View Full Version : So What's The Point Of Watching?

05-26-2014, 02:56 PM
If everyone is going to blame the refs every time someone loses...Why watch?

05-26-2014, 03:00 PM
Bitching about people bitching about the refs is a lot better

05-26-2014, 03:02 PM
Agreed. Stop watching, which will lead to not reading the same threads with different words.

05-26-2014, 03:04 PM
I won't be sheep enough to let the ****in NBA rig games right in front of our eyes and let them get away with it, like you would...

05-26-2014, 03:05 PM
I won't be sheep enough to let the ****in NBA rig games right in front of our eyes and let them get away with it, like you would...
And what are you gonna do about it? Complaining into a forum anonymously is not going to change the fact.

05-26-2014, 03:07 PM
And what are you gonna do about it? Complaining into a forum anonymously is not going to change the fact.
I think he should tweet Adam Silver and take a stand. Get it done AW :rockon:

05-26-2014, 03:09 PM
And what are you gonna do about it? Complaining into a forum anonymously is not going to change the fact.

Yes... Like the millions that do complain, raise awareness on twitter mostly... I will keep shoving it down everyones throats... ****in sheep.

You must be 12 years old to think the NBA doesnt rig games. Get real.

05-26-2014, 03:10 PM
Simple, it's entertaining to see what class the officials pull out their ass. We watch for entertainment value.

05-26-2014, 03:10 PM
I think he should tweet Adam Silver and take a stand. Get it done AW :rockon:

I have personally sent him a letter right in his mailbox... so you guys can expect a change in the league soon :cheers:

05-26-2014, 03:15 PM
Yes... Like the millions that do complain, raise awareness on twitter mostly... I will keep shoving it down everyones throats... ****in sheep.

You must be 12 years old to think the NBA doesnt rig games. Get real.
When did I say they didn't rig games? Learn to read. I've just asked what are you gonna do about it? Twitter doesn't do jack shit. You must take action and raise awareness. Hiding behind the keyboard won't accomplish anything.

05-26-2014, 03:15 PM
I think he should tweet Adam Silver and take a stand. Get it done AW :rockon:
Go do it keyboard warrior.:rockon:

05-26-2014, 03:18 PM
Go do it keyboard warrior.:rockon:

Look at you trying to get your keyboard warrior insult in when I already replied... fuggin fakkit

05-26-2014, 03:19 PM
When did I say they didn't rig games? Learn to read. I've just asked what are you gonna do about it? Twitter doesn't do jack shit. You must take action and raise awareness. Hiding behind the keyboard won't accomplish anything.

I wasn't adressing you with the "Get real" :facepalm

What do you want me to do? Start a campaign or some shit? lmfao

atm this all i got :confusedshrug:

J Shuttlesworth
05-26-2014, 03:39 PM
Actually, for the first time in a long time, I saw a TV entertainment host call out the refs on a non-sports show. It was Real Time with Bill Maher. He said "The refs screwed the clippers over far more than Donald Sterling did"

Pretty unusual to see the refs have an impact outside of the sports world.

05-26-2014, 03:52 PM
its very obvious.
it was obvious in game 1 heat pacers and it was even more obvious in every OKC series so far.
if its just minor i wont bitch but if its major rigging than people should be there to call the nba out

05-26-2014, 04:07 PM
Bitching about people bitching about people who are bitching about referees is a lot better.

05-26-2014, 04:24 PM
Look at you trying to get your keyboard warrior insult in when I already replied... fuggin fakkit
Didn't you start out as a fairly objective, semi-intelligent poster? You've really gone off the deep end the last couple of months.

05-26-2014, 08:20 PM
When it comes right down to it....if youre dumb enough to believe the countless ____ is rigged claims and you still give the NBa your time and indirect money.....

Adam Silver is slapping you in the face with his dick and you are paying himfor the privilege.

The stupidity of this movement grows year by year. So much of it stands against reason and yet otherwise normal people keep bringing it up....

At base the idea is reasonable.

The NBA wants more money...so it rigs series to have more games. Ok.

They would be idiots to attempt it for legal reasons....but ok.


Here is the issue....

The complaints are too numerous, from all sides even in the same game, and you would need so much hush money and power behind the scenes to pull it off on a grand scale it isnt feasible.

Forget for a moment that any NBA commishioner that ordered a rigged game is risking the downfall of his league and being painted as the most infamous man in sports history....forget that.

Forget the absurd legal battles that would come about if your plan came to public knowledge. The lawsuits from fans would be one thing...the owners would destroy you.

Now of course....the other idiotic claim that all the owners are in on it. Looking the other way to make money.

Which...would be worth talking about if it were not billionaires whos net worth fluctuate in weeks by more than some teams are even worth. The added money to an owner from extra games pales in comparison to his non basketball issues.

NBA owners have tried to file charges on eachother for tampering by talking to a GM about a job. But they are gonna stand by while you send your hired goon refs in to **** over their city?

Exactly how much money do you think it would take to bribe Paul Allen for his silence? Hes got 12-30 billion dollars depending on the day. What does it take to pay him off?

But lets forget the owners...

Let get into the idiot fans who cant accept that someone lost they didnt want to.

Ive been reading clowns like Konex on here saying the refs clearly rigged games in december between the ****ing Blazers and bobcats.

People actually think....that not only will the league rig games...

They will send evil refs with orders and enough information to bring the NBA to its knees out to Portland to make them lose a game to the damn Bobcats in December. They will crank up the conspiracy/organized crime machine and risk RICO charges that would stretch up and down corporate America to get some teams nobody cares to win or lose games nobody watched that dont matter.

And here we find my biggest problem...

Most of you are just ****ing stupid.

The Freshkid guy was on here telling me...and being serious...that the NBA....

Rigged a series to let the Pacers...beat the Knicks.

He believed....that an NBA commish from NEW YORK...

A lifelong Knicks fan from before Willis Reed to Melo..

Sent crooked refs...to PREVENT a Heat Knicks ECF matchup.

This brilliant businessman...knowing the league is about to negotiate a new TV deal based partly on playoff ratings...intentionally sabotaged his hometown team....and the biggest basketball tv market in the world....with the Heat waiting to play them.

Let that sink in.

David Stern committed a felony, risked 200 lawsuits, and the death of his legacy of 30 years of service.....to get his own favorite team and largest TV market out of the playoffs...AVOIDING the biggest conference finals matchup since Jordan played the Knicks...

To get the Pacers in there.

He sold out his beloved Knicks in favor of Indiana.

David Stern can rig 50 games a year, get away with that series of felonies for decades, keep the dozens of people who have to know quiet about it, and then in his final season risk his legacy and dying in jail on 200 counts of racketeering, conspiracy, fraud, and so on.....

To circumvent one of the most marquee matchups possible.

Melo Lebron.



Garden going wild.

Zo/LJ fight scenes already prepared by ESPN. Houston floater for the win in 99. JVG on Zos leg. all ready to get pushed by the hype train.

Then Stern rigs it to get Roy Hibbert and George a chance to shine while nobody but basketball purists give a shit.

You know what rigged games are?

Players taking advantage of dumb rules(Wade in 06).

Players who play to go to the line being empowered by rules in place for their benefit(Most thunder series)

And most of all....

Fans acting like childish bitches.

The #1 reason I laugh at people claiming the league is rigged....is there are too many people claiming every game is rigged....from both sides.

I see on facebook a guy I know saying the refs tried to let the spurs stay in it.

I see on ISH the refs personally blew the Spurs out.

What really happened...

People being too childish to put the emotion aside and accept that things dont always go the way they want....and it doesnt take a conspiracy to make it happen.

You honestly buy the NBA just fixing the games and you watch anyway I pity you for playing into it and supporting the supposed garbage.

Even Vince McMahon came on and admitted wrestling was scripted because times had changed and he didnt want to insult the intelligence of his fanbase.

But you...you people are out here supporting a league you believe is scripting outcomes and lying to you about it.

If the world of your twisted heads were true Silver and Stern are sitting somewhere laughing their asses off wondering why these idiots invest years of emotions and more importantly financial support to the league and doesnt care that its all a joke and their loud cheers and hard earned money is going to them for a pre determined outcome.

They would just be sitting on a Death Star somewhere laughing about the joys of the darkside while you sheepish idiots keep pouring your money in the pot while Stern swirls a glass of brandy.

Luckily thats a fantasy world.

In the real world reffing is just hard and most of you are childish bitches who cant accept that mistakes, failure, outcomes you dont like dont have to be linked to cheating.

But if you want to believe in Darth Silver and Emperor Stern go right ahead.

I do grant you that Stern has something of an undercover dark lord vibe coming off him....

05-26-2014, 09:33 PM
When it comes right down to it....if youre dumb enough to believe the countless ____ is rigged claims and you still give the NBa your time and indirect money.....

Adam Silver is slapping you in the face with his dick and you are paying himfor the privilege.

The stupidity of this movement grows year by year. So much of it stands against reason and yet otherwise normal people keep bringing it up....

At base the idea is reasonable.

The NBA wants more money...so it rigs series to have more games. Ok.

They would be idiots to attempt it for legal reasons....but ok.


Here is the issue....

The complaints are too numerous, from all sides even in the same game, and you would need so much hush money and power behind the scenes to pull it off on a grand scale it isnt feasible.

Forget for a moment that any NBA commishioner that ordered a rigged game is risking the downfall of his league and being painted as the most infamous man in sports history....forget that.

Forget the absurd legal battles that would come about if your plan came to public knowledge. The lawsuits from fans would be one thing...the owners would destroy you.

Now of course....the other idiotic claim that all the owners are in on it. Looking the other way to make money.

Which...would be worth talking about if it were not billionaires whos net worth fluctuate in weeks by more than some teams are even worth. The added money to an owner from extra games pales in comparison to his non basketball issues.

NBA owners have tried to file charges on eachother for tampering by talking to a GM about a job. But they are gonna stand by while you send your hired goon refs in to **** over their city?

Exactly how much money do you think it would take to bribe Paul Allen for his silence? Hes got 12-30 billion dollars depending on the day. What does it take to pay him off?

But lets forget the owners...

Let get into the idiot fans who cant accept that someone lost they didnt want to.

Ive been reading clowns like Konex on here saying the refs clearly rigged games in december between the ****ing Blazers and bobcats.

People actually think....that not only will the league rig games...

They will send evil refs with orders and enough information to bring the NBA to its knees out to Portland to make them lose a game to the damn Bobcats in December. They will crank up the conspiracy/organized crime machine and risk RICO charges that would stretch up and down corporate America to get some teams nobody cares to win or lose games nobody watched that dont matter.

And here we find my biggest problem...

Most of you are just ****ing stupid.

The Freshkid guy was on here telling me...and being serious...that the NBA....

Rigged a series to let the Pacers...beat the Knicks.

He believed....that an NBA commish from NEW YORK...

A lifelong Knicks fan from before Willis Reed to Melo..

Sent crooked refs...to PREVENT a Heat Knicks ECF matchup.

This brilliant businessman...knowing the league is about to negotiate a new TV deal based partly on playoff ratings...intentionally sabotaged his hometown team....and the biggest basketball tv market in the world....with the Heat waiting to play them.

Let that sink in.

David Stern committed a felony, risked 200 lawsuits, and the death of his legacy of 30 years of service.....to get his own favorite team and largest TV market out of the playoffs...AVOIDING the biggest conference finals matchup since Jordan played the Knicks...

To get the Pacers in there.

He sold out his beloved Knicks in favor of Indiana.

David Stern can rig 50 games a year, get away with that series of felonies for decades, keep the dozens of people who have to know quiet about it, and then in his final season risk his legacy and dying in jail on 200 counts of racketeering, conspiracy, fraud, and so on.....

To circumvent one of the most marquee matchups possible.

Melo Lebron.



Garden going wild.

Zo/LJ fight scenes already prepared by ESPN. Houston floater for the win in 99. JVG on Zos leg. all ready to get pushed by the hype train.

Then Stern rigs it to get Roy Hibbert and George a chance to shine while nobody but basketball purists give a shit.

You know what rigged games are?

Players taking advantage of dumb rules(Wade in 06).

Players who play to go to the line being empowered by rules in place for their benefit(Most thunder series)

And most of all....

Fans acting like childish bitches.

The #1 reason I laugh at people claiming the league is rigged....is there are too many people claiming every game is rigged....from both sides.

I see on facebook a guy I know saying the refs tried to let the spurs stay in it.

I see on ISH the refs personally blew the Spurs out.

What really happened...

People being too childish to put the emotion aside and accept that things dont always go the way they want....and it doesnt take a conspiracy to make it happen.

You honestly buy the NBA just fixing the games and you watch anyway I pity you for playing into it and supporting the supposed garbage.

Even Vince McMahon came on and admitted wrestling was scripted because times had changed and he didnt want to insult the intelligence of his fanbase.

But you...you people are out here supporting a league you believe is scripting outcomes and lying to you about it.

If the world of your twisted heads were true Silver and Stern are sitting somewhere laughing their asses off wondering why these idiots invest years of emotions and more importantly financial support to the league and doesnt care that its all a joke and their loud cheers and hard earned money is going to them for a pre determined outcome.

They would just be sitting on a Death Star somewhere laughing about the joys of the darkside while you sheepish idiots keep pouring your money in the pot while Stern swirls a glass of brandy.

Luckily thats a fantasy world.

In the real world reffing is just hard and most of you are childish bitches who cant accept that mistakes, failure, outcomes you dont like dont have to be linked to cheating.

But if you want to believe in Darth Silver and Emperor Stern go right ahead.

I do grant you that Stern has something of an undercover dark lord vibe coming off him....

:applause: I will quote this post everytime this topic comes up on ISH

but there's no other explanation for this call other than the ref wants okc to win


05-27-2014, 07:46 AM
If such calls existed only when the NBa had something at atake you might have a point. But they dont. They happen in the preseason. Regular season. Olympics. Euroleague. CBA. Dleague. But people have less reason to react emotionally about them....so nobody talks about it.

Cowboy Thunder
05-27-2014, 07:50 AM
You can put a dint in the worthless whining by utilizing your ignore list. This is the only forum I've ever had to use it, lol.

05-27-2014, 08:19 AM
Because betas like to whinge.

05-27-2014, 08:20 AM
:applause: I will quote this post everytime this topic comes up on ISH

but there's no other explanation for this call other than the ref wants okc to win

Or you know.. it was an offensive foul? Which it was. ****ing dropkick.

05-27-2014, 08:22 AM
I rarely watch, or I watch for like 3 minutes.

Shit's depressing. Like I said it's one of those things where you wonder if the NBA was always like this or if it's gotten way worse.

Dudes are saying "Do you think fair reffing would change the outcome of a blow out?" As if that is a witty remark. Of course it would...

it changes... everything.

Edit: Kblaze, hush money? lol, I think people make it out to be a lot more involved than it is. nobody has to say directly RIG DA GAME. They can just reward behavior. They can make it so that the refs who rig get on certain games. Nobody needs to take hush money. It may or may not be as serious as dudes saying, directly, RIG DA GAME.

The response I have is... if the NBA isn't about having the games controlled, why does it have old and often irrational men reffing their games? No matter what the method is, the outcome is that the officials do some shit that affects games, nearly every game. If it's not 'a conspiracy', why do they keep letting these 'bad refs' work the games where the do the same shit?


05-27-2014, 08:28 AM
Yes... Like the millions that do complain, raise awareness on twitter mostly... I will keep shoving it down everyones throats... ****in sheep.

You must be 12 years old to think the NBA doesnt rig games. Get real.

It's great for us Heat fans though, prost :cheers:

05-27-2014, 09:28 AM
Didn't you start out as a fairly objective, semi-intelligent poster? You've really gone off the deep end the last couple of months.
says the shameless Durstan, who wont even admit Durant is shitting the bed and the NBA is favoring the Thunder DRAMATICALLY:biggums:

05-27-2014, 09:59 AM
Or you know.. it was an offensive foul? Which it was. ****ing dropkick.


