View Full Version : Screw the media for this Mark Cuban "racism" BS

05-22-2014, 10:32 AM
Here is the video:

What's the big deal people? Probably because most idiots on twitter and ESPN have only seen the 30 second snippet or HEARD about it, instead of actually watching the context of the entire video.

05-22-2014, 10:40 AM
Modern society people are retarded. They try to teach us to be tolerant and not to use racial stereotypes, but the the problem is that stereotypes are natural for you brain and how it processes information. You cant go against your nature for the stake of a fake virtue. I think all people are equal and i dont discriminate against other people (except for gypsies) but everyone associates certain behavior with "skin color" and theres nothing wrong with it as long as you are not openly racist and your behavior doesnt promote adverse consequences.

05-22-2014, 10:40 AM
It's shitty that his words are being taken out of context because the NBA could use a little more honest discussion about the topic.

05-22-2014, 11:00 AM
He's gonna be the one owner that votes to let Sterling stay.

05-22-2014, 11:11 AM
Its gonna be a slow sports news day. no Bball and all of the sudden Bomani Jones who overtalks 50 words per rant gets some air time. :facepalm

05-22-2014, 11:36 AM
Modern society people are retarded. They try to teach us to be tolerant and not to use racial stereotypes, but the the problem is that stereotypes are natural for you brain and how it processes information. You cant go against your nature for the stake of a fake virtue. I think all people are equal and i dont discriminate against other people (except for gypsies) but everyone associates certain behavior with "skin color" and theres nothing wrong with it as long as you are not openly racist and your behavior doesnt promote adverse consequences.

You're a perfect example :applause:

05-22-2014, 11:37 AM
You're a perfect example :applause:
Thank you, now you can proceed to placing your tongue on my balls

05-22-2014, 11:39 AM
Thank you, now you can proceed to placing your tongue on my balls

You're only helping my case.

05-22-2014, 11:41 AM
Modern society people are retarded. They try to teach us to be tolerant and not to use racial stereotypes, but the the problem is that stereotypes are natural for you brain and how it processes information. You cant go against your nature for the stake of a fake virtue. I think all people are equal and i dont discriminate against other people (except for gypsies) but everyone associates certain behavior with "skin color" and theres nothing wrong with it as long as you are not openly racist and your behavior doesnt promote adverse consequences.
It is.

For 6 billion years the life on this planet worked just fine on the principle of things killing each other, only to spawn a bunch of whiners who can't handle being "offended":lol

05-22-2014, 11:44 AM
You're only helping my case.
Wrong again, i don't like homosexuals

05-22-2014, 11:44 AM
I think there's a big difference in using common sense and saying that if you saw a black teen in a hoodie late at night you would cross the street, than saying you don't want black people coming to the games of the NBA team you own.

I mean really. Most people are so black and white in their way thinking. It's either one thing, or nothing.

05-22-2014, 11:45 AM
Wrong again, i don't like homosexuals

But you like rapists?

05-22-2014, 11:45 AM
Why start a thread about this fake controversy.

You are creating the controversy in your own head OP.

05-22-2014, 11:47 AM
But you like rapists?
I respect "rapists", at the end of the day they are going to get theirs no matter what. They dont have to collude.

mj and kobe raping your mind, enough spam junior

05-22-2014, 11:48 AM
Kobe fans like rapists. There you have it folks :applause:

05-22-2014, 11:48 AM
I think there's a big difference in using common sense and saying that if you saw a black teen in a hoodie late at night you would cross the street, than saying you don't want black people coming to the games of the NBA team you own.

I mean really. Most people are so black and white in their way thinking. It's either one thing, or nothing.

True, but there's also a big difference between saying you don't want black people at your games, and saying that you don't want black people at the games with your girlfriend.

Then again there's also a big difference between saying you don't want black people at your gamesm, and actually not allowing black people to go to your games.

05-22-2014, 11:52 AM
There's a big difference between crossing the street to avoid a threatening looking person (white or black as Cuban states) versus saying you don't want your girlfriend associating with any black people or taking any photos with them or bringing them to your work place.

That's a pretty big leap.

You're just a racist in the second case, lol, I don't see why it's such a huge thing to admit. You want to have those beliefs but you don't want to have the label that comes with it (ironically though you have no problem negatively labelling others, you just don't like it when your own negativity comes back to label you).

05-22-2014, 12:05 PM
There's a big difference between crossing the street to avoid a threatening looking person (white or black as Cuban states) versus saying you don't want your girlfriend associating with any black people or taking any photos with them or bringing them to your work place.

That's a pretty big leap.

You're just a racist, lol, I don't see why it's such a huge thing to admit. You want to have those beliefs but you don't want to have the label that comes with it.

It's funny because saying someone looks like a threat because of wearing a hoodie or having tatoos is in fact prejudice. Everyone is prejudice though, which is also Cubans point.

I assume your post was directed at me, so please don't call me a racists. I've met black people with regular jobsl, black people that where criminals, middle eastern people with regular jobs and middle eastern people who are criminals. I don't look down on any of them for their skin colour or culture.

05-22-2014, 12:06 PM
It's funny because saying someone looks like a threat because of wearing a hoodie or having tatoos is in fact prejudice.

I assume your post was directed at me, so please don't call me a racists. I've met black people that where cool, black people that where criminals, middle eastern people with regular jobs and middle eastern people who are criminals. I don't look down on any of them for their skin colour.

Post was not directed at anyone, I was just speaking in general terms.

05-22-2014, 12:15 PM
mark cuban is my role model

05-22-2014, 12:24 PM
I think that the white race is superior, but I dont hate or discriminate other races. Does that make me a racist?

05-22-2014, 12:27 PM
its stupid to assume nearly everyone isnt a little racist

we mostly are.

its actually embedded in our unconsciousness and we inherit it through our genetics

its how we have different kinds of people/ethnicities in the first place

thousands of years ago there were tribes of people. and they only had sex with people that shared their tribes facial/skin characteristics

neanderthal people used to have different types of humans. the humans alive today come from the side that murdered and made all others extinct that werent as evolved as us.

in schools back in the 60s they tested kids to see their inherited racism. and their ability to be brain washed and easly turned against each other with a senior role model


kids are like sponges. they absorb information such as religion and racism. they take it with them the rest of their life for the most part

nobody should be blamed for racism. its something we inherit genetically and from society/pier influence

05-22-2014, 12:35 PM
There's a difference between prejudices and being a full-blown racist.

Donald Sterling very likely is a full blown racist.

We all have prejudices going into a situation, our brain is simply not "smart enough" to process everything at once so we do to a degree rely on stereotypes especially upon first impression.

But there's a difference between this and full blown racism.

I'm a white male, I don't have a problem with my girlfriend taking a photo with Magic Johnson because he's black.

If you have that problem, that odds are you're a racist, lol. I love that racists think its fine to label everyone else, but when their negativity comes back and they get labelled as something, suddenly they're all up in arms about it. Can dish it out, but don't like it so much when its them being labelled as something. I always find that funny.

To be honest though, we live in a very progressive, forward thinking world. Probably the most in human history. We are a connected, multicultural, global society today, moreso than any time in the past. Odds are you have more friends/acquaintces of other ethnic backgrounds than your parents did. Odds are even if you have prejudices/some racist beliefs, you are still more progressive about them than your parents/grandparents were.

It gets better every generation, and the truth is everyday an old died in the wool racist dies from old age and they every day a young child is born who probably will be even more progressive in their thoughts than their parents today are. So I mean, I don't think people should get down about it, it's something that's literally improving all the time.

05-22-2014, 12:36 PM
Kobe fans like rapists. There you have it folks :applause:

how can anyone be a fan of the nba without liking a criminal

same with nfl

theyre mostly all degenerates

whether kobes innocent or guilty he still committed adultery

so hes a dirtbag

jordan was a dirtbag.. he cheated too. he got his dad murdered over gambling. he tried buying a girls virginity. hes going to hell if there is such a place

didnt garnett kill someone ? there guys in the nba who are in the illuminati ( responsible for tons of deaths around the world )

theres guys in gangs. bloods/crips like pierce

iverson, kidd, carmelo

jr smith...

the nfl is even worse. how can any of us have an honest clear conscious and judge when we're fans of a degenerate league of thugs and criminals and sinners


even tim duncan was accused of being a homosexual. another sin in gods law

05-22-2014, 12:39 PM
how can anyone be a fan of the nba without liking a criminal

same with nfl

theyre mostly all degenerates

whether kobes innocent or guilty he still committed adultery

so hes a dirtbag

jordan was a dirtbag.. he cheated too. he got his dad murdered over gambling. he tried buying a girls virginity. hes going to hell if there is such a place

didnt garnett kill someone ? there guys in the nba who are in the illuminati ( responsible for tons of deaths around the world )

theres guys in gangs. bloods/crips like pierce

iverson, kidd, carmelo

jr smith...

the nfl is even worse. how can any of us have an honest clear conscious and judge when we're fans of a degenerate league of thugs and criminals and sinners


even tim duncan was accused of being a homosexual. another sin in gods law

Someone needs to remove the shrink wrap from his pee-pee and get laid (don't worry you can say 10 hail marys afterwards, god's cool with it).

05-22-2014, 12:40 PM
how can anyone be a fan of the nba without liking a criminal

same with nfl

theyre mostly all degenerates

whether kobes innocent or guilty he still committed adultery

so hes a dirtbag

jordan was a dirtbag.. he cheated too. he got his dad murdered over gambling. he tried buying a girls virginity. hes going to hell if there is such a place

didnt garnett kill someone ? there guys in the nba who are in the illuminati ( responsible for tons of deaths around the world )

theres guys in gangs. bloods/crips like pierce

iverson, kidd, carmelo

jr smith...

the nfl is even worse. how can any of us have an honest clear conscious and judge when we're fans of a degenerate league of thugs and criminals and sinners


even tim duncan was accused of being a homosexual. another sin in gods law


05-22-2014, 02:24 PM
I think that the white race is superior, but I dont hate or discriminate other races. Does that make me a racist?

u own slaves?

05-22-2014, 02:28 PM
Funny how the people that scream intolerance tend to be the most intolerant in the end.

05-22-2014, 02:29 PM
I think all people are equal

:roll: :roll: :roll:

that's too much

:roll: :roll: :roll:


all equal to you though right?

let me guess, you believe in god?

lol @ you

05-22-2014, 02:34 PM
how can anyone be a fan of the nba without liking a criminal

same with nfl

theyre mostly all degenerates

whether kobes innocent or guilty he still committed adultery

so hes a dirtbag

jordan was a dirtbag.. he cheated too. he got his dad murdered over gambling. he tried buying a girls virginity. hes going to hell if there is such a place

didnt garnett kill someone ? there guys in the nba who are in the illuminati ( responsible for tons of deaths around the world )

theres guys in gangs. bloods/crips like pierce

iverson, kidd, carmelo

jr smith...

the nfl is even worse. how can any of us have an honest clear conscious and judge when we're fans of a degenerate league of thugs and criminals and sinners


even tim duncan was accused of being a homosexual. another sin in gods law
you are mentally ill. go back to the asylum that you escaped from

05-22-2014, 02:41 PM
Big Magic Johnson, what has he ever done? Can someone tell me? What has he ever done?

05-22-2014, 03:39 PM
Big Magic Johnson, what has he ever done? Can someone tell me? What has he ever done?

And when HE HAD THOSE AIDS I went to my synagogue and prayed he would be well. :lol

I can't control the VOLUME OF MY voice.

05-22-2014, 03:47 PM
People love crying "racist!".

I'll tell you what, if I'm walking down the street at night and two brothas in hoodies approach me, I'm not thinking they are asking for directions. Call me racist if you want, but it is what it is. A lot of it has to do with how African-Americans are portrayed in the media, but like Mark said, everyone has their prejudice, whether right or wrong. Recognizing your own prejudices is actually the first, and most important step, in breaking down stereotypes.

05-22-2014, 03:47 PM
Meanwhile Isaiah Thomas is allowed to profess his disdain for white people.

05-22-2014, 04:39 PM
all equal to you though right?

let me guess, you believe in god?

lol @ you
In front of the law all people are equal and have equal right. And no, im an atheist hate religious retards. God can suck on my dick as well.

05-22-2014, 05:15 PM
I think that the white race is superior, but I dont hate or discriminate other races. Does that make me a racist?
There's no "white race". It doesn't exist. It's a made up thing.

05-22-2014, 05:16 PM
At the end of the day he's a business man first. He won't put his money in jeopardy and let him stay.

oh the horror
05-22-2014, 05:28 PM
In front of the law all people are equal and have equal right.

Hmmmmmmm dunno about that one dude.

05-22-2014, 05:32 PM
There's a difference between prejudices and being a full-blown racist.

Donald Sterling very likely is a full blown racist.

We all have prejudices going into a situation, our brain is simply not "smart enough" to process everything at once so we do to a degree rely on stereotypes especially upon first impression.

But there's a difference between this and full blown racism.

I'm a white male, I don't have a problem with my girlfriend taking a photo with Magic Johnson because he's black.

If you have that problem, that odds are you're a racist, lol. I love that racists think its fine to label everyone else, but when their negativity comes back and they get labelled as something, suddenly they're all up in arms about it. Can dish it out, but don't like it so much when its them being labelled as something. I always find that funny.
That's BEYOND not making any sense. Not wanting your half-black girlfriend taking pictures with black man.

My guess guess is his problem is more so that it imasculates him when his friends see his girlfriend with physically large professional athletes.

To be honest though, we live in a very progressive, forward thinking world. Probably the most in human history. We are a connected, multicultural, global society today, moreso than any time in the past. Odds are you have more friends/acquaintces of other ethnic backgrounds than your parents did. Odds are even if you have prejudices/some racist beliefs, you are still more progressive about them than your parents/grandparents were.

It gets better every generation, and the truth is everyday an old died in the wool racist dies from old age and they every day a young child is born who probably will be even more progressive in their thoughts than their parents today are. So I mean, I don't think people should get down about it, it's something that's literally improving all the time.
People opinions are in large part shaped by their environment. People want to be PC, but the fact is that cultures do clash. In Europe, anti minority sentiments are on the rise, not the decline. It's silly to think that anytime there is group conflict that it is just simply a matter of people being "ignorant" or "racist". It does no service and is intellectually lazy to oversimplify it that way.

05-22-2014, 05:34 PM
Hmmmmmmm dunno about that one dude.
Well, to an extent. Obviously, a repeat offender isn't truly "equal" to a first time offender.