing happens in basketball and college to pro moves also happen in both sports.

Luke Walton has been considered a coaching talent back to his playing days, always playing off smarts and knowing the offense. During the lockout he didn't go play somewhere else, instead he assisted Josh Pastner at Memphis.

I really hope Phil follows through on a vision for triangle offense in New York, if only for the diversity of the league.
For that to happen he needs somebody he knows, trusts and can work with throughout the year. I've heard numerous people say "he wants a puppet" like it's a negative thing that he wants somebody he can help, teach and work with :hammerhead:

05-18-2014, 10:27 AM
LMAO, so knicks paid Pjax 60 mil for this? Not sure why he's so reluctant to use the triangle offense anyway, Knicks dont have the personnel capable of running it successfully :no:

Inb4 Knicks fans say, get it done pjax, just don't over pay :facepalm

Eric Cartman
05-18-2014, 10:33 AM
Old man stuck in his ways. Detriment to all around him dragging a pathetic franchise more into the ground that of which previously we could imagine.

05-18-2014, 10:34 AM
knicks :lol

05-18-2014, 12:28 PM
First gay couch

Is He Ill
05-18-2014, 02:33 PM

I'm getting VERY VERY tired of hearing how these guys who have almost NO head coaching experience are getting great jobs while guys like Ewing have toiled away as assistant head coaches for years get zilch.

Who cares that Walton knows the triangle. I'm sure guys who teach high school b-ball understand the triangle- doesnt mean they're qualified to be head coach of an NBA team. Phil can make everything a-ok in my book if he gets Lebron in a few months.


05-18-2014, 02:41 PM
lol, Phil Jackson isn't getting Lebron James. :lol

05-18-2014, 02:43 PM
don't read too much into it, but lebron has said repeatedly he'd love to play for luke walton before he retires.

05-18-2014, 02:43 PM
Sorry but I don't need Ewing to be a HC of the Knicks. All indicators point to him not having the chops or handling small portions of practice. He can be an assistant or big man instructor thats it.

I'd rather a college coach at least they have some experience in running a team. Team talent is more pressing need makes coaching a lot more easier. Its not like Spolz or Brookz are great Xz n Oz coaches.


I'm getting VERY VERY tired of hearing how these guys who have almost NO head coaching experience are getting great jobs while guys like Ewing have toiled away as assistant head coaches for years get zilch.

Who cares that Walton knows the triangle. I'm sure guys who teach high school b-ball understand the triangle- doesnt mean they're qualified to be head coach of an NBA team. Phil can make everything a-ok in my book if he gets Lebron in a few months.

05-18-2014, 02:46 PM
Total puppet master move. Wants to coach by proxy, but makes you wonder why he wanted Kerr in the first place.

05-18-2014, 02:50 PM
I heard that Mike Dunleavy will be the New York 37-45ers new coach?

05-18-2014, 03:38 PM
lol, Phil Jackson isn't getting Lebron James. :lol


05-18-2014, 04:05 PM
First gay couchnot the first, my grandma had one with a pastel flower print and these lace doily covers on the arms. totally gay