View Full Version : Could Wade get a "lifetime achievement" finals MVP like Kobes regular season MVP?

05-29-2014, 06:41 PM
The reason I ask is because its hard to imagine Wade being the best player on Miami in the finals and they still win. If Lebron has another croak job, Wade could play great but theyll lose. For Miami to win and any of the Heat to get finals mvp, Lebron has to play great.

But lets say they both play great and Miami wins.... Is there any way Wade gets a "lifetime achievement" mvp even though he might not actually be the best performer in the finals? Similar to how Kobe got his MVP when he wasnt a top 3 player in the league that season?

05-29-2014, 06:43 PM
wade already has a finals mvp wtf are u talking about?

05-29-2014, 06:43 PM
Can OPs mum give him a hand job as a lifetime virginty award?

05-29-2014, 06:43 PM
You're a closet Kobe fan just admit it.

You'd bring this dude up in a discussion about sliced cheese

05-29-2014, 06:45 PM
wade already has a finals mvp wtf are u talking about?

Just go with me on this bro

05-29-2014, 06:46 PM
Why are u so obsessed about a guy you hate? Kobe deserved that MVP, the Lakers were something like 30-15 before Pau even came to LA, and they ended up with the best record in the West.

Hey Yo
05-29-2014, 06:50 PM
Maybe if Wade came up big last night, carried the team to a win while James missed half the game, it might have future consideration.

But I guess he didn't get enough rest in the regular season to do so.

05-29-2014, 06:50 PM
Why are u so obsessed about a guy you hate? Kobe deserved that MVP, the Lakers were something like 30-15 before Pau even came to LA, and they ended up with the best record in the West.

This is not a thread for attacking posters.

Wade has been considered robin for the last two miami titles. Before that he was carryin a squad full of nobodies. He was "that other guy" to shaq. There are a lot of similarities to Kobe here, thats why I bring it up.

Do you think he could get some recognition as kind of a "throw him a bone" move from the media the way Kobe did when he won his only MVP award?

Just discuss the topic man. Come on.

05-29-2014, 06:58 PM
This thread sucks.

05-29-2014, 07:00 PM
op has a small ***** an cant satisfy gay men

05-29-2014, 07:05 PM
What does Wade deserve for piggy backing two other stars so he can play 50-60 games a year then come in full strength for the postseason?

Smart but he's a total bitch. He deserves to be remembered for choosing to be a beta in his prime.

**** em

05-29-2014, 07:09 PM
What does Wade deserve for piggy backing two other stars so he can play 50-60 games a year then come in full strength for the postseason?

Smart but he's a total bitch. He deserves to be remembered for choosing to be a beta in his prime.

**** em
Salty Chicago fan upset none of the worthwhile 2010 FA's wanted to go to that shithole of a franchise and front office (and city), that routinely shits all over its own players, while running them into the ground unnecessarily. Pity your fluked no.1 pick has turned into a tremendous bust as well :lol .

05-29-2014, 07:17 PM
Posting in a bitch ass thread.

05-29-2014, 07:18 PM
Nick Young/Sergio shock posting. Very original.. :rolleyes:

05-29-2014, 07:32 PM
The reason I ask is because its hard to imagine Wade being the best player on Miami in the finals and they still win. If Lebron has another croak job, Wade could play great but theyll lose. For Miami to win and any of the Heat to get finals mvp, Lebron has to play great.

But lets say they both play great and Miami wins.... Is there any way Wade gets a "lifetime achievement" mvp even though he might not actually be the best performer in the finals? Similar to how Kobe got his MVP when he wasnt a top 3 player in the league that season?

Actually, Wade can lead the Heat to a finals win IF LeBron at least shows up somewhat like Wade has done when he was injured.

For example, Wade was terrible due to injuries in the playoffs last year, EXCEPT Wade came up -big- in the most important games and helped the team.

If LBJ plays terrible, but shows up in important games, then Wade can lead the team too.

BUT THE PROBLEM IS..... LBJ's version of terrible is.... 0% no show. Can't even be counted on to show up in SOME games, like an Injured Wade at least did last year.

05-29-2014, 07:39 PM
I personally have Wade ranked comfortably higher than Kobe alltime because of IQ and defensive impact, and I guess my point is I feel hes been overlooked the last few years, basically since the 06 championship.

My question is do you think people will go out of their way to "throw him a bone" the way they did when Kobe won an MVP that he really didnt deserve.

What yall think?

05-29-2014, 07:43 PM
I personally have Wade ranked comfortably higher than Kobe alltime because of IQ and defensive impact, and I guess my point is I feel hes been overlooked the last few years, basically since the 06 championship.

My question is do you think people will go out of their way to "throw him a bone" the way they did when Kobe won an MVP that he really didnt deserve.

What yall think?


"hey my thread failed, let me try again"

Ne 1
05-29-2014, 08:22 PM
The Lakers were 25-11 early at the time of Bynum's injury, Kobe kept them going until they got Gasol, then Gasol was injured and he kept them going and they ended up with the best record in one of the most competitive conferences ever. Kobe's balance between getting his teammates involved early and taking over later was reminiscent of Jordan that season. He was a great playmaker, a deadly scorer who did play unselfishly for the most part, he rebounded very well for a guard and he had his best defensive season since the 3peat.

Kobe deserved the 2008 MVP.

Chris Paul wasn't going to get the MVP in 2008 is how the end of the season played out. The Hornets lost 4 of their last 5 games and lost HCA in the west by 1 game. That includes a game where Kobe outplayed Paul. I feel like to be an MVP, you should be able to play well when in matters. Kobe raised his game when it mattered and Paul sort of dropped of

05-29-2014, 08:24 PM
The Lakers were 25-11 early at the time of Bynum's injury, Kobe kept them going until they got Gasol, then Gasol was injured and he kept them going and they ended up with the best record in one of the most competitive conferences ever.

You mean Fisher, right?

The Lakers only win anything when Fisher is there. When it's just Kobe...


05-29-2014, 08:36 PM

Ne 1
05-29-2014, 08:47 PM
You mean Fisher, right?

The Lakers only win anything when Fisher is there. When it's just Kobe...

You could say the same thing about Horry and Hakeem. But correction doesn't equal causation though.