View Full Version : Simmons: basement price for Clippers is $1.8B

05-26-2014, 01:25 PM
Bill Simmons
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Hearing the basement for a Clippers offer now starts at 1.8 billion. There is no way they go for less than 2b if it becomes an auction.


miles berg
05-26-2014, 01:37 PM

05-26-2014, 01:43 PM
Didn't the Bucks just go for like $650m? Is it so surprising the Clippers (in LA, two marketable top 10 stars) are worth 3x more?

05-26-2014, 01:44 PM
This can't be that shocking. They have the potential to be a premier franchise in the NBA and if the Bucks went for $550 $650 mil if you count the $100 mil put up in addition to that for the new arena), this seems like the likely price tag that'll probably go up.

05-26-2014, 01:50 PM
it's LA
they have two of the top 10 players in the league

enough reasons to spend 2B+ on them.

05-26-2014, 01:58 PM
Anyone who doesn't understand why they are going to be sold for 1.8 billion or more is either stupid or a child.

05-26-2014, 02:01 PM
Verified account

Hearing Simmons isn't hearing sh

05-26-2014, 02:01 PM
Anyone who doesn't understand why they are going to be sold for 1.8 billion or more is either stupid or a child.
thats funny, this comment is also both stupid and childlike.

05-26-2014, 02:12 PM
Wonder what the Lakers are worth

05-26-2014, 02:22 PM
If apples bought the dr beats for 2.1b , 1.8b is pocket change for a lot of billionaire

05-26-2014, 02:25 PM

When did you move to Dublin?

Wonder what the Lakers are worth

Probably closer to $6-7 billion

05-26-2014, 02:25 PM
Wonder what the Lakers are worth
Probably less than the Clippers, all the Lakers have going for them is brand recognition and a nice history. No current attractions or no real prospects on the horizon.

05-26-2014, 02:30 PM
Bill Simmons
Verified account

Hearing the basement for a Clippers offer now starts at 1.8 billion. There is no way they go for less than 2b if it becomes an auction.


I got 5 on it.

05-26-2014, 02:37 PM
It doesnt matter what the Lakers have going for them team wise. They would sell for more because they are the Lakers. Same as the Knicks. You buy the Knicks you pay billions because its the Knicks. Not because of the rosters potential.

The Clippers are worth so much due to the looming tv deals.

Like the dodgers. Bought for 2 billion with a new TV deal in the works. Signed a 25 year 8 billion dollar tv deal. The tv deal alone pays for the team and 150 million in salary a year for that 25 years...with more than 2 billion left over. You could lose money most of that time and never worry about it.

And after that 25 years...the team is probably worth 5 billion.

You dont lose buying a sports team in a market that comes with great TV potential.

05-26-2014, 02:44 PM
Probably less than the Clippers, all the Lakers have going for them is brand recognition and a nice history. No current attractions or no real prospects on the horizon.
no lucrative tv deal, etc..

05-26-2014, 02:48 PM
Probably less than the Clippers, all the Lakers have going for them is brand recognition and a nice history. No current attractions or no real prospects on the horizon.

Kobe is a current attraction
16 titles
It is the most known basketball franchise in the world
the 3.6B TV deal(will be paid over the next 20 years, so whoever owns this already has 3B coming back to them purely from the TV deal)

easily worth twice as much as the Clippers...

05-26-2014, 02:49 PM
Wonder what the Lakers are worth

5 dollars and a few strings of pocket lint

05-26-2014, 02:57 PM
Probably less than the Clippers, all the Lakers have going for them is brand recognition and a nice history. No current attractions or no real prospects on the horizon.

are you stupid.

the lakers sell out every game regardless of competing for a title

clippers are half empty when theyre losing

the lakers have a tv contract worth like 4 billion dollars more

the lakers are #1 in merchandising sales over the last 20 years ...clippers arent even top 10

the lakers turn nobodies into star house hold names

the lakers history of attracting big name players is longer than any other team

clippers is shorter than any other team.

the lakers currently own the #1 most recognizable/worshiped player in the world. a man whos a god in some countries like china

and then you have to realize that whoever the lakers draft at #7 will become another house hold name regardless of weather or not theyre a top 3 player in the draft. theyel get hype and recognition just for being a laker. that player could be vaulted into the spotlight and given star status within no time

then factor in that they have the cap space to sign 1 more allstar.

lakers are in great financial shape and only going to improve

their team is easly the most valuable in the nba... by far infact

05-26-2014, 03:12 PM
Anyone who doesn't understand why they are going to be sold for 1.8 billion or more is either stupid or a child.
The stupid one here is you. Because I don't economics so I don't know how much they are worth. I am not surprised at all they are going for more than 2B but that doesn't mean I know exactly why.

All I know is:
1. they sell a lot of tickets

2. They have two marketable superstars and a lot of talent to be in the playoffs for at least 5 years

3. They are in LA, one of the top 10 cities in the USA when it comes to $$$

05-26-2014, 03:21 PM
thats funny, this comment is also both stupid and childlike.

It stems for some posters believing that it wouldn't reach nearly a billion due to the fact theyre forced to sell

05-26-2014, 03:23 PM
The stupid one here is you. Because I don't economics so I don't know how much they are worth. I am not surprised at all they are going for more than 2B but that doesn't mean I know exactly why.

All I know is:
1. they sell a lot of tickets

2. They have two marketable superstars and a lot of talent to be in the playoffs for at least 5 years

3. They are in LA, one of the top 10 cities in the USA when it comes to $$$

Im highly educated.


05-26-2014, 03:24 PM
It stems for some posters believing that it wouldn't reach nearly a billion due to the fact theyre forced to sell

They would sell for less if there weren't so many people lining up to buy them.

05-26-2014, 03:27 PM
Laker fans, y u so salty?

05-26-2014, 03:30 PM
Laker fans, y u so salty?

There's nothing to be salty about. We both had the same result this season: no championship.

Next season, it's on.

05-26-2014, 03:30 PM
They would sell for less if there weren't so many people lining up to buy them.


No they wouldn't.

A football or basketball is possibly the safest investment a rich person can make.

If the bucks sell for twice what their net worth was (as a small market team), a team in america largest market should sell for well over twice ita net worth.
After the bidding war is over, the final number it sell for will blow our minds.

05-26-2014, 03:34 PM

No they wouldn't.

A football or basketball is possibly the safest investment a rich person can make.

If the bucks sell for twice what their net worth was (as a small market team), a team in america largest market should sell for well over twice ita net worth.
After the bidding war is over, the final number it sell for will blow our minds.

This is true. But if the Clippers didn't have THAT many bidders, the price would obviously be lower. That's all I'm saying.

Of course the price is higher than your regular NBA franchise because of the market and the recent success, but the end number will be so high due to the number of bidders trying to get their hands on it.

05-26-2014, 03:36 PM
Laker fans, y u so salty?

cause we're spoiled by 16 championships and having arguably 7 of the top 10 players all time

- Kareem
- Magic
- Kobe
- Wilt
- Shaq
- West
- Baylor

we want everything or nothing.

bow to our feet

no amount of winning will take that salty taste out of our mouths. we're too greedy to ever be satisfied

05-26-2014, 03:40 PM
cause we're spoiled by 16 championships and having arguably 7 of the top 10 players all time

- Kareem
- Magic
- Kobe
- Wilt
- Shaq
- West
- Baylor

we want everything or nothing.

bow to our feet

no amount of winning will take that salty taste out of our mouths. we're too greedy to ever be satisfied

You still gonna follow the Lakers after Kobe retires?

05-26-2014, 03:56 PM
This isn't that surprising anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if a couple groups (Magic + Guggenheim, Geffen/Ellison/Oprah, etc.) are already feeling out local TV deals while this process is on-going. Geffen + Oprah obviously have strong media connections and Magic's group just got the huge Dodgers deal. Clippers should be in strong financial hands for years to come.

Perfect storm for them also to get that huge TV deal. They finally have a team that's exciting to watch, wins games, has marketable stars- they actually are going to utilize the LA market to leverage a huge TV deal.

Also regarding Apple's purchase of Beats (not exactly sure why this was mentioned), but Apple has ~$160B in cash to use. Buying Beats for $3.1B is nothing. They have the largest corporate war chest globally.

05-26-2014, 04:00 PM
The amount of morons in this forum is truly comical.

05-26-2014, 05:36 PM
When the Dodgers were forced to sell they ended up getting bought for way higher than market value as well.

05-27-2014, 07:57 PM
Kurt Helin @basketballtalk about 33 minutes ago
Report: Donald Sterling’s lawyers say they have gotten offers in excess of $2.5 billion for Clippers dlvr.it/5p2mXz

05-27-2014, 08:05 PM
[QUOTE=DuMa]Kurt Helin @basketballtalk about 33 minutes ago
Report: Donald Sterling

05-27-2014, 08:29 PM
When the Dodgers were forced to sell they ended up getting bought for way higher than market value as well.
Dodgers are a top 5 MLB market and were overpaided by 500 million. So realistic sold for 1.5b. Clippers are a top 15 NBA market big difference.

05-27-2014, 08:35 PM
Anyone who doesn't understand why they are going to be sold for 1.8 billion or more is either stupid or a child.

THIS. This Clippers deal is about to be the largest sale/purchase/deal in sports history, ever.

When heavyweights are getting in the bidding (ex: Magic, Yao, David Geffen/Oprah/Larry Ellison) there is no way it goes for less than $1.8B.

05-27-2014, 08:55 PM
THIS. This Clippers deal is about to be the largest sale/purchase/deal in sports history, ever.

When heavyweights are getting in the bidding (ex: Magic, Yao, David Geffen/Oprah/Larry Ellison) there is no way it goes for less than $1.8B.

Don't forget the wealthiest man in L.A.

05-27-2014, 08:55 PM
Dodgers are a top 5 MLB market and were overpaided by 500 million. So realistic sold for 1.5b. Clippers are a top 15 NBA market big difference.

The Dodgers had sold 3 years earlier for 450M and people thought that possibly could get up to 1.2B. Reportedly no one else bid over 1.2 and the sale ended up at 2.1B.

We could easily see a 3B price. And the players are rightfully going to SCREAM.

05-27-2014, 09:04 PM
I don't get the hype. Sure, they're in a big market... but it's still Lakers country, and always will be. Just a few years ago I was watching Clippers games in an almost empty Staples Center. Let's see where the franchise goes after CP3/Griffin move on, and all the bandwagon L.A. fans jump ship.

$1.8billion for a franchise with no history, who play second fiddle in their own town? No thanks.

05-27-2014, 09:46 PM
Haha no way. It has to be a hype thing. Most teams are worth like 600-800 million from what I've seen in the past. NBA teams aren't as profitable as NFL teams.

No wonder it takes a group of investors to buy a team.

05-27-2014, 09:49 PM
Haha no way. It has to be a hype thing. Most teams are worth like 600-800 million from what I've seen in the past. NBA teams aren't as profitable as NFL teams.

This.....NFL > nba Crazy how much clippers going for. Look at the Dallas Cowboys they are worth about 2.3B and thats the #1 Team in term of value in the NFL.....

05-27-2014, 09:54 PM
cause we're spoiled by 16 championships and having arguably 7 of the top 10 players all time

- Kareem
- Magic
- Kobe
- Wilt
- Shaq
- West
- Baylor

we want everything or nothing.

bow to our feet

no amount of winning will take that salty taste out of our mouths. we're too greedy to ever be satisfied
Yeah... Lakers is a thing of yesterday... It's Clippers time already

05-27-2014, 10:34 PM
Laker fans, y u so salty? Why would Lakers fans be salty? First off what the Clippers sell for has no bearing on anything for Laker OR Clipper fans other than that's what the Clippers sold for... About the only thing it effect is how much it costs to go to Clipper games

secondly whatever the Clippers sell for it'll be half the value of the Lakers franchise... The Clippers selling for a lot is a good thing for the entire league.

05-27-2014, 10:37 PM
I dont wanna hear no Owners bitching at the next CBA deal negotiation. Players got tremendously screwed in the last CBA deal

05-27-2014, 10:40 PM
I dont wanna hear no Owners bitching at the next CBA deal negotiation. Players got tremendously screwed in the last CBA deal

The next lockout is gonna be low down drag out dirty. Likely a whole season lost.

05-27-2014, 10:51 PM
Not very surprising that it's worth 3 times as much as the Bucks..