View Full Version : Duncan hasn't put up 20/10 in over 6 years in the Playoffs

05-20-2014, 12:37 PM
Classic kneejerk reaction by the NBA community. His career has benefited by having a great coach and guys like David Robinson, Parker, and Ginobli around him. This is the same TD that lost in the first round as a 1st and choked in the Finals against Ray Allen, and didnt win FMVP his last championship. Popovich managing his minutes prolonged his career

Hes great but hes not on Kareems level to be raving about. Hes been a consistent great player passed his prime on consistently well coached deep teams

05-20-2014, 12:39 PM
Is your username a reference to Metal Gear Solid?

05-20-2014, 12:41 PM
I would smack the shit out of OP right now if I was coked up.

05-20-2014, 12:41 PM
OP: I woke up this morning and decided to take a dump on ISH.

05-20-2014, 12:41 PM
Classic kneejerk reaction by the NBA community. His career has benefited by having a great coach and guys like David Robinson, Parker, and Ginobli around him. This is the same TD that lost in the first round as a 1st and choked in the Finals against Ray Allen, and didnt win FMVP his last championship.

Hes great but hes not on Kareems level to be raving about. Hes been a consistent great player passed his prime on consistently well coached deep teams

If Kareem is the standard you're measuring by, that's a pretty high bar. And why do you think one should average 20/10 at 32+. That's pretty good for prime but no one expects those numbers post-prime.

05-20-2014, 12:45 PM
People keep comparing Kobe Duncan but they play different positions. Duncans a PF/center and his longetivity/success should only be compared to Kareems. How does one say kobe is better then Duncan and vica verca it makes no sense. There should only be top 10 lists by position.

And i thought stats was the only thing that mattered on ish thats why i bring it up otherwise lebron would not be top 10 on peoples lists

05-20-2014, 12:49 PM
Classic kneejerk reaction by the NBA community. His career has benefited by having a great coach and guys like David Robinson, Parker, and Ginobli around him. This is the same TD that lost in the first round as a 1st and choked in the Finals against Ray Allen, and didnt win FMVP his last championship. Popovich managing his minutes prolonged his career

Hes great but hes not on Kareems level to be raving about. Hes been a consistent great player passed his prime on consistently well coached deep teams

You do realize that Kareem didn't average 20/10 for his last 8 years right? And unlike Duncan, the majority of his championships took place in that time.

05-20-2014, 12:55 PM
You do realize that Kareem didn't average 20/10 for his last 8 years right? And unlike Duncan, the majority of his championships took place in that time.

05-20-2014, 12:55 PM
Shaq didn't have a 20/10 Playoff run in his last 6 years. Kareem didn't in his last 7. Moses had one at 33 but then retired the next year. Garnett hasn't had one in the last 6 years.

You see how easy it is OP?

Also, do Duncan haters need so many different accounts? They're obviously two or three people, who have like 20 total posts and are writing the exact same shit. P*ssies. :facepalm

05-20-2014, 12:56 PM
Duncan is the antithesis of empty stats.

His impact is much GREATER than his stats. As opposed to the Kobes and Melos and Hardens and Loves.

05-20-2014, 12:59 PM
Also, D. Rob's Playoff stats with Duncan: 13.5 / 10 / 2 / 1 / 2. Very, very good numbers, and he had a very big impact. But if he was drafted in '97 and played until '03, you think that guy is a Hall of Famer?

Kobe benefited from having Shaq, Gasol, Dwight. Shaq benefited from having Penny, Kobe, Wade, LeBron, Nash. Garnett benefited from having Pierce and Allen. Kareem benefited from having Worthy and Magic. Bird benefited from having McHale and Parish.

Yet again, you see how easy it is? You're talking as if Duncan has been playing on the most stacked teams in league history.

And since when is 18/11 at 37-years-old choking? Stop posting your stupid lies. He didn't choke against Allen. He choked against LeBron and Wade, two of the best players of the 21st century. Talking like Duncan lost to the early '00s Bucks. :oldlol:

05-20-2014, 12:59 PM
Isn't Duncan averaging like 18/10/2 since 08 in the playoffs?

I'd say that is pretty damn special at his age considering he also provides some of the best interior defense in the league.

05-20-2014, 01:04 PM
Isn't Duncan averaging like 18/10/2 since 08 in the playoffs?

I'd say that is pretty damn special at his age considering he also provides some of the best interior defense in the league.

18/11/3 if we're rounding up.

20/10 is such an arbitrary number. Kareem didn't do it in his last 7-8 years, yet nobody questions his impact.

I can only imagine what these "fans" will evolve into. Soon a player is gonna have to average their peak numbers every year until at least 40 in order to be considered elite. :roll:

05-20-2014, 01:06 PM
Also, D. Rob's Playoff stats with Duncan: 13.5 / 10 / 2 / 1 / 2. Very, very good numbers, and he had a very big impact. But if he was drafted in '97 and played until '03, you think that guy is a Hall of Famer?

Kobe benefited from having Shaq, Gasol, Dwight. Shaq benefited from having Penny, Kobe, Wade, LeBron, Nash. Garnett benefited from having Pierce and Allen. Kareem benefited from having Worthy and Magic. Bird benefited from having McHale and Parish.

Yet again, you see how easy it is? You're talking as if Duncan has been playing on the most stacked teams in league history.

And since when is 18/11 at 37-years-old choking? Stop posting your stupid lies. He didn't choke against Allen. He choked against LeBron and Wade, two of the best players of the 21st century. Talking like Duncan lost to the early '00s Bucks. :oldlol:

Kobe Benefiting from Dwight now?

Wow Ish has gone full retard mode :bowdown:


05-20-2014, 01:08 PM
Kobe Benefiting from Dwight now?

Wow Ish has gone full retard mode :bowdown:


If anything it shows Kobe's inability to adapt to the situation he's handed. Imagine Duncan getting to play with a 17/13 player. :eek:

Oh, wait, he got close to playing with won in D. Rob. The result: 2 rings in 6 years.


05-20-2014, 01:10 PM
Tim Duncan is a top 10 all-time player that is a monster pick setter. He frees up shooter after shooter. We saw last night how deadly he still is in the post if you don't have a big man to cover him. The man just wants to win.

05-20-2014, 01:21 PM
If anything it shows Kobe's inability to adapt to the situation he's handed. Imagine Duncan getting to play with a 17/13 player. :eek:

Oh, wait, he got close to playing with won in D. Rob. The result: 2 rings in 6 years.


What does that have to do with him benefiting?

Please go back to school

Your hate and insecurity is reeking real bad ~


05-20-2014, 01:25 PM
What does that have to do with him benefiting?

Please go back to school

Your hate and insecurity is reeking real bad ~


Shut up fool. I was simply pointing out that every great player has benefited from help.


05-20-2014, 01:30 PM
Shut up fool. I was simply pointing out that every great player has benefited from help.


So explain to us how did Kobe benefited from Dwight.

You mad son? :lol

Go to school



05-20-2014, 01:33 PM
T_L_P exposed.

05-20-2014, 01:37 PM
So explain to us how did Kobe benefited from Dwight.

You mad son? :lol

Go to school



How did Kobe benefit from Dwight? In the very general sense: more wins. How the simplest of concepts go over people's heads.

05-20-2014, 01:39 PM
T_L_P exposed.


Says the guy who faked per 36 numbers, calls Kobe better than Duncan for 3 years then gets proven wrong (your words were "ok...fine"), says Duncan abused a mismatch last night but says he got carried in '07 when Parker abused the biggest mismatch in league history (inconsistency in your trolling), and who calls himself a Spurs fan but has made at least 20 anti-Duncan threads. Oh, and you predicted the Blazers would win and the Thunder would easily.

Did I miss anything, troll?

05-20-2014, 01:40 PM
How did Kobe benefit from Dwight? In the very general sense: more wins. How the simplest of concepts go over people's heads.






-****EN SMAK

05-20-2014, 01:40 PM
Isn't Duncan averaging like 18/10/2 since 08 in the playoffs?

I'd say that is pretty damn special at his age considering he also provides some of the best interior defense in the league.


05-20-2014, 01:41 PM
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 220

05-20-2014, 01:42 PM
It is pretty amazing how the Spurs have continued to put up 60+ win seasons and make the Finals even after he's seen a huge decline and become a shell of his former self. They routinely win even when he has mediocre games, and when he's out of the lineup. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it from other all-time greats. It just goes to show you how incredible the Spurs organization is.

05-20-2014, 01:43 PM





-****EN SMAK

Lol, great response. The fact that Kobe couldn't figure out how to work with a 3 time DPOY (4?) is laughable.

You're right I guess. Dwight didn't benefit Kobe. Nobody could have in 2013.

05-20-2014, 01:47 PM
It is pretty amazing how the Spurs have continued to put up 60+ win seasons and make the Finals even after he's seen a huge decline and become a shell of his former self. They routinely win even when he has mediocre games, and when he's out of the lineup. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it from other all-time greats. It just goes to show you how incredible the Spurs organization is.

Spurs have become a totally different franchise from '08 on.

And, as most rational fans will point out, regular season and Playoffs are two totally different beasts. When Duncan was at his worst, his team went out in the first round. When he was at his best, his team made the Finals again.

Stop acting like the team still doesn't rely on Duncan to play elite basketball. He's been the best and most consistent Spur this Playoffs as well.

Also, the Bulls still won like 50+ games the season Jordan retired. The Lakers won 60 games when Kareem retired. Your "I don't think I've ever seen anything like it from other all-time greats" is pure bullshit. :facepalm

05-20-2014, 01:57 PM
Lol, great response. The fact that Kobe couldn't figure out how to work with a 3 time DPOY (4?) is laughable.

You're right I guess. Dwight didn't benefit Kobe. Nobody could have in 2013.
I respect the Spurs and Tim Duncan, but this argument is what is laughable.

You understand that in that season, Gasol was constantly hampered by a lingering foot injury and missed 33 games, Nash missed 32 games, and basically that entire roster was injury plagued. That "stacked" roster everyone was jizzing themselves over before the season was a bunch of names and injury report players.

They signed the 3 time DPOY...to play for a coach who observably did not give a shit about defense. The dude has been statistically proven to lead some of the worst defensive teams in history. Not to mention his offense, which went against pretty much everything that made his two big men successful, and against everything the roster would allow.

And Kobe averaged 25/6/8/1 for nearly the last 3 months of the season. Around 8 assists per game. But yeah, blame all of the problems on Kobe despite the fact that he literally tried everything and changed his playing style just to make it work. The fact of the matter was, with injuries, the way the roster was assembled, and coaching, that team was beyond help.

I find it strange that you subtly credit all of San Antonio's chemistry and cohesiveness to Duncan and not arguably the GOAT coach. The coach whose system, minutes management, and overall team structure has been proven to work regardless of who you put in it. Why is it that you can literally sub out any player on the Spurs and put in another similar player, and they'd still chug along, winning games at a ~60 win pace? Obviously Duncan is an all-time great, but if you're going to put all the blame on Kobe for not being able to make that disastrous Lakers team work and wrongfully give Duncan all the credit for making San Antonio the machine that it is today...that's ridiculous.

05-20-2014, 02:05 PM
I respect the Spurs and Tim Duncan, but this argument is what is laughable.

You understand that in that season, Gasol was constantly hampered by a lingering foot injury and missed 33 games, Nash missed 32 games, and basically that entire roster was injury plagued. That "stacked" roster everyone was jizzing themselves over before the season was a bunch of names and injury report players.

They signed the 3 time DPOY...to play for a coach who observably did not give a shit about defense. The dude has been statistically proven to lead some of the worst defensive teams in history.

And Kobe averaged 25/6/8/1 for nearly the last 3 months of the season. Around 8 assists per game. But yeah, blame all of the problems on Kobe despite the fact that he literally tried everything and changed his playing style just to make it work. The fact of the matter was, with injuries, the way the roster was assembled, and coaching, that team was beyond help.

I find it strange that you subtly credit all of San Antonio's chemistry and cohesiveness to Duncan and not arguably the GOAT coach. The coach whose system, minutes management, and overall team structure has been proven to work regardless of who you put in it. Why is it that you can literally sub out any player on the Spurs and put in another similar player, and they'd still chug along, winning games at a ~60 win pace? Obviously Duncan is an all-time great, but if you're going to put all the blame on Kobe for not being able to make that disastrous Lakers team work and wrongfully give Duncan all the credit for making San Antonio the machine that it is today...that's ridiculous.

I'm not dismissing Kobe for getting the 7th seed. Not at all. I get that team had injury problems and they weren't as good as people made them out to be. But Dwight has pretty much said Kobe did nothing to help. He wasn't interested in slowly giving up the reigns so that Dwight could eventually be the face of franchise, and he wasn't really interested in the chemistry problems that were going on. Nash said the same; he just didn't care (Nash that is). Dwight wanted Kobe amnestied for god's sake. Now I know Dwight isn't necessarily the most focused player -- but c'mon. I've given Kobe props for 2013. He had a great offensive season.

Also, I've never credited the great chemistry solely to Duncan. It's Duncan and Pop. I could probably find a thousand quotes from Pop and former player who say Tim is the one that allows Pop to do his job the way he wants, because of how ready he is to get better and ultimately be treated like any other play. If Duncan, the star, falls in line, what excuse does anyone else have?

At the end of the day, notable former teammates and coaches have called Kobe out for the way he handles things. That's what made him the Black Mamba, for better or for worse. Shaq, Dwight, Phil, Rudy (I think). These are premiere players that had major issues with the guy. Can the same be said for Duncan?

05-20-2014, 02:07 PM
Spurs have become a totally different franchise from '08 on.

And, as most rational fans will point out, regular season and Playoffs are two totally different beasts. When Duncan was at his worst, his team went out in the first round. When he was at his best, his team made the Finals again.

Stop acting like the team still doesn't rely on Duncan to play elite basketball. He's been the best and most consistent Spur this Playoffs as well.

Also, the Bulls still won like 50+ games the season Jordan retired. The Lakers won 60 games when Kareem retired. Your "I don't think I've ever seen anything like it from other all-time greats" is pure bullshit. :facepalm


05-20-2014, 02:10 PM

I don't even know what this means. I thought it was a fact that it became less about Duncan and much more about the system? Wait, you didn't watch ball back then, so I guess that's why.

05-20-2014, 02:16 PM
I don't even know what this means. I thought it was a fact that it became less about Duncan and much more about the system? Wait, you didn't watch ball back then, so I guess that's why.

i watched more games than you, be sure about that.

05-20-2014, 02:18 PM
It's not all about averages with TD. Duncan isn't in his physical prime any more and he's got more mileage than 99% of the league, yet he's still one of the best.

For perspective, in the last three seasons (12-14), Tim Duncan has had more 20+ point games than Roy Hibbert has had in his 6 years in the NBA! ...(that includes seven 30+ point games from TD).. and like 3 times as many as say Deandre Jordan.

This season Duncan became the oldest player in history (at 37 years, 221 days old) to score 20+ points and grab 20+ rebounds!

and in that game he hit the game winning shot :bowdown:


Give this man some respect. For all intents and purposes, he is the Spurs. Even Pop says that he's still the leader, if not the leader in scoring he's the leader of the team. Duncan has lead the Spurs this season/postseason in minutes played (2,158 min / 453 min), which is saying alot for a big man of his age. All the trolling in the world won't change how important TD has been to the franchise, even in the last 6 years :facepalm

05-20-2014, 02:21 PM

05-20-2014, 02:22 PM
I have Duncan around 15

05-20-2014, 02:27 PM
[QUOTE=robert_shaww]I have Duncan around 15

05-20-2014, 03:02 PM
OP fails again :facepalm

05-20-2014, 03:07 PM
If anything it shows Kobe's inability to adapt to the situation he's handed. Imagine Duncan getting to play with a 17/13 player. :eek:

Oh, wait, he got close to playing with won in D. Rob. The result: 2 rings in 6 years.



nice trolling.

05-20-2014, 03:13 PM
Duncan is inarguably ahead of Kobe all time.

05-20-2014, 03:17 PM
If anything it shows Kobe's inability to adapt to the situation he's handed. Imagine Duncan getting to play with a 17/13 player. :eek:

Oh, wait, he got close to playing with won in D. Rob. The result: 2 rings in 6 years.


Lmao. That starting 5 barely played with each other you dumbass. By the time the playoffs came around, we were starting Darius Morris and Andrew Goudelock.

05-20-2014, 03:28 PM
You can't look at his numbers and jump to the conclusion that he doesn't do much and they still win. If he was the more selfish type, that demanded lets say 36 mpg instead of 29 mpg and averaged 17 shots per game instead of 12, he's probably something like a 21/12 player instead of 15/10. But he doesn't do that, and as a result, it helps get everyone else involved by creating more opportunities for them and by setting the example. Taking the paycut also enables them to get more better players as well. In this case, since he is an older player that probably wouldn't last deep in the season if he had those demands, I'd say he does more in his role. There's a reason why you rarely ever hear of players in San Antonio complaining about their roles, shot attempts, etc.

05-20-2014, 03:46 PM
You can't look at his numbers and jump to the conclusion that he doesn't do much and they still win. If he was the more selfish type, that demanded lets say 36 mpg instead of 29 mpg and averaged 17 shots per game instead of 12, he's probably something like a 21/12 player instead of 15/10. But he doesn't do that, and as a result, it helps get everyone else involved by creating more opportunities for them and by setting the example. Taking the paycut also enables them to get more better players as well. In this case, since he is an older player that probably wouldn't last deep in the season if he had those demands, I'd say he does more in his role. There's a reason why you rarely ever hear of players in San Antonio complaining about their roles, shot attempts, etc.

So Duncan should get credit for not being able to play more than 30 minutes and playing on a team so stacked that he only needs to take about 10 shots per game for his team to win 60 games every season..

You just described a role player


Bless Mathews
05-20-2014, 03:50 PM
I would smack the shit out of OP right now if I was coked up.
Word. Pass da straw niggah

05-20-2014, 03:52 PM
So Duncan should get credit for not being able to play more than 30 minutes and playing on a team so stacked that he only needs to take about 10 shots per game for his team to win 60 games every season..

You just described a role player


:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

05-20-2014, 03:54 PM
Tim Duncan definitely thrived with a david robinson beside him in his early years mainly cuz of david robinson, especially in 1999 finals with no appearance at all from Ewing.

05-20-2014, 04:00 PM
So Duncan should get credit for not being able to play more than 30 minutes and playing on a team so stacked that he only needs to take about 10 shots per game for his team to win 60 games every season..

You just described a role player


Holy shit, do you know the difference between the regular season and the Playoffs?


05-20-2014, 04:01 PM
Classic kneejerk reaction by the NBA community. His career has benefited by having a great coach and guys like David Robinson, Parker, and Ginobli around him. This is the same TD that lost in the first round as a 1st and choked in the Finals against Ray Allen, and didnt win FMVP his last championship. Popovich managing his minutes prolonged his career

Hes great but hes not on Kareems level to be raving about. Hes been a consistent great player passed his prime on consistently well coached deep teams

Dear lord :facepalm

Btw, Kobe never has averaged 20/10 in the playoffs, and he hasn't shot over 50% in the playoffs for his career either.

05-20-2014, 04:32 PM
So Duncan should get credit for not being able to play more than 30 minutes and playing on a team so stacked that he only needs to take about 10 shots per game for his team to win 60 games every season..

You just described a role player


Where did I say that? I'm giving him credit for his leadership and attitude in support of his teammates. You can argue that thats more valuable then if he was so concerned about getting more production, and doing that as a result, like most superstars always are regardless of their age. And his team really isn't that "stacked." Most of his teammates weren't really doing much before SA and Manu has clearly declined. Guys like Patty Mills and Danny Green were literally nobodies before. Sure, most of the credit should go to Popovich for that, but a ton of credit should go to Duncan as well for helping establish that culture and not questioning Pop so much like other players would.

I don't really look into production as much as I do capabilities. Duncan is clearly capable of getting 20/10 in big games, possibly more. And he's not a role player. Role players are players that are easily replaceable. He's clearly not that. I'm not sure there's a big man in the league you can replace him with and get the same results. IMO I just think Duncan's now one of those rare players where his production doesn't say so much of his impact on a team.

05-20-2014, 04:49 PM
Hey moronic Kobe stans...

How a player ages and is willing to do what is best for the team is part of being a great player in your later years.

Duncan has been willing to sacrifice his individual numbers for team success. He's focused even more on defense and rebounding...and his rebounding rate the last two season is above his career average actually.

He doesn't now nor has he ever given a shit about how much he scores or how much credit he gets.

It's why if you put Duncan and Howard together on a team...they'd dominate and figure out a way to work it out.

Just the way it is. Where Duncan's huge edge on Kobe lies is in his willingness and ability to do what is best for the team....while Kobe needs to fuel that ego and craves credit.

Dat scoring record doe...

Let me know when something like this is written about Duncan...and it has merit;


ISH...where 18/10/2 in the playoffs for 6 straight years while providing elite level interior defense is role player worthy. Oh...and the Spurs have only made the WCF now three years in a row.